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W pracy dokonano analizy zużycia wody podczas transmisji telewizyjnych meczów piłkarskich. Przyjęto tezę, że wysokiej oglądalności meczów z udziałem reprezentacji Polski towarzyszy ograniczenie czynności bytowo-gospodarczych mieszkańców, co wywołuje zmniejszenie zapotrzebowania na wodę. Analizie poddano 4 mecze reprezentacji Polski. Zużycie wody oceniano na podstawie kilku punktów pomiarowych usytuowanych w mieście Rzeszowie. Zaobserwowano znaczący spadek zużycia wody podczas transmisji telewizyjnych meczów piłkarskich.
The paper analyzes water consumption during TV broadcasts of football matches. The thesis was adopted that the high audience of matches with the participation of the Polish national team is accompanied by a reduction in living and economic activities of residents, which causes a reduction in the demand for water. Four matches of the Polish national team were analysed. Water consumption was assessed on the basis of several measurement points located in the city of Rzeszow. A significant decrease in water consumption has been observed during TV broadcast of football matches.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania maksymalnego godzinowego poboru ciepłej wody o określonym prawdopodobieństwie występowania wraz z niższymi z uwzględnieniem liczby mieszkańców, w budynkach mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych. Przyjęto, że maksymalny godzinowy pobór wody przez pojedynczego mieszkańca budynku jest zmienną losową o rozkładzie normalnym o wartości oczekiwanej ḡj max i odchyleniu standardowym Sḡ j max. Następnie przyjmując przyjęte założenia określono parametry rozkładu maksymalnego godzinowego poboru ciepłej wody. W tym celu wykorzystano wyniki przeprowadzonych pomiarów zużycia wody przez mieszkańców siedmiu budynków mieszkalnych zlokalizowanych na kilku osiedlach mieszkaniowych w Szczecinie. Znajomość parametrów rozkładu umożliwia określenie zmienności wartości jednostkowego zużycia w zależności od prawdopodobieństwa. Znając je obliczono średni jednostkowy pobór wody o 90%, 95%, 99% i 99,9%, prawdopodobieństwie występowania wraz z niższymi wartościami w zależności od liczby mieszkańców budynku. Otrzymane wyniki przedstawiono na wykresie.
The article presents a method for determining the maximum hourly hot water consumption with specified probability of occurrence taking into account the number of inhabitants in multi-family residential buildings. It was assumed that the maximum hourly water demand per single resident of the building is a random variable with a normal distribution with the expected value of ḡj max and the standard deviation of Sḡj max. Then, based on these assumptions, the parameters of the distribution of the maximum hourly hot water demand were determined. For this purpose, the results of water consumption measurements by residents of seven residential buildings located in several housing estates in Szczecin were used. Knowledge of the distribution parameters allows for determining the variability of the unit consumption value depending on the probability. Using this information, the average unit water demand was calculated for probabilities of 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9%, along with lower values depending on the number of building inhabitants. The results obtained are presented in a graph.
W praktyce eksploatacyjnej systemów dystrybucji wody brak jest wdrożenia zaawansowanych narzędzi przetwarzania i analizowania danych monitoringowych. Dotyczy to wielu poziomów zarządzania wodociągami, w ramach których dochodzi do rejestracji pomiarów, najczęściej tworzących nieinterpretowalne zbiory danych. Wraz z pojawieniem się możliwości rejestracji danych, które można określić mianem wysokoczęstotliwościowych, istnieje potrzeba równoległego wdrażania odpowiednich technik z zakresu data science, stanowiących podstawę mądrych czy też inteligentnych sieci wodociągowych. By spełnić założenia dotyczące implementacji inteligencji na poziomie wodomierzy, koniecznym jest umożliwienie pomiaru zużycia wody z precyzyjnym interwałem pomiarowym oraz zaawansowanej analizy danych, które skutkować powinny efektywnym wnioskowaniem i zarządzaniem systemami dystrybucji wody. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zastosowania modeli uczenia maszynowego w celu predykcji krótkoterminowej zużycia wody dla budynków wielorodzinnych. Do prognozowania zużycia wody wykorzystano modele liniowe, proste modele sieci neuronowych, algorytm najbliższych sąsiadów oraz drzewa decyzyjne. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań ocenie poddano cechy wyekstrahowane z przebiegu zużycia wody wraz z kombinacjami ich zestawów podawanymi na wejściu regresora. Zweryfikowano także, jak stopień agregacji danych oraz struktura budynku wpływają na błąd prognozowania.
The operational practice of water distribution systems lacks the implementation of advanced tools for processing and analyzing monitored data. This is the case at many levels of water supply management, where measurements are recorded, most often creating uninterpretable data sets. With the arrival of data recording capabilities that can be described as high-frequency, there is a need for a simultaneous implementation of suitable data science techniques as the basis for smart water supply networks. To achieve the goals of implementing intelligence at the water meter level, it is necessary to allow measurement of water consumption with a precise measurement interval and advanced data analysis, which should result in effective inference and management of water distribution systems. This paper presents the results of the use of machine learning models to predict short-term water consumption for multifamily buildings. Linear models, simple neural network, nearest neighbour algorithm and decision trees were used to predict water consumption. The study evaluated features extracted from the water consumption waveforms and combinations of data sets given to the input of the regression model. It was also verified how the degree of data aggregation and the structure of the building influence the prediction error.
A field experiment was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of different depletion levels of ready water and different levels of phosphate fertilization on the water consumption of lettuce crop, yield coefficient and some characteristics of lettuce plant. The results showed that the highest water consumption was 386.8 mm at the 30% depletion level, and the lowest water consumption at the 80% depletion, reaching 292.8 mm. As for the phosphate fertilization, it had a very small effect on the water consumption. The beginning of growth and then increased in the average age of the plant to decline in the stage of maturity. It is also noted from the results that the different levels of depletion clearly affected the characteristics of the studied plant, as it reached the highest yield at the depletion level of 30% at 36.9 ton·h-1, while the lowest yield was at the depletion rate of 80% at 27.1 ton·h-1. As for the phosphate fertilization, it was huh. The other as a factor influencing significantly on the yield traits, as it gave the phosphate fertilization to zero level 32.8 ton·h-1 for the traits in a row, and the values were higher than them for the level of fertilization, while the phosphate fertilization level gave the highest value for the plant yield.
The purpose of the research was to calculate water footprint in growing the basic field crops and establish the volumes of additional water accumulation to provide the hydro-functioning of the Sluch river basin in the territory of Ukraine under conditions of climate change. The research was based on the data of climate change analysis in 1901–2022, decoding of the actual satellite imagery of the spacecraft Sentinel 2 and statistical data on crop rotation structure in the agro-landscapes of the water catchment area in the research region. The volumes of water footprint were calculated for the vegetation periods of the basic field winter and spring crops in 2018–2021: 2018–2019 – a semi-wet year grows into a dry year; 2019–2020 – a dry year grows into a semi-wet year; 2020–2021 – a semi-wet year grows into a wet year. Spatio-temporal regularities of the formation of water footprint and the ratio of green and blue water use in growing different agricultural crops were determined. The total volume of water footprint in growing the field crops of a certain crop rotation equaled: in 2018–2019 – 1991 mln m3 , 2019–2020 – 2440 mln m3 , 2020–2021 – 2363 mln m3. The total volume of precipitation in the vegetation period within the river water catchment area was: in 2018–2019 – 3760 mln mм3, 2019–2020 – 4423 mln m3, 2020–2021– 4839 mln m3. The total volume of additional accumulation of green (rain) water in the vegetation period in the agro-landscapes of the river basin equaled: in 2018–2019 – 1769 mln m3, or 47.0% of precipitation in the vegetation period (Pv); 2019–2020 – 1983 mln m3, or 44.8% of Pv; 2020–2021 – 2476 mln m3, or 51.2% of Pv. The proposed research scheme and the obtained results are important for adjusting and substantiating water- and resource-saving agrotechnologies and crop rotations depending on climate change, for determining water balance stability of the river basin in accordance with the indicators of additional accumulation of green water.
Budynki opieki społecznej zapewniają opiekę i schronienie osobom starszym i potrzebującym wsparcia. Zapewnienie odpowiednich warunków bytowych oraz komfortu mieszkańcom jest tu priorytetem. Jednym z kluczowych aspektów, który wpływa zarówno na komfort, jak i efektywność eksploatacyjną takich budynków, jest dostawa ciepłej wody użytkowej i analiza zużycia wody użytkowej jest tematem artykułu. Według danych literaturowych, pochodzących nawet sprzed kilkudziesięciu lat, średnie dobowe zużycie wody ciepłej na jednostkę w kategorii opieka społeczna wynosi od 100 do nawet 300 l na osobę i tak szeroki zakres może utrudniać m.in. proces projektowy oraz w konsekwencji mieć wpływ na koszty eksploatacyjne. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zużycia ciepłej wody użytkowej przeprowadzonych w domu opieki społecznej w okresie jesienno-zimowym w 2021 r. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w analizowanym obiekcie oraz okresie pomiarowym wartość zużycia ciepłej wody na osobę wynosi 72 l na dobę.
Social care buildings provide care and shelter for the elderly and those in need of support. Providing appropriate living conditions and comfort for residents is a priority here. One of the key aspects that affects both the comfort and operational efficiency of such buildings is the analysis of domestic hot water consumption. According to literature data dating back several dozen years, the average daily domestic hot water consumption per unit in the social care category ranges from 100 to even 300 liters per person and such a wide range may make it difficult, among others, design process and, consequently, have an impact on operating costs. The article presents the results of measurements of domestic hot water consumption carried out in a social care home in the autumn and winter period of 2021. The conducted research shows that in the analyzed facility and the measurement period, the value of hot water consumption per person is 72 liters per day.
The size and distribution of water demand within a given structural unit is the basis for the proper operation and planning of the expansion and modernization of the water supply system’s elements. In rural areas, particularly in municipalities adjacent to urban-industrial agglomerations, a change in the use of tap water has been increasingly observed. The water consumption for animal breeding or agricultural use, typical of these areas, has been decreasing and even disappearing. Water has been increasingly used for domestic purposes in single- and multi-family housing as well as for other purposes such as watering lawns and filling residential swimming pools. Taking this into account, this paper presents observations regarding daily water consumption in a municipality adjacent to Wrocław together with an analysis of the possibility of using the exponential smoothing method for the short-term forecasting of daily water consumption. The analyses presented in this paper were carried out using STATISTICA 13 software.
Wzrost zapotrzebowania na wodę w gminach przyległych do dużych aglomeracji, a co za tym idzie wzrost produkcji wody, zmuszają przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe do szukania nowych rozwiązań dotyczących między innymi optymalnego sterowania takimi procesami jak: ujmowanie i rozdział dyspozycyjnych zasobów wodnych, dystrybucja oraz oczyszczanie wody i ścieków. Aby zapewnić skuteczne sterowanie tymi procesami wymagany jest między innymi skalibrowany model hydrauliczny sieci dystrybucji i model prognostyczny poboru wody. Do bieżącego i krótkoterminowego prognozowania poboru wody wykorzystywane są modele stochastyczne, wprowadzane w postaci zalgorytmizowanej do struktury zarządzania procesem sterowania. Najczęściej stosowane są scałkowane modele autoregresji i średniej ruchomej ARIMA oraz metody wygładzania wykładniczego szeregów czasowych. Modele klasy ARIMA odwzorowują właściwości statyczne i dynamiczne szeregów stacjonarnych i pewnych klas szeregów niestacjonarnych, interpretowanych jako wynik przejścia białego szumu przez dyskretny filtr liniowy skończenie wymiarowy. Charakteryzują się one różnymi właściwościami przy jednolitym zapisie formalnym oraz identycznych metodach estymacji parametrów dla różnych typów i podklas modeli. Metody prognozowania oparte na algorytmach wygładzania wykładniczego są łatwe do praktycznego zastosowania i nie wymagają założenia o stacjonarności analizowanego szeregu czasowego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono obserwacje dotyczące dobowego zużycia wody w jednej z gmin przyległej do Wrocławia wraz z analizą możliwości zastosowania metody wygładzania wykładniczego do krótkoterminowego prognozowania dobowego poboru wody.
W latach 2016-2021 ceny mediów dostarczanych do odbiorców indywidualnych rosły w Polsce wolniej zarówno od średniej jak i od minimalnej pensji. Przez to skłonność społeczeństwa do oszczędzania na opłatach za wodę czy gaz nie była duża. Rok 2022 to nadzwyczajne wzrosty cen nośników energii, które tę skłonność mogą odwrócić o 180 stopni. W przypadku zaopatrzenia w wodę sytuację mogą dodatkowo pogorszyć nadchodzące zmiany klimatyczne. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono możliwe do realizacji w domach jednorodzinnych sposoby ograniczenia zużycia wody (m.in. instalacje dualne wody szarej i deszczowej) wraz ze spodziewanym efektem ekonomicznym. Prosty czas zwrotu z inwestycji w taką instalację to w tej chwili niestety kilkanaście i więcej lat. Pozostaje mieć nadzieję, że z ekonomią wygra ekologia i hasła zrównoważonego rozwoju nie pozostaną jedynie na papierze.
n the years 2016-2021, the prices of utilities delivered to individual recipients in Poland grew slower than the average and the minimum salary. As a result, the tendency of the society to "save" on water or gas was not large. The year 2022 is marked by extraordinary increases in the prices of energy carriers, which may reverse this tendency by 180 degrees. In the case of water supply, the situation may be exacerbated by the coming climate changes. This article presents ways to reduce water consumption in single-family houses (including dual gray and rainwater installations) along with the expected economic effect. The simple payback time for such an installation is, unfortunately, over a dozen years or more. It remains to be hoped that ecology will win against the economy and that the slogans of sustainable development will not be left on paper only.
Today, the uncontrolled abstraction of surface water and groundwater resources has created adverse consequences, which include: extinction of living organisms, land subsidence, salinity of coastal aquifers, increased pumping energy. Therefore, the need to manage available water resources is felt more than ever. Among the various water uses (agriculture, drinking, and industry), agriculture accounts for the bulk of water consumption. Due to the climate change and the growing population, determining the appropriate strategy and technology for irrigation is necessary. In the current study, a simulation model is used to numerically simulate the dynamics of daily soil moisture during the potato crop growing season and to estimate crop production and economic benefits. For climatic data, daily observations of a meteorological station have been used. Results and analyses have been presented for all cases of micro and traditional irrigation methods and agricultural management strategies of non-stress irrigation, low irrigation, and rainfed cultivation. The results showed that in the non-stress irrigation method, crop production and net profit are almost equal in both traditional and micro methods. In the low irrigation method, microtechnology has made crop production and net profit 1.75 times more than traditional technology, which indicates the impact of irrigation technology on crop production.
The configuration of the smart irrigation system was designed on the basis of data specific to the parameters concerning characteristics of the plant and the pedological properties of the local soil (permeability, pH, humidity, porosity, etc.), including the meteorological factors. In the Chlef area, the water availability is dependent on meteorological data. The objective of this work is to estimate irrigation water needs in crop gardening (potato) based on a smart irrigation system (SIS). Thus, to ensure an equilibrated growth of crops, we have developed a system with parameters, such as soil moisture and soil temperature, which are the input variables of this smart irrigation system. This system was applied for the irrigation of potatoes (‘Bartina’ variety), planted in the agricultural experimental station of Lard El Beida at Chlef. The results obtained in terms of production yield led to a conclusion that the smart irrigation system allows achieving production of 124.83% with lower water consumption (-19.31%), compared to that of a drip irrigation system. Moreover, the granulometric analysis of the potato tuber size showed that 80.83% of the production is within the size range between 30 mm and 55 mm. By comparison, we observed that 77.4% of products obtained from drip irrigation follow a uniform distribution. We conclude that this smart irrigation system is very economical in terms of water use for gardening crops. Given these encouraging results, it would be wiser to generalize its application and implement it to guarantee food self-sufficiency in the water-deficient regions.
The article is devoted to highlighting the results of field studies conducted during 2019–2021 on the influence of multifunctional growth-regulating drugs with a fungicidal effect Architecttm and Helafit Combi on the productivity and optimization of water consumption of high-oleic sunflower hybrids in non-irrigated conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The study was carried out under non-irrigated conditions in the experimental field of the “Mykolaiv DSDS IZZ NAAS” state institution of Ukraine (GPS: 46.980168, 32.148075) on southern low-humus chernozems. The program of scientific research provided for the foundation of a two – factor field experiment, in which sunflower hybrids were studied, namely Hector and Oplot (originator-V. Y. Yuryev Institute of crop production); DSL403 and P64GE133 (manufacturer Corteva, Brevant) and 8X477KL (manufacturer Dow Seeds). In the experiment, multifunctional growth – regulating preparations of chemical origin, i.e. Architecttm, and biological origin, i.e. Helafit Combi, were used. They were introduced in the form of foliar treatments of sunflower hybrids in the Phase 6–8 of real leaves with a rate of 1 l/ha. The weather conditions in 2019–2021 can be classified as medium – arid, typical for this growing zone, but the most favorable year was 2021. As for the temperature indicators, the average monthly air temperature for the study years was higher than the corresponding long-term average data. The results of three-year field studies showed that foliar treatments of sunflower hybrids of high-oleic type with Architect and Helafit Combi multifunctional preparations had a positive effect on improving growing conditions and increasing plant resistance to stress from high temperatures and lack of moisture. The study preparations contribute to a more economical use of soil moisture for the formation of a crop unit, as evidenced by a decrease in the water consumption coefficient for all the studied hybrids. The lowest water consumption coefficient of 1283 m3/t was found in the P64GE133 hybrid under the conditions of treatment of sunflower plants with a Helafit Combi combined preparation of biological origin. Foliar treatment of plants with combined growth-regulating preparations led to optimization of water consumption of agrocenosis in general.
The aim of the present study was to analyze changes in water consumption which took place in the years 2011–2020 in the Educational-Museum Center of Poleski National Park (Poland), from which wastewater is discharged to a hybrid constructed wetland wastewater treatment plant. Water consumption was shown to be dependent on the number of visitors to the museum. As the number of visitors grew from 11,000 in 2011 to over 55,000 in 2019, the annual water consumption increased from 131 to 430 m3. Along with an increase in the percentage of individual visitors in the total number of visitors to the museum from over 40% in 2011–2017 to over 80% in 2020, water consumption per person decreased from 12.21 dm3∙d-1 to 7.18 dm3∙d-1. The average daily water consumption per one visitor in 2011–2020 was 10.4 dm3∙d-1, a value that was similar to the water consumption standard for museums (10 dm3∙d-1) set out in the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Infrastructure of 14 January 2002 on defining average water consumption standards. The average daily amount of water used in the museum building in the individual months of the year ranged from 0.12 to 1.28 m3/d. The highest average daily water consumption was recorded in the high tourist season (May–August), and the lowest in the low tourist season (January–April, September–December).
This study analysed recent water resources and water consumption datasets from semi-urban towns in the South Asian country of Sri Lanka. It presents a comprehensive assessment of behavioural status of water consumption over the past 5 years taking into consideration the impact on rainfall, precipitation patterns and temperature fluctuations. The findings provide important information on residential demand management and the threshold of consumption by residential users to apply in decision making process. Furthermore, this information informs policymakers, the water authority, and consumers not only in Sri Lanka, but across Southeast Asia and globally on critical water infrastructure, sustainable water resources and the applications of water forecasting for similar developing countries. The present observations contribute to the usefulness of statistical modelling methods in analysing, interpreting and understanding large datasets around available water resources and water consumption, providing reliable information to water utilities in reducing a tedious approach of water monitoring and assessment programmes in the region.
Quarterly water consumption data collected in a small water supply system were used for elaboration of a new water consumption modeling approach. In this paper, multi-distribution statistical analysis was performed. As the Anderson-Darling test proved, at least a half out of the ten tested theoretical probability distributions can be used for description of the water consumption. The application of the PWRMSE criterion made it possible to determine, which of the tested theoretical distributions is the best-fitted to the empirical data set. In the case of total daily water consumption for the group of the households, it was Johnson distribution, whereas for the average daily water consumption per capita, it was GEV distribution. Based on the best-fitted probability distribution, a 25-year water consumption simulation with the Monte Carlo method was conducted. Because methodology of this study is based on the probability distributions, even if the type of theoretical distribution of the water consumption will change, it will be still possible to use this simulation method by assuming the other distribution.
Water is essential to the proper functioning of kindergartens and schools. Nevertheless, water consumption in public facilities is usually high, often exceeding the average household water consumption. Recently, increasing pressure on this valuable and depletable natural resource has been noticed and, therefore, it is interesting to study the water consumption in kindergartens and the possibilities of water saving. The present work examined 6 kindergarten facilities in Kyjov, Czech Republic, where the equipment has been enhanced with the faucet water saving technology. The work analyzed the impact of the equipment on the reduction of water consumption as a raw material and on the financial and economic profitability. The results were estimated based on the variation of two parameters such as average daily water consumption and demand per person. The experiment showed that installing the savers resulted in water savings ranging from 8% to 18.7% for average daily consumption and from 10.02% to 23.2% for per capita demand.
The paper presents a research hypothesis assumed that the air temperature affects the amount of the water consumption per capita for household purposes (indoor water use). Investigations were conducted based on daily water meter readings of several rural households located in Mszana Górna and Włostowice (Southern Poland). Owing to the double water consumption metering, it was possible to determine the daily water consumption in households, separately for household purposes and for additional purposes. In the performed analysis, the correlation between the average daily air temperature and daily water consumption per capita was tested. For this purpose, correlation coefficients were determined and a 95% confidence interval was assumed. The obtained results showed lack of a clear dependence between the tested variables. Depending on the household, correlation coefficients indicate the existence of a correlation from slight, by weak to moderate. In addition, it was tested that the growth of the air temperature by 1°C caused an increase of the water consumption per capita in the range of 0.14 dm3•d-1•C-1•°C-1 and 1.17 dm3•d-1•C-1•°C-1 (Mszana Górna) and 0.41 dm3•d-1•C-1•°C-1 and 1.78 dm3•d-1•C-1•°C-1 (Włostowice). It can be concluded that often rapid growth of the water consumption in households in spring and summer season and the term of “water consumption per capita” used in this case, primarily concern greater water demand for additional purposes, not for residents’ household purposes.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania jednostkowego średniego dobowego poboru zimnej i ciepłej wody o określonym prawdopodobieństwie występowania wraz z niższymi z uwzględnieniem liczby mieszkańców, w budynkach mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych. Przyjęto, że średni dobowy pobór wody przez pojedynczego mieszkańca budynku jest zmienną losową o rozkładzie normalnym o wartości oczekiwanej [...] i odchyleniu standardowym S [...]. Następnie przyjmując podane w artykule założenia określono parametry rozkładu jednostkowego sumarycznego średniego dobowego poboru wody ciepłej i zimnej. W tym celu wykorzystano wyniki pomiarów średniego rocznego zużycia wody w roku 2019, przez mieszkańców sześćdziesięciu pięciu budynków zlokalizowanych na kilku osiedlach mieszkaniowych w Szczecinie. Znajomość parametrów rozkładu umożliwia określenie zmienności wartości jednostkowego zużycia w zależności od prawdopodobieństwa. Znając je obliczono średni jednostkowy pobór wody o 90%, 95% i 99% prawdopodobieństwie występowania wraz z niższymi wartościami w zależności od liczby mieszkańców budynku. Otrzymane wyniki przedstawiono na wykresach.
The article presents the method of determining the probability of the average daily total and hot water consumption based on the number of residents in multi-apartment buildings. It has been assumed that the average daily water consumption by a single resident of a building is a random variable with a normal distribution of the expected value [...] and standard deviation S [...] . Using these assumptions the distribution parameters were determined. For the purpose of the study, the results of measurements of the average annual water consumption in 2019 from sixty-five buildings located in Szczecin were obtained. Knowledge of the distribution parameters makes it possible to determine the variation of unit consumption values according to probability. The average water consumption per resident was calculated for probability levels of 90%, 95% and 99% in relation to the number of residents. The obtained results were compared on graphs.
Aplikacje wyparnych wież chłodniczych rozpatruje się w kontekście zużycia wody, zużycia energii elektrycznej, materiałów konstrukcyjnych i ich recyklingu oraz bezpieczeństwa i estetyki krajobrazu, powiązanego z występującym pióropuszem pary nad chłodniami. Niebagatelnego znaczenia nabiera także element zagrożenia biologicznego, a w zależności od umiejscowienia i rodzaju instalacji - także emisja hałasu wpływa na decyzje projektanta i inwestora przy wyborze technologii chłodzenia. Jaka jest więc przyszłość chłodni wyparnych?
The effective consumption time of hot water in multi-apartment buildings depends on the daily activities of residents, their number, habits and overall size of the system. On the basis of the aggregated data from 8 multiapartments building, with between 36 and 291 draw-off points each, the effective consumption time during the day was determined. The data was then calculated to show the daily consumption per draw-off point. The least squares method was applied to the assumed consumption model to determine the total number of consumption hours per day.
Since the 1990s, there have been trends in Central and Eastern European countries to reduce water consumption. This phenomenon is closely related to the political, social and economic changes in these countries and the introduction of economic instruments in water management. The article presents the changes in water consumption in households in the years 1950–2019 depending on the degree of equipping buildings with sanitary facilities, and the structure of water consumption for particular purposes. For the same period, the quality of sewage generated in households is presented on the basis of bibliography. The content of total suspended solids was the main analysed parameter. The last part of the article presents the quality of wastewater discharged to fourteen Polish wastewater treatment plants. The majority of the analysed plants show an increase in the concentration of total suspended solids in the domestic sewage discharged to them. This phenomenon may be influenced by the decreasing water consumption in households.
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