An important source of palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental information is intra-specimen variability of isotopic composition of mammal tooth enamel. It reflects seasonal or behavioral changes in diet and climate occurring during a life of the animal. While well-known in ungulates, in carnivorans this variability is poorly recognized. However, carnivoran remains are amongst the most numerous in the Pleistocene fossil record of terrestrial mammals, so their isotopic signature should be of particular interest. The aim of the study was to verify if enamel of a fossil cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) and a cave bear (Ursus ingressus) records any regular inter- or intra-tooth isotopic variability. We examined intra-individual variability of δ13C and δ18O values in permanent cheek teeth enamel of fossil cave hyena and cave bear from the site of the Perspektywiczna Cave (southern Poland). We conclude that the isotopic variability of the cave hyena is low, possibly because enamel mineralization took place when the animals still relied on a uniform milk diet. Only the lowermost parts of P3 and P4 enamel record a shift toward an adult diet. In the case of the cave bear, the sequence of enamel formation records periodic isotopic changes, possibly correlating with the first seasons of the animal life.
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The quality of paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on speleothem records depends on the accuracy of the used proxies and the chronology of the studied record. As far as the dating method is concerned, in most cases, the best solution is the use of the U-series method to obtain a precise chronology. However, for older periods (i.e., over 0.5 Ma), dating has become a serious challenge. Theoretically, older materials could be dated with the U-Pb dating method. However, that method requires a relatively high uranium content (minimum of several ppm), whereas typical speleothems from Poland (and all of Central Europe) have uranium concentrations below 0.1 ppm. Because the materials in Polish caves are problematic, we applied oxygen isotope stratigraphy (OIS) as a tool for speleothem dating. By using OIS as an alternative tool to create a chronology of our flowstone, it was found that the studied flowstone crystallized from 975 to 470 ka with three major discontinuities, so obtained isotopic record can be correlated with oxygen isotopic stages from MIS 24 to MIS 12. The observed isotopic variability was also consistent and confirmed with the petrographic observations of the flowstone.
Zbiornik zaporowy Rzeszów na rzece Wisłok w południowo-wschodniej Polsce, został zbudowany w 1973 roku. W trakcie jego eksploatacji, niektóre strefy zbiornika zostały zamulone i zalądowione, przez co jego powierzchnia i głębokość istotnie się zmniejszyły. Pomimo kilkukrotnych rekultywacji, zbiornik jest nadal silnie zamulony i jego funkcje użytkowe są mocno ograniczone. Celem pracy jest analiza zanieczyszczeń i możliwość wykorzystania rolniczego urobku wydobytego ze zbiornika. W pracy dokonano analizy ilościowej zarówno substancji potencjalnie toksycznych jak i biogennych w próbkach osadów pobranych w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat ze stanowisk zlokalizowanych wzdłuż osi zbiornika. Ponadto, zostało oszacowane pochodzenie materii organicznej zawartej w tych osadach. W tym celu wykorzystano analizy zawartości stabilnych izotopów N i C jak również stosunków elementarnych tych pierwiastków. Krzemionka była dominującym składnikiem osadu (około 67% suchej masy osadu), zaś materia organiczna (OM) stanowiła około 10% s.m.o. Stężenia związków biogennych: OWO, azotu ogólnego i fosforu ogólnego wynosiły średnio odpowiednio 2,31%, 0,21% i 0,031% s.m.o. Pochodzenie osadów dennych zbiornika Rzeszów jest mieszane. Niespodziewanie wysoki udział materii autochtonicznej może być wynikiem intensywnej eutrofizacji wód zbiornika. Zawartości WWA były stosunkowo niskie. Najwyższe zauważone stężenie wynosiło 0,164 ppm w przypadku benzo(k)fluorantenu. Zawartość benzo(a)pirenu była niższa od 0,14 ppm. Poziomy stężeń wybranych kongenerów PCB mieściły się w przedziale od 0,0006 do 0,003 ppm i były poniżej wartości normatywnych. Badane osady były umiarkowanie zanieczyszczone metalami ciężkimi (Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Pb). Średnie stężenia wszystkich metali przekraczały sporadycznie tło geochemiczne i poziom TEC, ale wartość PEC nie została przekroczona w żadnej z analizowanych próbek. Charakter badanych osadów wskazuje, że nie są one odpowiednie do stosowania w rolnictwie ze względu na zanieczyszczenie i brak żyzności. Jednak mogą one być wykorzystywane do rekultywacji gruntów nierolniczych. Istnieją metody umożliwiające usunięcie z wydobytego materiału z tych zanieczyszczeń, głównie metali ciężkich, ale z uwagi na znaczne ilości urobku proces może okazać się nieopłacalny.
This paper analyses Holocene beachrocks from the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Aqaba to explain the mechanisms that influence the cementation process in these areas. Holocene beachrocks in the Gulf of Aqaba are composed of predominantly terrigenous material derived from erosion of adjacent uplifted Precambrian basement, while the beachrocks in the Arabian Gulf are composed mainly of marine bioclasts and wind-blown siliciclastic sands. The cements of beachrocks in both areas show three textural varieties: (1) isopachous phreatic acicular aragonite; (2) a micritic envelope of high-Mg calcite (HMC); (3) meniscus and gravitational vadose HMC. Radiocarbon dating of beachrock samples from the Arabian Gulf yielded ages from ca. 2300 to 660 yr cal BP whereas samples from the Gulf of Aqaba range in age between 5500 and 2800 yr cal BP. Oxygen isotope values range from 2.6 to 4.4‰ respectively for the Arabian Gulf whereas the Gulf of Aqaba values range from 1.2 to 1.5‰. Carbon isotope values range from 3.2 to 5.9‰ for the Arabian Gulf whereas those from the Gulf of Aqaba range from 3.8 to 4.6‰. The values of δ18OVPDB and δ13CVPDB in the beachrocks of both areas suggest a marine origin. The beachrocks of the Arabian Gulf were precipitated under high evaporation conditions, while beachrocks from the Gulf of Aqaba were precipitated in normal shallow-marine conditions. The mineralogy and textural habits suggest that cementation of these beachrocks started within the shallow-marine phreatic zone.
In the present work the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of food products bought in the retail trade in Warsaw is demonstrated. The research was carried out using meat (pork, chicken), hen eggs and honey. These products originated from the conventional and ecological farms. The values of the isotopic ratios are expressed as δ notation and correspond to the international standards (V-PDB for δ13C, and air for δ15N) according to the following general formula: δ(‰) = [(R sample / R standard) – 1] × 1000, where R represents the ratio between the less abundant and more abundant isotopes, in particular 13C/12C and 15N/14N. The results received in our laboratory, were compared with results presented in the literature for similar products. The results of the study show that the N and C stable isotope ratios in the tested products can be applied to verify their authenticity.
This work aims at estimation of the amount of metamorphic fluids which led to the present-day variability of isotopic compositions, ?D and ?18O, in serpentinites from the Gogołów–Jordanów Massif. This goal was achieved by means of a numerical model reproducing selected features of geological environment and a computer application supporting this model. The Gogołów–Jordanów Massif consists of peridotites transformed to a different degree into serpentinites and subject to brittle deformation that produced a complex fracture system. The potential tectonic control on the pattern of the fluid migration paths was investigated using palaeostress analysis based on slickenside measurements. Isotopic analyses were carried out for hydrogen and oxygen from serpentine, oxygen from magnetite, and hydrogen and oxygen from carbonates. The variability of ?D and ?18O in the serpentinites along the modelled migration paths demonstrates that serpentinization of peridotites was caused by fluids derived from at least three sources revealing different isotopic characteristics. Fluids produced during the magmatic-hydrothermal stage played a major role in serpetinization, since they represent approximately 95% of all fluids interacting with the rock. In contrast, oceanic water represents only 1% of fluids involved in serpenti- nization. The calculated mean amount of fluid required for serpentinization of 1 m3 of peridotite is equal to 98 × 104 kg.
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The main aim of the study is to analyse the response of the catchment and lake ecosystem to the lake-level change on the basis of pollen, macrofossil, cladoceran and stable isotope records obtained by a comprehensive study of sediments from a shore core from Lake Juusa (Southern Estonia). The obtained multi-proxy data indicate that there is good correspondence between lithological, macrofossil and cladoceran changes during most time in the studied period. The palaeorecords show that the development of the Lake Juusa ecosystem was triggered mainly by the fluctuations of the lake level. Discrepancies of the data for some periods are caused by the concurrent processes having specific impact on the obtained records.
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