In this paper, algorithms of the state estimation of dynamical systems, using different types of particle filters, have been presented. Three Particle Filter methods have been used: Bootstrap Filter, Auxiliary Particle Filter and Likelihood Particle Filter. These methods have been applied to two nonlinear objects, with quadratic measurement functions. The results have been additionally compared with the outcome from Kalman filters. Based on the obtained results (5 different quality indices) the estimation methods have been evaluated.
W niniejszej pracy zostały przedstawione algorytmy estymacji stanu układów dynamicznych za pomocą różnych rodzajów filtrów cząsteczkowych. Zaprezentowano trzy metody filtrów cząsteczkowych: algorytm Bootstrap, pomocniczy filtr cząsteczkowy i wiarygodny filtr cząsteczkowy. Metody te zastosowano dla dwóch obiektów nieliniowych o kwadratowych funkcjach pomiarowych. Z filtrami cząsteczkowymi zostały dodatkowo zestawione metody filtru Kalmana. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników (5 różnych wskaźników jakości) metody estymacji zostały ocenione.
Particle filters are very popular - number of algorithms based on Sequential Monte Carlo methods is growing. Paper describes and compares the performance of two of them - Auxiliary and Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filters. Comparison includes also Bootstrap Filter and some variety of SIR algorithm.
W artykule opisane zostały algorytmy filtracji nieliniowej (rozszerzona Kalmana, bezśladowa Kalmana, cząstkowa, cząstkowa wykorzystująca filtrację rozszerzoną Kalmana oraz bezśladowa filtracja cząstkowa) stosowane w systemach pozycjonujących. Zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań symulacyjnych porównujących jakość estymacji analizowanych rodzajów filtrów nieliniowych dla różnych nieliniowości oraz rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa zakłóceń stanu: Gaussa, Rayleigha, Studenta, i Gamma.
The paper describes several types of nonlinear filtering algorithms, widely used in positioning systems (Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter, particle filter, EKF approximation for particle filter and unscented particle filter). Numerous simulation results, which are to compare the quality of analyzed nonlinear filters for different nonlinearities and distributions (Gaussian, Rayleigh, Student, Gamma) are shown.
A new approach is needed to test particle filters for retrofitting Diesel engines. Considering the toxicity of the particles as also the physical and chemical attributes of particle filters, the optimal scheme is to test the components themselves independent of the deployment. That scheme ensures the highest effectiveness with least effort. It also enables evaluation of worst-case situations and assesses the hazards of secondary emissions. The Swiss standard SNR 277 205, which mandates the VERT test procedure, is a first step in that direction. Occupational health specialists have studied the toxicity of ultraflne particles for more than 100 years. Extremely toxic are the particles intruding into the lung. Larger particles, which are always naturally present, are intercepted in the upper respiratory paths. The body then expels these larger particles rapidly via the mucus and cilia. The new manmade particles less-than l mi m, however massively intrude into the fine pulmonary alveoli, which do not have the cleansing mechanism. The targeted efficiencies for evaluating modern filters are evident from the progress achieved. Many filters have filtration rates exceeding 99.9%, albeit the directives [4] only require 97%.
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