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This paper investigates the potential of expanded clay kiln dust (ECKD) as a sustainable alternative in cementitious materials, aiming to address environmental concerns associated with traditional cement production. The study conducts a comprehensive evaluation, including material characterization, mechanical testing, and microstructural analysis, to assess the performance of ECKD in mortar formulations. Results indicate that ECKD influences various mortar properties, such as workability, air entrainment, and density. Mortar mixes containing 10% of ECKD show enhanced compressive and tensile strength compared to control mixes, indicating its effectiveness as a cement substitute. Moreover, the long-term durability of ECKD samples in seawater revealed promising results, confirming their favorable durability. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of incorporating ECKD in mortar formulations to mitigate the environmental impact of cement production while enhancing mechanical properties.
Non-sulfide lead flotation tailings draw attention in terms of their valuable contents. Dissolution studies have been carried out with strong inorganic acids, especially in ore form, but these acids have been unfavorable in removal in the context of metal recovery processes. Organic acids, on the other hand, are notable for their environmentally friendly properties and selective metal recovery opportunities. In this study, the effects of acetic acid on metal recovery from oxidized waste were investigated with different experimental parameters at a laboratory scale. Optimal conditions were determined depending on the increase in acetic acid concentration. At 0.75-1.0 M acid concentrations, 49-55% Pb and 49-54% Zn recovery efficiencies were obtained with grades of 7.0-7.2% and 19.5-19.7%, respectively. The recovery of Pb/Zn by the leaching process with acetic acid and the selective nonrecovery of iron were also observed through characterization studies. With the Rietveld XRD method, an increase in iron minerals such as goethite and a decrease in smithsonite-hydrozincite minerals were determined. These changes were seen as a decrease in the contents of these minerals in SEM/EDX analysis and as a decrease in smithsonite mineral bond structures in the FT-IR analysis. This study showed that acetic acid has many advantages in the utilization of zinc-lead-containing oxide flotation tailings, which have high economic value, such as selective metal recovery, easy biodegradability, environmental friendliness, and non-corrosiveness.
In recent years, the number of materials used as drug delivery systems (DDS) has increased dramatically. The widespread use of DDSs has improved both the safety and efficacy of therapy. The systems currently in use pose numerous drawbacks and require proper improvements. Although many modern materials are being developed, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) deserve special attention. Thermal and chemical stability, high specific surface area, low toxicity, high biocompatibility, and great potential for modification are the main features enabling MOFs to be used as DDS. In this review, we describe MOFs, their structure, synthesis, and characterization, as well as drug loading, drug release kinetics, and bioassays. A critical approach is to outline the disadvantages as well as the limitations of MOFs and to identify areas that need to be studied more thoroughly. Nonetheless, the prospective nature of MOFs as DDS and potential adsorbents in overdose or poisoning is presented and highlighted.
In this article, the efficiency of microwave pretreatment, which is an environmentally friendly, low-energy consuming method for recovery from refractory gold-silver ores, was investigated. The ore sample belonged to the oxidized Bolkardağ deposit, which contains carbonate (calcite, dolomite, smithsonite, hydrozincite), silicate (quartz, hemimorphite), sulfate (beudantite, plumbo-jarosite), and iron oxy/oxyhydroxide (hematite, limonite) minerals. Sulfur/sulfate-bearing silver and gold minerals are found either together with gangue minerals or in inclusions. Approximately 90% gold and 48% silver recovery efficiencies were achieved with the cyanide process after microwave preroasting from the ore. Additionally, the ore, heat treatment product, and waste samples were investigated by characterization studies. In these studies, bond structures, mineral content, sample mass losses, element percentage content differences, and mineral percentage content differences in the samples were determined. As a result, the microwave pretreatment application in cyanidation was presented as a new research topic in terms of its application in the valuable refractory content of this type of oxide.
Gompertz-G family of distributions has been considered. The moment properties of generalized order statistics were studied and characterization results have been presented. Further, several examples and special cases were discussed. The results can be applied to many known distributions included in this family.
Content available remote Aerospace 3D textile preform analysis: experimental and mesomodeling
For the purpose of predicting how textile preforms affect the quality of the composite material and its performance, the stitched textile preform must be characterized. Experimental compaction analysis and finite element analysis of textile preforms are the main subjects of this paper. The formability parameters of a preform can be changed by the stitching process, according to research on the mechanical properties of preforms conducted during compression testing. The loaddeformation response, which is depicted in detail, had the greatest influence on preform deformation. Less fiber bundle undulation in the plane direction and more stitching thread undulation in the thickness direction were observed during compression of the stitched preform, whereas the stitching thread improved the resistance of the preform to compression loading.
This study aims at the immobilization and characterization of thermoalkalophilic lipases produced recombinantly from Bacillus thermocatenulatus BTL2 and Bacillus pumilus MBB03. For this purpose, immobilization of the produced enzymes in calcium-alginate@gelatin (Ca–Alg@gelatin) hydrogel beads, immobilization optimization and characterization measurements of the immobilized-enzyme hydrogels were conducted. Optimum temperature and pH values were determined for B. thermocatenulatus and B. pumilus MBB03 immobilized-enzyme hydrogels (60–70 °C, 55 °C and pH 9.5, pH 8.5). Thermal stability was determined between 65 °C and 60 °C of B. thermocatenulatus and B. pumilus MBB03 immobilized enzymes, respectively. The pH stability was determined between pH 7.0–11.0 at +4°C and pH 8.0–10.0 at +4 °C, respectively. In conclusion, the entrapment technique provided controlled production of small diameter hydrogel beads (~ 0:19 and ~ 0:29) with negligible loss of enzyme. These beads retained high lipase activity at high pH and temperature. The activity of Ca–Alg@gelatin-immobilized lipase remained relatively stable for up to three cycles and then markedly decreased. With this enzyme immobilization, it may have a potential for use in esterification and transesterification reactions carried out in organic solvent environments. We can conclude that it is one of the most promising techniques for highly efficient and economically competent biotechnological processes in the field of biotransformation, diagnostics, pharmaceutical, food and detergent industries.
This paper highlights the robustness of the semi analytical computation so-called ‘coupled circuit’ method for the simulation of the eddy current method integrated in the commercial non-destructive testing, 3MA equipment. For this purpose, semi-analytical development are carried out for calculation of voltage around eddy current- receiver coil, taking into account the skin depth of the sample. The challenge in the following is to reproduce the eddy current 3MA measuring quantities on conductive and ferromagnetic materials under several inspection situation. Furthermore, eddy current parameters will be underlined in impedance diagram varying the frequency and lift-off.
W artykule podkreślono niezawodność półanalitycznych obliczeń, tak zwanej metody „obwodów sprzężonych”, do symulacji metody prądów wirowych zintegrowanej z komercyjnymi badaniami nieniszczącymi, sprzęt 3MA. W tym celu przeprowadza się półanalityczne opracowanie obliczania napięcia wokół cewki odbiorczej prądu wirowego z uwzględnieniem głębokości naskórka próbki. Wyzwaniem w dalszej części jest odtworzenie wielkości pomiarowych prądów wirowych 3MA na materiałach przewodzących i ferromagnetycznych w kilku sytuacjach kontrolnych. Ponadto parametry prądów wirowych zostaną podkreślone na wykresie impedancji, zmieniając częstotliwość i oderwanie.
Perlite is an amorphous volcanic glass-type rock which is collected in open mines in various parts of the world. In this study, eight different perlite samples, supplied from the mines located in the Bergama, Izmir region, were used. The perlite samples were structurally, morphologically, and mineralogically characterized via a wide range of analytical techniques such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) Surface Area Analysis, Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and a liquid pycnometer. Platelet shaped-like structures were observed in the SEM analysis of the expanded perlites in contrast to the images of spongy or cracked expanded perlites reported in literature. The O-H bending and Si-O-Si vibrations (both asymmetric and symmetric stretching) of perlite structures were confirmed by FTIR. Highly amorphous phases with a rather low percentage of crystalline phases were observed by XRD. In the BET surface area analysis, expanded perlite materials exhibited higher surface area compared to unexpanded ones. A detailed characterization of perlite structures is essential as there is a significant potential to use these minerals in various biocomposite applications and it is useful to explain structure-property relationships in this class of materials.
Content available remote Production of pumice-containing nanofibers by electrospinning technique
The scope of the study involves identifying the optimal means to effectively use the electrospinning technique to obtain pumice-containing nanofibers. Nanofiber containing pumice in a solution was electrospun to obtain smooth, cylindrical, bead-free, and ultrafine nanomaterials. The study also analyzed the molecular [Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)], thermal [differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)], zeta potential, size, polydispersity index [dynamic light scattering (DLS)], and surface [scanning electron microscope (SEM)] parameters of the pumice-containing nanofibers having JP6 (applied voltage: 6 kV) and JP12 (12 kV) properties. While the distance (10 cm), flow rate (0.8 mL/h), and other parameters of the electrospinning process were fixed, two different voltages were applied to obtain the pumice-containing nanofiber. The average diameter of the nanoencapsulated pumice produced at 6 kV was defined as 98.6 nm in gelatin nanomats with 31.8 nm. The average diameter of the nanocapsule pumice produced under a 12 kV voltage was found to be 85.8 nm, and the average diameter of the nanomats (non–nanoencapsulated) was 35.2 nm. The average zeta potential values of the pumice-containing nanofiber were also determined in the nanosize range. The JP6 and JP12 PDI values were determined as 0.165 and 0.566, respectively. Peaks characteristic of pumices as defined in the literature were observed in the FTIR results, while DSC analysis results revealed strong endo- and exothermic peaks. As a result of this study, it has been proved that pumice can be reduced to nanosize with the electrospinning technique and it is nanoencapsulated in nanofiber. When the obtained pumice-containing nanofiber was examined, it was determined that the surface area of the nanofiber was large and resistant to thermal heat.
One of the most important roles for nanotechnology concerns is the development of optimizable experimental protocols for nanomaterials synthesis. The formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was supported by Rhizopus stolonifer MR11, which was isolated from olive oil mill soil samples. The ability of R. stolonifer MR11 to biosynthesize silver nanoparticles in response to various components of different culture media was tested. Furthermore, the conditions under which the reducing biomass filtrate was obtained, as well as the conditions of the bio-reduction reaction of AgNO3 into AgNPs, were investigated. The fungal biomass filtrate of the strain Rhizopus stolonifer MR11 was capable of converting silver nitrate into AgNPs, as evidenced by the color change of the fungal filtrates. UV-Vis spectrophotometer, TEM, Zeta potential, Zeta sizer, FT-IR, and XRD analyses were used to characterize the AgNPs. TEM analysis revealed that the silver nanoparticles were 1–35 nm in size. R. stolonifer MR11 produced the maximum AgNPs when grown for 18 hours at 36 °C in media with starch and yeast extract as the sole carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The reducing biomass filtrate was obtained by incubating 5 g mycelial biomass in deionized water with a pH of 6 for 48 hours at 30 °C. The optimal reduction conditions of the biosynthesis reaction were determined by adding 1.0 mM AgNO3 to a pH 5 buffered mycelial filtrate and incubating it for 72 hours at 33 °C. The current study’s findings highlighted the importance of process parameters at each stage for optimal AgNPs biosynthesis.
The physico-chemical characterization of the leachate from the Technical Landfill Center (TLC) of Moulay Abdallah (MA) which is intended for the treatment of Household Waste (HW) and Waste Assimilated to Household Waste (HWA) as well as the elaboration of the results of the study that was carried out on the leachate from the Oum Azza (OA) Technical Landfill allowed comparing the leachate from two TLCs located in two different regions and exploited in two different ways. The parameters studied are Organic Matter (OM), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) concentration, NH4+ ion concentration, conductivity, Suspended Solids (SS), Total Phosphorus (TP) and pH. The choice of these parameters comes down to their usefulness for the sizing of the leachate purification processes (PP) of the leachates of Moroccan typology, produced by the population of a coastal city. The results of the analyses show that the leachates from the two TLCs have almost the same physico-chemical characteristics. Depending on the method of management of the leachate (storage or direct discharge to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)), the evolution over time of these characteristics differed from one TLC to the other and all of the main leachate parameters from the TLC MA have all tended to increase over the time of operation. This is in contrast to the leachate parameters from the OA TLC, which all tended to decrease.
The study was conducted on the extraction of volcanic ash from Mount Sinabung through the co-precipitation method to recover silicon dioxide (SiO2). The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis showed that the SiO2 content in volcanic ash was 48.5%, and after extraction, it was 99.1%. The morphology shown by scanning electron microscope (SEM) indicated that SiO2 looks cleaner and tends to be the same size compared to the volcanic ash sample. The average particle size of volcanic ash and extracted SiO2 were 32.28571 ± 2.51259 and 12.97521 ± 0.60657 μm, respectively. The X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis showed that the crystal structure of the volcanic ash sample was quartz, maghemite, and cristobalite. Besides, the extracted SiO2 had an amorphous quartz crystal structure. The test conducted using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) resulted in the absorption of 1095.57 cm-1 and 798.53 cm-1 for the Si‒O‒Si and Si‒OH groups which were the groups of siloxanes and silanols, respectively.
Y and V codoped SrBi2Nb2O9 ceramics, which have been characterized by XRD, FTIR and SEM techniques, were prepared through molten salt using NaCl-KCl medium. Through X-ray diffraction analysis, all prepared samples were matched by undoped SrBi2Nb2O9. The lattice parameters do not depend on the amount of dopants. Under the optimized experimental conditions, the compounds are composed of small crystallites of varying size and orientation, resulting in many micros train defects. FTIR spectra revealed that the dopant promotes a slight decrease in the 612 cm-1 band. A plate-like morphology was revealed by scanning electron microscopy, while Nyquist plots indicate non-Debye relaxation for all compounds. V and Y were incorporated into SrBi2Nb2O9 lattice in order to reduce dielectric loss tangent. Thus, the codoping increases the of SrB1.9Y0.1Nb1.95V0.05O9 (Y0.1V0.05) ceramic whereas, they were significantly decreased in the case of SrB1.8Y0.2Nb2O9 (Y0.2) ceramic. Y0.1V0.05 sample makes up the highest efficient charge transfer, followed by Y0.2 sample representing the lowest.
This study aims to help non-expert geologists in locacating, classifying and analyzing lamprophyres, the exotic and complex rocks. The process includes three basic steps, a macroscopic study of the formation, petrographic microscopy and lastly whole-rock and trace element analyses of the samples. Fourteen Greek lamprophyric rocks with distinct characteristics were used. Conventional lamprophyres were considered along with rarer alkali minettes, meta-lamprophyres, lamproschists, appinites and para-lamproites.
The Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico del Gas developed a static expansion system to enable the calibration of medium and high vacuum pressure gauges in Colombia. The system can generate pressures between 0.1 Pa and 100 kPa. The characterization tests included the evaluation of pressure stability and desorption rate, a trueness test, and the analysis of the uncertainty budget of the calibration result. The pressure stability test was successfully completed and showed the positive effect of baking on the final pressure in the system. The trueness test allowed concluding that the calibration results with the system are comparable with those obtained with a reference meter traceable to a national metrology institute. The uncertainty budget analysis indicated the dominance of the pressure of the unit under calibration and of the initial pressure in the small tank in different pressure ranges on the uncertainty of the result. A comparison with a Monte Carlo simulation led to the conclusion that in this situation, the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) method is not ideal for estimating the uncertainty of the results.
The study and application of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization have been widely reported in the literature because of its high compatibility with numerous monomers, reaction conditions, and low polydispersity index. The effect of RAFT agents on the characteristics of the final product is greatly needed to be explored. Our present study aimed to compare the influence of two different types of RAFT agents on the characteristics of the water-soluble polymer (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) (polyAMPS) and their polyAMPS@butyl methacrylate (BMA) core-shell particles. Different analytical techniques including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to ascertain the final morphological, structural, and thermal properties of the resultant products. It was found that RAFT agents have shown a clear influence on the final properties of the resultant polyAMPS and their core-shell particles such as particle size, shape, size distribution, and thermal behavior. This study confirms that RAFT agents can control the final properties of the polymers and their core-shell particles.
This study was carried out to determine the characterization of brown coir fiber which is used as a potential reinforcement in polymer composites. The fiber is extracted from the husk of the coconut seeds which are collected in Sri Lanka. Anyhow the above-mentioned characterization can hardly be seen when it comes to the Sri Lankan context. Since the evaluation of their physical, mechanical, and chemical properties are significant before commencing the material development process and applications for this fiber. Several testing were carried out to evaluate the above-mentioned properties. There, the functional groups of coir fiber were obtained by Fourier Transform Infrared analysis and Crystallinity Index and Crystallite size were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The surface morphology and cross-sectional features were investigated through Scanning Electron Microscopy. The thermo-gravimetric method was adopted to study the thermal stability of coir fiber. The density and diameter of coir fiber were measured utilizing pychometric method and optical microscope respectively. Tensile strength was measured using an electronic tensometer and then find out the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and elongation at breaking point. The average density of brown coir fibers was 1.018 g/cm3 and average diameters were 0.30 mm. The Crystallinity Index and the crystal-line size were 37.28% and 0.4331 nm respectively. Ultimate tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and Elongation of the coir fiber were ranging from 94–159 MPa, 1.2–1.8 GPa, and 21–67%, respectively.
Seashells waste is abundant in coastal area, especially in the locations where fisheries are a major occupation. This abundant resource of seashells opens a new opportunity further utilization. Seashells waste is a source of CaCO3, which may be converted into CaO via the calcination process. This study analyzed the characteristics of the CaO produced via calcination process at different temperature and calcination time. The calcination process was carried out at a temperature of 800°C, 900°C, and 1000°C with variation of 2, 3, and 4 hours in time. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) result showed that the spectrum of 2513 cm-1 as an indication of the C-H group containing CaO appearing after calcination. The FTIR results suggest that the calcination time did not gave major alteration to the functional groups. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that CaO laid at the angle of 58.1° and 64.6°. Scanning Electron Microscopy–Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) results showed that the most significant compositional outcome after the calcination process was Ca and O at all temperatures and calcination times. All calcined seashells showed rough surface and irregular shape particles. The result of a Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) suggested that the highest mass alteration occurred at a temperature of 800°C with 78 mins of calcination time.
Every year hundreds of serious accidents and catastrophic are accompanied by mining sector services as disaster, flooding, and demolition. To reduce the severity of the results such as high death numbers, lost communication inner and out mining, we have to find an easy way to improve communication means during that problems. In this paper, we reach out to fabricate durable, flexible, and wearable chaps, in addition to an easier carrier with highly efficient receiving and sending a signal at 2.4 GHz broad wide band. By doping a bunch of unique conductive metals (silver, copper, and gallium indium alloy) assembled on Graphene, its integration inside Polydimethylsiloxane to be future applicable antenna. Furthermore, we studied the physical and electric properties of a composite including Electrochemical Impedance properties (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and its thermal stability chip (DSC), as well as, using Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques to clarify the surface morphology of fabricated materials. In addition to various measurements had been carried out such as Ultraviolet-visible, inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy, and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to reinforce and elucidate the solid-state of ions inside fabricated Antenna. On the other hand, throughout stress-strain for the stretchability of fabricated is expanded to 30% of its original length, in addition to thermal stability reached to 485°C compared to pure PDMS substrate, with enhancing electric conductivity of composite ship.
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