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w słowach kluczowych:  two-layer fins
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Content available remote Temperature field in tho-layer fins immersed in boiling water
The steady, two-dimensional temperature field for a two-layer fin, composed of copper core and porous covering, filled with boiling water was calculated. Simplified one-dimensional model was also presented. Fin parameters were: height - 10 mm, thickness - 3 mm, porosity - 60%, capillary-porous structure (CPS) layer thickness - 0.6 mm. The modified finite difference method was described. The heat transfer coefficient was assumed to vary with a power-law-type formula. Temperature distribution in the fin vertical section was determined experimentally with a thermovision camera. A reasonable degree of congruence was found to exist between the theoretical and the experimental results.
Content available remote Determination of heat flux for two-layer fins assembly
The paper presents nucleate boiling on the assembly with two-layer fins, composed of a copper core and capillary-porous structure (CPS) covering. The base heat flux for the fin assembly was determined. Two methods of heat flux calculation were described. The constants C and n in the formula[ q=C>T^n ] were determined experimentally on the basis of boiling curves. General relation for heat transfer coefficient was also used to specify the heat flux. Calculated heat fluxes were compared with experimental data for samples of different porosity (47-85%), CPS thickness (0.2-0.7 mm) and fins thickness (1.5-5 mm). A reasonable degree of congruence was found to exist between presented computation models and experimental results.
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