Artykuł przedstawia znaczenie i charakter starorzeczy Pilicy, dobrze zachowanych elementów systemu doliny rzecznej, który powstał głównie w późnym vistulianie i holocenie, tworząc różnorodne siedliska dla flory i fauny. Procesy fluwialne, zmiany w przepływie rzeki, erozja, osadzanie osadów rzecznych i działania ludzkie wpłynęły na ich kształt i charakter. Dotychczasowe badania naukowe nie są obszerne i skupiają się na ekosystemach starorzeczy, analizując biologiczną różnorodność, skład osadów i zmiany środowiskowe zachodzące w dolinie. Dane zgromadzone w ramach projektu LIFE Pilica pozwolą lepiej rozumieć procesy ekologiczne w tych obszarach oraz ustalić działania ochronne i renaturyzacyjne, mające na celu zachowanie i przywrócenie tych cennych ekosystemów.
The article discusses the significance and nature of the Pilica oxbow lakes, which are well-preserved parts of the river valley system that were formed mostly during the late Vistulian and Holocene epochs, offering a variety of habitats for flora and wildlife. Fluvial processes, variations in river flow, erosion, sediment deposition, and human activities have all altered the structure and character of river and floodplain. To present, scientific research has been limited to oxbow lake habitats, analysing biological diversity, sediment composition, and environmental changes occurring in the valley. The data gathered as part of the LIFE Pilica project will help us to better understand biological processes in these locations and develop protection and restoration measures directed at protecting and restoring these rich ecosystems.
Cladoceran-based paleotemperature estimates for the Younger Dryas for ten sections of paleo-oxbow lakes, valley mires, and lacustrine sediments from central Poland are presented, and their potential usefulness to climatostratigraphy is described. Most of the changes observed in the cladoceran assemblages are responses to climate changes. The cladoceran-based temperature reconstructions reflect cold conditions during the Younger Dryas (YD) and allow a division of this period into two phases: an older colder phase, between 12,800 and 12,000 cal yrs BP, and a younger, warmer phase, between ca. 12,000 and 11,500 cal yrs BP. The geomorphological features of the study sites and local environmental forces are also taken into consideration. The cladoceran-inferred summer temperature estimates from all of the study sites correspond closely with the available climate reconstruction for the YD in central Europe.
Uroczysko Warta stanowi jedno z najważniejszych skupisk lasów łęgowych w Polsce. Wybudowanie zbiornika Jeziorsko przyczyniło się do zmiany reżimu rzeki Warty (ograniczenie powierzchni zalewów i ich częstotliwości), co w konsekwencji wpływa destrukcyjnie na lasy łęgowe uroczyska. Lasy łęgowe należą do najbogatszych i bardzo urokliwych ekosystemów leśnych. Regulacja rzek i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa przyczynia się niestety do ich degradacji. W Polsce jedynie 0,2% całkowitej powierzchni zajmują lasy łęgowe. Uroczysko Warta stanowi jedno z najważniejszych skupisk tych siedlisk. Wybudowanie w środkowym biegu rzeki Warty zbiornika Jeziorsko przyczyniło się do zmiany reżimu rzeki (ograniczenie powierzchni zalewów i ich częstotliwości). Wydaje się, iż zastosowanie prostych systemów melioracyjnych – zastawek, progów, przepustów z klapami zwrotnymi, może spowodować odtworzenie korzystnych warunków hydrologicznych. Wystąpi wtedy zwiększenie pojemności retencyjnej starorzeczy, a wody gruntowe będą się utrzymywały na wyższym poziomie przez dłuższy okres. Planowana budowa licznych zastawek na ciekach oraz podpiętrzeń zbiorników wodnych to najtańsze metody zwiększania zasobów wodnych w zlewniach. Budowa tych urządzeń technicznych bez wątpienia przyczyni się też do ochrony bardzo wartościowych biotopów mokradłowych, pełniących głównie funkcje ochronną i rekreacyjną. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wpływ czynników klimatycznych oraz stanów wód powierzchniowych w starorzeczach i gruntowych na terenie uroczyska na wielkość wydzielającego się posuszu.
The Uroczysko Warta is one of most important concentrations of floodplain forest in Poland. Building of the Jeziorsko reservoir contributed to change of the Warta River regime (limitation of surface overflows, their frequencies), what in consequence negatively influencing on floodplain forest areas. Flood plain forests are the richest and highly picturesque forest ecosystems. Unfortunately, river regulation and flood control contribute to their degradation. In Poland only 0.2% of total area is covered by flood plain forests. The Uroczysko Warta forest district constitutes one of the most important clusters of these sites. The construction of the Jeziorsko reservoir in the middle course of the Warta River has contributed to changes in the river regime (reduced flooding areas and decreased flooding frequency). It seems that the use of simple land improvement systems, i.e. gates, river bars and culverts with flap check valves, may result in the recreation of advantageous hydrological conditions. In such a case storage volume of oxbow lakes would be increased and ground water would be maintained at a higher level over longer periods of time. Planned building of numerous dams on water-courses and devices to dam up water on reservoirs are cheapest methods of enlarging of water supplies in catchments. Build of these technical devices no doubt will contribute also to protection very valuable marshland biotopes, fulfilling mostly functions protective and recreational. In paper a influences of climatic factors and levels of surface water in oxbow and ground water on deadwood quantity are presented.
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A study on the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to the restoration of hydrological connectivity of an oxbow lake through the channel excavation is presented. The study included a five-year environmental monitoring (hydrological, hydro-chemical measurements and invertebrate sampling) carried out in the years 2008–2009 and 2011–2012 in the floodplain of the Słupia River (N Poland). The results allowed for assessing ecological effects of the hydrotechnical treatments (re-opening of an old river bed, declogging and installation of wooden deflectors) applied in the oxbow restoration. The results confirmed the preliminary hypothesis that the level of hydrological connectivity determines the dynamics of invertebrate fauna communities in river-floodplain systems. Analysis of the data revealed that such reconnection considerably influenced the structure of hydrobionts by altering abiotic habitat conditions. Effects of radical changes in the habitat morphology and hydrodynamic conditions and monitoring of macroinvertebrate assemblages preformed in the restored lake indicated a significant instability of the ecosystem soon after the treatment, what was confirmed by the results of canonical analysis, in which 50% of the total variance remained unexplained. Among factors analysed, water quality parameters explained 21.4% of the total variance in macroinvertebrate communities. However, the hydrobionts showed a significant instability with respect to variable hydrological conditions (flow through the lake) what contributed to a low share of water flow along the oxbow in explaining the total variance. The analysis of long-term changes that occurred in the studied ecosystem showed that the restoration of full hydrological connectivity brought only a short-term increase in benthofauna abundance. The most distinct reorganization in the structure of macroinvertebrate communities was observed in the first year after the reconnection while the consecutive four years brought only insignificant changes, mainly the appearance of a few species, mainly molluscs. Our investigation suggests that the taxonomic composition of macroinvertebrates in the studied oxbow lake having the only one-arm opening, before the improvement of hydrological connectivity, seemed to be more stable and optimal for this kind of habitat, than after the hydrotechnical works, when the ecosystem became passable due to both-arms connections to the river channel. Therefore, semi-lotic oxbows, connected to parent rivers only with one arm, can be properly functioning aquatic ecosystems in river floodplains.
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Reproduction is the most important factor in population dynamics and invading freshwater habitats by Viviparus viviparus. This is largely associated with ovoviviparity of these snails. Some traits like steered reproduction, the appearance of young snails during the whole year, protection of embryos by female and delayed reproduction were fixed by natural selection as adaptations increasing the chance for progeny survival. In variable habitats like oxbow lakes seasonally joined to the river channel, Viviparidae start reproducing in the early stage of their life hence increasing a chance for population to survive. Studies on fecundity, embryonic development of V. viviparus and the relationships between these parameters and females. body size and weight, were carried out in oxbow lakes periodically connected to the river (the Bug River, Central Poland). The Bug River is one of a few European rivers which preserved their nearly natural character. No larger hydrotechnical works have been made in its valley, therefore, the river flows in a natural, meandering channel and forms numerous oxbow lakes. The surrounding of studied oxbow lakes is flat and of lowland character with mixed land use structure (arable lands, grasslands, settlements). Oxbow lakes are fed by the runoff from flood terrace, hence their waters are more fertile than those of the river. Two lakes were selected: Lake Szumin, area 17 ha, Lake Wywłoka - area 23 ha. Maximum depth of both lakes is ca 3 m. Samples of V. viviparus were collected in the years 2003-2007 with a bottom drag during the successive seasons from five sites in each oxbow lake. The embryos were found in females of the II (8.1-12.0 mm of width and height), III (12.1-20.0 mm width and 12.1-25.0 mm height) and IV (over 25.0 mm height and over 20.0 mm width) size classes. Three developmental stages were distinguished in embryonic growth: the oval transparent egg capsules (called the youngest embryos), egg capsules with visible contour of a shell (called medium embryos) and snails with a shell (the oldest embryos). The youngest growth stages of embryos (in a form of oval transparent egg capsules) dominated in all size classes of females. Medium growth stages (egg capsules with visible outlines of the shell) and the oldest ones (with shell) were represented in smaller proportion. The highest number of the youngest embryos per female were found in females of the II size class. The proportions of the embryo growth stages varied seasonally. The number of embryos per female and the degree of their development increased with the increase of shell (height, width, dry weight) and body (dry weight) parameters. High fecundity of the youngest females of V. viviparus is probably an adaptation to unstable habitat conditions of oxbow lakes.
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Starorzecza Wisły w rejonie Spytkowic w dolinie górnej Wisły stanowią obszar chroniony Natura 2000 zagrożony wskutek napływu jej zanieczyszczonych wód. Przeprowadzone badania wód starorzeczy pokazują kilkukrotny wzrost zawartości chlorków, siarczanów, węglanów, fosforanów, azotanów, sodu, potasu, magnezu, wapnia oraz przewodności przy wyższych niż przeciętne stanach wody w Wiśle, chociaż powodzie powodują zmniejszenie koncentracji większości z tych składników. Również osady denne w części starorzecza, do której dopływa woda z Wisły, zawartości cynku, ołowiu i kadmu są przeciętnie 3 razy wyższe niż w jego części położonej poza wałami. Znacząca część kadmu, około 50-70%, pozostaje w formach łatwo przyswajalnych dla organizmów i może powodować ich kumulację w żerujących w dnie małżach.
The oxbow lake at Spytkowice in the upper Vistula River valley is a protected area Natura 2000 endangered by the inflow of contaminated Vistula waters. Investigations of waters of the oxbow lake exhibit multifold increase of chlorides, sulphates, carbonates, phosphates, nitrates, sodium, magnesium, calcium and conductivity at Vistula water stages higher than average however, floods effects in a dilution of these contaminants. Moreover, bottom sediments in parts of the lake affected by the Vistula water inflow are 3 times more contaminated with zinc, lead and cadmium, on average, than that behind flood dykes. The significant part of cadmium, about 50-70% occurs in form the most available for benthic organisms, which may cumulate in sediment-feeding mussels.
Two sections of sediment from small oxbow-lake infillings located in different river valleys in central Poland were studied by cladoceran analysis in order to examine the response of aquatic ecosystems to the Younger Dryas. Lithological and geochemical records, as well as chydorid (Chydoridae) ephippia analysis were also used to reconstruct Younger Dryas climate trends. A high concentration of cladocerans, as well as the presence of Cladocera taxa preferring warmer water, was found. It is likely that local processes in the oxbow lakes were important, because the presence of warm-preferring taxa was also related to their habitats and their development. Yet local environmental forces, such as the influence of the rivers, habitat modification, macrophyte abundance, and eutrophication, were not only major factors to affect the Cladocera diversity in the Younger Dryas. The observation of changes in the composition and concentration of Cladocera in oxbow-lake infillings indicates that most of the changes occurred in response to climate changes.
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Przeanalizowano parametry statystyczne miąższości czterech aluwialnych złóż kruszywa naturalnego, położonych w dolinie Wisły na wschód od Krakowa. Wartości te odniesiono do wieku i parametrów geometrycznych starorzeczy. Na podstawie danych, pochodzących z otworów wiertniczych znaleziono zależności i pomiędzy miąższością złóż z czynnikami przestrzennymi. Podjęto próbę przedstawienia ich w postaci uniwersalnych równań regresji. Oceniono możliwość zmniejszenia liczy otworów wiertniczych wykonywanych w trakcie prowadzenia prac rozpoznawczych.
Statistic parameters of the thickness of four alluvial natural aggregates deposits situated in the Vistula River valley east of Cracow were analysed. These statistic values were relative to the age and the geometrical parameters of paleomeanders. Relations between the thickness of the deposits and environmental spatial factors were identified on the base of date from the boreholes. It was taken an attempt to present them in the form of universal regression equations. The possibilities of reduction the number of necessary boreholes were taken into consideration.
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