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W artykule poruszono zagadnienie zasobów dyspozycyjnych, stanowiących podstawę bilansowania wód podziemnych w jednostkach bilansowych. Wskazano również inne, funkcjonujące w literaturze dotyczącej wód podziemnych, pojęcia odnoszące się do zasobów w ujęciu regionalnym, np. zasoby perspektywiczne, gwarantowane, dostępne. Te ostatnie są szczególnie ważne, gdyż w odniesieniu do jednolitych części wód podziemnych (JCWPd) stanowią, zgodnie z ustawą Prawo wodne, podstawę do oceny ich stanu. Co istotne, w odróżnieniu do zasobów dyspozycyjnych, zasoby dostępne w JCWPd nie podlegają formalnemu zatwierdzaniu.
The article discusses the issue of disposable resources, constituting the basis for balancing groundwater in balance units. It also presents other terms used in literature on groundwater and referring to regional resources, e.g. prospective, guaranteed, available resources. The latter are particularly important, as, with regard to groundwater bodies, they constitute the basis for assessment of their status based on the Water Law Act. What is important, contrary to disposable resources, the resources available in the groundwater bodies are not formally approved.
Państwa członkowskie UE dysponując informacjami na temat zasobów wód podziemnych, wyznaczyły jednolite części wód podziemnych zgodnie w wytycznymi ramowych dyrektyw UE dotyczących wód podziemnych. W Europie nie opracowano dotychczas spójnego przeglądu zasobów wód podziemnych. Projekt GeoERA ma za zadanie ujednolicenie dostępnych danych hydrogeologicznych oraz ich integrację, w celu utworzenia mapy zasobów wód podziemnych Europy. Rezultatem prac projektu GeoERA będzie m.in. mapa hydrogeologiczna ukazująca dane dotyczące głębokości występowania słodkich wód podziemnych, głębokości występowania granicy pomiędzy wodami słodkimi i mineralnymi oraz zasobów wód podziemnych.
The European Union member states hold information about groundwater resources and they have delineated groundwater bodies within each country according to guidelines of EU Water Framework Directive. A coherent overview of groundwater resources at an EU scale has not been done so far. The aim of the GeoERA project is to unify and integrate the accessible hydrogeological data in order to deliver the pan-European groundwater resources map. The results of the project will include a hydrogeological map containing data on the depths to fresh groundwater, depths of the fresh-salt interface, and groundwater resources.
The available groundwater resources assessment in Poland is now the biggest hydrogeological project run by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey with the use of the numerical modelling based on the Modflow groundwater flow simulator standard. All the presently used Modflow-based graphic environments are the tools designed to simulate the wells hydrodynamic impact but not the groundwater resources on the regional scale. This paper presents the tool generating data allowing for the simula tion of the groundwater regional withdrawal leading to the assessment of the groundwater resources in the area of a given catchment. This tool called the Virtual Wells Generator is based on the constant volume transformation concept and is compatible with one of the popular groundwaterflow modelling environments. The results of the groundwater resources assessment calculations with the use of this generator illustrate the method.
This article presents research to identify the environmental possibilities of groundwater flow into an intake, excluding the technical aspects of its construction and functioning. The purpose of the study was to set down the so-called water intake potential, which is understood as the highest possible amount of extracted water at the well location, without considering constructional and technological aspects. The research object is a groundwater intake near Świniarsko, used for water supply in Nowy Sącz. A numerical hydrogeological model of the capture area was prepared, which, after calibration, was used for quantitative predictions. The results show that the water exploitation potential (11,130 m3/d) is significantly higher than the current consumption (2,362 m3/d).
The paper presents the methodology of estimating costs related to the legal establishment of MGB protection areas designated in hydrogeological documentations. The methodology outlines the actions allowing for carrying out balance sheets of costs arising from the introduction of rules, prohibitions and restrictions on land or water use in protected areas, compiled with the benefits of current and potential use of groundwater and preservation of current water quality. Implementation of the methodology is intended to help in the rational evaluation of the correctness of establishing protected areas. Pilot calculations were made for MGB No. 138 Pradolina Toruń-Eberswalde. The costs and benefits were estimated at the amount of 31.6 million PLN and 483.2 million PLN, respectively. Finally, the legal basis for the establishment ofprotection areas for this groundwater basin was addressed positively.
River bank filtration (RBF) is a system that enriches groundwater resources by induced infiltration of river water to an aquifer. Problematic during operation of RBF systems is the deterioration of infiltration effectiveness caused by river bed clogging. This situation was observed in the Krajkowo well field which supplies fresh water to the city of Poznań (Poland) during and after the long hydrological drought between the years 1989 and 1992. The present note discusses results of specific hydrogeological research which included drilling of a net of boreholes to a depth of 10 m below river bottom (for sediment sampling as well as for hydrogeological measurements), analyses of grain size distribution and relative density studies. The results obtained have allowed the recognition of the origin of the clogging processes, as well as the documentation of the clogged parts of the river bottom designated for unclogging activities.
Artykuł powstał na bazie doświadczeń z uczestnictwa przedstawicieli Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego - Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego w pracach grup eksperckich działających przy Komisji Europejskiej, zajmujących się tematyką bilansowania zasobów wód podziemnych. Wykorzystano również materiały opracowane przez European Environment Agency (EEA) w 2015 roku. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na dwa wskaźniki, które dotyczą problematyki wód podziemnych i maja służyć monitorowaniu zjawiska suszy i niedoborów wody w Europie. Pierwszy -Gruyndvater Level Index (GWL) umożliwiłby identyfikację miesięcy o szczególnie niskim w wieloleciu położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych i wyznaczenie trendów wzniosu lub spadku położenia zwierciadła w bieżących miesiącach względem danych wieloletnich. Drugi – Water Exploitation Index (WEI orazWEI plus) miałby być wskaźnikiem definiującym poziom presji jaką wywiera ludzka działalność związana z poborem wody na naturalne zasoby wody słodkiej na danym obszarze. W artykule zawarto opis metodyki wyznaczania obydwu wskaźników, Zwrócono uwagę na potencjalnie niekorzystne skutki dla Polski wynikające z niewystarczającej szczegółowości proponowanego wskaźniku WEI w zakresie określenia wskaźnika poboru wód, ale przede wszystkim w zakresie rozbieżności w stosunku do krajowej metodyki szacowania odnawialnych zasobów wodnych. Obawy autorów związane są także z faktem dążenia Komisji do centralnego obliczania wskaźników, co wiązać sie może z problemem dokładności danych wejściowych, a w konsekwencji wiarygodnością końcowych wyników.
This article is based on the experience of Polish Geological Institute’s (PGI-NRI) experts, who took part in the European Commission’s (EC) specialist working groups devoted to the topic of groundwater resources balance. It also takes into consideration data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in 2015. The authors discuss two key indicators proposed by the Commission for monitoring droughts and water scarcity in Europe. The aim of first one – Groundwater Level Index (GWL), is to determine specific months of very low groundwater levels over an extended period and to identify patterns of change- increases and decreases of water levels – in any given month in relation to the long – term data. The aim of the second one – Water Exploitation Index (WEI, WEI+) is to assess the negative impact of human consumption of water on natural fresh water resources. The article includes description of the methodology for the determination of both indicators. It notes potential negative consequences for Poland in using the imprecise formula of the currently proposed WEI indicators in determining both the rate of water consumption, and in particular in estimating renewable water resources(there are significant differences between water assessment in the WEI’s formula and the national methodology). The authors also express concerns with the Commission’s proposed centralized calculation of indicators, which may affect accuracy of data input and, consequently, render the final results unreliable.
KINDRA (Knowledge Inventory for Hydrogeology Research) to Projekt wspólnotowy finansowany w ramach programu badawczego i innowacyjnego Unii Europejskiej – Horyzont 2020 (grant Nr 642047). Jego głównym celem jest podsumowanie stanu obecnej wiedzy naukowej i praktycznej w obszarze badań i rozwoju hydrogeologii w poszczególnych krajach europejskich. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki działań zrealizowanych w ramach pierwszego zadania, ukierunkowanego na rozpoznanie stanu dostępności źródeł informacji w dziedzinie hydrogeologii w krajach partnerskich. Wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej przez koordynatora Projektu wykazały znaczącą liczbę instytucji, których działalność w krajach europejskich może wspomóc prowadzenie badań w rozpatrywanej dziedzinie. Zajmują się one zarówno badaniami w zakresie określania zasobów wód podziemnych, jak również monitoringiem ich stanu. Wyniki ankiety pozwoliły na ustalenie zaangażowania krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej w prowadzenie polityki w zakresie wdrożenia zaleceń Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej 2000/60/ WE. Przeprowadzone rozpoznanie w odniesieniu do krajowych uwarunkowań wykazało znaczną liczbę instytucji, których działalność może stanowić wsparcie w badaniach oraz źródło informacji o zasobach i jakości wód podziemnych. Istotną rolę w dostępie do informacji stanowią też prace publikowane.
KINDRA (Knowledge Inventory for Hydrogeology Research) is an EU project funded by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Programme HORIZON 2020 (Grant Agreement No. 642047). The main objective of the project is the collection and storage of contemporary practical and scientific knowledge on hydrogeology research and the development this branch in selected European countries. This article shows the results of activities of the first stage of the KINDRA project. The challenge was recognizing the state of knowledge in the field of hydrogeology in the partner countries and the availability of sources of information. The survey results have shown a significant number of institutions, the activities of which can support research in the hydrogeology field in European countries. The results of the survey allowed the involvement of EU member countries in the implementation of the recommendations of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 /EC to be established. In Poland there are a lot of institutions, the activities of which may provide support to research or information about resources and groundwater quality. Papers published in science journals can play an important role in access to information.
W pracy przedstawiono nowe wyniki badań hydrogeologicznych wykonanych w celu rozpoznania złoża wód termalnych w Karpnikach, występującego w jeleniogórskim systemie geotermicznym. Scharakteryzowano m.in. warunki występowania i krążenia, skład izotopowy i fizykochemiczny wód termalnych. Oszacowano główne parametry termiczne złoża, takie jak: temperatura wody, gradient temperatury, przewodność cieplna i strumień cieplny. Dodatkowo porównano te parametry z warunkami geotermicznymi określonymi dla Dolnego Śląska.
New results of hydrogeological research carried out in order to identify deposits of Karpniki thermal waters occurring in Jelenia Gora geothermal system was presented in the article. The conditions of the occurrence and groundwater circulation, isotopic and physicochemical composition of Karpniki thermal waters have been characterized. The main parameters of the thermal reservoir, such as water temperature, the temperature gradient, the thermal conductivity and the heat flow were presented. In addition, these parameters were compared with the conditions of geothermal, which have been defined for the Lower Silesia.
W pracy zaprezentowano uwarunkowania eksploatacji stacji uzdatniania wody „Leśna” w Zabrzu czerpiącej wodę z zasobów triasowych. Przedstawiono uzyskany efekt technologiczny usuwania żelaza i manganu w zmodernizowanym układzie uzdatniania wody obejmującym ciśnieniowe napowietrzanie i filtrację na złożach dwuwarstwowych (piasek i masa G1). Zaprezentowano ponadto korzyści jakie uzyskano w efekcie przeprowadzonej modernizacji stacji.
The conditions of operation of the water treatment plant “Leśna” in Zabrze are presented in this paper. This water treatment plant draws groundwater from the Triassic resources. The technological efficiency of iron and manganese removal obtained in the modernized water treatment plant are shown. This technology includes pressure aeration and single-stage filtration (sand and mass G1). There are presented the obtained benefits on conducted modernization of water treatment plan “Leśna”.
Differences in the spatial variability of Na+ and K+ ion concentrations in the groundwater sourced in Southern Poland have been analysed. The study was based on selected hydrogeological environments differing in the lithology and geometry of aquifer rock voids. The hydrogeochemical background for Na+ and K+ ions was determined for various hydrogeological environments as well. The hydroge-ochemical background ranges obtained do not deviate significantly from the background ranges for groundwater observed in other areas of Poland. The analyses conducted indicate the presence of anomalous concentrations of Na+ and K+ ions in all hydrogeological environments often accompanied with significantly elevated concentrations of Cl- and SO42– ions. Owing to the fact that the data analysed exhibit a distribution deviating considerably from a normal one, non-parametric methods of statistical inference were used. The results obtained indicate statistically significant differences between the variabilities of Na+ and K+ ion concentrations in various hydrogeological environments. The factors responsible for such differences are lithological variability and different groundwater circulation systems.
Therapeutic waters, thermal waters and brines are considered as minerals and their exploitation is regulated by the act of geological and mining law on 9 June 2011 (Journal of Laws 2011 No 163, Item 981, as amended). It means that the term “deposit” is applicable for them. However, the specific of groundwaters is significantly different than of other minerals this is why determination of their boundaries brings many difficulties especially with regard to existing legal framework. The regulations do not take the renewability of groundwater resources and groundwater flow into account. In the article several issues connected with the lack of understandable rules referring to boundaries determination of brines, therapeutic and thermal waters were presented as well as some problems that occur due to various interpretation of the regulations. Some suggestions on the regulations changes were presented which may lead to solve the problem.
Content available Problem zasobów wód podziemnych
The term of groundwater resources was introduced to hydrogeology from economic geology similarly to the resources of ore bodies almost hundred years ago. It results years ago from the needs of physical planning, investment in new water intakes and water management. Discussion on the groundwater resources was started in the past after new method of their evaluation, e.g. analytical approaches, physical and then numerical modeling techniques implementation. The ecological aspects of water demands obliges to introduce new idea of quantities of groundwater resources estimation. This idea is also presented in the Water Framework Directive and in the water management planes in the water catchment areas.
The current water balance of Poland points to significant opportunities to increase the degree of groundwater resource development while maintaining the minimum acceptable flow as a required environmental goal for water bodies. The direction and range of changes expected to occur by 2050 will be diverse, which can cause periodic threats as regards the full meeting the water needs of the population, economy and groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Any supplementation to the activities for groundwater bodies indicated in water management plans, being currently updated for individual areas, and a considerable increase in expenditures for their implementation would contribute to better protection of groundwater resources and their optimal use.
Model of the Major Groundwater Basin (MGB) 133 Młotkowo was developed in order to analyze available water resources and verify boundaries of protection zone. MGB 133 Młotkowo is located in southern part of Krajeńskie Lakeland (NW Poland). Dimensions of the basin estimated by Kleczkowski et al. (1990) were uncertain, so area of the model is four times larger than the MGB 133 area. In order to gain the most reliable results detailed identification and verification of model parameters such as hydraulic conductivity of each layer, hydraulic conductivity of sediments in surface water bodies and recharge rate from precipitation was made. Results of the calculations confirm, that the groundwater basin is larger than it was assumed and eventually the disposable resources module is 8.58 m3/h/km2. The recharge zone is located inside the basin area, thus determination of protection zone boundaries of the basin as identical with boundaries of MGB 133 is sufficient.
Groundwater recharge calculations were made during the study of Gdańsk aquifer system resources and detailed research of it’s recharge area, in the central part of the Kashubian Lake District. Recharge was determined using several methods: the climatic method, water table fluctuation (WTF), local and regional model calculation, infiltration rate method, and base flow analysis. There were analyzed both: the amount of measured and corrected precipitation.
Hydrogeological problems are present in the district and provincial geologists' activity. Their taking into account is obligatory by the acts of law. The subject matter of the groundwater comes up in case of groundwater intakes (exploitation resources, geological works projects, groundwater withdrawal licenses) as well as in land use and industrial investments activity. In the current activity of the central and local government offices the essential is the access to the water management data which determines the effective process of issuing the licenses, decisions and agreements.
The paper presents legal aspects of searching, recognition and exploitation of groundwaters that are considered as minerals with a special attention to geothermal water resources. The chosen problems of geological works design were also presented in the article and several interpretation difficulties referring to groundwater resource boundaries determination in relation to spatial planning.
Exploitation of unconventional gas requires the use of hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells’ network, which allows the penetration of deposits over a large area. Despite the research to find innovative solutions, presently hydraulic fracturing is carried out using a fracturing fluid prepared on basis of water. The use of hydraulic fracturing on exploitation’s scale of unconventional gas (several horizontal wells at a single location) requires ensuring access to a large amount of water in a relatively short period of time. Analysis of possibilities of using of groundwater in areas of exploration and exploratory work is necessary at an early stage investment planning and should be one of the key factors determining the possibility of exploitation in the area. In this paper was carried out a variant analysis of the availability of groundwater resources in terms of their use for the purpose of exploitation.
The coal mine waste dumps located in the southern provinces of Poland pollute groundwater with metals. As a result of batch experiments presented in the paper, it can be said that it is possible to remove chromium and copper from the groundwater (which is affected by acid mine drainage, thus characterized by low pH) with the use of zero-valent iron in permeable reactive barrier technology. The contaminants are removed from the aquifer by the flow of groundwater through a reactive barrier filled with a special reactive material. Rapid metal removal likely occurred due to the reduction and the precipitation/co-precipitation and/or due to the adsorption onto the iron metal surface or/and onto the iron corrosion products. In accordance with the research it has also been found that in more alkaline environment, the oxidation of Fe(0) proceeds slower. A rapid decrease of the redox potential as well as the increases of pH have also been observed in the batch tests when the dose of Fe(0) in solutions increased.
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