Gospodarka regeneracyjna jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju w motoryzacji, demontaż pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji jako element GOZ-u, odpady motoryzacyjne jako źródło nowych materiałów i surowców oraz bariery i wyzwania branży – między innymi o tym dyskutowali eksperci biorący udział w panelu „Recykling w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym” w ramach Forum Recyklingu 2024.
The paper deals with the possibilities of using alkali silicate based inorganic binders for automotive industry aluminium castings production. In recent years, inorganic binders are coming back to the foreground and their manufacturers are developing new processes, which are starting to progressively supersede organic binder systems. Paper describes known knowledge about classic alkali silicate binders with focus on hardening processes and on improving their technological properties. Trends from the area of development and the use new alkali silicate based inorganic binders are also shortly described. As part of the experimental work, specific methods of producing samples were developed, with the help of which properties such as disintegration were subsequently evaluated by measuring abrasion and residual strengths. Characteristics such as residual compressive strength or shear strength at different thermal loads were also evaluated. When comparing the laboratory results with the results of de-coring in real conditions, a high degree of correlation was achieved, which makes it possible to determine the optimal recipe/procedure for the production of geometrically complex cores.
In the article one of methods of the quality management - statistical process control (SPC) has been discussed in the article. On the example of the car headrests producing enterprise benefits from applying this method has been presented. Correctly implemented SPC and correctly analyzed data from control cards result not only in the stabilization of production processes, but can also have a beneficial effect on reducing production costs.
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In an effort to reduce operating costs and to increase the quality and efficiency of production, production organizations in the automotive sector are trying to implement the Industry 4.0 concept, which has become a phenomenon of the last two decades. These initiatives have a significant impact on the employees in production organizations, especially in automotive sector. The main aim of the presented study is to expertly assess the importance of general competencies for transforming job positions in the automotive industry in Slovakia. The starting point of the presented study were the results of re-search focused on emerging positions in the automotive industry and the competencies required by employers in Slovakia. Based on the expert assessment, the hierarchical structure of the solved problem was created and the importance of competencies for analysed job positions was assessed by applying the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) method. The results pointed to the growing importance of non-technical competencies. Analyses have shown that actually the most important work competencies are: basic literacy, professional knowledge, problem solving, digital skills and analytical thinking. The development of the necessary competencies will be important both, from the point of view of employers, but also of employees working in professions that are in decline, become endangered and need to be transformed into the required professions.
Lean Manufacturing (LM) practices have gained popularity as a means to achieve high-quality products while reducing costs and delivery times. However, the implementation of LM can be challenging, with a high failure rate. This paper aims to explore the perspectives of employees and managers on LM practices implemented in an automotive company. The research involved primary and secondary data analysis, combining observation, interviews, and a questionnaire survey. The survey assessed knowledge and skills, impact on quality improvement, motivation, supervisor support, control, and engagement in LM development. The results highlight the importance of management commitment and support in achieving successful LM implementation. Moreover, the study emphasises the positive impact of LM practices on employee motivation and the overall quality of processes and products. The PDCA cycle emerged as the most impactful tool, along with other recognised tools like Poka Yoke, Andon, Kaizen, Visual Management, and the 5S method. The findings contribute to understanding the implementation and effects of LM practices, providing insights for companies seeking improvement through Lean Manufacturing methodologies.
Armoring civilian vehicles requires specialized knowledge and experience that many armoring companies lack as they are not direct or indirect suppliers of vehicle manufacturers. This limits their access to automotive quality and manufacturing certifications or detailed vehicle designs, which can result in loss or malfunctioning of automotive components during the armoring process. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by Brazilian civilian armoring companies and identify opportunities for improvement in their production processes. Qualitative research was conducted using a questionnaire-based survey of eight specialized firms in Brazil, as well as literature related to DFMA, design for manufacturing and assembly, quality, automotive, and ballistic references. The study results in clude detailed armoring operation steps, qualitative survey reports, and helpful literature references for armoring practitioners to generate a standard armoring procedure for different vehicle models. Following best practices in automotive and armoring procedures collected in the survey responses can standardize and enhance ballistic protection operations while preserving the original vehicle systems’ functionalities and warranties. This work provides valuable information for armoring companies to improve their operations and interfaces with automotive systems and follow automotive and ballistic references.
Background: An assembly line is a technique used in mass production industries, especially in the automotive industry; it consists of many workstations organized along a conveyor belt system or other material handling equipment. The assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) involves assigning assembly tasks to workstations on the line while meeting optimization goals. It is considered a critical issue in operations management because it directly affects the productivity of the entire manufacturing system. Methods: Based on the mathematical model previously developed by (Esmaeilbeigi, Naderi, and Charkhgard 2015) for the E-type SALBP problem, we proposed a new model adaptable to the automotive sector. The proposed model uses new feasibility rules and optimizes constraints in order to propose better balancing results and efficiency. Results: A computational experiment is presented in this article, using the newly developed model to balance an assembly line in an automotive manufacturing plant consisting of 5 workstations. Conclusions: The experimental results show that the proposed model improved the line efficiency by 15%, which proves that the proposed method has good robustness.
This paper presents an analysis of six sets of engine valves, each set consisting of one exhaust valve and one intake valve. Each pair of valves was used in an engine with different displacement and mileage. The valves were subjected to microscopic analysis, hardness measurement and chemical composition analysis using a glow discharge spectrometer and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The design and materials of the valves showed that both the intake and exhaust valves in their present form would be a strength of the engine.
The article presents the most important causes of the unstable connection between cast iron ring inserts and the silumin casting of an engine piston. It is shown that manufacturing defects are mainly related to the alfin processing of inserts in Al-Si alloy (the so-called AS9 alloy). Exceeding the permissible iron content in AS9 alloy causes the crystallization of brittle -Al5FeSi phases. Their unfavorable morphology and large size are the main reasons for the weakening of the diffusion connection between the inserts and the piston, causing an unacceptable proportion of defective products. The study presented in this work was conducted under industrial conditions on a population of 10.000 pistons. Quality control data, production parameters, as well as the micro- and macro-structures of the cast iron inserts, and the interface area between the inserts and the silumin piston, were analyzed. Material and technological solutions have been proposed to reduce the occurrence of casting defects at the insert-piston joint. This includes the introduction of so-called "morphological correctors" of the -Al5FeSi phases, reducing the possibility of gaseous impurities in the AS9 alloy and optimizing the temperature of the alfin alloy.
The subject of the study is to verify the impact of the SARS-COV2 virus pandemic on the functioning of the automotive industry in the context of the global economy. The conducted research is important due to the enormous change in the functioning of the automotive industry due to the covid pandemic as well as megatrends affecting the industry. The paper aims to verify the determinants influencing the functioning of the automotive industry. The conclusions resulting from the study will be used to better understand the current situation and to prepare the market's strategy for the coming years. The selected research method includes literature and industry research and the Exact Systems company case study. The case study relates to a survey of car and car parts manufacturers in 12 European countries. The author's contribution is an indication of many factors influencing the potential future of the automotive industry available in the literature. Then the author compares these data with the expectations and predictions of the car manufacturers' market participants to draw consistent conclusions.
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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemów jakościowych, jakie występują podczas procesu tłoczenia, a związane są one z wadami i defektami materiału. Już w trakcie wcześniejszych operacji produkcyjnych i technologicznych może dojść do problemów, które mają wpływ na jakość wytwarzanej blachy.
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Zarówno po dostarczeniu formatów stalowych na linię produkcyjną, które zostają poddane ogólnej kontroli, jak i po wykonaniu gotowych części należy je poddać kontroli, która odbywa się w kilku etapach.
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Od 2018 roku obserwuje się zapaść na rynku surowców objawiający się ograniczoną i niestabilną dostępnością oraz ogólnym wzrostem cen. Dodatkowo Dyrektywy Unii Europejskiej coraz bardziej restrykcyjnie formułują zasady gospodarki odpadami i udziału surowców wtórnych w produktach wprowadzanych na rynek. Odpowiedzią na oba zagadnienia jest zwiększenie udziału recyklingu w procesach produkcyjnych, co w przypadku materiałów niskocząsteczkowych, jak stal, szkło i papier jest już dobrze rozpoznane i wdrożone. Takie praktyki nie stanowią też problemu w przypadku tworzyw termoplastycznych, jak poliolefiny, poliamidy i in. W branży automotive, niezależnie od rodzaju napędu, duży udział w surowcach odpadowych mają też kompozyty i tekstylia. Takie materiały, nie są obecnie recyklowane na szeroką skalę, a odpady z ich zawartością są składowane w glebie lub spalane pirolitycznie z emisją spalin do atmosfery. W artykule przeprowadzono dyskusję o możliwości wdrożenia recyklingu materiałów kompozytowych i tekstylnych w branży automotive oraz przedstawiono próby laboratoryjne obróbki takich surowców odpadowych i wytwarzania kompozytów ze znacznym udziałem recyklatów.
Since 2018, some collapse in the market of raw materials has been observed, which is manifested by limited and volatile availability of products and an overall increase in prices. In addition, European Union Directives more and more restrictively formulate the rules of waste management and the share of secondary raw materials in products placed on the market. The answer to both issues is to increase the share of recycling in production processes, which in the case of low-molecular materials such as steel, glass and paper is already well recognized and implemented. Such practices are also not a problem for thermoplastics such as polyolefins, polyamides, etc. In the automotive industry, regardless of the type of drive, composites and textiles also have a large share in waste materials. Such materials are currently not recycled on a large scale, and the waste with their content is deposited in the soil or pyrolytically burned with the emission of exhaust gases into the atmosphere.
W pracy przedstawiono innowacje w przemyśle oponiarskim. Największym odbiorcą wyrobów gumowych jest przemysł motoryzacyjny. Guma jest wykorzystywana do produkcji opon samochodowych i innych elementów znajdujących się w samochodach, tj.: elementy zawieszenia, wycieraczki, węże, uszczelki w kabinie, komorze silnikowej czy silnikach i skrzyni biegów. Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii oraz dbałość o środowisko naturalne spowodowały poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań w technologii opon samochodowych, które stałyby się bardziej nowoczesne, innowacyjne i ekologiczne. Są to innowacje związane ze zdobywaniem nowych źródeł surowców do produkcji opon tj.: elastomerów z biomasy, zrębków drzewnych, kauczuk naturalny z mniszka kok‑sagiz (Taraxum kok‑saghyz) oraz stosowaniem surowców wtórnych. Nowymi rozwiązaniami mogą być także: opony wykorzystujące technologie druku 3D, wprowadzenie czujników połączonych z komputerem pokładowym lub smartfonem. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu kierowca będzie na bieżąco informowany o stanie dróg, jakości opon i będzie mógł kontaktować się z innymi użytkownikami dróg za pomocą nowych technologii. Prezentowane innowacje związane są z wpływem rozwoju nowych i proekologicznych technologii na przemysł oponiarski.
The paper presents innovations in the tire industry. The largest consumer of rubber products is the automotive industry. Rubber is used in the production of car tyres and other components in cars, i.e.: suspension elements wipers, hoses, seals in the cabin, engine compartment or engines and transmission. The development of moderntechnologies and taking care of the natural environment caused the search for new solutions in car tire technology, which would become more modern, innovative and ecological. These are innovations connected with gaining new sources of raw materials for tire production, i.e: elastomers from biomass, or from wood chips, natural rubber of dandelion kok‑saghyz (Taraxum kok‑saghyz), use of recycled material. New solutions may also be: 3D‑printed tires, introducing sensors connected to the on‑board computer or smartphone. Thanks to this solution, the driver will be kept informed about the condition of the roads, the quality of tires and will be able to contact other road users with the help of new technologies. The innovations presented are related to the impact of the development of new and environmentally friendly technologies on the tire industry.
The European Commission's ambitious plan to reduce CO2 emissions has a significant impact on the global automotive industry. Recent development of new diesel and petrol engines with direct injection is aimed at improving fuel efficiency while maintaining (or enhancing) engine performance. This naturally also increases the demands on the properties of the most stressed engine components (e.g., cylinder heads, engine blocks, pistons), which leads to the development of new materials. Presented work analysed the effect of different mold temperatures (60; 120; 180 °C) on mechanical, physical properties and microstructure of AlSi5Cu2Mg aluminium alloy. This alloy is currently being used for the production of cylinder head castings. The results showed that the changing mold temperature had an effect on mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength and Young modulus values). SEM with EDX analysis of intermetallic phases revealed there were no size and morphology changes of Cu, Mg and Fe intermetallic phases when the mold temperature changed. No significant effect of different mold temperature on physical properties (thermal and electrical conductivity) and fracture mechanism occurred during experiment. Optimal combination of mechanical and physical properties of AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy was achieved using a permanent mold with temperature ranging from 120 to 180 °C.
The coronavirus pandemic is a crisis that disrupts the global supply chain and slows down the world economy. A significant challenge for the companies in the manufacturing sector is to mitigate risks related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Grounded in the resilience theory, resilience (i.e., prepare, prevent, protect, respond, and recover processes) aims to manage risks and ensure business continuity. This research aims to identify the key factors for the resilient manufacturing management of Thai automotive industries during the COVID-19 outbreak. Three outstanding companies of tier 1 automotive suppliers have been selected as case studies in this work. This qualitative research was completed by using a semi-structured interview. The target interviewers were CEOs or general managers. The data analysis was divided into two phases. Phase one summarised the interview data of each company. Phase two used thematic analysis and cross-case analysis to identify resilience practices’ patterns, themes, and multi-factors. The findings indicate three key factors to enhance resilience: leadership, technology, and the firm’s experience in handling emerging events. Together, these factors help enterprises to prepare for Business Continuity Planning (BCP), improve supply chain management, and increase the firm’s ability to recover from disruption situations. This paper contributes to the literature on the supply chain resilience in the automotive industry by providing a guideline for firms to implement resilience practices, improve business operations, and increase firm’s capabilities, both as human skills and technologies, to deal with a novel crisis. Resilience practices response to the COVID-19 outbreak not only helps the companies minimise business disruption in the short-term but also includes the long-term response strategies for unknown events. For this purpose, the case study research was conducted to investigate the resilience strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine the critical success factors of resilience implementation in the Thai automotive industry.
Logistics activities are present in different business functions, which is why unified decision making in logistics has a significant effect on the organization of logistics processes in companies. Scientific literature highlights various aspects of logistics decision making, but so far, no survey has been conducted that can accurately illustrate the effect of centralized logistics and the effect of the level of Logistics knowledge of employees from other departments on unified decision making in the organization of logistics processes. For this purpose, a statistical analysis was carried out on a sample of companies from the Slovenian automotive industry, which is one of theleading high-tech industries in the world. The results of multiple linear regression show that the greater the knowledge of logistics among the employees from other departments, the more logistics costs are taken into account during the development of the product. This is an important finding for the automotive industry, as well as for other manufacturing industries, especially with respect to efficient planning of Logistics processes, starting from the early stages of product development. This enables better control over logistics costs, as all business functions within the company participate in the process. The results presented here highlight future guidelines for the organisation of logistics processes in the high-tech automotive industry. It was verified by multiple linear regression.
Obecnie technologia druku 3D znajduje zastosowanie w wielu obszarach życia codziennego i jest wykorzystywana w wielu gałęziach przemysłu. W publikacji skupiono się na omówieniu wykorzystania technologii druku 3D w przemyśle, zarówno przy projektowaniu samego wyrobu czy elementu, jak i do produkcji konkretnych części m.in. w motoryzacji, w budownictwie czy w przemyśle lotniczym. Technika druku 3D rozszerza swoje wykorzystanie na coraz to nowe obszary, z założenia nieoczywiste, takie jak przemysł spożywczy czy tekstylny. Technologia druku 3D zyskuje na popularności, ze względu na łatwy dostęp do drukarek oraz samych materiałów, a na przestrzeni lat kolejne gałęzie przemysłu zaczynają korzystać z ogromnych możliwości tej technologii.
Currently, 3D printing technology is used in many ways and is practiced in many industries. The publication focuses on the summary of the use of 3D printing technology in many different industries, during the design of the product or element itself, as well in production of parts results in automotive, construction and aviation. The 3D printing technique is expanding its use to newer and non-obvious areas, such as the food or textile industry. The technology of 3D is going more popular due to the easy access to printers and the materials themselves, and over the years, subsequent branches of industry benefit from the huge possibilities of this technology.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w warunkach przemysłowych. Badania dotyczą wieloparametrowej ocenę skuteczności działania mieszanin technicznych soli modyfikujących stop AISi7Mg - tzw. rozdrabniaczy ziaren. Mieszaniny soli są wytwarzane przez grupę producentów i stanowią ofertę przemysłową. Porównano skuteczność działania pięciu rożnych mieszanin soli barowych i tytanowych oraz zaprawy modyfikującej AITi5B. Sole wprowadzano do kąpieli metalowej metodą „na powierzchnie" po utworzeniu na niej leja, na skutek wysokich obrotów rotora rafinacji gazowej. Wszystkie sole zwiększają właściwości wytrzymałościowe stopu po obróbce cieplnej T6 (Rm.Rp02, A5, HB). Równolegle stwierdza się w badaniach, iż technika wprowadzania soli „na powierzchnię'' zwiększa liczbę wtrąceń niemetalowych w stopie. Wtrącenia, w przypadku wytwarzania obręczy kół samochodowych (felg), jeśli zostaną rozmieszczone na powierzchni odlewu, mogą stanowić przyczynę zabrakowania.
The results of tests performed under industrial conditions are presented in the hereby paper. Investigations concern multi-parameter assessments of the efficiency of technological salts mixtures - the so-called grains crushers - modifying the AISi7Mg alloy. Mixtures of salts are produced by a group of producers and constitute the industrial offers. The efficiency of operations of five different mixtures of barium and titanium salts as well as of the AITi5B inoculant, were compared. Salts were introduced to the metal bath by the method: 'on the surface' after making a pouring cap in it, due to a high speed rotor of the gaseous refining. All salts increase strength properties of alloys after the heat treatment T6 (Rm.Rp02, A5, HH). It was also found in tests, that the salts introduction by means of 'on the surface' technique increases the number of non-metallic inclusions in the alloy. If such inclusions remain on the casting surface, they can constitute the reason of the casting rejection, in case of the production of wheel rims.
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