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Content available Peaking water power plant powered by mine water
A water power plant in a mine is an innovative solution that can use rainwater, underground and industrial water collected in mines to produce electricity. The process involves pumping water to a higher level and then draining it down, which drives turbines that generate electricity. Another solution may be to direct the water from higher levels to lower levels to the turbine blades. This approach allows for the effective use of existing mine infrastructure, contributing to sustainable development and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it helps manage mine water, offering a stable source of energy for local communities and industry. Examples of operating water power plants in mines around the world confirm their effectiveness and economic benefits, indicating the potential of this solution in green energy.Legal requirements related to using the energy of a water stream in a technical device (generator) in a mining plant, an overview of existing solutions and an original concept of a water power plant with a tubular vertical shaft are presented.
A mine cannot operate without environmental monitoring systems and basic mining machinery and equipment. In individual mines, these systems work in various configurations. Current information from these systems is visualized in the mine dispatch rooms. This article presents the basic structure of the visualization system, focusing on those most commonly used in our mines. It highlights that the diversity of monitoring systems used does not favor their unification and integration, aimed at providing the entrepreneur with essential data necessary for making crucial decisions related not only to the functioning of individual facilities within a company but, most importantly, the entire enterprise. The article introduces a new proprietary HADESvisualization system program used in JSW SA mines. This program, named after the first microprocessor-based dispatching system implemented in Polish mines several decades ago, enables the entrepreneur to make key decisions regarding the operation of the entire coal companyand its individual facilities.
Rotary-percussion drilling machines are commonly used for drilling hard-to-cut and abrasive rocks. Currently, in underground mining, drilling jumboswith hydraulic drilling machinesand rotary percussion drilling machines are used in chamber-and-pillar systems. The article presents results ofthework aimed at assessing the technical possibilities of creating an electric rotary-percussion drilling machinewith the parameters of currently used hydraulic drills. The biggest challenge is to obtain high impact energy and frequency as well as rotation speed and torque while limiting the weight and size of the drilling machine. The required parameters of the electric drilling machinewere the parametersof thehydraulic drilling machines used at KGHM Polska MiedźS.A.Known and applicable design solutions for electric drilling machines were analysedincluding thereported inventions in Poland and abroad. Then, three design solutions were selected and dynamic model tests were carried out, the main goal of which was to estimate the required torque, which, combined with the rotation speed, determines the power of the electric motor. As a result, thesolution was obtained, which in terms of weight and dimensions does not differ significantly from the hydraulic drilling machines, while at the same time enabling the achievement of similar operational parameters that determine the mechanical drilling speed.
In recent years, there has been a global increase in energy demand, with the extraction of underground mineral energy sources such as coal playing a significant role in the energy supply. However, the extraction of these natural resources always faces many challenges and risks. This process has created large voids, causing an imbalance in the original stress state within the earth and resulting in surface terrain deformations. Therefore, ensuring efficient extraction must be accompanied by safety measures. Among these, predicting surface subsidence due to underground mining is a crucial task. This paper presents an overview of the current method of predicting mining subsidence and their application scope. The result synthesizes various methodologies applied to different regions worldwide. Finally, the findings of this research can provide guidelines for establishing essential requirements for the application of surface displacement forecasting technologies due to underground mining.
W ostatnich latach nastąpił globalny wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię, a wydobycie podziemnych mineralnych źródeł energii, takich jak węgiel, odgrywa znaczącą rolę w zaopatrzeniu w energię. Jednak wydobycie tych zasobów naturalnych zawsze wiąże się z wieloma wyzwaniami i ryzykiem. W procesie tym powstały duże puste przestrzenie, powodując brak równowagi pierwotnego stanu naprężeń w ziemi i powodując deformacje terenu na powierzchni. Dlatego zapewnieniu skutecznej ekstrakcji muszą towarzyszyć środki bezpieczeństwa. Wśród nich kluczowym zadaniem jest przewidywanie osiadań powierzchni na skutek eksploatacji podziem-nej. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd dotychczasowych metod prognozowania osiadań górniczych oraz zakres ich zastosowania. W rezultacie dokonano syntezy różnych metodologii stosowanych w różnych regionach świata. Wreszcie, wyniki tych badań mogą dostarczyć wskazówek do ustalenia zasadniczych wymagań dotyczących stosowania technologii prognozowania przemieszczeń powierzchni w wyniku górnictwa podziemnego.
Purpose: The publication cancers one of problems related with safety in mining industry -the marking of escape routes in mining excavations. A review of literature on the subject and applicable legal regulations and standards, and authors’ study on the subject covering use of color-lighted signs created by them are presented. Design/methodology/approach: Literature studies were conducted: 1) to identify methods and findings in researches on marking of escape routes, described in scientific publications; 2) to define the requirements set out in legal acts and standards. The field study of the marking of escape routes was carried out in a training mine gallery in which there are conditions reflecting the real ones in underground mining excavations. The observations and questionnaire research were conducted during a training of a group of 20 professional mine rescuers. The following variables were set for the experiment: distance (5, 10 and 15 m), color (white, green, blue, red), shape (square, arrow). Findings: The article presents the results of pilot test in the field of the marking of escape routes in mine excavations. Different colors and shapes of the signs, and different distances of observation were taken into account. White color was found best to assure signs detectability but least appropriate if shape identification is required. Red and green colors were indicated as recommended if the shape identification is the evaluation criterion. Research limitations/implications: The research was dedicated to the underground mining industry, but can be adapted to other working sites where the evacuation takes place in similar conditions (lack of visibility and smoke). Practical implications: The research revealed among others that: 1) Polish regulations do not imply detailed rules as regards signage of escape routes in underground coal mines, which gives floor for development of new concepts and designs, 2) it is possible to propose color-lighted signs for effective marking escape routes in underground coal mines. Originality/value: The publication contains the original results of pilot test in the field of the marking of escape routes in mining excavations, and they can be addressed to persons managing mining plants and managers of mining supervision authorities.
Purpose: The aim of the paper was to analyze risky behavior in the mining industry on the example of survey research among mine rescuers. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of risky behaviors concerned the mine rescue service crew in a selected hard coal mine. The author's method of synthetic assessment of risky behaviors was used for the research. The surveys was conducted during rescue training on a group of 30 mine rescuers, which accounted for 25% of the crew's record. Findings: The article presents the results of a study of synthetic assessment of mine rescuers according to six problem areas (assessment parameters). The synthetic assessment of risky behavior is a method that allows individual assessment for each respondent in all areas. If one of the areas receives an abnormal rank, only one selected area can be re-evaluated after applying suggestions for improvement. Survey questionnaires consisting of closed-ended questions were used for each area. All respondents were given an option to give either affirmative or negative responses. Having obtained the sum of the assessment criterion ranks for each area, a synthetic assessment of risky behavior was interpreted for the surveyed mine rescuers. The summative assessment was then interpreted on a four-point scale: outstanding, satisfactory, normal, and abnormal. Out of the entire study group, only two subjects received an abnormal rating, each in one of the areas; the first respondent in the area of risky behavior, the second respondent in the area of risky behavior in situations of unbreathable air. For these two mine rescuers, detailed results for all areas were presented. Research limitations/implications: The research was dedicated to working conditions underground, but they can be adapted to working conditions on the surface, as well as to the specificity of other rescue services (e.g. firefighters, rescuers). Practical implications: The results of the research can be used as criteria for the selection of mine rescuers for the mine rescue service (rescue emergencies, rescue teams). Originality/value: The publication contains original results of research on risky behavior of mine rescuers, and they are addressed to the management of mining plants.
The process of underground mining is one of the most complex and hazardous activities. In order to maintain the continuity and efficiency of this process, it is necessary to take measures to reduce this hazard. The paper addresses this issue by presenting a developed methodology for using model studies and numerical simulations to support the process of monitoring methane hazards. Its basis is the developed model of the region of underground mining exploitation along with the ventilation phenomena occurring in it. To develop it, the ANSYS Fluent program was used, based on the finite volume method classified as computational fluid mechanics. The model reflects both the geometries and physical and chemical phenomena occurring in the studied area, as well as the auxiliary ventilation equipment used during operation. The research was conducted for two variants of methane emissions from goaf zones, the first of which concerned the actual state of the mining area, and the second of which concerned increased methane emissions from these goaf zones. The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution of methane concentrations in the most dangerous part of the studied area, which is the intersection of the longwall and the tailgate, as well as the distribution of ventilation air flow velocities affecting them. The studies for both variants made it possible to determine places particularly exposed to the occurrence of dangerous concentrations of methane in this region. The methodology developed represent a new approach to studying the impact of methane emissions from goaf zones into mine workings.
Stosowanie innowacyjnych technologii w procesie produkcji węgla kamiennego jest nieodzownym elementem budowania przedsiębiorstwa na miarę współczesnych czasów. Tempo zachodzących zmian środowiskowych i społecznych powoduje potrzebę ciągłego doskonalenia procesu produkcyjnego, którego najważniejszym elementem są maszyny i urządzenia. Wymagają one stałego monitorowania ich parametrów pracy w celu zapewnienia ciągłości produkcyjnej oraz bezpieczeństwa. Propozycją rozwiązania tego problemu jest układ pomiarowy rejestrujący parametry pracy obudowy zmechanizowanej, wykorzystujący technologię MEMS do pomiaru zmian nachylenia poprzecznego i podłużnego elementów oraz wysokości obudowy. Praca układu pozwala określić parametry pracy zmechanizowanej obudowy w ścianie wydobywczej. W artykule przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania technologii MEMS w czujnikach układu pomiarowego oraz etapy badań zrealizowanych w celu przystosowania obudowy zmechanizowanej do wdrożenia przedstawionego rozwiązania w warunkach rzeczywistych.
Innovative technologies in hard coal production are indispensable for building a modern business enterprise. The pace of environmental and social changes inspires the need for continuous improvement of the coal mining process. The domain of machinery and equipment is the most important element of the entire production process. Machines and equipment require the constant monitoring of their operating parameters to ensure production continuity and safety. A solution addressing those needs is a measuring system that records the parameters of the powered roof support. The constructed measuring system uses MEMS technologies to measure changes in the transverse and longitudinal inclination of the elements and the height of the powered roof support. The measuring system allows for determining the parameters of the powered roof support's operation in the mining wall. The following paper presents an example of the use of MEMS technology in the measuring system sensors, as well as the stages of real-life research on adapting the powered roof support to the measuring system.
Innovative technologies in hard coal production are indispensable for building a modern business enterprise. The pace of environmental and social changes inspires the need for continuous improvement of the coal mining process. The domain of machinery and equipment is the most important element of the entire production process. Machines and equipment require the constant monitoring of their operating parameters to ensure production continuity and safety. A solution addressing those needs is a measuring system that records the parameters of the powered roof support. The constructed measuring system uses MEMS technologies to measure changes in the transverse and longitudinal inclination of the elements and the height of the powered roof support. The measuring system allows for determining the parameters of the powered roof support's operation in the mining wall. The following paper presents an example of the use of MEMS technology in the measuring system sensors, as well as the stages of real-life research on adapting the powered roof support to the measuring system.
Stosowanie innowacyjnych technologii w procesie produkcji węgla kamiennego jest nieodzownym elementem budowania przedsiębiorstwa na miarę współczesnych czasów. Tempo zachodzących zmian środowiskowych i społecznych powoduje potrzebę ciągłego doskonalenia procesu produkcyjnego, którego najważniejszym elementem są maszyny i urządzenia. Wymagają one stałego monitorowania ich parametrów pracy w celu zapewnienia ciągłości produkcyjnej oraz bezpieczeństwa. Propozycją rozwiązania tego problemu jest układ pomiarowy rejestrujący parametry pracy obudowy zmechanizowanej, wykorzystujący technologię MEMS do pomiaru zmian nachylenia poprzecznego i podłużnego elementów oraz wysokości obudowy. Praca układu pozwala określić parametry pracy zmechanizowanej obudowy w ścianie wydobywczej. W artykule przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania technologii MEMS w czujnikach układu pomiarowego oraz etapy badań zrealizowanych w celu przystosowania obudowy zmechanizowanej do wdrożenia przedstawionego rozwiązania w warunkach rzeczywistych.
The paper presents the study and a functional analysis of requirements of the world metallurgical industry to the quality of underground iron ores at underground mines of Ukraine. There are found dependencies of the impact of the shape and parameters of compensation spaces on their stability and broken ore quality indicators. It is proved that a vertical trapezoidal compensation room possesses the highest stability and is stable within the range of all the considered depths, even in ores with hardness of 3–5 points. Less atabiity is demonstrated by a vertical compensation room of a vaulted shape with minor falls in the abutment of the room vault in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 2000 m, and a tent-shaped one where falls of varying intensity occur in the lower part of inclined exposures of the tent in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 1750 m or more. The horizontal compensation room is of the lowest stability; falls occur in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 1400 m, and at the depths of 1750–2000 m it remains stable only in harder ores. It is established that the use of compensation rooms of high stability makes it possible to achieve their maximum volume, increase the amount of pure ore extracted, reduce its dilution, enhance the quality of the mined ore mass and concequently increase its price and competitiveness of marketable products.
Artykuł przedstawia studium i analizę funkcjonalną wymagań światowego przemysłu metalurgicznego co do jakości rud żelaza w podziemnych kopalniach Ukrainy. Stwierdzono zależności wpływu kształtu i parametrów przestrzeni kompensacyjnych na ich stateczność i wskaźniki jakości rudy. Udowodniono, że komora wyrównawcza w kształcie trapezu pionowego charakteryzuje się największą stabilnością i jest stabilna w zakresie wszystkich rozważanych głębokości, nawet w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów. Mniejszą stateczność wykazuje komora kompensacji pionowej o kształcie sklepionym z niewielkimi spadkami w przyczółku sklepienia komory w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 2000 m. Komora z opadami o rożnym natężeniu występuje w dolnej części nachylonych odsłonięć namiotu w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 1750 m lub większej. Pomieszczenie kompensacji poziomej ma najmniejszą stateczność; spadki występują w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 1400 m, a na głębokościach 1750–2000 m pozostają stabilne tylko w rudach twardszych. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie komór kompensacyjnych o dużej stabilności umożliwia osiągnięcie ich maksymalnej objętości, zwiększenie ilości wydobywanej czystej rudy, zmniejszenie jej rozrzedzenia, poprawę jakości wydobywanej masy rudy, a co za tym idzie, wzrost jej ceny i konkurencyjności rynkowej.
In recent years, Quang Ninh coal mines are continually expanding on size and depth, the total length of the roadway each year amounts about ten thousands meters in order to reach new production zones. The length of new roadways is usually longer, leading to increase to the airflow demand. Ventilation is one of the main factors effecting driving progress of the roadway. The estimation of airflow requirements is usually based on the minimum amount of airflow required at the heading during driving roadways or at the working face, in other words, when the ventilation ductwork is at its maximum length. Therefore, determination of maximum ventilation length of ductwork has been undertaken. This results allow the selection of a reasonable fan to meet the ventilation requirements when driving the roadway. Also, this value is an important parameter for designing auxiliary ventilation system that operates more efficiently on a lower cost.
Mining-induced road subsidence is a significant concern in areas with extensive underground mining activities. Therefore, the prediction of road subsidence is crucial for effective land management and infrastructure planning. This paper applies an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict road subsidence caused by underground mining activities in Vietnam. The ANN model proposed in this study is adopted relying on the recursive multistep prediction process, in which the predicted value in the previous step is appended to the time series to predict the next value. The entire dataset of 12 measured epochs covering 12 months with a 1-month repeat time is divided into the training set by the first 9 measured epochs and the test set by the last 3 measured epochs. K-fold cross validation is first applied to the training set to determine the best model’s hyperparameters, which are then adopted to predict land subsidence of the test set. Absolute errors of the predicted road subsidence depend on the separated time between the last measured epoch and the predicted epoch. Those errors at the 10th month of the three tested points are 3.0%, 0.1 %, and 0.1%, which increase to 4.8%, 3.3%, and 1.5% at the 11th month, and 7.2%, 2.5% and 1.3% at the 12th month. The absolute errors are found to be small, which were all ranged with 0.5 mm and demonstrates that the proposed method utilizing ANN in this study can produce good prediction for road subsidence time series at mining areas.
For the prevention and control of rockburst in underground coal mines, a detailed assessment of a rockburst hazard area is crucial. In this study, the dependence between stress and elastic wave velocity of axially-loaded coal and rock samples was tested in a laboratory. The results show that P-wave velocity in coal and rock is positively related to axial stress and can be expressed by a power function. The relationship showed that high stress and a potential rockburst area in coal mines can be determined by the elastic wave velocity anomaly assessment with passive seismic velocity tomography. The principle and implementation procedure of passive seismic velocity tomography for elastic wave velocity were introduced, and the assessment model of rockburst hazard using elastic wave velocity anomaly was built. A case study of a deep longwall panel affected by rockbursts was introduced to demonstrate the effectiveness of tomography. The rockburst prediction results by passive velocity tomography closely match the dynamic phenomenon in the field, which indicates the feasibility of elastic wave velocity anomaly for rockburst hazard prediction in coal mines.
Sublevel caving (SLC) mining method has several features that make it one of the preferred methods for ore extraction due to its high productivity and early access to ore recovery. However, there are some major challenges associated with the SLC method such as ground surface subsidence, high unplanned ore dilution, and the potential for air blast. To remedy these shortcomings, a recent approach has been to modify the SLC method by introducing rockfill into the void atop the production zone to provide continued support for the host rock and prevent it from caving. This paper discusses in detail the merits of the Modified SLC or MSLC. In comparison with other long-hole stoping methods that are predominantly practiced in metal mines, the MSLC method boasts several advantages. Early production achieved from the topmost level helps reduce the payback period. Productivity is enhanced due to multilevel mining without the use of sill pillars. The cost of backfilling is significantly reduced as there is no need for the construction of costly backfill plants. Continuous stoping is achieved without delays as mining and backfilling take place concurrently from separate mining horizons. A significant reduction in underground development costs is achieved as fewer slot raises and crosscuts are required for stope preparation. These merits of the Modified SLC method in steeply dipping orebodies are discussed by way of reference to real-life mine case studies. Dilution issues are addressed, and the benefits of top-down mining are explained. Typical mine design, ventilation, materials handling, and mining schedules are presented. Geomechanics issues associated with different in-situ stress environments are discussed and illustrated with simplified mine-wide 3D numerical modeling study.
Shifting masses in a confined space in the company of other machines and devices, which limits the manoeuvring and transport area, poses a significant problem in every field of industry, especially with underground mining. The works involved in transporting and manoeuvring masses in underground workings are challenging and are most often performed using various auxiliary machines or manually. Hence the need arose to develop a device carrying out activities related to the shifting of masses with the assumed maximum value. The device was created as a result of cooperation between FAMA sp. z o.o. and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland. The mining modular transport and assembly unit (MZT-M) enables assembling and transporting various masses, especially the elements of the roadway support in the face. The primary function of this device is its movement in the excavation along with the transported mass and delivering it to a specific place. Therefore, an important issue is to ensure the module’s stability in different phases of its operation (lifting, transport, manoeuvring, feeding, lowering) due to the limited space in the excavation. That is why an analytical model and specialised software were created to determine the design parameters of the device as a function of its operating phases, especially the counterweight’s mass. As previously mentioned, an analytical model (physical, mathematical) with equations and applications written in Microsoft Visual Studio and Matlab was used for this purpose. It is beneficial at the design or construction changes stage. Calculation results are documented in the form of numerical summaries and graphs.
Transport materiałów oraz załogi stanowi ważne ogniwo w procesie produkcyjnym w każdym podziemnym zakładzie górniczym. Pogarszające się warunki klimatyczne związane głównie ze zwiększającą się głębokością eksploatacji oraz obecnością maszyn zmuszają do poszukiwania rozwiązań poprawiających sytuację. Istotnym czynnikiem pogarszającym warunki pracy są także substancje szkodliwe wydzielające się wraz ze spalinami z pracujących silników zasilanych olejem napędowym. W celu utrzymania stężeń gazów na odpowiednim poziomie bardzo często trzeba doprowadzić do miejsc ich pracy powietrze w ilości przekraczającej inne wymagania. Sposobem na rozwiązanie tych problemów może być zastąpienie kolejek podwieszonych spalinowych nowymi rozwiązaniami o napędzie elektrycznym, zasilanymi akumulatorowo. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę spalin kolejek pracujących w kopalni węgla kamiennego oraz określono wymagane strumienie powietrza pozwalające na utrzymanie dopuszczalnych stężeń czynników szkodliwych. Przeprowadzono także analizę porównawczą warunków klimatycznych w drążonym wyrobisku chodnikowym, uwzględniając funkcjonowanie wyrobiska z pracą kolejki spalinowej oraz pracą kolejki elektrycznej. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła wskazać przyrosty ciepła w wyrobisku spowodowane pracą obu rozwiązań kolejek. Na podstawie wykonanych analiz stwierdzono, że stosowanie kolejek elektrycznych może w istotny sposób przyczynić się do poprawy warunków pracy w wyrobiskach.
Materials and mine staff transportation is necessary during production process in underground mines. Worsening climatic conditions, related to the mining depth and the usage of machines, force us to look for solutions to improve the situation. Another essential factor connected with underground working conditions is harmful substances and exhaust fumes emitted from Diesel engines. For maintaining the gas concentration at the appropriate level it is necessary to supply air in quantities exceeding other requirements. Possible way to solve the problems is replacing suspended monorails powered by internal combustion engines with new solutions of electrically battery-powered monorails. In the article were performed the analyzes of the exhaust gas parameters from monorail locomotives operating in a hard coal mine and determines the required airflow to maintain permissible concentrations of harmful gases. I was also done a comparative analysis of climatic conditions in the development heading, considering the roadway’s functioning with and without using Diesel or electric monorail. The obtained results showed that using electric monorails could significantly improve working conditions.
Linear Discontinuous Ground Deformations are defined as fissures and steps, as well as structural forms composed of them. They occur on the surface as a result of underground mining. Knowledge of LDGDs has been acquired through field observations which are subsequently described in the scientific publication. Records of LDGDs are made by using the classic surveying method. The paper reviews the created LDGDs in the years 2015-2019 in one of the mines of the USCB. The analysis covers the velocity of subsidence as a result of underground mining and the values of horizontal strains determined according to the Knothe-Budryk theory. The InSAR satellite technique was used to measure the subsidence. The subsidence was determined using the small baseline method - SBAS. The combination of the theoretical Knothe-Budryk model with the large-scale capabilities of InSAR may provide valuable material for a better understanding of the genesis of LDGD creation and their prediction.
The use of fossil fuel sourced diesel underground has various associated health and environmental hazards, and additional energy demand and costs associated with necessary ventilation. One way to reduce these impacts is by utilizing a biodiesel-blend, which generates lower levels of harmful emissions from underground equipment and can be produced regionally, reducing the impact of transportation. Furthermore, this would help allow use of existing machinery during transition towards more widespread electrification underground. Therefore, the concept of an integrated supply and use chain within the mining industry is examined based on biodiesel from acidophilic photosynthetic microalgae cultivated using CO 2 in smelter off-gas. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to compare the environmental impacts of production, transportation, and end-use of fossil fuel sourced diesel to biodiesel-blended fuel across four underground metal ore mine sites (Canada, Poland, Zambia, and Australia). The outcomes from assessing four key environmental impact potentials (global warming, eutrophication, acidification and human toxicity) demonstrate the advantages of using biodiesel-blends. The integration of biodiesel resulted in changes of -22.5 to +22.8% (global warming), -6.1 to +27.3% (eutrophication), -18.9 to +26.3% (acidification), and -21.0 to -3.6% (human toxicity). The results showed reduction across all potentials for two mines and reduction in human toxicity potential for all sites.
Mining-induced seismicity is a commonly occurring phenomenon in underground mines. This poses a greater challenge to the safety of the mining operation. This paper presents a case study of the Young-Davidson mine in northern Ontario, Canada, where seismic events of magnitude Mn 2.0+ have been observed at mining depths of 600 to 800 m below the surface. The occurrence of large seismic events at such shallow depths is the key issue of this study. A comprehensive study of the microseismic database has been conducted to discern the root causes for the unusually strong seismic activities recorded at shallow depths. The effects of mining activities in the vicinity of two dykes intersecting the orebody on the seismic response are investigated. Variation of the b-value derived from the magnitude-frequency distribution is examined, and moment tensor inversion for three large seismic events is carried out to determine the source mechanisms. It is shown from this investigation that the influence of the sill pillar is more critical, leading to high mining-induced stress and the occurrence of large events. While the findings from this research are specific to this case study, they could be used to shed light on the causes of induced seismicity at other mines with similar conditions.
Górnictwo stanowi tę gałąź przemysłu, gdzie w trakcie normalnej działalności produkcyjnej mogą występować zdarzenia awaryjne o katastrofalnych skutkach. Podczas nagłych wypadków z udziałem ludzi, akcje ratownicze prowadzone są w ustawowo określonym trybie. Ale to nie jedyne sytuacje kryzysowe, które mogą wystąpić w kopalni. W większości z nich nie mamy narzuconych scenariuszy działań. W artykule opisano wykorzystanie podejścia PCDA z elementami Problem Solving podczas zarządzania sytuacją awaryjną w jednej z podziemnych kopalń rudy miedzi.
Mining is the branch of industry where catastrophic accident events may occur in the course of normal production activities. During emergencies involving people, rescue operations are carried out in a statutory manner. But these are not the only emergencies that may occur in the mine. In most of them we do not have any imposed action plans. e paper describes the use of the PCDA approach with Problem Solving elements when managing an emergency in one of the underground copper ore mines.
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