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The subject of the publication is the research of a prototype of a one-way fuel system valve manufactured using the additive technique. The valve design was developed in the CAD environment in the aspect of manufacturing the model using the additive technique. The models were subjected to numerical analysis of stress distribution using the finite element method FEM in order to confirm the dimensional, shape and material conditions. The manufacturing process was developed using the thermoplastic modeling technique FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) from two commonly used model materials, i.e. PLA and ABS. The physical models were subjected to bench tests. Based on the numerical analysis of FEM and experimental tests based on the manufactured prototypes, the specified assumptions were confirmed.
Przedmiotem publikacji są badania prototypu jednokierunkowego zaworu instalacji paliwowej wytwarzanego techniką przyrostową. Opracowano konstrukcję zaworu w środowisku CAD w aspekcie wytworzenia modelu techniką przyrostową. Modele poddano numerycznej analizie rozkładu naprężeń metodą elementów skończonych MES celem potwierdzenia uwarunkowań wymiarowo kształtowych i materiałowych. Opracowano proces wytwarzania techniką modelowania tworzywem termoplastycznym FFF (ang. Fused Filament Fabrication) z dwóch powszechnie wykorzystywanych materiałów modelowych, tj. PLA i ABS. Modele fizyczne poddano badaniom stanowiskowym. Na podstawie analizy numerycznej MES oraz badań doświadczalnych w oparciu o wytworzone prototypy potwierdzono sprecyzowane założenia.
The article presents preliminary research on the influence of calcium phosphate (10–40 wt%) on the functional properties of ABS. Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene was used as a compatibilizer (0.5 wt%). The mass flow rate, tensile properties and hardness were determined. The effect of the filler on the color change of the polymer matrix was also examined. For a composite containing 20 wt% calcium phosphate, the mechanical properties of samples obtained by 3D printing and injection molding were compared, with worse properties obtained by 3D printing. This can be explained by limited adhesion between the printed layers.
W artykule przedstawiono wstępne badania wpływu fosforanu wapnia (10–40% mas.) na właściwości użytkowe ABS. Jako kompatybilizator użyto polietylen szczepiony bezwodnikiem maleinowym (0,5% mas.). Określono masowy wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia, właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu i twardość. Zbadano także wpływ napełniacza na zmianę barwy osnowy polimerowej. Dla kompozytu zawierającego 20 wt% fosforanu wapnia porównano właściwości mechaniczne próbek uzyskanych metodą druku 3D i formowania wtryskowego, przy czym gorsze właściwości uzyskano metodą druku 3D. Można to wyjaśnić ograniczoną przyczepnością pomiędzy drukowanymi warstwami.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of manufacturing conditions on the mechanical properties and structure of ABS parts. Two sets of samples with the same geometric characteristics were produced by fused deposition modelling (FDM) and injection molding (IM). The molding pressure and cooling rate were found to have a significant effect on shaping the mechanical properties and structure of ABS products. The manufacturing method and adopted process parameters have a significant impact on the degree of packing of macromolecules in the volume of the product and thus determine its density. Selected mechanical properties were determined and compared with their specific gravity. The research was carried out using tools and machines, i.e. injection molds of unique design and standard measuring stations. Tensile and bending strengths and Young’s modulus were related to the density of products obtained under different process conditions and having gradient and solid structures. The results provide useful information for engineers designing products using FDM technology. Relating tensile and flexural strength and Young’s modulus to the specific gravity of the product. It was found that the value of product properties is closely related to various process conditions, which further provides a true description of the products.
Unconventional injection methods include i.e. blowing injection that allows for production of moldings with a lower weight while maintaining mechanical properties of detail. Due to the fact that most polymers are dyed at the processing stage, it is important to examine the simultaneous effect of blowing and colorbatch, as well as variable processing conditions, on the functional properties of moldings made of the most popular construction material, i.e. ABS. Samples were made of ABS polymer without and with the addition of a colorbatch containing brown pigment on ABS matrix, and blowing agent. Variable processing conditions were: mold and injection temperature, holding pressure and time. Other parameters were constant. Samples were tested for basic functional properties such as color, gloss, mass, density and thickness. Moldings produced with a higher blowing agent content and a higher injection temperature were characterized by lower mass. No significant influence of processing parameters and content of colorbatch on mass of samples was found. Blowing agent has no significant impact on thickness of moldings, regardless of processing conditions. Addition of a colorbatch influenced samples’ gloss. Increase in colorbatch and blowing agent content and mold temperature allow to obtain moldings with a higher surface gloss. Colorbatch also changed color of samples - a decrease in luminance L even by about 40% and great changes in parameters “a” and slight changes in parameter “b”. It was found that blowing agent content had the greatest influence on density of moldings. Injection temperature and colorbatch, do not significantly affect density of moldings.
The subject of the article is the influence of filament moisture on the quality of products manufactured using the additive method using the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) method. Three types of thermoplastic polymers were tested: ABS, PLA and PET-G. The polymers were stored in environments with different humidity. The moisture content of the filament was determined as the water content in the material expressed as a percentage by weight. To obtain the expected humidity of the samples, they were conditioned for 7 days in tightly closed containers with constant humidity of 40%, 60% and 80%. After the sample conditioning process was completed, they were removed from the container and subjected to further tests. The influence of filament humidity on selected properties of manufactured products is presented, such as: surface quality of the obtained samples, tensile strength and dimensional repeatability. To sum up, the method of storing the filament affects the moisture content of the filament. The humidity of the filament, in turn, affects the quality of products manufactured using the FDM method, including: on: mechanical properties, dimensional stability, Surface appearance. Therefore, it is important in what conditions the filament is stored before the production process begins.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is a widely used 3D printing technology that can create a diverse range of objects. However, achieving the desired mechanical properties of printed parts can be challenging due to various printing parameters. Residual stress is a critical issue in FDM, which can significantly impact the performance of printed parts. In this study, we used Digimat-AM software to conduct numerical simulations and predict residual stress in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material printed using FDM. We varied six printing parameters, including printing temperature, printing speed, and infill percentage, with four values for each parameter. Our results showed that residual stress was positively correlated with printing temperature, printing speed, and infill percentage, and negatively correlated with layer thickness. Bed temperature did not have a significant effect on residual stress. Finally, using a concentric infill pattern produced the lowest residual stress. The methodology used in this study involved conducting numerical simulations with Digimat-AM software, which allowed us to accurately predict residual stress in FDM-printed ABS parts. The simulations were conducted by systematically varying six printing parameters, with four values for each parameter. The resulting data allowed us to identify correlations between residual stress and printing parameters, and to determine the optimal printing conditions for minimizing residual stress. Our findings contribute to the existing literature by providing insight into the relationship between residual stress and printing parameters in FDM. This information is important for designers and manufacturers who wish to optimize their FDM printing processes for improved part performance. Overall, our study highlights the importance of considering residual stress in FDM printing, and provides valuable information for optimizing the printing process to reduce residual stress in ABS parts.
Durability of polymer (PCTG, ABS, PLA) chain gears with a modular chain obtained by 3D printing (FFF - Fused Filament Fabrication) was tested under static and dynamic conditions. An analysis was performed using finite element modeling (FEM). The PLA gear showed the highest tensile strength, and the PCTG gear the lowest. However, in dynamic conditions (rotational speed 750 min-1), the ABS gear was characterized by the smallest deformation and the longest operating time. Chain links were damaged at the point of connection during both static and dynamic tensile tests. Probably the surface of the hole where the chain links were joined was not smooth enough, which could lead to their damage.
W warunkach statycznych i dynamicznych zbadano wytrzymałość na rozciąganie polimerowych (PCTG, ABS, PLA) przekładni łańcuchowych z łańcuchem o budowie modułowej otrzymanych metodą druku 3D. Przeprowadzono analizę metodą modelowania elementów skończonych (MES). Największą wytrzymałość wykazywała przekładnia wykonana z PLA, a najmniejszą z PCTG. Natomiast w warunkach dynamicznych (prędkość obrotowa 750 min-1) przekładnia z ABS charakteryzowała się najmniejszym odkształceniem i najdłuższym czasem pracy. Ogniwa łańcucha zarówno podczas statycznych, jak i dynamicznych testów rozciągania ulegały uszkodzeniu w miejscu ich łączenia. Prawdopodobnie powierzchnia otworu w miejscu łączenia ogniw łańcucha nie była wystarczająco gładka, co mogło prowadzić do ich uszkodzenia.
The present article discusses the three-dimensional (3D) printing process in the fused deposition modeling (FDM) or the fused filament fabrication (FFF) technique using the author’s own philosophy of shaping the printing head path. The main requirements are the possibility of eliminating supports and reducing or even eliminating the need for the mechanical processing of 3D prints before their final assembly. The presented methodology was implemented in a computer program written by the author and was used to print typical parts used in aviation. Individual methods of shaping parts typical for the construction of small flying models, such as wings and fuselages, and methods of strengthening and connecting them have been discussed. The proposed solutions are illustrated with photos of readymade prints. This article also discusses the issues that printing high-quality parts may encounter and how to avoid them. Some attention has also been paid to the materials used for printing and their suitability in the construction of aircraft and their fatigue strength.
The main objective of this work was to characterize the viscoelastic properties of additively manufactured Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene based on tensile stress relaxation tests. The stress relaxation measurements were conducted with a temperature range of 25–100°C. The two-layer viscoplastic constitutive model was adopted to describe the elastic and viscous behavior of the investigated material. The model parameters were calibrated using an inverse analysis and stress relaxation data. The model’s predictive capabilities were assessed by comparing the model predictions with experimental data not included in the calibration process.
Fused Deposition Modeling is an additive manufacturing technology that is used to create a wide range of parts and applications. Along with its benefits, there are some challenges regarding the printed parts' mechanical properties, which are associated with printing parameters like layer thickness, printing speed, infill density, printing temperature, bed temperature, infill pattern, chamber temperature, and printing orientation. One of the most crucial challenges in additive manufacturing technology is the residual stress, which significantly affects the parts like fatigue life, cracks propagation, distortions, dimensional accuracy, and corrosion resistance. Residual stress is hard to detect in the components and sometimes is costly to investigate. Printing specimens with different parameters costs money and is timeconsuming. In this work, numerical simulation using Digimat-AM software was employed to predict and minimize the residual stress in printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene material using Fused Deposition Modeling technology. The printing was done by choosing six different printing parameters with three values for each parameter. The results showed a significant positive correlation between residual stress and printing temperature and infill percentage and a negative correlation with layer thickness and printing speed. At the same time, we found no effect of the bed temperature on the residual stress. Finally, the minimum residual stress was obtained with a concentric infill pattern.
In this paper, the research progress of ammonium bisulfate (ABS) volatilization in coal-fired power plants the SCR denitrification process was reviewed. Combination with self-made experiments, SEM, flue gas analyzer and TG-DTG curves of ABS and ion chromatography. The volatilization and condensation characteristics of ABS were investigated carefully. Results show that as the temperature increased by 50 °C, the ABS/AS volatilization rate increased by an order of magnitude. The decomposition process of ABS should have a two-step reaction. The reaction in the initial volatilization stage is ABS dehydration turned into (NH4)2S2O7. The reaction in the rapid volatilization stage is (NH4)2S2O7 decomposed into NH3, N2, SO2 and H2O. There is an inter-section in the reac-tion temperature range (especially 300 °C) between the two-step reaction. This research provides an experimental basis for temperature control of ABS to avoid air pre-heater fouling.
Purpose: Many manufacturers have recently become interested in using fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPs) in structural applications. Synthetic fibres, such as carbon and glass fibres, have been commercialised internationally for decades, but they cause environmental issues because synthetic fibres are non-biodegradable and difficult to recycle once they have served their purpose, potentially polluting the environment. Thus, natural fibre composites like kenaf is a possible replacement for synthetic fibre due to their superior physical and mechanical properties. Kenaf appears to be the best candidate for replacing synthetic fibres in order to accomplish the goal of environmental preservation while also displaying excellent properties such as equivalent specific strength, low density, and renewable resources. Design/methodology/approach: The kenaf fiber was treated in KOH and added to ABS matrix to produce new composites at different loading (10, 15, 20 and 25 wt.%) by using Two Roll Mill machine. The influence of the fiber on the composites properties was evaluated. The produced material was subjected to SEM, MFI, TGA and DSC analysis. Findings: The incorporation of the treated kenaf fiber has an influence on the properties of kenaf/ABS composites. The addition of 10 wt.% kenaf was found to be the best loading with MFI value, initial degradation temperature and glass transition temperature at 0.8208 g/10 min, 322.63°C and 130°C respectively. The fiber was well dispersed in the matrix and shown good adhesion to the ABS. The addition of treated fiber contribute to a reduction in the MFI, improved the thermal stability of the composites and typical effects of Tg of the composite compare to pure ABS. Research limitations/implications: The results suggest the need to continue the study in order to further analyse higher kenaf loading and shed more light on the properties of the composites to improve understanding of kenaf/ABS composites. Originality/value: Obtained results are a solution to alternative of synthetic fibers, which may contribute to the sustainable development of composites materials industry through the utilization of kenaf fiber with ABS matrix.
Thanks to dyeing of polymers, the possibilities of their use are constantly increasing. It is equally important to use additives that will have several functions. A perfect example is titanium dioxide used as an optical brightener and a flame retardant at the same time. Mostly it is used in the form of a powder. However, there are no studies where TiO2 is used as a colourbatch based on the different polymer matrix. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of titanium white in the form of colourbatch on the flammability and selected properties of mouldings produced in various processing conditions. Colourbatch based on PS matrix, was used in the research. The variable processing parameters were: injection temperature Tw, volume flow rate Vw, residence time and the addition of a colourbatch. On the basis of the measurements, it was found that the processing conditions and the addition of the colourbatch have low effect on the hardness of the mouldings, which was in the range from 75.59° Sh D (Shore type D) to 81.95° Sh D. It was also noted that the addition of colourbatch with TiO2 and increasing injection temperature reduces impact strength even by several dozen percent. Moreover, it was found that use of TiO2 causes a delay in the ignitability of the samples in selected cases. It is difficult to determine whether the variable processing conditions or the addition of TiO2 on the PS matrix have a greater impact on the ignitability of the moulded parts.
In this study, spin welding was used to join 3D-printed (3dp) and solid acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) rods. The fused filament fabrication method was utilized to make the 3dp ABS rods. These rods had a diameter of 12.5 mm and internal fill percentages of 50, 75, and 100. At three different spindle speeds, 710, 1000, and 1400 rpm, two distinct joints were created: 3dp/3dp and 3dp/solid joints. These weld joints' tensile characteristics were investigated. The fracture section of the joints was analyzed employing field-emission scanning electron microscopy, and the causes for the fracture of the joints were explored. Furthermore, the effects of the fill percentage and spindle speed on the joint’s tensile strength were studied using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Moreover, functional predictive equations for estimating weld strength were established. According to the results, the joints typically failed due to brittle fracture in the 3dp component of the weld joints. Furthermore, it was found that increasing the fill percentage and spindle speed enhanced the tensile strength of the weld joints. Moreover, 3dp/solid joints were stronger than 3dp/3dp joints.
The manufacturing of machine parts with additive methods (AM) is of significant importance in modern industry. The development of 3D printers and all 3D printing technology is impressive. The ability to make parts quickly and relatively cheaply with AM gives excellent opportunities in terms of e.g., shortening the production preparation time. Proper selection of printing parameters allows for a significant reduction of printing time and production costs. Unfortunately, this has different consequences. Due to the course of the printing process and the parameters that can be set, the same product produced with different parameters has different mechanical properties - mainly different strength. This paper presents the impact of 3D printing parameters on the strength of manufactured parts. Strength tests were carried out on samples made in accordance with DIN EN ISO 527-1:2019. The samples were printed in technology FDM from three different materials, i.e. PLA (completely biodegradable), PETG (recycled material), and Smart ABS (material with minimal shrinkage). The tested samples were made in three levels of print filling - 10%, 30%, and 60% and with different types of filling - line, mesh, and honeycomb. A series of static tensile tests were carried out to determine the strength of the samples produced with different printing parameters. Thanks to the obtained test results, it is possible to select the optimal printing parameters depending on the forecast load of the manufactured parts.
Increased interest in fused deposition modeling (FDM) resulting, for example, from its use in the production of utility models determines the undertaking of research on mechanical and rheological properties of materials. Mechanical and rheological properties of models made of materials used in FDM technology depend on technological parameters. In this paper, the effect of 0° and 90° print orientation on stress relaxation was analyzed. Additionally, the usefulness of the rheological model to describe the relaxation curve was evaluated. Stress relaxation tests were performed by tensile testing. The five-parameter Maxwell-Wiechert model was used to describe stress relaxation. The tests showed little effect of print orientation on the rheological parameters of the five-parameter model. The Maxwell-Wiechert model showed a very good approximation to the stress relaxation curves.
Wzrost zainteresowania technologią osadzania topionego materiału (FDM), wynikający m.in. z zastosowania jej do produkcji modeli użytkowych, wymusza podjęcie badań nad właściwościami mechanicznymi w tym reologicznymi materiałów. Właściwości mechaniczne (i reologiczne) modeli wytwarzanych z materiałów stosowanych w technologii FDM zależą od parametrów technologicznych. W prezentowanym artykule poddano analizie wpływ orientacji wydruku 0° i 90° na relaksację naprężeń. Dodatkowo oceniono przydatność modelu reologicznego do opisu krzywej relaksacji. Testy relaksacji naprężeń wykonano poprzez próbę rozciągania. Do opisu relaksacji naprężeń zastosowano pięcioparametrowy model Maxwella-Wiecherta. Badania wykazały niewielki wpływ orientacji wydruku na parametry reologiczne modelu pięcioparametrowego. Model Maxwella-Wiecherta wykazał bardzo dobrą aproksymację do krzywych relaksacji naprężeń.
Purpose: The purpose on this article is to study the failure of FDM printed ABS by exhibiting an exhaustive crack growth analysis mainly based on raster angle parameter. Design/methodology/approach: Two approaches have been developed in this study; On one hand, mechanical experiments were carried out to determine the critical stress intensity factor KIC. On the other hand, numerical analysis was used to predict the paths within the part as well as the crack propagation. Findings: This work has clearly shown the effect of raster angle on the damage mechanism of the ABS printed by FDM. Indeed, for the combination 1 (0°/90°), the structure presents an important stiffness and a high degree of stress distribution symmetry with respect to the notch. Moreover, the crack propagation is regular and straight, and the damage surfaces are on the same plane. However, for the combination 2 (-45°/45°), the structure is less resistant with an asymmetrical stress distribution according to two different planes. Research limitations/implications: In order to present an exhaustive study, we focused on the effect of two raster angles (including 0°/90°, -45°/45°) on the ABS crack propagation, additively manufactured. This study is still in progress for other raster angles, and will be developed from a design of experiments (DoE) design that incorporates all relevant factors. To highlight more the cracking mechanisms, microscopic observations will be developed in more depth. Practical implications: Our analysis can be used as a decision aid in the design of FDM parts. Indeed, we can choose the raster angle that would ensure the desired crack propagation resistance for a functional part. Originality/value: In this article, we have analyzed the mechanism of damage and crack propagation. This topic represents a new orientation for many research papers. For our study, we accompanied our experimental approach with an original numerical approach. In this numerical approach, we were able to mesh distinctly raster by raster for all layers.
The paper presents the result of tribological test of ABS and steel samples sliding under dry friction. Polymeric samples were manufactured of ABS material using FDM technology. Testing was carried out in unidirectional sliding in a ring-on-flat contact in a PT-3 tribometer. The scope of tested parameters included volumetric and mass wear, the friction coefficient, and polymeric specimen temperature. Polymeric specimens used in the study were manufactured at various settings of the 3D printing process such as the orientation of the specimen in print with respect to the printer building tray and the thickness of a single layer of the deposited material. Comparisons of the impact of these parameters on tribological performance of the sliding contact were analysed.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań tribologicznych pary ABS – stal w warunkach tarcia suchego. Polimerowa próbka została wykonana z materiału ABS przy użyciu metody FDM. Testy jednokierunkowego tarcia w układzie pierścień – tarcza przeprowadzono na Tribometrze PT-3. Analizowanymi parametrami były zużycie masowe i objętościowe, współczynnik tarcia oraz temperatura próbki polimerowej. Próbki polimerowe zostały wyprodukowane przy różnych parametrach procesu druku 3D, takich jak: orientacja próbki w stosunku do platformy drukarki oraz grubość drukowanej warstwy. Przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę wpływu tych parametrów na charakterystyki tribologiczne badanego skojarzenia ślizgowego.
In the recent years, additive manufacturing became an interesting topic in many fields due to the ease of manufacturing complex objects. However, it is impossible to determine the mechanical properties of any additive manufacturing parts without testing them. In this work, the mechanical properties with focus on ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of 3D printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) specimens were investigated. The tensile tests were carried using Zwick Z005 loading machine with a capacity of 5KN according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D638 standard test methods for tensile properties of plastics. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of printing direction on the mechanical properties of the printed specimens. Thus, for each printing direction ( and ), five specimens were printed. Tensile testing of the 3D printed ABS specimens showed that the printing direction made the strongest specimen at an ultimate tensile strength of 22 MPa while at printing direction it showed 12 MPa. No influence on the modulus of elasticity was noticed. The experimental results are presented in the manuscript.
The aim of the conducted research was to examine the possibility of using chemical and physical methods of surface treatment of elements printed on a 3D printer. Elements were printed from polylactide (PLA) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) – materials most commonly used in fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology. Roughness measurements were made to assess the quality of individual methods. The best surface smoothness results were obtained during abrasive paper processing and after applying epoxy resin. The intended effect was also obtained after processing samples from PLA in chloroform fumes, and ABS samples in acetone vapors.
Zbadano możliwości wykorzystania chemicznych i fizycznych metod obróbki powierzchniowej elementów wydrukowanych za pomocą drukarki 3D. Elementy wytworzono z polilaktydu (PLA) i kopolimeru akrylonitrylo-butadieno-styrenowego (ABS) – materiałów najpowszechniej stosowanych w technologii Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). Jakość wykonania przy użyciu poszczególnych metod oceniano na podstawie chropowatości powierzchni wytworzonych elementów. Najlepszą gładkość powierzchni uzyskano w wyniku obróbki wydrukowanych elementów papierami ściernymi i nałożeniu żywicy epoksydowej. Zamierzony efekt uzyskano też w wyniku obróbki próbek z PLA w oparach chloroformu, a próbek z ABS w oparach acetonu.
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