Li-Fi, also known as light fidelity, is a promising technology for the wireless communication sector in the future. Similar to Wi-Fi, it is a fully networked and bidirectional technology that offers incredibly high speeds. However, there are some limitations associated with Li-Fi technology, such as its reliance online of sight between the transmitter and receiver, its susceptibility to interference from external light sources, and its short coverage area, particularly indoors. Therefore, to overcome these issues, proposed integrating Li-Fi with other hybrid wireless communication technologies. This article discusses the integration of Li-Fi with Wi-Fi and cellular networks in V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communication, satellite communication systems, and Industrial IoT (IIoT). In the future, as the speed of light is significantly faster than other transmission methods, Li-Fi technology has the potential to revolutionize data access speeds for devices.
Li-Fi, znany również jako light fidelity, to obiecująca technologia dla sektora komunikacji bezprzewodowej przyszłości. Podobnie jak Wi-Fi, jest to w pełni sieciowa i dwukierunkowa technologia, która oferuje niewiarygodnie wysokie prędkości. Istnieją jednak pewne ograniczenia związane z technologią Li-Fi, takie jak zależność od linii wzroku między nadajnikiem a odbiornikiem, podatność na zakłócenia ze strony zewnętrznych źródeł światła oraz krótki zasięg, szczególnie w pomieszczeniach. Dlatego, aby przezwyciężyć te problemy, zaproponowano integrację Li-Fi z innymi hybrydowymi technologiami komunikacji bezprzewodowej. W tym artykule omówiono integrację Li-Fi z Wi-Fi i sieciami komórkowymi w komunikacji V2X (vehicle-to-everything), systemach komunikacji satelitarnej i przemysłowym IoT (IIoT). W przyszłości, ponieważ prędkość światła będzie znacznie większa niż w przypadku innych metod transmisji, technologia Li-Fi może zrewolucjonizować prędkości dostępu do danych w pomieszczeniach.
Airborne microplastics smaller than 5 mm in diameter can be easily inhaled by humans, impacting their health. The human exposure to microplastics can occur in indoor environments, and this study investigated the degree of indoor deposition of microplastics in settled dust. The authors assessed the relationship between the number of occupants/people and the amount of microplastics in their indoor environment by determining the indoor microplastic exposure in two offices, two schools, and two apartments in Surabaya, Indonesia. The settled dust was collected using a vacuum cleaner for 10 minutes on a single weekday and the weekend at each study location. The results show that the amount of microplastics collected at each location during workdays exceeded the amount found on weekends. The two offices sampled were found to have the greatest amounts of microplastics (334 particles on a weekday, 242 particles on a weekend; and 351 particles on a weekday, 252 particles on a weekend), and the two apartments produced the least amounts of microplastics (133 particles on a weekday, 127 particles on a weekend; and 108 particles on a weekday, 95 particles on a weekend). The dominant microplastic shape was that of fiber, and the dominant size range of the microplastics collected was 3000–3500 µm. The amount of indoor microplastics is influenced by the activities and the number of occupants/people in the space. The exposure levels indicated here will contribute to the formulation of the environmental health policy recommendations.
Propagation is an essential factor ensuring good coverage of wireless communications systems. Propagation models are used to predict losses in the path between transmitter and receiver nodes. They are usually defined for general conditions. Therefore, their results are not always adapted to the behavior of real signals in a specific environment. The main goal of this work is to propose a new model adjusting the loss coefficients based on empirical data, which can be applied in an indoor university campus environment. The Oneslope, Log-distance and ITU models are described to provide a mathematical base. An extensive measurement campaign is performed based on a strict methodology considering different cases in typical indoor scenarios. New loss parameter values are defined to adjust the mathematical model to the behavior of real signals in the campus environment. The experimental results show that the model proposed offers an attenuation average error of 2.5% with respect to the losses measured. In addition, comparison of the proposed model with existing solutions shows that it decreases the average error significantly for all scenarios under evaluation.
The analysed theme of this article is based on the training of environmental measurements for workplaces. This is very important for sustainable quality in technical educational institutions. Applied kinds of software, which are taught at technical educational institutions, have to offer the professional and methodical knowledge concerning conditions of working ambient for students of selected technical specialisations. This skill is performed in such a way that the graduates, after entering the practical professional life, will be able to participate in solutions for actual problems that are related to environmental protection by means of software support. Nowadays, during the training process it is also obligatory to introduce technical science. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned facts it is possible to say that information technology support for environmental study subjects is a relevant aspect, which should be integrated into the university educational process. There is an effective progress that further highlights the focus on the quality of university education not only for environmental engineers. Actual trends require an increasing number of software/hardware educated engineers who can participate in qualitative university preparation, i.e.IT environmentalists. The Department of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia is an institution specified and intended for quality objectivisation. This institution introduced into the study programmes (“Environmental Management” and “Technology of Environmental Protection”) study subjects with the software support, which are oriented towards outdoor and indoor ambient and in this way the Department of Process and Environmental Engineering is integrated effectively and intensively into the area of measurement training with regard to the requirement of quality educational processes.
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