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Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most developing and dynamic sectors of the global economy. Existing methods of wastewater treatment do not always allow the complete removal of pharmacological preparations, which leads to the fact that these substances enter water resources and can have a negative impact on ecosystems and human health. Due to the increase in water pollution with pharmacological preparations, there is a need for more in-depth research in this area. Assessment of the level of contamination with pharmacological substances in the wastewater of megacities is an important aspect of environmental protection and public health. The purpose of this research work is to evaluate pharmacological pollutants in the wastewater of megacities. This study is aimed at identifying APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) that are most likely to have a negative impact on the environment in Kazakhstan. To analyze the content of Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Propranolol, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Cabramazepine and other medicinal substances, standards of these substances were added to the wastewater sample and analyzed by the HPLC-MS method. As a result of this research work, information was obtained on the current level of contamination with pharmacological substances in the wastewater of megacities and their impact on ecosystems and human health. The results of the study can be used to develop measures to reduce pollution and conserve water resources for future generations.
Many industries, especially mining and metallurgy, deal with solutions containing ions. In some cases, these metal ions need to be concentrated and recovered from solutions and sometimes removed from wastewater. The ion flotation method has been applied for wastewater and water treatment, recovery of precious and platinum group metals, preconcentrating of rare earth elements, selective separation of multicomponent ions from dilute solutions, and analytical chemistry. It has been employed to separate heavy metals from a liquid phase using bubble attachment, originated in mineral processing. In these cases, ion flotation has an important place among other methods because it is a cheap and practical method. In this study, many ion flotation studies, especially applied at laboratory scale, were reviewed. This method gives very successful and promising results in removing heavy metals with toxic effects from wastewater and selective separation of metal ions from very low concentrated solutions. Ion flotation may take place in industrial scale operations with the new developments in flotation machines and collectors with better selectivity, high efficiency, lower cost, and environmental friendliness.
This article presents the results of studies on the comprehensive assessment pertaining to the peculiarities of nutrition, accumulation, transit and discharge of groundwater in the adjacent territory of the Sorbulak reservoir. The information about the waste water storage was presented. The results of the analysis and decryption of satellite images, as well as the results of aerial photography of the territory of the Sorbulak were presented. The results of field route studies of the work area were presented to identify the external manifestations of directional filtration, areas of exits to the daytime surface of groundwater. The results of the calculation of the filtration flow controlled by the Sorbulak storage lake, unloading through the western side of the plateau into the Kurty River, were presented.
The technologies associated with the use of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) are becoming one of the dynamically developing directions in the wastewater disposal system. However, a certain part of the used design of membrane units are exposed to mechanical contamination, which significantly impairs their performance. This is especially noticeable when working at wastewater treatment plants, where the required degree of preliminary cleaning from solid mechanical particles and suspended solids is not provided. The purpose of the work was to improve the process of post-treatment of urban wastewater and protect the membrane element of the installation from clogging with coarse impurities and wear, with an overestimated concentration of suspended solids. The essence of the improved membrane technology of wastewater treatment consists in the preliminary capture of heavy and suspended particles with a size of more than 0.03 microns in a hydrocyclone, followed by water treatment in a chamber of a membrane bioreactor of modern design. The operating conditions of the membranes were determined by the operating modes and parameters of the bioreactor, in particular, by the degree of formation of colloidal compounds in it, which adversely affect the permeability. The density of the initial water varied within 1.059–1.078 g/cm3, and the content of solid particles was up to 0.3 mm. The activated sludge was filtered under vacuum on a Buchner funnel through a thin layer of cotton wool and gauze. During the tests, the indicators for capturing suspended solids were 5.0–9.0 mg/dm3, whereas, when working without a hydrocyclone, they were equal to 27–30 mg/dm3. The maximum performance of the hydrocyclone is provided at an inlet pressure of 225–300 kPa, and the pressure loss in the hydrocyclone chamber is 7.9–9.0 kPa. It was established that additional preparation of waste water for the post-treatment process using a hydrocyclone increases the cleaning capacity of membrane elements by reducing the load of accumulation of coarse impurities on the membrane surface.
In this study, genotoxic potential of industrial waste water (IWW) samples was investigated using Allium cepa assay. The root tips were treated with different IWW samples (A, B and C) for 48 hours. The effects of IWW on cytological effects were determined. It was found that all IWW samples significantly increased the percentage of total abnormality. Mitotic chromosomal abnormalities such as irregular metaphase, stickiness, c-mitosis, micronucleus, vagrant chromosomes and bridges were determined. Furthermore, a significant reduction for the mitotic index that is indicative of cellular toxicity was observed in root tips cells, which were treated with IWW samples. A. cepa assay can be used as useful tool for the detection of genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of IWWs.
The ground source of drinking water for the village of Skalice nad Svitavou is located 35 km North of Brno (Czech Republic). An evaluation of developments in selected indicators of water quality in this groundwater source in the period 2013–2017 was the essence of this work. The data was provided by Vodárenská akciová společnost, a.s., i.e. the operator. At the same time, annual monitoring of water quality in the Úmoří stream, which flows through the catchment area and can affect the quality of groundwater, was carried out. Water samples were collected in 2017–2018 from 6 profiles on the Úmoří stream and its two tributaries. Raw water from the groundwater source does not meet the requirements for drinking water in some indicators and needs to be treated. Monitoring of surface water shows that the most problematic indicator is total phosphorus, the concentration of which exceeded limit values on all sampling profiles. The highest values were found in the tributaries, where total phosphorus concentrations exceeded 10 mg∙dm–3. There are 12 municipalities in the area of interest, only two of which have their own sewage treatment plant. It is clear from the results that wastewater in some municipalities is discharged directly into the recipient and is the cause of above-limit concentrations of both phosphorus and nitrogen. Intensively used agricultural land is another major source of pollution. Based on an analysis of sources of pollution, corrective measures have been proposed to improve the quality of surface and groundwater in the area.
The A sulfur mine is located in the Iwate Prefecture of Japan. This mine has both surface and underground parts and was operated from the late 1800s to the late 1900s. Since the early 1900s, acid mine drainage (AMD) has been reported in this mine, and the waste water has been neutralized in a treatment plant since the mine was closed. Recently, reducing the AMD volume by decreasing water inflow to the underground mine has been considered as a way to reduce the AMD treatment cost. The first step in such an approach is to understand in detail the groundwater flow around the mine. However, part of the study area is covered by lava and comprises crystalline rocks with complicated structures, making it difficult to understand the groundwater flow. Therefore, the present study investigated the groundwater flow around this mine by focusing on water quality, such as pH and electrical conductivity (EC), stable isotopes (i.e. δ18O and δD) and 3H in the surface and ground water. The spatial distributions of pH, Stiff diagrams, and δ18O and δD values in the surface and ground water indicated that the groundwater flow system was divided into three basins in the study area, as predicted from geomorphological information. Moreover, the spatial distribution of δ18O and δD in the surface and ground water suggested that the groundwater recharged at the highest altitudes in the B mountain in the northwest of the mine might flow in the underground mine. Furthermore, the 3H values in the waste water discharged from the underground part of mine implied that the groundwater age was no more than approximately 60 years old.
Kopalnia siarki znajduje się w prefekturze Iwate w Japonii. Kopalnia ma zarówno części naziemne, jak i podziemne i działała od końca 1800 roku do końca XX wieku. Od początku XX wieku odnotowano w tej kopalni kwaśny drenaż kopalniany (AMD), a ścieki były zneutralizowane w oczyszczalni do czasu zamknięcia kopalni. Ostatnio uznano, że zmniejszenie objętości AMD przez zmniejszenie dopływu wody do podziemnej kopalni jest dobrym sposobem na zmniejszenie kosztów neutralizacji AMD. Pierwszym krokiem w takim podejściu jest szczegółowa analiza przepływu wód gruntowych wokół kopalni. Jednak część obszaru objętego badaniem jest pokryta lawą i obejmuje skały krystaliczne o skomplikowanych strukturach, co utrudnia zrozumienie przepływu wód gruntowych. Dlatego w niniejszych badaniach określono przepływ wód podziemnych wokół tej kopalni, koncentrując się na jakości wody, określono parametry takie jak pH i przewodność elektryczna (EC), stabilne izotopy (tj. Δ18O i δD) oraz 3H w wodzie powierzchniowej i gruntowej. Przestrzenne rozkłady odczynu pH, wartości δ18O i δD w wodzie powierzchniowej i gruntowej wskazały, że system przepływu wód podziemnych został podzielony na trzy baseny na badanym obszarze, zgodnie z przewidywaniami z informacji geomorfologicznej. Ponadto rozkład przestrzenny δ18O i δD w wodach powierzchniowych i gruntowych sugerował, że wody gruntowe dopływające na najwyższych wysokościach w północno-zachodniej części kopalni mogą płynąć do części podziemnej kopalni. Co więcej, wartości 3H w ściekach odprowadzanych z podziemnej części kopalni sugerowały, że wiek wód podziemnych wynosił nie więcej niż około 60 lat.
Content available Industrial applications of high-intensity ultrasound
In the last two decades, an increasing interest of academy and industry in the development of enabling technologies for process intensification has been paid. The main bottle neck for scientists and engineers to apply non-conventional technologies at industrial levels, such as high-intensity ultrasound, is the scaling up. Power ultrasound is proving to be a front-runner and offers a wide range of profitable applications. Although most examples reported by patents and scientific literature are not yet an industrial reality, few applications are recognised as the best available techniques for big scale production. Eloquent examples are reviewed in this article.
W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad wzrosło zainteresowanie środowiska naukowego i przemysłowego rozwojem technologii wspomagających intensyfikację procesów. Główną przeszkodą dla naukowców i inżynierów do stosowania niekonwencjonalnych technologii na poziomie przemysłowym, takich jak ultradźwięki o wysokiej intensywności, jest zwiększanie skali. Ultradźwięki oferują szeroką gamę dochodowych zastosowań i okazują się być dobrym rozwiązaniem. Pomimo że większość zastosowań zgłaszanych w formie patentów lub przedstawianych w literaturze naukowej nie istnieje w rzeczywistości przemysłowej, niektóre z nich uznawane są za najlepsze dostępne techniki dla produkcji na dużą skalę. Konkretne przykłady zostały omówione w artykule.
The saponite-containing product from the stage of process water clearing at benefication plant of the PAO Severalmaz was thickened using the electrochemical separation for use as sorbent of nickel and copper ions. The product features a high sorption capacity relatively the nickel and copper ions. It has been established that the sorption capacity can be enhanced by roasting the product at 750°С to 194 and 212 mg/g for the nickel and copper ions respectively. An organomineral sorbent for nickel ions based on copper-nickel ore tailings of the JSC „The Kolskaya Mining and Metallurgical Company”, thermally activated at 700ºС, has been synthesized. The surface modification was performed by using the non-covalent immobilization of dimethylglyoxime.
Produkt zawierający saponit z etapu oczyszczania wody technologicznej w zakładzie wzbogacania PAO Severalmaz został zagęszczony przy użyciu rozdzielania elektrochemicznego w celu zastosowania jako sorbent jonów niklu i miedzi. Produkt cechuje się dużą pojemnością sorpcyjną, w stosunku do jonów niklu i miedzi. Ustalono, że pojemność sorpcyjna może być zwiększona przez prażenie produktu w temperaturze 750°C do 194 i 212 mg/g odpowiednio dla jonów niklu i miedzi. Zsyntetyzowano organo-mineralny sorbent dla jonów niklu oparty na odpadach z wzbogacania rud miedzi i niklu JSC „The Kolskaya Mining and Metalurgical Company”, aktywowany termicznie w 700ºС. Modyfikację powierzchni przeprowadzono stosując niekowalencyjną immobilizację dimetyloglioksymem.
The effectiveness of removing indicator bacteria from domestic sewage using a vertical flow filter filled with natural materials has been analysed. The count of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria was measured in raw and treated sewage and effectiveness of their removal under variable conditions of hydraulic load and depending on the filter filling (type, size and filling proportions) was assessed. A single-layer sand or zeolite filter was the most effective in reducing bacterial contamination. The sand-filled filter allowed the removal of 99.993–99.997% of Escherichia coli and the one filled with fine zeolite of 99.995%. The principal component analysis was used to comprehensively evaluate the filter performance. Three principal components were identified and they were responsible for 81% of raw data variability. The effectiveness of indicator bacteria removal depended mainly on the filling grain size and did not on filling proportions or its type.
This paper presents the results of a study aimed at developing the extraction process and determining long-term stability of (E)-azastilbene derivatives in order to explore their possible use as preservative, antiseptic and disinfectant substances. The study was performed in three different matrices: distilled, surface and waste water. Test substances included bromide of (E)-N-(o-bro-mobenzyl)-4′-hydroxystilbazole-4 and chloride of (E)-N-(p-chlorobenzyl)-4′-hydroxystilbazole-4. The extraction process involved the use of three stationary phases: octyl, octadecyl and naphthylpropyl. The highest recovery values (amounting to approx. 95%) were obtained in the naphthylpropyl column for all of the above-mentioned matrices. A decline in the stability of the analysed derivatives after a 28-day period was below 14% in all matrix types.
This article presents the results of experimental studies pertaining to the suckling improvement of secondary clarifier in an aeration station in Almaty. According to the obtained research results, the work of secondary clarifiers was evaluated for the removal of suspended solids, concentration of returned sludge and sediment moisture. The technical specifications of aerations, secondary settling tanks and cesspool emptier in the aeration station of Almaty were defined. Additionally, it was shown that the use of the articulated sucker with movable scrapers can increase the efficiency of cleaning the bottom of the circular tanks. In this practical test, the proposed suckling radial settler in aeration station of Almaty during the year showed that the sucker reduces the costs for the installation and maintenance of cesspool emptier and has no damaging effects on the bottom of the sump.
Realizacja zadań mandatowych poza granicami kraju powoduje konieczność zapewnienia odpowiednich warunków żołnierzom do tego zadania wyznaczonym. Należy zatem zapewnić warunki bezpiecznego szeroko rozumianego bytowania niemal na wzór tych, które obowiązują w stałych obiektach koszarowych. Taki sposób rozumowania skutkuje tym, że konieczne jest zapewnienie właściwych warunków zakwaterowania z całym otoczeniem socjalno – bytowym. Dodatkowo należy zadbać o bezpieczeństwo i samowystarczalność bazy w warunkach oddziaływania przeciwnika. Potrzeby z tym związane można zaspokoić czerpiąc odpłatnie z możliwości sojuszników lub też podjąć działania zmierzające do tego aby być samodzielnym zwłaszcza w sytuacji prowadzenia działań poza granicami kraju samodzielnie, bez możliwości korzystania z zewnętrznego wsparcia w zakresie infrastruktury.
Implementation of the mandated tasks outside of the country makes it necessary to ensure appropriate conditions for the soldiers to the task set. You must therefore ensure that safe conditions the wider living almost on the model of those that apply to regular infrastructure objects. Such a rationale means that it is necessary to ensure appropriate conditions of accommodation with the whole social environment. In addition, you must ensure that the safety and self-sufficiency in terms of the impact of the enemy. Needs associated with it, you can meet the drawing for a consideration of the possibilities of allies or take action for this to be an independent, especially activities outside the country alone, without the use of external support in terms of infrastructure.
Water and waste water analysis is an important area in analytical and environmental chemistry, development of new methods and improvement of existing ones being permanent challenges for researchers. This paper reports the use of isocratic ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection for the simultaneous determination of F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42- and CrO42-, the developed method was applied to analyse surface waters and industrial waste waters from Częstochowa area (Poland).
Antybiotyki identyfikowane są w środowisku wodnym w wodach powierzchownych, gruntowych, a nawet przeznaczonych do spożycia. Źródłem tych zanieczyszczeń są przede wszystkim ścieki z zakładów produkujących antybiotyki i szpitali. Wśród źródeł zanieczyszczeń należy również wymienić ścieki bytowe oraz zanieczyszczenia pochodzące z rolnictwa i hodowli zwierząt. W oczyszczalniach ścieków antybiotyki usuwane są w niewystarczającym stopniu. Konsekwencją jest przedostawanie się antybiotyków oraz ich toksycznych metabolitów to wód. Stały kontakt bakterii z antybiotykami sprzyja wytwarzaniu przez nie antybiotykoodporności, czego efektem jest trudność w leczeniu wielu chorób oraz konieczność stosowania większych dawek antybiotyków, jak również poszukiwania nowych związków leczniczych. Ze względu na antybiotykooporność rocznie umiera na świecie 700 000 ludzi, a liczba ta stale rośnie.
Antibiotics are identified in the aquatic environment in surface water, ground water and even intended for consumption. Main source of that contamination comes from sewages from hospitals and factories producing antibiotics. The other sources of contamination are also living paths and those which come from agriculture and animals breeding. In sewage treatment plants antibiotics are cleared out inadequate. Consequently antibiotics and their toxic metabolites get through the water. Permanent contact of bacterias and antibiotics supports bacterias’ resistance to antibiotic, which results in the difficulty in treating many diseases, the need for higher doses of antibiotics and searching for new medicinal substances as well. Because of the antibiotic resistance, 700,000 people die each year in the world, and this number is constantly growing.
There are significant municipal concerns relating to the use of surfactants and enzymes in the process of wastewater treatment. Treatment plants use different techniques to remove impurities from water. As wastewater treatment plants use the latest technology to remove contaminants from water, there are high costs, and sometimes an enforcement of regulations is lax. Still, many municipalities across the country prohibit the use of surfactants and enzymes entering wastewater treatment because of the harmful effects of these products on the sewer lines and high damage costs. Surfactant compounds are organic. Their molecules include water-soluble and oil or an insoluble component. These molecular compounds seek the water surface and chemically reduce the boundaries between oil and water. When surfactants are in the water, they absorb into the soil and can cause injury to plants and organic organisms, but people find surfactants and enzymes useful in cleaning agents for emulsifying and dispersing oil and grease. Scientists have found that at least some surfactants are toxic to ecosystems, people and animals, but they have not been able predict far-reaching consequences. And now the most important question is how to solve this problem or how to reduce these negative effects. In this paper we tried to remove surfactants from waste water with an activated sludge system.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the positive impact of ponds on water quality in a small stream Čermná. Four sites were sampled regularly every month for one year. Simultaneously, pH and temperature were measured continuously. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen were determined by subsequent analysis of the water samples. The results were classified in compliance with Government Decree (GD) No. 401/2015 Coll., as amended, and Czech standard ČSN 75 7221. High concentrations of ammonia nitrogen that were detected during the whole period are the result of the discharge of all wastewater from the village of Dolní Čermná to flow Čermná. Although the results showed a positive effect pond Čermenský, during the growing season the concentration of ammonia nitrogen at SP No. 2 placed under the pond increased mainly due to fertilizing pond by manure to increase nutrients for the fish population in the pond.
Factors contributing to nitrogen removal in a biological aerated filter (BAF) using oyster shell medium have been investigated. The system was operated in parallel with a bio-ball filter. Both filters were fed with a synthetic domestic wastewater containing approximately 25 mg N/dm3 of total nitrogen (TN). The COD of wastewater was 200 mg O2/dm3. The sizes and dissolved oxygen (DO) of the voids within both filters were measured. Results indicated that the oyster shell system performed better with a nitrogen removal of 64.3%. The two systems exhibited a similar COD removal efficiency of approximated 80%. The oyster shell filter showed higher degree of variability in both sizes and DO levels of its void spaces. The condition provided a favorable environment for nitrogen removal through simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The release of carbonates from oyster shells were minimal, as judged from mass balance analysis of the system using calcium. It is concluded that the function of a SND reactor can be enhanced by using non-uniform filter media such as oyster shells. On the other hand, alkalinity is not a major concern when treating wastewaters with moderate ammonia concentration, such as that of domestic wastewaters.
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