W dzisiejszych realiach biznesowych satysfakcja i lojalność klientów oraz motywacja i satysfakcja pracowników firmy stanowią kluczowe elementy budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku. Głównym czynnikiem niezbędnym dla wypracowania satysfakcji klientów jest dobrze zmotywowany i usatysfakcjonowany personel danej organizacji. W artykule przedstawiono badania satysfakcji klientów wewnętrznych szpitala za pomocą ankiety BOST. Wykazano, że pracownicy są zaangażowani w sprawy szpitala, zatem można stwierdzić, że pracownicy są lojalni wobec swojego miejsca pracy.
The main aim of the article was to discuss the role of director and superior in the health care in Poland. Aspects relating to loyalty include both the situation of the Polish health care in terms of patients’ satisfaction (Servqual), as well as in the BOST method aspect. The Servqual results an analysis showed that, among 22 quality determinants 7 was rated highest. These determinants were following: the modern equipment, neatness medical personnel, staff involvement in the affairs of the hospital, taking care of the patient's opinion, politeness of staff, having the knowledge needed to respond to patients' questions, clarity of information materials in the field of diseases and drugs. The results of the research BOST however shown that asking for employees to express their opinions on various areas of the company increases their commitment to work, they feel noticed by someone express a hidden hope, resulting in their commitment to work and the quality of the product/service, at the same time a positive effect on loyalty to the hospital where they work.
In the article enterprise producing different type of plastics was presented. A production process of one product was presented. Results of the BOST survey were introduced. A statistical analysis in the range of the principle 1 of Toyota was undertaken. A structure of evaluations was determined and correlation graphs presenting relations between factors and respondents’ features were built.
The organization constant improvement process is possible using a step by step method. The self-learning organization and continuous improvement of the organization's culture guarantees achievement of good market results and raising competitiveness. This paper aims to identify and analyze the ratings importance level for the production process factors in order for the manufacturing process to improve in the chosen construction company. The study used an innovative research method BOST, which refers to the Toyota management principles in the production and the service organizations. As a result of research the ratings differentiation importance level for the production process factors was achieved which provides a basis for the process of the analyzed company to improve.
The problem of assessing employee satisfaction is presented in this chapter. It contains suggestions of other, often innovative interpretations of factors. Evaluations of two main areas are also explored: the area of expectation and area of perception. These relationships are: correlation and significance of differentiation averages in pairs homonymous factors. This paper presents an innovative way of presenting the difference of average evaluations between areas - on the scale of assessments. Practical use of the three variants of the interpretation of satisfaction obtained significant difference in the number of factors that meet the conditions of satisfaction. A palette of graphical forms of results are presented to support findings.
In the paper there were described the elements of the Toyota roof. Electroacoustic products were characterized. Immaterial resources of the company were analyzed. To do so, the BOST survey, whose questionnaires were filled in by employees of the chosen enterprise, was used. Particular attention was paid to the following factors: quality, costs, lead time, work safety and personnel morale.
The Toyotarity and BOST term was presented in the chapter. The BOST method allows to define relations between material resources and human resources and between human resources and human resources (TOYOTARITY). This term was also invented by the Author (and is legally protected). The idea of methodology is an outcome of 12 years of work.
In this chapter there were presented the characteristics of the research object (cement mill) and the description of the enterprise products. There was introduced an analysis of the results obtained on the basis of the BOST questionnaire survey and there was made a statistical analysis concerning principle 4 of the Toyota. The structure of evaluation was determined and importance series were built.
W artykule przeprowadzono badania dotyczące określenia obszarów strategicznych w jednej z polskich hut. Jest to część badań prowadzonych w ramach metody BOST, opartej na zasadach systemu Toyoty. Do analizy poszczególnych obszarów wykorzystano wykresy kołowe, natomiast do analizy uzyskanych ocen wykorzystano diagram Pareto-Lorenza.
The main subject of the research presented in this paper is specifying of the strategic area in one of polish steelworks. This is a part of researches conducted within the confines of BOST method, based on rules of Toyota system. Circular charts were used to an analysis of the individual areas and Pareto-Lorenz diagrams were used to analysis of the received estimation.
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