Blockchain-based cyber-physical systems (CPSs) and the blockchain Internet of things (BIoT) are two major focuses of the modern technological revolution. Currently we have security attacks like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), address resolution protocol (ARP) spoofing attacks, various phishing and configuration threats, network congestion, etc. on the existing CPS and IoT architectures. This study conducts a complete survey on the flaws of the present centralized IoT system’s peer-to-peer (P2P) communication and the CPS architecture’s machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. Both these architectures could use the inherent consensus algorithms and cryptographic advantages of blockchain technology. To show how blockchain technology can resolve the flaws of the existing CPS and IoT architectures while maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability (the CIA triad), we conduct a holistic survey here on this topic and discuss the research focus in the domain of the BIoT. Then we analyse the similarities and dissimilarities of blockchain technology in IoT and CPS architectures. Finally, it is well understood that one should explore whether blockchain technology will give advantages to CPS and IoT applications through a decision support system (DSS) with a relevant mathematical model, so here we provide the DSS with such a model for this purpose.
Currently existing solutions rarely protect message integrity, authenticity and user anonymity without burdening the user with details of key management. To address this problem, we present Aldeon—a protocol for anonymous group conversations in a peer-to-peer system. The efficiency of Aldeon is based on a novel tree synchronization algorithm, which is proposed and discussed in this paper. By using this algorithm, a significant reduction in the number of exchanged messages is achieved. In the paper, the formal definition of the proposed hash branch function and the proof of its efficiency are presented.
W artykule przedstawiono systemy peer-to-peer (P2P) - systemy zdecentralizowane, samoorganizujące się, charakteryzujące się dużą fluktuacją węzłów. Systemy P2P stanowią uzupełnienie, a w wielu przypadkach lepszą alternatywę dla systemów opartych na modelu komunikacji klient-serwer. Celem artykułu jest porównanie podstawowych właściwości istniejących systemów P2P, przedstawienie możliwych zastosowań oraz otwartych problemów badawczych.
This paper presents peer-to-peer (P2P) systems - an example of decentralized, self-organizing, highly dynamic systems. The P2P systems may complement, and in many cases replace the client-server systems. This paper compares the architectures of existing P2P systems, discusses possible applications and open problems.
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