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This study evaluates the operational performance and customer satisfaction of the Ethio-Djibouti Standard Gauge Railway (EDR) through insights from 160 employee surveys, revealing strengths in technical quality and adherence to health, safety, and environmental standards, yet highlighting critical challenges such as suboptimal equipment utilization and customer service responsiveness that affect user satisfaction. Key performance indicators from regression analysis show that technical quality (Beta = 0.331), health and safety standards (Beta = 0.344), and asset management practices (Beta = 0.336) are strong predictors of customer satisfaction, with information technology (Beta = 0.241) also playing a crucial role in enhancing operational efficiency. To address these issues, the study recommends implementing advanced maintenance techniques, improving staff training for customer interaction, and upgrading technological infrastructure, while optimizing asset management practices to improve resource allocation. Overall, focusing on these areas is vital for EDR to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, thereby securing its competitive position in the transportation sector.
Purpose: The purpose of the survey is to determine how theatre directors’ perceive the impact of ongoing technological change on key aspects of theatre management. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted a qualitative perspective. Empirical data was obtained through interviews with theatre directors. The interviews were in-depth, partly standardised and unstructured. The research sample included theatre directors from different countries. Findings: The research identified aspects of theatre management that are particularly susceptible to the dynamic development of next-generation technology. The theatre managers most frequently perceive the impact of technology in relation to: the meaning and function of the theatre; funding of theatre operations; stakeholder relations; maintaining audience relations; aspects of the production of theatre productions; and staffing policy and the functioning of theatre companies. Strongly negative perceptions of the impact of technology are held by theatre directors on, among other things, the functions and relevance of the theatre, the impact of cultural policy, and the autonomy of arts. In contrast, positive perceptions of the impact of technology mainly related to aspects of the production of theatre performances. Research limitations/implications: The research is primarily limited to theatre directors' perspectives and the purposive nature of the sample cautions against broad claims about the entire population. Moreover, private and not-for-profit theatres are underrepresented. However, these findings could serve as a foundation for quantitative research aiming to generalize and explore new technology implementation processes in theatres. Further research into the implementation of artificial intelligence, perceived as a threat to the arts and theatre companies, seems crucial. Practical implications: The results of the research can be taken into account by theatre directors as they implement next-generation technologies. Originality/value: To the best of the author's knowledge, this article presents the first research on theatre managers' perceptions of ongoing technological changes in key management areas grounded in literature. The study's international scope enhances its value. The findings could benefit theatre directors, cultural organizers, researchers in theatre and cultural management, third-sector organizations in the theatre industry, and developers of new cultural technologies.
Purpose: The objective of the conducted research is to respond to the investigative question related to delineating potential areas of 3PL (third-party logistics) activities that could be supported by quantum computing. Design/methodology/approach: This study focuses on the exploration and analysis of literature, utilizing both the SCOPUS database and Google Scholar, to identify potential application areas of quantum computers in the 3PL sector. The literature review is based on a systematic approach that includes defining the aim, selecting, and critically assessing existing materials, with particular focus on digitalization, security of information flow, external transport planning, warehousing, and VAS (Value-Added Services). Findings: The analysis has demonstrated that quantum computers hold the potential to significantly influence 3PL businesses, contributing to innovation and enhancing operational efficiency. Specifically, this technology can revolutionize aspects such as supply chain optimization, data security, warehouse management, and the creation of added value through advanced analytics and personalized services. Research limitations: The study encountered constraints related to access to comprehensive databases, which may have influenced the thoroughness of the literature review. Furthermore, the scarcity of literature focusing directly on the application of quantum computers within the 3PL context indicates a need for additional, more in-depth empirical research in this field. Value of the paper: This paper holds both theoretical and practical value, indicating potential innovations and competitive advantages that can be achieved in the 3PL sector through the application of quantum computers. The paper highlights not only opportunities but also challenges and possible directions for future research, providing a foundation for upcoming research initiatives that may contribute to the development and transformation of operational standards in third-party logistics. This article can inspire future research in the area of using quantum computers in external logistics activities.
The latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence, especially in Deep Learning technology, accelerate innovation and development in different application domains. The development of Deep Learning technology has profoundly impacted military development trends, leading to major changes in the forms and models of war. In this paper, we overview Deep Learning’s history and architecture. Then, we review related work and extensively describe Deep Learning in two primary military applications: intelligence operations and autonomous platforms. Finally, we discuss related threats, opportunities, technical and practical difficulties. The main findings are that Artificial Intelligence technology is not omnipotent and needs to be applied carefully, considering its limitations, cybersecurity threats and a strong need for human supervision in the OODA decision loop. Certain safeguard mechanisms are required at the strategic decision-making level. In this context, one of the most important aspects relates to the education, training and selection of military officer personnel.
The repair and restoration work implemented in inactive well stocks has led to the resolution of clustering issues based on their purpose. It has been determined that in case of clusters of accident-prone wells, the implementation of repair and restoration works and their return to the operational fund, must be carried out based on economic and technical efficiency. The corresponding analysis revealed that clusters characterizing the accident rates include issues with downhole pipes, downhole motors, tools and devices, packers, bottom hole drill pipes, cables, ropes, wires, and others types of accidents. This paper presents the accumulated results of realized RRW (repair restoration works) based on field experience for formalization and automation in developing decision-making technologies and selecting accident elimination strategy in appropriate field conditions. Various technologies have been developed for the elimination process, using appropriate equipment. Repair and restoration work for corresponding codes is proposed based on field statistical information. The economic feasibility of the obtained results and their application are classified on the basis of boundary conditions defined by developed logical stages. The logical stages are drawn up using information about field parameters, including well conditions, the location of the accident object in the well, realized technology, and appropriate technical means. As a result of the analysis of SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) fund of accident-prone wells, 24 possible options for the implementation of RRW have been identified for the aforementioned clusters. Lists of the existing tool park, functional design parameters, and technological modes necessary for each accident cluster have been determined to implement decision-making technologies.
Prace naprawcze i rekonstrukcyjne prowadzane w nieaktywnych odwiertach eksploatacyjnych pozwoliły rozwiązać problem grupowania odwiertów w zależności od ich przeznaczenia. Ustalono, że w przypadku klastrów odwiertów narażonych na uszkodzenia, realizacja prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych oraz ich powrót do eksploatacji musi odbywać się w oparciu o efektywność ekonomiczną i techniczną. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że klastry odznaczające się wysokim wskaźnikiem awaryjności obejmują awarie rur wiertniczych, silników wgłębnych, narzędzi i urządzeń, pakerów, rur wydobywczych, kabli, lin, przewodów oraz inne rodzaje awarii. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zgromadzone wyniki prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych w oparciu o doświadczenia terenowe, w celu formalizacji i automatyzacji opracowywania technologii decyzyjnych i wyboru strategii eliminacji awarii w odpowiednich warunkach terenowych. Opracowano różne technologie procesu eliminacji, przy użyciu odpowiedniego sprzętu. Prace naprawcze i rekonstrukcyjne wraz z odpowiadającymi im kodami zostały zaproponowane w oparciu o dane statystyczne z terenu. Możliwość wdrożenia uzyskanych wyników z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia i ich zastosowanie są klasyfikowane na podstawie warunków brzegowych określonych przez opracowane etapy logiczne. Etapy logiczne są opracowywane z wykorzystaniem informacji o parametrach terenowych, w tym warunkach odwiertu, lokalizacji obiektu podatnego na awarie w odwiercie, wdrożonej technologii i odpowiednich środkach technicznych. W wyniku analizy zestawu odwiertów SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) podatnych na awarie zidentyfikowano 24 możliwe opcje wdrożenia prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych dla wyżej wymienionych klastrów. W celu wdrożenia technologii decyzyjnych określono listy istniejącego parku narzędzi, funkcjonalne parametry projektowe i tryby technologiczne niezbędne dla każdego klastra awarii.
Vibration measurement is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the optimal and reliable operation of machinery, with implications for production quality, economic efficiency, and safety. The monitoring of machine condition provides essential data for the early detection of damage to machine parts, thereby preventing unanticipated failure modes and disruptions in production. Accordingly, this paper focuses on the measurement and assessment of fundamental vibration parameters, with a particular emphasis on frequency and vibration acceleration amplitude that allows to optimize the production quality assessment. Experimental measurements were conducted on a technological head of production system using abrasive water jet technology (AWJ) with a varied feed rate while cutting two types of structural steel. Based on the results of these measurements, recommendations were formulated regarding suitable and inappropriate combinations of operating parameters, thereby enhancing current knowledge regarding the influence of technological parameters on the amplitudes of vibration acceleration in the operation of production systems with AWJ technology.
Content available Efficiency coefficient of wind installations
This study examines the main trends in the modern development of wind energy, addressing the critical tasks and proposing solutions for advancing wind energy technology. It includes theoretical calculations of the efficiency factor of wind turbines, particularly focusing on the Betz limit, which traditionally sets an upper bound on their efficiency. The research highlights the fallibility of Betz's limit calculations in both physics and mathematics, challenging its long-held assumptions. A novel formula for the true dependence of wind turbine efficiency on the utilized energy of the wind flow is derived, providing a more accurate representation of their performance. This new formula is supported by a graph illustrating the relationship between wind energy input and turbine efficiency. Additionally, the study explores various strategies and innovative approaches to enhance the efficiency of wind turbines, aiming to maximize their potential in harnessing wind energy. These findings contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve renewable energy technologies and increase the viability of wind power as a sustainable energy source.
Artykuł omawia innowacyjne podejście do konstrukcji nawierzchni betonowej na przykładzie realizacji autostrady A2 Warszawa - Kukuryki na odcinku obwodnica Siedlec - węzeł "Cicibór” (z węzłem), odcinek VI od km ok. 561+440 do km ok. 580+190 z węzłem "Borki” o długości ok. 18,750 km, gdzie po raz pierwszy w Polsce wykorzystano cement JASNY CEM II/B-S 42,5 R-NA.
The article discusses an innovative approach to the construction of a concrete surface based on the example of the completion of the A2 motorway Warsaw - Kukuryki at the section the Siedlce ring road - the "Cicibór” junction (with the junction), section VI from km approx. 561+440 to km approx. 580+190 with the "Borki” junction of the length of approximately 18,750 km, where - the JASNY CEM II/B-S 42.5 R-NA cement was used for the first time in Poland.
Przeróbka mechaniczna to jedna z podstawowych dziedzin nauki i techniki z zakresu górnictwa kopalin użytecznych. Zabiegi przeróbcze uszlachetniają surową kopalinę użyteczną i przygotowują ją do dalszego wykorzystania. Uszlachetniona kopalina może być wykorzystana jako surowiec lub jako gotowy produkt.
Mechanical processing is one of the basic fields of science and technology in the field of mining of useful minerals. Processing operations refine a raw mineral and prepare it for further use. The refined mineral can be used as a raw material or as a finished product.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie współczesnych zastosowań połączeń klejonych w budownictwie, jak również wskazanie obecnych trendów w rozwoju technologii klejenia. Omówiono wybrane zagadnienia z tej tematyki w zakresie wznoszenia, wzmacniania i naprawy konstrukcji drewnianych, murowych, żelbetowych, stalowych i zespolonych.
The aim of this article is to present modern applications of adhesive bonding in civil engineering and to point out current trends in the development of adhesive bonding technology. Chosen problems regarding this topic are discussed in the context of construction, strengthening and repair of timber, masonry, reinforced-concrete, metal and composite structures.
Content available remote Kilka uwag o posadzkach bezspoinowych
Content available Intelligent data analysis on an analytical platform
hearticle discusses methods for processing unstructured data using an analytical platform. The authors analyze existing methodsand technologies used to implement data processing and propose new approaches to solving this problem. The possibilities of using analytical platformsto solve the problem of processing source data are considered. The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of data import, partial preprocessing, missing data recovery, anomaly removal, spectral processing and noise removal. The authors explored how analytics platformscan function without a data warehouse, obtaining information from any other sources, but the most optimal way is to use them together, and how big data and unstructured data can be processed using an analytics platform. The authors solved a specific problem related to processing problems and proposed ways to solve them using an analytical platform. Particular attention is paid to a complete set of mechanisms that allows youto obtain information from any data source, carry out the entire processing cycle and display the results. Overall, the paper represents an important contribution to the development of raw data processing technologies. The authors plan to continue research in the field of processing big unstructured data.
W artykule omówiono metody przetwarzania surowych danych z wykorzystaniem platformy analitycznej. Autorzy analizują istniejące metody i technologie stosowane do realizacji przetwarzania danych i proponują nowe podejścia do rozwiązania tego problemu. Rozważanesą możliwości wykorzystania platform analitycznych do rozwiązania problemu przetwarzania surowych danych. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie możliwości importu danych, częściowego przetwarzania wstępnego, przywracania brakujących danych, usuwania anomalii, przetwarzania spektralnego i usuwania szumu. Autorzy sprawdzili, jak platformy analityczne mogąfunkcjonować bez hurtowni danych, otrzymując informacje z innych źródeł, jednak najbardziej optymalnym sposobem jest ich wspólne wykorzystanie oraz jak duże zbiory danych można przetwarzać za pomocą platformyanalitycznej. Autorzy omawiają możliwe problemy związane z problemami przetwarzania i sugerują sposoby ich rozwiązania. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na kompletny zestaw mechanizmów, który pozwala na pozyskanie informacji z dowolnego źródła danych, przeprowadzenie całego cyklu przetwarzania i wyświetleniewyników. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, artykuł stanowi ważny wkład w rozwój technologii przetwarzania surowych danych. Artykuł kończy się przyszłościowym planem dalszych badań w tym obszarze.
The article characterises the elements of a model for shaping the conditions for the proper functioning of local government units, which is based on ensuring an acceptable level of cybersecurity. In the practice space, there is a correlation between local government units and cyberspace, thus also cybersecurity. The functioning of local government in different environmental conditions involves visible benefits for its actors as well as many potential threats – all the more so, as even larger self-governments, equipped with greater financial and human resources, cannot avoid them. The dangers involved, which are increasing every year, result in a growing number of various incidents, which is a test for local governments in building appropriate security platforms and models.
Autor artykułu charakteryzuje elementy modelu kształtowania warunków do prawidłowego funkcjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego opartego na zagwarantowaniu akceptowalnego poziomu cyberbezpieczeństwa. W przestrzeni praktycznej istnieje korelacja między jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego a cyberprzestrzenią i tym samym cyberbezpieczeństwem. Funkcjonowanie samorządu terytorialnego w różnych warunkach środowiskowych wiąże się nie tylko z widocznymi korzyściami dla jej podmiotów, lecz także z wieloma potencjalnymi zagrożeniami, tym bardziej że nie udaje się ich uniknąć nawet większym samorządom, mającym większe zasoby finansowe i kadrowe. Rosnące z każdym rokiem niebezpieczeństwa z tym związane skutkują pojawieniem się większej liczby różnorodnych incydentów, co stanowi sprawdzian dla samorządów terytorialnych w budowaniu odpowiednich platform i modeli zabezpieczeń.
Content available The extraordinary world of sulphur. Part 2*
Sulphur is a highly reactive element, and is therefore able to enter into a wide variety of chemical combinations, resulting in the formation of compounds of widely differing properties. Reactions involving sulphur, and the compounds which they produce, have stimulated and inspired people throughout the ages. Sulphur has always been associated with volcanoes, fires and smells. However, its story goes much further; sulphur is present in thousands of products of the chemical industry, which are in everyday use. These include car batteries, tyres, matches, paints, paper, textiles, food, detergents and pharmaceuticals. In Part 1 of this essay, the evolution of the role of sulphur in the history of mankind has been explained, through the lenses of etymology, geology, literature, art and chemistry. In Part 2, the role of sulphur in biochemistry and chemical technology is reviewed. In presenting these facets of the world of sulphur, a case is established, to show that sulphur is one of the most useful and interesting substances known to Man.
Content available Military Situation Awareness: Ukrainian Experience
Situational awareness (SA) has become one of the key concepts in military sector. The Russian-Ukrainian war led to the development of information technology in Ukraine to manage troops and combat situations. The army was supported by numerous volun- teer initiatives involving IT professionals. As a result, Ukrainian army has received modern software solutions based on the principles of SA for use in real combat conditions. The purpose of the study is to analyse the development of military and civilian SA information systems during the war between Russia and Ukraine. In the course of the study, the methods of system analysis of the problem of SA were used. The research classifies information solutions, assesses the distribution of products by different classification sectors, and conducts a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of the developed products. Using the example of the most common solutions, the main features of existing software products and the technologies on which they operate were identified. Prospects for the development of solutions, their contribution to military management, and problematic issues are identified.
Understanding the anomalies generated by various subsurface targets and their responses to different geophysical techniques in various subsoil types is critical to near-surface geophysical investigations. Geophysical test site (GTS) plays a vital role in near-surface geophysical investigations and related Earth sciences to adequately predict the geometries and anomalies generated by the subsurface targets. Therefore, developing a GTS on a site requires some technical efficiencies, mechanical procedures, engineering concepts and scientific approach, depending on the operating environment and the purpose of construction. This paper reviews the evolving roles of GTS in engineering, sciences, and technology via remarkable pedagogical and scientific research. The procedures for designing and installing GTS were also discussed. Every constructed GTS is unique and has its operating environment and sets of scientific requirements. As a result, the execution of GTS should be subjected to numerous factors that invariably affect the overall long time usage and performance. Comparative studies of GTS activities indicate that GTS is a vital geophysical research and academic platform to enrich the outcomes of the geophysical modelling for near-surface geophysical applications in engineering, science and technology. The evolving application of GTS has greatly impacted the field of science and engineering by enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the earth’s interior, which invariably affects the engineers, geophysicists, archaeologists and geologists to be critical in the analysis, interpretation, and providing precise and accurate information of subsurface anomalies underlying the uppermost soil of the earth’s crust. After a critical investigation, it was noted that the installation of GTSs is usually conceived to replicate situations often encountered in field investigation contexts. Examination shows that GTS can provide an ideal platform for young geoscientists, engineers and archaeologists to acquire the requisite skills, knowledge, technical know-how, and professional techniques for resolving near-surface challenges in real-life work situations. More also, a well-developed and equipped GTS could be a watershed in technological advancement, research development, and new scientific ideas. The GTS platform also indicates a promising pedagogical approach to geophysical educational usage, research mobilization, and development of new shallow geophysical techniques for various near-surface investigation and calibrating/testing geophysical equipment, which invariably catalyzed engineering designs, scientific concepts and technological advancement.
The article reveals the main concept - methodical competence of Ukrainian language teachers of the secondary educational establishment - as the most important component of the professional competency of the language teacher. The dependence of the development of professional competency on the efficient and system activity of language teachers in the subject methodical and scientific-methodical types of activity has been defined. Besides, the development of Ukrainian language philology teachers’ methodical competency has been presented. This competency is connected with a rational combination of traditional methods of study, analysis of certain situations of the interactive technologies of group work, and project study at every stage of the advanced training system, which is built in order to remove difficulties in the subject methodical pedagogues’ activity. The specificity of the professional activity and professional training of a philology teacher consists in the organic integration of psychological-pedagogical and philological components, which are aimed at the formation of linguistic, cultural, pedagogical, psychological, literary, communicative, methodical, digital competences. Modern methodical principles of professional training of future philology teachers are based on the key provisions of linguistics, linguocultural studies, hermeneutics, and pedagogical comparativistics. The article highlights the current trends in the development of pedagogical and philological education in the context of the integration of scientific fields; methodological and methodical principles of training of philology teachers are substantiated; the structural-content, procedural, educational-methodical, normative-legal aspects of the organization of the educational process in the foreign experience were investigated; a comparative pedagogical analysis of models and systems of professional training of philology teachers in Ukrainian and foreign experience was carried out; possibilities of creative use of progressive ideas of foreign experience in the educational space of Ukraine are argued.
W artykule ujawniono główne pojęcie – kompetencje metodyczne nauczycieli języka ukraińskiego szkół średnich – jako najważniejszy składnik kompetencji zawodowych nauczyciela języka. Określono zależność rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych od sprawnej i systemowej aktywności lektorów języków obcych w przedmiotowych typach działalności metodycznej i naukowo-metodycznej. Ponadto, przedstawiono rozwój kompetencji metodycznych nauczycieli filologii ukraińskiej. Kompetencja ta wiąże się z racjonalnym łączeniem tradycyjnych metod nauki, analizą określonych sytuacji interaktywnych technologii pracy grupowej oraz badaniem projektowym, na każdym etapie zaawansowanego systemu szkoleniowego działalności pedagogów, który jest zbudowany w celu usunięcia trudności metodycznych w nauczaniu przedmiotu. Specyfika działalności zawodowej i przygotowania zawodowego nauczyciela filologii polega na organicznej integracji elementów psychologiczno-pedagogicznych i filologicznych, które mają na celu kształtowanie kompetencji językowych, kulturowych, pedagogicznych, psychologicznych, literackich, komunikacyjnych, metodycznych, cyfrowych. Współczesne zasady metodyczne kształcenia zawodowego przyszłych nauczycieli filologii opierają się na kluczowych przepisach językoznawstwa, hermeneutyki i komparatystyki pedagogicznej. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na aktualne kierunki rozwoju edukacji pedagogicznej i filologicznej, w kontekście integracji dziedzin naukowych; czy metodyczne zasady kształcenia nauczycieli filologii są uzasadnione; zbadano strukturalno-treściowe, proceduralne, wychowawczo-metodyczne, normatywno-prawne aspekty organizacji procesu edukacyjnego, w doświadczeniu zagranicznym; przeprowadzono porównawczą analizę pedagogiczną modeli i systemów doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli filologii, na podstawie doświadczeń ukraińskich i zagranicznych; argumentowane są możliwości twórczego wykorzystania postępowych idei doświadczeń zagranicznych w przestrzeni edukacyjnej Ukrainy
Rodzima architektura charakteryzowała się nie tylko pięknem, ale także racjonalną odpowiedzią na istniejące uwarunkowania. Formy rodzimych obiektów architektonicznych były wynikiem obowiązującego systemu prawnego, sposobu pracy i funkcjonowania ich mieszkańców, ich potrzeb, relacji rodzinnych, ale także potrzeby piękna i dostępnej technologii, która pozwalała na stworzenie odpowiednich warunków do życia. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie badań wpływu ładu przestrzennego, piękna i technologii na kształtowanie architektury mieszkaniowej we wsiach regionu Świętokrzyskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Podsumowanie badań stanowi próbę zarysowania ponadczasowych zasad logiki kształtowania się form architektury rezydencjonalnej na wsi w tym regionie.
The native architecture was characterized not only by beauty, but also a rational response to the existing conditions. The forms of native architecture objects were the result of the legal system in force, the way of working and functioning of their inhabitants, their needs, family relationships, but also the need for beauty and available technology that allowed for the creation of appropriate living conditions. The aim of the article is to present research on the influence of spatial order, beauty and technology on the shaping of residential architecture in the villages of the Świętokrzyskie region at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The summary of the research is an attempt to outline the timeless principles of the logic of shaping the forms of residential architecture in the countryside in this region.
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