The paper aims to improve a simple additive weighting method (SAW) and the max-min rule designed for M-DMC (multicriteria decision making under certainty) based on already developed extensions for the Laplace and Wald rules (applied to one-criterion decision making under uncertainty, i.e., 1-DMU). Some evident analogies between scenario-based 1-DMU and M-DMC have been recently revealed in the literature, which gives the possibility to implement necessary amendments in M-DMC procedures, particularly in the multiple solutions case. The suggested modifications consist of applying additional decision tools (for SAW) and using the lexicographic approach (for the max-min rule). Thanks to them, options, treated as equivalent according to original M-DMC procedures, may obtain different ranks in the ranking. Such an improvement facilitates the decision making process. Both modified methods are illustrated by employing an example concerning the ranking creation for UE countries.
Population ageing is a major challenge affecting the future of science and technology policy and governance in industrialised societies. In this context, a key element is ensuring adequate protection, safety and care for older people when needed. The solution to enable active and healthy ageing is innovative technologies called gerontechnologies, which support older people. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding the systematic analysis and evaluation of gerontechnologies, which requires research in theoretical and empirical aspects. There is a need to focus on developing and supporting gerontechnologies to help older people reach their full potential in different spheres of life. Research should focus on analysing these technologies, their effectiveness and their impact on the quality of life of older people. This paper evaluates, analyses and builds a ranking of several selected technologies: (1) the wheelchair based on artificial intelligence Wheelie7, (2) the humanoid Rudy Robot, and (3) the wristband/watch VitalBand. The research was conducted in Poland. Based on a literature review, the authors identified relevant technologies to improve the quality of life of older people. These technologies were then assessed by people over 40 against various criteria. This age group was chosen because the issues of gerontechnology concern these people now in the context of their parents using the technology and being potential users of gerontechnology in 20–30 years. The study answered the following research questions: (1) What are the criteria for evaluating technologies that enhance the quality of life for older individuals? (2) How were the selected gerontechnologies evaluated? (3) How should the TOPSIS method be applied to build a ranking of gerontechnologies? (4) Which of the selected gerontechnologies was rated the highest by potential users?
Universities have an important role to play in the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in its 2015 Declaration, which specifically addresses their contribution in the areas of education, research and social impact. The main objective of the article is to review the approaches of Polish higher education institutions (HEIs) to the formulation of sustainable development strategies by reference to their position in international rankings. The study focused on three international rankings: UI GreenMetric, THE Impact Rankings and QS World University Rankings: Sustainability. The methodology used included literature review and critique, analysis of documents and other source materials, descriptive analysis and comparative analysis. The paper contributes to deepening and advancing the academic debate on the role of universities in achieving the SDGs and improving institutional governance to accelerate progress towards their implementation.
Szkoły wyższe odgrywają ważną rolę w procesie osiągania Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (SDGs), przyjętych przez ONZ w 2015 r., która przejawia się głównie w sferze edukacji, badań naukowych i oddziaływania społecznego. Głównym celem artykułu jest dokonanie przeglądu różnych podejść polskich uczelni do formułowania strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju, biorąc pod uwagę pozycje zajmowane przez nie w międzynarodowych rankingach. W artykule analizą objęto trzy międzynarodowe rankingi: UI GreenMetric, THE Impact Rankings oraz QS World University Rankings: Sustainability. W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa, analizę dokumentów i innych materiałów źródłowych, analizę opisową i analizę porównawczą. Artykuł będzie miał wkład w pogłębienie i promowanie dyskusji naukowej na temat roli uczelni w realizacji celów zrównoważonego rozwoju i doskonalenia zarządzania instytucją, aby przyśpieszyć postępy w ich wdrażaniu. Kiryluk Halina
The main research objective of this paper is to identify key factors influencing economic resilience from the perspective of comprehensive defence. This involves developing a composite economic resilience index (Ericda) that outlines the relative economic resilience of countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea regions, within the comprehensive defence framework. The paper employs qualitative research methods, focusing on an analysis of specialist literature pertaining to economic resilience. Quantitative methods are also used for developing the Economic Resilience Index from the Comprehensive Approach to Defence (Ericda) perspective. This includes using data on selected resilience indicators in Central and the Eastern European and Black Sea region countries to generate rankings. The results of the study reveal strong positive correlations between the economic resilience index and various factors, such as logistics and infrastructure, economic complexity, foreign trade vulnerabilities and dependence, economic stability and development, governance effectiveness, military, and human capital. Additionally, a negative correlation was observed with the resilience index. The research findings suggest that to ensure effective comprehensive defence, isolated measures targeting individual pillars are inadequate. Economic resilience requires a collaborative approach, extending beyond the purview of the finance ministry and involving a broader range of stakeholders.
This paper assesses EU countries in terms of their level of renewable energy use. The ranking of 27 EU countries in terms of the complex phenomenon under study was constructed on the basis of 7 variables. The research period was 2011 and 2020. The research method was one of multi-dimensional comparative analysis methods, i.e. Hellwig’s pattern development model. The research results confirm that there wasa positive change in the use of renewable energy in all EU countries in 2020 compared to 2011, with Sweden, Austria, Finland, and Denmark taking the lead. However, most EU countries (16 in 2011 and 17 in 2020) have a medium-low level of use of “green energy”. A low level was identified in Cyprus and Malta in 2011 and Poland in 2020.
W pracy oceniono kraje UE pod względem poziomu wykorzystania energii odnawialnej. Podstawę budowy rankingu 27 krajów UE pod względem badanego zjawiska złożonego stano-wiło 7 zmiennych, a okresem badawczym był 2011 i 2020 rok. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą była jedna z metod wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej – metoda wzorca rozwoju Z. Hellwiga. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań potwierdzają, że w 2020 w porównaniu do 2011 roku we wszystkich krajach UE nastąpiły pozytywne zmiany w zakresie wykorzystania energii odnawialnej. Liderami są Szwecja, Austria, Finlandia i Dania. Większość krajów UE (w 2011 roku – 16; w 2020 roku – 17) posiada jednak średnioniski poziom wykorzystania tzw. „zielonej energii”. Natomiast poziom niski uzyskały w 2011 roku Cypr i Malta, a w 2020 roku – Polska.
Rising awareness of sustainable development challenges, along with the quest for optimization of the everyday functioning of the city, motivate many urban authorities to search for promising concepts and solutions. One of these is the smart city concept, which has gained governors of cities’ attention for little more than ten years. An object of research and development, it is still a distinctive feature for the cities that adopt this concept. City marketers use such distinction towards a large palette of beneficiaries of the city. At the same time, it deploys some traits suggesting synergies between the implementation of smart city solutions and sustainable development goals. The main objective of our work was to verify if the relationship between these aspects (smartness and sustainability of a transportation) in smart city rankings exists and, if that is true, what impact it has on marketing communication of the city comprised in such rankings. To fulfill this goal, we answered such research questions as: what place sustainability criteria in smart city rankings have occurred, how is the transport represented in these criteria, what use graded cities make of their presence in such competition, and which perspective dominates (if any) in daily marketing communication activities of the city. To provide such an analysis, we considered the criteria used to rank the cities to find the places that accorded to sustainable ones. We examined the marketing use of the results of such rankings, referring to the official websites and social media of selected cities (random selection from the total population of 174 cities comprised). The sources used to provide the data in natural language, and their analysis proceeded with methods and tools used in NLP (natural language processing), which are accessible through CLARIN.EU infrastructure. The results determine that cities can be classed into different groups, accordingly to their sustainability/smartness pending, and ability to use accorded ranks in marketing context.
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Opracowanie przygotowano na podstawie danych z rankingu TOP2% [4]. Syntetycznie przedstawiono stan nauk inżynieryjnych i technicznych (według klasyfikacji OEC) w Polsce na tle nauki światowej z uwzględnieniem liczby cytowanych badaczy z wyższych szkół technicznych. Daje ono również wgląd w strukturę dziedzin i dyscyplin naukowych, które są rozwijane głównie ze środków z budżetu państwa na badania naukowe i kształcenie wyższe. Prezentuje statystyki dokumentujące krajową strukturę nauk inżynieryjnych i technicznych oraz ich odniesienie do poziomu światowego. Wskazano na liczne niedoskonałości i zagrożenia oraz sformułowano wskazówki w zakresie trendów rozwojowych.
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In a former paper [1] the concept of Bipartite PageRank was introduced and a theorem on the limit of authority flowing between nodes for personalized PageRank has been generalized. In this paper we want to extend those results to multimodal networks. In particular we deal with a hypergraph type that may be used for describing multimodal network where a hyperlink connects nodes from each of the modalities. We introduce a generalisation of PageRank for such graphs and define the respective random walk model that can be used for computations. We state and prove theorems on the limit of outflow of authority for cases where individual modalities have identical and distinct damping factors.
Climate change is causing humanity to think increasingly about moving away from traditional energy sources, which are one of the causes of the greenhouse effect. The sun is of particular interest as a source of clean energy. The interest in solar energy causes that increasing number of people start to discuss the need to implement registers that gather information about the energy potential of specific parts of the space we live in. In addition, there is also a talk of simultaneously registering solar energy installations. Since, in the age of globalisation, the compilation of such databases should be standardised, the authors attempt to answer the following research questions in their presentation: (i) what information should be contained in databases that collect information on solar energy generation; (ii) what functionality should tool for recording and sharing this data have? These were answered by reviewing and analysing solutions worldwide.
Obserwowane zmiany klimatu powodują, że ludzkość coraz intensywniej myśli o odejściu od tradycyjnych źródeł energii, które są jednym z powodów efektu cieplarnianego. Szczególnym zainteresowaniem, jako źródło czystej energii, darzone jest Słońce. Zainteresowanie energią słoneczną powoduje, że coraz częściej zaczyna dyskutować się o potrzebie wdrożenia rejestrów gromadzących informacje o potencjalne energetycznym jaki posiadają konkretne fragmenty przestrzeni, w której żyjemy. Dodatkowo, mówi się także o jednoczesnym zewidencjonowaniu instalacjach służących do pozyskiwania energii solarnej. Ponieważ w dobie globalizacji, sporządzanie takich baz powinno zostać ujednolicone, Autorki w swoim wystąpieniu próbują odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania badawcze: (i) jakie informacje powinny zawierać bazy danych, w których zbierane są informacje dotyczące wytwarzania energii słonecznej?; (ii) jakie funkcjonalności powinny mieć narzędzia do ewidencjonowania i udostępniania tych danych? Odpowiedź na nie była możliwa dzięki przeglądowi i analizie rozwiązań stosowanych na świecie.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known method that based on inputs and outputs calculates the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs). Comparing the efficiency and ranking of DMUs in different periods lets the decision-makers prevent any loss in the productivity of units and improve the production planning. Despite the merits of DEA models, they are not able to forecast the efficiency of future periods with known input/output records of the DMUs. With this end in view, this study aims at proposing a forecasting algorithm with a 95% confidence interval to generate fuzzy data sets for future periods. Moreover, managers’ opinions are inserted in the proposed forecasting model. Equipped with the forecasted data sets and concerning the data sets from earlier periods, this model can rightly forecast the efficiency of the future periods. The proposed procedure also employs the simple geometric mean to discriminate between efficient units. Examples from a real case including 20 automobile firms show the applicability of the proposed algorithm.
Supply chain management emerged as the ultimate management strategy to ensure the competitive advantages of companies in their markets. Suppliers are considered as inevitable sources of external risks in modern supply chains. In this respect, resonance is essential for the ability to adapt in resonance to disturbances and to restore in choosing suppliers. As suppliers of critical resources are vulnerable, choosing better suppliers to create resilience, and thereby reducing the risks in the supply chain as a whole. In recent years, emphasis has been placed on supply chain resilience and resilient suppliers, but few studies have been conducted on the evaluation and selection of resilient suppliers with multi-criteria decision making models. The main purposes of this study are a broad review of the literature on the resilient factor, factorization, efficiency of key factors in the reliance of suppliers and the ranking of resilient suppliers using the combined approach of SWARA and WASPAS. For this purpose, after a comprehensive review of Literature interview with the experts of petrochemical upstream industry, six key factors and overall resilience of suppliers were identified in eighteen factors. Then the weight of the dimensions was determined by using the SWARA method. The output of the method showed that supplier accountability and key performance factors were the most important factors in assessing the resilience of suppliers. Using the supporting method, five resilient suppliers were evaluated based on six dimensions and the final ranking of suppliers was determined. With this ranking, the industry will be a major step towards improving supply chain and increasing suppliers’ resilience to address disruptions and risks, improve supply and achieve competitive advantage and satisfy the consumers’ needs.
Gospodarka platform internetowych jest umownym pojęciem używanym do określenia ogółu przedsiębiorstw, osób fizycznych oraz internetowych platform, współpracujących w modelu biznesowym, w którym platformy pełnią rolę pośredników pomiędzy pozostałymi podmiotami będącymi dostawcami i odbiorcami określonych dóbr. W artykule omówiono część tej gospodarki, obejmującą platformy pośredniczące w odpłatnym świadczeniu usług. Wyodrębniono właściwości gospodarki platform internetowych, które wywierają wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i higienę pracy osób świadczących usługi. Stwierdzono, że sposób organizacji pracy w gospodarce platform internetowych wpływa negatywnie na poziom bhp, powodując powstanie nowych zagrożeń bądź powiększając ryzyko związane z istniejącymi. Postuluje się kontynuowanie i pogłębianie badań dotyczących bhp w gospodarce platform internetowych celem zidentyfikowania źródeł zagrożeń i opracowania środków profilaktycznych w postaci rozwiązań prawnych i organizacyjnych.
The platform economy is a conventional term used to describe enterprises, individuals and Internet platforms, cooperating with each other under a business model in which the platforms act as intermediaries between remaining two parties that are suppliers and recipients of specific goods. The article discusses the part of this economy that includes platforms intermediating in the provision of services against payment. The characteristics of the platform economy, which have an impact on the health and safety at work of workers providing services, were identified and the nature of this impact was characterized. It was found that the work organization in the platform economy has a negative impact on the health and safety, causing new hazards or increasing the risk associated with the existing ones. It is postulated to continue and deepen research on OSH in the platform economy in order to identify sources of hazards and develop preventive measures in the form of legal and organizational solutions.
In the real world, there are processes whose structures are like a parallel-series mixed network. Network data envelopment analysis (NDEA) is one of the appropriate methods for assessing the performance of processes with these structures. In the paper, mixed processes with two parallel and series components are considered, in which the first component or parallel section consists of the shared inputs, and the second component or series section consists of undesirable factors. By considering the weak disposability assumption for undesirable factors, a DEA approach as based on network slackbased measure (NSBM) is introduced to evaluate the performance of processes with mixed structures. The proposed model is illustrated with a real case study. Then, the model is developed to discriminate efficient units.
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Let A be a positive non-singular n×n matrix. An approximation for a positive eigenvector for A∗A corresponding to the dominant singular value of A was suggested as the normalized version of a weighted sum of the rows of A with weights being the euclidean norms of the rows of A. In our paper we give a justification for this approach via the iteration of the power method and we show numerically that choosing the l1 norm yields better results. Applications of our results are given to ranking techniques.
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Fabric quality and performance is assessed subjectively by the customer using an important and complex phenomenon of fabric hand. Objectively, it is evaluated with complicated and expensive instruments, such as Kawabata Evaluation System for Fabrics (KES-F) and Fabric Assurance with Simple Testing (FAST). The present research explores a non-touch objective approach, i.e., three-dimensional (3D) drape model to estimate fabric hand. Fabric hand prediction was testified on different commercial fabrics spanning a wide range of areal weight, thickness, yarn count, and fabric density. Fabric objective ranks based on drape indicators using principal component analysis (PCA) were compared with subjective ranks of fabric hand. Additionally, fabric drape is evaluated three dimensionally and a new drape indicator drape height (DH) is proposed. The cosine similarity results have proved fabric drape as an objective alternate to fabric hand.
The article analyzes the range of production and commercial enterprises using the methods of ABC, XYZ – analysis. To identify more profitable positions and measures to increase profits, the commodity positions of the enterprise are ranked. The analysis of marketing directions using the method of paired comparisons in order to identify the most effective of them to promote products and ranking the order of application, as well as the distribution of resources between them. An assessment of the price risk of the goods, with which it was revealed the projected value of the income of the enterprise in the sale of goods. Risk assessment is made for further development of the marketing strategy of the enterprise.
The problem of evaluation of decisions is considered, which evaluation consists in selecting from the set of possible decisions those that meet the decision-maker's preferences. The added value of solving this problem lies in the reduction of the number of decisions one can choose. Evaluation of decisions is based on their complete characteristics, rather than on a pre-defined quality indicator. The basis for the quality assessment are given pattern examples of decisions made. These are decisions that the decision maker has found to be exemplary or acceptable. They are used as defining his preferences. The methods proposed in this article concern the ordering and clustering of decisions based on their characteristics. The set of decisions selected by an algorithm is interpreted as recommended for the decision maker. Presented solutions can find a variety of applications, for example in investment planning, routing, diagnostics or searching through multimedia databases.
Rozpatrywany jest problem ewaluacji decyzji polegający na wytypowaniu spośród możliwych decyzji tych, które spełniają preferencje decydenta. Użyteczność rozwiązania problemu polega na zredukowaniu liczby możliwych do wyboru decyzji. Ewaluacja decyzji bazuje na ich kompletnych charakterystykach, a nie na wcześniej zdefiniowanym wskaźniku jakości. Podstawą oceny jakości są wzorcowe przykłady decyzji. Są to decyzje, które decydent uznał za doskonałe lub akceptowalne. Wskazane przez decydenta przykłady są wykorzystywane jako określające jego preferencje. Proponowane w artykule metody dotyczą porządkowania i grupowania decyzji na podstawie ich charakterystyk. Wytypowany zbiór decyzji jest interpretowany jako rekomendowany dla decydenta. Przedstawione rozwiązania mogą znaleźć różnorakie zastosowania, np. w planowaniu inwestycji, trasowaniu, diagnostyce czy przeszukiwaniu multimedialnych baz danych.
Designation of areas that are attractive from the point of view of tourism is possible by assessing – among other things – the occurrence of tourist attractions in these areas, which become popular tourist destinations, as well as the presence of tourist infrastructure, which makes it possible to take full advantage of these assets. Such assessment can be made on the basis of statistical data analysis, carried out using taxonomic methods. The purpose of the study is to assess the spatial diversity of tourism attractiveness of the Nowy Sącz district (poviat), including the city of Nowy Sącz. The studies applied zeroed unitarization and Wrocław taxonomic method. It has been demonstrated that the majority of the municipalities in the Nowy Sącz district show similarities in terms of tourist attractiveness (according to the adopted research model).
Wydzielanie obszarów atrakcyjnych turystycznie możliwe jest w drodze oceny występowania na tych obszarach walorów turystycznych będących celem przyjazdów turystów oraz infrastruktury turystycznej, która umożliwia pełne wykorzystanie tych walorów. Oceny tej dokonać można na podstawie analizy danych statystycznych, przeprowadzonej przy pomocy metod taksonomicznych. Celem pracy jest ocena zróżnicowania przestrzennego atrakcyjności turystycznej powiatu nowosądeckiego z uwzględnieniem miasta Nowy Sącz. W badaniach zastosowano unitaryzację zerowaną oraz taksonomię wrocławską. Wykazano, że większość gmin powiatu nowosądeckiego jest do siebie podobna pod względem atrakcyjności turystycznej (w przyjętym modelu badań).
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This paper addresses the issue of selecting a suitable location for a fire station in canton of Fribourg, as a result of a fire brigades’ merger, by applying Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. Solving the problem of determining fire station locations through various methods has been analyzed in-depth by researchers. However, a different approach, based on application of ELECTRE I and ELECTRE II methods is advanced in this paper. The selection of the most suitable fire station site is obtained by applying the designated methods to five distinctive alternatives (called scenarios), taking into consideration the relatively limited information and specifics, and the extensive number of relevant criteria that summed up to sixty-one. Taking the merger of the three local fire departments as an example, the proposed methods for selecting a suitable location for the fire station demonstrate and justify the reason behind this choice. Research shows that the applied methods have been proven to be useful and powerful tools that exhibited acceptable levels of consistency when selecting the best project. The main finding is that one scenario in particular proved to be preferred over the others and most suitable in determining the fire station location.
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