The study of 114 core samples from seven borehole sections of the Van-Eganskaya area in the central part of Western Siberia yielded sufficient data to investigate the Late Cenomanian-Turonian foraminifers, palaeoenvironments, and the Late Cenomanian-Turonian biostratigraphy of this poorly studied area. Two Late Cenomanian foraminifer zones were established, viz. a (lower) Saccammina micra - Ammomarginulina sibirica Zone and an (upper) Trochammina wetteri tumida - Verneuilinoides kansasensis Zone. They reflect changes in the species composition of the foraminifer assemblages and lithology of the host rocks of the Uvatskian Horizon. In the lower part of the upper zone, beds with Gaudryinopsis nanushukensis elongatus are present. The changes in the species composition and lithology of the upper Cenomanian resulted from water-depth variations during the Boreal transgression. Two distinct assemblages and two homonymous zones, viz. the (lower) Gaudryinopsis angustus and the (upper) Pseudoclavulina hastata zones occur in the Turonian clayey cap-rocks of the superimposed Kuznetsovskian Horizon. Comparison of the Late Cenomanian-Turonian assemblages from the West-Siberian and Canadian provinces of the same Arctic palaeobiogeographical realm shows that the West-Siberian species are the same as, and closely related to, Canadian taxa, along with geographical subspecies. This comparison allows a detailed correlation, which results in a precise dating of the foraminifer zones.
Danian and Selandian successions in western Siberia are rich in calcareous benthic foraminifers. The assemblages with a constant systematic composition that have the widest lateral occurrence are distinguished as foraminiferal zones. The Brotzenella praeacuta Zone was established in the low-carbonate, clayey beds that form the transition from the Gankinskaya Suite to the Talitskaya Suite. These transitional beds are assigned to the Danian. The calcareous benthic foraminifers in this zone occur mainly together with agglutinated forms. The zone is traced along the areas of the largest subsidence of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin, principally in depressions. The transition from the Cretaceous to the Palaeogene is represented by a continuous succession, in which the Danian deposits escaped from erosion and were found to contain the B. praeacuta assemblage. In Danian rocks with a shallow-marine facies (near Beryozovo and in the Ust’-Tym depression, Fig. 1), the Bathysiphon nodosarieformis - Glomospira charoides assemblage occurs. It is dominated by primitive forms in addition to more advanced tests (mainly Late Maastrichtian relic species). The overlying Selandian (Middle Palaeocene) foraminiferal assemblages are assigned to the Talitskaya Suite. The Ammoscalaria friabilis assemblage is widely spread and is represented mainly by agglutinated quartz-siliceous forms. Beds with these species are attributed to the Ammoscalaria friabilis Zone, which can be correlated with beds in the East containing Cyclammina coksuvorovae. The Cibicidoides proprius assemblage is known from the lower and middle beds of the Talitskaya Suite in Transuralia, the Omsk Depression and more south-eastern areas; the species of this assemblage are characteristic of the Selandian.
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