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Considering the country’s development and quality of life, recognition of the water cycle mechanism is of great importance. A significant contribution to this comes from the isotopic composition of particular elements of the water cycle. However, a weak point is that in Poland only one element of the water cycle, precipitation, is sampled and measured over more than 312 thousands km2 at a single station. It is therefore necessary to seek extension of or alternatives for these rare data. Such an alternative is the sampling of groundwater containing tritium in the national monitoring net-work of groundwater bodies that is maintained by the Polish Geological Institute. Based on such data we have con-structed δ18O and δD isoscapes (i.e., maps of δ18O and δD values) of recent groundwater. These data provide spatial distribution of δ18O and δD values which can be used as input to hydrogeological models.
Badania izotopowe wycieku w poprzeczni Mina (W IV- 27) na IV poziomie kopalni soli „Wieliczka” zapoczątkowano w październiku 1991 roku i prowadzono nieprzerwanie do momentu likwidacji wycieku w październiku 2007 roku. Rutynowo obejmowały one analizy składu izotopowego wody (d18O, d2H) i stężenia trytu. Trzykrotnie wykonano oznaczenia składu izotopowego węgla (d13C) oraz aktywności radiowęgla (14C) w rozpuszczonych węglanach. Badania składu izotopowego początkowo wskazywały na dopływ do wycieku wód zasilanych w chłodniejszych warunkach klimatycznych w stosunku do panujących obecnie, lub zdominowanych przez takie wody (tzw. wody „glacjalne”). Z biegiem czasu skład izotopowy uległ przesunięciu w kierunku składu wód współczesnej infiltracji. W całym okresie obserwacji skład izotopowy wykazywał znaczące fluktuacje, potwierdzające złożoność warunków hydrogeologicznych w sąsiedztwie wycieku, stwierdzonych w oparciu o badania znacznikowe na przedpolu poprzeczni Mina. W latach 1991-2007 wykonano łącznie 35 oznaczeń stężenia trytu w wodzie z wycieku. Ich rezultaty stały się podstawą do próby zastosowania modeli komorowych w celu określenia warunków i parametrów przepływu wody przy użyciu programu FLOWPC. Dokładny wgląd w dynamikę dopływu wód do poprzeczni oraz w strukturę danych izotopowych, wraz z postępującym rozwojem wiedzy na temat warunków przepływu wód podziemnych w obszarze zbiornika GZWP-451 zmusił do rewizji poglądów na temat interpretacji danych izotopowych. W latach 1992, 1993 i 2004 wykonano analizy składu izotopowego węgla d13C oraz aktywności 14C w rozpuszczonych węglanach pochodzenia nieorganicznego. Aktywność 14C systematycznie rosła, świadcząc o dopływie do wycieku coraz młodszej wody. Skład izotopowy węgla odzwierciedlał wartości mieszczące się w przedziałach typowych dla układów węglanowych formowanych przy udziale glebowego CO2, zmodyfikowanych w wyniku procesów rozkładu martwej materii organicznej. W prezentowanej pracy zestawiono wszystkie wyniki analiz izotopowych wykonane na przestrzeni lat 1991-2007 dla wycieku W IV-27 w poprzeczni Mina. Przedstawiona interpretacja wyników jest podsumowaniem i zwieńczeniem prac związanych z tym wyciekiem.
Isotope investigations of water inflow to the Mina crosswise (W IV-27) located at the level IV of the „Wieliczka” salt mine started in October 1991. They were conducted regularly until October 2007, when the leak was stopped completely. Routine measurements included analyses of oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope composition of water (d18O, d2H) and tritium concentration. Three analyses of d13C and 14C in total dissolved inorganic carbon had been performed during the lifetime of the inflow. Initially, stable isotope composition of water indicated presence of water recharged in colder climate when compared to present-day conditions. Over time, this composition shifted towards the values typical for waters of modern infiltration. Over the entire period of observations the isotopic composition of inflowing water revealed significant fluctuations, indicating complexity of hydrogeological conditions in the vicinity of the Mina crosswise. During the period 1991 – 2007, a total of 35 determinations of tritium content had been made. Tritium data were used in numerical modeling of flow conditions using lumped parameter models (FLOWPC code). Detailed considerations of the dynamics of the inflow and the structure of isotope data forced the revision of previous interpretation. Analyses of 13C and 14C content in the total dissolved inorganic carbon pool were performed in 1992, 1993 and 2004. Activity of 14C has been increasing over this time period, indicating gradual freshening of the inflow. Stable carbon isotope composition (d13C) reflected values typical for carbonate solutions formed with participation of soil CO2, modified by processes of the dead organic matter decomposition. In a paper results of all isotope analyses performed during the existence of inflow to the Mina crosswise are presented and their new interpretation is proposed.
Groundwater age plays an important role in both development and management of groundwater resources. This is particularly true for groundwater systems being exploitedfor drinking water purposes and subject to anthropogenic stress. Environmental isotopes play a vital role in quantifying time scales of groundwater flow, ranging from fraction of a year to millions of years. Over the past several decades a large number of groundwater age indicators have been proposed. Apart of radioactive isotopes, also stable isotopes of water, isotopes of noble gases and anthropogenic trace substances present in the atmosphere have been usedfor this purpose. This work is focusing on methodological aspects of groundwater age determinations using tritium, radiocarbon and stable isotope composition of water. The discussion is based on a rich material available after several decades of application of environmental isotope techniques in groundwater studies in Poland.
An issue of mean residence time (MRT) evaluation, i.e. the period of time from rainfall until drainage of groundwater by rivers (Danube River Basin, Vistula River Basin and Narew River Basin), is discussed Asimple method of evaluating the groundwater MRT for the Danube River Basin based on tritium data is introduced. It has been confirmed that the historical tritium level in the rivers, being higher than in precipitation, has its end and is reversed, opening a new pathway in understanding the surface-groundwater interaction and specifically in evaluating MRT of groundwater. The authors have defined a separate notification for mean residence time of the whole water in the basin (τ) and mean residence time for groundwater in the basin (τwp). Based on the tritium study the obtained τ values are 6.5 and 5.7 years for the Vistula River Basin (VRB) and the Narew River Basin (NRB), respectively. In turn, the obtained τwp values are 8.0 and 6.0 years, respectively. NRB is a lowland plain and a morphologically, geologically and hydrogeologically uniform basin. The obtained τ wp of groundwater is thus representative for the whole basin. Instead inmorphologically non uniform VRB basin groundwater τwp is a generalized value,i.e.averaged over contributed parts of the basin.
Na podstawie wieloletnich badań aktualne rozpoznanie warunków hydrogeologicznych w rejonie Kopalni Soli Wieliczka wskazuje na złożony charakter udokumentowanych wód. Są one zróżnicowane zarówno pod względem zasolenia, jak i wieku. Z upływem czasu nastąpiła wymiana wód synsedymentacyjnych na wody infiltracyjne. W dwóch wypływach kopalnianych: WVI-32 na poziomie VI oraz WVII-16 na poziomie VII są ujmowane solanki wykorzystywane w balneoterapii w Uzdrowisku Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka. Wieloletnie pomiary wydatku wody potwierdzają stabilny charakter wypływów z łagodną tendencją malejącą, co świadczy o zróżnicowaniu obszarów zasilania i dróg dopływu wody do miejsc wypływu w kopalni. Skład izotopowy wody z wypływu WVI-32 jest zmienny w czasie, co nie pozwala na jednoznaczną interpretację wyników, w związku z czym konieczne są dalsze badania. Wypływ WVII-16 reprezentuje wody plejstoceńskie, pozbawione bezpośredniego kontaktu z wodami współczesnymi, jednak po czasie dłuższym niż 25 lat może pojawić się w tym wypływie domieszka wód współczesnych.
Based on long–term research, the current hydrogeological conditions in the vicinity of the Wieliczka Salt Mine show a complex nature of documented water that is diverse in terms of salinity and age. Over time, there was an exchange of waters from those of the sedimentation period to infiltration waters. Brine used for balneotherapy in the spa of the Salt Mine Wieliczka is captured at two outflows: WVI-32 at level VI, and WVII-16 at level VII of the mine. Long–term measurements of water flow confirm the stable nature of the outflows with a mild descending trend. NaCl content in the WVI-32 leak has a clear increasing trend, while the WVII-16 leak did not show any significant trend, which reflects a diversification of supply areas and inflow routes to the outflow areas in the mine. The isotopic composition of water from the WVI-32 leak is variable and did not allow for an unambiguous interpretation of the results, and creates need for further research. The WVII-16 leak represents the Pleistocene water without a direct contact with the contemporary waters, however, after more than 25 years, addition of such waters may appear.
Time series of investigations of selected mineral waters in the Piwniczna Spa prove the occurrence of progressive negative changes indicated by results of tritium concentration and chemical composition measurements. In some boreholes a systematic decrease of mineralization in time is observed – sometime taking the form of a drastic disappearance. According to available data this is caused by the opening of new migration paths for gaseous geogenic CO2 and, increased inflow of modern (tritium containing) waters to several wells. The latter possibility is especially visible in a case of P-5 and P-6 boreholes. Based on analytical results the necessity of regular observations of selected boreholes is postulated.
The points of the national network of groundwater monitoring comprise a stable benchmarks in quality and quantity monitoring. The obtained data (tritium and δ18O) are important for understanding the groundwater cycling and are indirect indicators of aquifer vulnerability to anthropogenic pollution. The goal of this paper is to present the relation of the tritium content and delta value of stable isotopes of oxygen against the groundwater sampling depth in 2004–2012. It is demonstrated that the remains of “nuclear” tritium concentration is still present in groundwater as a tritium peak at depths around 30 m. Determination of dynamics of recharge in groundwater bodies, based on national network observation points is associated to the estimation of the groundwater residence time in aquifers and remains one the vital problem of hydrogeology.
The Niedźwiedzia Cave system is composed of 3 horizontal levels of passages and chambers. Changes in the drip rate of water from the upper level stalactites correlate well with changes in precipitation intensity. The transition time between the surface and the upper level of the cave was estimated to 14 days. Drip sites in the middle and lower levels of the cave exhibited two types of recharge: some did not correlate with precipitation intensity, whereas others correlated well with rain events. The transition times for the latter sites were estimated to be greater than 6 months. This estimate was confirmed by the calculation of the transition time based on tritium activity. The oldest water in the entire karst system was observed in a karst spring. The mean tritium age for this water during winter was estimated to be 3.9 ± 0.6 yr. More precise calculations of the tritium age of karst water require longer precipitation activity datasets.
Content available Fusion 2050 : European and Polish Perspective
Fusion, in all its varieties, is a very current subject of science and technology. The results of strongly exothermic reaction of thermonuclear fusion between nuclei of deuterium and tritium are: helium nuclei and neutrons, plus considerable kinetic energy of neutrons of over 14 MeV. DT nuclides synthesis reaction is probably not the most favorable one for energy production, but is the most advanced technologically. More efficient would be possibly an aneutronic fusion. The EU by its EURATOM agenda prepared a Road Map for research and implementation of Fusion as a commercial method of thermonuclear energy generation in the time horizon of 2050. The milestones on this road are tokomak experiments JET, ITER and DEMO, and neutron experiment IFMIF. There is a hope, that by engagement of the national government, and all research and technical fusion and plasma communities, part of this Road Map may be realized in Poland. The infrastructure build for fusion experiments may be also used for material engineering research, chemistry, biomedical, associated with environment protection, power engineering, security, etc. Construction of such research and industrial accelerator and tokomak infrastructure may have potentially a profound meaning for the development of science and technology in Poland.
Zasoby oraz skład chemiczny leczniczych szczaw rejonu Krynicy-Zdroju i Muszyny są formowane na drodze mieszania wód regionalnego i lokalnego systemu krążenia. W latach 2009–2012 dla wybranych ujęć tych wód wykonano nowe oznaczenia składu izotopowego. Wyniki badań przedstawione w artykule świadczą o wysokiej wrażliwości systemu wodonośnego na zmienne warunki eksploatacji, zostały też przeanalizowane wraz z danymi archiwalnymi w celu oceny zjawisk wpływających na zmienność składu izotopowego wód w czasie.
Resources and chemical composition of carbonated water in area of Krynica-Zdrój and Muszyna are formed by mixing water of local and regional flow system The results of the water isotopic composition analysis from the years 2009–2012 made for some spring and wells, bring new information on such sensitivity of aquifer system to such factors as changing withdrawal. They were interpreted together with the archive data in order to evaluate the phenomena affecting the changeability of the isotopic composition of water in time.
Wody mineralne rejonu Iwonicza i Rymanowa charakteryzują się podwyższoną mineralizacją – około kilkunastu g/dm3 i znaczącym udziałem komponenty chlorkowej. W świetle wykonanych badań składy izotopowe tych wód znacząco odbiegają od Globalnej Linii Wód Meteorycznych (GMWL) i zostały ukształtowane w wyniku mieszania wód infiltracyjnych w różnych proporcjach z wodami wysoko zmineralizowanymi, cięższymi izotopowo, o charakterze diagenetycznym. Wyniki wskazują na znaczny udział wód młodych w badanych odwiertach Iwonicza, których czas dopływu do ujęć jest rzędu kilkunastu lat.
The mineral waters of the Iwonicz and Rymanów areas are characterised by increased mineralisation, typically in the order of dozens g/dm3, with a significant contribution from the chloride component. Their stable isotope composition differs from the Global Meteoric Water line (GMWL) indicating that all investigated waters represent a mixture of both young infiltration and diagenetic waters of deep circulation. Obtained results point to significant participation of young infiltration components in analysed waters whose age is between 10–20 years old.
We report the synthesis of isotopomers of L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine selectively labelled with hydrogen isotopes in the 2-position of the side chain. The deuterium or tritium label was introduced using reductive amination activity of enzyme L-phenylalanine dehydrogenase (EC This way p-phenylpyruvic acid was converted into [2-2H]-, [2-3H]-, and doubly labelled [2-2H/3H]-isotopomers of L-phenylalanine, using deuteriated, tritiated, and mixed (DTO) incubation media, respectively. Similarly, p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid was converted into [2-2H]-, [2-3H]-, and [2-2H/3H]-L-tyrosine. Deuterium labelled isotopomers of L-phenylalanine and --tyrosine can be used as markers in the investigation of abnormal metabolism of these amino acids observed in patients with inborn genetic diseases such as phenylketonuria and tyrosinemia.
Wody podziemne Piwnicznej-Zdroju są głównie szczawami typu: HCO3–Ca–Mg, HCO3–Ca–Mg–Na, HCO3–Mg–Na–Ca i HCO3–Na–Mg–Ca. W wodach współczesnych wśród kationów dominuje Ca2+, a w wodach przedwspółczesnych obserwuje się podwyższoną mineralizację i zwiększone zawartości Mg2+ i Na+. Granice obszarów zasilania wyznaczono na podstawie rozpoznanej budowy geologicznej i średniej wysokości ich położenia nad poziomem morza, oszacowanej z badań izotopowych.
Therapeutical waters of the Piwniczna-Spa are of HCO3–Ca–Mg, HCO3–Ca–Mg–Na, HCO3–Mg–Na–Ca and HCO3–Na–Mg–Ca types, rich in CO2. In modern waters, Ca2+ dominates among cations whereas in older waters Na+ and Mg2+ dominate and mineralization is higher. Boundaries of the recharge areas were determined from the known geology and the mean elevation of recharge area estimated from the isotope data.
Results of study on the influence of cocktail volume on such measuring parameters as counting efficiency, standard quench parameter (SQP) and figure of merit (FOM) are described. Nine commercial cocktails were tested using a Quantulus spectrometer. Two kinds of vials (low-diffusion teflon-coated polyethylene (LD-PE) and high-performance glass (HP-G)) and two standard solutions (14C and 3H) were used. Measurements were performed at seven quench levels ensured by carbon tetrachloride addition to the scintillation vials. Various quench sensitivity of the studied cocktails was found. Cocktails based on simple benzene-derived solvents revealed the best quench resistance. In general, increasing cocktail volume caused an increase in the counting efficiency. However, the background increased as well, what resulted in FOM diminishing. Studied cocktails revealed also various responses to volume changes.
The present investigation conducted in Čepkeliai peatland (south-eastern Lithuania) deals with two radioisotope methods – carbon-14 (14C) and tritium (3H). 14C was applied to peatland chronology and sedimentation rate estimation and 3H to peat water dynamics characterization. According to 14C data, peatland development began since 12650-11350 years cal BP and peat accumulation since 10550-9700 years cal BP with peat accumulation rate of 0.27-0.79 mm/year in the central part of the peatland. The peat water mean residence time and basic groundwater flow was estimated to be respectively about 27 ± 6 years and 62 ± 15 mm based on 3H data. The obtained data showed relatively undisturbed natural condition of Čepkeliai peatland in the studied sites.
Wykazano, że skład chemiczny i mineralizacja zwykłych szczaw w zachodniej części polskich Karpat fliszowych silnie zależą od wieku wody. Wody współczesne są zazwyczaj typu HCO3-Ca z mineralizacją poniżej 3 g/dm3, a wody wieku glacjalnego reprezentują różne typy ze zwiększonym udziałem jonów Mg2+ Mg2+ i Na+ lub Na+ i Mg2+, o mineralizacji znacznie przekraczającej 3 g/dm3. Zaobserwowane zależności mogą być przydatne dla lepszej identyfikacji wieku wód oraz procesów mieszania się wód o bardzo zróżnicowanym wieku.
Chemical composition and total dissolved solids (TDS) of CO2-rich waters in the western part of the Polish Carpathians depend strongly on the age of water. Modern waters are of the HCO3-Ca type with TDS usually below 3 g/l, whereas glacial age waters are of different types with increased contents of Mg2+, Mg2+ and Na+, or Na+and Mg2+, with TDS content significantly above 3 g/l. The relationships observed may serve for a better identification of ages and mixing patterns between waters of significantly different ages.
Comprehensive investigations of groundwater were performed in a sedimentary aquifer of Permo-Carboniferous, Intra-Sudetic Synclinorium, in SWPoland. The investigation included aqueous chemical and isotopic composition, chemistry of mineral phases, geochemical modelling, and tritium and radiocarbon groundwater dating. Chemical diversity in the groundwater system is created by the mixing of modern fresh water and older sulphate water with higher dissolved solids. The system is treated as a system of flows of two end-member water types. Geochemical modelling is used for: (1) explaining the origin of the chemistry of both water components, (2) quantifying the groundwater mixing, (3) correcting the radiocarbon age of the groundwater for the effects of chemical water-rock interactions, and (4) calculating reaction rates. Study of stable (C, S, O, H) and unstable ([^3H], [^14]C) isotopes allowed the inverse mass balance geochemical models to be verified and specified, and the groundwater to be dated. The chemistry of the modern, tritium-bearing, fresh water is a result of dissolution of limestones, dolomites and gypsum. The mean tritium-age of this water, based on the lumped-parameter approach, varies between 10 and 200 years. The sulphate mineral water owes its chemistry to the process of dedolomitization driven by gypsum dissolution. Its radiocarbon age is about 5.9 ka BP, i.e., during theMid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Rates of chemical reactions responsible for the formation of sulphate type water are estimated to be: dissolution of gypsum (2.85 [mi]mol/L/year) and dolomite (0.21 [mi]mol/L/year), calcite precipitation (0.20 [mi]mol/L/year), organic matter decomposition (0.08 [mi]mol/L/year).
The synthesis of five isotopomers of L-DOPAlabelled selectivelywith deuterium, tritium and 14C is reported. The isotopomers of L-tyrosine, the intermediate substrates for this synthesis, were obtained using chemical and enzymatic methods. Selectively labelled isotopomers of L-tyrosine were hydroxylated respectively to [3R-3H]-L, [5-2H]-L, [2 ,6 -2H2]-L, doubly labelled [5-2H/3H]-L, and [1-14C]-L-DOPA using activity of enzyme tyrosine (EC isolated from mushrooms.
The isotopic tracing of hydrogen with deuterium or tritium is essential for a quantitative analysis of H-induced environmental degradation of materials. Considering the future development of hydrogen as an energy vector, a wide range of materials is concerned (metals and alloys, concrete, glasses). Whereas large perspectives are open for the development of various techniques associated with ion beam analysis applied to the profiling and maping of deuterium, the use of tritium with the related techniques appears to be the only way to investigate the crucial question of the transport of hydrogen by moving defects and the consequence on the degradadation on the material properties.
The tritium kinetic isotope effect on position 2 has been determined in the reaction of decomposition of L-tryptophan, L-Trp, catalyzed by enzyme TPase, (EC The numerical values of isotope effects in the course of reaction were obtained by the competitive method using [1-14C]-L-tryptophan as internal radiometric standard.
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