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Artykuł przedstawia wyniki kwerendy źródeł archiwalnych i materiałów kartograficznych, które pozwoliły na odtworzenie lokalizacji młynów łodnych na dolnym odcinku Wisły i Drwęcy. Zidentyfikowano w sumie położenie 11 obiektów na Wiśle oraz 4 na Drwęcy. Z opracowań dla wcześniejszych okresów wiadomo o kolejnych 5 lokalizacjach na Wiśle, które w większości nie były już wykorzystywane w XIX w. Stwierdzono ponadto występowanie w korycie rzecznym specjalnych budowli hydrotechnicznych towarzyszących młynom pływającym oraz dość częste relokacje pływaków.
This article presents the results of an inquiry into written sources and cartographic materials which allowed the recreation of the locations of boat mills on the lower Vistula and Drwęca rivers. In total, there were 9 locations on the Vistula River and 3 on the Drwęca. From the research works referring to the earlier periods, we know that there were 6 locations on the Vistula, the majority of which had already gone out of use in the 19th century. It was also stated that, in the river channel, there were special hydraulic structures accompanying boat mills and their frequent relocations.
The article presents a framework for integrating historical sources with elements of the geographical space recorded in unique cartographic materials. The aim of the project was to elaborate a method of integrating spatial data sources that would facilitate studying and presenting the phenomena of economic history. The proposed methodology for multimedia integration of old materials made it possible to demonstrate the successive stages of the transformation which was characteristic of the 19th-century space. The point of reference for this process of integrating information was topographic maps from the first half of the 19th century, while the research area comprised the castle complex in Kórnik together with the small town – the pre-industrial landscape in Wielkopolska (Greater Poland). On the basis of map and plan transformation, graphic processing of the scans of old drawings, texture mapping of the facades of historic buildings, and a 360° panorama, the source material collected was integrated. The final product was a few-minute-long video, composed of nine sequences. It captures the changing form of the castle building together with its facades, the castle park, and its further topographic and urban surroundings, since the beginning of the 19th century till the present day. For a topographic map sheet dating back to the first half of the 19th century, in which the hachuring method had been used to present land relief, a terrain model was generated. The transition from parallel to bird’s-eye-view perspective served to demonstrate the distinctive character of the pre-industrial landscape.
Wiatr i woda stanowiły do połowy XIX w. podstawowe źródła energii dla zakładów produkcyjnych. Jako miarę stopnia rozwoju gospodarczego danego regionu przedstawiano liczbę i wielkość młynów wodnych i wietrznych. Wskutek rewolucji przemysłowej nastąpiła zasadnicza zmiana rodzaju zakładów wykorzystujących energię wiatru i wody. Polegała ona na stopniowym odejściu od funkcji napędzania urządzeń młyna, i produkcji energii elektrycznej. Obecnie notuje się ponowne zainteresowanie dawnymi lokalizacjami młynów w celu ich przeznaczenia na potrzeby nowoczesnych elektrowni wiatrowych i małych elektrowni wodnych (MEW). W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zmiany w zakresie pozyskiwania energii wiatru i wody na obszarze obecnego województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego. Wykazano, że obszary występowania wiatraków pokrywały się z obszarami o najniższych zasobach wodnych, na których nie funkcjonowały młyny wodne.
Until the mid-19th century, the primary source of energy used in the industry was the energy of wind and water. As a measure of the degree of economic development of the region there were presented the number and size of watermills and wind mills. After the Industrial Revolution there has been a fundamental change in the type of plants using wind or water energy. It consisted in the gradual disappearance of mill’s driving functions to the production of electricity. Currently, there has been a renewed interest in old mills for the location of modern wind turbines and small hydropower plants. This paper presents the changes of utilization of wind and water energy in the area of contemporary Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region. It has been shown that the areas of windmills prevalence converged with areas of the lowest degree of water resources – without watermills.
Content available remote Automatic detection of forest regions on scanned old maps
The paper presents the image processing method for detection forest regions from digitized old maps. The proposed scheme consists of two principal steps. In the first one the input color image is filtered using averaging filter and binarized by thresholding in the HLS color space. The second step is based on morphological image processing of binary images and results in smoothening of contours of forest regions and removing unnecessary objects. As experiments are showing, the proposed method produces correct results of segmentation, allowing extraction of forest regions that can be further effectively processed and analysed.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę segmentacji obrazów cyfrowych przedstawiających skanowane mapy historyczne. Celem segmentacji jest wykrycie i wyodrębnienie obszarów leśnych. Zaproponowna metoda składa się z dwóch etapów. Na pierwszym, wejściowy obraz kolorowy jest filtrowany i binaryzowany przez progowanie w przestrzeni kolorów HLS. Drugi etap polega na zastosowaniu filtrów morfologicznych w celu wygładzenia konturów obszarów leśnych oraz usunięcia obszarów zbędnych. Jak pokazały przeprowadzone eksperymenty, zaproponowana metoda pozwala na uzyskanie prawidłowych wyników segmentacji, dzięki czemu wyodrębnione obszary leśne mogą być następnie skutecznie przetwarzane i analizowane.
W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie polskich map z XVI wieku przez kartografów i wydawców zachodnioeuropejskich. Dokonano oceny źródłoznawczej oraz ustalono filiacje omówionych dzieł kartograficznych.
The aim of the article is to present the printed small scale maps of the territory of Poland and Lithuania in the 16th century against the background of the European cartography of that time. Such presentation should help revise and complete the historical image of Poland. For source analysis the following research methods were applied: linguistic analysis (synoptic charts), accuracy analysis (distortion charts) and con-tents analysis (comparison of errors - mainly in water network). Publication of the printed maps of Northern and Southern Sarmatia, covering Eastern Europe, and then the general map of Poland in 1526 were the milestones in the development of cartography of Poland and Lithuania. These maps, authored by Bernard Wapowski, were not distributed in Europe on a mass scale, however they had significant, though indirect influence on how the territory of Poland were presented. General picture of the terrains between Oder and Dnieper, the Baltic and the Carpathians, created by Bernard Wapowski, was later popularized in Western Europe by Gerard Mercator, the outstanding cartographer and publisher. The influence of Wapowski's maps can be seen on Mercator's globe of 1541, and later on his great map of Europe of 1554. The presentation of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was based on the following maps: Poland and Sarmatia by Wapowski (1526), Prussia by Heinrich Zell (1542), Pomerania by Sebastian Munster (1550), Northern Europe by Olaus Magnus (1539) and Anton Wied (1542). Especially the last one, and its adaptations, was used to prepare maps of Central-Eastern Europe until the middle 19th century. Book editions by Sebastian Munster (1540,1544) and Johannes Honter (1542) had significant impact on the credible presentation of the Polish territory in the first half of the 16th century. The map by Wacław Gródecki from 1562, which based on the works of Bernard Wapowski, and its almost identical version from the atlas of Abraham Ortelius (1570), were the most commonly used general 16th century maps of Poland. They were also used by Gerard de Jode in his atlas of 1578, which because of the small number of printed copies reached few readers. Northern territories of Poland were presented basing on separate maps of Prussia by Heinrich Zell (1542) and later Caspar Henneberger (1576). This is particularly evident on the map of Poland by Gerard de Jode, published after 1578 but before 1586. On this map de Jode updated the area of Prussia using the new Henneberger's map of 1576. The above maps were also the basis for correcting the picture of Prussia in many atlases and books. Gerard Mercator's map of Poland and Silesia from 1585 was the next stage in development of the presentation of the country. It was meticulously prepared and had rich topographic contents. It based on the map of Poland by Gerard de Jode from 1578. More details were added basing on the map of Poland by W. Gródecki from 1562 and 1570, the latter edited by A. Ortelius, and the map of European Sarmatia by A. Pograbka (Pograbius) from 1570. The surrounding territories were presented basing on several maps of particular regions: Silesia by M. Helwig (1561), Duchy of Oświęcim and Zator by S. Porębski (1563), Prussia by C. Henneberger (1576). Mercator's map covered the territory of Poland and Silesia, without the Gdańsk Pomerania, Prussia, Western Pomerania and the western part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It became the basie source for a number of maps of Poland from the 17th to the 18th centuries, until the more modern maps of the times of King Stanisław Poniatowski. From all the Polish territories which Mercator worked on the map of Lithuania prepared in 1595 is particularly interesting. It is the first map showing exclusively Lithuania, although in the borders from before the mainly the map of Europę from 1572, and also maps of Poland by W. Gródecki from 1562 or 1570, the map of European Sarmatia by A. Pograbka (1570), Poland and Lithuania (1585) and the map of Lithuanian-Mo-scow border by M. Strubicz (1589). Particular maps were the first to be noticed and used for updating the maps of some regions of Poland. In the case of maps of Europe and the World it was different. Amendments were rarely made and overdue. The great map of Europe by Mercator remained the major influence in the shaping of the maps of the continent.
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