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Purpose: The purpose of the work is to present the research results conducted among managers the largest companies in the world and in Poland provided by KPMG Report from 2021. Design/methodology/approach: Due to the cognitive nature of the work, the aim of the work will be achieved using the method of analyzing the literature and KPMG research results on the subject. Literature studies include Polish and foreign publications. Findings: Innovative technology, human capital and company’s mission is very widely described in international literature. Many reports have been created and the most updated brings new CEO’s outlook on management issues. Top managers and employees with technology are creating a mission of every firm. Originality/value: The analysis either literature and reports with 2021 statistics presents all areas where CEO’s during this pandemic world need to improve and develop old and new solutions. The data base presented in the world is most updated data developed in the work and science market.
Content available remote Suggestions of development of agricultural farms, specialised in milk production
In the paper, the development of dairy farms was described; different factors, determining the development of milk production were considered. They include, for example, the application of modern technical and technological solutions. The development of milk-producing farms requires constant investments and extending their activities e.g. by a direct sale. In the article, the financial-economic analysis of investing on a given farm was carried out. It has revealed that such investment is profitable and brings advantages. The planned investment is characterized by many strong points and the most important one includes a financial stability of the farm and the openness of the owner to novelties. The weakest side of the investment is a big distance from the site of milk sale. It has been found that the competitiveness of Polish farmers is affected by innovations and modern technologies, introduced to the farms.
W artykule opisano rozwój gospodarstw mleczarskich i wzięto pod uwagę różne czynniki determinujące rozwój produkcji mleka. Obejmują one na przykład zastosowanie nowoczesnych rozwiązań technicznych i technologicznych. Rozwój gospodarstw produkujących mleko wymaga ciągłych inwestycji i rozszerzenia ich działalności, np. przez sprzedaż bezpośrednią. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę finansowo-ekonomiczną inwestycji w danym gospodarstwie. Okazało się, że taka inwestycja jest opłacalna i przynosi korzyści. Planowana inwestycja charakteryzuje się wieloma mocnymi stronami, a najważniejszą z nich jest stabilność finansowa gospodarstwa i otwartość właściciela na nowości. Najsłabszą stroną inwestycji jest duża odległość od miejsca sprzedaży mleka. Stwierdzono, że na konkurencyjność polskich rolników wpływ mają innowacje i nowoczesne technologie wprowadzane do gospodarstw.
W publikacji przedstawiono mechanizm powstawania pożarów w silosach oraz procedurę ich gaszenia. Porównano konwencjonalne środki gaśnicze (gaz obojętny, woda, piana) oraz innowacyjną metodę gaszenia lancą gaśniczo-tnącą CutLanca. Zaprezentowano również inne możliwości zastosowania lancy podczas gaszenia pożarów w trudnodostępnych miejscach.
The mechanism of silo fires formation and the procedure of extinguishing them were presented. Conventional extinguishing media (inert gas, water, foam) and the innovative method of firefighting using the extinguishing and cutting tool CutLance were compared. Other options of using the lance while extinguishing fires in hard-to-reach places were also presented.
The level of technology that constitutes the resources of individual countries is an important attribute of development. It is therefore necessary to create new solutions and to empower enterprises with new innovative technologies, preferably derived from endogenous sources. People who are well-educated and young are the most creative and their ideas constitute the beginning of the commercialization processes. The protection of intellectual property facilitates the implementation of these processes, whose outcomes include products that in many cases demonstrate the features of inclusiveness. This paper presents the importance of the actions of patent offices in areas related to the protection of intellectual property with regards to development that brings universal benefits.
Nowe technologie w dziedzinie łączności, cyfryzacji i automatyzacji umożliwiają obecnie rozwój usług związanych ze współdzieleniem pojazdów, organizowanych przez miasta lub firmy komercyjne. Trwa testowanie systemów carsharingu elektrycznych pojazdów autonomicznych i minibusów na wezwanie (ridesharing) – ułatwiających w szczególności mobilność osobom niepełnosprawnym. Wraz z rozwojem systemów mobilności współdzielonej i smartfonowych aplikacji dla carsharingu powstają nowe modele biznesowe obsługi miejskich przewozów pasażerskich. Sukcesy operatorów carsharingu i ridesharingu skłaniają do szczegółowych analiz skutków współdzielenia pojazdów autonomicznych w koegzystencji z, jeszcze długo dominującymi w ruchu miejskim, samochodami tradycyjnymi. Bardzo obiecujące wyniki scenariuszy modelowych doprowadziły do podjęcia prób pogłębionej symulacji wpływu wdrożenia współdzielenia pojazdów na funkcjonowanie systemu transportu w dużych miastach europejskich: Lizbonie i Helsinkach. W wyniku zastąpienia samochodów prywatnych transportem współdzielonym w aglomeracji lizbońskiej ogólna liczba pojazdokilometrów w godzinach szczytu zmniejsza się, w porównaniu ze stanem obecnym, o 55%, a emisja CO2 o 62%, przy jednoczesnej redukcji niezbędnej powierzchni parkingowej aż o 95%. Podobne rezultaty odnotowano również w Helsinkach.
New technologies in the field of communication, digitalization and automation make possible further development of the transportation services (organized by a city or private companies), such as car sharing and a ridesharing. Testing of electric, autonomous vehicles car sharing and ridesharing is in progress, helping in particular the people with special mobility needs. New business models for car/ride sharing are emerging. Research on coexistence of autonomous vehicles car sharing with traffic dominated for a long time by traditional cars is of great importance. Modeling scenarios with very optimistic results on several urban areas are continued for some big European cities, where the impact of a full scale car sharing system on people mobility is investigated. Simulation results in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area are very encouraging: the total number of vehicle kilometers, comparing with present situation, is lower by 55%, CO2 emissions are lower by 62% and 95% of parking areas could be changed for recreation functions. Results obtained during analyses for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are more or less similar.
XXI w. to czas wielkich wyzwań i nadziei, w którym technologia staje się nie tylko narzędziem zysku z komercyjnych przedsięwzięć, ale i kluczem do społecznego rozwoju, a także poprawy otaczającego nas świata. Jednym z największych zadań, przed jakim stają współczesne gospodarki, jest znalezienie sposobów pozwalających na zrównoważony rozwój, który zaspokoiłby bieżące potrzeby, bez zmniejszania szans przyszłych pokoleń.
The nanocomposites based on water glass matrix were attempted in the study. Nanoparticles of ZnO, Al2O3 or MgO in organic solutions were applied into water glass matrix in the amounts of: 1.5; 3; 4 or 5 mas. %. Wettability of the quartz sad by the nanocomposites based on water glass matrix was determined by testing changes of the wetting angle θ in time τ for the system: quartz – binder in non-stationary state, by means of the device for measuring wetting angles. Wettability measurements were carried out under isothermal conditions at an ambient temperature (20 – 25 oC). The modification improves wettability of quartz matrix by water glass, which is effective in improving strength properties of hardened moulding sands. Out of the considered modifiers in colloidal solution of propyl alcohol water glass modified by MgO nanoparticles indicated the smallest values of the equilibrium wetting angle θr. This value was equal app. 11 degrees and was smaller no less than 40 degrees than θr value determined for not modified water glass. Viscosity η of nanocomposites based on water glass matrix was determined from the flow curve, it means from the empirically determined dependence of the shearing stress τ on shear rate γ: τ = f (γ) (1), by means of the rotational rheometer. Measurements were carried out at a constant temperature of 20 oC. The modification influences the binder viscosity. This influence is conditioned by: amount of the introduced modifier as well as dimensions and kinds of nanoparticles and organic solvents. The viscosity increase of the modified binder does not negatively influence its functional properties.
A special Slag-Prop Cu database has been developed to archive data from laboratory and industrial tests related to post-reduction slags. In order to enrich the data areas, it was decided to design a system for measuring the temperature of the liquid slag and its viscosity. Objectives of research work are to gather information on the properties of post-slags such as the temperature of liquid slag and its viscosity. The discussed issues are especially important in the foundry practice. Designed research stand and using of database applications can greatly facilitate the work of metallurgists, foundrymen, technologists and scientists. The viscosity measurement was developed and presented earlier. The author's analytical methodology was supplemented by a thyristor measuring system (described in the article). The system temperature measurement can be performed simultaneously in 3 ways to reduce the measurement error. Measurement of the voltage mV - using the Seebeck effect can be measured throughout the entire range of thermocouple resistance, up to 1300 °C. Direct temperature measurement ⁰C - measurement only below 1000 ⁰C. Additional measurement - the measurement can also be read from the pyrometer set above the bath. The temperature and the reading frequency depend on the device itself. The principle of measurement is that in a molten metal / slag crucible, we put a N-type thermocouple. The thermocouples are hung by means of a tripod above the crucible and placed in a crucible. The thermocouple is connected to a compensating line dedicated to this type of thermocouple. The cable is in turn connected to a special multimeter that has the ability to connect to a computer and upload results. Temperature measurement can be performed simultaneously in 3 ways to reduce the measurement error. The Sn-Pb alloy has been subjected to testing for proper operation of the device. In this foot should be observed the supercooling of the liquid, which initiates the crystallization process and in which latent heat begins to exude raising the temperature until the coagulation temperature is reached.
Zarządzanie współczesnym łańcuchem dostaw wymaga użycia wielu nowoczesnych narzędzi i aplikacji. Jedną z nich jest telematyka i jej pragmatyczne aplikacje. Telematyka to narzędzie, które pozwala oceniać stan realizacji procesów w ramach łańcucha dostaw w czasie rzeczywistym, podejmować decyzje adekwatne do danej sytuacji, realizować działania w sposób niezwykle efektywny. Wykorzystanie rozwiązań telematycznych w ramach łańcucha dostaw należy traktować jako proces upowszechniania innowacji technologicznych. Badania i analizy z tego obszaru, powiązane z wdrożeniami aplikacji telematycznych w praktykę logistyczną należy uznać obecnie za jeden z priorytetowych obszarów. Zespół badawczy w Instytucie Logistyki WSB we Wrocławiu zajmuje się analiza możliwości wdrożenia najnowszych rozwiązań telematycznych do systemu logistyki nie tylko w firmach transportowych. Działania te oprócz rozwijania wiedzy związanej z wykorzystaniem najnowszych technologii w systemach logistyki mają na celu przygotowanie różnorodnych rozwiązań i koncepcji dla firm Dolnego Śląska, aby mogły skutecznie aplikować w ramach unijnego programu „HORYZONT 2020”, czy też krajowego programu „POIR 2014-2020”. W artykule znajdujemy odpowiedź na dwa zasadnicze pytania: Jakie telematyczne technologie i rozwiązania mogą wesprzeć SCM? Jakie są potrzeby i możliwości w tym zakresie?
The management of modern supply chain requires the use of many modern tools and applications. One of them is telematics its pragmatic solutions. Telematics is a tool that allows to evaluate the state of implementation of processes in the supply chain in real time, take decisions adequate to a given situation, or carry out activities effectively. The use of telematics solutions within the supply chain should be considered as a process of dissemination of technological innovation. Research and analysis from this area related to the application in logistics practice is now to be considered as one of the priority areas. The research team at the Institute of Logistics at Wrocław School of Banking analyses the possibility to implement the latest telematic solutions to logistics system not only in transport companies. These activities, in addition to the development of knowledge related to using the latest technology in logistics systems, are intended to prepare a wide variety of solutions and concepts for enterprises in Lower Silesia, in order to be able to effectively apply under the EU “Horizon 2020” programme or national programme “2014-2020 POIR”. In this article we find the answer to the main question: Which telematics technologies and solutions can support SCM? What are the needs and opportunities in this regard?
Content available Casting of Hearth Plates from High-chromium Steel
The paper presents the results of studies on the development of manufacturing technologies to cast hearth plates operating in chamber furnaces for heat treatment. Castings made from the heat-resistant G-X40CrNiSi27-4 steel were poured in hand-made green sand molds. The following operations were performed: computer simulation to predict the distribution of internal defects in castings produced by the above mentioned technology with risers bare and coated with exothermic and insulating sleeves, analysis of each variant of the technology, and manufacture of experimental castings. As a result of the conducted studies and analysis it was found that the use of risers with exothermic sleeves does not affect to a significant degree the quality of the produced castings of hearth plates, but it significantly improves the metal yield.
Soft pattern waxes used in investment castings are a mixture of paraffin, stearin and minor amounts of ceresin, polyethylene wax and other natural and synthetic waxes. Nowadays foundries conduct the process of pattern wax formulating on their own. However, instability of the ingredients parameters can have a negative impact on the technological characteristics of the obtained waxes. The paper presents the results of tests on applying a ready-made "FORMOWAX" pattern wax developed by Polwax Sp. z o.o. Application of the reference wax was tested for standard patterns made in Specodlew investment foundry.
Celem projektu "Foresight priorytetowych, innowacyjnych technologii na rzecz automatyki, robotyki i techniki pomiarowej" było wskazanie priorytetowych, innowacyjnych technologii, scenariuszy rozwoju tych technologii oraz kierunków badań o znaczeniu strategicznym, których rozwój w następnych 20 latach będzie miał kluczowe znaczenie w zakresie automatyki, robotyki i techniki pomiarowej w Polsce. Realizacja projektu była ukierunkowana przede wszystkim na potrzeby krajowych przedsiębiorstw oraz sfery badawczo-rozwojowej. W referacie przedstawiono główne założenia i wyniki projektu oraz unikatową metodykę realizacji projektów typu foresight opracowaną w Przemysłowym Instytucie Automatyki i Pomiarów.
The purpose of project 'Foresight of priority, innovative technologies in favor of automation, robotics and the techniques of measurement' was indication innovative technologies, ways of its development and directions of strategic research, the development (progress, evolution) of which will have a key meaning in next 20 years in a range of automation, robotics techniques of measurement in Poland. Realization of the project was mainly directed on the requirements of domestic enterprises and research and development area. Paper presents main ideas and results of the project as well as unique foresight methodology developed in Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements.
Content available remote Alfinated coating structure on HS6-5-2 (SW7M) high speed steel
The paper presents the results of immersion alfinated coating structure in AlSi5 silumin on HS6-5-2 (SW7M) high speed steel. Alfinating bath temperature was 750 ± 5 ° C, time of sample immersion was τ = 180s. Thickness of obtained coating under specified conditions was g = 150μm. Manufactured coating consists of three layers of different construction phase. The first layer from the substrate „g1`” constructed with a AlFe phase consist of alloy additives constituents of HS6-5-2 (SW7M) steel: W, Mo, V, Cr and Si. On it crystallizes the second layer „g1``” of AlFeWMoCr intermetallic phases also containing Si and small amount of V. Last, the outer layer „g2 of the coating is composed with silumin including AlFeWMoCrVSi intermetallic phases. Within all layers of the coating occurs carbides. Penetration of carbides to individual coating layers is mainly due to steel surface partial melting and crystallizing layers „g1`” and „g1``” by alfinating liquid and shifting into her of carbides as well as partial carbides rejection by crystallization front of intermetallic phases occurs in coating.
Celem projektu "Foresight priorytetowych, innowacyjnych technologii na rzecz automatyki, robotyki i techniki pomiarowej" jest wskazanie priorytetowych, innowacyjnych technologii, ich scenariuszy oraz kierunków badań o znaczeniu strategicznym, których rozwój w następnych 20 latach będzie miał kluczowe znaczenie w zakresie automatyki, robotyki i techniki pomiarowej w Polsce. Realizacja projektu będzie ukierunkowana przede wszystkim na potrzeby krajowych przedsiębiorstw oraz sfery badawczo-rozwojowej. W referacie przedstawiono główne założenia projektu oraz unikatową metodykę realizacji projektów typu foresight opracowaną w Przemysłowym Instytucie Automatyki i Pomiarów.
The purpose of project 'Foresight of priority, innovative technologies in favor of automation, robotics and the techniques of measurement' is indication innovative technologies, ways of its development and directions of strategic research, the development (progress, evolution) of which will have a key meaning in next 20 years in a range of automation, robotics techniques of measurement in Poland. Realization of the project will be mainly directed on the requirements of domestic enterprises and research and development area. Paper presents main ideas of the project as well as unique foresight methodology developed in Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements.
Content available remote Water mist effect on cooling process and microstructure of silumin
The paper presents the results of the process of crystallization and cooling of the AlSi11 silumin and temperature distribution in the wall of iron and bronze research casting die in the temperature field of 750 to 100oC in casting of the silumin with use of water cooling mist in the air at a pressure of 0.30 to 0.40MPa and the water from 0.35 to 0.45MPa. Showing the nature and rate of change of temperature in die casting and the formation of temperature gradient on the thickness of the die casting wall in the direction of the nozzle surface of the outer wall of the cooling die casting. Using derivation curves and regression equations there has been compared: the mean and instantaneous rates of crystallization and cooling cast in values of 750 - 200oC. In addition, there are presented the differences arising from the microstructure change of the die's type and thickness of its walls, the thickness of cast and the fact of using cooling water mist. The conduct of the changes of the hardness of the cast as a result of the applied cooling method of the die casting. It has been shown that the use of water mist with a variability of the die's wall thickness in the cooling zone gives control of the crystallization process, microstructure and mechanical properties of the final silumin cast.
Content available remote The thermal analysis and derivative bronzes cast to plaster moulds
It plaster moulds gets casted the alloys of following metals: Al, Cu, Ag, Au in precise and artistic founding. The investigation of the crystallization of bronzes in hot plaster moulds the method of the thermal analysis and derivative (TDA) was not realized out so far. Probe TDAg and tripod enabling the execution of measurements on inductive casting machine INDUTHERM-VC 500D were designed for this technology especially. It was confirmed that one the method TDA can identify the crystallization process of the bronze in hot plaster moulds. The investigations of the superficial distribution of the concentration of elements in the microstructure of the studied grades of the bronze on X-ray microanalizer were conducted. It results that they be subject to in bronze CuSn10-C (B10) and the CuSn5Zn5Pb5-C (B555) of strong microsegregation from conducted investigations: Pb, Sn and Sb. The single separates of intermetallic phase \kappa was identified in the bronze B10 rich first of all in Zn, Sn, Sb and Fe, and two intermetallic phase, one rich were identified in the bronze B555 first of all in Zn, Sb, (Nor, Fe) and second rich in Sn, Sb, (Nor, Fe). The most homogeneous microstructure from the bronze CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C (BA1055) is characterizes among the studied grades of the bronze in the cast state.
Technological problems which occur during the production of castings made of ferritic-austenitic (duplex) cast steel have caused that this most modern material among corrosion-resistant cast steels is seldom produced in Poland. The main reason of arising problems is the necessity of achieving a very low carbon content (Cmax = 0.03%, according to PN-EN 10283:2004) and the occurring of hot cracking. It is impossible for our domestic foundries to achieve such a low carbon content, because it demands for out-of-furnace treatment. It should be mentioned that the standards developed by international cast steel producers admit also cast steel grades with higher carbon content than the PN-EN 10283:2004 Standard. The so far produced in Poland massive castings have exhibited higher (0,05 - 0,12) carbon content, but also the significant hot cracking susceptibility. Is the increased carbon content along with about 3% copper addition, which lowers the temperature of the end of solidification process, the reason of hot cracking of produced castings? The paper presents the results of investigation performed by DDTA and ThermoCalc analyses, as well as by microstructural examination for duplex cast iron with varying carbon content.
Content available remote Selection of the temperature of casting the bronzes to plaster moulds
The results of the investigations of the process of solidification of the bronze CuSn5Zn5Pb5-C (B555) and CuSn10-C (B10) in the hot plaster mould show in the work. For four temperatures of casting: 1200 o C, 1180 o C, 1160 o C and 1140 o C was conducted the investi-gation: the size of contraction cavity, the fulfillment of the mould cavity formative the casts of test slats about the thickness: 4 mm, 0,8 mm and 0,5 mm. It was conducted the investigation the processes sets in the arrangement the cast-mould and X-ray analysis phase XRD of compound coming into being in indirect layer created among mould and cast in the result of the thermal decomposition of the anhydrite. It results that the temperature 1140 o C is the optimum temperature of casting the bronze to hot plaster mould from carried out investigations. The minimum thickness of the wall of the cast from the bronze B555 is 0.5 mm, and from the bronze B10 0.8 mm. The realization of casts about thinner walls is made difficult because of giving off formed gases in the result of the thermal decomposition of the anhydrite. The products of the decomposition of the anhydrite react with elements steps in the chemical composition of studied bronzes, create in the arrangement the cast-mould the indirect layer folded from: sulphites, sulphides, oxides and clean metals (Pb) or their compounds, especially Sn and Sb.
Content available remote Plaster mould casting process of AlSi11 alloy
The paper presents the results of the crystallization and cooling process of AlSi11 silumin in the plaster mould with TDA method and describes the impact of the preparation of plaster mould and liquid silumin on received microstructure and quality of casting. The effect of the pouring temperature of silumin on porosity and filling of mould cavity was investigated. The nature and rate of change of temperature in casting and the formation of the microstructure was shown by means thermal and derivative curves. Through the use of control samples in range of a thickness of 0.5 - 4 mm confirmed the possibility of obtaining thin-walled silumin castings in pre-heated before plaster moulds. It has been proved that changing the parameters of pre-treatment moulds of gypsum, the pouring temperature and modification of silumin you can control the crystallization process, obtained microstructure and properties Rm, RP02 and HB.
Content available remote Kinetics of hardening of ceramic layers applied in the investment patterns method
The work presents results of investigations of a hardening rate of ceramic moulds applied in investment patterns method. During the studies, the original method based on the ultrasonic technique, and a novel testing routine were used. The course of hardening of single ceramic layers, and subsequently applied layers was determined. The investigations concerned ceramic mixtures with a binder based on water colloidal silica and Al2O3 matrix. The effect of ceramic layer thickness on its hardening at temperature; T = 23-24oC and, air relative humidity; RH = 45-55% was determined.
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