Purpose: The purpose of the article was to analyze and evaluate practices related to the recruitment process of temporary workers in enterprises in the logistics and warehouse industry (provision of services). At the same time, the aim of the article is to indicate the directions of actions in the field of the recruitment process that can be undertaken by the management of such enterprises in order to improve the quality of services provided by improving the quality of work. Design/methodology/approach: The study was preliminary and based on conducting a pilot qualitative study using the method of individual in-depth interview (IDI). The study covered the subject of the recruitment process of temporary workers in logistics and warehouse companies operating in the Great Poland region, and the subject of the study were the temporary workers themselves. The article presents the results of the study conducted among 25 temporary employees. Findings: The main aspects, covered in the study, regarding recruitment process are related to the way the recruitment meetings are handled, how the basing employment information are being passed to the candidate and whether what has been proposed is covered in the reality. As there have been gaps identified in those recruitment elements the author suggests some recommendations to the companies. Research limitations/implications: The presented results of the initial pilot study may be subsequently verified in the actual study. At the same time other human resources management processes, in the field of temporary workers, may be subjected to additional study. On this basis, it is possible to build a full picture of the practices used in enterprises, affecting the quality of work by temporary workers, and to indicate the directions of changes in order to improve the achieved results in terms of quality. Practical implications: The results of the study might be used by the companies interested in the form of temporary work and companies struggling with lowering quality of products or services as a result of employing temporary employees. Originality/value: As the temporary work in Poland usage is significant and increasing it is important to understand the factors influencing the quality of temporary employees’ work. This area has not been explored enough through research study.
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W Polsce w latach 90. XX w. pojawiła się tendencja budowania coraz większej liczby centrów handlowych. Obserwując ostatnie lata, można zauważyć, że nastąpiło przesycenie liczbą wznoszonych obiektów o tej funkcji. Centrum handlowo-usługowe Galeria Malta w Poznaniu, będące głównym obiektem badania, z czasem traciło klientów, co skutkowało stopniowym zamykaniem kolejnych punktów usługowych wewnątrz niej. Jedynym sposobem na uchronienie budynku przed popadnięciem w stan pustostanu jest zaadaptowanie go do innej funkcji. Zagadnieniem badanym w artykule jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych rozwiązań adaptacji obiektów o tak ściśle określonej funkcji jak centrum handlowo-usługowe. Jedną z metod badawczych wykorzystanych w badaniu było przeprowadzenie analiz urbanistycznych. Analizie poddano również już zaadaptowane centra handlowe i domy towarowe do nowych funkcji.
In Poland, a tendency to build more and more shopping centres emerged in the 1990s. Observing recent years, there has been an oversaturation in the number of facilities with this function being built. The shopping centre Galeria Malta in Poznan, which was the main object of the study, was losing customers over time which resulted in the progressive closing of further stores inside it. The only way to prevent the building from falling into a state of vacancy is to adapt it to another function. The issue investigated in this paper is the search for alternative solutions for the adaptation of buildings with such a well-defined function as a shopping and service centre. One of the research methods used in the study was urban planning analyses. Already adapted shopping centres and department stores to new functions were also analysed.
Cel: Przedstawienie oceny jakości usług świadczonych przez operatorów telefonii komórkowej w Polsce. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Badanie przeprowadzono na próbie N=169 za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety. W realizacji celu badania wykorzystano metody: analizy piśmiennictwa, analizy i konstrukcji logicznej oraz statystyczne. Wyniki/wnioski: Stwierdzono, że ogólny poziom zadowolenia konsumentów na rynku telefonii komórkowej wynosi 3,0. Wykazano, że istnieje korelacja między oceną poziomu zadowolenia respondentów a wiekiem, wykształceniem i miejscem zamieszkania. Ograniczenia: Struktura i kryteria modelu jakości usług. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Badania poziomu jakości usług w sektorze telefonii komórkowej. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Określenie determinant oceny poziomu jakości usług telefonii komórkowej.
Purpose: Presenting an assessment of the quality of services provided by mobile operators in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted on a sample of N=169 using a questionnaire. The following research methods were used: literature analysis, analysis and logical construction, and statistical. Findings/conclusions: The overall level of satisfaction of mobile users with the services provided was 3.0. There is a correlation between the assessment of the level of satisfaction and the age, education and place of residence of the respondents. Research limitations: Structure and criteria of the service quality models. Practical implications: Research on the level of service quality in the mobile telephony sector. Originality/value: Determinants of the assessment of the quality level of mobile telephony services.
The manufacturing industry has been reshaping its operations using digital technologies for a smart production towards a more customized demand. Nevertheless, the flexibility to attend the production plan changes in real time is still challenging. Although the Internet of Services (IoS) has been addressed as a key element for Industry 4.0, there is still a lack of clarity about the IoS contribution for advanced manufacturing. Through a case study, the paper aims to validate the adherence of a theoretical model named Service-Oriented Manufacturing Architecture (SOMA) in two manufacturing companies that have been already engaged in Industry 4.0. As main results, it was concluded that IoS could suit in one case of Industry 4.0 flexible production process but not in a mass production one. Considering the scarcity of research that exemplifies the IoS contribution, the present paper brings an important assessment on a real manufacturing scenario.
The enrichment of the society and the consumptive lifestyle caused that customers buy more and more, having different, often very high requirements as to the purchased products and services. They often do not realize that production of such products requires more and more materials, energy and other means of production. All this leads to high exploitation of the environment. Even if the resources of the natural environment are not exhaustible, they do not keep up with their rebuilding at this pace of exploitation. That is why social awareness and responsibility both of producers and customers play such an important role. They are one of the instruments needed to operate in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. The aim of the research was to examine social awareness and responsibility among customers of service enterprises. The research was conducted with the use of an online survey, which allowed to show whether the customers of such enterprises are interested in the concept of the sustainable development, if they take it into account when using various services. The need for environmental education was indicated, which could strengthen the social awareness and responsibility among Polish customers.
The article addresses issues related to the civil system of democratic supervision and control over special services in Poland since the political transformation. The system is based on the supervision of the executive authority, which also sets the directions of activities, Parliamentary control – mainly with the help of the Committee for Special Services, judiciary supervision assessing their actions in terms of possible abuse of powers or failure to fulfill their obligations. The functionality of some legal solutions in the field of supervision and control over the services was assessed. The dominant role of the Prime Minister in exercising supervision over the special services was pointed out.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące systemu cywilnego demokratycznego nadzoru i kontroli służb specjalnych w Polsce od czasów przemian ustrojowych. System ten oparty jest na: nadzorze władzy wykonawczej, która także wyznacza kierunki działań; kontroli parlamentarnej – głównie za pomocą Komisji do Spraw Służb Specjalnych; nadzorze władzy sądowniczej oceniającej ich działania pod kątem ewentualnego przekroczenia uprawnień czy niedopełnienia obowiązków. Oceniono funkcjonalność niektórych rozwiązań prawnych w zakresie nadzoru i kontroli służb. Zwrócono uwagę na dominującą rolę Prezesa Rady Ministrów w sprawowaniu nadzoru nad służbami specjalnymi.
Introduction/background: The popularity of outsourcing as a management tool among Polish enterprises is increasing. Growing competition forces companies to look for new solutions for company management. Outsourcing is defined as a management tool to reduce costs in an enterprise. Aim of the paper: The aim of the study was to check whether there is a relationship between outsourcing and the size of the company. In the study, I list large companies and SMEs. Compares the relationships between the manufacturing and services sectors. Materials and methods: In this category, data from 250 companies from the Notoria database were used. In the first part of article, it compares the value of outsourcing across sectors using the Student T-test. In the next part of article, I examine the relationship between outsourcing and the size of companies. I compare the results between the vectors. Pearson's correlation test was used. It then compares the use of outsourcing between small and large companies. The student's T-test for independent programs was used. Results and conclusions: The results say there are differences in the use of outsourcing between the manufacturing and service sectors. I noticed that industrial companies use much more solutions provided by external suppliers. Moreover, I can see that outsourcing has a greater impact in manufacturing than in the service industry. As the company grows, the use of outsourcing increases. It also shows that large companies use outsourcing to a greater extent than smaller companies.
The article presents technological and economic conditions of electricity production in coalfired units. In this context, the chances of Bełchatów’s survival are considered and various business scenarios are analyzed.
The purpose of this article is to identify the possibility of using the concept of wholesale tariffs as a tool for tariff and ticket integration of rail carriers, with a view to improving cost-effectiveness and the reduction of procedural barriers for customers resulting from lack of tariff integration of rail carriers in Poland. This article aims to raise the awareness of the concept of wholesale tariffs, which are successfully used as a tool for tariff integration and competitiveness in the telecommunications market, and to initiate discussions among professionals and researchers in the transport sector. The following test methods were used: synectics, literature review, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and documentation study. The analyses conducted showed the role of market regulators in improving cooperation between rail carriers to develop a better transport offer for rail passenger transport in Poland and, consequently, to increase the share of passenger transport in this transport sector. Similarly, it indicated that the concept of wholesale tariffs may also be a revenue (yield) management tool for rail carriers.
A crucial element of the state security policy is to have at disposal properly prepared anti-crisis systems. Ways in which individual entities of the anti-crisis system, such as the Police, will be prepared to combat existing threats and how effectively they will perform the assigned tasks in difficult situations depend on numerous factors, including skills, knowledge and quality of people working there. The research results presented by the author and some examples of practical solutions prove that in the scope of improving the current methods within individual formations, services and institutions it is possible to develop better, more effective models and procedures that are successfully used in many countries, and their effectiveness translates directly into the safety of both the conducted activities and the participants of these events themselves.
Posiadanie właściwie przygotowanych systemow antykryzysowych jest obecnie nieodzownym elementem prowadzonej polityki państwa w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. To, w jaki sposób poszczegolne podmioty systemu antykryzysowego, takie jak np. Policja, będą przygotowane do zwalczania istniejących zagrożeń i jak skutecznie będą one wykonywać, w trudnych sytuacjach, postawione przed nimi zadania zależy od wielu czynnikow, w tym umiejętności, wiedzy i jakości ludzi w nich pracujących. Przedstawione przez autora wyniki badań oraz niektore przykłady praktycznych rozwiązań dowodzą, że w zakresie udoskonalenia posiadanych obecnie metod w ramach poszczegolnych formacji, służb i instytucji, można wypracować doskonalsze, bardziej efektywne modele i procedury, ktore w wielu krajach są z powodzeniem stosowane, a ich skuteczność przekłada się bezpośrednio na bezpieczeństwo zarówno prowadzonych działań, jak i samych uczestnikow tych zdarzeń.
Posiadanie właściwie przygotowanych systemow antykryzysowych jest obecnie nieodzownym elementem prowadzonej polityki państwa w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. To, w jaki sposób poszczegolne podmioty systemu antykryzysowego, takie jak np. Policja, będą przygotowane do zwalczania istniejących zagrożeń i jak skutecznie będą one wykonywać, w trudnych sytuacjach, postawione przed nimi zadania zależy od wielu czynnikow, w tym umiejętności, wiedzy i jakości ludzi w nich pracujących. Przedstawione przez autora wyniki badań oraz niektore przykłady praktycznych rozwiązań dowodzą, że w zakresie udoskonalenia posiadanych obecnie metod w ramach poszczegolnych formacji, służb i instytucji, można wypracować doskonalsze, bardziej efektywne modele i procedury, ktore w wielu krajach są z powodzeniem stosowane, a ich skuteczność przekłada się bezpośrednio na bezpieczeństwo zarówno prowadzonych działań, jak i samych uczestnikow tych zdarzeń.
A crucial element of the state security policy is to have at disposal properly prepared anti-crisis systems. Ways in which individual entities of the anti-crisis system, such as the Police, will be prepared to combat existing threats and how effectively they will perform the assigned tasks in difficult situations depend on numerous factors, including skills, knowledge and quality of people working there. The research results presented by the author and some examples of practical solutions prove that in the scope of improving the current methods within individual formations, services and institutions it is possible to develop better, more effective models and procedures that are successfully used in many countries, and their effectiveness translates directly into the safety of both the conducted activities and the participants of these events themselves.
Purpose: An analysis was conducted regarding fitness trainers’ opinions on factors related to the profitability of rendered services. Answers to two research questions were sought: a) Is it possible to group respondents based on their opinions on the level of satisfaction from the achieved revenue and the profit margin on a standard service? b) Is there a relationship between respondents’ assignment to a specific group and the fact of conducting an additional business activity (not related to the fitness sector)? Design/methodology/approach: The study was based on the use of a structured questionnaire. The five-point scale and nominal variants of answers were used for the quantitative analysis of collected data. With regard to the nature of the surveyed subjects, non-representative sampling in the form of a snowball method was used. Findings: The results obtained reveal that, among trainers expressing satisfaction from the achieved revenue and the profit margin on a standard service, dominates the group of those, who do not conduct additional business activity and, conversely, among trainers expressing indecision and lack of satisfaction dominates the group of persons, who conduct such business activity. Research limitations/implications: The main research limitation derives from the sampling method – findings cannot be generalized on the whole population of fitness trainers. However, the obtained results shed new light on the conditions of conducting business activity by fitness trainers and formulate further research questions. Originality/value: Fitness trainers (especially those who conduct business activity) are not a popular topic of scientific work in this industry (the subject of fitness clubs dominates).
W artykule autor przedstawił podstawy prawne i zasady prowadzenia w Polsce współdziałania pomiędzy wybranymi podmiotami bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego w przypadku wystąpienia epidemii. Bazując na doświadczeniach z pandemii COVID–19 zaprezentowano obszary wspólnych działań jednostek systemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego, Policji, Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Straży Granicznej, Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, Straży Ochrony Kolei oraz straży gminnych i miejskich. Podkreślono znaczącą rolę współdziałania dla sprawności prowadzenia przedsięwzięć w czasie epidemii, w szczególności w sytuacji zmniejszonych możliwości kadrowych podmiotów wiodących.
In the article, the author presented the legal basis and principles of cooperation in Poland between entities of internal security in the event of an epidemic. Based on the experiences of the pandemic COVID–19, areas of joint action of State Medical Emergency System, Police, Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, Border Guard, State Fire Service, Railroad Security Guard and municipal police are presented. The significant role of cooperation in the efficiency of undertaking projects during an epidemic was emphasized, especially in the case of reduced human resouces capacity of the leading entities.
Customers are more and more deciding to use various types of services via Internet. They make very often different types of purchases. E-commerce is becoming more and more popular and developed. Unfortunately, according to customers, online shopping is not free from problems. Customers are afraid that the ordered goods will not be sent to them, will not meet their expectations, or will be destroyed during transport. An important aspect is also the payment method for this type of shopping. Customers often prefer to pay more to use the option of payment on delivery to avoid losing money if the ordered goods do not be delivered to them. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the safety of services offered via Internet. In the research the customers of different e-shops expressed their opinion on problems that may affect the safety of the offered services. Thanks to the research, it was possible to identify risk areas in accordance with the opinion of customers.
More and more people decide to use e-shops to buy every-day products. Some people do it once a week, others a few times a year. Different customers buy different products. What's more, it can be noticed that the popularity of e-shops is growing every year. It is influenced by many factors, including lack of time, rush, high competition, convenience of shopping. Due to the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic, which paralyzed practically the whole world, locked families in homes, customers started buying selected food, cosmetics and chemical products in stationery shops. Many restrictions have been introduced, including shopping restrictions. Many people chose e-shops instead of stationery shops. The purpose of the paper was to check whether the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic had somehow changed the shopping habits of e-shops' customers. The survey created for of this article was used during the research.
W związku z niebezpieczeństwem rozprzestrzeniania się zakażeń wirusem SARS-CoV-2 ustawodawca polski dostrzegł konieczność wprowadzenia szczególnych rozwiązań umożliwiających podejmowanie działań minimalizujących negatywny wpływ na gospodarkę. Ustawodawca w 2020 roku wprowadził wiele regulacji prawnych dotyczących różnych dziedzin, w tym prawa zamówień publicznych. Regulacje te potocznie określa się mianem tarcz antykryzysowych. Z punktu widzenia podmiotów zobowiązanych do stosowania prawa zamówień publicznych istotnym elementem są nowe przepisy dotyczące udzielania zamówień publicznych i wykonywania umów w sprawie zamówień publicznych. Kolejne regulacje obejmowały dalsze zmiany zarówno w zakresie umów o zamówienia, jak i samego udzielania zamówień oraz przepisów, które wpływały na kondycję finansową wykonawców, w tym ich płynność finansową.
Due to the risk of spreading SARS CoV-2 virus infections, the Polish legislator noticed the need to introduce special solutions that would allow taking actions to minimize the negative impact on the economy. In 2020, the legislator introduced a number of legal regulations in many areas, including public procurement law. From the point of view of entities obliged to apply the public procurement law, an important element is the new provisions on awarding public contracts and performing public procurement contracts. Subsequent regulations included further changes in terms of both procurement contracts and the awarding of contracts as well as provisions that affected the financial condition of contractors, including their financial liquidity.
Codziennie korzystamy z różnego rodzaju usług. Przedsiębiorstwa usługowe szukają rozwiązań, jak oferować usługi jak najlepszej jakości oraz jak ta jakość oceniać. W przypadku oceny jakości usług wykorzystuje inne metody i narzędzia niż w przypadku wyrobów. Większość metod opartych jest na różnicy pomiędzy oczekiwaniami klientów oraz ich percepcją gotowej usługi. Różnica ta stanowi jedną z luk modelu jakości usług - modelu luk. Celem artykułu była zestawienie różnych wariantów najczęściej opisywanego w literaturze modelu jakości usług - modelu luk. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi opracowanie teoretyczne, a jego celem pobocznym jest zaznajomienie czytelników z podstawowymi elementami modelu luk.
Every day we use various types of services. Service companies are looking for solutions on how to offer services with the best quality and how to assess this quality. When assessing the quality of services, different methods and tools than in case of products are used. Most methods are based on the difference between customers' expectations and their perception of the ready service. This difference is one of the gaps in the service quality model - the gap model. The aim of the paper was to compile various variants of the service quality model most frequently described in the literature - the gap model. This paper is a theoretical study and its secondary goal is to familiarize readers with the basic elements of the gap model.
Changes in the structure of Polish society and the dynamic ageing process make seniors, as consumers, one of the most important groups on the market. The article presents seniors in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship as an interesting group that is increasingly eager to use all the market opportunities offered to them. Their activity in many fields is an excellent tool against social exclusion. The newly emerging community requires specialists related to marketing, promotion and advertising not only to notice them on the market, but also to adapt marketing activities to their needs, interests, possibilities and wealth. The aim of the article is to present this special group that requires the development of new, not stereotypical marketing activities. It can certainly be predicted that there will be a dynamic increase in the number of social services offered - care, health and rehabilitation, and of goods and other services dedicated to the elderly. The problem of senior policy is a huge research field for many specialists related to the silver economy sector.
In the case of competing industries, proper assessment of needs and opportunities supported by market analysis and forecast allows adopting strategies for dealing with competition. Coopetition of services is one of the possibilities for the development of entities. The article indicates the reasons for competition cooperation. This cooperation may result from the expectations to increase the scale of impact, reduce operating costs or offer an extended package of services. This causes the need to study customer needs and identify market trends, and consequently build scenarios that are answer to them and allow to adapt to market changes.
W artykule zostały przedstawione niektóre aspekty przestępczości zorganizowanej w wymiarze międzynarodowym oraz formalne podstawy jej zwalczania. Zarysowana geneza, podstawowe pojęcia, skala i formy obrazują rozwój międzynarodowej przestępczości zorganizowanej na przestrzeni lat. Zgodnie z historycznymi twierdzeniami, które wskazały na początki tworzenia się przestępczości zorganizowanej na XIX w., pomimo upływu lat, wciąż stanowi jeden z najpoważniejszych i największych problemów globalnych. Z uwagi na możliwość uzyskania wysokich zysków przy wykorzystaniu metod niezgodnych z prawem, międzynarodowa przestępczość zorganizowana najintensywniej rozwija się w podatnych ku temu regionach. Walka z przestępczością zorganizowaną, w szczególności w przestrzeni międzynarodowej, wymaga nakładów na zasoby osobowe i sprzętowe służb specjalnych i policyjnych, unifikacji w wymiarze międzynarodowym przepisów prawnych, szybkiej wymiany informacji i bezzwłocznego reagowania wobec pojawiających się zagrożeń. Obecnie z walką z międzynarodową przestępczością zorganizowaną mierzy się wiele organizacji i służb, w tym Unia Europejska, OLAF, INTERPOL, EUROPOL i EUROJUST, co przyczynia się do skuteczniejszej walki z jednym z największych problemów XXI w.
The article presents some aspects of the organized crime in the international dimension and the formal basis of its fight against it. Outlined genesis, basic concepts, scale and forms illustrate the development of international organized crime over the years. According to historical claims that indicated the beginnings of the organized crime for the nineteenth century, despite the passage of years, it is still one of the most serious and biggest global problems. Due to the possibility of obtaining high profits using illegal methods, the international organized crime is developing mostly in the regions that are susceptible to it. The fight against the organized crime, especially in the international space, requires expenditures on personnel and equipment resources of special services and police, international unification of the legal regulations, rapid information exchange and immediate response to emerging threats. At present, many services and organizations are struggling with international organized crime, including the European Union, OLAF, INTERPOL, EUROPOL and EUROJUST, what contributes to a more effective fight against one of the greatest problems of the 21st century.
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