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Artykuł poświęcono problemowi cyberbezpieczeństwa w transporcie miejskim. Omówione zostały zagrożenia, jakie związane są z udostępnianiem i przesyłaniem informacji w sieci internetowej na temat elementów systemu transportowego. W artykule przedstawiono elementy miejskiego systemu transportowego najbardziej narażone na ataki cybernetyczne oraz podjęto się próby przedstawienia sposobów przeciwdziałania im. Analizę zagrożeń cybernetycznych w artykule przeprowadzono dla: systemów informacji pasażerskiej, planerów podróży, systemów nawigacji drogowej, systemów sterowania ruchem drogowym, automatycznych systemów zliczania pasażerów oraz systemów opłat parkingowych i sprzedaży biletów. W artykule opisane zostały skutki udanych ataków oraz przykłady tego typu działań, które miały już miejsce na terenie Polski. Artykuł zakończono podsumowaniem i wnioskami będącymi wstępem do dalszych prac nad opracowaniem standardów mających na celu przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom cybernetycznym w transporcie miejskim.
The article is focused on the problem of cyber security in urban transportation. The paper discusses the threats that are associated with the sharing and transmission of information on the Internet about elements of the transportation system. The paper presents the components of the urban transport system most exposed to cyber-attacks and attempts to present measures to prevent them. The analysis of cyber threats in the article was carried out for: passenger information systems, trip planners, road navigation systems, traffic control systems, automatic passenger counting systems and parking fee and ticketing systems. The article describes the consequences of successful attacks and examples of such activities that have already taken place in Poland. The article concludes with a summary and conclusions that are an introduction to further work on developing standards to counter cyber threats in urban transportation.
With the rapid development of urban transportation and the increase in per capita car ownership, the problem of urban traffic congestion is becoming increasingly prominent. Due to the uneven distribution of crowd in different regions of the city, it is difficult to determine and solve the traffic dynamics congestion. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to determine the dynamics of traffic congestion areas caused by uneven distribution of vitality in different regions of mountainous cities, a crowded mega mountainous city is selected as research object and it proposes a model to calculate the change characteristics of regional crowd gathering. Baidu Heatmap is used as it could distinguish crowd gathering in certain urban core area. The heat map pictures in dozens of consecutive days is extracted and researchers conducted pixel statistical classification on thermal map images. Based on the pixel data of different levels of the pictures, the calculation model is established and an algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed. The calibration of the relative active population equivalent density is conducted, and the distribution characteristics of crowd gathering in time and space are analyzed. The results show that there are obvious spatiotemporal characteristics for this selected city. In time, holidays have an important impact on crowd gathering. The peak time of crowd gathering on weekdays is different from that on rest days. The research in this paper has a direct practical value for the identification of traffic congestion areas and the corresponding governance measures. The dynamic identification of population gathering areas in mountainous mega cities, demand prediction for various transportation regions, and future population OD(Origin-Destination) planning are of great significance.
The aim of the article is to indicate the best practices used to limit individual transport in selected European cities. Due to the dynamically progressing urbanization processes and the related development of cities, the demand for transport services is increasing. Individual transport has become a significant problem, which contributes to an increase in road traffic in urban transport networks, causing congestion, increasing air pollution, noise emissions, and road accidents, and affects the health and quality of life of residents by limiting their mobility and transport accessibility. Increasingly local authorities are deciding to implement traffic restrictions in cities, thus contributing to reducing the negative effects of transport. The methods of source analysis, descriptive analysis and the method of deduction were used to carry out the analysis in this paper. The results reveal that the constant search for new solutions to tackle transport problems is a challenge for city managers in the era of rapidly advancing urbanization processes. The implemented transport policies and the pace of implementing changes seem to be key aspects discouraging citizens from using individual road vehicles in cities
W artykule dokonano analizy dostępności pieszej powiązanej ze sposobem zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszaru osiedla Żabiniec w Krakowie. W pierwszej części artykułu dokonano analizy stanu istniejącego, i przedstawiono wytyczne i standardy dotyczące kształtowania dostępności pieszej do przystanków komunikacji miejskiej. W szczególności skupiono się na stworzeniu za pomocą analizy GIS mapy dostępności pieszej obszaru, wykorzystując do tego ogólnodostępne dane oraz wolne oprogramowanie. W drugiej części przedstawiono koncepcję poprawy dostępności transportowej i pieszej osiedla oraz zmiany zagospodarowania przestrzennego i intensyfikacji zabudowy obszaru o bardzo dobrej dostępności transportowej, wpływając równocześnie na zwiększenie potencjału pasażerskiego przystanków transportu zbiorowego.
This article presents an analysis of pedestrian accessibility related to the spatial development of the Żabiniec district in Kraków. The first part of the article analyses the existing situation and presents guidelines and standards for shaping pedestrian accessibility to public transport stops. In particular, a GIS analysis was used to create a pedestrian accessibility map of the area, using publicly available data and free software. In the second part a concept for improving the transportation and pedestrian accessibility of the area is presented, as well as for changes in land use and intensification of development in an area with very good transportation accessibility. This concept may increase the passenger potential of public transportation stops.
W artykule zaprezentowano problem wprowadzania zmian w transporcie miejskim mających na celu poprawę ogólnych warunków funkcjonowania miasta, a szczególnie warunków funkcjonowania transportu miejskiego. Miasto to obszar w którym zachodzą procesy społeczne generujące szereg problemów wynikających w znacznej części z ograniczonego dostępu do logi-stycznej infrastruktury miejskiej, a zwłaszcza infrastruktury transportowej. Z uwagi na sprzeczność interesów podmiotów tworzących to miasto oraz ograniczone możliwości przestrzenne i ekonomiczne ich rozwiązania, należy podjąć działania, które ułatwią to zadanie. Współczesna nauka oraz technika dostarczają szeregu rozwiązań, które po-zwalają na pozyskiwanie informacji niezbędnych dla sprawnego kierowania trans-portem w miastach oraz rozwiązań technicznych i technologicznych, które ułatwią realizację procesów transportowych na ich terenie.
The article presents the problem of introducing changes in urban logistics as a tool to improve general conditions of city functioning, especially regarding the conditions of the functioning of the urban means of transport The city is an area where there are social processes that generate a number of problems arising in large part from the limited access to then urban logistic infra-structure, especially logistics infrastructure. Because of the conflicting interests of entities creating the city and the limited spatial and economical possibilities, proper actions must be taken to facilitate this task. Modern science and technology provides a number of solutions that make it possible to obtain information necessary for the proper management of urban lo-gistics as well as technical and technological solutions that simplify accomplish-ment of the transportation processes in a given area.
This paper presents the positive impacts of telematics system in the sustainable development of any country. With the growing population and urbanization, high demand of movement of people and goods are occurring. From last few years in India, transportation system network is expanding rapidly and contributing a huge role into the economic growth. Due to the enhancement of traffic flow, there is need of implementation of telematics system so that the negative effects caused by the increased traffic can be converted in sustainable development of the country. Use of Telematics system in India and Poland can helps to improve the efficiency of transport system by minimize the fuel consumption which overall results into sustainable development by reducing the environmental effect by transportation. This paper outlines how the telematics system into transportation system aim to contribute in achieving sustainable development in country with the case studies of India and Poland.
From ancient to modern times, in the historical process of urban development, urban transportation has been developing along with the development of the city's political, economic and cultural industries, and the relationship between each other has always been a topic constantly discussed by planning scholars. The development of urban transportation promotes the urban population gathering and industrial development, and promotes the development of urban geographical space. At the same time, it also brings endless convenience to urban residents, so that they can complete the displacement from the beginning to the destination with relatively low cost. However, with the rapid development of urban scale and the rapid growth of urban population, the problems of traffic congestion and land resource shortage in big cities of China seriously restrict the improvement of the quality of life of residents and the further development of the city. In this context, compact city is the inevitable choice for future urban development, while the transportation system supporting compact city form can only be public transportation. As a high-volume, efficient and rapid public transport mode, rail transit can not only solve the traffic congestion problem in high-density areas of cities, but also optimize the development and utilization of urban land and adjust the urban spatial layout, which is of great significance for the sustainable development of cities. The network of rail transit in Beijing becomes the backbone of public passenger transport system, and play an irreplaceable role in guiding the urban space layout adjustment, population migration and the transformation of traffic structure. The study of travel characteristics of the residents who live along the rail transit, in-depth analysis the relationship of the rail transit, the population migration and commuter travel, it is of great significance providing decision support for urban planning. Based on binary choice model, establishing the residents' travel choice model, rail transit impact model of different crowds. Study the relationship between rail transit and residents' travel characteristics, predict the rail transit to guide the trend of population migration.
Development of widely understood information and communication technologies influence virtually all aspects of life, including transportation behaviours. Increase of urbanised population in the European Union, along with concentration of economic activity in urban areas pose new challenges in the area of policy planning for city transport and urban mobility. Despite existing expectation that an increase in Internet-based communication will reduce the need to travel, the amount of city traffic actually increases. The concept of sustainable urban mobility is a relatively recent one, particularly visible in the European Union’s documents that are concerned with modelling city transport systems in concert with rules of sustainable development. The goal of this paper is to show how telematics can influence the implementation of the requirements of the concept of sustainable urban mobility.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej w Rosji – kraju o dużych potrzebach transportowych, zarówno długodystansowych, jak i lokalnych. Rosyjskie aglomeracje, ze stolicą na czele, charakteryzują się olbrzymią kongestią ruchu samochodowego, która, wraz z niewystarczającą liczbą miejsc parkingowych w centrach, powoduje problemy ekologiczne, zdrowotne i ujemnie wpływa na jakość życia. Dlatego w Rosji szczególnie istotną rolę odgrywa rozwój miejskich systemów transportowych – zarówno w sferze infrastruktury, jak i organizacji i multimodalności. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane projekty na rzecz zrównoważonej mobilności realizowane w Moskwie oraz kilku innych rosyjskich miastach. Przedstawione projekty na rzecz zrównoważonej mobilności charakteryzują się różnym stopniem zaawansowania – od analiz sytuacji miejskiej do wdrożonych rozwiązań. Jednakże cele i spodziewane rezultaty wszystkich programów są podobne: ograniczenie ruchu samochodów prywatnych w centrach miast, zwiększenie liczby mieszkańców korzystających z komunikacji miejskiej – zbiorowej lub indywidualnej, zmniejszenie zanieczyszczenia i hałasu, a w konsekwencji wzrost komfortu i jakości życia w mieście.
This paper is devoted to sustainable urban mobility in Russia – the county of huge needs for both long-distance as well as local transport. Russian agglomerations have huge congestion of road traffic and they are short of parking space in the city centers. It results in environmental and health problems and undermines the quality of life of the citizens. For that reasons it is crucial for Russian cities to develop integrated sustainable public transportation systems, including transport infrastructure, management and multimodality. In this paper several projects for sustainable urban mobility are presented; the projects are introduced in Moscow and some other cities. The level of implementation of these projects is not the same – there are analyses of transport situation and fully implemented projects. However, the objectives and expected results of the projects are similar: reduction of the use of private cars in the city centers, increase of the number of citizens that use urban transportation – collective or individual – instead of private cars, decrease of pollution and noise. The main result of the projects is to increase comfort and the quality of live in the sustainable cities.
Due to the increasing costs of urban traffic congestion, new trends of consumer behaviour in passenger transportation may be observed. Among those trends three seem to be particularly significant, i.e. collaborative journeys (as a form of collaborative consumption), carsharing and helping other road users via mobile apps (as a form of consumer citizenship behaviour). The theoretic deliberations about the trends have been supplemented by results of direct quantity research presenting respondents’ opinions about contemporary consumer behaviours.
In this paper, selected short-range transport problems with the use of bicycles are presented. Against the background of road safety issues pointed to the need for traffic problems in heavily urbanized areas, indicating the ecological factors. The attention is paid to the analysis of the costs, taking into account the long-term holistic balance of gains and losses. In this context, extremely important subject is taking up, in particular the general level of public health, as underestimated now, determinants of serious economic and social activities, including transportation. To determine the health benefits associated with an increased physical activity and negative effects resulting from cycling in an urban environment, a survey concerning, among others level of physical activity, elements of lifestyle and health status of adult men and women, residents of large cities was conducted. Despite the fact that cyclists often complained of headaches, sprinkled eyes and accidents and injuries which are directly tied with cycling, this form of physical activity seems to involve undisputed health benefits. Namely cyclists compared to non-cyclists were leaner and more physically active and better rated their current health status and quality of life compared with non-cyclists.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy transportu bliskiego zasięgu z wykorzystaniem rowerów. Na tle problematyki bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego wskazano na konieczność podjęcia zagadnienia ruchu na obszarach silnie zurbanizowanych, wskazując przy tym na czynniki ekologiczne. Zwrócono przy tym uwagę na analizę kosztów, w ujęciu holistycznym uwzględniającą długookresowy bilans zysków i strat. W tym kontekście podjęto temat o wyjątkowo perspektywicznym znaczeniu, a w szczególności ogólnego poziomu zdrowia społecznego, jako niedowartościowanej obecnie, determinanty poważnych działań społeczno-gospodarczych, w tym transportu. Aby określić korzyści zdrowotne związane ze zwiększoną aktywnością fizyczną oraz negatywne skutki wynikające z jazdy rowerem w środowisku wielkomiejskim, przeprowadzono badania ankietowe dotyczące poziomu aktywności fizycznej, elementów stylu życia oraz stanu zdrowia dorosłych mężczyzn i kobiet, mieszkańców dużych miast. Pomimo iż rowerzyści częściej skarżyli się na bóle głowy, zaprószone oczy oraz wypadki i urazy, które to przypadłości wiązali w bezpośredni sposób z jazdą na rowerze, ta forma aktywności fizycznej wydaje się nieść ze sobą bezsporne korzyści zdrowotne. Mianowicie rowerzyści w porównaniu do osób niejeżdżących na rowerze byli szczuplejsi i bardziej aktywni fizycznie a także lepiej oceniali swój aktualny stan zdrowia oraz jakość życia w porównaniu z niejeżdżącymi.
The subject of this paper are selected issues connected with modelling, prognosis and control of the process of operation and maintenance of a certain category of technical objects. The research object is a system of transport means operation. Assumptions for building a model of the operation process state changes of objects used in a complex system of operation and maintenance have been presented. The operation process model was built on the basis of an analysis of the space of states and events concerning technical objects, which are used in the analysed real transportation system. Source data necessary to make assumptions for the model development and its initial verification, has been obtained by means of the passive experiment method from a real system of transport means operation. An example of Markov decision process use for modelling and analysis of a public city transportation system operation process has been presented. Determination of values of indices characterizing the analysed process has been carried out basing on computer simulation of Markov decision process, being a mathematical model of technical objects operation process. A computing model has illustrated the entire study. Values of the model parameters have been estimated basing on the results of preliminary tests conducted in a real system of transport means operation. The model presented in this work has been built in such a way that it can be used for a wide category of problems connected with technical objects operation.
All projects of building and developing modern cities suppose a reduction of the freight movement on city streets. Today, at high road congestion, the problem of carrying the freight moving under the streets' level isn't taken as fantastic, but as a real chance for a reducing the onerous character of supply activities for inhabitants.
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