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Purpose: The aim of the study was to rate the employee’s productivity on different work day organization and to indicate the most optimal work schedule. Design/methodology/approach: For the research presented in this paper, strong literature review was done. We showed why human workforce is so important in tissue culture laboratory and why proper work organization is essential for increasing competitiveness of companies. Literature in the field of overtime work and short, elastic hours of work was also presented. Our research design checked effectiveness of work of ten employees of tissue culture laboratory in five different workday schedules. First combination was control and four other investigated influence of six hour work on main task in different arrangements on productivity. Data was statistically analysed with Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA. Productivity Index and Labour Productivity Index were also used for better results processing. Findings: The highest employees productivity is concentrated in the middle of work day. In conventional eight hour workday, the highest productivity is just after fifteen minute break. Six hour workday has big potential in increasing work, especially when main task is not interrupted by other activities and when work starts at the beginning of workday. Research limitations/implications: In future, research should be expanded on employees efficiency in work with bioreactor and costs analysis of plant production in such system. Practical implications: Our results are directed to plant tissue culture companies and others where employees are essential and their work requires concentration during repetitive activities. We suggest solutions increasing work efficiency. Originality/value: Our work presents hour after hour analysis of work efficiency in different workday organization in plant tissue culture company.
In the paper the problem of personnel allocation under threat was presented. The possibilities of undertaking optimization measures in the process of workers’ health and safety and expenses incurred were emphasized. A mathematical model for this issue has been formulated. An algorithm solving the problem of staff allocation was presented. The evaluation criterion for this assignment was the minimization of worker safety risks. Simultaneous optimization of expenses incurred in the implementation of production tasks was taken into account. The productivity of the staff and all existing jobs with the skills of the employees also was considered. This problem was solved using GNU Octave. The example presented in the paper shows that in case of the most unfavorable allocation of tasks to employees, it will lead to a significant reduction in profits and may increase the risk of undesirable situations. The proposed analysis is the starting point for determining the risk in case of multi-position work.
Purpose: The paper discusses a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of mobbing within an organization. It shows its characteristics and the causes of this negative phenomenon in an enterprise. It presents the profile of both a mobber and a victim of mobbing. It outlines the course of mobbing, the tactics used in the process and its effects. Design/methodology/approach: Literature research of the subject was carried out. Findings: It also indicates the methods of mobbing prevention, with particular emphasis on the broadly understood prophylaxis, both on the level of organization and the employee. Research limitations/implications: (not applicable) Practical implications: Managerial staff should also develop (or delegate this task to HR or PR department) a program of anti-mobbing activities, taking into account the nature of the organization, improve their qualifications on the management of ethical conflicts, and promote ethical behaviour in the enterprise or institution: promote good practices, appreciate positive behaviour and strongly condemn unethical behaviour. Social implications: Mobbing is a phenomenon that has existed for a long time, but in recent years, in countries where human rights are respected, it was decided to fight this pathology. Originality/value: Mobbing prevention in an enterprise must be a systemic action. First and foremost, it concerns the employer, who should introduce anti-mobbing procedures and immediately react to unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. Employees can also protect themselves from mobbing.
The strategy should be designed in such a way as the risk management can operate not only as a system for avoiding losses, but also risk management should allow recognizing and making use of occasions and create new opportunities for the organization. Risk management includes both an evaluation (analytical and evaluation) undertaking as well as planning and control activities aimed at minimizing (reducing) risk or maintaining it at an acceptable level. Security management can in particular be reduced to the issue of risk management, because risk is a quantitative expression of the functioning of systems in an environment where there are active sources of threats to system security. The article presents the problem of personnel allocation in hazardous conditions, emphasizing the possibilities of undertaking optimization actions in the safety management process. A mathematical model was formulated for this issue. An algorithm solving the problem of personnel allocation is presented. The proposed analysis is the starting point for determining the risk when using multi-station work.
The paper focuses on the issues related to motivating employees to work safely in the enterprise. The characteristics of the motivational process and definitions are presented. The general approach to the process of employee motivation is discussed, including the instruments used to stimulate work motivation, both pay and non-pay methods of motivation, e.g. the possibility of promotion, participation. The chosen model of activities shaping safe behavior of employees was also presented, as well as specific methods and means of motivating to work safely.
The proper organization of work is to set the workflow to the slightest effort of man and machine operation to obtain maximum results. The article presents the problem of the allocation of personnel that occurs in a real company. The mathematical model for this issue was formulated. An algorithm solving the problem of personnel allocation is presented. The proposed analysis is a starting point for determining the production capacity and load of each workstation, which is particularly important when using multi-station work and balancing the production line.
Właściwa organizacja pracy polega na takim ustawieniu przebiegu pracy, aby przy najmniejszym nakładzie pracy człowieka lub urządzeń uzyskiwać maksymalne rezultaty działania. Artykuł prezentuje problem przydziału personelu, który występuje w rzeczywistej firmie świadczącej usługi budowlane. Sformułowano model matematyczny dla tego zagadnienia. Przedstawiono algorytm rozwiązujący problem alokacji personelu. Zaproponowana analiza stanowi punkt wyjścia do określenia możliwości usługowych oraz obciążenia każdego pracownika, co jest szczególnie istotne w przypadku stosowania pracy wielostanowiskowej.
The proper organization of work is to set the workflow to the slightest effort of man and machine operation to obtain maximum results. The article presents the problem of the allocation personnel, that occurs in a real company that provides construction services. The mathematical model for this issue was formulated. An algorithm solving the problem of personnel allocation is presented. The proposed analysis is a starting point for determining the production capacity and load of each workstation, which is particularly important when using multi-station work.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania oprogramowania komputerowego CapePack do wspomagania planowania paletyzacji i załadunku w przedsiębiorstwach, a także omówienie podstawowych elementów procesu transportowego oraz warunków formowania jednostek ładunkowych i ich głównych cech. Dodatkowo, w opracowaniu scharakteryzowano poszczególne moduły programu CapePack wraz z możliwościami ich wykorzystania, a także zaprezentowano jego praktyczne zastosowanie do planowania dowozu środków bojowych i materiałowych podczas ćwiczeń wojskowych.
Responsibility and effectiveness of realization tasks related to state security and defense is strongly dependent to organization of work in the departments of local government units. It is also determined by the knowledge and experience of their employees, as well as the scope of assigned professional duties or adjustment the organizational structure to the range of the tasks performed. In this article the attention was focused on poviat and gmina offices examined in terms of properly preparation of employees to perform functions related to the defense system. The way of work organization, adjustment of conducted trainings to educational needs and the level of knowledge and skills were analyzed. Also the reception of these employees by supervisors, colleagues or the local community were checked. The basis of the study was both expert interviews with representatives of poviats specialized in security matters, as well as an online questionnaire survey addressed to communes in the Mazowieckie province. The applications received allowed to diagnose some aspects of organization a self-government offices, leading to the conclusion about some required corrections. They were discussed in the article.
This paper explores how remote work is perceived by young employees. On the basis of literature review, pilot study was undertaken (sample Olson, 1983, DeSanctis, 1984, Bailey, and Kurland, 2002; Madsen, 2011; Grant, Wallace, and Spurgeon, 2013). The results of the pilot study undertaken in Poland confirmed literature findings. It turned out that the most important for young remote workers are: flexible working hours and saving time on commuting to work. The main disadvantages of remote work include: difficulty in separating home affairs from the professional ones, social isolation and greater organizational requirements. The results of pilot study proved that other benefits and drawbacks are irrelevant. An interesting phenomenon is that in the age of social networking and extensive communication tools the second disadvantage of remote working for young remote workers is the risk of social isolation.
Content available Adaptation of the 6S method in a farm
The article presents the 6S methodology which may support functioning of enterprises and farms through facilitation of work organization and improvement of occupational safety and health. A definition was presented and implementation stages of the 6S methodology steps were described. Trends in adaptive changes which have to be carried out in order to adjust the 6S methodology to the requirements of a farm were indicated. Schemes of procedure during subsequent stages of implementation of the 6S method were developed and the most significant elements which should be considered during implementation of the method were indicated. Threats which could occur during implementation of the 6S methodology principles and opportunities of an enterprise after implementation of the described method were analysed.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę 6S mogącą wspomóc funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw oraz gospodarstw rolnych przez usprawnienie organizacji pracy oraz poprawiającą bezpieczeństwo i higienę pracy. Zaprezentowano definicję oraz krótko scharakteryzowano etapy wdrażania kolejnych kroków metody 6S. Wskazano kierunki zamian adaptacyjnych koniecznych do zrealizowania w celu przystosowania metody 6S do wymagań gospodarstwa rolnego. Opracowano schematy postępowania podczas kolejnych etapów wdrażania metody 6S wraz ze wskazaniem najważniejszych elementów, na które należy zwrócić uwagę podczas wdrażania metody. Przeanalizowano zagrożenia mogące wystąpić podczas wprowadzania zasad metody 6S oraz szanse, jakie przedsiębiorstwo może osiągnąć wdrażając opisaną metodę.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty dotyczące organizacji pracy na stanowiskach pracy wyposażonych w maszyny ręczne. Uwzględniono wymagania prawne i dobre praktyki oraz opisano różne rozwiązania techniczne. Scharakteryzowano problemy związane z doborem maszyn oraz ich obsługą i konserwacją. Odwołując się do wyników przeprowadzonych badań wskazano, że ze względu wzrost grupy starszych operatorów istotny jest także właściwy dobór pracowników do rodzajów wykonywanych prac oraz zmniejszenie obciążenia układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego kończyn górnych z powodu zmniejszających się możliwości fizycznych tej grupy pracowników.
This paper presents selected aspects of the organization of work at workstations equipped with hand-held machines. It considers legal requirements and discusses various technical solutions. It also considers problems related to machine selection and operation, and maintenance. The results of the study show that due to the increasing number of older operators, it is important to select the right workers for specific types of work. Due to the deceasing physical capabilities of this group of workers, it is necessary to reduce musculoskeletal load of the upper limbs.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań obserwacyjnych, jakie przeprowadzono w jednym ze śląskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych. Badania miały na celu doskonalenie procesu utrzymania ruchu, a skupiły się na analizie wykorzystania czasu pracy przez pracowników. Pomiarów dokonano dla trzech losowo wybranych osób. Zidentyfikowano najważniejsze czynności wykonywane przez pracowników oraz przyporządkowano je do czasu efektywnego – poświęcanego na codzienne obowiązki związane z utrzymywaniem w sprawności środków technicznych, pomocniczego – polegającego na czynnościach o charakterze przygotowawczym i administracyjnym oraz czasu nieefektywnego, w ramach którego pracownicy wykonywali czynności nie mające związku z wykonywaną pracą. Wśród czynności nieefektywnych i pomocniczych wyodrębniono te, których czas był najdłuższy. W celu zmniejszenia ich trwania wykorzystano metodę 5 Why. Dzięki niej rozpoznano przyczyny odpowiedzialne za występowanie zbyt długich czasów trwania czynności pomocniczych. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy zaproponowano działania korygujące mające na celu skrócenie czasu wykonywania tych czynności wraz z systemem ich oceny, co w konsekwencji powinno przyczynić się do poprawy efektywności pracy pracowników utrzymania ruchu.
The article presents the results of observational studies conducted in one of Silesian production companies. The research was aimed at improving the maintenance process and focused on the analysis of utilization of working time by the employees. The measurements were taken for three randomly chosen persons. The most important actions performed by the employees were identified and assigned to effective time – spent on everyday duties connected with maintaining the functionality of technical equipment, auxiliary time – dedicated to preparatory and administrative activities, and ineffective time, during which the employees performed actions not connected with their work. Among the ineffective and auxiliary actions those which took the longest were separated. In order to reduce their duration, the 5-Why method was used. It allowed us to identify the causes responsible for the overly long duration of auxiliary actions. As a result of the analysis conducted, corrective measures were proposed aimed at reducing the duration of those actions along with a system for their assessment, which should lead to an improvement in the efficiency of maintenance department employees.
Artykuł poświęcony jest wybranym aspektom i problemom związanym z planowaniem i koordynacją robót przy realizacji rozbudowy szpitala specjalistycznego. Konieczność spełnienia wielu wymagań, wynikających z usług świadczonych w szpitalu i dostosowania organizacji robót do wymagań normowych, skutecznie determinuje sprawne przeprowadzenie procesu inwestycyjnego.
This paper is devoted to selected aspects and problems of planning and coordination of construction work during the erection of a specialized hospital. The necessity to meet the number of requirements (resulting from services provided in the hospital and adapting of construction work organization for standard requirements, effectively determines the efficient conduct of the investment process.
Content available remote Modelowanie pracy brygady roboczej w warunkach ryzyka
Modelowanie pracy zespołu roboczego w warunkach ryzyka oznacza identyfikację warunków losowych budowy, zaprojektowanie organizacji oraz probabilistyczne oszacowanie kosztu i czasu wykonania robót. Dane te są niezbędne do oszacowania kosztów i opracowania harmonogramu budowy. Brygada złożona składa się z zespołów (zasobów) elementarnych, które powinny harmonijnie współpracować podczas wykonywania robót. Z tego punktu widzenia jest określany elementarny zespół prowadzący. Odpowiednio do jego możliwości wyznaczana jest liczba zespołów elementarnych. Czas pracy brygady złożonej wyznacza zespół prowadzący. Całkowity czas pracy złożonej brygady roboczej zależy od współdziałania i organizacji pracy zespołów elementarnych.
Modeling of operation of a working team in risk conditions means identification of random construction conditions, designing organization of the team and probabilistic estimation of the cost and time of its work. These data are required to estimate and develop a schedule of construction. Complex working team consists of elementary teams (resources) which should cooperate harmoniously during the execution of works execution. From this point view the leading elementary team is determined. According to its capability the number of elementary teams is adjusted. Time of the complex team work determines a leading elementary team. The total time of work of the complex working team depends on cooperation and organization of work of the elementary teams.
The article presents the results of analysis, the use of continuous flow of logic at the stage of production planning and control of the company producing furniture. The concept of continuous flow tends to regulate the flow of materials in a manner that provides the shortest flow path without unnecessary activities (Muda is a Japanese word meaning waste), a constant takt and defined throughput at constant resource requirements for the so-called transfer of material through the whole process. In the study Glenday’d sieve method was used to identify the correct area, which requires the value stream mapping, and areas called excessive complexity, which do not provide added value. The use of Glenday’s sieve method made it possible to identify areas in which it must be improve production capacity.
W artykule zajęto się problemem partycypacji pracowników w systemie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w przedsiębiorstwie. Przedstawiono zagadnienie partycypacji, a także wyniki badań empirycznych obrazujących badany problem. Pokazano także korzyści wynikające z partycypacji pracowników w systemie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem.
This article dealt with the problem of employee involvement in a safety management system. The article describes the issue of participation, as well as empirical studies illustrating the above mentioned problem in a selected company. The benefits of the employee involvement in the safety management system are also shown.
W artykule opisane zostały wyniki badań analitycznych dotyczące wpływu wybranych grup czynników na efektywność pracy podczas realizacji procedur chirurgicznych techniką laparoskopową. Badania przeprowadzone zostały w rzeczywistym środowisku pracy personelu medycznego, co pozwoliło na dokonanie wiarygodnej klasyfikacji grup czynników oraz identyfikacji zdarzeń krytycznych w poszczególnych grupach. Opisane zdarzenia krytyczne dały podstawę do opracowania drzewa zdarzeń, które pozwoliło na zdefiniowanie zależności przyczynowo-skutkowych w całym procesie realizacji procedur chirurgicznych.
The research outcomes including analytical study on the impact of selected group of factors on work effectiveness during laparoscopic surgeries are presented in the article. The research was performed in the real working environment of medical staff, what was helpful in defining reliable classification of the group of factors and identifying critical events in the certain groups. The described critical events were the basis for developing event tree, and hence defining cause-and-effect relationships within the whole surgical procedures.
If market repeatability is assumed, it is possible with some real probability to deduct short term market changes by making some calculations. The algorithm, based on logical and statistically reasonable scheme to make decisions about opening or closing position on a market, is called an automated strategy. Due to market volatility, all parameters are changing from time to time, so there is need to constantly optimize them. This article describes a team organization process when researching market strategies. Individual team members are merged into small groups, according to their responsibilities. The team members perform data processing tasks through a cascade organization, providing solutions to speed up work related to the use of remote computing resources. They also work out how to store results in a suitable way, according to the type of task, and facilitate the publication of a large amount of results.
The aim of this article is to assess the impact of Lean Manufacturing tools on the work organization of two selected manufacturing company’s departments. In order to determine the effectiveness of lean concept, organizational measures were presented. They were to improve production process efficiency of the analyzed departments. The following were analyzed: standardization of the selected worksites and time reduction of tasks performance in a production process during a changeover. The study confirmed a research hypothesis that implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools guarantees time and resources savings, improves company’s operation, eliminates waste.
Celem artykułu jest ocena wpływu narzędzi Lean Manufacturing na organizację pracy dwóch wybranych działów przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjnego W celu określenia skuteczności koncepcji lean przedstawiono działania organizacyjne poprawiające wydajność procesu produkcji analizowanych działów. Do analizy wykorzystano standaryzację wybranych stanowisk pracy oraz skrócenie czasu wykonywania zadań w procesie produkcyjnym w czasie trwania przezbrojenia. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły potwierdzić hipotezę badawczą, że wykorzystanie narzędzi koncepcji Lean Manufacturing gwarantuje oszczędność czasu, zasobów, poprawia funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa, eliminuje marnotrawstwo.
It has become almost impossible to have engineering and construction projects completed within the initial time and cost; this is a result of many factors the industry is being plagued with ranging from estimating time and cost. This paper presents strategic methodology that fosters effective engineering and construction projects management with respect to duration/time - cost. The project success is a two-faced phenomenon. On the one hand, project success can be approached from a triangular point of view of project objectives. Performance, cost, time, quality, and safety of a given particular project should be in accordance with the strategic objectives of work logics and methodology at the workflow organization. The main objective of this research is to develop methodology that will help company or individual construction practitioners achieve profitable objectives in the execution of construction projects. For this reason, use of multiple methods of work organization and their competitive model involving several considerations of a wide range of factors, (besides profit maximization and competition) that affect the margin-size decision; use of qualitative and subjective appropriate work organization, to more realistically capture the decision-making process were suggested. The defined optimum construction project works duration should be made in view of all major influential factors as pointed out in this paper (determinate and indeterminate) resulting into deviation of the estimated time and budget cost. At the consideration of the factors the most likely project duration time and it corresponding cost should be regulated (controlled) and some part of the estimates should be saved in form of insurance, and consequently profitable project would be achieved despite the influences of all factors affecting the project.
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