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Toxic waste, soil, and ash samples were collected in the landfill (solid environmental hot spots) near the Trepça complex, New Co Ferronickeli, and Kosovo thermal power plants. They were analyzed by the ICP-OES method to measure the concentration of some toxic metals. The pollutant with the highest mean concentration (in an acidic medium) was Fe (36 400.0), followed by Mn (8683.0), Cr (6575.0), As (4739.0), Pb (3364.0), Zn (2394.0), Ni (922.6), Cu (297.6), Co (46.6), and Cd (61.8) (all concentrations in mg/kg). Three pollution indices were used such as the geoaccumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CFi), and pollution load index (PLI). The CFi values determined for Fe, Mn, Cr, As, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cu, Co, and Cd indicated high contamination. In all soil samples, the PLI values showed the presence of soil pollution.
The level of wheat grain contamination with lead and cadmium was determined using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction (ETAAS) after microwave digestion. The obtained limits of quantification were 0.001 mg∙kg-1, for both metals. A total of 300 samples of wheat grain from agricultural regions of Poland were examined, 150 each from the two consecutive harvest years 2017 and 2018. None of the tested samples exceeded the maximum level of these metals, as specified in the European regulations. The contents of lead and cadmium in wheat grain from both years of harvest ranged from <0.001 to 0.098 mg∙kg-1 and from 0.006 to 0.098 mg∙kg-1, respectively. Despite similar ranges of these metals, the highest lead contents were two times lower than the maximum limit value, while the highest cadmium contents were close to it. As for lead, a significantly higher (p < 0.05) mean content of this metal was found in wheat grain from the 2018 harvest compared to 2017 and in the western compared to eastern regions of the country. However, the cadmium contents did not differ significantly between the two harvest years, but were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in wheat grain from the southern regions compared to northern regions of Poland. Additionally, the highest contents of cadmium, close to the maximum limit, were found in the South-West region and in the both years of harvest. The risk analysis of the occurrence of the excessive contents of toxic metals in wheat grain showed a low risk level for lead in all investigated regions, and a medium level for cadmium, in general.
Concentrations of heavy metals in the soil such as: (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr), play a role in contamination of agricultural crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Roads in the Republic of Kosovo are congested with traffic; in addition, over 55% are more than 20 years old. The agricultural land near roads in Kosovo is cultivated with agricultural products, especially wheat. This study aimed to investigate the concentration of toxic metals in soil and wheat crops due to vehicle emissions. In this research are examined the physico-chemical factors that affect the mobility of metals in the soil of the research area as; pH, concentration of organic carbon and heavy metals such as: (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr). Analytical research shows that the content of toxic metals decreases with increasing distance or along highways. The concentration tests of toxic metals near roads and lands planted with analyzed agricultural crop of corn showed that heavy metal deposits also depend on atmospheric conditions and emissions from vehicle traffic.
Accumulation of 34 trace and major elements was analysed in 9 plant species (Tussilago farfara, Arctium tomentosum, Solidago canadensis, Populus L., Eupatorium cannabinum, Verbascum sp., Solanum nigrum, Rumex crispus L., Betula pendula) and one fungus (Schizophyllum commune) collected from coal, PbZn-smelting, and mixed-type waste heaps in Upper Silesia (Poland). The most persistent and extreme enrichment was found in the burnt bark of Betula pendula from Bytom. Enrichment factors in relation to the geometric mean of elevated (PE) and hyperaccumulator (PH) plant contents show extreme values for elements toxic to vegetation, such as Zn (EFPE up to 13, EFPH up to 17), Pb (EFPH up to 4, EFPE up to 161), Tl (EFPE up to 8), Cd (EFmax of 327), Hg (EFPH up to 3), and Ag (maximum EFPE of 14). Elevated are also V (EFPN up to 13), Sc (EFPN up to 14), Ni (EFPN up to 17), Se (EFPN up to 16), Fe (EFPN up to 48), Co (EFPN up to 23), Sb (EFPN up to 31), and Bi (EFPN up to 34). Although the levels of the elements studied were usually below potentially toxic levels, they were often above the normal ones. Furthermore, significant differences in the contents between different plant tissues were observed, as reflected in the translocation factor (TF). Verbascum sp. and S. nigrum accumulate such elements mostly in their above-ground tissues, and may thus be considered useful in phytoextraction of Zn, Pb and other elements. Sl. canadensis and E. cannabinum mostly display the opposite strategy, with element immobilization in their roots. Extreme Zn contents in E. cannabinum, peaking in its roots, suggest it to be a potential Zn phytostabilizer.
Rosnące zanieczyszczenie wody i ścieków metalami toksycznymi staje się globalnym wyzwaniem dla środowiska wynikającym ze wzrostu urbanizacji uprzemysłowienia i zaludnienia. Dominujące technologie oczyszczania stosowane do usuwania zanieczyszczeń są zbyt kosztowne, a czasem również nieekologiczne, dlatego badania koncentrują się na taniej i przyjaznej dla środowiska technologii fitoremediacji ścieków. Celem pracy przeglądowej była analiza badań świadczących o potencjale fitoremediacyjnym rukwi wodnej (Nasturtium officinale). Ustalono, że roślina ta może akumulować znaczne ilości metali toksycznych i nadaje się do biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków zanieczyszczonych w nieznacznym stopniu tymi metalami. Jej zastosowanie do usuwania Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, As, Cr oraz Zn, Mn i Fe daje obiecujące możliwości poprawy jakości wód i ponownego ich wykorzystania do spożycia lub nawadniania gruntów ornych. Rukiew wodna stanowi kolejny gatunek roślin wodnych, której cechy fitoremediacyjne wskazują na możliwość jej praktycznego wykorzystania w systemach hydrofitowych.
A review, with 32 refs., of studies on the effectiveness of removing toxic metals by Nasturtium officinale from contamined waters. The use of the plant to remove Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, As, Cr, Zn, Mn and Fe from water ecosystems showed promising opportunities to improve water quality and reuse it for consumption or irrigation of arable land.
Mangroves are a crucial ecosystem in coastal areas and serve a significant ecological function. However, this ecosystem is under the continuous pressure of anthropogenic activities which create toxic contaminants, such as heavy metals. The presence of marine ports and electric steam power plants next to Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Mangrove Forest may worsen the heavy metal pollution, especially in the case of non-essential metals like lead (Pb). The vegetation in mangrove ecosystems can help store and trap this contaminant. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the potency of the Avicennia alba and Rhizopora mucronata mangrove species, which dominate the mangrove vegetation in BJBR Mangrove Forest, as Pb phytoremediation agents. The samples were taken from the sediment, roots, stems, and leaves of the mangrove trees. The results showed that the Pb found in the sediment of these species ranged from 10.323 to 11.071 ppm, while the Pb concentration in the mangrove parts was less than 1 ppm with the order roots > stems > leaves. Furthermore, the statistical analysis indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the Pb values across sites and species. Moreover, the BCF, BAC, and TF in this study were less than 1, making the observed mangrove species unsuitable for phytoextraction or phytostabilization.
The exposure of heavy metals in the Drenas site – Kosovo has risen dramatically in the last 30 years because of mining and smelting activities. The study investigated the heavy metal in soil, accumulation in different parts of apple trees near the industrial sites of Drenas. The accumulation ratio values of heavy metals were calculated to assess the potential health risks. The mean concentrations of the heavy metals in the soil were in the following order of magnitude Ni > Zn > Fe > Cr > Cu > Pb > Cd > As, while that in the apples were in the order of magnitude Ni > Cr > Fe > Cu > Pb > Zn > Cd > As, in the leaves – Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr > Ni > Pb > Cd > As and in the shoots – Zn > Fe > Cu > Cr > Ni > Pb > Cd > As. Compared to control, the contents of analyzed metals from plant tissues of apple trees in the contaminated area were significantly higher (p<0.001). The concentration of Ni, Pb, Cr, Fe etc. in the apple tissue increased along with the heavy metal content in soils in the polluted area. The high accumulation ratio values for Pb (1.1), Cd (0.62), Cr (0.93) and Ni (0.46) were characteristic for the investigated species and indicate the accumulation ability.
This paper presents the results of work on the reduction of toxic metal content while decreasing its oxygen activity. During the study the effects of different doses of ozone in the air used for aeration of the stabilized compost in the first post-thermophilic phase were analyzed. The results showed the possibility of reducing the concentrations of toxic metals and decrease the activity of oxygen by up to 30%, compared to traditional stabilized compost aeration system without using ozone.
Jakość powietrza w Polsce stanowi poważny problem dla społeczeństwa oraz środowiska. Według badań WHO Polska znajduje się na 14. miejscu w Europie jako kraj najbardziej zanieczyszczony pyłem zawieszonym PM10. Równie niebezpieczne dla zdrowia są ozon, WWO, dwutlenek azotu, tlenek siarki, tlenek węgla oraz metale ciężkie. Długotrwałe narażenie na podwyższone stężenia ozonu oraz dwutlenku azotu może doprowadzić do nieodwracalnych, rozległych zmian w płucach, obrzęku płuc, a nawet śmierci. Głównym przedstawicielem WWA jest benzo(a)piren (BaP), który jest kumulowany w organizmie i został określony przez IARC jako główny czynnik kancerogenny. Wysokie stężenie tlenku siarki w powietrzu może doprowadzić do uszkodzenia górnych dróg oddechowych, ponadto tlenki siarki przyczyniają się również do występowania kwaśnych deszczy oraz są składnikami smogu typu londyńskiego. Metale ciężkie będące zanieczyszczeniami powietrza, z uwagi na zdolność kumulowania się w organizmie, są jednym z najcięższych zagrożeń dla zdrowia ludzi.
Air quality in Poland poses a serious threat for boththe society and the environment. According to the WHO research Poland is located on the 14th place as a country most contaminated by particulate matter (PM10). Equally health-threatening substances are ozone, PAH, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur oxide, carbon oxide and heavy metals. Long-lasting exposure to high concentrations of ozone and nitrogen dioxide may lead to many irreversible changes in lungs, pulmonary oedema and even death. The main PAH, which cumulates in the organism is benzopyrene. This substance has been described by the IARC as a the most cancerogenic factor. High concentration of sulfur oxide in the air may cause severe damage of upper respiratory tract, sulfur oxide contributes greatly also to the appearance of acid rain and is an ingredient of a London type smog. Heavy metals polluting the air are one of the most severe health threat for people, due to the ability to cumulate in the organism.
Dokonano oceny poziomu kumulacji ołowiu, kadmu, miedzi i cynku w zielonych częściach i kwiatach roślin stanowiących pożytki pszczele, pobranych z obszaru ekologicznego (Park Krajobrazowy „Dolina Baryczy”) i obszaru uprzemysłowionego (Legnicko-Głogowski Okręg Miedziowy). Za pomocą absorpcyjnej spektroskopii atomowej (AAS), po uprzedniej mikrofalowej mineralizacji prób, stwierdzono zróżnicowaną zawartość badanych pierwiastków w obu rejonach: Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd. Zawartość ołowiu i miedzi w częściach zielonych roślin zależała od rejonu pochodzenia próbek, podobnej zależności nie odnotowano w przypadku kwiatów. Stężenia ołowiu, cynku i miedzi w częściach zielonych i kwiatach badanych roślin mieściły się w granicach stężeń normatywnych, a stężenie kadmu granice te przekraczało.
Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd contents were detd. in green parts and flowers of melliferous plants collected in an industrialized region (near Legnica) and in an ecological region (Dolina Baryczy). The plants from the ecological region contained less metals than those from the industrialized region exept for Cu in flowers.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań ekotoksyczności próbek wody uzdatnionej w modelowej stacji uzdatniania. Jako bioindykatory efektów toksycznych wynikających z możliwego uwalniania metali z dwóch wariantów zmodyfikowanego chitozanu wykorzystano bakterie Vibrio fischeri. Wyniki uzyskane w teście Microtox nie wskazują na wymywanie toksycznych ilości metali z wypełnień filtracyjnych. Zaobserwowane efekty toksyczne próbek wody po przejściu przez filtr chitozanowy są na zbliżonym poziomie, jak w próbkach poddanych jedynie uzdatnieniu metodami fizycznymi. Czas kontaktu wody w procesie uzdatniania z biopolimerem nie powodował istotnych zmian w toksyczności próbek. Niewielki wzrost, wraz z wydłużeniem czasu inkubacji, obserwowanej stymulacji w próbkach po przejściu przez filtr wypełniony drugim z badanych zmodyfikowanych chitozanów wynika raczej z obecności substancji odżywczych w wodzie surowej niż z toksycznego oddziaływania wypełnienia.
Chitosan (deacylation degree 85%) was modified with Ag and Cu ions, used for purifn. of drinking water by sorption of impurities and then studied for toxic effects (metal ion leachability) on Vibrio fischeri bioindicator. No difference in the toxicity between the chitosan-treated water and the water treated by conventional methods (aeration, sand filtration) were obsd.
The present study was performed for the period of one year from June 2012 to May 2013 in order to understand the level of toxic heavy metals in the sediments of Mahim Creek near Mumbai. The annual average concentration of heavy metals like Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni and Hg was found to be 9.88, 2.33, 1.41, 33.31, 22.07, 32.21 and 32.06 ppm respectively. It is feared that this heavy metals accumulated in the creek sediments might affect the benthic macro invertebrates whose metabolic activities contribute to aquatic productivity. The results of present study indicates that the existing situation if mishandled can cause toxic effect on sediment dwelling organisms and fish, resulting in decrease survival, reduced growth, or impaired reproduction and lowered species diversity.
Content available Study of Toxic Heavy Metals in Mahim Creek of Mumbai
The present study was performed for the period of one year from June 2012 to May 2013 in order to understand the level of toxic heavy metals in the water of Mahim Creek near Mumbai. It was observed that the annual average concentration of heavy metals like Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Zn, Cu and Ni and Hg was found to be 0.68, 0.28, 0.15, 0.04, 2.93, 0.64, 1.29 and 0.31 ppm respectively. The average concentrations of Hg and Pb were found to be above the maximum permissible limit of 0.01 ppm and 0.1 ppm respectively set for inland surface water by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India. The results suggest that there is a need to have such regular scientific monitoring for longer time period in order to understand the variation in level of these toxic heavy metals discharged in to the creek water. It is feared that the existing problem if ignored may increase the pollution problem of the creek due to the toxic heavy metals resulting in threat to the biological life of an aquatic ecosystem. From the results of the present investigation it seems that the time has come to move towards ecosystem specific discharge standards to maintain the health and productivity of natural resources on which the majority of human population is dependent.
The aim of this study was to investigate the phytotoxic effects of seven metal ions (Cd(II), Cr(VI), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II)) on length of roots of five rapeseed (Brassica napus L. subsp. napus) cultivars registered in Slovakia (Atlantic, Baldur, Californium, Oponent and Verona). The phytotoxic effect of metals was evaluated using IC50 values. The studied metal ions inhibited germination and root growth of rapeseed seedlings. In general, the toxicity of metal ions decreased in the following order Cu > Cr >Hg > Cd > Pb > Ni > Zn. Atlantic, Baldur and Californium were more sensitive to Cd than to Ni, for Oponent and Verona higher toxicity exhibited Ni. From the studied rapeseed cultivars Atlantic and Californium were found to be most sensitive to tested metals. On the other hand, high tolerance to metal treatment was determined for Baldur. Czech cultivar Opponent showed high tolerance to Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb, but it was sensitive to Hg and Ni. The above-mentioned results confirmed differences in the metal tolerance of tested rapeseed cultivars.
Content available remote Effect of mercury and lead on the total environment
Mercury lead are widely used in nowadays economy. However, by using these toxic metals, we disperse them around the planet, pollute it and, since they are not biodegradable, threaten future generation with unsafe environment. The other side of the problem is that they are nonrenewable resources therefore current estimates suggest that, at present levels of consumption, there is enough lead for 58 years mercury for 46 years, to mention just a few of the best known heavy metals. A role of these metals in the total environment is discussed in the paper.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wybranych wyników badań procesu sorpcji jonów metali toksycznych na różnych materiałach pochodzenia naturalnego, m.in. pestkach owoców, łupinach orzechów, pyle tytoniowym, glonach, wodorostach i in. Przeprowadzona analiza prac pozwala stwierdzić, że usuwanie metali toksycznych przy użyciu badanych sorbentów naturalnych jest bardzo obiecującą metodą, a wykorzystywane w tym procesie materiały organiczne są konkurencyjne dla powszechnie stosowanych sorbentów, m.in. takich jak węgle aktywne. Dodatkowo za użyciem sorbentów organicznych przemawia również możliwość ich regeneracji.
This article presents a review of selected literature data on sorption of metal ions on different natural materials (e.g. fruit stones, nut shells, tobacco dust, algaes, seaweeds). The review allows conclude that removal of toxic metals by means of natural sorbents is very promising method. Organic materials used in this process were found to be competitive with refer to commonly used sorbents (e.g. activated carbons). Additionally, important advantage of organic sorbents is possibility of their regeneration.
Content available Influence of heavy metals on soil microflora
The purpose of the research presented in the paper was to conduct the heavy metals contents in area of tannery plant and to determine their influence on soil microflora. The soil samples were collected to this purpose from the area, which was surrounded by the industrial buildings from one side (tannery, galvanic plant and chemistry plant) and by river Wilga and two small ponds from three remaining ones, which supposedly collect the sewers from these plants. The collected samples were then chemically and microbiologically analyzes. The contents of metals as Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn were determined by culometric method. On the basis of conducted analyzes it was proved that soil on the researched area was polluted by heavy metals. Mainly chromium contents in every sample was high what means that the tannery wastes occurs in the area of collecting samples. The investigation proved the influence of heavy metals on soil microflora. Various sorts of microorganisms have various tolerance on high metals concentration. The most resistant were ferruginous, nitrificative and denitrificative bacteria, the less resistant were meso- and psychrophilic bacteria and fungi.
Celem badań przedstawionych w artykule było zbadanie zawartości metali ciężkich w pobliżu zakładów garbarskich oraz określenie ich wpływu na mikroflorę gleby. W tym celu pobrano próbki gleby z terenu, który dawniej był ograniczony z jednej strony zabudowaniami zakładów przemysłowych (zakładów garbarsko-kuśnierskich, galwanizacyjnych i chemii gospodarczej), a z trzech pozostałych rzeką Wilgą i dwoma niewielkimi stawami, do których najprawdopodobniej odprowadzane były ścieki z tych zakładów. Pobrane próbki poddano analizie chemicznej oraz ilościowej i jakościowej analizie mikrobiologicznej. Zawartości metali takich jak Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn oznaczono metodą kulometryczną. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że gleba na badanym terenie została zanieczyszczona metalami ciężkimi, szczególnie zawartość chromu we wszystkich próbkach była wysoka, co może wskazywać na obecność odpadów garbarskich w pobliżu miejsca pobrania próbek. Przeprowadzone badania udowodniły również wpływ metali ciężkich na mikroflorę gleby. Stwierdzono, że różne rodzaje mikroorganizmów posiadają różną tolerancję na wysokie stężenia metali. Najbardziej odporne okazały się bakterie żelaziste, nitryfikacyjne i denitryfikacyjne, najmniej odporne bakterie mezo- i psychrofilne oraz grzyby.
Intensive research has been carried out to measure and explain the presence, distribution and incredible accumulation ability of several metals in edible mushrooms. Mushrooms in contrast to green plants can store large amounts of particular trace elements. Special attention has been drawn to assess possible danger to human health connected with mushroom consumption. The distribution of Cd, Se and Hg was investigated in edible mushrooms collected from forest sites situated in the Lodz region. The quantitative analysis of metals was carried out by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique with the exception of Hg, which was determined by a mercury analyzer.
Content available remote EDTA-assisted phytoextraction of copper, cadmium and zinc using chamomile plants
The effect of EDTA on Cu, Zn and Cd bioaccumulation in Matricaria recutita L. plants (cv. Goral) was studied. Application of 12, 24 and 60 _mol MSO4 dm-3 (M = Cu, Zn or Cd) practically did not affect dry matter of roots and shoots of chamomile plants. The studied plants accumulated more Cd, Zn and Cu in the roots than in the shoots. Metal content in plant organs increased with increasing MSO4 concentration in hydroponic solution. In the presence of equimolar EDT A concentration a significant decrease of accumulated Cu and Zn amount in plant roots was observed. For Cd Ibis effect was relatively law. On the other band, application of EDT A caused sharp increase of Cu concentration in the shoots, whereas Cd shoot concentration increased only slightly and Zn concentration showed a moderate decrease. Bioaccumulation (BAF) and translocation factors (TF) also were evaluated. BAF values related to the accumulated metal amount in the shoots ranged were 69-168 for Zn, 3.8-11.5 for Cu and 56-100 for Cd (application without EDTA) and 62-162 for Zn, 34-39 for Cu and 78-129 for Cd (with EDTA application). Plants treated with 12 _mol dm-3 CdSO4accumulated in the shoots 16.9 % from the total Cd amount accumulated by plant and in the presence of EDTA Ibis portion increased to 30.9 %. On the other band, at the highest applied CdSO4 concentration (60 _mol dm-3) Ibis portion was only little affected by the presence of EDTA (33.5 % and 36.4 %, respectively).
Badano wpływ EDTA na bioakumulację CD, Zn i Cd w roślinach Matricaria recutita L (cv. Goral). Stosowane stężenia soli metali ciężkich: 12,24 i 60 _mol MSO4 dm-3 (M = CD, Zn lub Cd) praktycznie nie miały wpływu na suchą masę korzeni i pędów roślin rumianku. Badane rośliny akumulowały więcej Cd, Zn i Cu w korzeniach niż w pędach. Stężenie metalu w organach rośliny zwiększało się wraz ze zwiększeniem stężenia MS04 w roztworze hydroponicznym. W obecności równomolowego stężenia EDTA stwierdzono znaczące zmniejszenie zawartości Cu i Zn w korzeniach badanych roślin. Dla Cd ten wpływ był stosunkowo mniejszy. Z drugiej strony, stosowanie EDTA spowodowało gwałtowny wzrost zawartości Cu w pędach, podczas gdy zawartość Cd wzrosła tylko nieznacznie, a zawartość Zn nieznacznie zmniejszyła się. Wyznaczono poziom bioakumulacji (BAF) i wartość czynnika translokacji (TF). Wartości BAF badanych metali w pędach wynosiły: 69-168 dla Zn, 3,8-11,5 dla Cu i 56-100 dla Cd (próbki bez EDT A) i 62-162 dla Zn, 34-39 dla Cu i 78-129 dla Cd (próbki z EDTA). W pędach roślin zakumulowało się z roztworu CdSO4 o stężeniu równym 12 žmol . dm-3 aż 16,9 % całkowitej ilości kadmu zaakumulowanej w całej roślinie, natomiast w obecności EDTA ten udział wzrósł do 30,9 %. Z drugiej strony, przy największym stosowanym stężeniu (60 žmol. dm-3) CdS04 w roślinach zaakumulowało się 33,5 % Cd, a w obecności EDTA wartość ta wzrosła tylko do 36,4 %.
Content available remote Zanieczyszczenia chemiczne surowych olejów rybnych
Przedstawiono charakterystykę chemicznych zanieczyszczeń surowych olejów rybnych (SOR), z odpadów technologicznych z przetwórstwa różnych gatunków ryb. Oceniano zawartości trwałych związków organicznych (TZO) oraz metali toksycznych (As, Cd, Hg, Pb). Stwierdzono, że SOR, szczególnie z ryb bałtyckich, charakteryzują się zawyżoną zawartością dioksyn, furanów i dioksynopodobnych polichlorowanych bifenyli (dl-PCB), co wymaga zastosowania procesów oczyszczających.
The chemical pollutions of the raw fish oils (RFO), obtained from technological waste of processing various fish species, was investigated. The concentrations of persistent organic pollutions (POP) and toxic metals (As, Cd, Hg, Pb) were determined. The RFO, especially from the Baltic Sea’s fish, had too high concentrations of dioxins, furans and dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCB). By the reason of that contaminations the RFO need the process of purification.
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