Abstract This paper presents the results of modelling research concerned with the technological process of the cold bending of a pipe. Stress and plastic strain studies are carried out using the finite element method (FEM) on a thick-walled pipe and various shapes of bending form. The results of the research are benchmarked in terms of the correctness of the implementation of the bending process, including the change in the pipe outside diameter and wall thickness. The level of ovalisation of the cross-section in the bending pipe is used as the primary criterion for assessing the correctness of the bending process. The results show that the most favourable properties in terms of minimising the ovalisation of the pipe cross-section are provided by the use of a bending form with a trapezoidal shape.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji zrzutu kierowanych bomb lotniczych z wykorzystaniem wcześniej zaproponowanego stanowiska typu Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL). Przedstawiono koncepcję wykonania takiego stanowiska, model ruchu bomby kierowanej oraz środowisko sterujące do przeprowadzenia symulacji. Wprowadzono zasadę działania detektora echa sygnału laserowego oraz sposób obliczania kąta obserwacji celu. Do celów symulacyjnych ruch przestrzenny bomby opisano układem dwunastu równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych, które uzupełniono prawami sterowania. Następnie wykonano wiele badań polegających na symulacji zrzutu bomby kierowanej z wykorzystaniem stanowiska zbudowanego na bazie wcześniej przedstawionych założeń oraz zaprezentowano ich rezultaty. Wyniki badań pozwalają ocenić za-równo poprawność modeli (w szczególności modelu detektora) zastosowanych w programie symulacyjnym, jak i ich rzeczywistych odpowiedników zastosowanych w badaniach na stanowisku typu HIL.
The article details a comprehensive simulation study on guided aerial bombs, utilizing a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) station. It outlines the construction of the HIL station, the guided bomb model, and the simulation's control environment. The principle of operation of the laser seeker and the method of calculating the target observation angle are introduced. For simulation purposes, the spatial motion of the bomb was described by a system of twelve ordinary differential equations, supplemented with control laws. Subsequent tests validate the simulation models against their real-world counterparts, proving the efficacy of the HIL station in guided bomb testing. The test results make it possible to assess both the correctness of the models (especially the seeker) used in the simulation program and their real counterparts used in tests on the HIL station.
W niniejszym artykule przeglądowym przedstawiono zagadnienie radiacyjnej odpowiedzi adaptacyjnej z punktu widzenia biofizycznego. Efekt ten – w dużym uproszczeniu – polega na wzmocnieniu mechanizmów naprawczych komórki oraz regulowaniu apoptozy i produkcji białek, w sytuacji napromienienia niską dawką lub mocą dawki promieniowania jonizującego. Jednakże efekt ten nie występuje zawsze, a jego powtarzalność eksperymentalna bywa częstokroć kwestionowana. Nie zmienia to faktu, że mechanizmy wywołujące odpowiedź adaptacyjną wymagają wciąż wielu badań, nie tylko radiobiologicznych, ale też fizycznych. W tym duchu powstało szereg modeli teoretycznych, a wybrane z nich zostały szczegółowo omówione w niniejszym artykule przeglądowym. Modele te stanowią dobry przykład możliwości współpracy na trójstyku biologii, fizyki i matematyki.
This review article presents the issue of radiation adaptive response from a biophysical point of view. This effect – to put it very simply – involves strengthening cell repair mechanisms and regulating apoptosis and protein production in the event of irradiation with a low dose or dose-rate of ionizing radiation. However, this effect does not always occur and its experimental repeatability is often questioned. This does not change the fact that the mechanisms causing the adaptive response still require a lot of research, not only radiobiological, but also physical. In this spirit, a number of theoretical models have been developed, and some of them are discussed in detail in this review article. These models are a good example of the possibilities of cooperation at the intersection of biology, physics and mathematics.
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Introduction: The perfusion of a part of the lung depends on its distance from the pulmonary trunk (differences in vascular resistance) and on the horizontal plane (differences in hydrostatic pressure). The aim of this study was to determine the geometric parameters characterising their positions and sizes in order to analyse the diffusion of the ventilation/perfusion ratio. Material and methods: A developed virtual respiratory system has been supplemented with an appropriate model of pulmonary circulation that uses a lung outline that is divided into parts based on an anatomical atlas and a CT image; it comprises a 3D geometric model of the lungs that was developed using the Inventor CAD software (Autodesk, Inc, San Francisco, USA). Each panel was divided into 2 horizontal and 8 vertical parts; the 16-part division was then modified. Results: When taking human lungs as a research object and simulating their accompanying physical, biological, or biochemical phenomena, one necessary task is to construct a spatial model of the lungs that takes into account, and maintains awareness of, the limitations of the source of data that is relied upon. The developed modified geometric model of lung division turned out to be useful and was successfully applied to a virtual patient, among others, as part of the VirRespir project. Conclusions: Finally, we can conclude that the virtual cardiorespiratory system thus elaborated may serve as a proper tool for the preliminary analysis of such complex interactions, considering the elaborated model of the lung’s divisions and its future improvements.
A significant amount of hazardous compounds has leaked into the environment due to the widespread usage of organic dyes, and it is essential that these dangerous contaminants be removed in a sustainable way. This study used varying amounts of H2O2 (0, 0.5, 1.5, 3, and 5) mM/L to extract the dye from the aqueous solution. Furthermore, concentrations of 0.4, 1, 1.7, and 2.3 mM/L of Fe+2 as FeSO4•7H2O were also utilized. Batch Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) was carried out under various working conditions, including: contact time (5–60 min), mixing speed (100–300 rpm), and UV light intensity (0–40 W). Utilizing experimental data, the AOP efficiency of Dispersed Red 17 Dye was calculated. Genetic Cascade-forward Neural Network (GCNN) was employed as a machine-learning tool to forecast the oxidation efficiency and the amount of dye that would be removed from the aqueous solution, specifically Dispersed Red 17. When compared to experimental data, the best model had an R2 correlation value of 0.955. The findings of the importance analysis showed that the studied parameters affected the discoloration efficiency with order of: H2O2, UV, Fe+2, mixing speed, and contact time. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of GCNN as a novel approach in forecasting the AOP efficiency of Dispersed Red 17 Dye.
Long-duration human space missions require intelligent regenerative life support systems that can recycle resources and automatically manage failures. This paper explores using Petri nets to model the reliability and complex interactions of such closed-loop systems. An architecture consisting of primary systems, backups, and consumable reserves is outlined. The automation system that controls everything is described. Petri nets can capture concurrency, failure modes, redundancy, and dynamic behavior. A modular modeling methodology is presented to develop hierarchical Petri net models that scale in fidelity. Elementary fragments represent failures and redundancy. Subsystem modules can be substituted for more detailed models. Analysis and simulation assess system reliability and failure response. This supports designing ultra-reliable systems to safely sustain human life in space.
Modelowanie nagrzewania indukcyjnego w celu konstrukcji urządzeń jest procesem wymagającym analiz sprzężonych, co najmniej elektromagnetyczno-cieplnych i może być realizowane przy wykorzystaniu modeli polowych i obwodowych. Są to zagadnienia rozbudowane, obejmujące szeroką wiedzę z dziedziny elektrotechniki, elektroniki i termodynamiki. Istotą prowadzonych analiz jest uzyskiwanie rezultatów o wysokiej dokładności w warunkach konieczności stosowania szeregu uproszczeń. W niniejszej pracy scharakteryzowano kilka istotnych czynników wpływających na dokładność numerycznych analiz procesu nagrzewania indukcyjnego, z uwzględnieniem wpływu przyjmowanych uproszczeń w analizie zagadnień cieplnych i rodzaju sprzężenia, będących podstawowymi czynnikami, rzadko uwzględnianymi w obliczeniach tej klasy. Celem pracy jest usystematyzowanie współczesnego stanu wiedzy w zakresie prowadzenia inżynierskich procedur obliczeniowych w zagadnieniach nagrzewania indukcyjnego.
Modeling of induction heating to design physical devices is a process that requires coupled analyses, at least electromagnetic and thermal and can be implemented using field and circuit models. These are extensive issues, covering knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, electronics and thermodynamics. The essence of the analyzes is to obtain high-accuracy results. This paper characterizes several important factors affecting the accuracy of numerical analyzes of the induction heating process, taking into account the impact of the adopted simplifications in the analysis of thermal issues and the type of coupling, which are basic factors rarely taken into account in similar calculations. The aim of the work is to revise the current state of knowledge in the field of engineering computational procedures of induction heating systems.
Salam leaves, a traditional food flavoring spice, are a widely recognized herb in Indonesia and are used in many regions. This study aimed to investigate the drying kinetics of salam leaves, comprising mathematical modeling, moisture diffusivity, and other nutritional values as qualitative parameters. The drying process was examined using a forced convective system (CSD) and open sun drying (OSD). The drying behavior was examined by observing the drying kinetics characteristics using 12 thin-layer semi-theoretical mathematical for drying of agricultural products, determining the moisture diffusivity, as well as measuring the content of chlorophyll a, b, and total dissolved solids as nutritional quality indicators of the drying products. According to the obtained results from the non-linear regression analysis, the Midilli model demonstrates the highest degree of appropriateness for drying salam leaves. The moisture diffusivity of CSD is greater than that of open-air solar drying. Regarding nutritional composition, the study revealed that chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoid levels in the dried leaves obtained through CSD were more significant than those obtained by OSD. As an environmentally friendly dryer, CSD can potentially be applied in herb-drying industries, especially salam leaves.
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With the expanding need for renewable and sustainable energy resources, the demand for biomass derived bio-oil particularly microalgae or macroalgae based bio-oil is growing. In this regard, understanding the characteristics of bio-oil as a function of several influencing operational parameters is essential. In this study modelling and simulation technique based on Aspen HYSYS was applied to investigate the characteristics of macroalgae Ulva prolifera derived bio-oil from Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) process as a function of the influencing parameters like temperature, kinematic viscosity, and weight percent of the bio-oil assay, cut yield behaviour, and standard liquid density. Modelling and simulation help to optimise the process parameters and design the process layout for large-scale production. According to the simulation results the cut yield of off gases, light naphtha, heavy naphtha, light distillate, heavy distillate, gas oil and residues are shown at specific final boiling point (FBP) temperatures of 70 °C, 70 °C - 110 °C, 110 °C - 221.1 °C, 221.1 °C - 304.4 °C, 304.4 °C - 371.1 °C, 371.1 °C - 537.8 °C and 537.7 °C respectively. Whereas, above a temperature of 300 °C, the weight percentage of aromatic components increased steadily. The increase in percentage composition of the aromatic components is due to the reduction of the paraffinic components. The density of the liquid bio-oil was steadily increasing until a temperature of 200 °C.
Directionality of light and modelling effects impact lighting quality in interiors. Modelling effects depend on the photometric characteristics of luminaires and their layout but also interior size and reflectance. This research aims to evaluate lighting design limitations and the characteristics of the impact of interior and luminaires on modelling effects, as well as elaborate a prediction method of modelling effects in interior lighting. The general index of modelling was used for the analysis of modelling effects in interiors. The implementation of the research objectives was based on simulation and statistical analysis. 432 situations, varied interior size, and reflectance, the lighting class, luminaire downward luminous intensity distribution, and layout were considered. The results show that achieving the required range of the general index of modelling in interior lighting is substantially limited. The general index of modelling is impacted the most by the layout of luminaires. The elaborated multiple linear regression models can have a practical use for interior lighting design and analysis in terms of obtaining the required range of the general index of modelling.
The advancement of ocean renewable energy through Tidal Stream Turbines (TSTs) necessitates the use of a variety of computer models to properly evaluate TST efficiency. The Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is the most widely utilized Wind Turbine (WT) in the expanding global wind sector. Grid-tied wind energy systems often use the DFIG to meet conventional grid needs including power quality enhancement, grid stability, grid synchronization, power regulation, and fault ride-through. This paper demonstrates the design of a novel control scheme for the operation of the DFIG. The suggested control scheme consisted of an Improved Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network (IRFNN) and Ant Colony Optimization with Genetic Algorithms (GACOs). A global control system is created and executed to monitor the changeover between the two operating modes. The plant enters a variable speed mode when the tidal speed is low enough, where the system is controlled to ensure that the turbo-generator module functions at peak power extraction efficiency for any specific tidal velocity. The findings demonstrate the system’s superior efficiency, with the highest power extraction provided despite variations in tidal stream input.
The objective of conducted research on the hot metal desulfurization process was to determine the key process parameters that impact the ultimate outcome of desulfurization. As a result, the noticeable outcome of implementing these measures should be the improvement of quality control. In order to determine these parameters, used artificial intelligence methods like as neural networks (ANN). On the basis of the production data collected from the actual metallurgical aggregate for hot metal desulfurization, neural networks were built that used quantitative data (mass of hot metal, mass of used reagents, etc.) and qualitative data (chemical analysis of hot metal). The parameters of the desulfurization process were divided into state parameters and control parameters. From the point of view of the technology of conducting the desulfurization process and building an on-line model, only control parameters can be changed during desulfurization. To describe the problem of predicting change in the sulfur content during the hot metal desulfurization process is sufficient an MLP type neural network with a single hidden layer. Adopting a more complex network structure would probably lead to a loss of the ability to generalise the problem. The research was carried out in STATISTICA Automated Neural Networks SANN.
Budowa i weryfikacja modeli procesu odsiarczania surówki żelaza opartych o sztuczną inteligencję dostarcza bardzo wiele interesujących wyników, które mogą być wykorzystane zarówno w obszarze związanym ze sterowaniem jak i do celów teoretycznej analizy procesu. Wniosek dotyczący analizy teoretycznej w odniesieniu do modeli wykorzystujących sztuczne sieci neuronowe może wydawać się zbyt optymistyczny, bowiem powszechnie uważa się, że modele typu black box nie wzbogacają naszej wiedzy o procesie. W omawianym przypadku mamy jednak do czynienia z sytuacją, w której jednym z kluczowych pytań badawczych jest odpowiedź jak duży wpływ na proces mają czynniki statyczne, a jaki dynamiczne. Przy tak sformułowanym problemie, analiza warstwy wejściowej sieci neuronowej połączona z analizą istotności poszczególnych wielkości wejściowych, umożliwia co najmniej ocenę jakościową. W przeprowadzonych badaniach, dokładność modeli dedykowanych wymienionym w tablicy 3 grupom wytopów jest bardzo zadowalająca. Przewyższa ona dokładność dotychczasowych rozwiązań i może być podstawą do modernizacji istniejącego systemu sterowania. Średni błąd prognozy wyrażony za pomocą wartości błędu bezwzględnego to wynik rzędu 15 ppm dla wytopów o zawartości siarki <100 ppm oraz 25 ppm dla wytopów o siarce końcowej >100ppm. Wyniki te należy traktować jako dokładne ze względu na metodę określania składu chemicznego (Optyczna spektroskopia emisyjna OES) oraz jej zakres błędu pomiarowego.
The paper presents three methods of modelling of foundation stiffness beneath intermediate support of a 178 m long integral box girder viaduct and its impact on the values and distribution of displacements and internal forces in the pier of this support. The pier support is made of cast in situ reinforced concrete of strength class C50/60. For the analysis, three models were built in Abaqus FEA software. The first model A3D in Fig. 1 represents a complex three-dimensional model. The second L2D and the third H2D model shown in Fig. 2 represent simple two-dimensional models. The stiffness of the subgrade beneath the structure in the second and third model was modelled as spring constants calculated based on the equations given in the reference [8] model L2D and [10] model H2D. The middle range value of Young’s modulus for sand and gravel was used to calculate the subgrade stiffness parameters. In all models, a horizontal displacement in the Y direction of value 20 mm and a vertical force of value 18200 kN were applied to the top of the pier support. The horizontal displacement was caused by the thermal longitudinal expansion of the six-span viaduct deck and the braking force. The vertical force was caused by the dead, superimposed, and live loads acting on the viaduct deck. Finally, the values and distributions of displacements and internal forces in the pier support from the complex model were compared with the values in two simple models. The author focuses on the method of modelling of foundation stiffness of the pier support and its impact on the values of displacements and internal forces in the pier support. A similar structure analysed in this paper was design-checked by the author in Ireland [4].
W artykule przedstawiono trzy metody modelowania sztywności podłoża gruntowego pod podporą pośrednią wiaduktu zintegrowanego i analizę wpływu sposobu modelowania na wartości i rozkład przemieszczeń oraz sił wewnętrznych w filarze tej podpory. Wiadukt zintegrowany zdefiniować można, jako wiadukt, którego przęsło jest monolitycznie połączone z podporami pośrednimi i ścianami przyczółków i którego konstrukcja, w skutek oddziaływań termicznych i obciążeń zmiennych od ruchu pojazdów i pieszych, współpracuje z otaczającym ją gruntem. Obiekt taki nie wymaga zastosowania łożysk mostowych i prawie nigdy dylatacji mechanicznych lub płyt przejściowych. Prowadzi to do oszczędności finansowych przy ich budowie i ich eksploatacji. W analizie dotyczącej wpływu sposobu modelowania podłoża gruntowego pod podporą pośrednią założono, że filar i stopa fundamentowa zbudowane są z betonu zbrojonego klasy C50/60. Wartość modułu Younga wynoszącą 37 GPa i współczynnika Poissona 0,2 dla betonu przyjęto według Eurokodu 2. Analizowany filar jest monolitycznie połączony ze stopą fundamentową i przęsłem wiaduktu o przekroju skrzynkowym. Filar posadowiony jest bezpośrednio na gruncie i jest on ostatnim z pięciu podpór pośrednich przenoszących sześcioprzęsłowy wiadukt zintegrowany o długości 178 m. W analizie założono, że konstrukcja wiaduktu współpracuje z otaczającym go gruntem na skutek efektów termicznych i różnych obciążeń stałych i zmiennych.
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The mathematical model, which could be represented as a fuzzy inference tree for project man-agement aimed at waste usage in wall manufacturing, is proposed in the article. The factors classification that affect production's environmental and economic efficiency is presented. The proposed ecological and economic efficiency criterion and influence factors are linguistic variables consisting of fuzzy terms on the corresponding universal sets. The proposed hierarchical system of mathematical models allows the intelligent choice of proper building material, depending on the influence of environmental parameters, socio-economic parameters, and engineering and technological parameters of a building object, based on fuzzy logical expressions “IF-THEN”. The proposed model could be used as a support system model in the decision-making process at the early feasibility stage. Estimating pros and cons based on the results of a virtual experiment in terms of proposed criterion value for specific construction waste allows proper planning of construction waste usage in the construction sector. The proposed model can be used as a design and engineering tool in the decision-making process for forecasting the ecological and economic efficiency of the use of waste in the manufacture of walls.
The paper provides an analysis of the impact of the values of cutting tool inclination strategies and angles measured in the parallel and perpendicular to feed direction, radial depth of cut and feedrate on the surface roughness. The workpiece was made of the AISI H13 steel, hardness 50 HRC, and was machined using a ball-nosed end mill with CBN edges. The research methodology involved experiments conducted based on the Taguchi orthogonal array, optimization of parameters with the use of Taguchi method and process modelling using neural networks. Thanks to the use of neural networks, the analyses were performed for various levels of machining efficiency, obtained as a result of different radial depths of cut and feedrates. In order to obtain mathematical models well-describing strongly nonlinear impact of the cutting tool inclination strategies and angles, a separate neural network learned for each tool inclination strategy. The prediction of results was made using a set of neural networks. The analyses and experiments resulted in surfaces with very low Ra parameter of 0.16 μm and mathematical models with a good fit to the experimental data. Values of the cutting tool inclination angle that allow obtaining the surface of specific surface roughness were specified for various levels of machining performance.
This article focuses on the investigation and analysis of vibrations transmitted to cargo during off-road transportation, with particular emphasis on the impact of vehicle and road surface interactions. The primary objective of the research is to quantify and characterize the amplitudes of vibrations generated by the interaction between heavy-duty truck tires and rough terrain, and their subsequent transmission to cargo containers. To achieve this, a virtual model of a tactical transportation truck was created using TruckSim software. Two characteristic off-road tracks were simulated, based on driving conditions typically experienced by heavy-duty vehicles in demanding logistical scenarios. The experimental validation of the virtual model was conducted using a heavy-duty truck outfitted with a 20 ft (6096 mm) cargo container. The results of the work include recorded acceleration data, suspension behavior, and the maximum driving speed at which the vehicle remained stable on both tracks. Moreover, the work is a direct response to the needs of the automotive industry and the military.
An extensive methodology for analyzing the impact of catchment and sewer network retention on drainage system operating conditions during hydraulic overloading is presented. To evaluate the performance of the sewer system and identify the need for repair actions, logistic regression models were developed to predict the unit flooding volume and manhole overflowing. An advanced sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the key parameters (retention and roughness of impervious and pervious areas as well as sewer channel retention) conditioning the reduction of uncertainty in the simulation results and ensuring the assumed hydraulic effect. A coefficient expressing the quotient of the duration of rainfall conditioning the exceedance of the limits of the unit flooding volume (13 m3·ha−1) as well as the degree of overflowed manholes (0.32) was determined, allowing the determination of the key performance criterion of the sewer network to take corrective action depending on field and channel retention. It was shown that the catchment area retention had the key influence on the conditions of sewer operation and the probability of remedial work. Increasing the rainfall duration led to a decrease in sensitivity coefficients with respect to the identified parameters of the SWMM model, which is important when selecting rainfall events for the calibration and validation sets. The usefulness of the developed methodology was demonstrated at the stage of building mechanistic models, which is of significance when planning field studies.
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In this study, XGM2019e_2159 global gravitational model data are used to investigate the intracrustal structure beneath Cameroon. The work focuses on the mantle region that promoted the formation of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) and above all, appreciates the geodynamic interaction between these two particular geological entities. The approach is based on the use of digital filters for qualitative and quantitative interpretations. The data were first processed using the upward continuation filter that reveals several zones of gravity gradients, which are persistent at various depths and that can be interpreted as the vertical extension of major geological feature limits. The (2D) analysis of the frequency spectrum of the global gravity model anomalies (XGM2019e_2159) was performed to estimate the crustal thickness of the aligned volcanic regions located in Cameroon and Congo Craton (CC). The use of 2D1/2 modelling applied on 5 profiles reveals the lateral and vertical extension of the discordance of geological structures. The presence of a mafic layer with thicknesses ranging between 6 and 22 km is persistent beneath the Kribi-Campo area, the Congo Craton and the Pan-African chain. Models also suggest a crustal thinning process at the northern border of Congo Craton which may have provoked the sliding of some fragments of the crust in the Pan-African domain migrating towards the CVL. The results obtained also reveal the identity of a complex and multi-fractured tectonic context and that the CVL and the CC are not only of mantle origin but also have a mantle interconnection.
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This study aims to use Bouguer gravity anomalies to create a simple subsurface model of the southeastern Thrace Basin, a Tertiary depositional area located in the Northwest Turkey. Relative gravity data have been collected at over 500 points in the study area, converted into Bouguer gravity anomalies and combined with the Bouguer gravity data available in the literature for the area. The study area is subdivided into eight geological units depending on the ages and densities. A total of 12 gravity profiles were deduced from the gravity map and modelled using 2D structure, then combined into a 3D subsurface model. The observed and the calculated gravity data are highly synchronous with an RMS of ~ 0.2 mGals. Results indicate that the basin has an approximate depth of 4000 m. These findings do not agree with the other studies in literature, which will be discussed. The produced model is the most detailed shallow subsurface model of the area so far, consisting of multiple geological layers.
Artykuł poświęcono ogólnej charakterystyce ochrony odgromowej pływającej elektrowni fotowoltaicznej wraz ze stacją transformatorową. Przedstawione zostało zagrożenie piorunowe dla poszczególnych struktur obiektu, a następnie dokonano analizy możliwych do zastosowania wariantów ochrony przed działaniem pioruna. Odniesiono się zarówno do: zwodów, przewodów odprowadzających, jak i systemu uziemiającego. Temu ostatniemu, jako elementowi najbardziej różnicującemu sposób wykonania pływającej elektrowni, poświęcono dodatkową analizę modelowo-symulacyjną obejmującą różne sposoby wykonania oraz wpływ zmian środowiskowych na skuteczność jego działania. Całość zamyka podsumowanie oraz wnioski.
This article is devoted to the general characteristics of lightning protection of a floating photovoltaic power plant with a transformer station. The lightning hazard for individual structures of the facility was presented, and then the possible variants of lightning protection were analysed. Reference was made to the air terminals, the discharge wires and the grounding system. The last one was the subject of an additional model and simulation analysis covering various forms of execution and the impact of environmental changes on the effectiveness of its operation as the element that provides the most differentiation of a floating power plant construction method. The paper ends with a summary and conclusions.
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