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w słowach kluczowych:  evaluation of model
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The study represents the evaluation of the OSPM model on the basis of the simulation results carried out for the street canyon located in the Zygmunt Krasinski alley in Krakow. Road emission was estimated based on the data from 2012 in regard to the traffic volume and the types of vehicles. Meteorological data were acquired from the station located in the vicinity of the examined canyon. Ambient air quality was determined based on the monitoring data from the urban background station in Krakow. The calculation results were compared with the 1-hour concentration measurements from the traffic station located on the green belt between the two lanes of the analysed canyon. The analysis was restricted to the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter concentrations. Model evaluation was carried out according to the methodology of the air quality models assessment. Values of OSPM model statistical evaluation parameters fall within the range of “good models”, which indicates a very good quality of this model calculation results. A very strong correlation between the results of calculations and the observations was found, particularly for the particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5. Correlation coefficient values for these pollutants are 0.90 and 0.91, respectively. A detailed analysis revealed that the overall quality of the model is better with respect to nitrogen dioxide than for the analysed dust pollutants. However, this model is burdened with a tendency to underestimate 1-hour concentrations of particulate matter, which can be associated with: negligence of the lifting effect of the dust deposited on the road surface, the effect of removing the particulate filters from vehicles and the adequate ambient air quality for the analysed monitoring site. Very good agreement of the simulation results and observations indicates that the OSPM modelling system can be successfully applied to support the air quality management system in Krakow.
Złożony nieliniowy charakter zjawisk tarciowych w węzłach smarowanych olejami wymusza poszukiwanie innych niż analityczne modeli pozwalających na predykcję wielkości zużycia. W artykule przedstawiono wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych jako modeli opisujących średnicę skazy zużycia w zależności od wybranych właściwości oleju. W procesie modelowania wykorzystano dane pochodzące z badań doświadczalnych dotyczących oceny olejów smarowych [L. 1, 2]. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki modelowania, w którym do budowy modelu wykorzystano sieć typu perceptron wielowarstwowy oraz sieć o radialnych funkcjach bazowych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań opracowano model neuronowy realizujący z dobrą dokładnością funkcję predykcyjną wartości zużycia.
The complex non-linear character of tribological phenomena in lubricated units determins the searching of the different then analytical models for prediction of wear. The article presents the neural networks using as the models of flaw diameter wear. The results of experimental research of lube oils [L. 1, 2] are used in the modelling process. There are also presented the results of modelling process in which the multilayer perceptron neural networks and the neural network of radial basic function were used as the models of wear. As a result of the research the neural model for wear calculation of well accuracy was elaborated.
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