Straw, particularly cereal straw, is a valuable by-product of crop production, which can be used for various purposes, e.g. as livestock feed and bedding or for making fuels, however it should primarily be retained on farmland in order to prevent soil organic matter (SOM) losses and thus to maintain or improve soil quality. The aim of this study was to analyze effects of the frequency of crop residues (straw) incorporation into the soil on the content of soil organic matter and on crop yields. There were the following experimental treatments: SR - straw of all crop in the rotation removed, S1 - straw of one crop per rotation incorporated, S2 - straw of two crops in the rotation incorporated, and S3 - straw of three crops incorporated into the soil (loamy sand). After 21 years of crop rotation with straw removal (SR) the SOM level in the soil slightly decreased to 14.4 g∙kg-1 soil DM, compared to that in 1997 (14.6 g∙kg-1). However, when straw of one crop (rape) per rotation was incorporated (S1) the content of SOM increased to 15.0 g∙kg-1 soil DM, and to 15.6 and 16.0 g∙kg-1 in S2 and S3 treatments, respectively. Straw retention had also a beneficial effect on the content of labile fractions of SOM (hot water extractable C and N). Grain yields and yield components of wheat and triticale, and seed yields of rape in the SR treatment were not significantly different from those obtained in S1, S2 and S3 treatments.
In Morocco, and particularly in the Doukkala irrigated perimeter, sugar beet rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii is a major limiting factor for the productivity of this crop. The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between the frequency of Sclerotium rolfsii infestation and the quantity of viable sclerotia in the soil on the one hand, and with the different physicochemical parameters of the soil in cropped sugar beet fields on the other hand. In total, 1794 soil samples were collected during a four years period in the whole irrigated perimeter. These samples were analyzed for their sclerotial content. In addition, laboratory analysis of physico-chemical parameters was performed for 94 sugar beet fields in 2019. The study showed that the relative frequency of infestation by Sclerotium rolfsii and the number of viable sclerotia oscillate inversely and present a relative frequency of 45.7, 57.3, 42.3 and 49.5% for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively, and a number of sclerotia of 2.01, 1.65, 2.11 and 1.25 in 250 g of soil for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. The study showed that the number of viable sclerotia was positively correlated with clay and silt content, soil pH, Mg, K, Fe, Cu, and Mn and negatively correlated with sand, SOM, EC, CaCO3, Zn, B, Ca, NH4 and NO3 contents. The observed decrease in viable sclerotia between 2016 and 2019 can be attributed to the decrease of Fe and Cu in the soil. It is possible that SOM intervenes with its humified fraction in the neutralization of the redox potential of Feand Cu which are involved in the production of sclerotia under oxidative stress. The good control of fertilization, especially organic, allows limiting the production of sclerotia of Sclerotium rolfsii. Data analysis allowed obtaining a significant prediction model of the number of viable sclerotia in the soil according to the physicochemical soil parameters with (R2 = 0.95 at P<0.0001) for only infested fields and (R2 = 0.87 at P<0.0001) for all the fields.
Aligning farms with the European Green Deal necessitates precise identification and analysis of the interplay between primary economic factors and ecological dimensions. This study presents detailed research findings on the correlation between ecological indicators, CH4 and N2O emissions, and economic metrics within a regional framework. The research draws on data from farms participating in the European Agricultural Accounting Network (FADN) spanning 2010-2019. The resultant analysis underscores substantial correlations among the examined parameters. Regions characterised by heightened agricultural production intensity report elevated agricultural income. However, this is coupled with increased environmental impact and heightened greenhouse gas emissions, particularly among farms engaged in animal production. Mazowsze, Podlasie, Wielkopolska, and Slask exhibit notable progress in proenvironmental initiatives. In the Pomorze and Mazury regions, expenditures on fertilisation and plant protection remain close to the average, culminating in an efficient equilibrium of organic matter in the soil and minimal CH4 and N2O emissions per hectare.
Transformacja gospodarstw rolnych zgodnie z Europejskim Zielonym Ładem wymaga precyzyjnej identyfikacji i analizy relacji między głównymi czynnikami ekonomicznymi a aspektami ekologicznymi. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowych badań dotyczących korelacji między wskaźnikami ekologicznymi, emisją CH4 i N2O a wskaźnikami ekonomicznymi w kontekście regionalnym. Badania oparto na danych z gospodarstw rolnych uczestniczących w Europejskiej Sieci Rachunkowości Rolniczej (FADN) za lata 2010-2019. Uzyskane wyniki analizy wykazują istotne współzależności między badanymi parametrami. W regionach o wysokim poziomie intensywności produkcji rolniczej, gospodarstwa notują wyższe dochody rolnicze, jednakże wiąże się to z większym obciążeniem środowiska naturalnego oraz większymi emisjami gazów cieplarnianych, zwłaszcza w gospodarstwach prowadzących produkcję zwierzęcą. Mazowsze, Podlasie, Wielkopolska oraz Śląsk wykazują znaczący postęp w implementacji działań prośrodowiskowych. W regionach pomorskim i mazurskim, wydatki na nawożenie i ochronę roślin utrzymują się na poziomie zbliżonym do średniej, co przekłada się na efektywną równowagę materii organicznej w glebie oraz minimalne emisje CH4 i N2O na hektar.
The present study aims to compare two different methods for the determination of soil organic matter (SOM); the wet acidified dichromate oxidation methods Walkley-Black (WB) and the combustion’s one (mass loss on ignition – LOI); in order to find out the best one in terms of suitability, environmentally-friendly, time-efficiency and economical benefit. Forty-five Moroccan soil samples (El Guich, Koudia and Merchouche area) from 0–20 cm depth with different classes, textures and organic matter contents were evaluated. According to the results, a strong linear relationship was observed between LOI-OM and WB-OM methods for all the sites. However, El Guich and Koudia recorded much larger regression coefficients (0.745*** and 0.611*** respectively) compared to Merchouche site (0.452**). Therefore, the SOM by walkley-Black method can be easily calculated from the LOI method at 500±25 ºC for 2 hours using linear equation in order to minimize the analysis time and consumption of chemicals for routine laboratory. In addition, it was noticed that the SOM contents calculated by the LOI method are higher in Merchouche soils compared to that of WB due to the presence of a large amount of clay minerals in the Merchouche soils (43.9 < %clay < 56.1) in comparison with those of El Guich (5 < %clay < 7.5) and Koudia (16.1 < %clay < 20.4). This study revealed that both methods were reliable but W.B method was more accurate and suitable for calcareous soils and those with high clay contents. However, LOI method is an accurate and beneficial for non-calcareous soils with low clay content.
The Doukkala plains one of the largest irrigated areas in Morocco with a very important agricultural potential. With the integration of new technologies in agriculture, the plain has been subjected to intensive agriculture which has negative impacts on soil quality especially the soil organic matter loss. Therefore, the objective of this study is to combine remote sensing and modelling for monitoring of organic matter content. The obtained results showed that all the examined models showed satisfactory results in the prediction of organic matter with a coefficient of determination R2 ranging from 0.58 to 0.71 and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) varied 0.25 and 0.26%. Based on the findings, we can infer that this approach is both efficient and valid for modelling and mapping soil organic matter and may moreover be applied for other areas with same characteristics.
The competitiveness of sugar beet in the Doukkala irrigated perimeter makes this crop the main one compared to wheat, vegetables and forage. However, the dominance of small plots drives farmers to practice 2 to 3 years rotation of sugar beet. This work, carried out on contrasting and representative soils between 2012 and 2019, aims to study the effects of sugar beet residues incorporation on the soil organic matter, soil properties, and sugar beet root yield and sugar content under reel field conditions and actual rotation system. The results showed that the rate of soil organic matter (SOM) increased by +28.8% during eight agricultural seasons. Plots that never received crops residues experienced an average decrease in SOM rate of -19%. The maximum average increase in the SOM rate of +194% was observed at the level of the plots, where sugar beet residues were incorporated six times. This variation in SOM is more marked in coarse-textured soils. The variations of Mg, K, P, Ca, Zn, B, CaCO3, soil pH, CEC are positively correlated with statistical significance with SOM variation. The multiple linear regression model for predicting the variation in SOM content, depending on soil texture, initial SOM content and number of residue incorporations, with (R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 26.15) shows that this variation is significantly favored by coarse soil elements and the number of residues incorporation and that it is unfavorable in soils with a dominant fine texture and initially rich in organic matter. Yield and sugar content were improved by 31% (67,45 Mg·ha-1 in 2012 and 86,38 Mg·ha-1 in 2019) for root yield and by 4% (16.68% in 2012 and 17,37% in 2019) for sugar content in plots with six residues incorporations. Data from this study suggest that the use of sugar beet residues is benefical for improving soil properties and thus increasing soil organic status and crop performances.
Soil organic matter (SOM) is considered to be the most important part in the soil. C and N and their forms are most often used to evaluate SOM. In the last decades, C indices have begun to be used to assess soil quality for C changes in SOM due to the different soil management. Since C cycle is closely related to N, there is an assumption that N indices (derived in the same way as C indices) will be sensitive to N changes in SOM under the different soil management. The objective of the study was to evaluate the extent of C and N indices on C and N changes in SOM (in Rendzic Leptosol) under the different soil management practices (1. G: grass and no fertilization – as control; 2. T: tillage; 3. T+FYM: tillage + farmyard manure; 4. G+NPK3: grass + NPK 125–50–185 kg ha-1; 5. G+NPK1: grass + NPK 100–30–120 kg ha-1) in a productive vineyard (Nitra-Dražovce; Slovakia) during the period of 13 years. The results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) was reduced by 26% compared to G because of intensive cultivation on one hand, but on the other hand, in T + FYM treatment no significant changes in SOC over the 13 years of the experiment were observed. A higher labile carbon (CL) content was in G+NPK3 then follows: G+NPK1 > G > T+FYM > T for topsoil (0-30 cm). In topsoil, carbon lability increased after a higher level of mineral fertilization, while in subsoil (30-60 cm) after intensive cultivation. The values of CPI for topsoil decreased in the following order: G+NPK1 > T+FYM > G+NPK3 > T. Based on CMI values, intensive C changes in the SOM due to the soil management practices were observed in T treatment. The highest accumulation of carbon and decomposable organic matter occurred in G+NPK3. Incorporation of FYM, and both rates of NPK increased values of NMI by 45, 47 and 36% respectively compared to intensive tilled treatment for topsoil. The highest values of the NPI were detected because of farmyard manure application and mineral fertilization at a higher rate (NPK3) for topsoil and because of intensive cultivation between vine rows as well as plowing of FYM for subsoil.
Understanding the spatial variability of soil organic matter (SOM) is critical for studying and assessing soil fertility and quality. This knowledge is important for soil management, which results in high crop yields at a reduced cost of crop production and helps to protect the environment. The benefits of an accurate interpolation of SOM spatial distribution are well known at the agricultural, economic, and ecological levels. It has been conducted this study for comparing and analyze different spatial interpolation methods to evaluate the spatial distribution of SOM in Sidi Bennour District, which is a semi-arid area in the irrigated scheme of the Doukkala Plain, Morocco. For conding this study, it was collected 368 representative soil samples at a depth of 0–30 cm. A portable global positioning system was used to obtain the location coordinates of soil sampling sites. The SOM spatial distribution was performed using four interpolation methods: inverse distance weighted and local polynomial interpolation as deterministic methods, and ordinary kriging and empirical Bayesian kriging as geostatistical methods. High SOM levels were concentrated in vertisols, and low SOM levels were observed in immature soils. The average SOM value was 1.346%, with moderate to high variability (CV = 35.720%). A low SOM concentration indicates a continuous possibility of soil degradation in the future. Ordinary kriging yielded better results than the other interpolation methods (RMSE = 0.395) with a semivariogram fitted by an exponential model, followed by inverse distance weighted (RMSE = 0.397), empirical Bayesian kriging (RMSE = 0.400), and local polynomial interpolation (RMSE = 0.412). Soil genetics and the strong influence of human activity are the major sources of SOM spatial dependence, which is moderate to low. Low SOM content levels (< 1.15%) were present in the southwestern and eastern parts of the digital map. This situation calls for the implementation of specific soil recovery measures.
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In a small-scale field experiment, we estimated the contribution of aboveground litter to the energy budget of different collembolan and earthworm species. In a 50-year-old spruce plantation, the natural spruce litter was replaced by an equivalent amount of maize litter. The natural difference in the isotopic composition of carbon (C) between the spruce and maize allowed us to estimate the proportions of different carbon sources in the tissues of soil animals. The dependence on litter-derived C was least pronounced in Collembola having low δ15N values, indicating the feeding on non-vascular plants. In contrast, collembolans having high δ15N values belonged to the food chains based on fresh plant residuals. These results suggest that different species of litter-dwelling collembolans may regulate substantially different energy channels. Some species of endogeic earthworms (Aporrectodea rosea and A. caliginosa) utilize aboveground plant residues, though soil organic matter and other belowground sources of carbon prevail in the energy budget of their populations.
The purpose of study was to report on the undertaken assessment with regard to selected activities undertaken in experimental farms that operate according to various cultivation systems, including a variety of activities related to the management of soil resources and its capital. The assessment and analysis was performed on the basis of preliminary results of a study involving a period of three years. The analysis applied the following indicators to assess the quality of soil management: the variety of plants production, the ratio of plants applied to improve soil fertility, the ratio of cereals in sown area and the ratio of green fields, soil organic matter balance, the C:N ratio and intensity of plant production organization. The obtained results allow to state that both farms (traditional soil cultivation and conservative soil cultivation), strive to protect soil quality and its capital. However, on a farm employing conservation tillage it was noted slightly better results in the case of in some indicators.
Celem badań była ocena wybranych działań podejmowanych w przykładowych gospodarstwach rolnych prowadzących odmienne systemy uprawy roli - działań związanych z zarządzaniem zasobem gleby i jej kapitałem. Ocenę i analizę dokonano w oparciu o wstępne wyniki badań obejmujące okres trzech lat. Do oceny poprawności gospodarowania glebą wykorzystano następujące wskaźniki: różnorodność uprawianych roślin, udział roślin zwiększających żyzność gleby, udział zbóż w zasiewach i udział zielonych pól, bilans glebowej materii organicznej, stosunek C:N, intensywność organizacji produkcji roślinnej. Uzyskane wyniki, pozwalają stwierdzić, że w obu gospodarstwach (tradycyjna uprawa gleby oraz konserwująca uprawa gleby), dąży się do ochrony jakości i kapitału gleby. Jednak w gospodarstwie stosującym uprawę konserwującą odnotowano nieco lepsze wyniki niektórych wskaźników
If we want to develop farming on soil effectively and ecologically, we have to know the soil characteristics, the reasons for the potential low fertility and the ways how to eliminate them. Only this approach allows the rational utilization of the soil fund and achievement of the high effectiveness of the costs needed for the stabilization and increase of fertility and land capability. Recently, many scientific teams have focused their attention on the biochar, a lot of recommendations have been published which are dealing with its application into soil. However, the principal attention has been drawn to the impact of biochar on the particular soils and under the particular conditions. Far less information has been presented about the mutual interactions between the further significant agronomical factors in the combination with biochar. In this primary study, we analyze two new experiments established in the southwest part of Slovakia at the 1 Dolná Streda (sandy soil) and 2 Veľké Uľany (loamy soil) Localities. We discussed (1) the impact of the individual factors on the changes of soil characteristics, and (2) the impact of the individual interactions, such as: soil class – fertilization – biochar on the changes of the soil characteristics. The results indicated that the most significant factor, which influences the monitored soil parameters, is the soil class. The fertilization proved to be a factor which has a negative impact on the humus parameters; on the other hand, it improved the soil sorption. Biochar increased the content of the organic substances in soil and also its environmental effect of retention and immobilization of harmful elements and its positive effect on the soil structure was indicated. The highest frequency of the interactions between the monitored parameters related to the changes of soil characteristics was recorded in the combination fertilization x biochar, and also the soil class x fertilization x biochar.
In this paper we consider the models describing the dynamics of soil organic matter transformation. The results of practical implementation of the ROMUL, CENTURY and ROTHAMSTED models are presented. These models propose theoretical approaches to the modelling of organic remains transformation based on describing physicochemical processes during humus formation with differential relations. Following the analysis, their strengths and weaknesses have been distinguished.
W tym artykule rozważamy modele opisujące dynamikę transformacji materii organicznej w glebie. Przedstawiono wyniki praktycznej realizacji modeli ROMUL, CENTURY i ROTHAMSTED. Modele te proponują teoretyczne podejścia do modelowania transformacji szczątków organicznych oparte na opisie procesów fizykochemicznych podczas formowania się próchnicy z zależnościami różnicowymi. W wyniku analizy wyróżniono ich mocne i słabe strony.
W pracy omówiono wpływ składu gatunkowego drzewostanów na cechy jakościowe próchnicy glebowej tworzącej się na zrekultywowanym i zalesionym wyrobisku popiaskowym KP Szczakowa. Skład frakcyjny i właściwości optyczne badano na próbkach pobranych z wierzchnich poziomów inicjalnych gleb (0-5 cm) w litych drzewostanach: sosny zwyczajnej, modrzewia europejskiego, brzozy brodawkowatej i olszy czarnej. Badane próchnice charakteryzowały się przewagą węgla kwasów fulwowych (CKf) w stosunku do węgla kwasów huminowych (CKh) w składzie frakcyjnym puli węgla związanego (Cog) oraz stosunkowo niskim stosunkiem ekstynkcji kwasów huminowych (E465/E665). Czynnik gatunku zadziałał na właściwości próchnicy glebowej najsilniej w przypadku olszy czarnej. Gleby pod olszą charakteryzowały się większą zawartością węgla organicznego ogółem (Corg) i węgla związanego z kwasami huminowymi i fulwowymi (CKh+CKf) w porównaniu do pozostałych gatunków drzew. Potwierdza to duże zdolności fitomelioracyjne i przydatność do rekultywacji olszy czarnej.
The paper presents influence of tree species composition on qualitative properties of humus in soil developed on reclaimed and afforested sand mine excavation KP Szczakowa. Fractional composition and optical properties were determined on 16 samples collected from top soil layer (0-5 cm) under different species: pure stands of Scots pine, European larch, common birch and black alder. The examined humus were generally characterized by predominance of fulvic acids (CKf) in relation to humic acids (CKh) and relatively low optical density of humic acid (E465/E665). Black alder in comparison to other species, most significantly modified the properties of soil humus. Soil under alder were characterized higher content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbon associated with humic and fulvic acid (CKh+CKf). The results confirm high phytomeliorative effect and usefulness of black alder to reclamation.
Since biochar is considered to be a significant source of carbon, in this work we have evaluated the changes in soil organic matter (SOM) and soil structure due to application of biochar and biochar with N fertilization, and have considered the interrelationships between the SOM parameters and the soil structure. The soil samples were collected from Haplic Luvisol at the locality of Dolná Malanta (Slovakia) during 2017. The field experiment included three rates of biochar application (B0 – no biochar, B10 – biochar at the rate of 10 t ha-1, B20 – biochar at the rate of 20 t ha-1) and three levels of N fertilization (N0 – no nitrogen, N160 – nitrogen at the rate of 160 kg ha-1, N240 – nitrogen at the rate of 240 kg ha-1). The rate of biochar at 20 t ha-1 caused an increase in the organic carbon (Corg) content. The combination of both rates of biochar with 160 and 240 kg N ha-1 also caused an increase in Corg. In the case of B20 the extractability of humic substances carbon (CHS) was 17.79% lower than at B0. A significant drop was also observed in the values of the extraction of humic acids carbon (CHA) and fulvic acids carbon (CFA) after the addition of biochar at a dose of 20 t ha-1 with 160 kg N ha-1. However, both rates of biochar had a significant effect at 240 kg N ha-1. After application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar the content of water-stable macro-aggregates (WSAma) significantly increased compared to control. This rate of biochar also increased the mean weight diameter (MWDW) and the index of water-stable aggregates (Sw) and decreased the coefficient of vulnerability (Kv). The biochar at a rate of 20 t ha-1 with 240 kg N ha-1 the value of MWDW increased and value of Kv decreased significantly. The contents of Corg and CL correlated positively with WSAma, MWDW and Sw and negatively with WSAmi and Kv. The extraction of CHA and CFA was in negative relationship with MWDW. We conclude that the application of biochar and biochar combined with N fertilizer had a positive influence on SOM and soil structure.
Organic soil content is considered to be the basic attribute of the soil quality and health as well as of the quality of the environment, and organic matter content determines a number of important soil characteristics. Various agricultural activities lead to the accelerated mineralization of the organic matter, which results in its loss by 2-4% every year. The economic value of the organic soil matter can be evaluated by taking into account the environmental, as well as productivity and social aspects. The foundation for the study was provided by the results of the laboratory research (provided by the District Chemical and Agricultural Station in Opole) regarding humus content in selected farms located in the Opole Province. In this manner, the stock volume of humus in soil was determined along with the volume of energy in it expressed in MJ·ha-1. The details of the results were supplemented by determining the theoretical energy potential of the examined soils. In addition, the content of nutrients released from the soil organic matter could be estimated. As a consequence, the economic value was assessed by comparison of this value to the prices of the pure component of mineral fertilizers.
Organiczna część gleby uważana jest za podstawowy atrybut jakości i zdrowia gleby i zarazem jakości środowiska, a sama zawartość materii organicznej decyduje o wielu istotnych właściwościach gleb. Liczne praktyki rolnicze powodują przyspieszoną mineralizację materii organicznej, a co roku ma miejsce jej ubytek o 2-4%. Wartość materii organicznej gleby można wycenić biorąc pod uwagę kryteria środowiskowe, produkcyjne czy społeczne. W artykule, zaprezentowano wycenę wartości materii organicznej uwzględniając podejście energetyczno-pokarmowe. Bazę dla oceny stanowiły wyniki badań laboratoryjnych (udostępnione przez Okręgową Stację Chemiczno-Rolniczą w Opolu) zawartości próchnicy w przykładowych gospodarstwach rolnych zlokalizowanych na terenie województwa opolskiego. Określono zasobność gleb w próchnicę, zgromadzoną w niej energii wyrażoną w MJ·ha-1 oraz określono teoretyczny potencjał energetyczny gleb. Ponadto oszacowano zawartość składników pokarmowych uwalnianych z materii organicznej gleby oraz wyceniono ich wartość ekonomiczną odnosząc ją do cen czystego składnika nawozów mineralnych.
Mineral N fertilizer application may have an effect on soil organic matter and other soil parameters. Therefore, we studied the effects of different doses of N fertilization on soil organic matter and chemical properties of Haplic Luvisol in the locality of Dolná Malanta (Slovakia) during 2014–2016. Soil samples were collected from the plots exposed to the following treatments: 1. N0 – no N fertilization as control during 2014–2016, 2. N40 – N fertilizer at the rate of 40 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and 2016, 3. N80 – N fertilizer at the rate of 80 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and 2016, 4. N160 – N fertilizer at the rate of 160 kg N ha–1 in 2015, and 5. N240 – N fertilizer at the rate of 240 kg N ha–1 in 2015. The results showed that in N80 the soil organic carbon (SOC) content increased by 32% in comparison to N0. The addition of 80 kg ha-1 of N significantly decreased the humic substances (HS) content in the soil by 16% compared to N0. The higher doses of N fertilization 80 rather than 40 kg ha-1 as well as 240 rather than 160 kg ha-1 significantly decreased humus stability. The addition of N fertilization decreased the average values of soil pH. Values of hydrolytic acidity (Ha) increased by 41% and 46% in N40 and N80, respectively than N0, but on the other hand, this one decreased by 36% and 27% in N160 and N240, respectively in comparison to N0. Positive statistically significant correlations were determined between soil pH and SOC in N40 and N80 treatments. The increase of soil pH was connected with higher humus quality in N160 and N240. Negative correlations between humic acids (HA) and sum of basic cations (SBC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were observed in N80 < N160 < N240 treatments. Higher values of fulvic acids corresponded with lesser CEC in N80 and N160 treatments. In N160, with increased humus quality, CEC significantly decreased. The same effect was observed in N240. In addition, in N240, we also observed that with increased HA:FA ratio SBC and base saturation significantly decreased.
The goal of this work is to valuate ecosystem benefits on the example of an average farm in the Zachodniopomorskie voivodship. Based on the Central Statistical Office’s data on agriculture in the Zachodniopomorskie voivodship, two multicriteria optimization models have been constructed. The first model related to a farm dealing only in plant cultivation. The second model described a farm with livestock. In both of them, production was based on the principles of sustainable development. Their extensive activity contributes to an increase in benefits of agroecosystems.
Labile fractions of soil organic matter (SOM), e.g. hot (or cold)-water extractable C and living (active) microbial biomass (MB) are much more dynamic and sensitive to changes in soil management practices than total SOM and can be useful indicators of soil quality and SOM transformation processes as influenced by different factors, e.g. agro-technical practices (mineral and organic fertilizers). The aim of this work, based on a plot experiment, was to compare effects of PRP SOL and NPK on C and N contents in labile fractions of organic matter extracted from soil under winter wheat, corn and spring barley grown in the years 2012-2014. Hot water fraction (HWF) was obtained by heating of soil solution in 80oC for 16 h and microbial biomass (MB) was determined by the fumigation-extraction method. An Automated N/C Analyzer (Multi N/C 2100, Analytik-Jena, Germany) was used to measure C and N contents in soil extracts. Results of this study indicate that soil treated with mineral fertilizers (N or NPK) or with PRP SOL had, in general, similar C and N contents in MB and in HWF obtained from these soils, irrespective of the experimental year and the plant.
Labilne (ruchome, aktywne) frakcje glebowej materii organicznej(GMO) takie jak MO ekstrahowana z gleby za pomocą wody (zimnej lub gorącej) oraz ożywiona (aktywna) frakcja MO, czyli biomasa mikroorganizmów glebowych, są bardziej dynamiczne niż GMO i mogą być one dobrymi wskaźnikami aktualnych zmian zachodzących w GMO oraz jakości i żyzności środowiska glebowego pod wpływem różnych czynników, np. zabiegów agrotechnicznych (nawożenie mineralne i organiczne). Celem badań, przeprowadzonych w latach 2012-2014 w oparciu o trzyletnie doświadczenie poletkowe, było porównanie wpływu PRP SOL i nawożenia mineralnego (N i NPK) na ww. frakcje glebowej MO. Frakcję rozpuszczalną w wodzie gorącej (HWF) wydzielano po 16 godzinnym ogrzewaniu próbek gleby w temp. 80oC. Biomasę mikroorganizmów (MB) glebowych określano metodą fumigacji-ekstrakcji. Zawartość C i N w HWF i MB oznaczano przy użyciu automatycznego analizatora C/N (Multi N/C 2100, Analytik-Jena). Badania te wykazały, że żaden z badanych czynników, tj. nawożenie N, NPK i PRP SOL nie różnicował istotnie badanych parametrów, czyli zawartości C i N w frakcjach HWF i MB gleby pod uprawianymi roślinami.
Mulching with plastic materials that cover the soil creates a physical barrier to soil water evaporation, preserves good soil structure, controls weeds and protects plants from soil contamination. The removal and disposal of non-recyclable and non-degradable plastic wastes after harvest is difficult and expensive. Using alternative biodegradable polymers as covers has been of increasing concern in recent years. This paper provides a presentation of results concerning the physical and chemical properties of soil under biodegradable nonwoven covers. Biodegradable PLA (polylactide) and Bionolle (an aliphatic polyester of butylene glycol and succinic and adipic acid) films covering the soil on tomato and cucumber fields were evaluated to estimate the changes in several physical soil properties including bulk density, water field capacity, wet soil aggregate stability and chemical soil properties including soil acidity, EC, organic matter and soil mineral status. Favourable changes in the physical structure of soil can be achieved by mulching the soil surface of biodegradable polymers. The obtained results show that using covers with PLA and Bionolle biofilm significantly increased the amount of large aggregates and decreased the percentage of the smallest size aggregates in soils; however, the observed effects were strongly affected by weather conditions. Under wet conditions, mulching increased the soil bulk density and decreased soil water capacity. The results of soil chemical analyses demonstrated the low impact of treatments on macro- and microelement concentration measured after tomato and cucumber harvesting. Soils under PLA and Bionolle covers had smaller low ion concentrations in relation to bare soils.
Mulcze z tworzyw sztucznych tworzą fizyczną barierę dla parowania wody, pozwalają zachować dobrą strukturę gleby, kontrować zachwaszczenie oraz chronią rośliny przed zanieczyszczeniami glebowymi. Usuwanie i unieszkodliwianie po zbiorach odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych nienadających się do recyklingu i niepodlegających degradacji jest trudne i kosztowne. W ostatnich latach stosowanie alternatywnych włóknin biodegradowalnych jako mulczy lub okryć w uprawie roślin cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem. Praca jest prezentacją wyników dotyczących właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych gleb mulczowanych biodegradowalnymi włókninami. W badaniach oceniano zmiany niektórych fizycznych właściwości gleby, takich jak: gęstość objętościowa, pojemność wodna i wodoodporność agregatów glebowych po uprawie pomidora i ogórka. Do ściółkowania gleby wykorzystano włókninę PLA (polilaktyd) i Bionolle (poliester butylenu, alifatycznego glikolu, kwasu bursztynowego i adypinowego). Chemiczne właściwości gleby oceniano, oznaczając w nich odczyn, stężenie soli, zawartość węgla organicznego, dostępne dla roślin składniki pokarmowe oraz zawartość metali ciężkich. Okrywanie powierzchni gleby włókninami z polimerów biodegradowalnych wpłynęło korzystnie na strukturę gleby. Biowłókniny PLA i Bionolle zwiększały ilość makroagregatów wodoodpornych, a zmniejszały odsetek najmniejszych agregatów w glebie, jednak obserwowane zmiany były silnie modyfikowane poprzez warunki atmosferyczne w poszczególnych latach prowadzenia badań. W bardzo mokrym roku okrywanie gleby zwiększało jej gęstość objętościową oraz zmniejszało pojemność wodną. Mulczowanie gleby z użyciem biodegradowalnych włóknin nie wpływało znacząco na zawartość składników pokarmowych i metali ciężkich w glebie. Obserwowano nieznaczny spadek EC w glebach pod ściółkami w porównaniu do gleby nieokrywanej.
Określono zmiany regionalnego zróżnicowania bilansu glebowej materii organicznej (MOG) na tle warunków siedliskowych i organizacyjno-ekonomicznych w województwie podkarpackim na przestrzeni lat 2002–2012. Podstawę analizy stanowiły dane Urzędu Statystycznego w Rzeszowie oraz informacje ze starostw powiatowych województwa podkarpackiego. Bilans materii organicznej gleby obliczono, wykorzystując współczynniki jej degradacji i reprodukcji. Uzyskane wyniki opracowano statystycznie, obliczając współczynniki trendu i zmienności oraz przeprowadzając analizę skupień Warda. Ogólny bilans glebowej materii organicznej w województwie podkarpackim w latach 2002–2012 był ujemny i wynosił średnio –0,19 t•ha-1, co powodowało konieczność przyorania słomy w ilości średnio 0,90 t s.m.•ha-1. Zmniejszenie obsady zwierząt z 0,44 DJP•ha-1 w 2002 r. do 0,26 DJP•ha-1 w 2012 r., dodatkowo ograniczyło dopływ do gleby materii organicznej z obornika. Spośród wydzielonych skupień najniższy stopień degradacji glebowej materii organicznej (–0,17 t•ha-1) oraz największą produkcję obornika – ponad 1,27 t s.m.•ha-1 – stwierdzono w powiatach położonych w środkowo-zachodniej części Podkarpacia. Powiaty należące do tego skupienia charakteryzują się największą w województwie obsadą zwierząt 0,51 DJP•ha-1i najniższą intensywnością organizacji produkcji roślinnej, wskutek ekstensywnej uprawy zbóż, zajmujących ponad 80% w strukturze zasiewów. Zdecydowanie ujemne wartości bilansu MOG (–0,45 t•ha-1) odnotowano w powiatach zlokalizowanych w środkowo-wschodniej części Podkarpacia. Duża intensywność organizacji produkcji roślinnej, głównie w powiatach łańcuckim, jarosławskim i przemyskim, z dominacją w strukturze zasiewów pszenicy ozimej, kukurydzy na ziarno oraz rzepaku ozimego, sprzyjała mineralizacji substancji organicznej i występowaniu ujemnego bilansu, dla zrównoważenia którego niezbędne było coroczne nawożenie słomą w ilości ponad 2,14 t•ha-1.
The aim of this study was to estimate changes in the regional differentiation of soil organic matter balance against a background of environmental, organizational and economic conditions in Podkarpackie Province. The analysis covered the years 2002–2012 and was based on data from Statistical Office in Rzeszów and from district authorities of Podkarpackie Province. The balance of soil organic matter was calculated using degradation and reproduction coefficients. The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis, calculating trend and variability coefficients and using Ward’s cluster analysis. Total balance of soil organic matter in Podkarpackie Province in the years 2002–2012 was negative and amounted –0.19 t•ha-1 on average, which resulted in the necessity of ploughing straw in the average amount of 0.90 t DM•ha-1. Reducing livestock density from 0.44 in 2002 to 0.26 LU•ha-1 in 2012 additionally limited the supply of organic matter from farmyard manure to soil. From among the distinguished clusters, the lowest degree of degradation of soil organic matter (–0.17 t•ha-1) and the highest manure production of over 1.27 t DM•ha-1 was found in districts located in the central-western part of Podkarpacie. Localities belonging to this cluster were characterised by the highest animal stock of 0.51 LU•ha-1 and by the lowest intensity of organization of crop production as a result of extensive cultivation of cereals that covered more than 80% in the crop structure. Definitely negative values of soil organic matter balance (–0.45 t•ha-1) were recorded in districts located in the central-eastern part of Podkarpacie. High intensity of crop production organization, mainly in the Łańcut, Jarosław and Przemyśl districts, with predominance of winter wheat, maize for grain and winter oilseed rape in their structure of cropland, favoured mineralization of organic substance and the occurrence of negative balance, which requires annual fertilisation with straw in the amount of more than 2.14 t•ha-1 to achieve the balance.
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