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Purpose: Improving the quality of medical services is one of the key focus areas of hospital management. The search for opportunities for improvement, addressing real problems and meeting the needs of customers becomes particularly important in the face of such challenges as technological, especially the development of digitization and e-medicine, demographic changes, including, among others, aging societies, political and financial. The study was conducted to identify and analyze staff attributes that determine the achievement of a level of patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. Design/methodology/approach: Based on desk research and interviews with patients of a sample hospital, six key staff attributes important for achieving satisfaction with the quality of hospital services were identified. These attributes were subjected to empirical studies conducted in accordance with the methodology of the Kano model (first stage) and the survey method (second stage). The results of the studies made it possible to identify gaps between the highest desired degree of satisfaction and the level resulting from the patients' actual evaluation. Subsequently, the authors formulated their own recommendations for strengthening human capital for increasing the quality of hospital services. Findings: Based on the research, the map of key staff attributes affecting patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services was developed. The attributes with the greatest importance and strength of influence on the quality of services, characteristic of the three professional groups studied, were then identified. Among them were: professionalism, kindness and politeness towards the patient and his family members, individualized approach to the patient. Recognizing the opinions of patients of a particular hospital, the attributes that were important but at the same time rated lowest were identified. On this basis, gaps between the expected and actual state were identified, and suggestions were made for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations were recognized in the research process, primarily due to the size of the research sample and the scope and scale of empirical research. It seems desirable to expand the research field to include the international environment. Conclusions made against the background of other cultural or systemic conditions of health care in a given country could enrich the conducted comparative analysis with interesting insights. In addition, the study of correlations between an expanded set of factors influencing the quality of hospital services and the level of patient satisfaction could provide a direction for further research. Practical implications: The results of the study may be of interest to stakeholders in the health care industry. Identifying the key personnel attributes of greatest importance and power to influence service quality seems important for designing changes that strengthen a hospital's human capital. The presented suggestions for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation based on the results of patient satisfaction surveys of a specific hospital have application value. Social implications: Implementation of changes designed on the basis of the research results presented and suggestions for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation can realistically improve patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. In addition, hospitals' interest in improving the quality of services in response to patients' needs and expectations demonstrates social responsibility. Originality/value: The paper identifies key staff attributes important for achieving patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital services. It also provides practical recommendations for improvement in the areas of knowledge, communication and cooperation. The article is dedicated to academic and healthcare professionals, including hospital managers, as well as local government administration.
Purpose: The aim of the article was to analyse the pro-environmental approach to products improvement by SMEs from the Visegrad Group (V4) countries. Design/methodology/approach: The research was survey. The survey research was carried out in traditional (paper) and electronic form (MS FORMS). The survey was directed at electronic industries (machinery processing) belonging to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from V4 countries. The results presented in the article refer to sample size of 379 SMEs, obtained between March and September 2023. Results were analysed in statistical way, i.e.: ANOVA test and Mann Whitney U test by significance level equal to a = 0.05. Findings: SMEs in V4 countries have a similar approach to pro-environmental improving of products. It was shown that pro-environmental activities of SMEs from the V4 countries, the lowest consistency of assessments occurs in the following countries: Poland and Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, Slovakia and Hungary. Practical implications: The research results may contribute to more effective and coherent development activities of SMEs in the V4 countries as part of their sustainable development, and also to take appropriate actions that will be supporting qualitative and environmental products. Social implications: The results can help SME entrepreneurs improve their products to protect the natural environment. In addition, they can be the basis for the development of SMEs from the V4 countries and their unidirectional development, which includes not only improving the quality of products, but also caring for the environment. Originality/value: The originality of the research is the determination of the current pro-environmental approach to product improvement in SMEs in the V4 countries. The novelty is the provision of current data on the importance of improving pro-environmental products in SMEs from the V4 countries and their comparison between companies in the electrical machinery industry.
Purpose: The idea of the study is to understand fluctuation in quality management depending on organizational context. The primary purpose of this article is to analyze changes in quality management in four countries grouped in V4 (The Visegrad Group) in the prism of macroeconomic crises, over the last five years. The following research question was formulated: What influences market saturation with a formal approach to quality management (ISO 9001 certificates), and when? Design/methodology/approach: The considerations are based on a systematic literature review (SLR) and an analysis of the long-term data of ISO survey – certifications. The data was compared among V4 countries and an attempt was made to relate the results to economy-wide indicators, especially in turbulent environments. Findings: The results show no clear and unidirectional relationships between the number of ISO 9001 certifications and macroeconomic data. This was identified for the V4 group as a whole and for individual countries, as well. Implementation of the QMS is an individual decision of each organization, depending on closely related microeconomic factors. Research limitations/implications: Research findings always represent a slice of a larger reality. In that research paper limitations concern: the period of analysis, literature review in English and supplemented locally in the native languages, focusing on the V4 area. Findings implicate quality management’s perceptions need to adjust the lens to understand macro numbers of certificates by the circumstances and adjust micro decisions in organizations in the QM area depending on the crisis phase on the market.Originality/value: The article analyses certification data in previously unpresented form. Results were compared between V4 countries in the prism of times of crisis with an indication of certificate saturation rates and an attempt to explain macroeconomic fluctuations. The research results are helpful for researchers exploring quality management issues, and all organizations that can relativize the importance of quality management.
Kluczowym procesem pozwalającym zapewnić stabilność parametrów jakościowych produkowanego węgla i koksu jest proces rozpoznania złoża, pozwalający na osiągnięcie zamierzonego poziomu jakości poprzez odpowiednie harmonogramowanie ścian w aspekcie jakościowym. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa by sprostać wymaganiom rynku ciągle udoskonala swoje procesy w tym te związane z rozpoznaniem złoża i planowaniem produkcji. Wskaźniki reaktywności i wytrzymałości poreakcyjnej koksu są parametrami krytycznymi dla wydajnej pracy wielkiego pieca, niestety nie zawsze możliwe jest ich oznaczenie dla próbek geologicznych. W artykule omówiono możliwość zastosowania metod uczenia maszynowego w procesie prognozowania parametrów jakości koksu określanych testem Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC). W celu analizy danych i budowy modeli predykcyjnych wykorzystano oprogramowanie RapidMiner, które umożliwiło skuteczną eksplorację danych, budowę modeli oraz analizę wyników. Analiza historycznych danych geologicznych z pomocą popularnych technik uczenia maszynowego pokazała, że prace nad zastosowaniem sztucznej inteligencji w prognozowaniu jakości złoża są perspektywiczne i należy dążyć do identyfikacji najbardziej efektywnych podejść do tego zagadnienia.
The key process for ensuring the stability of the quality parameters of the coal and coke produced is the process of bed reconnaissance, which allows the intended level of quality to be achieved through appropriate long-wall scheduling in terms of quality. To meet coal market demands, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa is constantly improving its processes, including those related to deposit reconnaissance and production planning. Coke reactivity and coke strength after reaction are critical parameters for efficient blast furnace operation; unfortunately, determining them for geological samples is not always possible. This paper discusses the possibility of using machine learning methods to predict coke quality parameters determined by Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC). RapidMiner software was used to analyze the data and build predictive models, which enabled efficient data mining, model building, and analysis of the results. Analysis of historical geological data with the help of popular machine learning techniques showed that work on applying AI in bed quality prediction is promising, and efforts should be made to identify the most effective approaches to this issue.
Summary of issues and justification for taking up the topic The basic goal of the article is to emphasize the importance of Industry 4.0, which intersects with today’s reality. The fourth industrial revolution combines the concepts of classical and digital technologies, using the industrial Internet of Things. Every activity carried out using technology requires an appropriate flow of all types of information to ensure data security. The article also shows the importance of the Information Security Management System, because the amount of data processed using information technology is huge. Nowadays, society systematically shares its data without thinking about the consequences. Increasingly, personal data is equated with currency, as in order to obtain a discount or future financial benefits, data is shared regardless of the consequences. The Information Security Management System requires continuous improvement of organizations processing data about identified or identifiable persons. However, independent verificati on and consent to data processing are also extremely important.
Podstawowym celem opracowania jest podkreślenie istotności Przemysłu 4.0, który przenika się z dzisiejszą rzeczywistością. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa sprawia, że koncepty technologii klasycznych i cyfrowych łączą się, wykorzystując w swoim działaniu przemysłowy Internet Rzeczy. Każde działanie realizowane za pomocą technologii wymaga odpowiedniego przepływu wszelkiego rodzaju informacji w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa danych. Artykuł ukazuje również znaczenie Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji, ilości bowiem przetwarzanych danych z wykorzystaniem technologii informatycznych są ogromne. Obecnie społeczeństwo bardzo często ujawnia swoje dane, nie myśląc o konsekwencjach. Coraz częściej dane osobowe utożsamia się z walutą, ponieważ w celu uzyskania rabatu lub przyszłych korzyści majątkowych udostępnia się dane bez względu na skutki. System Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji nawołuje do ciągłego doskonalenia organizacji przetwarzających dane o osobach zidentyfikowanych lub możliwych do zidentyfikowania. Niezmiernie ważna jest jednak także samodzielna weryfikacja i zgoda na przetwarzanie danych.
The article presents a case of discoloration on an asphalt road surface, characterized by distinctive rusty spots on its surface. Methodical petrographic studies of aggregate samples taken from the damaged pavement were discussed, aimed at identifying the causes of the rusty spots. The research results indicated that the probable cause of these stains was the presence of ore minerals containing iron compounds. Although similar phenomena cannot be completely avoided, ongoing detailed verification of manufactured aggregates would prevent such processes. It is necessary to carefully select aggregates and control their mineral composition to minimize the presence of iron compounds.
W artykule przedstawiono przypadek przebarwień asfaltowej nawierzchni drogowej, objawiających się charakterystycznymi rdzawymi plamami na jej powierzchni. Omówiono metodyczne badania petrograficzne próbek kruszyw pobranych z uszkodzonej nawierzchni, które miały na celu identyfikację przyczyn powstawania rdzawych plam. Wyniki badań wykazały, że prawdopodobną przyczyną tych plam była obecność minerałów nieprzezroczystych (rudnych) zawierających związki żelaza. Pomimo że nie da się całkowicie uniknąć podobnych zjawisk, bieżąca szczegółowa weryfikacja produkowanego kruszywa pozwoliłaby na zapobieganie takim zjawiskom. Konieczne jest staranne jego dobieranie oraz kontrola składu mineralnego, aby zminimalizować obecność związków żelaza.
Content available remote Domieszki w suchych mieszankach chemii budowlanej, czyli jakość pod kontrolą
Przy opracowywaniu receptur suchych mieszanek chemii budowlanej niezbędne jest, z uwagi na specyficzne właściwości danego rodzaju produktu, uwzględnienie różnego rodzaju domieszek. Materiały te dodawane są w niewielkich ilościach, nieprzekraczających 5% masy suchej mieszanki, a w większości przypadków, nawet poniżej 1% masy suchej. Wykorzystywana jest bardzo szeroka grupa takich surowców, wśród których do najbardziej popularnych należy zaliczyć proszki redyspergowalne i różnego rodzaju etery celulozy.
Content available remote Zapewnienie jakości modeli BIM
Samowola budowlana jest zjawiskiem społecznym, którego występowanie jest uzależnione od uwarunkowań prawnych. Uregulowanie kwestii związanych z budownictwem z jednej strony zapewnia bezpieczeństwo publiczne, z drugiej – narusza wolność jednostek. Konflikt wartości jest szczególnie widoczny w przypadku budowy na własnej działce, niestwarzającej zagrożenia dla innych podmiotów. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie uwarunkowań występowania samowoli budowlanej. Mogą one wynikać z niedoskonałości w funkcjonowaniu systemu prawa (na poziomie jego tworzenia lub stosowania). W tej części pracy zajmiemy się inflacją prawa, niską jakością przepisów prawnych, ich częstą zmianą oraz stosunkiem organów do norm prawa. W części 2 omówimy pozaprawne podłoże samowoli budowlanej – społeczne, historyczne, ekonomiczne, polityczne. Ustalenie genezy samowoli budowlanej stanowić może istotną wskazówkę wyznaczającą kierunki rozwoju prawa budowlanego.
Unauthorized construction is a social phenomenon, the occurrence of which depends on legal conditions. The regulation of construction, on the one hand, ensures public safety, on the other - violates the freedom of individuals. The conflict of values is particularly evident in the case of construction on one’s own plot, which does not pose a threat to other entities. The purpose of the article is to identify the determinants of the occurrence of unauthorized construction. They may result from imperfections in the functioning of the legal system (at the level of its creation or application). In this part of the work we will address the inflation of the law, the low quality of legal regulations, their frequent change and the attitude of the authorities to the norms of the law. In Part 2, we will discuss the extra-legal background of unauthorized construction - social, historical, economic, political. Determining the genesis of unauthorized construction can be an important guideline for the development of construction law.
A unified calculating approach is needed for public passenger transportation. All public transport companies and other stakeholders would have additional opportunities to create a transport offer if the unified methodology was made available to them and if calculations and calculation criteria were harmonized. Thus, the main goal – improving citizen mobility – would be accomplished. For this reason, in the study, we suggested the hybrid fuzzy methods for evaluating and improving the quality of public transport service. Unreliable responses of survey participants often distort group decision-making regarding the problem of public services, negatively affecting the end of the calculation procedure. Fuzzy multicriteria decision-making approach has been used. The suggested technique has the advantage of taking into account the degree of fuzzification of respondents' judgments about the choice scenario, while also using two MCDM models to eliminate bias in the responses.
Content available Determination of the quality index of cars
This article presents theoretical studies of methods for assessing car quality indicators in the operation stage. Important criteria for determining the quality indicators of cars during the operation phase are the following: functional stability, ecology, comfort, technical solutions, and traffic safety. The problem of converting a multicriteria quality assessment to a single criterion is proposed to be solved by the method of determining a quality index. The methodology for the practical and actual implementation of this research is based on the evaluation of the quality index established on the average vehicle speed then the basic methodological principles are formulated. The quality index of a car is significantly dependent on the operating conditions. This article presents the correction coefficients for the quality index of base, hybrid, and electric vehicles, depending on the operating conditions. The studies and the proposed car quality index provide timely information on the characteristics of operating conditions, creating the necessary conditions and opportunities for automakers to improve the design of cars, promote the image of car brands, and increase sales.
Purpose: The aim of this research is to analyze level of pro-environmental communication activities including the aspect of the circular economy concept in non-financial reports of packaging producers required to report environmental issues (group 1) and compare them to packaging producers which do not have to presents environmental aspects (group 2). Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the text analysis method. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out. The information source in this aspect are non-financial report of paper and plastics producers (30 organizations). All reports were obtained from the National Court Register and cover the years 2019-2021. Statistical analyzes were also performed using the Shapiro - Wilk and U Mann Whitney tests to examine the distribution of variables and the significance of differences between the studied groups. Findings: The quantitative analysis of reports showed that the most of organizations in first group communicated environmental aspects in their reports. Despite the fact that second group do not have obligation to do it there were still some organizations which include these aspects in reports. Statistical analysis did not show any significant differences between the surveyed groups. Qualitative analysis showed that despite the fact that environmental aspects are taken into account in the reports, are treated superficially, and the level of communication in both groups was low and mostly concerned general statements or individual actions. Specified actions or their effects were rarely shown. Descriptive analysis showed that these organizations particularly do not communicate their commitment to circular economy concept. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations were identified in this study, i.e., lack of uniform reporting requirements or problems with reports content verification. Producers were presenting environmental aspects in general way. The law requires a minimum scope of data reporting and what elements will be included depends only on the organization. Originality/value: The article presents the packaging industry in terms of non-financial disclosures communication. No other studies in this field have been identified on such a research group. Also, there no studies have been found include organizations with no obligation to report. Article concentrate on aspects connected with environment but also relatively new circular economy concept.
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has left a significant mark not only in the area of health but also in the functioning of the economies of various countries. Strong influences of the pandemic are visible, among others, in the activities of accommodation facilities around the world. The main objective of the article is to analyse and evaluate the opinions of respondents on the quality of services offered by accommodation providers before, during the COVID-19 pandemic during the epidemiological emergency. The judgments of respondents were confronted with their ideas about the ideal entities in this industry, offering a satisfactory quality of services and guaranteeing satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on a review of available literature sources, industry reports and the results of our own empirical research carried out using the CAWI method based on a prepared questionnaire. The methodology of the empirical research was based on the SERVQUAL model and the Fiederman test. Findings: The survey found that respondents were dissatisfied with the quality of services provided by lodging facilities, both before, during the COVID-19 pandemic and during the epidemiological emergency, with little difference between perceptions and expectations. The highest level of dissatisfaction resulting from consumer feelings characterized the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the respondents, the most important sphere comprising the quality of customer ser-vice was the external appearance of the accommodation facilities, and the least important was the willingness to cooperate and trust (certainty). Originality/value: The article contributes to the expansion of the research topic of the quality gap of accommodation facilities.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present results of pilot studies from survey research of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the electromechanical industry of the countries of the Visegrad Group, i.e.: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. Design/methodology/approach: As subject of research selected SMEs from electromechanical industry. Survey research was quantitative in nature. They were conducted in a written and electronic way using the MS FORMS platform. Findings: In recent years, issues related to nature protection have become more and more priority for small and medium enterprises from the electromechanical industry of Visegrad countries. This is mainly due to the updated way of managing organisations and the increasing emphasis on the use of sustainable development tools. This pressure is exerted by competition but also by customers. It turned out that today it is not enough to ensure high quality of products, but in order to achieve the basic goals of the organisation, it is also necessary to invest in sustainable development. However, there is resistance in this area, related to awareness and costs. Research limitations/implications: The article included initial research. In the future, the next research is planned in this area. Originality/value: The article presented an analysis of the pilot survey research of approach to quality and environmental issues in SMEs. The article refers to enterprises from one industry, i.e.: the electromechanical industry of Visegrad Group - Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The conclusions from the research are important for national SMEs and organisations that support the development of this sector.
The subject of the article is the influence of filament moisture on the quality of products manufactured using the additive method using the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) method. Three types of thermoplastic polymers were tested: ABS, PLA and PET-G. The polymers were stored in environments with different humidity. The moisture content of the filament was determined as the water content in the material expressed as a percentage by weight. To obtain the expected humidity of the samples, they were conditioned for 7 days in tightly closed containers with constant humidity of 40%, 60% and 80%. After the sample conditioning process was completed, they were removed from the container and subjected to further tests. The influence of filament humidity on selected properties of manufactured products is presented, such as: surface quality of the obtained samples, tensile strength and dimensional repeatability. To sum up, the method of storing the filament affects the moisture content of the filament. The humidity of the filament, in turn, affects the quality of products manufactured using the FDM method, including: on: mechanical properties, dimensional stability, Surface appearance. Therefore, it is important in what conditions the filament is stored before the production process begins.
Transport zbiorowy jest jednym z kluczowych czynników mających wpływ na jakość życia mieszkańców miast i gmin oraz organizację gospodarki na ich obszarach. Jednym z wyzwań organizatorów transportu lokalnego staje się skuteczne konkurowanie z komunikacją indywidualną. W Myślenicach potrzeby przewozowe mieszkańców dotyczą sprawnego poruszania się na terenie miasta, ale również przejazdów do Krakowa, który jest najbliższym dużym miastem i siedzibą województwa małopolskiego. Celem artykułu jest dokonanie analizy preferencji i satysfakcji pasażerów komunikacji zbiorowej na linii Myślenice–Kraków wraz z inwentaryzacją przedsiębiorstw komunikacyjnych oferujących usługi przewozowe na tej wojewódzkiej linii. Przedstawiono również, istotne dla mieszkańców Myślenic, plany rozbudowy infrastruktury drogowej i kolejowej na odcinku z Krakowa do Myślenic.
Public transport is one of the key factors affecting the quality of life of the inhabitants of cities and communes and the organization of the economy in this area. One of the challenges for local transport organizers is to effectively compete with individual transport. In Myślenice, the transport needs of residents relate to efficient movement within the city, but also to Kraków, which is the nearest large city and the seat of the Małopolska Province. The aim of the article is to analyze the preferences and satisfaction of public transport passengers on the Myślenice–Kraków line, together with the inventory of transport companies offering transport services on this provincial line. Plans for the expansion of road and railway infrastructure on the section from Kraków to Myślenice, important for the inhabitants of Myślenice, have also been presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród pasażerów Miejskiego Zakładu Komunikacyjnego w Bielsku-Białej. Respondentów pytano o preferencje i satysfakcję z wybranych 10 postulatów przewozowych dotyczących transportu zbiorowego. Ich odpowiedzi przeanalizowano w celu wyznaczenia hierarchii tych cech jakościowych i rzeczywistej luki jakościowej, które ukazują obszary wymagające interwencji ze strony przewoźnika i organizatora transportu. Poprawa jakości transportu zbiorowego w miastach jest bowiem konieczna, aby zatrzymać obecne i zachęcić nowe osoby do korzystania z tej formy transportu.
The article presents the results of a survey conducted among the passengers of the Municipal Transport Company in Bielsko-Biala. Respondents were asked about their preferences and satisfaction with the selected 10 transport postulates regarding collective transport. Their answers were analyzed in order to determine the hierarchy of these qualitative features and the actual quality gap, which show the areas requiring intervention on the part of the carrier and transport organizer. Improving the quality of collective transport in cities is necessary in order to keep passengers travelling by public transport and encourage new users to this mean of transport.
Sustainable development encourages companies to anticipate actions that will help reduce their negative impact on the environment, but will also be beneficial to customers in terms of meeting their expectations. Hence, the purpose was to define the actions that can be expected from SMEs from the V4 countries when improving products and minimizing the negative impact on the natural environment. The research tool was a survey, the presented results of which were obtained from March to September 2023. They included 379 SMEs from the Visegrad Group countries, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. The results were analyzed using statistical tests performed in STATISTICA 13.3. For this purpose, the ANOVA test (repeated measurement designs) and the Mann Whitney U test were used to analyze statistically significant differences between the test results. Analyzes were performed at the significance level of α=0.05. The analysis showed that entrepreneurs from the V4 countries expect relatively different actions from SMEs when improving products and minimizing the negative impact on the natural environment. The results from the analysis may be useful in planning sustainable activities in SMEs from the V4 countries, so that these activities contribute to improving the quality of products and at the same time minimizing the negative environmental impact.
Dynamically identifying key product changes is a challenge for enterprises. It is even more complicated if companies strive for the sustainable development of their activities. Therefore, the aim of the article was to develop a method to help predict the direction of product improvement, taking into account its quality level and environmental impact during the life cycle (LCA). The method was based on the design phase of LCA and the process of obtaining and processing customer expectations. Techniques supporting the developed method were: a questionnaire, a seven-point Likert scale, a standardised list of criteria for assessing the product life cycle, the WSM method, and a scale of relative states. The product analysis was carried out according to modified criteria states, which were evaluated according to: i) customer satisfaction (quality criteria), ii) environmental impact of LCA (environmental criteria), and iii) importance of quality and environmental criteria for customers. The originality of the method is to support the product improvement process to make it environmentally friendly within LCA and, at the same time, satisfactory to customers in terms of quality. The method will be used mainly by SMEs that want to initially predict the environmental impact of a product, including taking into account customer expectations.
Customer satisfaction has long been an important concern for most organizations aiming to provide and ensure excellent quality products. To offer an appropriate level of quality assurance, it is necessary to have implemented a robust quality assurance system. Nowadays, mere customer satisfaction is not sufficient for organizations to sustain a mutually beneficial relationship. There has arisen a necessary requirement to go beyond customer satisfaction, aiming primarily to achieve a level of so-called cus-tomer delight. To attain sustainable product and process quality assurance and, consequently, customer delight, we must address process capability. This includes gauges, machines, and the overall process and product capability, with a specific emphasis on the design and development process, product reali-zation, and the initial flow. This also includes data gathering from the utilization stage of product opera-tion. This article deals with the capability study during the industrialization process of a new product into serial production, using chosen Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), particularly Capability indices and their sequence, to ensure the appropriate level of quality guarantee and customer delight. The article aims to broaden the existing set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by incorporating crucial metrics from the quality domain, with a particular emphasis on Capability indices.
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