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AMD (acid mine drainage) with low pH and high content of heavy metals is a serious environmental problem in mining activities. Proper AMD management is crucial to ensure compliance with the standards of environmental quality before allowing the flow to the public water system. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of increasing pH and decreasing Fe alongside the concentrations of Mn in AMD with the addition of coal fly ash (CFA) and empty fruit bunch of oil palm (EFBOP). A total of four treatments, namely: (1) control (soil without treatment), (2) soil+EFBOP, (3) soil+CFA, and (4) soil+EFBOP+CFA were tested for the ability to improve AMD quality in a batch reactor experiment for 90 days. Weekly observations were carried out for pH, Fe, and Mn concentrations during the experiment, where part of AMD in the reactor was drained and replaced with fresh ones. The results showed that single treatment of EFBOP or CFA caused a pH increase at 2.8 to 5.1–5.4 and 6.3–6.8, respectively. Furthermore, a greater increase occurred from 2.8 to 7.0–7.8 when EFBOP was combined with CFA application. This combination also showed a greater reduction in the concentrations of Fe and Mn compared to the single treatment of EFBOP or CFA. The increase in pH and decrease in Fe alongside the Mn concentrations began in the 3rd week, and this effect was stable during the 90 days of the experiment. The results underscore the potential of EFBOP and CFA as agricultural and industrial wastes in long-term AMD management.
This study investigates the analysis of heavy metal content, as well as the physical and chemical properties of water and sediment in the artificial lake situated in Sferk, Klina, Kosovo. Sampling and analysis were conducted during the autumn of 2023. The inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) technique was employed to measure the levels of heavy metals. The contamination factors (CF) were calculated to evaluate the degree of heavy metal pollution. At the same time, the spatial interpolation technique (spatial resolution 1 m) in QGIS software was developed to spatially represent the distribution of heavy metals and other parameters across the study area. The results for water and sediment samples were compared with the WHO and EPA standards. The findings indicate significant variations in heavy metal concentrations, highlighting potential sources of contamination. CF calculations offer insights into pollution levels, assisting in identifying priority areas for remediation efforts, particularly in water samples. The comprehensive assessment provides valuable insights into the status of water and sediment quality in the artificial lake of Sferk, contributing to the under-standing and management of environmental pollution and its impacts.
Pobrano dwadzieścia dwie próbki gleby z terenu, na którym stwierdzono historyczne zanieczyszczenie powierzchni ziemi. Próbki gleby przeanalizowano pod kątem zawartości węglowodorów C₆-C₁₂, składników frakcji benzyn, węglowodorów aromatycznych, czyli benzenu, etylobenzenu, toluenu, styrenu, ksylenów oraz węglowodorów C₁₂-C₃₅, będących składnikami m.in. frakcji oleju napędowego. W warstwie gleby 0,25-2,0 m poniżej poziomu gruntu nie stwierdzono przekroczenia dopuszczalnych zawartości badanych substancji, natomiast na głębokości 5,0-6,0 m poniżej poziomu gruntu stwierdzono wysoką ich zawartość, przekraczającą wartości dopuszczalne. Przeprowadzono analizę kosztów i korzyści dla dwóch wariantów remediacji: ex situ, czyli z usunięciem zanieczyszczeń, oraz in situ, czyli do momentu uzyskania dopuszczalnych wartości. Stwierdzono, że koszty oczyszczania związane z usunięciem zanieczyszczenia byłyby nieproporcjonalnie wysokie w stosunku do korzyści osiągniętych w środowisku.
Twenty-two soil samples were collected from historically contaminated land with petroleum substances and analyzed for the content of C₆-C₁₂ hydrocarbons (components of the gasoline fraction), aromatic compounds from motor gasoline (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, styrene, xylenes), and C₁₂-C₃₅ hydrocarbons, being components of the diesel oil fraction. In the soil layer 0.25-2.0 m below the ground level, the permissible contents of the tested substances were not exceeded, and at a depth of 5-6 m, the sum of the contents of the tested pollutant fractions exceeded the permissible values. A cost-benefit anal. was carried out for the ex situ remediation variant, i.e. with the removal of the pollution, and in situ, i.e. until the permissible pollution values were achieved. The cleanup costs associated with removing the contamination was disproportionately high in relation to the environmental benefits achieved.
In this study, three experiments using the fixed anode technique and approached anode technique were carried out. The first experiment (EK-1) used distilled water as leaching solution (purging solution) at the anode and cathode chamber under voltage gradient was equal to 1.5 V/cm. In the second and third experiments, a solution enhanced with 1M acetic acid (AA) was used as catholic solution. The results indicate that residual concentration of Zn+2 decreases, beginning with an initial value of 850 mg/kg in all portions of soil sample EK-1, EK-2, in addition to EK-3. It seems that the residual concentration of EK-3 (approached anode technique) was lower than that of EK-1 and EK-2 in identical portions.
Groundwater is a valuable resource whose purity is necessary for human survival. It serves as a significant source of water for household, industrial, and agricultural purposes. Traditional groundwater pollution remediation technologies include pump & treat, phase extraction, aeration gas of groundwater, bioremediation, and chemical oxidation. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is one of the most key technology being developed as alternatives to the pump and manage method for the remedying contaminated groundwater. An overview on the groundwater significant as important sources for water, sources of groundwater contamination, transport of contaminants, and groundwater remediation technologies have been discussed in this paper. In addition to reactive media, the design and installation of PRBs of funnel-gate configurations and their application as a remediation technique have been covered in this review. Finally reaction mechanisms in groundwater, contaminant transport governing equation, isotherms sorption models, kinetic sorption models, breakthrough curves modeling have been presented in this review. PRB technique provides financial benefits while also encouraging waste material reuse, so contributing to environmental sustainability. Funnel and gate PRB can offer one or more dense treatment areas for maximizing groundwater pollution plume capture. Funnel-gate PRB is characterized by smaller reaction area, ease in replacement and removal during the blocking of the reactive barrier by fine soil particles and reactive sediments.
The aim of the research was to determine the factors defining the growth and development of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens upon petroleum contamination. The top layer of clay soil contaminated with petroleum products resulting from an oil pipeline failure was collected for the tests. The control was the same type of uncontaminated soil with the addition of, under laboratory conditions, tissue paper. The research was conducted in two stages. The first concerned the germination process and seedlings parameters (Petri dishes). The germination energy (GE) and the germination capacity (GC) of seeds were determined. The seedling’s development was also evaluated based on ‘WinRhizo PRO 2009’ software. Then, in the second stage, pot tests were carried out, where the growth and development of species in the first year after sowing were temporarily measured. The parameters studied were the number, height, green and dry masses of the plants. A Gompertz regression model describing seed species germination and number species as time dependent dynamic was applied. The data were analysed statistically using variance analysis (ANOVA) and the PCA (principal component analysis) method. The results of our study indicated that admixture of petroleum into the soil does not seriously affect the development dynamics of Lolium perenne seedlings. The diesel oil contamination mostly affects the germination of the Trifolium repens by a statistically significant increase of the maximum value of germination and increasing the maximum growth rate.
Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) method with cement as a binder to remediate metals in petroleum sludge has been successfully proven. However, this technique has not yet been explored to remediate organic contaminants since a high concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) was also detected in the sludge. This study focuses on remediating 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) compounds in raw petroleum sludge with Portland cement as a binder using the S/S method. The initial concentration of 16 PAHs in the raw sludge was first measured before the performance of the S/S method to remediate the PAHs were evaluated. The S/S matrices were tested for leaching behavior and strength after 7 and 28 days by air curing. The leaching test was measured using the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and the remaining PAHs concentration in the matrices was analyzed using a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). In the raw sludge, all 16 PAHs compounds were below the standard limit except for Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Dibenzo(ah)anthracene, and Indeno(1,2,3- cd_ pyrene), which are considered as high rings PAHs. The high rings PAHs show lower concentration in leachate than low rings PAHs, which indicates the potential of the S/S method in remediating high rings PAHs. The high sludge ratio in S/S matrices has shown that the percentage strength is increasing, similar to Portland cement. Therefore, this study contributed to the possibility of the S/S method in the remediation of PAHs in petroleum sludge by using only Portland cement as a binder.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przebieg badań nad próbkami pobranymi z jednego z zakładów zajmujących się składowaniem odpadów przemysłowych. Przedmiotem badań był rosnący na pryzmie piasku formierskiego, Trzcinnik piaskowy (łac. Calamagrostis epigejos). Dodatkowo do badań pobrano próbki piasku formierskiego z tej samej pryzmy, na różnych wysokościach i tej samej głębokości, w celu pozyskania informacji na temat rozkładu stężenia oznaczanych pierwiastków. Celem sprawdzenia użyteczności trzcinnika piaskowego do rekultywacji terenów składowania odpadów, oznaczono zawartość metali, tj. miedzi, żelaza i magnezu metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej - ASA w tkankach tej rośliny.
The paper presents a study of the samples collected from one of the industrial waste disposal facilities. Calamagrostis epigejos growing on a mouldering sand pile was the subject of this study. Additionally, moulding sand samples were taken from the same pile, at different heights and the same depth, in order to obtain information about distribution of the determined elements. In order to check usefulness of reed canary grass for the reclamation of waste disposal areas, the content of metals, i. e. copper, iron and magnesium, was determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry - ASA.
Content available Study of Oil Migration Processes in Meadow Soils
The paper presents the results of field and laboratory studies aimed at studying the processes of oil transformation in the soil under the influence of natural biological processes during a two-year period on artificially created old spills. The soil of the study area was characterized as meadow. The high toxic effect of oil was confirmed, which was expressed in the complete extinction of soil flora and fauna. Despite the low oil content in the soil (less than 5%), soil self-purification processes were not observed. Moreover, the high sorption properties of the soil, the violation of the water regime and the lack of aeration led to the “conservation” of oil and significantly slowed down the natural processes of its biodegradation. This was confirmed by a slight change in the content of oil products a year after the start of the experiment, as well as the presence of free oil in the pore space of the studied soil.
Nine phyto-ashes from the biomass combustion of birch (Betula), oak (Quercus), red oak (Quercus rubra), horbeam (Carpinus), pine (Pinus sylvestris), poplar (Populus), maple (Acer), oilseed rape straw (Brassica napus) and wheat straw (Triticum aestivum) were blended with a biogas digestate at 1:1 mass ratio to give nine organic-mineral soil improvers. The concept of the research was to outline an eco-friendly and low cost soil improver for remediating degraded lands. These (i.e. phyto-ashes, improvers and the biogas digestate) were applied (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 t∙ha-1) to a soil metallurgically contaminated with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. Of several tested parameters, pH changes revealed that organic-mineral soil improvers may efficiently replace (linear R2>0.90****, P<0.001) phyto-ashes in soil remedial goals. Buffering properties expressed by the cation exchange capacity (CEC) improved progressively: 29, 52, 71, 100% (phyto-ash treatments) and: 18, 37, 44, 73% (improvers treatments) for the rates 5, 10, 20, 40 t∙ha-1, respectively as referred to the control CEC. The Dynamic Remediation Efficiency (DRE) indices for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd revealed metal-specific geochemical reactions initiated by phyto-ashes, improvers and biogas digestate. The rates 5.0–10.0 t∙ha-1 for phyto-ashes and about 20 t∙ha-1 for improvers [1:1, i.e. Phyto-ash:Biogas digestate] are recommended. For biogas digestate, the rates 10–20 t∙ha-1 were found more efficient.
W pracy zastosowano 9 popiołów z biomasy roślinnej: brzozy (Betula), dębu (Quercus), dębu czerwonego (Quercus rubra), grabu (Carpinus), sosny (Pinus sylvestris), topoli (Populus), klonu (Acer), słomy rzepaku (Brassica napus) oraz słomy pszennej (Triticum aestivum), które wymieszano z pofermentem w stosunku 1:1. Otrzymano 9 organiczno-mineralnych polepszaczy glebowych. Koncepcja badań polegała na wyodrębnieniu taniego i środowiskowo przyjaznego polepszacza do remediacji gruntów zdegradowanych. Zanieczyszczone Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd próbki gleb pobrano w strefie zlokalizowanej po południowo-wschodnej stronie Huty Zn i Pb w Miasteczku Śląskim. Popioły z biomasy roślinnej, polepszacze oraz poferment zastosowano w dawkach 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 t∙ha-1. Skuteczność procesu remediacyjnego oceniono przy użyciu testów: 0,11 mola CH3COOH dm--3, pH 3,0 (Reaktywne formy Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) oraz 0,10 mola NaNO3 dm--3 (formy biodostępne). Spośród wielu zbadanych parametrów, zmiany pH ujawniły, że polepszacze mineralno-organiczne mogą skutecznie zastępować (liniowe R2>0,90****; P<0,001) popioły z biomasy roślinnej w zabiegach remediacyjnych. Właściwości buforowe wyrażone pojemnością wymienną w stosunku do kationów (CEC) poprawiły się progresywnie: 29, 52, 71, 100% (na obiektach z popiołami) oraz: 18, 37, 44, 73% (na obiektach z polepszaczami) odpowiednio dla dawek 5, 10, 20, 40 t∙ha-1, w porównaniu do CEC na kontroli. Wskaźniki dynamicznej skuteczności remediacyjnej (DRE) dla Cu, Zn, Pb i Cd wskazały na specyficzne reakcje geochemiczne zainicjowane popiołami, polepszaczami oraz pofermentem. Dawki 5,0–10,0 t∙ha-1 dla popiołów roślinnych, ok. 20 t∙ha-1 dla polepszaczy [1:1, tzn. popiół:poferment] oraz 10–20 t∙ha-1 pofermentu są zalecane.
Dokonano oceny stanu fizyczno-chemicznego środowiska gruntowego na terenie obiektu dystrybucji docelowej paliw w aspekcie potencjalnej remediacji badanego terenu. Oznaczono wybrane właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne gleb, w tym zawartość lotnych węglowodorów aromatycznych (BTEX), sumy węglowodorów C6–C12 i C12–C35 oraz wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA). Dodatkowo oznaczono liczebność bakterii heterotroficznych oraz aktywność naturalnej mikroflory. Stwierdzono, że głównym typem zanieczyszczeń środowiska gruntowego na badanym terenie są benzyny i oleje, jak również BTEX oraz naftalen. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o wysokim potencjale biodegradacyjnym naturalnej mikroflory, a w kontekście przeprowadzonych analiz chemicznych wskazują na możliwość skutecznej bioremediacji poprzez biostymulację autochtonicznej mikroflory.
C6–C12 and C12–C35 hydrocarbon fractions and aromatic hydrocarbons were sep. extd. from soil samples with MeOH, hexane and CH2Cl2, resp. Then exts. were analyzed by gas chromatog. coupled to a mass spectrometer, and the obtained results were compared with the permissible concn. of pollutants in the soil. In addn., the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria after incubation (room temp., time 72 h) and microflora activity (dehydrogenase, lipase, cellulase) were estd. for soil samples. For most of them, the contents of both hydrocarbon fractions as well as alkylbenzenes and naphthalene were above the permissible values while abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and microflora activity was slightly below for soil values without contaminations of petroleum products.
Ze względu na powszechność i dostępność substancji ropopochodnych, stanowią one najczęstszą przyczynę zanieczyszczeń środowiska gruntowo-wodnego. Do usuwania zanieczyszczeń węglowodorami wykorzystuje się zarówno metody fizyczne, chemiczne oraz biologiczne. Porównując powyższe metody, to metody biologiczne są obecnie najczęściej stosowanymi w likwidacji węglowodorów zanieczyszczających środowisko gruntowo-wodne, zarówno w procesach remediacji metodą in-situ, tj. w miejscu występowania zanieczyszczenia jak również w remediacji ex-situ – polegającej na usunięciu zanieczyszczonej ziemi z miejsca skażenia i dalej przetwarzania w procesie odzysku. Metoda biologiczna powiązana z metodami fizycznymi została zastosowana do likwidacji zanieczyszczenia terenu poprzemysłowego zanieczyszczonego wskutek niewłaściwej gospodarki olejami w trakcie jego funkcjonowania oraz po zakończeniu działalności przemysłowej na przedmiotowym terenie. Do biologicznego oczyszczania gleby i ziemi zastosowano biopreparat oparty na bazie mikroorganizmów autochtonicznych. W trakcie realizacji procesu oczyszczania monitorowano spadek zawartości węglowodorów i skuteczność zastosowanego biopreparatu.
Due to the widespread availability of petroleum derivatives, they are the most common cause of soil and water pollution. Physical, chemical and biological methods are used to remove hydrocarbon pollution. Comparing the abovementioned methods, it can be stated that the biological ones are currently the most commonly used in the liquidation of hydrocarbons contaminating the soil and water environment, not only in the in-situ remediation process (in the place of contamination), but also in ex-situ remediation (the removal of contaminated soil from the site contamination and further processing in the recovery process). The biological method associated with physical methods was used to eliminate pollution of post-industrial land contaminated due to unsuitable oil management both during its existence and after the end of industrial activity in the area. For the soil and earth remediation, biopreparation based on indigenous microorganism was used. During the remediation process, the decrease in the hydrocarbon content and the effectiveness of the biopreparation used was observed.
Przedmiotem badań przedstawionych w artykule była możliwość wykorzystania mikrobiotestów ostrej toksyczności jako wskaźnika jakościowego, przedstawiającego efekt remediacji gleb zanieczyszczonych metalami nieżelaznymi. Badane próbki gleb początkowo poddano oczyszczaniu przy użyciu karbonizatów, a następnie wykonywano mikrobiotesty fitotoksyczności wykorzystujące testy na kiełkowanie i wczesny wzrost roślin. Do badań użyto nasion sorga cukrowego, rzeżuchy i gorczycy białej, które w wyniku kontaktu z badaną substancją wykazują specyficzną reakcję. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że zastosowanie karbonizatów do oczyszczania gleb z metali nieżelaznych nie wpłynęło w znaczący sposób na ich jakość. Aby jednak umożliwić pełną ocenę stopnia remediacji gleb, konieczne jest wykonanie badań komplementarnych.
The subject of the research presented in the article was the possibility of using microbiotests of acute toxicity as a qualitative indicator, showing the effect of remediation of soils contaminated by non-ferrous metals. Soil samples were initially purified using chars, then phytotoxicity microbiotests using germination and early plant growth tests were performed. Sugar sorghum, Cress and White mustard seeds were used for testing, which have specific reactions as a result of contact with the tested substance. The research carried out showed that the use of chars for soil cleaning from non-ferrous metals did not significantly affect their quality. However, to enable fully assess the degree of soil remediation, it is necessary to perform complementary research.
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fastest developing branches of chemistry. Moreover, it is strongly connected to popular environment-related applications. Owing to the very fast changes in this field, for example, numerous discoveries in nanoscience and nanotechnologies, it is believed that an update of the literature on heterogeneous catalysis could be beneficial. This review not only covers the new developments of heterogeneous catalysis in environmental sciences but also touches its historical aspects. A short introduction to the mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis with a small section on advances in this field has also been elaborated. In the first part, recent innovations in the field of catalytic air, water, wastewater and soil treatment are presented, whereas in the second part, innovations in the use of heterogeneous catalysis for obtaining sustainable energy and chemicals are discussed. Catalytic processes are ubiquitous in all branches of chemistry and there are still many unsolved issues concerning them.
Zakłady przemysłowe chcące sprostać aktualnym polskim i europejskim wymogom ochrony środowiska stanęły przed koniecznością prowadzenia na szeroką skalę działań proekologicznych, których celem jest ograniczenie do minimum ryzyka skażeń środowiska. Jednym z takich działań jest przeprowadzenie remediacji lub rekultywacji (oczyszczenia) gleb różnymi metodami w celu przywrócenia zdegradowanym gruntom ich wartości użytkowych.
Industrial plants that want to be up to current Polish and European environmental protection requirements faced the need to conduct large-scale pro-ecological activities aimed at minimizing the risk of environmental pollution. One of such action is the remediation or reclamation (purification) of soils using different methods to restore the degraded lands to their usefulness.
Impact of organic matter on soil chemistry of former Jeziórko sulfur mine was investigated. In research two types of substrate were used: less contaminated (mean 5,090 mg kg-1 S) and high contaminated (42,500 mg kg-1S). Soil substrates were tested with addition of birch or pine litter. The composites (soil substrate + tree litter) were rinsed with water during 12 weeks of experiment. In the obtained leachate pH, EC, DOC (dissolved organic carbon), N, Ca, Mg and S were determined. The results indicate that the rate and amount of leached elements did not depend on litter, but firstly depend on level of sulfur contamination.
Zbadano wpływ materii organicznej na chemizm gleby byłej kopalni siarki Jeziórko. W badaniach wykorzystano dwa rodzaje substratu: mniej zanieczyszczony (średnio 5090 mg kg-1 S) i wysoce zanieczyszczony (42 500 mg kg -1 S). Podłoża glebowe badano z dodatkiem ściółki brzozowej lub sosnowej. Kompozyty (podłoże gleby + ściółka drzewna) płukano wodą w ciągu 12 tygodni eksperymentu. Otrzymanym odcieku oznaczono EC, DOC (rozpuszczony węgiel organiczny), N, Ca, Mg i S. Wyniki wskazują, że szybkość i ilość wyługowanych pierwiastków nie zależą od ściółki, ale zależą od poziomu zanieczyszczenia siaką.
The article discusses purification of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents including tetrachlorethane (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE), using reactive barriers and in situ injection. For the dehalogenation of complex chlorinated hydrocarbons, a reagent consisting of zero-value controlled iron and nutrient-stimulating bio-degradable substances was used in the remediation works. The effectiveness of remediation ofsoil and water contaminated with TCE and PCE depends on the degree ofunderstanding of the processes that pollutants undergo. The combination of three methods made it possible to reduce pollution in groundwater by 80%. The Regulation on the Register of Historic Land Pollution, introduced in September 2016, paves the way for restoring contaminated land to its initial quality with the remediation processes, but does not answer the question of how to assess the quality of water in the context of the proposed remediation work.
The mineralogical and chemical characteristics of heavy metals in tailings and soils is an imperative for potential ecological risk assessment of metals to environment and heavy metals pollution prevention and control. The lead-zinc tailing and contaminated soil in and near the tailing pond were sampeled from a mine tailing pond in Hunan province (China), in which the chemical composition, phase composition and thermal behavior of tailing and soil were investigated. Furthermore, the petrography of lead-zinc tailing and chemical fractionations of Pb and Zn in the contaminated soil were studied in details. The mineral phases of lead-zinc tailing were galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, quartz and fluorite, as distinguished by the reflected light microscopy and further proofed by the scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometer under the back scattered electron mode. Chemical fractionations were carried out by the European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure for Pb and Zn in the soil and the mild acido-soluble (F1), reducible (F2), oxidizable (F3), and residual (F4) fractions were 5.90, 75.24, 4.90 and 13.96% for Pb, and 47.74, 34.06, 9.59 and 8.61% for Zn, respectively. Subsequently, the individual contamination factor (ICF) of Pb and Zn were calculated as 6.16 and 10.61, respectively. The DTPA-available content of Pb and Zn in the contaminated soil were 39.9 and 170.7 mg·kg-1, respectively. The study provided a base for selecting remediation strategies in the studied area.
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) may be considered beneficial due to lack of negative environmental impact, innovation and potential for further development. The state of knowledge on ATES and its potential to be combined with groundwater remediation was analyzed on the basis of literature data and operating experience. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX are the contaminants most frequently occurring at depths, where ATES systems usually operate. The following remediation techniques that potentially could be combined with ATES systems were discussed: ‛pump and treat’, natural (NA) and enhanced natural attenuation (ENA) via biostimulation and bioaugmentation, as well as in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) under anaerobic conditions. Development of such solutions is constrained by problems related mainly to the risk of accelerated contaminant migration and reduction of their biodegradation rates as a result of changes in redox potential due to ATES system operation and well screen clogging. Further research is required to confirm effectiveness of the combined application of ATES and groundwater remediation in practice as the knowledge of the aquifer processes upon thermal energy storage is incomplete and the operating experience limited.
Magazynowanie energii cieplnej w warstwie wodonośnej (ATES) można uznać za rozwiązanie korzystne ze względu na brak jego negatywnego wpływu na środowisko oraz innowacyjność i możliwość dalszego rozwoju. Na podstawie danych literaturowych oraz doświadczeń eksploatacyjnych przeanalizowano stan wiedzy na temat magazynowania energii cieplnej w warstwie wodonośnej (ATES) i możliwości jego skojarzenia z remediacją wód podziemnych. Zanieczyszczeniami występującymi w wodach podziemnych na głębokościach, na których zwykle pracują systemy ATES są najczęściej chlorowane węglowodory i BTEX. Spośród technik remediacji wód podziemnych możliwych do skojarzenia z systemami ATES omówiono metodę „pompuj i oczyszczaj”, naturalne samooczyszczanie (NA) oraz wspomagane (ENA) przez biostymulację i bioaugumentację, a także chemiczne utlenianie in situ (ISCO) oraz wspomaganą dehalogenację redukcyjną (ERD) w warunkach anaerobowych. Problemy ograniczające rozwój rozwiązań tego typu związane są głównie z ryzykiem przyspieszenia migracji zanieczyszczeń i spowolnienia ich biodegradacji w wyniku zmian potencjału utleniająco-redukcyjnego wywołanych działaniem instalacji ATES oraz kolmatacją filtrów studziennych. Ze względu na ograniczoną wiedzę na temat zjawisk zachodzących w warstwie wodonośnej podczas magazynowania energii cieplnej i zbyt mało doświadczeń eksploatacyjnych, konieczne są dalsze badania potwierdzające skuteczność łącznego zastosowania systemów ATES i remediacji wód podziemnych w praktyce.
The study compared coal fly and bottom ashes for their ability to inactivate metals and lead to soil remediation. Soil was artificially contaminated with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd at five degrees. Next, both ashes were added at five rates: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% and all treatments incubated. Data showed that for moderately contaminated soils, ash rates of 0.5 – 1.0% were efficient from 40 to 70% for Zn and Cd, and raised markedly to between 70 and 93% for Cu and Pb. For extremely contaminated soils, the rates of ashes at 1.0, 1.5 and 2% were much more efficient (60 – 80%). The use of fly and bottom ashes for metal inactivation and soil remediation should give greater consideration to the effect of pH and the type of heavy metals than the content of SiO2 and Al2O3. Fly ash displayed superior inactivation and remediation effects to the bottom ash.
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