The purpose of this work was to carry out comparative studies of WC-Co-Cr coatings deposited using the high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) method onto two types of substrate material: structural steel S235 and magnesium alloy AZ31. The influence of the substrate material type on the microstructure, phase composition, crystallite size, porosity, Vickers microhardness, instrumental hardness (HIT), Young’s modulus (EIT), and fracture toughness was investigated. For both substrates, the deposited coatings deposited were characterized with fine-grained and compact microstructure. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed presence of following phases: WC, W2C, Co0.9W0.1, and Co3W9C4. The WC phase was the most desirable and stable one with crystallites were below 100 nm. On the other hand, the size of the W2C crystallites was below 30 nm. The coatings obtained showed porosity values equal to 2.3 ± 0.4 vol% and 2.8 ± 0.7 vol% for AZ31 and S235, respectively. The average Vickers microhardness for both types of sample was appproximately 1200 HV0.3. The average HIT values for carbide particles and metallic matrix were around 29 GPa and 6.5 GPa, respectively. In the case of EIT, it was around 620 GPa and 190 GPa for WC and Co-Cr, respectively. The differences between coatings were negligible. The EIT value for both coatings was equal to 344 ± 11 GPa. The fracture toughness was around 4.5 MPa · m1/2 in both cases. The investigations revealed that it is possible to replace steel substrate material with a much lighter equivalent, in this case AZ31 alloy, without deterioration of the coating properties.
In this paper, an attempt to estimate the stage of the fatigue process using the Barkhausen noise method is studied. First, microstructural and static tensile tests were carried out and, subsequently, fatigue tests up to failure were conducted. After determination of the material behaviour in the assumed static and dynamic conditions, the interrupted fatigue tests were performed. Each specimen was stressed up to a different number of cycles corresponding to 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% of fatigue lifetime for the loading conditions considered. In the next step of the experimental programme, the specimens were subjected to the Barkhausen magnetic noise measurements. Various magnetic parameters coming from the rms Barkhausen noise envelopes were determined. The linear relationship betweenthe full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the Barkhausen noise envelope and the number of loading cycles to fracture was found. Specimens loaded up to a certain number of cycles were also subjected to a tensile test to assess an influence of fatigue on the fracture features.
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W artykule analizowana jest stal S355JR o różnych typach budowy mikrostruktury: poddana normalizacji, ze strukturą ferrytyczno-perlityczną (FP), oraz po wygrzewaniu austenityzującym, następnie chłodzona z dużą prędkością poprzez hartowanie w oleju, ze strukturą ferrytyczno-bainityczną (FB).
An important aspect in the engineering design process is to know the true material characteristics of steels used in specific microstructures. These steels, depending on, among other things, heat treatment or working conditions and regimes, are characterised by a different microstructure. It is important to know the levels of both strength, ductility and fracture toughness of steels with different microstructure. This paper presents the results of an experimental study of S355JR steel with two types of microstructure: ferritic-perlitic and ferritic-bainitic. The basic strength and ductility characteristics of the steel determined by uniaxial tensile test and the results of fracture toughness tests are presented.
Przedstawiono i przedyskutowano wyniki badań popożarowej wytrzymałości konstrukcyjnej stali S355J2+N, niskowęglowej, o ferrytyczno-perlitycznej strukturze wewnętrznej. Wnioskowanie oparto na statycznej próbie rozciągania, prowadzonej na próbkach wystudzonych po ich uprzedniej ekspozycji na oddziaływanie temperatury pożarowej. Rozważono różny czas trwania incydentu pożarowego, różny poziom temperatury wygrzewania materiału i różny sposób jego studzenia. Oddziaływanie pożaru symulowano w scenariuszu badania izotermicznego.
The results of post-fire strength tests performed for samples made of S355J2+N low-carbon structural steel, with ferritic-pearlitic microstructure, have been presented and widely discussed. The conclusion was based on the static tensile tests, carried out on samples cooled down after their prior exposure to fire temperature. Different duration of the fire incidents as well as various temperature levels of the material heating and also differentiated ways of its cooling down after the fire exposure were considered. The fire impact was simulated in an isothermal, steady-state heating regime.
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W pracy analizowano ilościową zależność pomiędzy ciągliwością a zawartością wtrąceń niemetalicznych w odkuwkach o dużym przekroju z wytapianej próżniowo stali wysokostopowej typu maraging X2NiCoMo18-9-5. Wykonano badania własności wytrzymałościowych odkuwek i czystości metalurgicznej stali pochodzących z 17 wytopów przemysłowych. Obróbkę cieplną prowadzono według dwóch technologii różniących się sposobem austenityzowania, przy czym warunki starzenia były takie same, co prowadziło do uzyskania zbliżonych wartości wytrzymałości stali. Natomiast własności plastyczne stali przy ustalonej technologii produkcji były znacznie zróżnicowane, a główną przyczyną tego była czystość metalurgiczna stali.
In the paper, the quantitative relationship between the ductility and volume fraction of the non-metallic inclusions in the vacuum melted X2NiCoMo18-9-5 maraging steel has been analysed. The tensile properties and cleanliness of steels from 17 industrial melts in the form of forged bars were determined. Two variants of the heat treatment in the austenitic range were used, followed by the same ageing conditions, which lead to the similar strength values of the steels. In contrary to that, significant variability in the tensile ductility was observed, which was attributed to the cleanliness of the steels.
Stal konstrukcyjna ze względu na dobre właściwości mechaniczne jest podstawowym materiałem stosowanym w technice. Stopy żelaza, będące w większości przypadków magnetyczne, diagnozować można także magnetycznie, nie wykluczając innych metod.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań odporności wybranych stali stosowanych w budownictwie, poddanych wcześniejszej symulowanej ekspozycji pożarowej, na inicjowanie w nich, a następnie na ewentualną propagację kruchych pęknięć. Tego typu odporność materiału warunkuje jego ponowne zastosowanie po pożarze. Wnioskowanie przeprowadzono na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w zinstrumentalizowanej próbie udarności. Szczegółowe badanie dotyczy kolejno stali S355J2+N, 1H18N9T oraz X2CrNiMoN22-5-3.
The results of a few resistance tests to initiation and then to possible propagation of brittle cracks carried out for selected steel grades used in the construction industry, subjected to prior simulated fire exposure, are presented and discussed in detail. This type of the material resistance determines its re-use after a fire episode. The inference has been made on the basis of the results obtained in the instrumented impact test. Detailed considerations are related to S355J2+N, 1H18N9T and also X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 steel grades, respectively.
Cold spraying as a low-temperature coating deposition method is intended for thermally sensitive materials. Due to its precise temperature control, it limits the formation of structural defects, and can therefore be easily applied to spray corrosion protective coatings made from metal or metal-ceramic powders. However, the formation of pure ceramic coatings with the use of cold spraying is still not so common. Titanium dioxide is one of the most interesting ceramics due to its photocatalytic properties. Nevertheless, these types of coating materials usually work in a corrosion favoring humid atmosphere. In the presented paper, amorphous TiO2 powder was deposited onto aluminum alloys and steel substrates and then submitted to potentiodynamic corrosion tests in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. The as-sprayed coating showed phase transition from amorphous TiO2 to anatase, and also revealed porosity. As a result, electrolytes penetrated the coating and caused undercoating corrosion in the tested environment of an aqueous NaCl solution. The analysis of the potentiodynamic curves showed that the presence of the coating decreased corrosion potential on both substrates. It arose from the mixed phases of TiO2, which consisted of photocathode - amorphous material and photoanode - crystalline anatase. The phase mixture induced the galvanic corrosion of metallic substrates in the presence of electrolytes. Moreover, pitting-like corrosion and coating delamination were detected in aluminium alloy and steel samples, respectively. Finally, the corrosion mechanism of the titanium dioxide coatings was characterized and described.
Contemporary grades of structural steels are produced using a very advanced thermo-mechanical treatment processes, so their properties strongly depend on the obtained structure. Corrosion-resistant austenitic steels have a high hot cracking tendency. Therefore, it is advantageous to use welding technologies, such as laser welding, that limit the size of the joint and its heat-affected zones and thus the deformations caused by the welding process. Laser welding is also characterized by small amount of heat transferred into the material during the process which limits the hot cracking tendency. During the tests, 8 samples made of S960QL steel and S304 steel, were prepared using a Trumpf TruDisk 3302 laser welding device. The produced samples were subjected to macro- and microscopy metallographic tests. Static tensile test and bend test were also performed as well as a hardness Vickers test under a load of 100 N. Good quality joints were obtained, characterized by a small number of welding imperfections. All passed the tensile test, the rupture occurred in the base material of S304 steel. All joints passed the bend test. The hardness of the welded joints ranged from 430-480 HV.
Współczesne gatunki stali konstrukcyjnych poddawane są bardzo zaawansowanym procesom obróbki cieplno-mechanicznej, przez co ich własności silnie zależą od uzyskanej mikrostruktury. Stale austenityczne odporne na korozję cechuje natomiast skłonność do pękania gorącego. Korzystne zatem jest zastosowanie technologii spawania, takich jak spawanie laserowe, ograniczających wielkość złącza oraz jego strefy wpływu ciepła, a co za tym idzie odkształcenia wywołane procesem spawania. Spawanie laserowe cechuje się również niskimi energiami liniowymi procesu ograniczającymi zjawisko pękania gorącego. Podczas badań przygotowano 8 złączy spawanych ze stali S960QL oraz stali S304wykonanych przy pomocy urządzenia do spawania laserowego firmy Trumpf, model TruDisk 3302. Wykonane złącza zostały poddane badaniom metalograficznym makro- oraz mikroskopowym, statycznej próbie rozciągania oraz zginania, a także dokonano pomiaru twardości metodą Vickersa pod obciążeniem 100 N. Uzyskano trwałe złącza o niewielkiej liczbie niezgodności. Wszystkie złącza pomyślnie przeszły próbę rozciągania, zerwania nastąpiły w materiale rodzimym stali S304. Wszystkie złącza pomyślnie przeszły próby zginania. Twardość spoin wahała się w zakresie 430-480HV.
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Własności mechaniczne stali mikrostopowych zależą od zawartości i wielkości wydzieleń węglikoazotków, które tworzą mikrododatki takich pierwiastków jak: Ti, Nb, V, wprowadzane w ilościach nieprzekraczających 0,1%. W pracy zaprezentowano program komputerowy do obliczania zawartości i wielkości wydzieleń węglikoazotku M(C,N) oraz składu chemicznego austenitu przy danej temperaturze austenityzowania na podstawie składu chemicznego stali i warunków obróbki cieplnej. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu składu chemicznego stali na parametry powstających w warunkach izotermicznych wydzieleń węglikoazotków M(C,N) oraz na efekt umocnienia wydzieleniowego z wykorzystaniem programu komputerowego. Zaprezentowano obrazy symulowanej mikrostruktury zawierającej wydzielenia.
The mechanical properties of microalloyed steels depend on the content and size of carbonitride precipitates, which form micro-additions of such elements as Ti, Nb, and V, introduced in amounts not exceeding 0.1%. The paper presents a computer programme for calculating the content and size of M(C,N) carbonitride precipitates and the chemical composition of austenite at a given austenitizing temperature based on the chemical composition of steel and heat treatment conditions. An analysis of the influence of the chemical composition of steel on the parameters of M(C,N) carbonitride precipitates formed in isothermal conditions and on the effect of precipitation strengthening with the use of the computer programme was carried out. The images of simulated microstructure containing the precipitates are presented.
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The paper presents the results of tests on a steel pipe partially fixed in concrete. The obtained results help to determine the influence of interactions between the concrete material and the steel structure on local changes in the mechanical properties of steel. It was found that embedding steel in concrete causes accelerated corrosion of the steel pipeline, resulting in a reduction of its cross-section and a slight reduction in strength properties. This was related to the phenomena occurring at the grain boundary of the steel material.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań stalowej rury, która była eksploatowana w warunkach częściowego utwierdzenia w betonie. Otrzymane wyniki pomagają określić wpływ oddziaływań występujących pomiędzy materiałem betonu a konstrukcją stalową na lokalne zmiany właściwości mechanicznych stali. Stwierdzono, że utwierdzenie stali w betonie wpływa na przyspieszoną korozję stalowego rurociągu, skutkując redukcją jego przekroju poprzecznego oraz nieznacznym obniżeniem właściwości wytrzymałościowych. Powiązano to ze zjawiskami występującymi na granicy ziarna materiału stalowego.
The process of conjoined stress cycling and abrasive or erosive wear is encountered in industry. However, very scant attention has been paid till now to this issue. The paper presents two test rigs designed and built to cope with this experimental problem. Tests were carried out on the range of pure iron (Armco), carbon steels namely S235JR, C45, C70U, C80U, C110U and unalloyed cast steels (L40III, L45III and L50III). Tested iron-based alloys differ in chemical composition, microstructure and Brinell hardness ranging from 80HB to 350HB. Stress cycling caused strain hardening of ferrite in hypoeutectoid steels and thus reduced their abrasive wear loss. In the hypereutectoid steel stress cycling impaired integrity of the microstructure thus increasing abrasive wear loss. Alternating stresses enhanced ploughing and cutting micromechanisms of erosion. Tensile stress in the tested cast steel had a stronger effect on wear loss than the prior stress history.
The parameters of high-grade steel are influenced by a combination of factors, including chemical composition and production technology. The impurity content is also a key determinant of the quality of high-grade steel. Inclusions may also play an important role, subject to their type and shape. Inclusions may increase the strength of steel by inhibiting the development of micro-cracks. The analyzed material was one grade of medium-carbon structural steel. The study was performed on 6 heats produced in an industrial plant in 140 ton electric furnaces. The experimental variants were compared in view of the five heat treatment options. The results were presented to account for the correlations between the fatigue strength coefficient during rotary bending, the diameter of and spacing between impurities. The relationship between the fatigue strength and hardness of highgrade steel vs. the quotient of the diameter of impurities and the spacing between impurities was determined. The proposed equations contribute to the existing knowledge base of practices impact of impurities with various diameters and spacing between non-metallic inclusion on fatigue strength.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu przyspieszonego chłodzenia po austenityzowaniu prętów o średnicy 180 mm ze stali konstrukcyjnej S355J2 na mikrostrukturę i właściwości mechaniczne. Celem badań było opracowanie bazowych parametrów technologii obróbki cieplnej z wykorzystaniem ciepła pozostałego w prętach po walcowaniu na gorąco. Testy nagrzewania i chłodzenia prętów wykonano w urządzeniach wchodzących w skład linii do półprzemysłowej symulacji walcowania na gorąco, regulowanego chłodzenia i obróbki cieplnej (LPS-B) w Łukasiewicz - IMŻ. Wykonano następujące operacje chłodzenia po austenityzowaniu prętów: chłodzenie w spokojnym powietrzu, regulowane chłodzenie nadmuchem powietrza, mieszaniną wodno-powietrzną, natryskiem wody oraz chłodzenie zanurzeniowe w wodzie. Na podstawie wykonanych badań i analiz stwierdzono, że zastosowanie zoptymalizowanych wariantów przyspieszonego chłodzenia prowadzi do modyfikacji mikrostruktury oraz do rozdrobnienia ziarna, bez wytworzenia niepożądanych składników fazowych. W konsekwencji następuje podwyższenie właściwości mechanicznych (granicy plastyczności i udarności) powyżej poziomu uzyskiwanego w wyniku chłodzenia w spokojnym powietrzu, w tym w wyniku standardowego normalizowania. Wykonano wstępne próby przyspieszonego chłodzenia strumieniem powietrza prętów po austenityzowaniu w warunkach przemysłowych. Ostatecznym kryterium wyboru i wdrożenia w warunkach techniczno-technologicznych Huty Bankowa rodzaju technologii obróbki cieplnej prętów z wykorzystaniem ciepła po walcowaniu na gorąco, będzie ocena efektywności ekonomicznej przedsięwzięcia.
The article presents the results of studies on the impact of accelerated cooling after the austenitisation of bars with a diameter of 180 mm made of structural steel S355J2 on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The aim of the research was to develop basic parameters of heat treatment technology using the heat remaining in the bars after hot rolling. Tests of heating and cooling of the bars were carried out in devices included in the line for semi-industrial hot rolling simulation, controlled cooling and heat treatment (LPS-B) at Łukasiewicz - IMŻ. The following cooling operations were performed after bar austenitisation: cooling in still air, controlled cooling with air blow, water-air mixture, water spraying and immersion cooling in water. Based on the research and analyses, it was found that the use of optimised variants of accelerated cooling leads to the modification of the microstructure and to grain refinement, without the formation of undesirable phase components. Consequently, the mechanical properties (yield strength and impact toughness) increase above the level obtained as a result of cooling in still air, including standard normalisation. Preliminary tests of accelerated air stream cooling of bars were carried out after austenitising in industrial conditions. The final criterion for selecting and implementing the type of technology for heat treatment of bars using heat after hot rolling in Huta Bankowa’s technical and technological conditions will be the assessment of the economic efficiency of the project.
August Wöhler w latach 1847-1870 we Frankfurcie nad Odrą, na linii kolejowej Frankfurt - Wrocław prowadził badania obciążeń zmęczeniowych osi wagonów i lokomotyw. W związku z mijającą 200. rocznicą urodzin Wöhlera, scharakteryzowano jego pionierskie badania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej oraz przedstawiono właściwości stali konstrukcyjnych czterech mostów usytuowanych na tej linii kolejowej. Omówiono badania strukturalne stali tych mostów, badania mechaniczne i sformułowano pewne uwagi o stosowaniu stali wysokowęglowej gatunku St 48.
August Wöhler in years 1847-1870 in Frankfurt upon Oder, on the Frankfurt and Wroclaw railway line, carried out fatigue load tests on wagon and locomotive axles. Due to the 200th anniversary of the Wöhler's birth, his pioneer research on fatigue strength is characterized and the properties of structural steels in four bridge located on this railway line are presented as well. Structural tests on steels from these bridges and mechanical tests are discussed. Some remarks are formulated for the development of high carbon steel of grade St 48.
Omówiono zasadę próby udarności oprzyrządowanym młotem Charpy'ego oraz typowe wykresy z tych badań. Zaprezentowano charakter zmian pola naprężeń w badanych próbkach i jego wpływ na charakterystyki przełomów. Przedstawiono wykresy z badań udarności, odnosząc je do krzywej przejścia stali w stan kruchy. Podano przykłady stali konstrukcyjnych, które mogą wykazywać charakterystyczny przebieg krzywych wytrzymałościowych.
The article discusses the principle of Charpy's instrumented test and typical charts of these tests. The nature of the changes of the stress field in the examined samples and its consequences for the fracture characteristics were presented. Charts of Charpy's impact tests were presented and assigned for a britlle transition curve of steel. Examples of structural steels were given that may show a characteristic form of strength curves of the Charpy's instrumented test.
To promote the application of aeolian sand resources for steel-concrete composite structures, an aeolian sand reinforced concrete column with I-shaped structural steel is proposed in this study. Four specimens are designed and manufactured with different replacement rates of aeolian sand. The seismic behaviour and damage evolution process of the specimens are studied by low-cycle repeated loading tests. Based on the test results, the mechanical characteristics, failure modes, hysteresis curves, skeleton curves, energy dissipation capacity, displacement ductility, and stiffness degradation of the specimens with different replacement rates of aeolian sand are analysed. In addition, the effects of the design parameters on the seismic behaviour of the specimens are also studied. The results show that the indexes of the seismic behaviour can be significantly improved by adding steel. Moreover, a revised damage model is proposed, to better reflect the evolution law of seismic damage of aeolian sand reinforced concrete columns with steel. The proposed model can provide an important reference for seismic damage assessment of the columns.
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The aim of this article is to validate the method of conducting a multipoint temperature measurement in the area of welded joints as a tool for quality assessment of the joints in question. In order to establish a relationship between temperature readout at a given point, the value of heat input and the distance of the point form the weld axis, preliminary tests have been conducted on a set of padding welds. Correlation of measurement data analysis showed the high 0.99 level. In the second stage of the study, temperatures of joints welded with two different methods have been measured: the HPAW (Hybrid Plasma – Arc Welding) and classic SAW (Submerged Arc Welding) method. The obtained temperature curves reflect the intensity of heat input in a given welding process. When compared to thermal effects on metallographic specimens, the shapes of the curves show a potential for quality assessment of joints in production conditions. Estimating thermal effects with classic analytical methods proves imprecise with respect to advanced high-power welding processes. Monitoring temperature will allow to assess the quality of joints in the course of welding, which may be a remarkable factor in terms of limiting the HAZ (heat affected zone) tempering of joints made from MART steels (advanced high strength martensitic steel) – a phenomenon that exceedingly decreases the strength of the joints. The method for quality assessment of welded joints presented in this paper allows to extend the analysis of welding thermal conditions.
Przedstawiono wymagania udarności stali konstrukcyjnych przyjmowane w celu uniknięcia kruchego pękania według eurokodów. Omówiono czynniki wpływające na kruche pękanie stali i sposób doboru grupy jakości stali według PN-EN 1993-1-10. Podano przykład uproszczonego doboru grup jakości stali do elementów rozciąganych mostu.
Notch toughness requirements for structural steels to avoid brittle fracture to Euronorms are presented. Parameters influencing brittle fracture and procedure for selection of steel sub-grade to PN-EN 1993-1-10 are discussed. An example for a simplified selection of steel sub-grades for tension bridge elements is presented.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyse the effect of thermomechanical process with different cooling paths on microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon structural steel. Design/methodology/approach: The steel used for the investigation was subjected to two step deformation using a Gleeble 3800 simulator and then held at designed temperatures from 650ºC to 800ºC for different times. A final step included water cooling to room temperature to freeze the microstructure. Typical microscopic studies have been done. The analysis of the volume fraction of presented phases was carried out together with the measurement of grain size by means of image analysis. The last part of conducted research was hardness analysis of the steel after the different heat treatments. Findings: It was found that the microstructure constitution and grain size are strongly dependent on the temperature of isothermal holdings. The microstructure of steel held at 800ºC is composed of the mixture of bainite and two kinds of ferrite: globular and acicular. When the temperature was lowered by 50ºC the ferrite shows the globular morphology. When the temperature drops to 700ºC and below it, the microstructure is composed of ferritic-pearlitic mixture. It was observed that when the isothermal temperature was increased the grain size decreased and the opposite effect was observed for the holding time. The longer the time of the isothermal holding, the larger was the grain size. Research limitations/implications: For better understanding of the phase transformation kinetics in this steel the dilatometric test are planned. Practical implications: The knowledge of the microstructure evolution and hot deformation response of low-carbon structural steels is important from the industrial point of view. Originality/value: The combined effects of hot deformation and different cooling paths give the useful information on a microstructure evolution.
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