Anthropogenic factors cause an increase in the impact on the natural system as a whole and its components. An increase in the intensity of this influence is predicted in the 21st century, and its forms are very diverse and unevenly distributed across the globe. This is most noticeable in industrialized countries, but at the same time this influence largely depends not only on the industrial potential and the level of technology, but also on the population density and urbanization of territories. Currently, much attention is being paid to the ecological problems of river catchments, which are significantly transformed as a result of technogenic influence on the natural environment. Surface runoff of water and sediments is usually formed in the river basin as slope runoff entering the river network. The river basin regulates the surface runoff formed as a result of atmospheric precipitation, which discretely falls on its surface, transferring a significant part of it into the underground runoff. The state of forest landscapes plays an important role in the formation of floods in the Dniester basin. The forest performs important ecological functions, including water protection and soil protection. Forests stabilize soils, preventing their erosion. The presence of a sufficient area of forests contributes to the regulation of surface runoff and the hydrological regime, the prevention of soil erosion and the stabilization of riverbeds. The use of water and mineral resources, construction on the banks of rivers and the laying of engineering communications through them are always different forms of artificial influence on the natural course of channel processes, which change it to varying degrees. Measures that change the channel-forming activity of the river, disrupt the flow of sediments, or radically change the hydraulic characteristics and structure of the flow have a particularly negative impact. The generalization of the dynamics of the channel process and ecological indicators within the territories of the Carpathian region will allow us to assess their impact on the state of the river network, the change in the quality of natural waters, and predict floods.
Over a long period of time, a huge amount of technogenic bottom sediments has been accumulating in the Kosva Bay with significant concentrations of amorphous iron and aluminium hydroxides, which, in turn, are active sorbents of pollutants. This study examines the distribution of trace elements and rare earth elements and their toxicity in the Kosva Bay of the Kama Reservoir (Perm Region, Russia). In the middle reach, the Kosva River crosses the Kizel coal basin, where acid mine water is discharged from closed mines. The average content of trace elements in the samples of bottom sediments of the bay varies from 0.10 mg/kg (Se) to 176.36 mg/kg (Ba). The amount of rare earth elements varies from 66.8 to 83.6 mg/kg. The ecological significance of trace elements and rare earth elements was studied using an element-by-element assessment (EF and Igeo), Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI), Mean Probable Effect Concentration Quotient (PECQ), and two bioassays (Daphnia magna Straus and Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. The highest Hg enrichment was found at two sampling points. Taking into account the average value of Igeo, the pollution by Co, V, Nb, Hg, Sn, Zn, Sm, Ni, Cr, and Gd is the highest and corresponds to extremely contaminated category. The RI values indicate that pollution categories vary from moderate risk to considerable risk. According to mean PECQ values, bottom sediments of the bay have moderate potential toxicity towards biological communities. Results of chronic and acute toxicity on test objects D. magna and Scenedesmus quadricauda Breb show the water extract from bottom sediments having no effects on the test objects. The results of the study show that in order to assess the quality of bottom sediments, an integrated approach, combining chemical and ecotoxicological analyses, is needed.
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W artykule omówiono metody wykorzystywane w biodegradacji wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych występujących w osadach czynnych i dennych. Przeanalizowano ich skuteczność i wpływ na oczyszczanie środowiska z zanieczyszczeń WWA.
The article discusses the methods used in the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in active and bottom sediments. Their effectiveness and influence on the purification of the environment from PAH pollution were analyzed.
The bottom sediments of river hydroecosystems were studied for the gross content of heavy metals (K, Ti Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Hg). The environmental and geochemical processes of bottom-sediment formation in aqua landscapes were analyzed, allowing us to stress the need to determine the methodological basis for the correlation-regression dependence of the heavy metal accumulation processes in bottom sediments, as well as total content of organic carbon. The ranking of pairwise correlation coefficients arranged in decreasing order is: TOC:Cu (0.87) >TOC:K (0.82) >TOC: Ni (0.75) > TOC:Sr (0.73) > TOC:Fe, (0.7) >TOC:Ti (0.67) > TOC:Hg (0.63) > TOC: Cr (0.58) >TOC:Rb (0.56) > and TOC:Zn (0.51). The proposed methodological approach determines the environmental and geochemical aspects of the sedimentation processes heavy metals, while also identifying the general trends in hydroecosystems prone to the anthropogenic impact.
In the course of the study, the following tasks were solved: determining the level of oil products and their spatial distribution in surface waters and bottom sediments of the Tura River, studying the features of the accumulation of oil products in bottom sediments in different sections of the Tura River, as well as the effect of storm and melt water contaminated with oil products within the coastal boundaries on the general background of pollution, calculated by the approximation method the distance at which the maximum permissible concentration for the Tura River would be reached, gave recommendations on the preservation of the object under study. The research was carried out in the laboratory of the Tyumen Industrial University. The analysis of samples for the content of oil products was carried out by the fluorometric method on a fluid analyzer “Fluorat-02–2M”. The results of the study indicate the need to monitor surface waters and toughly respond to insufficient compliance with the standards for the protection of surface waters and bottom sediments within the city of Tyumen.
Specific activity of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K was measured by gamma spectrometry in samples of soil and bottom sediments of rivers on the territory of potassium salt deposit development in order to collect information on radionuclide distribution. According to the results of examinations, the range of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K activity values in soils and bottom sediments of the territory of influence was <2.17–19.7 Bq/kg, <2.5–20.5 Bq/kg, 123–500 Bq/kg. Migration of the studied radionuclides is limited to 2 km zone. The results obtained provide useful information on the levels of naturally occurring radionuclides in the zone of influence of mining objects and are of interest for a comparative evaluation of the impact of salt mining on the radiation environment of the territory.
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Aby ograniczyć tworzenie się osadów dennych w Jeziorze Kórnickim zastosowano dwojakiego rodzaju biopreparaty mikrobiologiczne. Bioremediacja mikrobiologiczna doprowadziła do stopniowej poprawy jakości i czystości wody.
The water in a Polish lake was microbiol. treated to limit the formation of bottom sediments. Two microbiological bioremediation preparations were used for bioremediation. Their use resulted in a stable improvement of the water quality and in an increase of water purity.
Quality is one of the most important risk indicators in river basins. Therefore, monitoring and evaluating water and sediment quality has a very important role in process of risk management. The aim of the monitoring is provide for the sustainability of water bodies and these results are the basis for the risk management in the river catchment area. Hornad, Laborec and Poprad are the rivers in Eastern Slovakia. Hornad and Laborec belongs to basin of Danube and Poprad belongs to basin of Vistula. Sediment sampling was carried out according to ISO 5667-6. Monitoring was carried out in the spring on 2017–2018. The chemical composition of sediments was determined by means of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) using SPECTRO iQ II (Ametek, Germany, 2000). The results of sediment quality evaluated by method PERI revealed that the quality of sediment in 2018 was better than 2017. Results of XRF analysis of sediments were compared with the limited values according to the Slovak Act 188/2003 Coll. of Laws on the application of treated sludge and bottom sediments to fields. It can be state that limit values comparing with Slovak legislation were not exceeding in all sediment samples in rivers in Eastern Slovakia. Based on the monitoring data of sediment quality in the study area, a quantitative analysis of heavy-metal pollution in sediment was conducted using the method of potential ecological risk index (PERI) which is method for evaluate the potential ecological risk of heavy metals. It is based exclusively on chemical parameters of sediments because sediment data show mean integrated values in time, with higher stability than water column parameters; sediments are easily sampled at field work; sediment samples are more representative for time and space scales and analytical data are easily obtained, especially because sediments present high concentrations of contaminants, decreasing the possible errors due to detection limits of the applied analytical method. This method comprehensively considers the synergy, toxic level, concentration of the heavy metals and ecological sensitivity of heavy metals. Potential ecological risk index can be obtained using three basic modules: degree of contamination (CD), toxic-response factor (TR) and potential ecological risk factor (ER). The results show on the basis on potential ecological risk index that the quality of sediment in 2018 is better than 2017. The worst result shows Hornad in 2017. Significant improvement occurred at the sampling point S2 in Hornad in 2018. The best results show Laborec in 2018. The results show on the basis on potential ecological risk index that quality of sediment in 2018 is better than 2017.
To investigate and assess the effects of land use and its changes on concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) in the tributary of drinking water reservoir catchment, soils of different land use types (forest, arable land, meadows and pastures, residential areas), suspended sediment and bottom sediment were collected. Heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The metal distribution pattern was observed, where Zn and Cd could be considered as main metal contaminants. The variation in the concentration level of Zn and Cd in studied soils showed the impact of pollution from anthropogenic activities. Also some seasonal variations were visible among the suspended sediment and bottom sediment samples which could be associated with land agricultural practices or meteorological conditions. The sediment fingerprints approach used for determining sources of the suspension in the catchment showed (Kruskal-Wallis H test, p˂0.05), that only Mn and Ni were not able to be distinguished among the potential sediment sources. A multiple linear regression model described the relationship between suspended sediment and 4 types of soil samples. The results related suspended composition mostly to the samples from the residential land use. Considering the contemporary trend of observed changes in land use resulting in conversion of agricultural areas into residential and service structures these changes can be essential for the contamination of aquatic environment. This situation is a warning sign due to the rapid industrialization, urbanization and intensive agriculture in this region what can significantly affect the drinking water quality.
Celem pracy była ocena wpływu użytkowania gruntów i ich zmian na stężenia metali ciężkich (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) w dopływie zlewni zbiornika wody pitnej. Do badań pobrano próbki gleb z różnych typów użytkowania gruntów (las, grunty orne, łąki i pastwiska, tereny zabudowane), rumowiska unoszonego oraz osadów dennych. Metale ciężkie oznaczono za pomocą Atomowej Spektroskopii Absorpcyjnej (ASA). W badanych próbkach zaobserwowano zmienność stężeń metali w zależności od sposobu użytkowania gruntów. Otrzymane wyniki świadczą również, że główne zanieczyszczenie metaliczne w zlewni stanowią Zn i Cd. Wśród próbek rumowiska unoszonego oraz osadów dennych widoczne były pewne wahania sezonowe, które mogły być związane z działalnością rolniczą lub warunkami meteorologicznymi. Zastosowana do określania źródeł zawiesiny w zlewni metoda sediment fingerprints (test Kruskal-Wallis H test, p˂0.05), ) wykazała, że spośród badanych metali jedynie Mn i Ni nie umożliwiają rozróżnienia potencjalnych źródeł pochodzenia rumowiska unoszonego. Pozostałe metale zostały zatem wykorzystane do opisania zależności między rumowiskiem a 4 typami próbek gleb za pomocą modelu regresji wielokrotnej. Model ten wykazał związek zanieczyszczenia próbek rumowiska metalami z zanieczyszczeniem gleb z terenów zabudowanych. Biorąc pod uwagę zaobserwowany współczesny trend zmian w użytkowaniu gruntów, prowadzący do przekształcania obszarów rolniczych w obszary mieszkalne i usługowe, może on istotnie wpływać na zanieczyszczenie środowiska wodnego i jakość wody pitnej. Taka sytuacja jest znakiem ostrzegawczym ze względu na szybkie uprzemysłowienie, urbanizację i intensywną gospodarkę rolną w tym regionie.
This work presents the results of research on channel processes in the Padma River (Republic of Bangladesh) at the construction site of the “Ruppur” Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The fluvial characteristics of the Padma River were presented, including: the water outflow regime, characteristics of anthropogenic impact on the river outflow and assessment of the present state of the channel and floodplain. The research was conducted based on field expeditions, during which data on morphology, dynamics, hydrological and hydraulic conditions for the formation of the floodplain-channel complex were collected. Moreover, the water discharges and suspended sediments, as well as the longitudinal profiles of the water level and the channel morphology were measured. The presented research has shown that comprehensive and planned regulation of selected sections of rivers could lead to the channel stabilization and support the rational use of water resources for different purposes, e.g. power plants, municipal purposes, etc. Moreover, detailed research on channel deformation in selected areas indicated the major role of natural factors (geological structure, the type of sediments delivered to the river, vegetation cover, etc.) in the past and present fluvial processes.
The study involved 17 species of freshwater molluscs. The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Cd andHg) in soft tissues was determinedfor 14 species, while the concentration of heavy metals in shells was determinedfor 16 species. Totally, 110 samples of soft tissue and 119 samples of shells were analysed. The statistical analysis of the qualitative data concerning concentration of metals in shells indicated a clear distinction between snails and bivalves. The only exception is Unio crassus, which was assigned to a three-point cluster together with snails. With respect to snails, this may be because the analysis was performed only on one sample. The results of this study can be significant both for palaeontological research and palaeoenvironmental research. If we have a few shell fragments available, it can be generally concluded, based on geochemical analysis of heavy metals in shells, which shell fragments belong to bivalves and which to snails. It is also possible to assess geochemical conditions of ancient ecosystems. Obviously, the given results are preliminary and they suggest necessity of further research.
The object of the study was Tyrsko Lake (area 18.6 ha, max. depth 30.4 m), located in the western part of Olsztyn (Olsztyn Lakeland). This lake is one of the clear water lakes in Olsztyn, but the progressive deterioration of water quality has been observed during recent years. The phosphorus concentration in the water-sediment interface, phosphorus fractions quantity and the amount of components which can bind this element was investigated in the upper (0–5 cm) layer of deposits. The aim of study was to analyze the potential influence of bottom sediment on the lake water quality. The obtained results revealed that the bottom sediment of Tyrsko Lake can be classified as mixed, silica-organic type, with a relatively high content of iron (over 4% Fe in d.w.). The total phosphorus content was ca. 3.5 mg P g,-1 d.w. on average. Phosphorus in the bottom sediment was bound mainly with organic matter (NaOH-nrP fraction), which had over 50% share in TP. Highly mobile fractions (NH4-Cl-P and BD-P) together only included ca. 5% to 7% TP. The obtained results show that the bottom sediment of Tyrsko Lake can bind phosphorus quite effectively. The calculated internal mineral phosphorus loading during summer stagnation period was 10.9 kg and it was lower that the assessed annual external phosphorus load (22.6 kg). The assessed annual phosphorus loading from both sources was still lower than the critical load according to Vollenweider criteria. However, due to the fact that the internal loading phenomenon is occurring in the lake, it should be taken into consideration that the lake water quality can deteriorate gradually during the longer time perspective. These findings should be accounted for in the future if the potential protection and restoration procedures will be developed.
The aim of the study was to assess the properties of bottom sediments from the inlet zone of the Rożnów Reservoir (South Poland) and to analyse the potential possibilities to use them for environmental purposes. The inlet zone of the reservoir is particularly intensely shallowed by means of the silts of the Dunajec River. A total of 20 samples were collected from the designated cross-sections. In air-dry samples of the sediments, granulometric composition, pH electrolytic conductivity (EC), sorption properties, organic carbon carbonates and macroelements content were determined. Bottom sediments from the Rożnów Reservoir indicate a great potential possibility to use them for environmental purposes (agriculture, reclamation). However, in order to fully evaluate the possibility of bottom sediment management, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the ecological risk related to the content of heavy metals, PAHs, PCBs and to evaluate their eco-toxicity. Moreover, the main barriers to the environmental application of bottom sediments are a lack of appropriate legislation.
The aims of the study were to assess the phytoxicity of bottom sediments collected from the Rybnik Reservoir. The water reservoir in Rybnik is located in the Silesian Voivodeship. The reservoir constitutes a part of the technological chain of Elektrownia Rybnik S.A. as a direct receiver of industrial and rainwater sewage, sewage from a water treatment plant, blowdowns from cooling towers, and as an essential source of cooling water. Sediment samples were collected with an Eckman sampler from 33 locations. The toxicity of bottom sediments was determined using the Phytotoxkit direct contact test, carried out for 3 plants: Sorghum saccharatum, Sinapis alba and Lepidium sativum. On the basis of the data received, the germination index (GI) was calculated. We found the mean value of the germination index indicated the dominance of the inhibitory effect of bottom sediments on plant growth. Sorghum saccharatum was the most sensitive to pollutants in sediments, while Lepidium sativum was the least sensitive. The Phytotoxkit is a good tool for assessing the toxicity of bottom sediments.
The paper attempts to determine the degree of impact of discharged wastewater from five treatment plants on the Bug River ecosystem and its inflow, the Kamianka. For laboratory tests, samples of bottom sediments and aquatic plants were collected in 2014. The content of heavy metals: Zn, Pb, Ni in bottom sediments and aquatic plants (root, stem, leaf) growing close to the discharge of purified sewage, were analyzed. The amount of metals in the samples was determined applying the AAS method in its flame version. The average content of the metals determined in bottom sediments from the study points located before the treatment plant were Zn – 21.8; Pb – 11.5; Ni – 13.7 mg kg−1. However, the content of these metals was higher in samples from the collection points which were located after the place of purified sewage discharge and amounted to: Zn – 34.3; Pb – 12.2; Ni – 16.9 mg⋅kg−1. The test plants were Acorus calamus L., Nuphar lutea L., Typha angustifolia L. The content of metals in the individual parts of macrophytes (root, stem, leaf) was as follows: Zn > Pb > Ni. In the bottom sediments and aquatic plants of the Bug and Kamianka rivers, a higher content of lead, zinc and nickel was found after the discharge of treated sewage in relation to their content than before discharge, but it was not a threat to the aquatic environment of the watercourses studied. Statistical analysis showed that the amount of sewage discharged to the tested receivers influenced the content of organic matter, zinc and nickel in bottom sediments.
Mineralizacja mikrofalowa w układzie zamkniętym jest obecnie jedną z najefektywniejszych technik roztwarzania próbek środowiskowych w celu oznaczania zawartości jonów metali ciężkich. W pracy dokonano oceny metody mineralizacji mikrofalowej jako jednej z technik dekompozycji próbek stałych. Omówiono parametry charakteryzujące metodę, które decydują o jej przewadze nad innymi technikami roztwarzania (małe ilości niezbędnych odczynników, eliminacja zanieczyszczeń, niewielka naważka roztwarzanego materiału oraz krótki czas mineralizacji). Wykazano wpływ etapu roztwarzania na dalszy proces analityczny próbki. Stwierdzono, że parametry charakteryzujące mineralizację mikrofalową w układzie zamkniętym (precyzja, powtarzalność, dokładność) rokują, że metoda ta wkrótce zdominuje techniki roztwarzania próbek.
Closed microwave digestion method is one of the most effective used as mineralization technique for environmental matrices to determine the heavy metals ions. The article describes the evaluation of microwave mineralization method as one of the decomposition techniques for solid samples. The characteristic parameters of the method, which determine its advantage over other digestion techniques (small amount of reagents, elimination of impurities, small sample weight and short time of mineralization) were discussed. The influence of the digestion on the analytical process was demonstrated. It was found that the characteristic parameters of the microwave mineralization in a closed system (precision, repeatability, accuracy) promise that this method will soon dominate the techniques of sample digestion.
The aim of the study was to analyze the content of Ni in fractions of 1.0–0.2 mm, 0.2–0.1 mm, 0.1–0.063 mm, 0.063–0.02 mm, and <0.02 mm of river bottom sediments and plants (root, stem, leaf) of broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia), yellow water lilies (Nuphar lutea), and cowbane (Cicuta virosa). Nickel content in bottom sediment was slightly higher than the geochemical background. The largest amounts of Ni were associated with the finest fraction, while the smallest with the thickest fraction. The highest content of this element was recorded at the point Ełk Barany, which was connected with developing industry in the city of Ełk. All of the tested plants showed greater Ni contents than the amount naturally occurring in plants. In most cases, most of Ni was associated with plant roots, and the least with leaves. It has been proven that aquatic plants can be good indicators of the aquatic environment status.
The aim of study was to assess the effect of bottom sediments on the concentration of macronutrients (K, P, Na, Mg, Ca) and trace elements (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu) in the plant test. The experimental design comprised 6 treatments: soil (control), soil + 5% of sediment, soil +10% of sediment, soil + 30% of sediment, soil + 50% of sediment and sediment (100%) in relation to the soil dry mass. The test plant - maize was harvested after 70 days of vegetation. Bottom sediment added to soil had a positive effect on maize biomass in the lowest dose, i.e. 5%. Higher doses of the sediment caused a reduction in maize yield. Bottom sediment positively affected concentration of nutrients: N, Mg, Na, K, Ca, Zn, Ni, Cu of maize shoots. However, the shoot biomass did not meet for fodder with respect to quality. Applied bottom sediment, has high content of sandy fractions, acid reaction and low concentration of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, can not be used as a fertilizer. Using bottom sediment from Narożniki reservoir in plant cultivation, one should take into consideration a necessity of application of supplementary NPK fertilization due to low concentration of these elements both in the bottom sediment and maize yield.
In order to determine the forms of heavy metals in bottom sediment or sewage sludge the speciation analysis is performed. The analysis is based on the sequential extraction of metals with increasingly aggressive solvents. The five steps extraction proposed by Tessier et al gained wide recognition. It extracts metals in following groups: exchangeable, associated with carbonates, with hydrated iron oxides and manganese oxides, with organic matter and metals that can be found in the residual fraction. Metals that can be found in the two first fractions (exchangeable and carbonate) are believed to be mobile. As a result of research carried out by the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme of the European Commission, formerly the Community Bureau of Reference, a shorter, three-stage extraction procedure known as the BCR procedure was accepted. Comparison of heavy metal (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr) fractionation methods was done. Two different sequential extraction methods were investigated: Tessier, and BCR method. For the experiment following materials were used: certified reference material LGC6181, sewage sludge were collected from mechanical biological municipal wastewater treatment plant located in Czestochowa, and bottom sediment from the Poraj Reservoir. After results comparison, it was stated that content of particular chemical forms of heavy metals in total amount in certified material, sewage sludge and bottom sediment vary depending on used extraction method. In case of certified material differences referred to cadmium concentrations in exchangeablecarbonate, iron and manganese oxides, and zinc in residual (insoluble compounds) fractions. Also in sewage sludge and bottom sediment cadmium concentrations measured in exchangeable-carbonate, in organic-sulfide, and in residual (insoluble compounds) fractions after extraction according to Tessier method, did not equal to values obtained after use of BCR extraction method. This also applied to zinc and lead concentrations in iron and manganese oxides fraction. The discrepancy between the results could be explained with both: used extractants, and extraction conditions (different reagents, temperature, and time). The results point out how important is the choice of a proper extraction method depending on the aim of speciation analysis but also depending on the analyzed chemical forms of heavy metals.
W celu określenia form chemicznych metali ciężkich w osadach dennych, czy też w osadach ściekowych wykonuje się analizę specjacyjną opartą na ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej, która polega na stopniowym wydzielaniu metali z osadów roztworami o wzrastającej agresywności. Szerokie uznanie zdobyła pięciostopniowa ekstrakcja zaproponowana przez Tessiera i współpracowników, której zastosowanie umożliwia wydzielenie metali wymienialnych, związanych z węglanami, z uwodnionymi tlenkami żelaza i manganu, z materią organiczną oraz pozostałych. Za mobilne uważa się metale występujące w dwóch pierwszych frakcjach (wymiennej i węglanowej). W wyniku prowadzonych prac w ramach Programu Pomiarów i Testowania w Komisji Unii Europejskiej przyjęto skróconą, trzy etapową ekstrakcję, znaną jako procedura BCR. Przeprowadzono porównawcze badania frakcjonowania metali ciężkich (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr), wykorzystuj ąc ekstrakcję sekwencyjną stosowaną przez Tessiera oraz procedurę BCR. Materiałem badawczym były: materiał certyfikowany LGC 6181, osad ściekowy pochodzący z mechaniczno-biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych w Częstochowie oraz osad denny pobrany ze zbiornika zaporowego Poraj. Porównując wyniki, stwierdzono różny udział określonych form chemicznych metali ciężkich w całkowitej ich zawartości w badanych próbkach w zależności od zastosowanej procedury ekstrakcji. Dla materiału certyfikowanego rozbieżności dotyczyły głównie zawartości kadmu we frakcji wymienno-węglanowej oraz tlenków żelaza i manganu, cynku we frakcji pozostałościowej (związków praktycznie nierozpuszczalnych). Również w osadzie ściekowym i osadzie dennym zawartość kadmu oznaczona we frakcjach wymienno-węglanowej, organiczno-siarczkowej oraz związków praktycznie nierozpuszczalnych po ekstrakcji metodą Tessiera nie pokryła się z wartościami uzyskanymi po ekstrakcji metodą BCR. Dotyczyło to także zawartości cynku i ołowiu we frakcji tlenków żelaza i manganu. Przyczynami rozbieżności uzyskanych wyników mogły być zarówno użyte ekstrahenty, jak i warunki prowadzenia ekstrakcji (różne reagenty, temperatura i czas). Potwierdza to, jak ważny jest dobór odpowiedniej metody ekstrakcji w zależności od celu prowadzonej analizy specjacyjnej i analizowanych form chemicznych metali ciężkich.
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W artykule dokonano oceny możliwości wymuszonej redepozycji osadów gromadzących się na dnie dawnego portu rzecznego. Jest to obiekt o powierzchni 60 ha i pojemności około 1,5 mln m3, pierwotnie stanowiący fragment terasy zalewowej, która została zatopiona na skutek podpiętrzenia rzeki jazem. Weryfikowane rozwiązanie techniczne polega na umiejscowieniu w korpusie grobli zbiornika spustu rurowego, umożliwiającego interwencyjny zrzut wody. W założeniach wraz z masą odprowadzanej wody do rurociągu przedostawać się mają wyerodowane w ten sposób osady denne, których nadmierne gromadzenie się stanowi główny problem eksploatacji obiektu. Proponowane rozwiązanie ma więc być alternatywą dla dotychczas stosowanego mechanicznego usuwania osadów dennych (bagrowania). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych obliczeń hydraulicznych i hydrologicznych wykazano, że zasięg oddziaływania zaprojektowanego urządzenia wodnego, rozumiany jako strefa wzbudzonego na skutek zrzutu wody ruchu turbulentnego, ograniczy się jedynie do jego bezpośredniego sąsiedztwa, nie może więc mieć istotnego wpływu na zredukowanie zalegającej na dnie warstwy osadów. Dodatkowo, bazując na wynikach rozpoznania właściwości geotechnicznych osadów dennych i podścielającego je pierwotnego podłoża gruntowego, stwierdzono, że utwory te należą do trudno rozmywalnych (namuły, gytie i torfy). Brak jest więc racjonalnych przesłanek do zastosowania spustu rurowego jako metody zmniejszenia zamulenia dna na obiektach tej wielkości co analizowany.
The article presents an assessment of possibilities for silting of a former river port. The discussed object has a surface of 60ha and a volume of ca 1.5 million m3. It was created as a result of a flooding of a fragment of a fluvial terrace after building a weir on the river. The silt-removal method which is being evaluated in the article involves construction of a culvert pipe through the reservoir’s embankment, which would thus allow the periodical removal of water. According to project’s assumptions, bottom sediments would be removed along with the pumped water. Their excessive accumulation has been the main obstacle in an efficient utilization of the investigated object. The proposed enterprise is therefore meant to be an alternative to their mechanical removal through dredging, which has been used until now. The hydraulic and hydrological calculations revealed that the proposed project’s area of influence upon the bottom of the reservoir is limited to the immediate vicinity of the nozzle. Therefore the method might prove not to be efficient in reducing the sediments resting on the bottom of the reservoir. Additionally, based on the results of geotechnical identification of the sediments and the ground beneath, revealed them to be mainly muds, gyttjas and peats, all of which are resistant to dispersion. In conclusion, there are no rational arguments in favor of implementation of culvert piping as a method for decreasing the siltation on objects of a similar size.
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