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This study focuses on the characterization of free vibration of composite shell structures strengthened by different volume fractions of nanoparticles analytically and numerically. Using simply supported boundary conditions, the governing differential equation of motion for the shell was formulated based on the DonnellMushtari-Vlasov (DMV) shell theory. For different design parameters, the natural frequency was investigated by employing the Orthogonality method. Four different layers of material, namely Perlon, Carbon, Kevlar, and Kenaf, of thickness 30 mm, were made. Nanoparticles Alumina (Al2O3) and Silica (SiO2) were chosen and mixed in varying volume fractions (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%) for the sample fabrication. Two types of samples, A and B, were created based on the arrangement of layers. The tensile tests were performed on the fabricated specimens to identify the longitudinal Young’s modulus of specimens. The two groups that consist of different layers of materials were made and named as group A and group B. The results indicate an increase in Young’s modulus of 33.9% increase for nano Al2O3 and a 42.25% increase for nano SiO2 at a volume fraction of 2.5% for group A, while for group B, the enhancement was 37.96% and 47.39% for Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles, respectively. The results indicate that as the volume fraction of nanomaterial is increased, the natural frequency increases. The experimental results are used to validate both analytical and numerical solution conducted by the finite element method (FEM) under various loading conditions. The maximum difference between the analytical and numerical prediction of the natural frequency results was within 5%.
The use of vibrational perforated sifting surfaces with holes of complex geometry provides intensive separation of loose materials by particle size and increases the technological efficiency of separating equipment. The lack of research methodologies and data on the oscillations of such perforated surfaces limits their application in practice, requires reliability studies and the derivation of appropriate patterns. The reliability analysis was conducted by studying the natural oscillation frequencies of perforated surfaces and checking for the absence of resonance phenomena. For the research, the methodology is based on numerical finite element methods in Abaqus_CAD and allows analyzing the natural oscillations of the structure when its structural parameters and boundary conditions are varied. To study the level of influence of the design of epicycloidal holes on the natural oscillations of perforated sifting surface, the identification of their values for round, epicycloidal (with a modulus of 5, 7 and 9) hole shapes was carried out. Patterns of variation in the natural oscillation frequencies of perforated surfaces are obtained depending on significant factors: surface thickness, hole spacing and epicycloid modulus. In addition, the analysis involved studying eight common modes of oscillation encountered in practice. The results were a research methodology, mathematical expressions for simplified calculation and analysis, patterns of oscillation changes of perforated sifting surfaces with holes of complex geometry. Studies enable the prediction of resonance phenomena and damage between the holes of perforated sifting surfaces, the absence of which determines their reliability.
This paper presents a novel method for rolling railcar axles using wedge tools of considerable length (about 8 m). The tools are divided into 28 components which are mounted in a tool assembly that moves in a way resembling caterpillar drive. The advantages of the proposed method include no tool idling and relatively low forming loads. A design of a segmented rolling mill with two identical tool assemblies is presented. The feasibility of the proposed solution is verified via numerical simulations conducted in Simufact.Forming. A rolling process for producing a BA3002 type railcar axle from both a cylindrical and a rectangular billet is analysed in detail. Maps of effective strain, temperature and damage function in the workpiece are shown for both cases considered. These maps clearly show that a rail axle of good quality is obtained in both rolling processes. In addition, by analysing the forming load distributions, the power of the rolling mill drive system was also estimated, which was found to be significantly higher in the case of rolling from a rectangular billet.
Abstract This paper presents the results of modelling research concerned with the technological process of the cold bending of a pipe. Stress and plastic strain studies are carried out using the finite element method (FEM) on a thick-walled pipe and various shapes of bending form. The results of the research are benchmarked in terms of the correctness of the implementation of the bending process, including the change in the pipe outside diameter and wall thickness. The level of ovalisation of the cross-section in the bending pipe is used as the primary criterion for assessing the correctness of the bending process. The results show that the most favourable properties in terms of minimising the ovalisation of the pipe cross-section are provided by the use of a bending form with a trapezoidal shape.
This paper presents the results of comparison of vibration reduction levels between standard disc based piezo actuators and piezoelectric sensor-actuator hybrids. Modelling was done using FEM method in ANSYS software. Model consisted of a steel plate with piezo elements attached. A square based element was used as an actuator to excite plate’s vibrations. Disc based element which was either a standard homogeneous disc based actuator or a sensor actuator hybrid with 2 possible sizes of the sensor part of said hybrid. Harmonic analyses were performed for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th mode shapes with the goal function being the minimalization of displacement vector sum of a number of nodes (there were 3 possible cases). Significant vibration reduction levels were obtained with no significant differences in said levels between standard actuators and sensor-actuator hybrids. Reducing the size of sensor part of sensor-actuator allowed for lower voltages needed to achieve vibration reduction levels.
This paper presents an analysis of the key challenges and irregularities associated with metal plastic deformation processes, with particular emphasis on phenomena such as springback, wrinkling, folding, cracking, microcracking, and burr formation. These undesirable effects can negatively impact the quality of final products and their mechanical properties, as well as the durability of tools used in processes such as bending, stamping, spinning, and cutting. The paper discusses the mechanisms leading to the formation of these defects, highlighting the role of process conditions, such as stress, processing speed, and tool geometry, which can cause technological issues. It also emphasizes the significance of tool wear, particularly in cutting processes, where abrasive, adhesive, and fatigue wear can lead to burr formation and deterioration in the quality of cut components. The study further explores methods to minimize these defects through process parameter optimization and proper tool design. Special attention is given to the use of numerical tools, such as the finite element method (FEM), which enables precise modeling of stress and strain distributions and the prediction of potential defect locations. Advanced simulations allow for improved prediction of issues like cracking, wrinkling, and springback, which ultimately enhances the quality of deformation processes and final products. The paper also highlights the need for further research in plastic deformation and the development of numerical models, particularly in the context of accounting for microstructural changes and residual stresses in materials.
Niniejsza praca przedstawia analizę kluczowych wyzwań i nieprawidłowości związanych z procesami deformacji plastycznej metali, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem takich zjawisk jak powrót sprężysty, marszczenie, fałdowanie, pękanie, mikropęknięcia oraz powstawanie gratu. Te niepożądane efekty mogą negatywnie wpływać na jakość finalnych produktów oraz ich właściwości mechaniczne, a także na trwałość narzędzi wykorzystywanych w procesach, takich jak gięcie, tłoczenie, wyoblanie czy cięcie. W pracy omówiono mechanizmy prowadzące do powstawania tych wad, zwracając uwagę na rolę warunków realizacji procesu i zjawisk fizycznych, takich jak naprężenia, prędkość obróbki oraz geometrię narzędzi, które mogą prowadzić do problemów technologicznych. Podkreślono również znaczenie zużycia narzędzi, w szczególności w kontekście procesów cięcia, gdzie zużycie cierne, adhezyjne oraz zmęczeniowe może prowadzić do powstawania gratu oraz pogorszenia jakości ciętych elementów. Analizowano także metody minimalizowania wspomnianych wad poprzez optymalizację parametrów procesowych i odpowiednie projektowanie narzędzi. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono wykorzystaniu narzędzi numerycznych, takich jak metoda elementów skończonych (MES), która pozwala na precyzyjne modelowanie rozkładów naprężeń, odkształceń oraz przewidywanie miejsc potencjalnych wad. Dzięki zaawansowanym symulacjom możliwe jest lepsze przewidywanie zjawisk takich jak pękanie, fałdowanie czy powrót sprężysty, co pozwala na poprawę jakości procesów deformacyjnych i produktów końcowych. Wskazano również na potrzebę dalszych badań w zakresie obróbki plastycznej oraz rozwoju modeli numerycznych, szczególnie w kontekście uwzględniania zmian mikrostrukturalnych i naprężeń resztkowych w materiałach.
Content available Analiza układów z tłumieniem wewnętrznym
Omówiono zagadnienie zapisu tłumienia materiałowego w układach fizycznych w przypadku sformułowania równań ruchu w postaci macierzowej (np. za pomocą metody elementów skończonych) i dla układów ruchowych (mechanizmy, układy wirujące). Sformułowano model zapisu macierzy tłumienia materiałowego w przypadku uwzględnienia wzajemnej zależności między ruchem drgającym a ruchem zadanym układu. Jako przykład ilustrujący wpływ tłumienia na drgania członów mechanizmu rozpatrzono układ korbowo-wodzikowy mający zastosowanie w maszynach w wielu gałęziach przemysłu.
The problem of modelling material damping in phys. systems was discussed in the case of formulating the equations of motion in the matrix form (used e.g. in finite element method) and for motion systems (mechanisms, rotating systems). A model of material damping matrix was formulated in the case of taking into account the mutual dependence between the vibration motion and global mechanism motion. In order to assess the effect of damping on vibration of mechanical members, a slider crank mechanism was considered.
W artykule przedstawiono problem właściwego odzwierciedlenia w modelowaniu komputerowym z wykorzystaniem elementów prętowych, drewnianych schodów spiralnych jako elementów z belek drewnianych ułożonych wzajemnie na sobie. Podano sposób rozwiązania tego zagadnienia przez autorów artykułu na przykładzie dyplomowej pracy inżynierskiej pt.: „Projekt wieży widokowej o konstrukcji drewnianej” [1] wykonanej przez autorkę artykułu.
The article presents the problem of proper representation, in computer modelling using bar elements, of wooden spiral stairs as elements made of wooden beams stacked on top of each other. The method of solving this issue by the authors of the article is presented on the example of the engineering diploma thesis titled: „Design of an observation tower with a wooden structure” [1] prepared by the author of the article.
The subject of the publication is the research of a prototype of a one-way fuel system valve manufactured using the additive technique. The valve design was developed in the CAD environment in the aspect of manufacturing the model using the additive technique. The models were subjected to numerical analysis of stress distribution using the finite element method FEM in order to confirm the dimensional, shape and material conditions. The manufacturing process was developed using the thermoplastic modeling technique FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) from two commonly used model materials, i.e. PLA and ABS. The physical models were subjected to bench tests. Based on the numerical analysis of FEM and experimental tests based on the manufactured prototypes, the specified assumptions were confirmed.
Przedmiotem publikacji są badania prototypu jednokierunkowego zaworu instalacji paliwowej wytwarzanego techniką przyrostową. Opracowano konstrukcję zaworu w środowisku CAD w aspekcie wytworzenia modelu techniką przyrostową. Modele poddano numerycznej analizie rozkładu naprężeń metodą elementów skończonych MES celem potwierdzenia uwarunkowań wymiarowo kształtowych i materiałowych. Opracowano proces wytwarzania techniką modelowania tworzywem termoplastycznym FFF (ang. Fused Filament Fabrication) z dwóch powszechnie wykorzystywanych materiałów modelowych, tj. PLA i ABS. Modele fizyczne poddano badaniom stanowiskowym. Na podstawie analizy numerycznej MES oraz badań doświadczalnych w oparciu o wytworzone prototypy potwierdzono sprecyzowane założenia.
Bay and harbor resonances are investigated in this work, taking into account the variable bathymetry of the semi-enclosed basin. The Modified Mild-Slope (MMS) equation is implemented for the description of combined refraction-diffraction effects, from which the eigenperiods and eigenmodes are calculated by means of a low-order Finite Element Method (FEM scheme). The model is first applied to a coastal-port region of Toulon, France, illustrating the versatility of the model to easily include coastal structures such as detached breakwater. Next, the present model is applied to the extended nearshore area of Toulon including the Gulf of Giens showing the applicability of the developed MMS-FEM model for the estimation of harbor and bay resonances, as well as more extended nearshore regions where variable bottom topography effects become important. The calculated resonant frequency depends on the domain characteristics and the size of the open sea boundary and accurately reproduces the measurements within Toulon Bay. On the other hand, for open bays such as the Gulf of Giens, a discrepancy is observed between calculated and measured eigenperiods which is due to a very wide opening of the sea boundary that cannot accurately describe the seiching. This underlines the difficulty of accurately calculating the resonance frequency for open bays, in contrast to the classic studies carried out for ports, which are considered virtually closed basins, and confirms the complementary nature of long-term water level measurements and numerical calculations, for better quantification of the risks associated with energetic meteorological and/or oceanographic events.
Presently the hoisting installation operated in the Wieliczka Salt Mine is mostly used for transporting visitors to the underground mine sections. It comprises two elevators which are able to effectively transport groups of up to 42 people during a single ride. Design objectives developed prior to its mounting at the shaft bottom and observations made by maintenance engineers clearly indicate that the guiding system in the shaft is very stiff and so deformations are in fact negligible. The components of the guiding system which have the highest stiffness are bunton beams, designed in accordance with pertinent regulations having relevance to hoisting installations.To verify the rationale of implementing the stiff steelwork frame, the digital model of the steelwork frame was created and numerical procedures were applied, taking into account the maximal design loads and operational loads. Numerical results were validated through measurements of real stress values at selected components of the guiding system in the hoisting installation operated in the shaft “Regis’, under variable operating conditions. The analysis of measurement data allows a preliminary evaluation of structural parameters of the car frame, highlighting the potential of reducing the mass of components selected to be optimised.
The article focuses on topology optimization using the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the context of mechanical design and structural engineering. The analysis was based on a robotarm component, which is important for minimising its mass due to the way it moves on steel structures such as mining shaft towers. FEA simulations of the non-optimized workpiece were carried out, followed by iterative mass reduction of the workpiece by editing its geometry. Two approaches were compared: manual weight reduction by the designer and topology optimization using the Shape Generator. The presented results answer the question posed in the introduction whether topology optimization using the Shape Generator can yield better results than manual optimization based on the engineering intuition of an experienced designer. The paper also answers the question of at which stage of design it is betterto use tools such as the shape generator. It is confirmed that topologyoptimization can significantly reduce the weight of the designed component, which is important especially for structures subject to special requirements, such as in the case of equipment used in mining. The authors describe what the effectiveness of the optimization may depend on.
This paper presents an example of the manufacturing of bracket forgings formed in a dual system. Cross-wedge rolling (CWR) was proposed as the forming method for the preform. The correctness of the adopted solution was verified in numerical simulations, which were performed using the commercial software Forge®. It was shown in detail how the shape of the workpiece changes in the individual operations of the forming process. Maps of temperature, effective strain, strain rate in the preform as well as distributions of force parameters in the rolling process are presented.
W artykule przedstawiono przykład wykonywania odkuwek wspornika kształtowanych w układzie podwójnym. Jako metodę wytwarzania przedkuwki zaproponowano walcowanie poprzeczno-klinowe (WPK). Poprawność przyjętego rozwiązania zweryfikowano w symulacjach numerycznych, które wykonano w komercyjnym programie Forge®. Szczegółowo pokazano, jak zmienia się kształt przedmiotu obrabianego w poszczególnych operacjach procesu kształtowania. Przedstawiono mapy temperatury, intensywności odkształcenia, prędkości odkształcenia w przedkuwce oraz rozkłady parametrów siłowych w procesie walcowania.
A very common reason for the loss of stability of slopes is water pressure resulting from weather conditions or changes in water filtration in the ground. The force resulting from these pressures is usually one of the main factors initiating the loss of stability. Stability is also influenced by changes in the water level in the slope after heavy rains. Stability taking into account the impact of water can be simulated using the finite element method using the c – φ reduction method.
Bardzo częstym powodem utraty stateczności skarp i zboczy jest ciśnienie wody pojawiające się wskutek warunków atmosferycznych lub zmiany filtracji wody w podłożu. Siła będąca skutkiem tego ciśnienia przeważnie stanowi jeden z głównych czynników inicjujących utratę stateczności, na którą ma wpływ również zmiana poziomu wody w zboczu po wystąpieniu ulewnych deszczy. Stateczność z uwzględnieniem oddziaływania wody można symulować metodą elementów skończonych, stosując metodę redukcji c – φ.
Nanobainitic steels exhibit an exceptional combination of high strength, good plasticity, impact toughness, and wear resistance. They are suitable for the production of large mass components through the open-die forging process. Subsequently, the forgings are air-cooled. An obstacle of this method is the extended time required for the large forgings to undergo a bainitic transformation, making the industrial implementation of this process economically unjustifiable. Nevertheless, nanobainitic steels also allow for the open-die forging of small batches of structural elements with high property requirements. A technological limitation lies in the necessity of performing a series of operations, leading to a prolonged processing time dependent on the shape of the product and the degree of deformation. Therefore, inter-operational reheating is often necessary, incurring costs and time consumption. This is particularly relevant to forgings with a mass ranging from a few to several dozen kilograms, which, due to their low thermal capacity, rapidly dissipate heat to the surroundings and tools. Designing an economical process with a limited number of reheating cycles requires advanced knowledge of material behavior under thermo-mechanical deformation parameters, including boundary conditions where a significant decrease in plasticity occurs and the risk of crack initiation. To obtain this information, a comprehensive analysis of the influence of thermo-mechanical parameters applied during the deformation of nanobainitic steel at relatively low temperatures on the flow characteristics and crack formation was conducted. To achieve this goal, the Digital Image Correlation method, the finite element method modeling considering damage criteria, and the macrostructural evaluation of deformed specimens were employed.
Deep drawing processes play a pivotal role in the manufacturing of sheet and shell products, making it a widely adopted method. This research employs numerical simulations to investigate the impact of various process parameters on the fracture height of cylindrical cups made from SECC (Steel Electrogalvanized Commercial Cold rolled) material. Specifically, it examines parameters such as blank holder force (BHF), punch corner radius (Rp), die corner radius (Rd), and punch-die clearance (Wc). The study extends to optimizing fracture height, offering a solution to this challenge. Subsequently, the selected parameters are validated through experimental deep drawing of cylindrical cups, resulting in a minimal deviation of 1.55% between simulation and experiment outcomes. A precise mathematical equation is developed to estimate fracture height under diverse machining conditions, with a maximum deviation of 4.52% observed between the mathematical model and simulation. These findings represent a substantial advancement in deep drawing processes technology, particularly in reducing error rates during the production of cylindrical cups.
W artykule zaprezentowano badania doświadczalne i analizy numeryczne przegród w zabudowie szkieletowej. Przedmiotem analizy były elementy badawcze reprezentujące fragment przegrody składającej się z profili stalowych zimnogiętych oraz okładzin gipsowo-kartonowych. Przeprowadzono test wytrzymałości w układzie czteropunktowego zginania, w którym rejestrowano ciągły zapis obciążenia od przemieszczenia elementu. Badania prowadzono do momentu zniszczenia. Następnie opracowano model obliczeniowy bazujący na metodzie elementów skończonych (MES), odwzorowujący doświadczenie. Wyniki badań uzyskane w doświadczalnym teście wytrzymałościowym porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi w analizie numerycznej. Przeprowadzona walidacja modelu numerycznego wykazała dużą zgodność w zakresie charakterystyki obciążenia od przemieszczenia. Zastosowanie analiz numerycznych stanowi alternatywę dla czasochłonnych badań doświadczalnych przy szacowaniu przemieszczeń przegród w zabudowie szkieletowej.
The article presents experimental research and numerical analysis of a building partition in frame construction. The subject of the analysis were sections of the building partition consisting of cold-bent steel profiles and plasterboard cladding. The experiment was carried out using a four-point bending test and recording a continuous load-displacement curve until failure. Next, a computational model based on the finite element method was developed to simulate the experiment. The results from the experimental tests were then compared with that obtained from the numerical analysis. The validation of the numerical model demonstrated a high level of agreement in terms of load-displacement characteristics. The use of numerical analyses provides an alternative to time-consuming experimental tests for estimating displacements of building partitions in frame construction.
In this paper, a comparative analysis of structural materials used in the construction of high-pressure pumps delivery sections was carried out. The focus was on a comparison of the ceramic materials such as corundum (alumina, Al2O3) and silicon carbide (solid-state sintered) - SSiC with bearing alloy steel 100Cr6, that is the most common material used to make pistons and cylinders of the delivery section of common rail injection pumps. Simulations performed using the finite element method have proven that ceramic materials have a number of advantages and could therefore be an interesting substitute for materials traditionally used in this area.
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