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W ostatnich latach recykling tworzyw sztucznych stał się wyzwaniem związanym z ochroną środowiska. Materiały polimerowe są powszechnie wykorzystywane, co generuje problem trwałych odpadów po ich wycofaniu z użytku. Możliwość ponownego wykorzystania tych materiałów umożliwia skuteczną utylizację odpadów. Rynek druku 3D dynamicznie rośnie, a filamenty do druku mogą być wytwarzane z recyklingu. Niniejszy artykuł przegląda literaturę dotyczącą produkcji filamentów z polimerów pochodzących z recyklingu jako alternatywy dla obecnego podejścia do centralnej selektywnej zbiórki tworzyw sztucznych. Przedstawiono eksperymentalne stanowisko do recyklingu materiału termoplastycznego PET i jego właściwości mechaniczne. Dodatkowo przeanalizowano dostępne na rynku urządzenia do produkcji filamentów z odpadów tworzyw sztucznych.
In recent years, the recycling of plastics has become a key environmental challenge. Polymeric materials are widely used, which generates the problem of persistent waste after their end-of-life. The possibility of reusing these materials enables efficient waste disposal. The 3D printing market is growing rapidly and printing filaments can be produced from recycled materials. This paper reviews the literature on the production of filaments from recycled polymers as an alternative to the current approach to central selective collection of plastics. An experimental rig for recycling thermoplastic PET material and its mechanical properties are presented. In addition, commercially available equipment for the production of filaments from waste plastics is analysed.
The efficient management of biomass fly ash is a key factor for the circular economy. Fly ash is produced in large quantities during biomass combustion and may be utilized for various applications, for both environmental and financial benefits. The main limitation of biomass fly ash utilization is its unrecognized potential caused by a lack of consistent law regulations. In this paper, possible paths of biomass fly ash management are discussed. The compositions of 4 fly ashes derived from biomass combustion in Polish units are presented, together with 2 examples of phosphorous-rich ashes. The five most promising ways of management are elaborated: concrete and cement production, phosphorous recovery and fertilizers, composites, ceramics, and sorbents. The latest state-of-the-art research regarding each path is briefly reviewed and current law regulations are introduced. Limitations for the safe management of biomass ash are also discussed.
Zagospodarowanie popiołów lotnych z biomasy jest ważnym elementem gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (GOZ). Popiół lotny powstaje W znacznych ilościach podczas spalania biomasy, a jego odpowiednie zagospodarowanie może przynieść zarówno korzyści dla środowiska, jak i oszczędności finansowe. Głównym ograniczeniem wykorzystania popiołów lotnych z biomasy jest brak odpowiednich uregulowań prawnych, co powoduje również słabe rozpoznanie możliwości użycia popiołów. W artykule przedstawiono składy 4 popiołów lotnych pochodzących ze spalania biomasy W polskich obiektach energetyki zawodowej oraz 2 przykłady popiołów szczególnie bogatych w fosfor. Omówiono pięć najbardziej obiecujących sposobów wykorzystania: produkcja betonów i cementu, odzysk fosforu i zastosowanie jako nawozy, składnik kompozytów, materiały ceramiczne oraz sorbenty. Przedstawiono aktualne regulacje prawne oraz dokonano krótkiego przeglądu najnowszych badań dotyczących poszczególnych ścieżek. Omówiono także ograniczenia w zakresie bezpiecznego zagospodarowania popiołów z biomasy.
Content available remote Zużyte tekstylia : uciążliwy odpad czy wartościowy surowiec biotechnologiczny?
Zarysowano problem gospodarki odpadami tekstylnymi w świetle propagowanego na świecie modelu biznesowego fast fashion. Realizowany obecnie sposób unieszkodliwiania tego rodzaju odpadów poprzez recykling materiałowy staje się nieefektywny wobec coraz to większego strumienia takich zanieczyszczeń wprowadzanego do środowiska oraz dodawania do wyrobów bawełnianych włókien syntetycznych wydłużających ich czas składowania w środowisku. Przedstawiono alternatywny model postępowania, w którym odpady bawełniane poddawane są hydrolizie kwasowej, a hydrolizaty po neutralizacji wykorzystywane są jako medium fermentacyjne do hodowli drożdży w kierunku etanolu lub białka mikrobiologicznego.
An alternative waste textile treatment model was developed, where cotton waste was subjected to acid hydrolysis. The hydrolysates were neutralized and used as a fermentation medium for yeast culture to produce EtOH or microbial protein.
W artykule zostaną przedstawione prawnośrodowiskowe aspekty zagospodarowania wybranych materiałów odpadowych i ich wykorzystania jako składnika materiałów budowlanych. Jako przykład zostanie przestawione wtórne wykorzystanie materiałów termoplastycznych ze strumienia odpadów komunalnych lub przemysłowych. Część z tych odpadów była poddawana procesom uzdatniania i jest stosowana jako paliwo alternatywne. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu tworzywa termoplastyczne wykorzystuje się jako spoiwo do różnego rodzaju kruszyw. W wyniku formowania takich mieszanek można otrzymywać elementy infrastruktury budowlanej w postaci kostek brukowych, płytek chodnikowych itp.
The article presents legal and environmental aspects of the management of selected waste materials and their use as a component of building materials. As an example, the secondary use of thermoplastic materials from the municipal or industrial waste stream will be presented. Some of this waste was subjected to treatment processes and was used as an alternative fuel. In the proposed solution, thermoplastics are used as a binder for various types of aggregates. As a result of forming such mixtures, elements of construction infrastructure can be obtained in the form of paving stones, paving tiles, etc.
Content available remote The importance of selected demographic factors in municipal waste management
The publication presents the possibilities of using selected demographic variables as a source of knowledge to predict the amount of municipal waste. This may be important in the adaptation process of selecting the optimal technology for recycling and waste disposal. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the relationship of selected demographic variables with the generation of municipal waste based on the example of a pilot proprietary survey conducted in the Czech Republic. Advanced statistical methods were used in the pilot study to verify the research hypotheses. The presented research results clearly show that many parameters characterizing socio-demographic factors, such as age, disposable income or type of inhabited real estate, may be of great importance, affecting the amount of municipal waste and the effectiveness of its selective collection. In addition, the use of multivariate statistical analysis based on the CATPCA method made it possible to show in more detail the relationship between the age of the respondent and their approach to waste management.
W publikacji przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania wybranych zmiennych demograficznych jako źródła wiedzy do prognozowania ilości odpadów komunalnych. Może to mieć znaczenie w procesie adaptacyjnym wyboru optymalnej technologii recyklingu i unieszkodliwiania odpadów. Dlatego też celem badań było określenie związku wybranych zmiennych demograficznych z wytwarzaniem odpadów komunalnych na przykładzie pilotażowego, autorskiego badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w Czechach. W badaniu pilotażowym wykorzystano zaawansowane metody statystyczne w celu weryfikacji postawionych hipotez badawczych. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań wyraźnie pokazują, że wiele parametrów charakteryzujących czynniki społeczno-demograficzne, takich jak wiek, dochód do dyspozycji czy rodzaj zamieszkałej nieruchomości, może mieć ogromne znaczenie, wpływając na ilość odpadów komunalnych i efektywność ich selektywnej zbiórki. Dodatkowo zastosowanie wieloczynnikowej analizy statystycznej opartej na metodzie CATPCA pozwoliło na bardziej szczegółowe ukazanie zależności pomiędzy wiekiem respondenta a jego podejściem do gospodarki odpadami.
Anaerobic digestion is a demanding process, due to the large number of process and environmental factors that affect it. Many years of research of the various parameters have made it possible to optimise the process to obtain the maximum amount of biogas and methane contained in it, and this provides energy and environmental benefits. The article deals extensively with the operation of agricultural biogas plants, using the example of a plant that faces numerous operational problems. In order to identify the negative effects on energy yield and the equipment operating in the system, the substrate was examined, the data on its operation analysed, and solutions were proposed that should be taken into account in the further operation of the biogas plant. The analysis showed a good biogas yield from beet pulp of 563 dm3∙kg-1 of TS (total solid) and an average methane yield of 58%. With the analysis presented, it was possible to identify some operational problems. The biogas yield study also highlighted some errors made at the plant design stage. The most important of these is the use of an inappropriate organic matter loading factor for the digester, which leads to acidification of the contents and degradation of the methanogenic microorganism cultures.
Cemetery waste accounts for only a small amount of municipal waste, but its collection and inadequate management are problematic. The purpose of this study was to identify problems in the operation and logistics of the waste management system through the eyes of the cemetery user and the bodies responsible for collecting this type of waste. The tradition of caring for and decorating gravestones is significant in the production of cemetery waste. Most waste is generated during the holiday of the dead. The problem is the lack of adequate regulations and a permanent system of cemetery waste management throughout Europe and, for example, Poland. These issues affect both visitors and cemetery managers. Success in logistics of sustainable cemetery waste management can come from canvassing the opinions of cemetery visitors and managers and dissemination of the principles of minimalism.
Millions of tons of casting waste are generated annually worldwide, which should be subjected to recycling, as per the principles of circular economy. Spent foundry sands can be used for producing soil substitutes, but the process should yield products with guaranteed biological safety. The goal of this work was to conduct a safety evaluation of soil substitutes produced based on casting and organic waste. Toxicity tests were performed for this purpose, based on measurements involving the germination efficiency and the effect of the studied compositions on the biomass, sprout and root growth of Sinapis alba. In addition, an analysis of the content of chlorophyll A and B and of carotenoids was carried out, as well as a measurement of the lipid peroxidation level (content of malondialdehyde – MDA) to assess the potential oxidative stress in the tested plants. The compositions for soil formation prepared using casting waste as a mineral fraction and organic waste (compost, green waste, biogas plant digestate) had a stimulating effect on the rhizospheric and epigeal part growth of Sinapis alba. The germination efficiency in the prepared soil substitutes exhibited no significant difference from the germination efficiency in the control sample. However, the presence of oxidative stress (increased carotenoid and MDA contents) was found in the substitute containing green waste, which could be the result of water deficiency in the plants growing in this substrate. The complex testing of the compositions prepared based on casting waste (spent foundry sand) proved the validity of using such products as soil substitutes.
The energy potential of municipal solid waste landfills receded into the background compared to more traditional sources of energy. Such possibilities as landfill degassing, as well as extraction of thermal energy from the depths of landfills, were little-researched, due to being kind of risky phenomena for their wide application. Currently, the energy system of Ukraine is under the risk as due to the military actions – objects of critical energy infrastructure have become the easy targets for the enemy. About 53 mln m3 of household waste were generated in Ukraine in 2021. Over 10 mln tons were buried at 6000 of landfills, total area of which accounts for 9000 hectares. The energy potential of these waste was used ineffective. Only 28 landfills of total have the degassing system established. The case of using landfill gas as an energy source lies between such challenges: the increasing amount of MSW, proper waste management and the energy crisis in Ukraine caused by the shellings. Landfill spreading throughout the country makes it possible to operate safely and reduce the risk of bringing any significant damage to such infrastructure. The study was focused on the Sumy City landfill, the potential of which is estimated as 36397 m3/t of solid waste. The degassing system was designed based on the methodology of State building regulations of Ukraine. Analysis of the efficiency of the system was done, including the potential energy output as a result of operation of such a system which comes paramount in dealing with the imperative of soaring amount of MSW, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and producing green, cheap energy. The negative impact of MSW landfills on the environment is beyond all dispute so it is crucial that their potential be used at full capacity.
Waste management is a major concern in large cities under heavy demographic pressure. Landfill, the oldest form of solid waste management is gradually being replaced by new technics such as biomethanisation. With the purpose of contributing to the achievement of one of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG7 (affordable and clean energy), the aim of this study is to assess the fermentable fraction of organic wastes into biogas. This survey was carried out in and around Douala city. Biological material consisted of water hyacinth (WH), household wastes (HW), oil palm wastes (OPW) and a mixture of these three substrates (MS) was collected and introduced with cow dung used as inoculum in a biodigester. Some physico-chemical parameters of substrates were determined. Results have shown that substrates used have a pH around neutral. The C/N ratio has shown an excess of nitrogen in the WH, but a deficit in the OPW and MS. The household wastes have presented an ideal ratio for the biological stability of the anaerobic digestion system (21.153±0.695). At the end of the experimentation, a large degradation of organic matter has been observed with COD decrease rates of 37.55±0.12% (WH), 45.46±0.60% (HW), 48.27±0.34% (OPW) and 46.71±0.26% (MS). All air chambers were inflated and the combustion has shown a blue flame, proof of very high proportions of methane in the flammable biogas. A sanitation process has led to clean energy production.
Medical wastes include the wastes created by biomedical research institutes, medical labs, and hospitals. Through exposure to infectious pathogens, improper waste treatment causes substantial hazards of disease transmission to waste workers, waste pickers, patients, health workers, and the population in general. Poor waste management releases dangerous and detrimental constituents into society. However, due of the volumes of wastes generated and its infectious nature, contamination of highly contagious agents such as the sudden pandemic has created huge instability in medical waste treatments and consequent recycling. Several nations have implemented safety procedures to counteract this pollution and manage medical wastes; nevertheless, these efforts are inadequate and vary depending on the nation. Moreover, worldwide organizations have recognized recommendations for the handling of medical wastes. Those rules are aiding in the management of highly infectious medical wastes generated by all-medical centers. Instead of sending things to landfills, proper medical wastes management may make available value by limiting disease transmission and enhancing recyclability. Disinfecting and classifying medical wastes enables for more sustainable management and reuse of important resources. This paper addresses the various medical solid wastes environmental impacts, management and disposal techniques used in various nations, the issues encountered throughout these strategies, and potential solutions to these challenges.
The paper concerns an analysis of waste management at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-TUO). The paper focuses mainly on mixed municipal waste, and paper and cardboard waste, which make up the largest part of all waste generated at this university. The results of analyses of these three types of waste are presented. The analyses were carried out to determine the actual raw material composition of the contents of the collection bins and to determine how full they were on collection days. The studies were carried out within the framework of national waste legislation in line with European Union legislation. The results of these analyses served as the basis for the development of a waste management concept at the university.
Artykuł dotyczy analizy gospodarki odpadami na Uniwersytecie Górniczo-Technicznym w Ostrawie (VŠB-TUO). W artykule zwrócono uwagę głównie na zmieszane odpady komunalne oraz odpady z papieru i tektury, które stanowią największą część wszystkich odpadów powstających w tej uczelni. Przedstawiono wyniki analiz tych trzech rodzajów odpadów. Analizy przeprowadzono w celu określenia rzeczywistego składu surowcowego zawartości pojemników zbierających oraz określenia stopnia ich zapełnienia w dniach odbioru. Badania przeprowadzono w ramach unijnego prawodawstwa dotyczącego odpadów. Wyniki tych analiz posłużyły jako podstawa do opracowania koncepcji gospodarki odpadami na uczelni.
Today, waste management is becoming increasingly important in terms of environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. Increasing population, industrialization and changes in consumption habits necessitate the development of new approaches in the field of waste management and the rethinking of existing systems. In this context, innovations and innovative approaches in waste management from past to present play a critical role in the transformation of waste management. Developments around the world encourage the adoption of innovative solutions and approaches in waste management. In particular, concepts such as zero waste targets, circular economy principles and waste reduction strategies are gaining more importance in international platforms and in the domestic policies of countries. In addition, technological advances offer more efficient and effective solutions in waste management. Developments in smart sensors, automatic classification systems and recycling technologies make it possible to manage waste more effectively. In this context, these developments in the field of waste management worldwide are an important driving force for the further development and implementation of waste management strategies and policies. In this study, innovative approaches in waste management from past to present are discussed, and it aims to be an important resource for understanding the effects of global developments on waste management and for creating more sustainable waste management systems in the future.
Some practices such as fertilisation and pesticide use are carried out in order to obtain high yields in agricultural production. However, as a result of these practices, agricultural pollutants may occur as a result of incorrect agricultural practices. Problems such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, nutrient imbalance, salination in soils, eutrophication in waters, beneficial microorganisms in soils and damage to human and animal health occur due to faulty fertilisation and pesticide applications, misuse of agricultural soils, and inaccuracies in the disposal of plastic wastes. In this study, the literature on agricultural polluting factors was examined and it was aimed to raise awareness about agricultural pollution by explaining the harms of agricultural polluting factors to the environment and the health of living beings and by trying to offer solutions. Within the scope of this targeted awareness, this study; It is aimed to raise the awareness of producers in future production processes and to provide a stepping stone for scientific studies on this subject.
Przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowo-kanalizacyjne pełnią niezwykle istotną rolę w zapewnianiu społeczeństwu dostępu do czystej wody pitnej oraz skutecznego odprowadzania i oczyszczania ścieków. Nie można jednak zapominać, że z tym segmentem działalności wiążą się także, coraz bardziej złożone, zadania związane z gospodarką odpadami.
Czasy, w których branża odpadowa kojarzyć się mogła z najmniej wykształconą kadrą, należą już do przeszłości. Dziś do prawidłowego funkcjonowania instalacji komunalnych potrzebni są superwykwalifikowani technolodzy i technicy.
Dyrektywa 2000/53/EC w sprawie pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji została przyjęta w 2000 roku, a jej celami były zapobieganie powstawaniu odpadów, promowanie ponownego użycia, recyklingu i innych form odzysku pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji (PWE) i ich części oraz poprawa efektywności gospodarki odpadami w sieci recyklingu. W lipcu 2023 roku Komisja Europejska, po przeprowadzeniu oceny wdrożenia dyrektywy, przygotowała nowelizację przepisów dotyczących pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji.
– Według moich wyliczeń, w Polsce rocznie dochodzi do 24 zmian przepisów prawa odpadowego. Tracimy wiarę w to, że może być inaczej, że ta częstotliwość zmaleje, a stabilność wzrośnie – mówił Daniel Chojnacki z Kancelarii Domański Zakrzewski Palinka podczas sesji „Gospodarka Odpadami”, która odbyła się na grudniowym, 27. Kongresie Ochrony Środowiska ENVICON.
Jak informują gminy, wprowadzenie systemu kaucyjnego spowoduje mniejsze wpływy do ich kas. Ponadto ograniczone zostaną możliwości finansowania gospodarki odpadami. To może skutkować wzrostem opłat dla mieszkańców czy zmniejszeniem częstotliwości odbioru odpadów. Jednak nie brakuje pomysłów na poprawę tej sytuacji.
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