Purpose: A construction site is a space where construction workers use the right materials, tools and machinery. They are required to have the knowledge and skills to work safely, as their behaviour has a huge impact on the safety of the entire construction site. Findings: All activities affecting the safety of the construction site should be preceded by a review of the legal conditions in the field of safety and health protection and, above all, by familiarisation with the design documentation of the facility. The document defines all the elements of the building object, construction equipment and works, land or plot development, function, form and construction of the building object, its energy and ecological characteristics, as well as the proposed necessary technical and material solutions showing the principles of connection with the surroundings and the conditions of use of the building object. Research limitations/implications: Based on an analysis of the documentation, it is recommended to proceed with the development of a Health and Safety Plan or an IBWR manual. And to draw up an action plan for behaviour affecting construction safety. The work presents a network model and schedule for the execution of the works; schedules for employment, operation of machinery, and supply of materials; site development plans drawn up for the successive stages of construction; diagrams and descriptions of the organisation of the construction management and site management. A typical technology and organisation design used should include: in the field of technology: technical characteristics of the construction project and the conditions of its implementation; a list of the elements of the object or processes that make up a specific project with an indication of the sequence of their execution and size; a description of the technology of the basic processes specifying the methods of their execution; the selection of machinery and auxiliary equipment and transport units; drawings of forming devices, scaffolding and other special constructions necessary for the adopted technology and the technology of execution of specific construction processes in atypical conditions. Practical implications: The SDS and IBWR instructions being developed and the action scheme for behaviour affecting construction safety should find wide practical application. Originality/value: Based on the analysis, an OHS plan and an IBWR instruction were developed. An action scheme for behaviour affecting construction safety was developed.
Purpose: An analysis is presented of the use of material and construction solutions used in construction, mainly residential, for the construction of OC (civil defence) shelters. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents procedures for designing reinforced concrete structures that make it possible to properly determine the load capacity of critical sections. In the present work, a study of the deformation stability of a zone of reinforced concrete sections that is subjected to compression is used. Computational methods based on Drucker's postulate were used to solve the problem. The proposed approach enables the determination of the values of ultimate and failure strains based on the analysis of the loading path of a reinforced concrete section. Findings: Generally, shelters built into residential buildings are analysed, intended to be constructed in the rooms of the basement floor. A reduced need for ancillary space, the basement room, is observed. Garage functions are located on the basement floor. The plan contours of the basement are often larger than those of the ground floor. It is possible to design a shelter for the residents of the building, which ensures the greatest efficiency in its use. It is desirable to maintain uniform material and construction solutions while maintaining technological and organisational solutions during the erection of the entire building. Research limitations/implications: The paper indicates the possibility of using some of the material and structural solutions of the housing construction in the realisation of OC shelters built into the basement floor. The construction of free-standing shelters was not analysed separately, but the proposals presented in the paper can also be applied to the type of OC shelters. Some results of the analysis of the adaptation of material and structural solutions of the housing construction to the needs of OC shelters construction will be presented during the symposium. Practical implications: It is advisable to develop models for the construction of OC shelters using contemporary technologies used in the construction industry. Originality/value: Useful tool can be the proposed scheme for improving activities based on the EFQM model.
Purpose The paper analyses the strain of reinforced concrete sections of flexural and eccentrically compressed sections up to and including failure. Design/methodology/approach The paper shows that taking into account realistic σ-ε diagrams for concrete, which should be considered curves with descending branches, it is possible to determine the state of exhaustion of the load-bearing capacity of the section without the need to introduce the limiting strain εcu assigned only to the concrete class. Findings It was pointed out that the physical law σ-ε describing the behaviour of concrete should include the range of material weakening, expressed by the falling branch in the physical law. Research limitations/implications It was proposed to study the stability of the deformation process of the compressive zone of concrete and the entire critical section based on Drucker's postulate and, on such a basis, to infer the nature of reinforced concrete strain states - the state of exhaustion of load-bearing capacity incipient destruction. Practical implications The formulation of the bearing capacity problem is then complete because there is no need to introduce an apriori limit strain value εcu to determine the bearing capacity. Originality/value It is shown that it is furthermore possible to distinguish a certain covering condition, occurring after the load-bearing condition is reached, in which the process of rapid, avalanche-like destruction begins. The deformation accompanying the state can be considered as the failure deformation of the reinforced concrete section, ect.
Construction objects arise during the implementation of construction projects. Participants in these projects are interested in taking systematic actions to improve the state of occupational safety and health protection. The effectiveness of these activities requires that they be carried out as part of a comprehensive system of managing the construction project implementation process. The safety management and health protection system is part of the overall project management system, which includes: organizational structure, planning, responsibility, rules of conduct, procedures, processes and resources and requires analysis of safety and health protection issues in its individual areas, phases and stages. This is primarily due to the fact that proper management is the most effective way to ensure an adequate level of safety and health protection (S&HP), desirable both due to the need to comply with legal provisions in force in construction, social expectations, and the possibility of obtaining positive economic effects by individual process participants in the scale of the entire construction project. The article proposes a theoretical model of the built undertaking that can be used to recognize the state of bioses. The model distinguishes parts, activities and areas in accordance with the logical course of the process, which was assigned to individual stages of the project. A research tool - RADAR S&HP - was developed to identify the factors affecting S&HP. To assess the condition of bioses, an analytical and mathematical model of the examined undertaking was formulated to ultimately determine the directions of preventive actions in the field of safety and health protection at individual stages, phases and areas of the construction project implementation process.
The article describes legal regulations regarding the safety of building objects in the process of implementing construction projects. International (International Labor Organization), EU (EU), national (Poland) and industry (Polish regulations concerning the construction industry in Poland) regulations were presented. These requirements have a fundamental impact on the safe behavior of building process participants.
W artykule scharakteryzowano podstawy teoretyczne systemów logistycznych, uwarunkowania prawne budowlanego procesu inwestycyjnego oraz bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w budownictwie. Następnie, wykorzystując doświadczenia pochodzące z praktyki budowlanej zaproponowano podejście systemowe do problematyki bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w działaniach logistycznych budowlanego procesu inwestycyjnego.
In article characterized theoretical bases of logistic systems, conditioning legal investment process in construction, safety and the protection of health. It then, the come from with practice experiences using were proposed system for logistic working in construction investment process.
Po wejściu do Unii Europejskiej Polska została zobowiązana do wdrożenia prawa wspólnotowego do ustawodawstwa krajowego, w tym zagadnień bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia. Jednak zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia nie zawsze były właściwie rozumiane i interpretowane przez uczestników procesu budowlanego. Koniecznym staje się przybliżenie uregulowań prawnych, zasad i sposobów prowadzenia działań uczestników procesu realizacji obiektów budowlanych gospodarki wodno-ściekowej.
After entry to European Union, Poland was obliged to initiating community right to national right to national legislation with questions of safety and the of health. However the of safety and the protections of health were practically understood not always and interpreted by participants of building process. Necessary the approximation of legal settlements stands up, the principles and the ways of leadership of workings of participants of process of realization objects in water-sewages economy. The author describes the basic rights and the duties of participants of realization process objects the water - sewages economy in range of safety and the of health.
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The paper deals with some aspects of security management and health protection during work in conditions of the enterprises manufacturing components for automobile producers. It emphasizes the importance of security management system and health protection and their comprehensive contributions.
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Współczesne budownictwo jest specyficzną gałęzią przemysłu. W związku z tym, że angażuje znaczne siły ludzkie wymaga nowego podejścia do problematyki bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia. Autor proponuje podejście procesowe, które pozwala identyfikować i modelować zagadnienia bhp w przedsiębiorstwach budowlanych w wymaganym zakresie.
Modern building is a specific branch of industry and requires a new approach to safety and health protection problems. The author suggests processing approach which allows to identificate and model H&S questions in building enterprises in required range.
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