Vineyards provide space for microhabitats and require a very specific way of management. Vineyard vegetation undergoes succession over time, which affects insect communities. The selected vineyards are located in Moravia in the Czech Republic. The vegetation of the vineyards consisted of 48 species of annual dicotyledons, 63 species of perennial dicotyledons, 9 species of annual grasses and 10 species of perennial grasses. During the observation, 9 species of carabid beetles were recorded in the monitored vineyards. The composition of the vegetation in the vineyards changes with the age of the vineyard. Over time, representatives of the perennial dicotyledons, perennial grasses groups increase and representatives of the group annual dicotyledons decrease. The age of the vineyards also changed the carabid beetle community – the species Anchomenus dorsalis was more common in older vineyards. The species Dolichus halensis, Leistus ferrugineus and Platynus assimilis were more frequently recorded in summer and fall in older vineyards. The other species preferred younger vineyards. A higher abundance was recorded in summer and fall, which may be due to a higher food supply and sufficient amount of microhabitats for hibernation.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of succession of vegetation on the population of earthworms in selected vineyards. Earthworms (Annelida, Lumbricidae) are an important group of soil invertebrates. The population of earthworms in vineyards is influenced by environmental conditions and human activities. The presence of earthworms is beneficial to the ecosystem of vineyards. Earthworms aerate the soil, improving the quality and structure of the soil in vineyards. They decompose organic matter, contribute to the formation of humus, and increase the soil fertility. Vegetation cover in vineyards affects earthworm populations. The vegetation species spectrum in the vineyard changes over time, as succession is controlled by human activity. The research took place between the years 2020 and 2023 in the wine-growing villages of Horní Dunajovice, Hostěradice, Miroslav and Miroslavská Knínice (Czech Republic). 4 species of earthworms have been recorded. Aporrectodea caliginosa and A. rosea occurre frequently in younger vineyards. Annual dicots supported the occurrence of Aporrectodea caliginosa and A. rosea. Lumbricus terrestris and L. rubellus are more common in older vineyards. Perennial species supported the occurrence of Lumbricus terrestris and L. rubellus. The annual grasse contributed to the occurrence of Lumbricus rubellus. Changes in the composition of the vineyard vegetation affect the occurrence of the observed species of earthworms.
Water and land pollution is a major environmental problem. One treatment system that is suitable for use in many parts of the world is wastewater treatment from artificial wetlands. The sample source came from the Aur River, Palembang City. The vegetation used consists of water spinach, water hyacinth and lotus. This research aims to determine the influence of constracted wetlands (CW); know the differences in length of treatment; determine the differences in the effectiveness of kale, water hyacinth and lotus vegetation, and calculate the percentage reduction in concentration after treatment. The results of the research showed that the results of the analysis of the influence before and after the CW intervention on three vegetation on the parameters BOD, COD, DO, oil and fat, detergent, ammonia, and total coliform obtained the same P value, namely 0.000, meaning there was a significant influence on concentration before and after CW intervention was carried out. The results of the analysis of differences in concentration in the three vegetation groups in week-1, week-2, week-3 and week-4 on the parameters BOD, COD, DO, oil and fat, detergent and ammonia obtained the same P value, namely 0.000 (<0.05) means that there is a significant difference in concentration after the CW intervention, while the total coliform in the three vegetation groups was found to be kale vegetation 0.979 (>0.05), water hyacinth vegetation 0.972 (>0.05) and lotus vegetation 0.971 (>0,05) means there is no significant difference in concentration. The results of the analysis of kale, water hyacinth and lotus vegetation of the horizontal CW type showed that the P value of BOD, COD and DO was the same, namely 0.000, (< 0.05) meaning there was a difference, while the parameters oil and fat=0.888, detergent=0.945, ammonia=0.902 and total coliform=0.977 (>0.05) meaning there is no difference. Apart from that, there was also a decrease in concentration before and after the constracted wetlands intervention. Each vegetation group. In water spinach vegetation, it is between 86.36–562.50%, water hyacinth is between 91.30–737.50%, and lotus is between 91.30–737.50%.
Success in growing an agricultural crop is considered to be the maximum realisation of the potential of a variety, as well as a stable level of its yield over the years. In the article, the results of studies, conducted with the narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) on the grey forest soil under the Forest-Steppe conditions were analysed. The peculiarities of the influence of hydrothermal conditions upon the duration of the period from sowing to the emergence of seedlings, interphase periods and the growing season, on the whole, were shown. An analysis of the influence of weather conditions over the years of the research and agrotechnical measures upon the generative development of the plants, the formation of the crop grain yield, as well as its quality upon the variant, recommended for production, in comparison with the control variant, was presented. The weather conditions that developed during the period from sowing to full ripeness of the narrow-leaved lupine plants differed significantly over the years of research, influenced the duration of the period from sowing to germination (from 7 to 15 days), the growing season of the crop, on the whole, (from 79 to 101 days), growth and development of plants, and – as a result– on the level of the yield. The seed yield in the experiment was unstable over the years even in the recommended production variant – from 3.28 to 2.10 t∙ha–1, that is, with a difference in the most favourable and unfavourable years of 1.18 t∙ha–1. The most favourable conditions for the formation of the crop were in 2016 on the variant, recommended for the production, and it provided for the application of N68P48K66, sowing lupine of the “Pobeditel” variety with an inter-row spacing of 45 cm, a seeding rate of 1.2 million germinating seeds t∙ha–1, treated with a bioinoculant with a bioprotectant, and also foliar top dressing with microfertiliser at the IV stage of plant organogenesis. The year 2020 turned out to be the most unfavourable, as evidenced by the minimum yield level of 2.10 t∙ha–1 and the index of the conditions of the year –0.51.
This study analyzes the impact of containment due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the vegetation cover of the Korifla sub-watershed, based on remote sensing data and spatial analysis. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the containment imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on the vegetation cover and to highlight significant changes in the distribution of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) before and after the containment period, as well as to identify the areas most affected by these changes. The results highlight significant fluctuations in the distribution of vegetation cover, including a decrease in water area and variations in the categories of bare soil, sparse, medium-dense and dense vegetation. Using NDVI as an indicator of vegetation health, changes before and after the confinement period were highlighted. These results highlight the impact of anthropogenic disturbances such as confinement on plant ecosystems, and underline the importance of continuously monitoring vegetation cover for sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity preservation. With climatic conditions in Morocco stagnating in the two years following containment, the climatic factor is now set aside, and the focus shifts to the impact of reduced human activity.
Basing on the analysis of 440 vegetation plots (relevés) a classification scheme of sand biotopes of Chernihiv Polesie (Northern Ukraine) of levels IV–VI was compiled. Biotopes, protected by the Resolution 4 of the Bern Convention and Annexes II and IV of the Habitat Directive, were identified. The comparative characteristics of biotopes and syntaxa of vegetation according to floristic classification were given. Characteristics of the represented biotopes were described. The biotopes R1Q, R1P, R1M (EUNIS, 2021) appeared to be the most represented for the sands of Northern Ukraine. Fourteen biotopes of Chernihiv Polesie sands, protected by Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992, were revealed.
Landslide is one of the most common natural disasters in Indonesia. In Lut Tawar Lake, specifically the cliff side, the landslide event occurs almost daily. Mitigation effort becomes a necessity following the fatality cases it causes. This study aimed to identify landslides and suitable mitigation for the case of Lut Tawar’s lake cliff. A combined approach of landslide survey and image interpretation with field validation was used. In addition, local vegetation surrounding the case area was identified from the survey and interview process. The results showed there are in total 37 landslide points in the study area. The conducted analysis showed the landslide was mainly caused by land use change from forest to a plantation, slope, particularly in the cliff area that was carved for road development, the volcanic geology of Bukit Barisan mountain, rainfall intensity, and the equatorial rainfall characteristic of the study area. The results also suggest the finest solution for landslide mitigation, namely the eco-engineering approach, a revegetation method using the local vegetation. Local vegetation comprises multiple strata, of which grass in the below strata, shrubs in the middle strata, and trees in the upper strata, constitute a shield for the lake cliff. Within this structure, government and community can cultivate these plants in the surrounding lake area.
The negative impact of global and regional climate changes upon the crop yields leads to the violation of the crop production stability. The development of reliable methods for assessment of the climatic factors by the reaction of the crops to them in order to minimize the impact of climatic stresses upon the sustainability of food systems is an urgent scientific task. This problem was studied on the example of growing corn. A mathematical analysis of the main meteorological indicators for 16 years of research has been performed on the basis of which the frequency and direction of the occurrence of atypical and extreme weather conditions in various periods of the corn vegetation season were established by the coefficient of significance of deviations of the weather elements from the average long-term norm. It has been proved that the probability of occurrence of such weather conditions in the period from April to September is 38–81% in terms of the average temperature of the month, and 31–69% in terms of precipitation. By using the information base of the corn yields in a stationary field experiment with the gradations of factors: A (the fertilizer option) – A1-A12, B (the crop care method) – B1-B3, C (the hybrid) – C1-C7, the most critical month of the corn ontogeny was established when the weather has a decisive influence upon the formation of the crop. With the help of the correlation-regression analysis it was proved that the corn yield most significantly depends on the average monthly temperature in June, and for the hybrids with FАО 200–299 – on the amount of precipitation in the month of May. The obtained mathematical models make it possible to predict the yield of corn at a high level of reliability depending on the indicators of the main climate-forming factors in June, that is, even before the flowering of the plants (before the stage of ВВСН 61).
Land degradation, including pasture lands is one of the global problems. Currently, one of the most urgent problems of the West Kazakhstan region is the preservation and restoration of the vegetation cover of pasture lands. To date, large areas of the region have been occupied by agricultural land. Several main reasons negatively affect agriculture, one of which is land degradation associated with anthropogenic impact in terms of the irrationality of land use. Thus, to preserve the biodiversity of the pastures of the West Kazakhstan region, it is necessary to fully study the projective cover of the vegetation, determine the dominant plant species, and also monitor the condition of pastures to prevent land degradation on time by conducting land and forest improvement activities. The study aimed to carry out a phyto-ecological assessment of degraded pastures of the Karatobinsky district of the West Kazakhstan region using geoinformation technologies and field study results. The paper presents the results of desktop decoding of high-resolution satellite images and ecological profiling of the studied territories. Decoding features of landscape types allowed making a preliminary map of landscape contours. The use of this technique makes it possible to monitor the condition of degraded pasture lands in a short time and justify the organization of pastures with a regulated grazing system in the study area.
The purpose of the study was to establish dependence of sunflower productivity on hybrid plasticity under the climatic conditions of the Steppe zone and effectiveness of growth-regulators on the basis of the analysis of differentiation of a vegetation index. The research on the development and productivity of different sunflower hybrids under the natural-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine was conducted in the years of 2019 (medium-wet), 2020 (dry) and 2021 (wet). Spatio-temporal differentiation of the vegetation of sunflower hybrids was established on the basis of calculation of a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) using the data of the decoded space images of Sentinel 2. Cartographic and grapho-analytical materials reflecting the reaction of plants to natural-climatic conditions and multifunctional growth-regulators were obtained. The dependence of the reaction of sunflower hybrids to multifunctional growth-regulators on their plasticity in response to the natural-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone was established. There was a weak reaction to application of growth-regulators of the sunflower hybrids Oplot and P64HE133 which are characterized by a high level of plasticity in response to the natural-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone. It was proven that the application of the biological preparation Helafit Combi exceeded the level of agrocenoses productivity in comparison with the chemical preparation ArchitectТМ by 1.1-5.4%. It was established that foliar treatment with growth-regulators led to a decline in water uptake by the sunflower hybrids by 1.2–10.0% in the dry year, by 3.8–8.6% in the medium-wet year and by 3.7%–21.9% in the wet year. There was a significant reduction in the level of water uptake by the hybrid Hector – by 7.7–10.0% and the hybrid 8KH477KL – by 1.2–21.9%. The research results are the basis for forecasting the development of sunflower hybrid crops with further measurement of the crop productivity that allows establishing a probable level of efficiency of sunflower hybrid production by agricultural producers under the climatic conditions of the Steppe zone.
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of soil use in the Młoszowa and Bolęcin villages on the species composition of the overgrown vegetation. Additionally, the study compared the chemical and physical properties of the soils that were not being used for agriculture. The soils of Młoszowa and Bolęcinvillages did not exceed the permissible concentrations of copper, lead, and zinc for agricultural land, as outlined by the national regulations in [Journal of Laws 2016]. In Młoszowa, the concentration of cadmium exceeded the limit values as per national regulations in [Journal of Laws 2016] for agriculturally utilised land (land group II-2) (<3 g · 10–3 · kg–1 DM). The set-aside of both villages consisted of species typical of ruderal areas, fresh grassland, and thermophilous species. The granulometric composition of the soils, mainly their silt and sand content, were the primary factors that impacted the species composition of the set-aside vegetation. Ruderal and thermophilous species were discovered in the set-aside areas, which are their natural habitats. The occurring ruderal plants typical of post-mining heaps and postindustrial areas, including hemicryptophytes, testify to the long-term process of fallowing and adaptation to the existing ecosystem with a predominance of the most common species.
Evaluating the ecological economic benefits of different ecological restoration patterns in abandoned mines is important in ecological restoration study. Taking the abandoned coal mine in Luoshi Township of Fengcheng county, Jiangxi province, as a case, 4 different ecological restoration patterns (grapefruit with grass vegetation – Pattern I, pine with grass vegetation – Pattern II, grapefruit – Pattern III, and bare slope – Pattern IV) have been conducted to study the runoff and sediment yield under natural rainfall conditions. The results showed that the ecological restoration patterns and rainfall intensity can significantly affect runoff and sediment yield which increased as rainfall intensity increased: Pattern IV > Pattern III > Pattern II > Pattern I. For the optimal ecological restoration with Pattern I, the average runoff and sediment reduction was 59.01 and 77.1%, respectively, in all rainfall intensities. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that runoff and sediment were significantly affected by ecological restoration pattern and rainfall intensity (P < 0.05). Correlation analysis of runoff and sediment yields indicated that the reduction effect on sediment yield increased with the decrease of runoff, and the relationships between runoff and sediment at different ecological restoration patterns could be fitted with a linear function. Moreover, the vegetation configuration that combines fruit farming with grass can be not only beneficial to control soil and water conservation but produce considerable economic and ecological benefits.
Drust in urbain city can be reduced throught plants. Besides, the majority among of the drusts are accumulated on their leaves, that’s why they are used as an indicator to estimate the air quality. This work illustrates the interest of the urban vegetation and satellite data to detect the air pollution in the town of El Eulma (North East of Algeria). To achieve this, our use of remote sensing make it easy to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of air pollution, and its effect on the ecosystem througout Normalized Pigment Chlorophyll Ratio Index (NPCI). In the other hand, the analysis of leaves of most dominant plants make it possible to understand the air quality in this region. Four species are selected from different plots in the study area as well as: nerium (Nerium oleander), planetree (Platanus acerifolia), wax-leaf privet (Ligustrum japonicum) and white mulberry (Morus alba). Our finding show a variation of the ratio fresh matter/dry matter of plant leaves from site to another which is very weak in places marked by high anthropic action. Also, the statisical analysis found that this ration is very important in planetree and white mulberry. The high concentration in dust registered in nerium leaves contributes to the decrease of the ratio fresh matter/dry matter in this species. The results of NPCI are verry weak in nerium compared to other species, while a very large amount of dust has been recorded on their leaves, which prevents the photosynthetic reaction. The findings of this work might contribute to the plant species selection for urban vegetation and the important of the use of NPCI index in evaluation of the pollution intensity which accord to ratio fresh matter/dry matter results.
The research sought to evaluate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of the study area located in the province of Tayacaja, which includes the districts of Acraquia, Ahuaycha, Pampas and Daniel Hernández, which is part of the central Andes of Peru. The data were collected in low water seasons with a longitudinal cut of 30 years with one sample per year, starting in 1993 until 2022; these samples corresponded to the month of August of each year. The images were extracted from maps from Landsat satellite databases, which were filtered for low cloud cover to avoid interference with the images. Maps from 1993 to 2012 were obtained from Landsat 5 satellite, while from 2013 to 2022 data were obtained from Landsat 8 satellite. The normalized difference vegetation index was determined using Quantum GIS based on the red and near infrared maps; being the minimum NDVI value obtained -0.18, which corresponds to the aquatic body of the Upamayu River that crosses from west to east the study area; while the highest NDVI obtained was 0.79 indicating a greater vegetation cover constituted by mainly eucalyptus plants. The mean NDVI of the 30 years is close to 0.21; this is an indicator that the vegetation is scarce and that it is decreasing mainly due to population growth.
Czy technologia może nam pomagać w tworzeniu i lepszym zarządzaniu zielonymi przestrzeniami w mieście? Oczywiście! Na świecie powstało już wiele aplikacji do identyfikacji roślin, programów ułatwiających – zarówno amatorom, jak i profesjonalistom – projektowanie zieleni. Istnieją też zaawansowane technologicznie metody monitoringu kondycji roślin oraz obiegu wody.
The paper presents the results of numerical analyses carried out in the IRIC environment on the Nays2DH hydrodynamic model regarding the impact of plants in the riverbed and watercourse maintenance on hydraulic conditions. The research material was collected for the actual input variant in October 2018 on the Ślęza River in Wrocław. The constructed and calibrated model was reconfigured on basis of the existing vegetation in three possible variants related to river maintenance: W0 variant - leaving the vegetation in the riverbed, W1 variant - removing all vegetation in the riverbed, variant W2 - removing vegetation in the 2.0 m strip from the right bank, W3 - removing of vegetation in a strip of 2.0 m from the bank, alternately on the right and left bank. Hydrological boundary conditions were flows from 0,32 to 5 [m3 /s]. For four variants, the dependence of flows on the water table location, maximum and average velocities in the channel, and maximum and average shear stresses in the channel were analysed.
The article is a review of the emerging trend of integrating buildings with vegetation. The overview of contemporary practice and conceptual design shows an evolution from iconic manifestos, to mainstream elements of present-day architectural design, reasoned by climatic changes. The examination of representative cases show a growing interest in several forms of integrating buildings with vegetation, incorporated into buildings roofs, terraces, balconies and facades. The conclusions highlight prospective opportunities in form, function, construction and sustainability of contemporary architecture; but also notice some threads of prioritizing green image over ecological aspects.
Artykuł przeglądowy na temat współczesnego trendu integracji budynków z roślinnością, opisuje ewolucję od ikonicznych manifestów, do głównego nurtu współczesnego projektowania architektonicznego, w kontekście zmian klimatycznych. Przegląd przypadków wskazuje na rosnące zainteresowanie rozmaitymi formami integracji budynków z roślinnością, jak zielone dachy, fasady, donice na balkonach, tarasach i elewacjach czy pnącza. We wnioskach podkreślono możliwości innowacji w zakresie formy, funkcji i konstrukcji współczesnej architektury; zauważono też pewne zagrożenia, gdy zielony wizerunek przedkłada się nad aspekty ekologiczne.
Detection and classification of vegetation is a crucial technical task in the management of natural resources since vegetation serves as a foundation for all living things and has a significant impact on climate change such as impacting terrestrial carbon dioxide (CO2). Traditional approaches for acquiring vegetation covers such as field surveys, map interpretation, collateral and data analysis are ineffective as they are time consuming and expensive. In this paper vegetation regions are automatically detected by applying simple but effective vegetation indices Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) on red(R) and near infrared (NIR) bands of Landsat-8 satellite image. Remote sensing technology makes it possible to analyze vegetation cover across wide areas in a cost-effective manner. Using remotely sensed images, the mapping of vegetation requires a number of factors, techniques, and methodologies. The rapid improvement of remote sensing technologies broadens possi-bilities for image sources making remotely sensed images more accessible. The dataset used in this paper is the R and NIR bands of Level-1 Tier 1 Landsat-8 optical remote sensing image acquired on 6th September 2013, is processed and made available to users on 2nd May 2017. The pre-processing involving sub-setting operation is performed using the ERDAS Imagine tool on R and NIR bands of Landsat-8 image. The NDVI and SAVI are utilized to extract vegetation features automatically by using python language. Finally by establishing a threshold, vegetation cover of the research area is detected and then classified.
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In this paper, we investigate a subcaterpillar isomorphism that is a problem, for a rooted labeled caterpillar P and a rooted labeled tree T, of determining whether or not there exists a subtree in T which is isomorphic to P. Then, we design two algorithms to solve the subcaterpillar isomorphism for a caterpillar P and a tree T in (i) O(p + tDhσ) time and O(Dh) space and in (ii) O(p + tDσ) time and O(D(h + H)) space, respectively. Here, p is the number of vertices in P, t is the number of vertices in T, h is the height of P, H is the height of T, σ is the number of alphabets for labels and D is the degree of T. Furthermore, we give experimental results of the two algorithms for artificial data and real data.
Dachy pokryte roślinnością są obecnie rozwiązaniem dość powszechnie stosowanym w budownictwie. Wszelkie obawy związane z wprowadzaniem roślinności na dachy, zarówno w aspekcie technicznym, jak i funkcjonalnym, zostały już dawno rozwiane, a ci, którzy w dalszym ciągu mają pewne wątpliwości, mogą sięgnąć do łatwo dostępnych źródeł wiedzy na ten temat.
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