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The technique of acoustic emission has been shown to be useful for monitoring and measurement of transportation and mixing of feed concentrates and other ingredients. This method is ideally suited for flow/no flow alarm indicators, requiring no calibration and only basic electronic support. If the method is to be used for analysis of mixtures, the components must be sufficiently different in particle size or density. Besides that, the detection of particle breakdown and damage should be possible.
Wykazano, że technika emisji akustycznej jest przydatna do monitorowania i pomiaru transportu oraz mieszania koncentratów paszowych i innych składników. Metoda ta idealnie nadaje się do wskaźników alarmowych przepływu/braku przepływu, nie wymagając kalibracji i jedynie podstawowego wsparcia elektronicznego. Jeżeli metoda ma być stosowana do analizy mieszanin, składniki muszą różnić się dostatecznie wielkością cząstek lub gęstością. Poza tym powinno być możliwe wykrywanie rozkładu i uszkodzeń cząstek.
Przemysł spożywczy jest branżą gospodarki, której specyfika odnajduje odzwierciedlenie w preferencjach konsumenckich. Określenie dokładnych potrzeb oraz upodobań klientów i zdolność elastycznego reagowania na nie, stymulują działania innowacyjne w dziedzinie produkcji żywności. Świadomość konsumentów, a także trendy żywieniowe i obserwacja rynku sprzyjają produkcji żywności innowacyjnej o wysokiej jakości, szczególnych właściwościach prozdrowotnych oraz zgodnie z najnowszymi poczynaniami w zakresie przeciwdziałania marnotrawieniu żywności i racjonalnego gospodarowania odpadami. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w produkcji żywności minimalnie przetworzonej, funkcjonalnej z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnych surowców, a także opakowań.
The food industry is a sector of the economy whose specificity is reflected in consumer preferences. Determining the exact needs and preferences of customers and the ability to respond flexibly to them stimulate innovative activities in the field of food production. Consumer awareness as well as nutritional trends and market observation are conducive to the production of innovative food of high quality, special healthpromoting properties and in line with the latest developments in the field of counteracting food waste and rational waste management. This is reflected in the production of minimally processed, functional food using innovative raw materials and packaging.
Seminars are offered to students for education in various disciplines. The seminars may be limited in terms of the maximum number of participants, e.g., to have lively interactions. Due to capacity limitations, those seminars are often offered several times to serve the students’ demands. Still, some seminars are more popular than others and it may not be possible to grant access to all interested students due to capacity limitations. In this paper, a simple, but efficient random selection using key objectives (SEKO) assignment strategy is proposed which achieves the following goals: (i) efficiency by utilizing all available seminar places, (ii) satisfying all students by trying to assign at least one seminar to each student, and (iii) fairness by considering the number of assigned seminars per student. We formulate various theoretical optimization models using integer linear programming (ILP) and compare their solutions to the SEKO assignment based on a real-world data set. The real-world data set is also used as the basis for generating large data sets to investigate the scalability in terms of demand and number of seminars. Furthermore, the first-in first-out (FIFO) assignment, as a typical implementation of fair assignments in practice, is compared to SEKO in terms of utilization and fairness. The results show that the FIFO assignment suffers in realworld situations regarding fairness, while the SEKO assignment is close to the optimum and scales regarding computational time in contrast to the ILP.
Physicochemical research of peculiarities of technogenic metallurgical wastes and mathematical optimization of ecologically safe technology of their processing are of great practical importance for solving ecological problems of the region. The aim and the main direction of the research are connected with the study of physical and chemical bases of the organization of the technology of waste recycling with separation of valuable metals in the form of their chlorides and simultaneous production of agloporite. Peculiarities of phase and mineralogical composition of raw materials and chloride roasting products were studied by means of modern devices: Q-1500D derivatograph, X-ray diffractometer Panalytical X’PERT, scanning electron microscope JSM-6490LV JOEL. Studies have shown that solid metallurgical waste is characterized by the presence of non-ferrous metals Fe, Ti, Pb, Cu, Zn, and the microstructure is characterized by the presence of silicate, aluminosilicate and ferrite minerals. Using the method of mathematical design with the application of Stuyudent’s criteria and Fisher’s equation, the adequacy of the obtained roasting results was established, providing the degree of extraction up to 86–98%, at the temperature of 1100 °С. The microstructure of the roasted products of the waste mixture with clay binder and calcium chloride is characterized by the predominance of calcium ferrites, silicon ferrites and aluminosilicate minerals. The obtained results of the study of the peculiarities of the physical and chemical bases and the optimization of the safe technology are of practical importance for the solution of the ecological problem of utilization of technogenic wastes with obtaining of valuable products.
The study is aimed at solving the problem that has arisen in Ukraine in the field of household waste management, namely the generation, accumulation, storage, processing and disposal of waste. This issue is of particular importance for the population of each country, which is explained by the extremely negative impact of waste and landfields on the health and quality of life of the population, as well as the ecological situation of the respective territories. The purpose of the study is to improve the sorting, logistics and secondary use of solid household waste in Ukraine by adapting the waste management system in Ukraine to EU requirements. As a result of the research, it was confirmed that the volumes of waste generation are quite significant in different countries, their morphological composition varies depending on the level of economic development of countries, the level of application of advanced technologies, etc. The authors’ logically ordered scheme of domestic waste management in Ukraine showed a number of shortcomings: lack of deep separation of waste and practically no motivation to use solid waste for energy. As a result of the research, the authors suggested using eight containers for sorting household waste, which will become the basis for its further efficient use as a secondary resource. The authors proposed a system for improving the logistics chain of waste management, in particular, proposed vacuum transportation of sorted waste to processing lines, which will ensure the environmental friendliness of useful disposal processes. An analysis of the experience of the secondary use of solid waste in different countries showed the prevalence of energy utilization of waste, the current level of which in Ukraine is insignificant. In connection with the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the volumes of waste generation of all types increased. There is an urgent need to use the bioenergy potential of waste in connection with the energy crisis caused by hostilities and fuel shortages. The concept of sustainable development of the field of solid waste management, which is based on economic, social, ecological and energy effects, with the interaction of which the phenomenon of synergy takes place, is substantiated.
Odpady budowlane i pochodzące z rozbiórek stanowią ok. 30% odpadów co roku wytwarzanych w Unii Europejskiej. Przekłada się to na ok. 0,5 mld t materiałów, z których teoretycznie aż 70% można przetworzyć i ponownie zagospodarować w procesach budowlanych.
This paper discusses an environmental criterion rarely addressed in the literature for the selection of salt hydrates for use in photovoltaic installations as Phase change materials. The aim of the paper is to assess the possibility of utilization of used salt hydrates from photovoltaic installations according to current Polish legal requirements concerning the environment. The properties of the composition components of hydrated salts were discussed in terms of their safety for the environment before and after the period of exploitation in photovoltaic panels. A method of dealing with used salt hydrates was proposed and a waste code was assigned. It has been established that spent salt hydrates will be allowed to be collected in no-outflow tanks and accepted at liquid waste collection points, which operate at water supply and sewerage companies, and the load of permissible pollutants should not exceed the value for industrial sewage.
W artykule omówiono rzadko poruszane w literaturze kryterium środowiskowe wyboru hydratów solnych do zastosowania w instalacjach fotowoltaicznych jako materiałów zmiennofazowych (PCM). Celem pracy jest ocena możliwości utylizacji zużytych hydratów soli z instalacji fotowoltaicznych zgodnie z aktualnymi polskimi wymaganiami prawnymi dotyczącymi środowiska. Omówiono właściwości składników kompozycyjnych soli uwodnionych pod kątem ich bezpieczeństwa dla środowiska przed i po okresie eksploatacji w panelach fotowoltaicznych. Zaproponowano sposób postępowania ze zużytymi hydratami solnymi i nadano im kod odpadu. Ustalono, że zużyte hydraty solne będą mogły być gromadzone w zbiornikach bezodpływowych i przyjmowane w punktach gromadzenia nieczystości ciekłych, działających przy przedsiębiorstwach wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnych, a ładunek dopuszczalnych zanieczyszczeń nie powinien przekraczać wartości dla ścieków przemysłowych.
This article deals with silicites (lydites) and their characteristics in the environs of Western Bohemian villages of Skašov, Tyniště and Kbelnice (former Plzeň – jih county). These rocks form long and narrow lenticular bodies in adjacent rocks of the so called Blovice complex (the southern part of Bohemicum, the Tepla – Barrandian part). However, the origin of silicites has not been fully clarified so far. Authors of many studies differ in their opinion – whether these rocks originated either in shallow waters or deep (oceanic) ones, which processes made for this kind of silicites, whether microorganisms were involved, et cetera. In the past, these rocks were quarried because of their excellent properties – hardness, strength as well as a minimum inhibition and utilized for soling forest ways as well as roads and for various constructions including basements, walls and even whole houses – residential and farming ones. In the area, there are many evidences of quarrying lydites in the form of various pits and abandoned quarries with remnants of technology (ramps, service buildings, etc.). The article is supplemented (by / with) original photos as well as simplified maps within the frame of this text.
W artykule omówiono odmianę allotropową krzemu – silicyt (lydit) i jej charakterystykę występujących w okolicach zachodnioczeskich wsi Skašov, Týniště i Kbelnice (dawny powiat pilzneńsko-jih). Skały te tworzą długie i wąskie ciała soczewkowate w sąsiednich skałach tzw. kompleksu Blovice (południowa część Bohemicum, część Teplá – Barrandian). Jednak pochodzenie silicitów nie zostało dotychczas w pełni wyjaśnione. Autorzy wielu opracowań różnią się w swoich opiniach – czy skały te powstały w wodach płytkich czy głębokich (oceanicznych), jakie procesy dokonały się dla tego rodzaju krzemianów, czy w grę wchodziły mikroorganizmy i tak dalej. W przeszłości skały te były wydobywane ze względu na swoje doskonałe właściwości – twardość, wytrzymałość, były wykorzystywane do podbudowy dróg leśnych oraz do różnych konstrukcji w tym piwnic, murów, a nawet całych domów – mieszkalnych i gospodarczych . W okolicy znajduje się wiele śladów wydobywania lyditów w postaci różnych dołów i opuszczonych kamieniołomów z pozostałościami technologii (rampy, budynki usługowe itp.). Artykuł jest uzupełniony oryginalnymi zdjęciami oraz uproszczonymi mapami.
We have carried out research on multi-stage handling of polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene household waste. The method has been developed for both their safe utilization in manufacturing technologies and the use of encapsulated mineral fertilizers. The technical feasibility of implementing all stages of plastic waste processing has been defined: separate collection, creation of a film-forming composition, encapsulation of granular fertilizers. Our study has confirmed the safe biodegradation of polymer shell residues in the soil environment after the dissolution of the fertilizers. The proposed method of handling of these wastes is a method of their safe utilization.
The research is connected with the solving the problem of rational utilization of agricultural residues by the creation of resource-saving method for their efficient conversion into value-added products. Wheat straw was used in this work in chemical processing. Treatment was carried out with the application of formic/acetic acid mixture. Thus, cellulosic pulp was obtained. The spent solution was used to precipitate lignin. The structure of lignin was investigated. The results indicated that formic/acetic acid treatment was quite effective in isolating cellulose from wheat straw and in recovering lignin. Wheat cellulose is a promising fibrous material for the application in paper industry. Wheat lignin can be considered as a material for biosorbent preparation.
Warunki w środowisku pracy związane np. zapyleniem, wibracjami lub temperaturą mogą mieć negatywny wpływ zarówno na proces produkcyjny, jak i na wytwarzany produkt. Nieodpowiednie i niestabilne warunki mogą powodować niestabilność procesu produkcyjnego i pogarszać jakość wytwarzanych wyrobów. Co więcej, może to spowodować stratę czasu i zmniejszyć wydajność i produktywność. W artykule przeanalizowano problem wpływu temperatury na proces produkcyjny. Monitorowanie temperatury nie wystarczy, aby zapewnić osiągnięcie celów produkcyjnych. Konieczne jest odpowiednie dostosowanie parametrów procesu produkcyjnego, aby nie powstawały niezgodności wynikające ze zmian wartości temperatury i aby nie pojawiały się opóźnienia. Artykuł dotyczy wydajności i produktywności systemu produkcyjnego, który pracuje w niestabilnym środowisku pracy. Autorzy udowadniają, że zastosowanie kompensacji parametrów procesu produkcyjnego może znacząco poprawić zarówno wydajność, jak i produktywność. Wartości wydajności i produktywności były monitorowane w ustalonym okresie czasu dla systemu produkcyjnego, na którym realizowany jest proces produkcyjny. Następnie wprowadzono procedurę kompensacji parametrów procesu. Po czym, w określonym przedziale czasu zebrano dane i porównano wartości wydajności i produktywności z wartościami uzyskanymi wcześniej. Dodatkowo autorzy proponują wprowadzenie wskaźnika całkowitej efektywności wyposażenia (OEE) i w artykule przedstawiono informacje o sposobach zbierania danych dla obliczenia OEE.
Conditions in the working environment related e.g. to dust, vibration or temperature may have a negative impact on both, the production process and the manufactured product. Inappropriate and unstable conditions can cause instability of the production process and deteriorate the quality of manufactured products. Moreover, this can induce time waste and decrease the efficiency and productivity. In this paper the problem of temperature influence on a manufacturing process is analyzed. Monitoring of the temperature is not enough to ensure the achievement of manufacturing goals. It is necessary to adapt the parameters of the production process accordingly so that no nonconformities arise due to changes in temperature values and no delays appear. This paper deals with the efficiency and productivity of a manufacturing system which work under unstable working environment. The authors prove that application of the manufacturing process parameters compensation can significantly improve both, efficiency and productivity. The values of efficiency and productivity were monitored within a fixed period of time for a manufacturing system, on where the manufacturing process is realized. Then, a procedure of process parameters compensation was introduced. Next, within a fixed period of time the data were collected and the efficiency and productivity values were compared with the values obtained before. Additionally, the authors propose to introduce the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) indicator and present information about ways of data collecting.
Przedstawiono rozważania teoretyczne w zakresie podejścia do gospodarki odpadami z tworzyw sztucznych powstałymi w czasie pandemii Covid-19. Jako najbardziej obiecującą metodę bezpiecznej utylizacji odpadów stanowiących środki ochrony indywidualnej (maseczki, rękawiczki jednorazowe) wskazano pirolizę, która w porównaniu ze spalaniem cechuje się mniejszą emisją zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery. Dodatkowym argumentem przemawiającym za stosowaniem pirolizy do unieszkodliwiania tego rodzaju odpadów (głównie maseczek chirurgicznych) jest powstawanie z nich dużych ilości paliw płynnych i gazowych, ze względu na dużą zawartość w nich polipropylenu.
The directions of waste disposal generated during the Covid-19 pandemic was presented and the procedures for handling with them was discussed. Pyrolysis was indicated as the most promising method of safe disposal of waste including personal protective equipment (mainly surgical face masks and disposable gloves), which compared to incineration, shows lower emission of pollutants to the atm. and can generate large amts. of liq. and gaseous fuels.
Content available remote Unieszkodliwianie ścieków z produkcji trotylu w warunkach przemysłowych
Trotyl (2,4,6-trinitrotoluen) stanowi jeden z najczęściej produkowanych materiałów wybuchowych. W przemyśle oczyszcza się go za pomocą procesu siarczynowania, w którym powstają toksyczne i trudne do unieszkodliwienia ścieki zwane czerwonymi wodami. Ścieki te są silnie toksyczne dla środowiska naturalnego i muszą być unieszkodliwiane. Przegląd literaturowy pokazuje, że ich unieszkodliwienie jest zadaniem trudnym, gdyż zanieczyszczenia słabo poddają się procesowi degradacji. Aby je usunąć, stosuje się wiele metod, ale do tej pory nie ma w pełni satysfakcjonującej metody oczyszczenia czerwonych wód. Z kolei opracowanie nowej metody syntezy trotylu wymaga opracowania nowych technologii, a synteza nie jest oparta na tanich i łatwo dostępnych surowcach.
A review, with 91 refs., of the impact of wastewater from TNT prodn. (red waters) on the environment and methods of their neutralization (biol., chem., pptn., oxidn., adsorption, combustion, and concn. methods). New TNT prodn. processes were also discussed.
Content available remote Chemistry of renewables for sustainable industry
Chemistry as a basic science and chemical industry as the principal provider of innovative materials for practically all sectors of contemporary economy, are in the center of unprecedented and revolutionary technical and social changes. These changes are necessary for mitigating climate disturbances and environmental deterioration, which threaten the future of humanity. In reference to recent international initiatives, like the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which underline the need for global economic changes based on recovery and circularity principles, we offer some comments on area of research and development. They are concerned with a mandatory transition from un-renewable fossil-based industries, like the petrochemical one, to new sources of energy and carbon-rich materials generated by novel processes compatible with zero GHG emission prospects. Our discussion is focused on biomass as a universal feedstock capable of satisfying global needs for energy as well as chemical materials from commodity to specialty. Secondly, principle drivers of innovation in the fields of new chemical reactions and processes, like catalysis are discussed. The discussion includes a recent strive for new functional materials in reference to all levels of their structural organization, from single atoms and surface phenomena, through nano-constructs and mesopore composites, to macro-molecular and supra-molecular aggregates. Finally, the need for a further development of innovation and feasibility assessment methods, based on green chemistry principles is mentioned. It is a condition for an efficient cooperation in biomass related international R&D projects, which have to be based on the harmonization of unified evaluation principles.
Chemia, jedna z podstawowych nauk przyrodniczych oraz przemysł chemiczny, który zapewnia innowacyjne i nowoczesne materiały dla praktycznie wszystkich sektorów współczesnej gospodarki, znalazły się w centrum unikalnych i rewolucyjnych zmian ekonomicznych. Zmiany te, dotyczą nie tylko techniki i technologii, ale także mają znaczące skutki społeczne. Są one niezbędne w celu zminimalizowania dalszego pogarszania się klimatu oraz stanu naturalnego środowiska – zjawisk, które zagrażają przyszłości ludzkiego gatunku. Ostatnie inicjatywy, takie jak „UN Sustainable Development Goals”, kładą nacisk na potrzebę globalnych przemian gospodarczych opartych o zasady regeneracji i cykliczności. W odniesieniu do tych inicjatyw i rozwoju znanych nam dziedzin chemii omawiamy obiecujące kierunki badań i rozwoju (R&D) związane z krótkoterminowymi cyklami organicznych związków węgla w kontekście transformacji od surowców nieodnawialnych (paliwa kopalne), do ekonomii nowych źródeł energii oraz materiałów organicznych, wytworzonych przez nowe procesy zgodne z wymaganiem zerowej emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Nasza dyskusja kładzie nacisk na biomasę jako uniwersalny surowiec, zaspokajający globalne potrzeby energetyczne oraz będący źródłem wszelkiego rodzaju produktów chemicznych. Ponadto, artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat podstawowych czynników innowacyjnych w zakresie nowych procesów i reakcji chemicznych, włącznie z nowymi katalizatorami. Do omawianych problemów i zjawisk należą próby wytwarzania nowych materiałów z uwzględnieniem różnych poziomów organizacji strukturalnej od pojedynczych atomów, poprzez nanokonstrukty i mezokompozyty aż do agregatów makro i supra-molekularnych. W końcu, niezbędność dalszego postepu innowacyjnego oraz metod oceny wykonalności, wynikające z reguł zielonej chemii są także wspomniane. Jest to warunek konieczny do osiągnięcia skutecznej współpracy w zakresie miedzynarodowych projektow badawczych (R&D), które muszą bazować na harmonizacji ujednoliconych zasad oceny.
The paper presents the results of hydrothermal zeolitization of fly ash from hard coal combustion in one of the Polish power plants and possible further applications of zeolites. The synthesis was carried out using various NaOH fly ash mass ratio and the effect of NaOH concentration in the activating solution on composition of synthesized sample was tested. The present work proves the benefits from development of fly ash utilization and further opportunities in the use of zeolites. There exist the need for research to expand options to reduce harmful impact derived from energy production.
Red mud (RM), the by-product generated during the alumina extraction process, is considered a valuable secondary raw material, since iron (20–54%) represents its major constituent. Accordingly, the suitability of recycling this RM in the sintering process of Egyptian iron ore was studied. The effect of adding different amounts of RM to the sinter charge mixture (0–10 wt.%) on the sintering process performance as well as the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of the produced sinter was investigated. The results revealed that increasing the amount of red mud in the sinter charge mixture leads to a high improvement in the strength of the produced sinter till reaching a maximum at 7% addition, which deteriorates thereafter. Meanwhile, owing to the fine nature of the red mud, increasing its contents in the sinter charge mixture leads to reduced speed of the sintering process, which consequently affects the productivity at the blast furnace yard. The sinter produced with the addition of 3% red mud shows the highest reducibility. These results indicate the suitability of recycling RM in the Egyptian iron ore sintering process with an amount not higher than 3 wt.% of the total sinter mixture charge.
Particulate materials and waste from industrial processes are troublesome in storage, transport and utilization, mainly due to their large volume and dusting. Therefore, originally the main reason for developing the agglomeration processes was to eliminate the afore-mentioned disadvantages. However, the modifications introduced to the merging processes of materials enabled obtaining a new type of products widely used in various applications. For the agglomeration of the inorganic materials, often containing hazardous substances, the disposal and transformation technologies are available for the safe products that can be used, for example, in civil engineering and construction. In turn, the agglomeration of the materials containing organic substances or fine coal, producing alternative fuels for energy recovery. Obviously, the combustion of these fuels results in a subsequent generation of waste in the form of bottom and fly ash, but they can be successfully further agglomerated to produce more valuable products. The numerous examples of the use of various agglomeration techniques to complete utilization of fine grains was shown. An additional effect of the agglomeration processes was also the fulfilment of the economy criteria, which matches with the principles of sustainable development of the environment. Supporting by worldwide literature, the selected agglomeration techniques were discussed, such as: solidification, granulation, extrusion, briquetting, as well as post-agglomeration high-temperature processing.
The main ways of sewage sludge disposal in the European Union and Ukraine were considered. The main problems of sludge utilization in Ukraine were identified. Research on the possibility of using a substrate based on sewage sludge for biological reclamation of disturbed lands was conducted. The quality of the sludge from Lviv WWTP was determined. The best substrate composition for biological land reclamation was determined by using bioindication. It was established that the use of settled sludge observed inhibition of plant growth and development. Introducing additional components to the substrate, in the form of sorbents, makes it possible to increase the content of sewage sludge. Positive changes in plant growth and development when using a soil-based substrate, sewage sludge and sorbent were observed.
The problem of utilizing plant wastes of the agro-industrial complex is equally important and urgent. In this regard, it is advisable to develop a complex technology of plant waste application to solve the ecological problems of environmental pollution with heavy metals. Modification of walnuts shells with orthophosphoric acid has proven to be a promising process for obtaining the biosorbents with the efficient sorption properties. It was found out that the increase in the concentration of inorganic acid in modification time promotes the improvement in sorption capacity. Such biosorbents can be used in low-waste water demineralization systems. The utilization of waste biosorbents through the use in the composition of building materials is effective from an economic point of view. It was shown that the biosorbent acts as a fine additive; the increase in normal density and acceleration in hardening time takes place. At the same time, the compressive strength of the cement with the application of biosorbents decreases slightly. The results show that the modified walnuts shells have a slightly adverse effect on the hardening time of cement.
Content available Spent Biosorbents as Additives in Cement Production
The research is related to solving the problem of rational use of materials and to the creation of resource-saving technologies for the protection of the environment from pollution. Sorption technologies are quite effective in wastewater treatment, but most sorbents are quite expensive, and their regeneration raises the question of recycling of spent solutions. The cheapness and availability of raw material base of biosorbents makes these technologies attractive for wastewater treatment. The research is aimed at investigation of the ways to effectively utilize the spent sorbents, which are obtained after water purification, in the production of building materials. The obtained results allow creating a complex low-waste technology of water demineralization and purification from heavy metal ions.
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