As part of the routine control of the Tunisian network for the monitoring of the most problematic microalgae species Karenia selliformis and Alexandrium minutum and for the study of hydrophilic and lipophilic marine biotoxin profiles, clams and seawater samples from Boughrara lagoon were analysed during the past decade. The results showed that the abundance of Karenia selliformis and Alexandrium minutum in the Boughrara lagoon exhibited significant variability at annual scales. K. selliformis was recorded in all sampling years with interannual variability. Among the nine sampled years, 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2017 were, respectively, the most significant in terms of mean abundance (2.85, 2.42, 1.38, 1.69) ∙ 105 cells L–1. A. minutum species were observed in the water column during all investigated years except in 2013, 2016 and 2017, but in low concentrations compared to K. selliformis (≤ 7.4 ∙ 102 cells L–1). Using LC-FLD, traces of paralytic toxins (C1 and GTX-2) were detected in some clam samples. Their concentrations were largely below the regulatory limit. For the first time, N-sulfocarbamoyl gonyautoxin-2 (C-1) and gonyautoxin 2 (GTX-2) were detected in some clam samples from this region. LC-MS/MS analysis confirmed the presence of gymnodimines in some samples. The main peak corresponds to the GYM-A with high concentrations generally above 1 mg kg–1 of clams meat, which confirms the persistence of this neurotoxin in Boughrara lagoon.
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So far in Poland, the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea has been reported from the Oder (Odra) and Vistula River. Its new population has been discovered in the Warta-Gopło Canal in Konin (central Poland), where water temperature can reach 34°C, as the canal is a part of a power plant lake cooling system. The spatial distribution of C. fluminea was found to be very uneven and that is probably why this species was not found during earlier research. The highest density of C. fluminea was 78 ind.·m-2 at the site where water flow was the fastest (2.49 m·s-1), providing sufficient oxygenation of the water. The results suggest that existing information about the distribution of C. fluminea may be far from complete because the clam can be present also in the habitats that were not regarded as suitable for the species according to earlier reports, and therefore have not been monitored for its presence.
The shallow-marine carbonate deposits of the Reuchenette Formation (Kimmeridgian, Upper Jurassic) in northwestern Switzerland and adjacent France yield highly diverse bivalve associations, but only rarely contain remains of pinnid bivalves. The three occurring taxa Pinna (Cyrtopinna) socialis d’Orbigny, 1850, Stegoconcha granulata (J. Sowerby, 1822) and Stegoconcha obliquata (Deshayes, 1839) have been revised. A lectotype for Pinna (C.) socialis was designated and the taxon is assigned herein to P. (Cyrtopinna) Mörch, 1853, the first record of the subgenus from the Jurassic. A brief review of Stegoconcha Böhm, 1907 revealed two species groups within the genus. Species close to the type species S. granulata are characterized by a nearly smooth anterior shell, followed posteriorly by deep radial furrows and rows of pustules covering the dorsal flank. Another group comprises radially ribbed species related to S. neptuni (Goldfuss, 1837). It includes among others the Paleogene species S. faxensis (Ravn, 1902), extending the known range of Stegoconcha from the Middle Jurassic into the Paleogene. The paper suggests a relationship between Stegoconcha and the Cretaceous Plesiopinna Amano, 1956, with S. obliquata as a possible intermediate species leading to Plesiopinna during the Early Cretaceous. Furthermore, a possible relationship between Stegoconcha and Atrina Gray, 1842 is discussed.
For the first time, articulated shells of Anomia ephippium Linnæus, 1758, the bivalve species widely distributed in the Egerian–Late Badenian (latest early Oligocene to late middle Miocene) in the Central Paratethys, are described and illustrated. The most astonishing fact is the presence of a heavily calcified byssus that anchored the animal to hard substrates, which is still preserved inside the byssal notch. The investigated material derives from the Badenian (middle Miocene) Niskowa Formation in the Nowy Sącz Basin, a small intramontane basin situated in the Polish Outer Carpathians. Apart from articulated shells and left valves, the collected material contains some dozen of calcified byssi fixed to rigid substrate, SEM images of which are presented. Examination of the A. ephippium specimens stored in the Polish Academy of Sciences, Museum of the Earth in Warsaw revealed other Paratethyan records of anomiid calcified byssi attached to other specimens of A. ephippium. Finally, the paper provides an overview of the previous studies on the representatives of the genus Anomia Linnæus, 1758 from the Central Paratethys and its specific assignment.
Monitoring of changes in behavioral response of bivalve mollusks can provide a wealth of information on quality of water that could be used in a surveillance system. The aim of this research was to evaluate suitability of Unio tumidus bivalve mollusks as bioindicators of water quality in a surveillance system. The experiment involved a 72-hour observation of the mollusks behavior in tap water containing about 0.04 mgFe/dm3 (almost no iron ions), 0.2 mgFe/dm3 (limit value for drinking water) and 1.7 mgFe/dm3 (average iron ion content for the deep sea). Three behavioral variables considered were: time of activity (time period of water filtering activity), average shell opening degree and its frequency. It was determined that presence of iron ions exceeding the threshold value reduced daily activity time by 5 hours, while the shell opening degree – by over 20%. Variations in frequency of the shell movements were not observed, which might indicate no iron ion impact on the nervous system of the individuals tested. Similarly, lethal states were not demonstrated, even at the relatively high iron concentrations in water. Results of the research conducted demonstrate that the bivalves Unio tumidus may be employed in tap water surveillance system for detection of water contamination with iron compounds.
Obserwacja zmian zachowań małży może dostarczyć wielu informacji dotyczących jakości wody, które można wykorzystać w systemie monitoringu. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny możliwości zastosowania małży z gatunku Unio tumidus w monitoringu wody przeznaczonej do spożycia w celu detekcji nadmiernej ilości związków żelaza. Eksperyment polegał na 72-godzinnej obserwacji zachowania małży w wodzie wodociągowej o zawartości jonów żelaza około 0,04 mgFe/dm3 (praktyczny brak jonów żelaza w wodzie) oraz 0,2 mgFe/dm3 (wartość dopuszczalna w wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia) i 1,7 mgFe/dm3 (średnia zawartość jonów żelaza w wodach głębinowych). Ocenie poddano trzy elementy zachowania małży – czas ich aktywności (czas, w którym małże filtrowały wodę) oraz częstość i średni stopień otwarcia muszli. Stwierdzono, że obecność jonów żelaza w wodzie w ilości przekraczającej wartość dopuszczalną skróciła łączny czas aktywności małż w ciągu doby o 5 godzin i zmniejszyła stopień otwarcia muszli o ponad 20%. Nie zaobserwowano zróżnicowania częstości zmian otwarcia muszli małży, co świadczy o braku oddziaływania jonów żelaza na układ nerwowy badanych osobników. Stwierdzono także brak stanów letalnych u małży, nawet przy stosunkowo dużej ilości żelaza w wodzie. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że małże z gatunku Unio tumidus można wykorzystywać w monitoringu wody wodociągowej do detekcji jej zanieczyszczenia związkami żelaza.
Przedstawiono typowe organizmy żywe służące do biomonitoringu wód powierzchniowych oraz ich wykorzystanie w prezentowanych w pracy aplikacjach. Główną uwagę poświęcono charakterystyce i wykorzystaniu małży słodkowodnych. Uwzględniono rolę, jaką odgrywa biomonitoring w wodociągowych systemach ujmowania wód powierzchniowych. Za przykład posłużył trójstopniowy system biomonitoringu funkcjonujący od 20 lat w Zakładzie Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi, wykorzystujący małże, narybek okonia i bakterie luminescencyjne.
The typical living organisms used for biological monitoring of surface waters and methods of their operate in applications were presented in the paper. The main attention was focused on the characteristics and exploitation of freshwater mussels. The work includes the role of biomonitoring in water supply systems. Three stage of biomonitoring system which has been functioning for 20 years in Municipal Water and Wastewater Company in in Lodz was presented as an example. The system utilizes living organisms: mussels, perch and luminescent bacteria.
Dynamic evolution of the Campanian and Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Miechów Synclinorium is presented. Through chronostratigraphic analysis, the geometry of the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the area is interpreted, while microfacies analysis allowed determination of some of the paleoenvironmental parameters (rate of sedimentation, bottom condition and terrigenous input). The chronostratigraphy is based on inoceramid biostratigraphy. Nine inoceramid zones are recognized: Sphenoceramus patootensiformis, Sphaeroceramus sarumensis-Cataceramus dariensis and ‘Inoceramus’ azerbaydjanensis-‘Inoceramus’ vorhelmensis, ‘Inoceramus’ tenuilineatus, Sphaeroceramus pertenuiformis, ‘Inoceramus’ inkermanensis and ‘Inoceramus’ costaecus-‘Inoceramus’ redbirdensis (Campanian); Endocostea typica and Trochoceramus radiosus (Maastrichtian). Five unconformities (isochronous in the study area) represented by horizons of slower sedimentation rate, were recognized. They correlate with eustatic sea-level changes, well recorded in European successions (Jarvis et al. 2002, 2006; Niebuhr et al. 2011). Unconformity horizons allow six alloformations to be distinguished. The thickness of particular chronostratigraphic units within the Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian increases progressively toward the axis of the Danish-Polish Trough, which indicates that the inversion of the trough could not have started before the Late Maastrichtian.
Presence-absence bivalve species data for each Early Jurassic stage along southeastern South America between 20 and 46°S present-day latitude were processed by a set of analytical methods to analyse the palaeolatitudinal patterns of diversity and distribution. The expected decrease in species diversity towards higher latitudes is punctuated by a consistent local diversity increase between 34 and 42°, especially evident during Pliensbachian and Toarcian times, which may be due to an abrupt change in palaeogeography at that latitude, coinciding with the Curicó direct connection to the open ocean and the establishment of an increased variety of habitats within the extensive Neuquén Basin. The proportions of systematic groups show relative increases towards both higher latitudes (Crassatelloidea, Nuculanoidea, Pectinoidea, Monotoidea, Inoceramoidea) and lower latitudes (Trigonioidea, Pholadomyoidea, Limoidea, Lucinoidea). Epifaunal bivalves were dominant during the Hettangian but by Pliensbachian–Toarcian times they were less common than infaunal ones, while semi-infaunal species had low diversities during the whole Early Jurassic. This study suggests that (a) large scale geographical conditions should be taken into account for the analysis of latitudinal diversity trends among benthonic faunas; and (b) latitudinal trends of some living bivalve lineages may have a longer and more complex history than previously thought.
Zanieczyszczenie wód stosowanych w celach spożywczych oraz w gospodarstwach rolnych jest podstawowym przyczynkiem do podwyższonej śmiertelności, zahamowania i zaburzeń wzrostu oraz czynności fizjologicznych, zmian w DNA (genotoksyczność), zmian w obrębie tkanek (cytotoksyczność) i organów osobników narażonych na działanie związków chemicznych. Jedną z groźniejszych klas toksyn oddziałujących na zwierzęta i ludzi mających kontakt ze skażoną wodą są cyjanotoksyny uwalniane przez obumierające sinice. Przyczyniają się one do poważnych stanów chorobowych, a także zdarzeń śmiertelnych. Toksyny tego typu są relatywnie trudno wykrywalne z powodu sezonowej zmienności zakwitów. Jedną ze skutecznych i automatycznych metod wykrywania skażeń wody w trybie ciągłym jest biomonitoring wykorzystujący małże z gatunku Dreissena polymorpha.
The pollution of water that is used for consumption and in agricultural holdings contributes to an increased mortality rate, inhibition of growth and physiological functions, changes in the DNA (genotoxicity), changes within tissues (cytotoxicity) and organs of individuals who are exposed to chemical components. One of the most dangerous toxin classes which have effect on animals and humans who come into contact with contaminated water is the class of cyanobacterial toxins released by dying cyanobacteria. They contribute to very serious health conditions and also to fatalities. Toxins of this type are relatively difficult to detect on account of their seasonal changeability in blooming. One of the most effective methods of detecting water contamination automatically and continuously is biomonitoring with the use of Dreissena polymorpha mussels.
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Invasive bivalve molluscs, Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were used as sentinel biomonitors of pollution by inorganic contaminants in Saldanha Bay and the Langebaan Lagoon area of South Africa. Two complementary analytical techniques, ICP-MS and NAA, allowed for determination of concentrations of 31 major and trace elements including heavy metals and arsenic in the soft tissues of the mussels. Distinct seasonal patterns were found in the dynamics of these concentrations, with the mussels accumulating much more trace elements in winter than in the summer. In general, the mussels that grew naturally also demonstrated higher concentrations of As, Cd, Fe, Hg and Zn than those that were farmed. Fe showed the highest levels with a maximum concentration of 444 mg/kg followed by Zn with a maximum of 228 mg/kg. The concentrations of Mn and Pb were significantly higher in the Port of Saldanha close to the jetty where ores containing these metals are loaded in comparison with the other sampling sites. It was concluded that bivalve molluscs present themselves as effective biomonitors when assessing marine aquatic pollution by inorganic contaminants in the Saldanha Bay region.
Inwazyjne małże śródziemnomorskie (Mytilus galloprovincialis) zostały wykorzystane jako biomonitor zanieczyszczenia związkami nieorganicznymi w Zatoce Saldanha i okolicy laguny Langebaan w Południowej Afryce. Dwie uzupełniające się techniki analityczne, ICP-MS i NAA, pozwoliły na określenie stężenia 31 głównych i śladowych pierwiastków, w tym metali ciężkich i arsenu w tkankach miękkich małży. Stwierdzono wyraźne sezonowe zmiany wartości stężeń analitów w małżach, które gromadzą o wiele więcej pierwiastków śladowych w zimie niż w lecie. Na ogół w małżach dzikich obserwowano większe stężenie As, Cd, Hg, Fe i Zn niż w hodowlanych. Wśród oznaczonych pierwiastków największe stężenie osiągnęło Fe, z maksymalnym stężeniem 444 mg/kg, a następnie cynk z maksimum 228 mg/kg. W porównaniu do innych miejsc pobierania próbek, stężenia Mn i Pb były istotnie większe w pobliżu molo w porcie Saldanha, gdzie są załadowywane rudy zawierające te metale. Stwierdzono, że małże są skutecznym biomonitorem zanieczyszczenia związkami nieorganicznymi morskiego środowiska wodnego w regionie Zatoki Saldanha.
The typical living organisms used for biological monitoring of surface waters and their use in applications are presented in the paper. The main focus is on the characterisation and use of freshwater mussels. The paper discusses the role of biomonitoring in surface water supply systems. Three-stage biomonitoring system which has been functioning for 20 years in Water and Wastewater Company (ZWiK Sp. z o.o.) in Lodz is presented as an example. The system employs living organisms such as mussels, perch and luminescent bacteria.
Przedstawiono typowe organizmy żywe służące do biomonitoringu wód powierzchniowych oraz ich wykorzystanie w prezentowanych w pracy aplikacjach. Główną uwagę poświęcono charakterystyce i wykorzystaniu małży słodkowodnych. Uwzględniono rolę jaką odgrywa biomonitoring w wodociągowych systemach ujmowania wód powierzchniowych. Za przykład posłużył trójstopniowy system biomonitoringu funkcjonujący od 20 lat w Zakładzie Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi, wykorzystujący małże, narybek okonia i bakterie luminescencyjne.
Do badań faunistycznych wykorzystano próbki utworów pobrane z rdzeni z otworów wiertniczych wykonanych w 2010 r. w zachodniej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego. W tej części zapadliska, gdzie miąższość osadów zalegających powyżej utworów gipsowych nie przekracza 200 m, przeważają osady drobnoziarniste, mułowce i iłowce należące do formacji z Machowa. Przeanalizowano 56 próbek: 32 próbki z rdzenia z otworu Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 o długości 200 m oraz 24 próbki z rdzenia z otworu Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 o długości 191 m. Zidentyfikowano 12 gatunków małżów: Nucula (Nucula) nucleus (Linnaeus, 1758), Lentipecten corneus denudatus (Reuss, 1867), Delectopecten vitreus (Gmelin, 1791), Inaequicostata cf. politioanei (Jekelius, 1944), Obsoletiforma vindobonensis (Laskarew, 1903), Plicatiforma pseudoplicata (Friedberg, 1934), Ervilia podolica (Eichwald, 1830), Ervilia trigonula Sokolov, 1899, Abra (Syndosmya) reflexa (Eichwald, 1830), Macoma (Psammacoma) elliptica (Brocchi, 1814), Corbula (Varicorbula) cf. gibba (Olivi, 1792) i Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler, 1793). W artykule podano zasięgi stratygraficzne znalezionych gatunków i opisy rzadkich bądź ważnych stratygraficznie gatunków. Wyznaczona na podstawie zespołów małżowych granica baden/ sarmat przebiega w utworach z głębokości 109,10–127,70 m w otworze wiertniczym Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 i 150,80–162,80 m w otworze wiertniczym Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1. Gatunkiem umożliwiającym datowanie spągowej części formacji z Machowa na późny baden jest przegrzebek Delectopecten vitreus (Gmelin, 1791), podczas gdy znaleziska Abra (Syndosmya) reflexa (Eichwald, 1830) pozwalają określić wiek stropowej części tej formacji na wczesny sarmat.
The study is based on the fossil material derived from cores drilled in 2010 in the western part of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin. The deposits overlying the gypsum level, represented mainly by mudstones and clays of the Machów Fm., are less than 200 m thick in this part of the Carpathian Foredeep. In total, 56 samples were investigated: 32 samples from the Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 drilling core 200 m long; and 24 samples from the Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 drilling core, 191 m long. Twelve bivalve species have been identified, namely: Nucula (Nucula) nucleus (Linnaeus, 1758), Lentipecten corneus denudatus (Reuss, 1867), Delectopecten vitreus (Gmelin, 1791), Inaequicostata cf. politioanei (Jekelius, 1944), Obsoletiforma vindobonensis (Laskarew, 1903), Plicatiforma pseudoplicata (Friedberg, 1934), Ervilia podolica (Eichwald, 1830), Ervilia trigonula Sokolov, 1899, Abra (Syndosmya) reflexa (Eichwald, 1830), Macoma (Psammacoma) elliptica (Brocchi, 1814), Corbula (Varicorbula) cf. gibba (Olivi, 1792) and Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler, 1793). Stratigraphic ranges of bivalve species as well as descriptions of rare or stratigraphically important species have been presented. The bivalves define the Badenian/ Sarmatian boundary within the depth range 109.10–127.70 m in the Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 borehole, and within the depth range 150.80–162.80 m in the Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 borehole. Specifically, the scallop Delectopecten vitreus (Gmelin, 1791) defines the base of the Machów Fm. as the Late Badenian, while the species Abra (Syndosmya) reflexa (Eichwald, 1830) enables to specify the age of the uppermost part of the Machów Fm. as the Early Sarmatian.
The inoceramid bivalves of the genus Mytiloides, from the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Sredna Gora Mts (north-western Bulgaria), are studied. The material comes from three sections: Izvor, Filipovtsi, and Vrabchov dol. Eight species are described taxonomically, with one left in open nomenclature: M. cf. mytiloides (Mantell, 1822), M. mytiloidiformis (Tröger, 1967), M. incertus (Jimbo, 1894), M. scupini (Heinz, 1930), M. herbichi (Atabekian, 1969), M. striatoconcentricus (Gümbel, 1868), M. labiatoidiformis (Tröger, 1967) and M. carpathicus (Simionescu, 1899). Mytiloides incertus and Mytiloides scupini are index species for the eponymous Upper Turonian inoceramid biozones
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Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea 1834) is a new component of malacofauna and this condition enhances a new adaptation of predators preying on it. In 2010, during the autumn bird migration, an oystercatcher was observed feeding on this clam species alien to European fauna in the area of drained fish ponds (western Poland). The clams chosen by the oystercatcher were 64 to 98 mm long and 46 to 72 mm tall, whereby stabbing method was preferred to the hammering one. Theses sizes are greater than for other mussel species eaten by the oystercatcher. Mussels were typically collected in the depth of 7 cm, which reflects the maximum bill length in oystercatchers. Under some conditions, e.g. drained fish ponds, the population abundance of S. woodiana clam may significantly be affected by foraging birds, especially oystercatchers as suggested findings from our study.
A long-term eustatic cycle (fall and subsequent rise of the global sea level) embraced the late Silurian-Middle Devonian time interval. Potentially, these sea-level changes could drive global biodiversity. The stratigraphic ranges of 204 bivalve genera and 279 gastropod genera included into the famous Sepkoski database allow reconstructing changes in the total diversity and the number of originations and extinctions of these important groups of marine benthic macro- -invertebrates during this interval. None of the recorded parameters coincided with the long-term global sea-level cycle. It cannot be not excluded, however, that the global sea-level changes did not affect the regions favourable for bivalve and gastropod radiation because of regional tectonic mechanisms; neither can it be excluded that the eustatic control persisted together with many other extrinsic and intrinsic controls. Interestingly, the generic diversity of gastropods increased together with a cooling trend, and vice versa. Additionally, the Ludlow, Eifelian, and Givetian biotic crises affected, probably, both fossil groups under study. There was also a coincidence of the relatively high bivalve generic diversity, initial radiation of gastropods and the entire biota, and the diversification of brachiopods with the Early Devonian global sea-level lowstand, and this may be interpreted as evidence of a certain eustatic control on the marine biodiversity.
The Turonian and Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Mangyshlak Mts., western Kazakhstan, yielded a rich and relatively complete inoceramid bivalve record. The faunas and their succession correspond to those known from central and eastern Europe, allowing the zonation established in the latter areas to be applied in a virtually identical form. The gaps in the record of the group in Mangyshlak stem from the regional hiatuses in the geological record in the area and do not reflect any biogeographical differences between eastern and central-western Europe. Planktonic foraminifera are rare. Four successive interval range zones can be distinguished: in ascending stratigraphic order, the Helvetoglobotrunaca helvetica, Marginotruncaca pseudolinneiana, Marginotruncana coronata, and Concavotruncana concavata zones. Their correlation with the inoceramid zonation and, consequently, with the chronostratigraphic scheme, is demonstrated. The zonation and chronostratigraphic subdivision as applied in Mangyshlak may easily be applied to other areas of the peri-Caspian region (Caucasus, Tuarkyr, Kopet-Dagh, SE margin of the East-European Craton).
The environment at the Gnaszyn section - as deduced from bivalve and scaphopod dynamics - was controlled by the substrate consistency and possibly oxygen deficiency near the sediment-water interface and/or oxygen content fluctuations. The middle part of the section dominated by nuculoid and corbulid bivalves and Laevidentalium-type scaphopods probably reflects a soupy substrate and possibly oxygen deficiency in the sediment. Slightly coarser and better-oxygenated silts in the upper and lower parts of the section offered a less soupy substrate consistency, allowing the development of communities dominated by astartids, byssate bivalves, and Dentalium- and Plagioglypta-type scaphopods.
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The Late Badenian coralline algae-vermetid reefs and the Early Sarmatian serpulid-microbialite reefs distributed widely in the northeastern and eastern borders of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin contain an excellent bivalve record and show how the bivalve faunas reflected the temporary closure of seaways between the Paratethys and the Mediterranean around 13.3 Ma. within the Late Badenian reefs, 116 bivalve species and three bivalve associations are recognized. After a dramatic change of environmental factors, the Early Sarmatian reefs hosted 12 bivalve species, grouped in four associations. These are thought to have been controlled largely by salinity and to represent decreased and/or fluctuating salinity regimes. An integrated approach, using benthic fauna, sedimentological and isotope data, enabled interpretation of the origin of the serpulid-microbialite reefs. The changes in the palaeogeography of the Paratethys and sea-level oscillations around the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary played an important role in the distribution, extinction and radiation of the bivalves. The definitive closure of the extensive seaway connecting the Paratethys with the Mediterranean caused not only severe extinction of the bivalves inhabiting the sandy facies during the Late Badenian but also the sudden evolution and dispersal of a few opportunistic species that were ancestral forms to Sarmatian taxa. The composition of the bivalve assemblages and the ecological requirements of particular species prove the mixo-mesohaline character of the Sarmatian Sea (30-18[per-mille]) and indicate an eastward decrease in salinity.
The Tanais Palaeobay was located in the northern periphery of the eastern Paratethys Sea during the Late Miocene. New data from the Safianovo section (Rostov Dome, South-West of Russia) confirm that skeletal limestones (coquinites) of the Merzhanovskaja Formation belong to the Congeria (Andrusoviconcha) amygdaloides navicula Zone of the upper Upper Maeotian (the Maeotian is a regional chronostratigraphic unit of the Upper Miocene). Correlation of reference sections of these Upper Maeotian deposits within the Rostov Dome results in pattern of the palaeobay transgression, which was punctuated. The relative importance of local and global controls on this trangsression is not yet clear.
Do badań faunistycznych wykorzystano próbki osadów pobranych z otworu wiertniczego Sucha Wieś (Pojezierze Ełckie) z głębokości 153,60-178,00 m oraz z otworu wiertniczego Czarnucha (Równina Augustowska) z głębokości 96,05-118,85 m. Z badanej serii osadów jeziorno-bagiennych opisano szczątki różnych grup zwierząt: ślimaków (Gastropoda), małży (Bivalvia), małżoraczków (Ostrazoda), ryb (Pisces), chrząszczy (Coleoptera) i innych. Do określenia wieku osadów, szczególnie przydatne okazały się mięczaki (ślimaki i małże) oraz małżoraczki. Na podstawie obecności ślimaka Lithoglyphus jahni oraz małżoraczka Scottia browniana uznano, że osady nie mogą być młodsze od interglacjału mazowieckiego.
Samples collected from the Sucha Wieś borehole (Ełk Lakeland) from a depth interval of 153.60-178.00 and from the Czarnucha borehole (Augustów Plain) from a depth interval of 96.05-118.85 m were analysed for faunal content. The lacustrine-marsh deposits contain fragments of various animals including gastropods, bivalves, ostracods, fish, Coleoptera and others. Especially important for age determinations are moluscs (gastropods and bivalves) and ostracods. The presence of Lithoglyphus jahni (gastropod) and Scottia browniana (ostracod) indicates that the deposits cannot be younger than the Mazovian Interglacial.
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