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The repair and restoration work implemented in inactive well stocks has led to the resolution of clustering issues based on their purpose. It has been determined that in case of clusters of accident-prone wells, the implementation of repair and restoration works and their return to the operational fund, must be carried out based on economic and technical efficiency. The corresponding analysis revealed that clusters characterizing the accident rates include issues with downhole pipes, downhole motors, tools and devices, packers, bottom hole drill pipes, cables, ropes, wires, and others types of accidents. This paper presents the accumulated results of realized RRW (repair restoration works) based on field experience for formalization and automation in developing decision-making technologies and selecting accident elimination strategy in appropriate field conditions. Various technologies have been developed for the elimination process, using appropriate equipment. Repair and restoration work for corresponding codes is proposed based on field statistical information. The economic feasibility of the obtained results and their application are classified on the basis of boundary conditions defined by developed logical stages. The logical stages are drawn up using information about field parameters, including well conditions, the location of the accident object in the well, realized technology, and appropriate technical means. As a result of the analysis of SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) fund of accident-prone wells, 24 possible options for the implementation of RRW have been identified for the aforementioned clusters. Lists of the existing tool park, functional design parameters, and technological modes necessary for each accident cluster have been determined to implement decision-making technologies.
Prace naprawcze i rekonstrukcyjne prowadzane w nieaktywnych odwiertach eksploatacyjnych pozwoliły rozwiązać problem grupowania odwiertów w zależności od ich przeznaczenia. Ustalono, że w przypadku klastrów odwiertów narażonych na uszkodzenia, realizacja prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych oraz ich powrót do eksploatacji musi odbywać się w oparciu o efektywność ekonomiczną i techniczną. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że klastry odznaczające się wysokim wskaźnikiem awaryjności obejmują awarie rur wiertniczych, silników wgłębnych, narzędzi i urządzeń, pakerów, rur wydobywczych, kabli, lin, przewodów oraz inne rodzaje awarii. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zgromadzone wyniki prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych w oparciu o doświadczenia terenowe, w celu formalizacji i automatyzacji opracowywania technologii decyzyjnych i wyboru strategii eliminacji awarii w odpowiednich warunkach terenowych. Opracowano różne technologie procesu eliminacji, przy użyciu odpowiedniego sprzętu. Prace naprawcze i rekonstrukcyjne wraz z odpowiadającymi im kodami zostały zaproponowane w oparciu o dane statystyczne z terenu. Możliwość wdrożenia uzyskanych wyników z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia i ich zastosowanie są klasyfikowane na podstawie warunków brzegowych określonych przez opracowane etapy logiczne. Etapy logiczne są opracowywane z wykorzystaniem informacji o parametrach terenowych, w tym warunkach odwiertu, lokalizacji obiektu podatnego na awarie w odwiercie, wdrożonej technologii i odpowiednich środkach technicznych. W wyniku analizy zestawu odwiertów SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) podatnych na awarie zidentyfikowano 24 możliwe opcje wdrożenia prac naprawczych i rekonstrukcyjnych dla wyżej wymienionych klastrów. W celu wdrożenia technologii decyzyjnych określono listy istniejącego parku narzędzi, funkcjonalne parametry projektowe i tryby technologiczne niezbędne dla każdego klastra awarii.
The objective of this study is to assess the threat of contaminating groundwater originating from the first exploitative aquifer level in the municipality of Bodzentyn within the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship. The analysis included 23 representative groundwater intakes from MHP 816 Bodzentyn sheet. The various potential sources of groundwater contamination were identified. The intrinsic vulnerability of the first aquifer to contamination and the water recharge area were determined. In the results intakes potentially threatened by anthropogenic pollution were indicated. Providing information on the potential risks of groundwater contamination will help better plan environmental and decision-making activities in this area. The results can serve as a basis for policy development, land use and sustainable resource management in the municipality of Bodzentyn.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ocena zagrożenia zanieczyszczeniem wód podziemnych pochodzących z pierwszego eksploatowanego poziomu wodonośnego w gminie Bodzentyn na terenie województwa świętokrzyskiego. Analizą objęto 23 reprezentatywne ujęcia wód podziemnych z arkusza MHP 816 Bodzentyn. Zidentyfikowano różne potencjalne źródła zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych. Określono wewnętrzną podatność pierwszego poziomu wodonośnego na zanieczyszczenie oraz obszar zasilania. W wynikach wskazano ujęcia potencjalnie zagrożone zanieczyszczeniami antropogenicznymi. Dostarczenie informacji na temat potencjalnego ryzyka zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych pomoże lepiej zaplanować działania środowiskowe i decyzyjne na tym obszarze. Wyniki mogą służyć jako podstawa do rozwoju polityki, zagospodarowania przestrzennego i zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami w gminie Bodzentyn.
The application of a systematic approach is crucial in the design, operation, and maintenance of lifting complexes in oil and gas wells. Lifting complexes play a vital role in the extraction of hydrocarbons by facilitating the movement of drilling tools, pipes, and other equipment in and out of the wellbore. The principles of a systematic approach and their significanc in ensuring the safe and efficient functioning of lifting complexes are outlined. The systematic approach involves the integration of various elements, including technology, personnel, processes, and equipment, to achieve desired outcomes. In the context of lifting complexes, the principles of a systematic approach are applied at different stages, from the initial design to the ongoing operation and maintenance. During the design phase, a systematic approach is essential to consider all the factors that influence the lifting complex's performance. This includes assessing the well's characteristics, such as depth, pressure, and geological formations, to determine the appropriate lifting capacity and equipment requirements. Additionally, factors like safety regulations, environmental considerations, and operational efficiency are taken into account to optimize the design. Once the lifting complex is operational, the systematic approach continues to play a crucial role. It involves implementing robust management systems, including quality control, maintenance procedures, and safety protocols. Regular inspections and preventive maintenance help identify potential issues and ensure the reliability of the lifting complex. Furthermore, the systematic approach emphasizes the training and qualification of personnel involved in the operation of lifting complexes. Proper training enables operators to understand the complexities of the equipment, follow standard procedures, and respond effectively to any unexpected situations. Continuous learning and skill development programs contribute to maintaining a high level of professionalism and safety awareness. The application of a systematic approach also includes ongoing monitoring and analysis of performance indicators. This allows for the identification of areas for improvement and the implementation of corrective measures to enhance efficiency, reduce downtime, and mitigate risks. In conclusion, the systematic approach is essential for the successful operation of lifting complexes in oil and gas wells. By considering all relevant factors, integrating technology and personnel, and implementing robust management systems, the systematic approach ensures the safe, efficient, and sustainable extraction of hydrocarbons. Adhering to the principles of a systematic approach leads to optimized designs, improved performance, and increased overall effectiveness of lifting complexes in the oil and gas industry.
W projektowaniu, eksploatacji i konserwacji zespołów dźwigowych w odwiertach naftowych i gazowych kluczowe znaczenie ma zastosowanie systematycznego podejścia. Zespoły dźwigowe odgrywają istotną rolę w wydobyciu węglowodorów, umożliwiając przemieszczanie narzędzi wiertniczych, rur i innego sprzętu do i z odwiertu. W niniejszym streszczeniu przedstawiono zasady systematycznego podejścia i ich znaczenie dla zapewnienia bezpiecznego i wydajnego funkcjonowania zespołów dźwigowych. Systematyczne podejście obejmuje integrację różnych elementów, w tym technologii, personelu, procesów i sprzętu, w celu osiągnięcia pożądanych rezultatów. W kontekście zespołów dźwigowych zasady systematycznego podejścia są stosowane na różnych etapach, od wstępnego projektu do bieżącej eksploatacji i konserwacji. W fazie projektowania systematyczne podejście jest niezbędne do rozważenia wszystkich czynników, które wpływają na wydajność zespołu dźwigowego. Obejmuje to ocenę cech odwiertu, takich jak głębokość, ciśnienie i formacje geologiczne, w celu określenia odpowiedniego udźwigu i wymagań sprzętowych. Dodatkowo, uwzględniane są czynniki takie jak przepisy bezpieczeństwa, względy środowiskowe i wydajność operacyjna w celu optymalizacji projektu. Systematyczne podejście odgrywa kluczową rolę także po uruchomieniu zespołu dźwigowego. Obejmuje ono wdrażanie skutecznych systemów zarządzania, w tym kontroli jakości, procedur konserwacji i protokołów bezpieczeństwa. Regularne kontrole i konserwacja zapobiegawcza pozwalają zidentyfikować potencjalne problemy i zapewnić niezawodność działania zespołów dźwigowych. Ponadto systematyczne podejście kładzie nacisk na szkolenie i kwalifikacje personelu obsługującego zespoły dźwigowe. Odpowiednie szkolenie pomaga operatorom zrozumieć złożoność sprzętu, postępować zgodnie ze standardowymi procedurami i skutecznie reagować na wszelkie nieoczekiwane sytuacje. Programy ciągłego uczenia się i rozwoju umiejętności przyczyniają się do utrzymania wysokiego poziomu profesjonalizmu i wiedzy na temat bezpieczeństwa. Stosowanie systematycznego podejścia obejmuje również bieżące monitorowanie i analizę wskaźników wydajności. Pozwala to na identyfikację obszarów wymagających poprawy i wdrożenie środków naprawczych w celu zwiększenia wydajności, skrócenia przestojów i ograniczenia ryzyka. Podsumowując, systematyczne podejście jest niezbędne w celu zapewnienia sprawnego działania zespołów dźwigowych w odwiertach naftowych i gazowych. Poprzez uwzględnienie wszystkich istotnych czynników, zintegrowanie technologii i personelu oraz wdrożenie solidnych systemów zarządzania, systematyczne podejście pozwala na bezpieczne, wydajne i zrównoważone wydobycie węglowodorów. Przestrzeganie zasad systematycznego podejścia prowadzi do optymalizacji projektów, poprawy wydajności i zwiększenia ogólnej efektywności zespołów dźwigowych w przemyśle naftowym i gazowym.
An analysis of numerous well data from the Karabagly and Kursangi monocline regions in Azerbaijan showed that the main reasons of natural curvature are structural and geological conditions of wells. In contrast to a number of fields where wells are naturally bent in only one direction under the combination of geological, technical and technological factors, there are three other directions in the areas of the Karabagly and Kursangi monocline. It is suggested that according to the proposed technology, drilling intervals are minimized by an assembly with a crooked sub, and the technical and economic parameters of drilling are improved. With an increase in the content of alkaline reagents in the drilling fluid, despite a significant decrease in the absolute value of fluid loss, the likelihood of complications increases. One of the main requirements for maintaining the integrity and stability of the wellbore is the prevention of filtration. This condition imposes a certain limitation on the amount of fluid loss in drilling fluids. In drilling practice, it is necessary to strive not only to minimize the fluid loss of flushing fluids, but also to the qualitative and quantitative evaluate various additives that slow down their physical and chemical impact on the rocks forming the walls of the well.
Analiza licznych danych otworowych z rejonu monokliny Karabagly i Kursangi w Azerbejdżanie wykazała, że głównymi przyczynami naturalnej krzywizny są warunki strukturalne i geologiczne otworów. W przeciwieństwie do wielu złóż węglowodorów, na których odwierty są naturalnie wygięte tylko w jednym kierunku pod wpływem kombinacji czynników geologicznych, technicznych i technologicznych, na obszarach monokliny Karabagly i Kursangi występują jeszcze trzy inne kierunki. Zgodnie z proponowaną technologią należy zminimalizować interwały wierceń poprzez montaż w zestawie przewodu wiertniczego zakrzywionego łącznika, co pozwala na poprawę wskaźników techniczno-ekonomicznych wiercenia. Wraz ze wzrostem zawartości odczynników alkalicznych w płuczce, pomimo znacznego spadku wartości bezwzględnej utraty płynów, wzrasta prawdopodobieństwo komplikacji wiertniczych. Jednym z głównych warunków zachowania integralności i stabilności odwiertu jest zapobieganie filtracji płuczki. Warunek ten nakłada pewne ograniczenia na wielkość utraty płynu w płuczkach wiertniczych. W praktyce wiertniczej należy dążyć nie tylko do minimalizacji ubytków filtratu z płuczki, ale także do jakościowej i ilościowej syntezy różnych dodatków spowalniających fizyczne i chemiczne oddziaływanie na skały budujące ścianę odwiertu.
In times of water scarcity, groundwater is a vital resource that provides an alternate source of water for human consumption. In Iraq, the quality of rivers has been greatly affected by climate change and the dwindling availability of surface water. Examining and classifying the groundwater in this region is now vital. The present study sought to incorporate the groundwater property data (drinking purpose) with a geographic information system (GIS). Eleven variables were measured in 25 wells to investigate the physio-chemical properties around the Babylon province of Iraq. On the basis of the acceptability of groundwater for drinking, GWQI was categorized into four primary groups in the results. Approximately 28% of the twenty-five wells (1811.04 km2) are of excellent quality, 24% are of good quality (1552.3 km2), 44% are of low quality (2845.9 km2), and 4% are extremely contaminated (2587.2 km2). The average GWQI for the entire study region was 110.7, making it inappropriate for human consumption. It has been determined that approximately 52% of the groundwater from the examined wells can be deemed safe for consumption, although certain measurements surpass the permissible limits. To guarantee that the residents in these areas are supplied with water of superior quality and safety, treatment of the tested groundwater is recommended before use.
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to study the processes of hydrate formation during the operation of wells and underground gas storage facilities. Development of a set of measures aimed at the prediction and timely prevention of hydrate formation in wells and technological equipment of gas storage facilities under different geological and technological conditions. Design/methodology/approach: The prediction of hydrate formation processes was carried out using a neural network that is a software product with weight factors calculated in MATLAB environment and the ability to adapt parameters of the network specified to updated and supplemented input data during its operation. So, within the MATLAB software environment, a software module of a two-layer artificial neural network with a random set of weight factors is created at the first stage. In the second stage, the neural network is trained using experimental field input/output data set, output data. In the third stage, an artificial neural network is used as a means of predicting hydrate formation with the ability to refine weight factors during its operation subject to obtaining additional updated data, as an input set, for modifying the coefficients and, accordingly, improving the algorithm for predicting of an artificial neural network. In the absence of new data for the additional training of an artificial neural network, it is used as a computing tool that, on the basis of input data about the current above-mentioned selected technological parameters of fluid in the pipeline, ensures the output values in the range from 0 to 1 (or from 0 to 100%), that indicates the probability of hydrates formation in the controlled section of the pipeline. Application of such an approach makes it possible to teach; additionally that is, to improve the neural network; therefore this means of predicting hydrate formations objectively increases reliability of results obtained in the process of predicting and functioning of the system. The authors of the work recommend to carry out an integrated approach to ensure clear control over the operation mode of wells and gas collection points. Findings: According to the results of experimental studies, the places of the most likely deposition of hydrates in underground gas storage facilities were identified, in particular, in the inside space of the flowline in places of accumulation of liquid contaminants (lowered pipeline sections) and an adjustable choke of the gas collection point. The available methods used to prevent and eliminate hydrate formation both in wells and at gas field equipment were analyzed. Such an analysis made it possible to put together a list of methods that are most appropriate for the conditions of gas storage facilities in Ukraine. The method of predicting hydrate formation in certain sections of pipelines based on algorithms of artificial neural networks is proposed. The developed methodology based on data on values of temperatures and pressures in certain sections of pipelines allows us to predict the beginning of the hydrate formation process at certain points with high accuracy and take appropriate measures. Research limitations/implications: To increase the efficiency of solving the problem of hydrate formation in gas storage facilities, it is expedient to introduce new approaches to timely predict complications, in particular, the use of neural networks and diverse measures. Practical implications: Implementation of the developed predicting methodology and methods and measures to prevent and eliminate hydrate formation in wells and technological equipment in underground gas storage facilities will increase the operation efficiency of underground gas storage facilities. Originality/value: The use of artificial intelligence to predict hydrate formations in flowlines of wells and technological equipment of underground gas storage facilities is proposed. Using this approach to predict and function the system as a whole ensures high reliability of the results obtained due to adaptation of the system to the specified control conditions.
The function of breaking deformations within the rock mass in the bottomhole of a hydromechanical drilling well is dependent on various technological means and methods. A sequential analysis has been conducted to identify the most influential factors in this process. Positive features of hydromechanical drilling have been outlined from the viewpoint of effective intensification of basic technical and economic parameters of the process of well construction with different purposes. Complete operational similarity and technological interconnection of a mechanism of the formation of different parts of a hydromechanical drilling well have been shown in terms of their stipulation by the properties of rock formations and mode support of a well construction process. Top-priority of a hydromechanical drilling type has been proved to generate as many parameters of dynamic effect on rock mass, which results in the increasing scope of bottomhole breaking processes. Attention has been paid to the study of the problem of tool support for drilling operations from the viewpoint of tracing the nature of bottomhole processes running in terms of different technical and technological factors. The possibility and necessity of using surface-active substances (SAS) as the main activators of positive deformation interactions in the “metal pellets – rock” pair have been proved and substantiated; use will be based on the developed methodological approaches of rational selection of a component-concentration composition of a breaking medium. Originality. The efficiency of a hydromechanical drilling type is stipulated by the degree of dynamic effect on the rock bottomhole; depending on its geological-mineralogical and physicomechanical features, it can be intensified by increasing frequency of impacting, interpretation of the effecting mechanism, variation of the cleaning agent type as well as directed activation of the manifestation of surface and interphase interactions. Practical implications. The represented results of analytical and laboratory-experimental studies are the basis for the development of methodological foundations to elaborate the mode parameters of the technology of hydromechanical drilling for the construction of wells. They belong to the basic initial data applied while developing the design and working characteristics of the corresponding modernised operating members.
Purpose: This article aims to investigate the impact of polymer type and concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures during hydraulic fracturing. The aim is to predict the conductivity and productivity of the formed fractures in order to evaluate the cumulative gas production. Design/methodology/approach: The influence of polymer concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures was studied using the GOHFER software from Haliburton. Findings: The results of the study show that by combining the effect of increasing fracture size and decreasing the permeability of the proppant, a gas flow rate increase of 3.5 times was achieved. Research limitations/implications: High polymer concentrations lead to reduced permeability due to the accumulation of polymer residues and polymer skin. Practical implications: The conducted study on the impact of polymer concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures will allow for a more qualitative hydraulic fracturing process. Originality/value: This article presents how the concentration and type of polymer affect the width, thickness, length, and conductivity of fractures during hydraulic fracturing.
In this article, the creation of a thermal lift technology for oil wells through the use of installations with a solid oxide fuel cell has been discussed. The necessary calculations were carried out to determine the level of thermal activity in wells producing hydrocarbon resources of various compositions. Arrangements necessary to achieve this thermal activity based on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are proposed. SOFC metric characteristics are proposed that are compatible with their additional phenomena, namely, material support, shape, etc. The threshold value of the operating thermal characteristic of SOFCs is obtained depending on the structural and physical properties of their material support. The most effective ways for determination of the required thermobaric parameters of the fluid in accordance with the formation area and product, development of a resource-saving complex for the production of percussion fluid in accordance with these parameters, determination of processing periodicity to manage the thermobaric condition of the formation area, assessment of impact on the formation area and other factors generalise them. The purpose of the article is to develop a technology for management the thermobaric condition of the area through alternative resource-saving energy systems (development of Thermolift technology), substantiation of operational parameters and creation of surface equipment. The scientific idea of the presented article significantly increases the mobility of their hydrocarbon reserves on the basis of the thermobaric action of working agents, which are the product of a resource-saving surface complex (i.e. by providing Thermolift technology) and, finally increases the operational efficiency of production wells and, as a result, the production capacity of the reservoirs.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono powstanie technologii wyporu termicznego dla odwiertów ropnych przez zastosowanie instalacji z ogniwem paliwowym ze stałym tlenkiem. Przeprowadzono wymagane obliczenia w celu ustalenia poziomu aktywności termicznej w odwiertach eksploatujących zasoby węglowodorów o różnym składzie ropy naftowej. Zaproponowano układy niezbędne do osiągnięcia tej aktywności termicznej oparte na ogniwach paliwowych ze stałym tlenkiem (SOFC). Zaproponowano takie parametry wskaźników SOFC, które są zgodne z ich dodatkowymi cechami, takimi jak rodzaj zastosowanego materiału, kształt itd. Wartość progowa eksploatacyjnej charakterystyki termicznej SOFC uzależniona jest od właściwości strukturalnych i fizycznych zastosowanego do ich konstrukcji materiału. Związane jest to z najbardziej efektywnymi sposobami określenia wymaganych parametrów temperaturowo-ciśnieniowych eksploatowanego płynu w zależności od obszaru występowania formacji i produktu, opracowaniem bezpiecznego dla zasobów systemu produkcji płynu udarowego zgodnego z tymi parametrami, określeniem częstotliwości przetwarzania w celu zarządzania warunkami temperaturowo- ciśnieniowymi w obrębie formacji, czy też oceną oddziaływania w obszarze występowania formacji. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie opracowanej technologii do zarządzania warunkami temperaturowo-ciśnieniowymi obszaru złoża wykorzystującej alternatywne, pozwalające na oszczędne wykorzystanie zasobów, systemy energetyczne (technologia Thermolift), wraz z uzasadnieniem parametrów eksploatacyjnych i przedstawieniem osprzętu powierzchniowego. Naukową ideą niniejszego artykułu jest znaczące zwiększenie zakresu mobilności dostępnych zasobów węglowodorów dzięki temperaturowo-ciśnieniowemu działaniu czynników roboczych będących produktem systemu powierzchniowego pozwalającego na bardziej ekonomiczne wykorzystanie zasobów (tj. poprzez dostarczenie technologii Thermolift), a finalnie – zwiększenie wydajności operacyjnej odwiertów eksploatacyjnych, prowadzące w efekcie do wzrostu wydajności produkcyjnej złóż ropy naftowej.
The article considers how in recent years the study of hydraulics and hydrodynamics have been successfully used in the qualitative analysis of complications arising during the drilling of wells. One of the main factors determining the success of well drilling is hydrodynamic pressure. Also a boundary layer forms both on the wall of the casings and on the walls of the well has important means. One potential complication is the appearance of gas when a well is drilled from a semi-submersible drilling rig. The article deals with issues of clarifying the nature and eliminating gas, as well as preventive measures and their consequences. However, in order to take a final decision it is necessary to analyse the nature of the pressure change at the blowout preventer on a semi-submersible drilling rig. A number of works have been devoted to determining hydraulic pressure and hydraulic resistance in the circulation system of wells, on the basis of both stationary and non-stationary processes. Gas was observed in well no. 28 of the Sangachal-Sea field (Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan) at a depth of 3819 m and with a specific gravity of the flushing fluid of 2.25–2.27 g/cm3 . When the blowout preventer was closed, the pressure increased to 10 MPa for 2–3 hours, before decreasing to 2.5 MPa and stabilising. The conclusion from this is that if the flow rate, the angle of deviation of the installation and contact time of the surfaces are constant, the influence of the flushing fluid decreases as the pressure drop increases. As the fluid filtration rate increases, the friction force between the drill pipe and the borehole wall increases. The friction force between the surfaces of the column and the filter cake is inversely proportional to the fillet velocity.
W artykule wskazano w jaki sposób w ostatnich latach badania hydrauliczne i hydrodynamiczne zostały z powodzeniem wykorzystane do analizy jakościowej problemów powstających w procesie wiercenia otworów. Jednym z głównych czynników decydujących o powodzeniu wiercenia otworów jest ciśnienie hydrodynamiczne. Istotne znaczenie ma również tworzenie się warstwy przyściennej, zarówno na ściance rur okładzinowych, jak również na ścianie odwiertu. Jednym z problemów jest pojawienie się gazu podczas wiercenia odwiertu z platform półzanurzalnych. W artykule rozważane są zagadnienia związane z wyjaśnieniem charakteru i eliminacją przypadków pojawienia się gazu, ze środkami zapobiegawczymi i ich konsekwencjami. Jednak do podjęcia ostatecznej decyzji konieczne jest przeanalizowanie charakteru zmiany ciśnienia na głowicy przeciwerupcyjnej (BOP) na platformie półzanurzalnej. Szereg prac poświęcono wyznaczaniu ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego i oporu hydraulicznego w układzie obiegu płynu w odwiercie na podstawie procesów stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych. W odwiercie nr 28 na polu Sangachal-Sea (Morze Kaspijskie, Azerbejdżan) zaobserwowano gaz na głębokości 3819 m, przy płynie przemywającym o gęstości 2,25–2,27 g/cm3 . Po zamknięciu głowicy przeciwerupcyjnej (BOP) ciśnienie wzrosło do 10 MPa na 2–3 godziny, a następnie spadło do 2,5 MPa i ustabilizowało się. Wynika z tego, że jeżeli natężenie przepływu, kąt odchylenia instalacji od pionu oraz czas kontaktu powierzchni są stałe, to czas płukania odwiertu maleje wraz ze wzrostem „spadku ciśnienia”. Wraz ze wzrostem szybkości filtracji płuczki wzrasta siła tarcia między rurą wiertniczą a ścianą odwiertu. Siła tarcia między powierzchnią kolumny rur a osadem filtracyjnym jest odwrotnie proporcjonalna do prędkości usuwania gazu z odwiertu.
A new effective composite “Emir” has been created, which reduces the swelling of clay minerals and cleans the near-well zone of oil and gas-saturated layers from residues of drilling fluid, technical and formational water, resin-asphaltene components and paraffin; thereby restoring the efficiency of the well. The composite has high cleaning characteristics and the ability to foam in the presence of highly mineralized waters (up to 250 g/l), oil products and mineral acids. It also forms both straight and reverse mobile water-oil emulsions, which is important for cleaning oil layers. Based on the results of testing the “Emir” composite in production conditions on gas and oil wells, it was concluded that the use of “Emir” allows the discharge of hydrocarbon fluids to increase from 20% to 50% or more. The “Emir” composite can also be used on “low-flow” wells which have been clogged or eliminated for geological and technical reasons; this makes it possible to significantly increase the recoverable reserves of hydrocarbons in various oil and gas-bearing regions, especially taking into account the small volumes of drilling and the low success rate of searching for new oil and gas fields.
Purpose: The purpose is to consider the complications that arise during the operation of gas condensate wells, in particular, the accumulation of liquid contamination. Development of new approaches to improve the efficiency of the separation equipment performance of gas gathering and treatment systems when a multiphase flow enters. Development of a foam breaking method in a gas-liquid flow after removal of liquid contaminants from wells and flowlines using surfactants. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis was made of the complications that may arise when removing liquid contaminants from wells and flowlines using surfactants. Measures have been developed that will make it possible to timely prevent the ingress of foam into the separation equipment of gas gathering and treatment systems. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, an effective foam-breaking device was developed by supplying stable hydrocarbon condensate. Findings: A method to minimize the negative impact of foam on the operation of separation equipment after fluid removal from wells and gas condensate field flowlines using a surfactant solution was elaborated. A method for its breaking was proposed to prevent the flow of foam into the gas processing unit. This method foresees the application of the technological scheme layout for supplying a stable hydrocarbon condensate to a gas-liquid flow entering the separators of the first of separation, both the main line and the measuring line. CFD modelling was used to study the process of foam breaking by feeding hydrocarbon condensate into it. The influence of the hydrocarbon condensate supplying method on gas-dynamic processes (distribution of pressure, velocity, volumetric particles of phases), and the efficiency of foam breaking was estimated. It was established that the supply of hydrocarbon condensate from one branch pipe to the pipeline through which the foam moved did not ensure its complete breaking. To increase the efficiency of foam breaking, a device with designed four nozzles for supplying hydrocarbon condensate was developed. CFD modelling made it possible to substantiate that in this case, a pressure reduction zone appeared at the place of condensate supply. Because of a sharp change in pressure, a strong improvement in the effect of foam breaking occurred. The understanding of the regularities of foam breaking processes by hydrocarbon condensate was obtained, and the design of a device for the complete foam breaking was developed. Research limitations/implications: The obtained results of laboratory studies have shown that a sharp decrease in the stability of the foam occurs under the condition of an increase in the volume of stable hydrocarbon condensate added to the studied model of mineralized formation water. Based on the results of CFD modeling, a device for breaking foam by stable hydrocarbon condensate has been worked out, the effectiveness of which will be confirmed experimentally and in field conditions. Practical implications: The results of the performed laboratory studies and CFD modelling allow a more reasonable approach to using various available methods and measures to prevent the ingress of foam with a gas-liquid flow into the separation equipment of gas gathering and treatment systems. This approach makes it possible to develop new effective ways and measures to prevent this complication. Originality/value: Based on CFD modelling, it was found that when a stable hydrocarbon condensate is supplied into a gas-liquid flow, foam breaks. A method for breaking foam in a gas-liquid flow has been developed, which is original and can be introduced in practice.
This study was conducted in order to assess the water quality of 12 wells for irrigation purposes in Karbala Governorate, central Iraq. Well water samples scattered throughout the governorate were collected and analyzed chemically and physically. And by comparing the results with the Iraqi determinants of irrigation water, as the values of pH, positive ions (K+, Na+, Mg+2, Ca+2) and negative ions (Cl-, SO4-2, HCO3-) are within the above determinants for all wells, as for electrical conductivity (EC) It is within the determinants of all wells, and dissolved salts (TDS) are higher than the determinants of all wells. According to the American Salinity Laboratory, 5 wells are classified as C4S1, 5 wells are classified as C4S2, one well is classified as C4S3, and one well is classified as C3S1, meaning that most of the well water had a high sodium content. By comparing the classification of the Food and Agriculture Organization, it was found that most of the wells were highly saline and all wells had very soluble salts, except for some of them are medium. Therefore, from what was presented in the study of well water, solutions and ways must be found to improve the use of this water for irrigation purposes by reducing the sodium and salinity values for this water.
Obecnie nadal zdarzają się sytuacje sprzyjające odkrywaniu cennych obiektów historycznych, zagubionych pośród historycznej oraz nowej zabudowy miast. Przykładem takiego odkrycia może być odnalezienie w centrum Opola ponad 200-letniej studni. Nie jest do dziś dokładnie znana historia powstania studni i budynku, w którym się znajduje. W latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku, przy okazji porządkowania jednej z piwnic nieistniejącego już obiektu pochodzącego z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku, odnaleziono naczynie ze srebrnymi monetami. Ponad 50 lat później, z inicjatywy pasjonatów historii miasta Opola, podjęto próbę przywrócenia tego unikatowego obiektu do życia, lecz zamierzenie to zrealizowano dopiero na przełomie lat 2018 i 2019. W artykule omówiono proces rewitalizacji pozostałości budowli, w której odnaleziono studnię, zaproponowane rozwiązania o charakterze ratunkowo-naprawczym oraz przebieg prac związanych z oczyszczeniem i nadbudowaniem studni.
At present, there are still situations which favor the discovery of valuable historical objects, lost among the historical and new buildings of the cities. An example of such a discovery can be the finding of an over 200-yearold well in the center of the old town of Opole. The exact history of the well and the building in which it is located is still unknown. In the 1960s, while cleaning one of the cellars of a currently non-existent building, dating from the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a vessel with silver coins was found. More than fifty years later, on the initiative of enthusiasts of the history of the city of Opole, an attempt was made to bring this unique structure back to life, but this intention was realized only at the turn of 2018 and 2019. This paper presents the process of revitalization of the remains of the building in which the well was found, the proposed rescue and repair solutions and the course of works related to the cleaning and vertical extension of the well.
This paper presents a simple model which can be used to calculate the following values:  critical depth for which the well integrity is preserved in a shale or coal horizon with actual shale/coal mechanical parameters, actual mud density and reservoir parameters;  minimum mud density at which stress concentration at the wellbore wall is below the allowable limit for a given rock’s mechanical parameters, formation pressure gradient, and overburden pressure gradient;  mud density required for the preservation of shale/coal integrity at the wellbore wall at any depth, assuming that the strength parameters of shale or coal, formation pressure gradient, and overburden pressure gradient are constant. The appropriate equations were derived using the maximum principal strain hypothesis, which holds for brittle materials. It was also assumed that the radial pressure at the borehole wall is caused by the weight of overburden rocks. The author’s intention was to provide formulas which are as simple as possible and which can be easily used in practice. The final equations were based on the solution to the Lame problem, which was adopted to represent a vertical drilling well with a circular cross-section and filled with mud whose hydrostatic pressure is assumed to oppose the pore pressure. Included are effects of silt swelling pressure, overburden pressure, mud density and the mechanical properties of the rock – including the unconfined compressive strength and Poisson’ s ratio. In the case of shale or silty coal layers, the swelling pressure increases the volume of the clay minerals in the pores by diffusion the mud filtrate, which reduces the pore volume and increases the pore pressure, and therefore impacts the calculations. Presented model allows for derivation of the Hubert–Willis formula for fracturing pressure or fracture pressure gradient, which are commonly used in the oil industry. The calculation results are presented using data from the domestic oil industry and data from one of the Polish coal mines.
W artykule podano prosty model umożliwiający obliczenie następujących wielkości:  głębokości krytycznej, w jakiej pokład łupków lub węgla zachowa integralność przy danych parametrach mechanicznych łupku lub węgla, danej gęstości płuczki i znanych parametrach złożowych;  minimalnej gęstości płuczki, przy której koncentracja naprężeń na ścianie otworu nie przekracza granicy dopuszczalnej dla danych parametrów mechanicznych łupku lub węgla oraz gradientu ciśnienia i nadkładu;  gęstości płuczki, przy której zachowana będzie integralność ścian otworu w warstwach łupku lub węgla w każdej głębokości dla danych parametrów mechanicznych łupku, przy stałym gradiencie ciśnienia i nadkładu. Wyprowadzono odpowiednie wzory, przyjmując hipotezę wytrzymałościową maksymalnego wytężenia materiału stosowaną w przypadku materiałów kruchych. Przyjęto również, że przy założeniu odkształceń sprężystych ciśnienie radialne na ścianie otworu jest spowodowane ciężarem skał nadkładu. Intencją autorów było podanie możliwie jak najprostszych wzorów, które mogłyby zostać zastosowane w praktyce. Wykorzystano rozwiązania tzw. problemu Lamégo, to jest rozpatrywano stan naprężeń na ścianie pionowego wyrobiska o przekroju kołowym, traktując skałę jako materiał sprężysty. We wzorach na wielkość naprężeń na ścianie wyrobiska o przekroju w kształcie okręgu uwzględniono wpływ ciśnienia pęcznienia, ciśnienia wywieranego przez nadkład, gęstość płuczki, jak również parametry wytrzymałościowe łupku/węgla, w tym wytrzymałość na ściskanie w jednoosiowym stanie naprężeń i współczynnik Poissona. W przypadku warstw łupków lub węgli zailonych ciśnienie pęcznienia powoduje zwiększenie objętości minerałów ilastych w porach w wyniku dyfuzji filtratu płuczki, co zmniejsza objętość porów i zwiększa ciśnienie porowe, a zatem wpływa na wyniki obliczeń. Przedstawiony model pozwala na wyprowadzenie z niego powszechnie stosowanego w przemyśle wzoru Huberta–Willisa, podającego wielkość ciśnienia szczelinowania skał na ścianie otworu oraz gradientu ciśnienia szczelinowania. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń dla danych z otworów z krajowego przemysłu naftowego oraz jednej z polskich kopalni węgla kamiennego.
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to consider the complications that arise while operating gas condensate wells, in particular, the accumulation of hydrocarbon condensate, formation and condensation water at wells and flowlines, to develop a method for removing liquid from wells and flowlines before it entering a gas treatment unit and being treated with surfactants and to develop a method for the foam destruction in the gas-liquid flow. Design/methodology/approach: The operational parameters of gas-condensate wells of the Yuliivske oil and gas condensate field (OGCF) have been analysed. Wells have been identified that are operated in difficult conditions due to the accumulation of the liquid at the bottom hole and in flowlines. The volume of the liquid accumulated at the bottom hole of gas condensate wells is estimated. The quantity of surfactants, the volume and concentration of the solution required to remove the liquid were calculated individually for each well. The program of experimental researches has been made. The efficiency of the application of surfactant solution was experimentally determined and a positive result was achieved in the form of an increase in production by 10%. A new approach to the use of surfactant solution, as well as the foam destruction, has been proposed. The studies were performed within the framework of research and development work by the specialists of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gases. Findings: Comprehensive measures are proposed to increase the efficiency of gas condensate wells operation. They are monitoring of operational parameters of wells by pressure and temperature gauges installed at the wellhead and at the inlet gas pipelines of the gas treatment unit; calculation of the volume of accumulated fluid in the wellbore and flowline; installation of a complex of automated feeding a surfactant solution of both in the annulus of the wells and in the flowline. For this purpose, two options for the complex and and have a different principle of operation. To prevent foam from entering the gas treatment unit, a method of its destruction has been proposed. The implementation of the proposed comprehensive measures will allow controlling the well operation mode, timely liquid removal from the well and the flowline and ensure stable hydrocarbon production. Research limitations/implications: The obtained results of laboratory and experimental studies have shown that using a surfactant solution is reasonable to remove the liquid from gas condensate wells. To increase the efficiency of the measure, a new method of feeding surfactant solution was developed by installing a unit for automated feeding (UAF) of a surfactant solution at the mouth. Practical implications: The results of laboratory tests allow using a surfactant solution reasonably in order to remove the liquid from gas condensate wells, as well as possible further destruction of foam in the gas-liquid flow for increasing both the efficiency of the extraction and production volume. Originality/value: On the basis of previously performed experimental research, it has been established that it is advisable to use a surfactant solution to remove the liquid from gas condensate wells and flowlines. A new method of removing liquid from gas condensate wells and flowlines has been developed, as well as a method of destroying foam in a gas-liquid flow, which are original and can be implemented.
The development of oil fields at a late stage is characterized by a number of complications that determine the features of the operation of downhole equipment in pumping units. The use of electric-centered pumps in wells with intervals of increased curvature intensity requires a preliminary analysis of the possibility of lowering and operating the equipment at design depths. The aim of research is development of a new approach to evaluation the stress-strain state of pumping equipment, taking into account the features of the inclinometry of the intervals of its location. The analysis of the results of previous studies of the influence of the well profile on the operation of pumping equipment and recommendations for ensuring its performance is carried out. Given the possibility of operating equipment with limited levels of deformation, a mechanism is proposed for evaluation its stress-strain state using software products based on the finite element method. The reliability of the results is confirmed by comparison with those obtained in the course of analytical studies performed according to a previously tested methodology. Application of the proposed approach will allow to assess the level of deformation of individual elements of the equipment installations, taking into account their design features and the results of inclinometry.
Purpose: The purposes of this article are to study the effective ways of increasing the hydraulic efficiency of gas gathering pipelines of the Yuliivskyi oil and gas condensate production facility (OGCPF); to calculate the operation efficiency of gas gathering pipelines of the Yuliivskyi OGCPF and develop a set of measures to monitor their condition and improve their hydraulic characteristics; to investigate the technology of cleaning the inner cavity of flowlines of gas-condensate wells with foam, to perform the feasibility study on the prospects of its application in practice. Design/methodology/approach: The technology of cleaning the inner cavity of flowlines of gas-condensate wells with foam was investigated to objectively evaluate its application and determine the effectiveness of this measure. The research was carried out within the framework of research and development work by the specialists of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gases. Findings: The results of production studies showed that due to cleaning the flowlines of gas-condensate wells (No.85 and No.60) from the accumulation of liquid, the coefficients of their hydraulic efficiency increased by 12% and 7%, respectively. Measures taken to clean the inner cavity of the flowlines from liquid have proven their efficiency and can be recommended for other flowlines of wells at other production fields. Research limitations/implications: Based on the characteristics of gas gathering pipelines, it is reasonable to conduct experimental studies on the use of the proposed technology of cleaning the inner cavity with foam in the case of increasing its multiplicity. Practical implications: Using the wells of the Yuliivske oil and gas condensate field as case studies, the operating parameters were measured and the pressure losses along the length of the flowlines were calculated. According to the results of calculations at two wells (No.85 and No.60), a significant excess of the actual value of the flow friction characteristic over the theoretical value was established. To reduce excessive pressure losses due to the presence of liquid and improve the hydraulic characteristics of the wells, their inner cavities were cleaned using foam with the expansion ratio from 40 to 100. Originality/value: It is important to note that the advantages of foam piston include: ease of use, no occurrence of hydraulic shocks and preventing stuck during movement in the gas pipeline, application in both straight and inclined sections, no wear of the elements of the cleaning equipment, a rather efficient cleaning of gas pipelines.
Approximately 80% of water extracted from oil and gas deposits in Poland is disposed of by injection into the rock matrix. The aim of the model research was to predict both the hydrochemical reactions of water injected into wells for its disposal and the hydrogeochemical processes in the reservoir formation. The purpose of hydrogeochemical modeling of the hydrocarbon formation was also to determine the potential of formation waters, injection waters, and their mixtures to precipitate and form mineral sediments, and to determine the corrosion risk to the well. In order to evaluate saturation indices and corrosion ratios, the geochemical programs PHREEQC and DownHole SAT were used. The results of hydrogeochemical modeling indicate the possible occurrence of clogging in the well and the near-well zone caused mainly by the precipitation of iron compounds (iron hydroxide Fe(OH)3 and siderite FeCO3) from the formation water due to the presence of high pressures and temperatures (HPHT). There is also a high certainty of the precipitation of carbonate sediments (calcite CaCO3, strontianite SrCO3, magnesite MgCO3, siderite FeCO3) from the injection water within the whole range of tested pressures and temperatures. The model simulations show that temperature increase has a much greater impact on the potential for precipitation of mineral phases than pressure increase.
Artykuł prezentuje efektywność odbioru wody na ujęciu infiltracyjnym dla Bydgoszczy studniami eksploatowanymi, pompami głębinowymi, lewarami i drenażami zbiorczymi. Opisano przebieg eksploatacji i postęp kolmatacji w zależności od konstrukcji studni z pompami, lewarowych i drenaży zbiorczych. Porównano zużycie energii elektrycznej w tych trzech metodach poboru wody infiltracyjnej. Zasięg kolmatacji rejestrowano inspekcjami TV, pomiarami w pompowaniach strefowych i metodami geofizycznymi. Po 9 latach eksploatacji można stwierdzić, że tak zaprojektowany odbiór wody obniżył koszty eksploatacji w zakresie energii i opłat środowiskowych. Obserwacje procesów kolmatacji na filtrach studziennych i odpowiednio projektowane renowacje pozwalają aktualnie utrzymać wydatek jednostkowy studni na poziomie ok. 100% z okresu budowy.
The paper presents the effectiveness of an artificially recharged well field system in Bydgoszcz, consisting of pump and siphon wells plus drains. The course of exploitation and the progress in clogging, depending on the well construction (pump, siphon, or drain wells), is described. Energy consumption for these three water extraction methods are compared. The clogging range was observed by camera inspections, zone pumping tests, and geophysical methods. After nine years of exploitation, it is possible to assume that the designed system saves the energy consumption and environmental charges. Observations of clogging processes and appropriate well rehabilitations enable to maintain nearly 100% of the new well-specific capacity.
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