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W rozdziale przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania magazynu gazu w hybrydowym systemie wytwarzania energii elektrycznej składającym się z odnawialnych źródeł energii elektrycznej oraz układu reaktor zgazowania biomasy–silnik gazowy. Wyjaśnione zostały powody wyboru takiego tematu oraz zaprezentowany został brak literatury obejmującej ten temat, w szczególności w Polsce. Dokonana została analiza dostępnej literatury odnoszącej się do magazynowania syngazu. Przedstawiono różne typy magazynów gazu syntezowego. Wskazano ich zalety (takie jak zwiększenie stabilności i sprawności procesu zgazowania lub poprawę dostępności mocy) oraz wady (trudności inwestycyjne i eksploatacyjne, wymagane wysokie ciśnienia gazu). Opisano również zagrożenia związane z ich eksploatacją. Wśród nich należy wymienić w szczególności korozyjność związaną z dużą zawartością wodoru oraz niebezpieczeństwo pożaru. Następnie zaproponowano koncepcję i zamodelowano układ hybrydowy wykorzystujący magazyn gazu. Dokonano jego analizy pod kątem energetycznym (sprawności), niezawodnościowym (wskaźnik LOLP) oraz liczby rozruchów w ciągu roku. Następnie porównano go z układem bez magazynu gazu. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono, że wykorzystanie magazynu nieznacznie zwiększa sprawność układu pomimo zwiększenia zużycia energii na potrzeby własne. Ponadto magazyn zmniejsza niemal dwukrotnie prawdopodobieństwo utraty zasilania, co poprawia niezawodność układu. O około 25% zmniejszona zostaje również liczba rozruchów, co może zmniejszyć ilość paliwa rozpałkowego.
The paper presents the concept of the use of a gas storage in a hybrid electricity generation system consisting of renewable energy sources and a gasifier – gas engine system. The reasons for choosing the topic were explained and the research gap, especially in Poland, was presented. A literature analysis on the topic of syngas storage was conducted. Different types of syngas storages were presented. The paper shows their advantages and disadvantages. The hazards associated with the use of syngas storages are also described. They are: the corrosivity associated with the high content of hydrogen, and the risk of fire. Next, the concept of a hybrid generation system with the gas storage was proposed. It was analyzed in terms of energy (efficiency), reliability (LOLP) and the number of start-ups per year. Moreover, it was compared with a system without the gas storage. As a result, it was found that the use of the gas storage slightly increases the efficiency of the system, despite the increase in energy consumption for own needs of the system. In addition, the storage decreases the probability of power loss (about 50%), which improves system reliability. The number of starts is also reduced by about 25%, which can reduce the amount of start-up fuel.
Obecne skutki zmian klimatycznych stają się widoczne praktycznie w każdym aspekcie naszego życia, w tym również w budownictwie drogowym. Do oddziaływań klimatycznych zalicza się nie tylko przejściowe anomalie pogodowe czy ekstremalne zjawiska meteorologiczne, ale przede wszystkim skutki długoterminowe, związane np. ze zmianami ilości opadów czy występowaniem skrajnych temperatur w poszczególnych porach roku. Częstość występowania tych zjawisk oraz utrzymujący się trend skłaniają do refleksji nad oceną wpływu obserwowanych zjawisk na przyjmowane założenia projektowe.
Accurate frost depth prediction is an important aspect in different engineering designs. The frost penetration into the soil is a complex random process in which many factors affect the finally results. Those are not only air temperature but also the depth and thermal properties of snow cover, which is changing during winter, heat contained in the soil and the soil properties, its structure and water content. The paper deals with the probabilistic method of the assessment of the depth of soil freezing. Results received on the base of data from 45 meteorological stations and almost 45 years of observations, called as characteristic values of 50-year return period, reflect the influence of the climatic conditions on the freezing depth. Analyzing changes over individual decades, the pace of climate change for this phenomenon is shown, which determines the approach to this type of forecasts.
Due to the open nature of wireless channels and sensor node resource constraints, it is challenging to secure the communication in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) while simultaneously protecting the privacy of node location data. Therefore, a significant amount of research focusing on source location privacy (SLP) protocols has been conducted. The amount of research on SLP reliability, meanwhile, is insignificant. This study explores the operational features of various privacy-preserving phantom routing protocols and simulates WSNs with varied network configurations to investigate how different routing strategies affect SLP reliability. Safety period and capture ratio metrics are used to compute SLP reliability. Simulation results show that integration of phantom routing with fake packet distribution mechanisms adversely impacts SLP reliability. SLP reliability decreases also as the number of fake packet sources increases. Research proves that a protocol with many fake packet sources achieves SLP reliability for a mission duration of 940 rounds, while a protocol with no fake packet sources achieves SLP reliability for 1658 rounds.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję sposobu wyznaczania niezawodności całkowitej i częściowej dla mobilnego modułu medycznego jako złożonego systemu technicznego. Dedykowanymi funkcjami takiego modułu są podjęcie rannego z pola walki (w wersji podstawowej) oraz zabezpieczenie utrzymania jego funkcji życiowych i wykonywania niezbędnych zabiegów medycznych (w wersji rozszerzonej). Prace nad opracowaniem koncepcji lub zaawansowaną budową takich modułów wykorzystujących bezzałogowe statki powietrzne jako drony transportowe są od kilku lat prowadzone przez wiele państw i firm lotniczych, m.in. agencję DARPA (USA) oraz ITWL (Polska). Pomimo że w Polsce nie ma jeszcze floty takich maszyn, to z doświadczeń w zarządzaniu statkami powietrznymi w Siłach Zbrojnych RP wynika potrzeba jednoczesnego zabezpieczenia eksploatacji takich modułów w informatyczny system wsparcia, wykorzystujący algorytmy i zależności matematyczne w zakresie wyznaczania niezawodności całkowitej i częściowej. Z uwagi na złożoność strukturalną mobilnego modułu medycznego (platforma nosiciela, napęd, wyposażenie awioniczne podstawowe i dodatkowe oraz wyposażenie medyczne podstawowe i rozszerzone) niezawodność całkowita i częściowa może być wyznaczana dla obiektu prostego (w wersji uproszczonej jako pełna niezawodność) lub systemu złożonego (jako całkowita i częściowa).
The article presents a proposal for a method to determine a total and partial reliability for a mobile medical module as a complex technical system. The dedicated functions of such a module are to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield (in the basic version) and to ensure the maintenance of his vital functions and the performance of necessary medical procedures (in the extended version). Work on developing the concept or advanced construction of such modules using unmanned aerial vehicles as transport drones has been carried out for several years by many countries and aviation companies, including: DARPA agency (USA) and AFIT (Poland). Even though there is no fleet of such machines in Poland yet, this comes from experience in managing aircraft in the Armed Forces RP results from the need to simultaneously secure the operation of such modules in an IT support system using algorithms and mathematical relationships in determining a total and partial reliability . Due to the structural complexity of the mobile medical module (carrier platform, drive, basic and additional avionics equipment and basic and extended medical equipment), a total and partial reliability can be determined for a simple object (in a simplified reliability version as full) or a complex system (as a total and partial reliability).
This paper investigates how human decisions and actions in maintenance practices influence the reliability and safety of vehicles in the Kenyan transportation sector. It specifically addresses several human factors that play a crucial role in influencing the reliability and safety of vehicles. Neglecting the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule, employing inadequately skilled maintenance personnel, utilizing substandard replacement parts, and exhibiting poor driving habits emerge as key contributors to the compromised reliability and safety within the country's road transportation sector. The research underscores the substantial implications of these human factors, shedding light on their profound influence on the overall condition and security of vehicles in the Kenyan transportation landscape. This paper aims to contribute valuable insights for improving maintenance practices and fostering a safer and more reliable environment within the country's transportation sector, ultimately promoting enhanced safety standards and operational efficiency.
W artykule dokonano analizy wpływu decyzji i działania człowieka w zakresie procesu obsługiwania na niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo pojazdów w kenijskim sektorze transportu drogowego. Zaniedbanie zalecanego przez producenta harmonogramu konserwacji, zatrudnianie niewystarczająco wykwalifikowanego personelu konserwacyjnego, wykorzystywanie części zamiennych poniżej akceptowalnego standardu i wykazywanie złych nawyków jazdy przez kierowców, to kluczowe czynniki przyczyniające się do obniżonej nie-zawodności i bezpieczeństwa w sektorze transportu drogowego w kraju. Mają one istotny wpływ na ogólny stan i bezpieczeństwo pojazdów w kenijskim krajobrazie transportowym. W artykule dokonano analizy istniejących praktyk w zakresie eksploatacji wybranej klasy środków transportu i sformułowano uwagi ukierunkowane na możliwość poprawy praktyk w zakresie użytkowania i obsługiwania, z ukierunkowaniem na poprawę bezpieczeństwa i wydajności operacyjnej.
Traditional availability, reliability, and safety models face the dimension problem due to a huge number of components in modern systems, motivating further research in this field. This paper focuses on multi-fragmental and multiphase models for availability and functional safety assessment of the information and control (I&C) systems with two-cascade redundancy considering design faults manifestation during operation. The methodology of the research is based on Markov and semi-Markov chains with the utilization of multi-phase modeling. Several multi-phase models are developed and investigated considering different conditions of operation and failures caused by version faults. The case study of the research is based on the analysis of safety-critical nuclear power plant I&C systems such as the reactor trip systems developed using the programmable platform RadICS.
The article presents the possibility of influencing the hydrostatic drive's dynamics and noise using a hydropneumatics accumulator. The possibility of limiting the maximum dynamic load during the start-up period of a drive equipped with an accumulator and controlled by a slide distributor is presented in the article. The influence of the accumulator on the sound pressure level and its relationship with the maximum dynamic values of the working fluid pressure in the hydraulic system is also described. Experimental studies of the dynamics and acoustics of laboratory hydrostatic systems were performed. A dynamic model of a hydrostatic drive equipped with an accumulator was developed, which was used to perform simulation tests illustrating the impact of the accumulator capacity on the system's dynamics. Acoustic tests were carried out for a system with a linear hydrostatic drive simulator.
The reliability of monorail crane braking system has an important influence on thebraking safety. The high speed and heavy load operation poses a great challenge to the braking safety,and it is necessary to evaluate its braking reliability accurately and efficiently. Firstly, the dynamic performance and thermal-mechanical coupling characteristics of high-speed and heavy-loadmonorail crane under different braking parameters were analyzed. Secondly, the random response model of braking distance and braking temperature was established by combining the design of experiment method (DoE) and Dendrite Net (DD). Finally, the high-order momentsaddlepoint approximation (SPA) method was used to evaluate the emergency braking reliability of the monorail crane. Theresultscan provide a reference for the selection of key parameters and the evaluation of braking safety of the monorail crane braking system under high-speed and heavy-load conditions.
The purpose of the article was to analyse the reliability, maintainability, and availability estimates of firefighting and rescue engines. Analysing the reliability parameters of heavy firefighting and rescue vehicles over time requires knowledge of their failures. In this article, failure data from the six years of maintenance of ten heavy firefighting and rescue vehicles from ten were analysed in relation to two main subsystems. Reliability analysis was performed and the best-fit distribution was found, with the parameters calculated. For both subsystems, the chassis combined with the cabin and the superstructure, the 2P-Weibull distributionwas identified as the most suitable fit. The availability and maintenance indicators for each vehicle and the individual subsystems were calculated. It was clearly defined that there exists a significant difference between the two subsystems analysed in terms of failure characteristics, as well as maintainability and availability parameters.
The main goal of the presented research is to assess the technological damageability of the material and use this as a criterion for analyzing the technological route of product machining in the "blank-workpiece-final part" technological chain. This technological chain is examined in detail in the most important stages of the life cycles of mechanical engineering products aiming to take into account the principles of technological inheritability of their characteristics and quality parameters. The technological inheritability of the properties of the surface layers of the made of steel parts of machines and mechanisms during their machining evaluates and predicts the transformation of the structurally heterogeneous material obtained after the production of blanks into the structurally homogeneous material of the final parts. The procedure for evaluating the homogeneity of the processed material for each technological step by the LM hardness method is presented according to the calculated values of the Weibull homogeneity coefficient, material constant, variation coefficient, technological damageability along with corresponding intensity of the expansion. The developed methodology was implemented and proven at the manufacturing process of the conveyor belt drive drum shaft.
Various burn-in procedures have been greatly used to screen weak items and reduce warranty costs. This paper proposes a new burn-in model for heterogeneous items with non-renewing two-dimensional warranty. All failures within burn-in and warranty are assumed to be repaired through the minimal repair. Then we screen the items according to the failure information of the items during burn-in. We establish a cost-based model to optimize the mean total cost of each item put into the market. We demonstrate that the optimal burn-in time or usage rate should reach its upper bound under some conditions. In practice, the reliability and mean total cost of an item may be random due to the uncertainty of parameters in the model. Therefore, we also propose a Bayesian method to calculate the mean total cost and optimal burn-in policy of an item, which fully considers the uncertainty of parameters in the model. An example is also given to demonstrate the proposed burn-in model and Bayesian method.
Modular design is a significant method for complicated product development. In the context of modular design, involving users in concept assessment boosts a product's appeal but also introduces decision uncertainty and unreliability. As a solution, this paper proposed a hybrid method by integrating expert consensus modeling, attribute weighting, Z-number, and the Multi-Attribute Border Approximation Area Comparison (MABAC) method. Initially, a consensus model is established using consistency theory to determine expert weights, and attribute priorities are determined through the entropy weighting method. Subsequently, the Z-number-based MABAC method ranks the alternatives, determiningthe optimal solution among them. Using an automated outdoor cleaning vehicle as an example, the proposed method is compared to other techniques. The sensitivity analysis and the comparisons show that the proposed method improves the reliability and objective of the decision-making process.
The main objective of this research is to improve the reliability of the electrical system under study by reducing both the frequency of outages (SAIFI) and the downtime of electrical service (SAIDI). These problems are largely affected by adverse weather conditions, vegetation growth, and bird contact. To carry out the analysis, the 5011 urban feeder of Canton La Troncal was selected, since it presents critical values in terms of reliability compared to other feeders. The proposed methodology involves a mathematical model of heuristic optimization based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Two scenarios are defined for the modeling: the first focuses on relocating the existing recloser and the second on analyzing the impact of adding additional protection equipment. These scenarios are validated and demonstrate their effectiveness, achieving an improvement of 29.05% in the first case and 70.93% in the second case within a real conventional distribution system.
Gear systems in today’s industry are one of the critical pillars providing power transformation and matching speed and torque to application requirements. Reliability, high efficiency, and low operating costs are desirable due to the prevalence of gearboxes. This paper provides a comparative analysis of selected mechanical and magnetic gears, using a specific example to point out the advantages and disadvantages of contactless power conversion. After determining the essence of the operation of the magnetic gear on the base model, two magnetic gear optimization cases are presented, testifying to the application potential. An analysis of the stress distribution in the area of the teeth of the mechanical gearbox and the most stressed element of the magnetic gear – the modulator, was carried out. The effects of temperature and load on losses were measured and simulated, and ultimately, the efficiency characteristics of the two gears were also compared.
A companion robot is capable of performing a variety of activities and thus supporting the elderly and people with disabilities. It should be able to overcome obstacles on its own, respond to what is happening around it in real time, and communicate with its surroundings. It is particularly important to pay attention to these issues, as a companion robot is likely to become a participant in traffic. The research aims to develop a mathematical model that considers the use of two navigation solutions in the companion robot. Thanks to this, it will be possible to use the obtained mathematical relationships to compare various types of navigation and make a rational choice, enabling the implementation of the assumed activities in a specific external environment. What is new in this paper is the analysis of several navigation methods and the presentation of research conducted in real time using an actual robot.
The loss of steerage in maritime vessels often stems from main engine failures, as expounded in the present article. The focal incident involves a cascading engine breakdown initiated by a single exhaust valve fault. Subsequent consequences encompass the fragmentation of the second exhaust valve, structural damage to the engine components, including the head and piston, cracking of valve seats, and the inadvertent entry of cooling water into a cylinder. The ensuing plastic strain on the cylinder surface, coupled with valve fragments infiltrating the turbocharger, leads to additional, albeit minor, damage. Notably, the high degree of plastic strain obfuscates the original features of the cracked elements, necessitating the author to delineate a hypothetical cause and progression of the destruction process. In the article's conclusive remarks, the author underscores the paramount importance of continuous engine operation monitoring and meticulous fault diagnosis to uphold the safety standards of maritime transport.
This paper presents an analysis of the design of the bogie pivot of an electric multiple unit, which is cast in cast steel to replace the forged pivot used to date. The change in pivot manufacturing technology is justified for economic reasons, but may affect the reliability and operational safety of multiple units. The authors analysed to what extent the change in pivot manufacturing technology from forged to cast can affect the operational reliability of the upgraded structural component and what requirements should be met so that the introduced upgrade does not reduce the operational safety of the electric multiple unit. An important part of the analysis is the consideration of the effect of preventive replacements of the rubber element of the vibration damper on damage to the pivot and vibration damper system. The dependence of damage to the cooperating components of the pivot elements and vibration damper in the system is demonstrated. The lifespan of the rubber element of the damper is considerably less than that of the bogie pivot of the electric traction unit, and its damage increases the probability of damage to the cast steel pivot. This relationship is critical and, in order to ensure the required reliability of the traction unit, a strategy of preventive replacement of the rubber element of the damper was proposed and achieved in the simulation model developed. This issue is presented in this paper because it is fundamental to the safe operation of rail vehicles.
Data-driven predictive aircraft maintenance approach typically results in lower maintenance costs, avoiding unnecessary preventive maintenance actions and reducing unexpected failures. Information provided by a reliability analysis of aircraft components and systems can improve an existing maintenance strategy and ensure an optimal maintenance task interval. For reliability work, the exponential distribution is typically used; however, this approach requires substantial amounts of data, which often may not be generated by aviation operations. Therefore, this study proposes a method for reliability analysis given a small dataset. Real-life historical data of an aircraft operating in Nigeria validate the proposed approach and prove its applicability.
W artykule uzasadniono, na czym polega ekologiczność wyłącznika napowietrznego typu LTA 145D1 na napięcia 123 lub 145 kV, z mieszaniną gazową CO2+O2 i z tym związane bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji tego aparatu. Przedstawiono wybrane cechy konstrukcyjne wyłącznika LTA 145D1, wpływające na niezawodność oraz żywotność tego urządzenia.
The article justifies what the environmental performance of the outdoor Circuit Breaker type LTA 145D1 voltages 123 or 145 kV, with a gas mixture of CO2+O2, and the related safety of operation of this apparatus. Presented selected design features of the LTA 145D1 circuit breaker, affecting the reliability and service life of this device.
This article presents an approach to the verification of the safety integrity level (SIL) of rail vehicle subassemblies in accordance with the applicable railway standards PN-EN ISO 50126-1, PN-EN ISO 50126:2, and PN-EN ISO 50129. Particular attention has been given to the calculation procedure related to the determination of the tolerable hazard rate and tolerable functional failure rate indicators in a situation where various reliability indicators have been declared for components of rail vehicles, such as MTTFD or B10D. In this case, the verification of the safety integrity level using the above mentioned railway standards may be difficult, and it becomes necessary to use additional standards for safety systems based on electronic components. An example is the PN-EN ISO 13849-1:2006-01 standard, which contains a calculation method based on the transformation of the exponential model, which is useful for hazard and risk analyses of electronic systems containing components with different reliability indices. Another supplementary standard is the PN-EN 61025:2007 standard, which concerns fault tree analysis. Based on the above-mentioned standards, an algorithm was developed to verify the safety integrity level of the frequency converter control system. The obtained results allowed us to confirm the fulfillment of the functional safety requirements of the considered system.
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