During laboratory studies on the reproductive biology of Vallonia pulchella and V. costata we observed an unusual behaviour in adults and juveniles of both species. The snails moved with their heads and radulae over the egg surface as if feeding. The examination of the egg shell revealed the presence of the fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora, which commonly occurs in the soil and has multiple lifestyles: it is known as a nematode pathogen, a saprophyte and a coloniser of plant roots. The extraordinary behaviour of Vallonia may be associated with the presence of mycelium on the egg surface. We hypothesise three possible explanations of egg grooming: (1) parental care, (2) trophic behaviour and (3) the infection can constitute a means of defence against nematodes, which are known to be predators of snails and slugs as well as their eggs. The removal of the fungus is not associated with overcrowding, but may be a selective advantage when combined with feeding.
A new species of heterobranch gastropods, the hammerhead Chelidonura radwanskii sp. nov., found in the socalled Pleurotoma-clays of middle Miocene (Langhian) age in the environs of Korytnica, southern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, is described. It is the first fossil representative of Chelidonura A. Adams, 1850. This tiny gastropod is named in honour of the late Professor Andrzej Radwański.
A new ichnogenus and ichnospecies (Solealites ovalis) of etching trace is preserved on the surfaces of clasts from the Savignone Conglomerate (Oligocene) in the Palaeogene Piemonte Basin in NW Italy. It is a shallow, oval depression with a central elevation, which was produced probably by limpet gastropods and served as their home scar, but other gastropods or even sea anemones are not excluded as the trace makers. The conglomerate is interpreted as a deposit of a fan delta, whose clasts have been bioeroded in an intertidal and shallow subtidal shore zone and redeposited to the deeper sea.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań nad technologią jednoczesnego kształtowania drążonych odkuwek wałków stopniowanych wraz z uzwojeniami ślimaków metodą obciskania obrotowego. Zaproponowano przy tym, aby odkuwki wytwarzane były z półfabrykatów rurowych ze stopu tytanu w gatunku Ti6Al4V. Analizę teoretyczną oparto na modelowaniu numerycznym, które przeprowadzono metodą elementów skończonych w oprogramowaniu Simufact Forming. W trakcie symulacji określono przydatność technologii obciskania obrotowego do kształtowania drążonych odkuwek z uzwojeniami ślimaków. Wyznaczono zakres parametrów stabilnego przebiegu procesu, ponadto rozpoznano czynniki, które mogą wpływać negatywnie na przebieg procesu kształtowania oraz jakość uzyskanych odkuwek. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły możliwość obciskania obrotowego drążonych odkuwek ze stopów tytanu wraz z uzwojeniami ślimaków.
This paper presents selected results of the research on developing a process for forming hollow stepped shafts with worms by rotary compression. It is proposed that these parts be formed from a hollow billet made of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. The proposed method is modelled numerically by the finite element method using the Simufact Forming simulation software. In the simulations, we tested whether the rotary compression technique is suitable for manufacturing hollow parts with worms. We determined a range of process stability-ensuring parameters and identified factors that can have a negative effect on the forming process and product quality. The results confirm that hollow titanium alloy shafts with worms can be manufactured by rotary compression.
A long-term eustatic cycle (fall and subsequent rise of the global sea level) embraced the late Silurian-Middle Devonian time interval. Potentially, these sea-level changes could drive global biodiversity. The stratigraphic ranges of 204 bivalve genera and 279 gastropod genera included into the famous Sepkoski database allow reconstructing changes in the total diversity and the number of originations and extinctions of these important groups of marine benthic macro- -invertebrates during this interval. None of the recorded parameters coincided with the long-term global sea-level cycle. It cannot be not excluded, however, that the global sea-level changes did not affect the regions favourable for bivalve and gastropod radiation because of regional tectonic mechanisms; neither can it be excluded that the eustatic control persisted together with many other extrinsic and intrinsic controls. Interestingly, the generic diversity of gastropods increased together with a cooling trend, and vice versa. Additionally, the Ludlow, Eifelian, and Givetian biotic crises affected, probably, both fossil groups under study. There was also a coincidence of the relatively high bivalve generic diversity, initial radiation of gastropods and the entire biota, and the diversification of brachiopods with the Early Devonian global sea-level lowstand, and this may be interpreted as evidence of a certain eustatic control on the marine biodiversity.
The succession of gastropods in the Gnaszyn section is quite monotonous and shows significant changes only in the proximity of concretion layers, at least partially because of diagenetic reasons. Otherwise, the section is dominated by gastropods (cylidrobullinids, bullinids, and mathildids) most of which preyed probably on sedentary organisms (polychaetes and/or coelenterates) that possibly flourished on the sea bottom at that time. The other groups of gastropods are represented by larval or juvenile shells. Their presence shows that the environmental conditions that were probably unfavourable for gastropods living directly on the sea bottom most likely because of a soupy substrate consistency, possible oxygen deficiency near the sediment-water interface and/or oxygen content fluctuations. Adult and/or subadult individuals of these gastropods occur only in the higher part of the section, reflecting a time when these conditions improved. A new heterostrophic gastropod species, Promathildia gedli, is described.
The environment at the Gnaszyn section - as deduced from bivalve and scaphopod dynamics - was controlled by the substrate consistency and possibly oxygen deficiency near the sediment-water interface and/or oxygen content fluctuations. The middle part of the section dominated by nuculoid and corbulid bivalves and Laevidentalium-type scaphopods probably reflects a soupy substrate and possibly oxygen deficiency in the sediment. Slightly coarser and better-oxygenated silts in the upper and lower parts of the section offered a less soupy substrate consistency, allowing the development of communities dominated by astartids, byssate bivalves, and Dentalium- and Plagioglypta-type scaphopods.
Amongst several known Paleozoic gastropod species having transverse septa in the apical parts of shells, three species (Straparollus aff. circularis, Orecopia kadzielniae and Donaldiella karczewskii) have been found in the Frasnian limestones of Grabina and Bolechowice-Panek in the Holy Cross Mountains (Central Poland). Septation in gastropod shells is a rare phenomenon and is an adaptive feature. Septa occur either in the thick-shelled gastropods living in high-energetic (reef) environments, preventing against negative effects of destruction of the apical parts of shells, or in the thin-shelled gastropods living on muddy substrate, lowering the inner volume of a habitable part of shell and increasing outer surface of gastropod body.
Do badań faunistycznych wykorzystano próbki osadów pobranych z otworu wiertniczego Sucha Wieś (Pojezierze Ełckie) z głębokości 153,60-178,00 m oraz z otworu wiertniczego Czarnucha (Równina Augustowska) z głębokości 96,05-118,85 m. Z badanej serii osadów jeziorno-bagiennych opisano szczątki różnych grup zwierząt: ślimaków (Gastropoda), małży (Bivalvia), małżoraczków (Ostrazoda), ryb (Pisces), chrząszczy (Coleoptera) i innych. Do określenia wieku osadów, szczególnie przydatne okazały się mięczaki (ślimaki i małże) oraz małżoraczki. Na podstawie obecności ślimaka Lithoglyphus jahni oraz małżoraczka Scottia browniana uznano, że osady nie mogą być młodsze od interglacjału mazowieckiego.
Samples collected from the Sucha Wieś borehole (Ełk Lakeland) from a depth interval of 153.60-178.00 and from the Czarnucha borehole (Augustów Plain) from a depth interval of 96.05-118.85 m were analysed for faunal content. The lacustrine-marsh deposits contain fragments of various animals including gastropods, bivalves, ostracods, fish, Coleoptera and others. Especially important for age determinations are moluscs (gastropods and bivalves) and ostracods. The presence of Lithoglyphus jahni (gastropod) and Scottia browniana (ostracod) indicates that the deposits cannot be younger than the Mazovian Interglacial.
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Analiza paleontologiczna 46 próbek z otworu wiertniczego w Koczarkach wykazała obecność różnorodnych szczątków zwierząt: mięczaków, małżoraczków, ryb i owadów. Na tej podstawie określono warunki paleoekologiczne i paleoklimatyczne w jakich powstawały osady z fauną oraz ich stratygrafię. Znalezione tu charakterystyczne gatunki mięczaków: Corbicula fluminalis i Lithoglyphus jahni oraz małżoraczka Scottia browniana pozwalają określić wiek osadów z fauną na interglacjał mazowiecki.
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Mollusc shells are commonly noted from loesses and loess-like deposits. The typical feature of loessial malaconecrocoenozes is their abundance with relatively low number of species. The strength of specimens, which are different by their nature themselves, has allocated many low-level taxons within particular species. In many cases, the bases for such allocation are metric features of shells. The author has tried to decide the taxonomic question of the most important and the most frequent species which occur in loess deposits i.e., Succinea oblonga, Pupilla muscorum, Pupilla loessica, Trichia hispida, and Arianta arbustorum.
The work presented evaluation of the possibility of molluscs application in bioindication of the Zegrzyński Reservoir contamination with heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb and Cd). Correlations ofthe concentration ofthese metais in molluscs and other elements of the investigated ecosystem wece carried out. Molluscs reflected the Cu concentration in the environment better than Zn, Mn and Zn. Numerous statistically significant correlations of non-essential metailevel, especially Pb, in molluscs and in different elements of the reservoir ecosystem wece found. Investigated molluscs seem to be useful in bioindication ofthe reservoir contamination particularly with Pb and Cu.
Celem pracy było określenie możliwości zastosowania mięczaków w bioindykacji zanieczyszczenia Zbiornika Zegrzyńskiego metalami ciężkimi (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb i Cd) na podstawie korelacji między stężeniami tych pierwiastków w mięczakach i innych elementach badanego ekosystemu. Spośród analizowanych metali biofilnych mięczaki odzwierciedlały w największym stopniu stężenie Cu w środowisku. Liczne istotne statystycznie korelacje między poziomem metali ksenobiotycznych, szczególnie Pb, w mięczakach i różnych elementach ekosystemu zbiornika wskazują na możliwości wykorzystania badanych gatunków mięczaków w bioindykacji skażenia Zbiornika Zegrzyńskiego tymi pierwiastkami. Uzyskane wyniki powinny być zweryfikowane na podstawie większej liczby danych.
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