The present paper investigates the feasibility of utilizing the simplified prediction model for finite control set model predictive current control (FCS-MPCC) applied to reluctance synchronous motors (RSMs). The FCS-MPCC exhibits torque and current ripples, and a crucial consideration is the reduction of these ripples by increasing the switching frequency. The algorithm’s computational complexity is tied to the accuracy of the adopted model. Two approaches with varying levels of accuracy in predicting current dependencies concerning changes in the inductance of the RSM are investigated. The findings highlight the potential of employing simplified fixed inductance values for efficient control in drive systems, particularly those amenable to high switching frequencies.
This article discusses an identification and modeling approach of a reluctance synchronous motor (RSM) based on the running rotor technique. The applied flux linkage approximation functions reflect the self-saturation and cross-saturation effects, and the applied mathematical model is continuous and differentiable. The proper design of the experiment is discussed, and relevant recommendations are made to ensure the mitigation of procedural mistakes in the experiments. A detailed analysis of the impact of configuration faults on the obtained experimental data is provided, considering distortions in the obtained flux linkage and inductance surfaces. Considering the achieved model accuracy, a novel model evaluation considering the achieved model accuracy technique based on transient current response is proposed.
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The paper presents a computationally efficient finite control set model predictive current control (FCS-MPC) for reluctance synchronous motor (RSM). Non-linear characteristics of d-q inductances have been applied to obtain an accurate model of the machine. These were used to calculate the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) strategy. The reduction of the computational effort is obtained by decreasing the number of considered voltage vectors during selection. Extensive and accurate simulation studies indicate high-performance operation and torque ripple reduction of the drive.
W artykule przedstawiono sterowanie predykcyjne prądami synchronicznego silnika reluktancyjnego charakteryzujące się zredukowaną złożonością obliczeniową. W układzie regulacji zaimplementowano strategię sterowania maksymalizującą rozwijany przez silnik moment elektromagnetyczny oraz szczegółowy model matematyczny uwzględniający zmienne indukcyjności w funkcji prądów. Zmniejszenie złożono ści obliczeniowej uzyskano przez ograniczenie liczby wektorów stosowanych w procesie wyznaczania optymalnego sterowania. Wyniki badań symulacyjnych wykazały wysoką jakość pracy napędu oraz redukcję tętnień momentu elektromagnetycznego.
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