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In times of strong economic growth, one of the elements of a company's competitiveness is innovation. It determines a company's development and its success. Appropriate innovation management within a company is determined by specific activities in the areas of research, planning, implementation, diffusion and control. Innovation can relate to products, processes, organization and marketing. In the area of occupational health and safety, there are many innovations that improve the quality and productivity of work and have an impact on occupational health and safety. This paper presents the results of a study conducted using a survey of companies that use modern forms in the area of training to improve safety in their companies. The survey was conducted at the end of 2022 in 25 SME companies in the Silesian Voivodeship. The results of the survey were compared with trends in Poland and worldwide, based on publicly available reports and communications. The aim of the article is to highlight the level of training related to occupational health and safety and the demand for innovative forms of such training. Health and safety training is the cornerstone of creating safe work awareness in employees. Surveys of Polish companies indicate major problems in this area. According to Polish employees, training is boring, overloaded with theory and rarely deals with the practical side of work. This paper identifies modern forms of health and safety training and assesses the impact on safe employee behavior in the workplace. The results confirmed that there is a great need for modern training methods to improve the level of occupational safety in enterprises.
Do ważnych kierunków oraz trendów mających przeciwdziałać nasilającej się suszy, skutkom ocieplania klimatu oraz innym negatywnym zmianom w środowisku zalicza się realizacje z zakresu błękitno-zielonej infrastruktury na obszarach miejskich. W powyższym kontekście bez wątpienia wartościowym i zasługującym na uwagę przykładem konkretnych działań w tej dziedzinie była realizacja „Programu kaskadowych szkoleń dla pracowników samorządów terytorialnych w zakresie projektowania i gospodarowania zielenią w miastach”. Projekt wieńczyły konkretne realizacje z zakresu BZI w 18 miastach.
Content available remote Programowanie robotów przemysłowych – od czego zacząć?
Zauważyli Państwo, że zimowe miesiące obfitują w artykuły związane z robotyzacją? Przyczyn należy upatrywać w raporcie Międzynarodowej Federacji Robotyki (IFR), która cyklicznie pod koniec roku publikuje globalne statystyki World Robotics – Service Robots. Aktualny raport wskazuje, że pomimo pandemii liczba stanowisk zrobotyzowanych w zakładach produkcyjnych ciągle rośnie.
This article presents the results from a practical test of a portable overhead crane simulator. The test was carried out to determine the usability of the simulator in the training being conducted. The simulator is developed using virtual reality (VR). With this solution, the user can be immersed in a virtual work environment.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki z przeprowadzonego testu praktycznego wykonanego symulatora suwnicy w wersji przenośnej. Test miał na celu określenie użyteczności symulatora w prowadzonym szkoleniu. Symulator wykonano w technice rzeczywistości wirtualnej (VR). Rozwiązanie to umożliwia zanurzenie użytkownika symulatora w wirtualnym środowisku pracy.
One of the key factors contributing to agriculture's low labor productivity in Vietnam is significant employee turnover rate. Managing employee turnover rate might be critical to the success of this vital field, as well as the country's future economic prospects. Finding the underlying reasons for employee turnover in Japanese agricultural companies in Vietnam is the major aim of this research. Case study and documentary research approaches were combined in this study. Six companies' data and information were gathered via in-depth interviews, the analysis of appropriate documentation, the analysis of data from annual reports and the review of meeting minutes. The data show that in six Japanese agricultural businesses in Vietnam, significant employee turnover is mostly caused by salary, payment systems, training and development opportunities, and career prospects. The causes of the variations in employee turnover rates among different organizations are further investigated in this study.
Jednym z kluczowych czynników przyczyniąjących się do niskiej wydajności pracy w rolnictwie w Wietnamie jest znaczna rotacja pracowników. Zarządzanie wskaźnikiem rotacji pracowników może być krytyczne dla sukcesu tej ważnej dziedziny, jak również dla przyszłych perspektyw ekonomicznych kraju. Znalezienie podstawowych przyczyn rotacji pracowników w japońskich firmach rolniczych w Wietnamie jest głównym celem tego badania W badaniu tym połączono metody studium przypadku oraz badań dokumentacji. Dane i informacje dotyczące sześciu przedsiębiorstw zostały zebrane poprzez pogłębione wywiady, analizę odpowiedniej dokumentacji, analizę danych ze sprawozdań rocznych oraz przegląd protokołów ze spotkań. Dane pokazują, że w sześciu japońskich firmach rolniczych w Wietnamie znaczna rotacja pracowników jest spowodowana głównie wynagrodzeniem, systemami płatności, możliwościami szkolenia i rozwoju oraz perspektywami kariery. Kolejnym etapem niezbędnym do szczegółowego rozpoznania problem jest są przyczyny różnic we wskaźnikach rotacji pracowników w różnych organizacjach.
Omówiono prezentację multimedialną dotyczącą niepewności pomiaru, przygotowaną w ramach projektu realizowanego w Europejskiej Sieci Metrologicznej MATHMET. Prezentacja w sposób przystępny przedstawia metody wyznaczania współczynnika rozszerzenia podawanego w świadectwach wzorcowania. Będzie uzupełnieniem materiałów szkoleniowych związanych z niepewnością pomiaru.
A multimedia presentation on the measurement uncertainty, prepared as part of the project implemented in the European Metrological Network MATHMET, was presented. In a simple way, it presents the methods of determining the coverage factor given in calibration certificates. It will complement training materials related to measurement uncertainty.
Gogle VR są już szeroko stosowane w treningu umiejętności miękkich, a trójmiejski startup Flint Systems z powodzeniem udowodnił, że można je również wykorzystać w treningu umiejętności twardych. Porty, logistyka, offshore, wojsko, budownictwo, energetyka, edukacja – to tylko kilka sektorów, które mogą skorzystać na szkoleniu symulacyjnym VR.
Mając na uwadze fakt, że uczenie się jest podstawową wartością, że przyszłość spółki zależy od zatrudnionych pracowników oraz ze względu na potrzebę motywacji ludzi do zaangażowania się w proces uczenia - w Wodociągach Miasta Krakowa powstała koncepcja Akademii Kadry Rozwojowej.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące internetowej bazy wiedzy o środkach ochrony indywidualnej. Zawiera ona moduły tematyczne: Budownictwo, Rolnictwo, Służba zdrowia, Górnictwo, Środki ochrony indywidualnej, Przepisy prawne oraz moduł Szkolenia w postaci pakietu prezentacji PowerPoint i interaktywnych sprawdzianów wiedzy odnoszących się do poszczególnych zagadnień. Jako przykład treści zawartych w jednym z modułów bazy wiedzy omówiono wybrane problemy dotyczące sprzętu ochrony układu oddechowego. W celu oceny funkcjonalności bazy oraz wytyczenia kierunków jej doskonalenia przeprowadzono badania ankietowe online z użyciem formularza Google. Analiza wyników potwierdziła, że internetowa baza wiedzy o środkach ochrony indywidualnej jest potrzebna.
The article presents basic information on the Internet knowledge base on personal protective equipment. It includes thematic modules, i.e. Construction, Agriculture, Healthcare, Mining, Personal Protective Equipment, Legal Regulations, and a Training module in the form of a Power Point presentation package and interactive knowledge tests relating to specific issues. As an example of the content contained in one of the knowledge base modules, selected problems related to respiratory protective equipment were discussed. In order to evaluate the functionality of the database and to set directions for its improvement, an online survey was carried out using the Google form. The analysis of the results confirmed that an online knowledge base on personal protective equipment is needed.
The publication describes the genesis, characteristics and objectives of the „360° coal mines of the Jastrzębska Coal mine Company" application which has been designed to present mining work to the audience in a high-tech and innovative way. Video and photographic materials, as well as the presentations and texts have been designed, developed and produced by JSW Capital Group staff. Thanks to the application, available on the JSW website, you can view representative objects and places of the Company, creating a realistic coal mine image. The multimedia walk allows you to follow the miner's daily "route" from the mine gate, down the pit to the longwall. It also enables a closer look at what happens to coal and associated methane below and on the surface of the mine. With „360 VR video" technology, you can also look around. The use of a 360° camera, as opposed to „regular film", creates an illusion of being at the center of events. The app is best used with VR goggles for an unforgettable expe¬rience and close contact with daily mine life. The heart of the project is a peculiar mosaic of several dozen films, enriched with a variety of illustrative materials, photographs and videos, curiosities and information about hazards at JSW S.A.'s mining plants.
Praca opisuje genezę oraz charakterystykę i cele aplikacji „Kopalnie Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej 360°", która powstała, by w nowoczesny i nowatorski sposób przybliżyć odbiorcom pracę górniczą. Dzięki niej można obejrzeć reprezentatywne obiekty i miejsca JSW S.A., tworzące realistyczny obraz kopalni węgla kamiennego.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the concept of training directed at teachers in the Teacher Training School model. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the assumptions of the Teacher Training School as a modern system of supporting teachers' competences. The possibilities of co-financing the establishment and running of training schools in Poland under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 were presented. The training offer for teachers was discussed and characterized in an exemplary project co-financed by the European Union: „Teacher Training School model in Niemcz and Osielsko" based on the expectations of teachers in the light of the pilot studies conducted on a sample of 52 people. Finally, recommendations for the organization of the training process for teachers were indicated. Findings: The article presents the assumptions of the Teacher Training School as a modern system of supporting teachers' competences. Research limitations/implications: Assessmentoftheeffectivenessofthecreatedteachertrainingschoolonotherschools,withtheuseofintegratedresourcesoflocalinstitutionsestablishedtosupporttheworkofthetrainingschool,willbepossibleonlyafterthecompletionoftheproject. Practical implications: Theplannedevaluationsof42trainingschoolsestablishedinPolandwillallowtoverifylong-termeffects,includingtheeffectiveness,relevanceanddurabilityofthechangesintroducedintheprocessofprofessionaldevelopmentandteachereducation. Social implications: The priority of educational policy in Poland is to ensure an effective system of education and continuous professional development of teachers which will respond to real needs of a school and will allow teachers to improve their professional competences and develop their workshop. The implementation of the Teacher Training School Model in Poland will have a social dimension directly affecting teachers’ and indirectly pupils' key competences. Originality/value Basedontheresultsofthepilotstudies,satisfactoryconclusionsfortheneedsofteachereducationinEUprojectsweredrawn.
Content available remote Jak i czy warto zostać specjalistą od automatyki?
W ciągu dwóch lat od uruchomienia szkolenia z podstaw automatyki przemysłowej stały się jednymi z najpopularniejszych kursów Centrum Szkoleń Inżynierskich EMT-Systems. Branża przemysłowa szuka rozwiązań, które pozwolą skrócić czas niezbędny do zapoznania pracownika z zasadami i problemami występującymi na stanowisku pracy, dlatego zainteresowanie szkoleniami wprowadzającymi jest tak duże.
Content available remote Do kogo kierowane są szkolenia z wtryskiwania tworzyw sztucznych?
Tworzywa sztuczne to jedna z kluczowych branż krajowej gospodarki. W polskich zasobach kadrowych brakuje jednak wykwalifikowanych specjalistów z tej dziedziny, zarówno jeśli mówimy o projektantach elementów z tworzyw sztucznych, jak i operatorach wtryskarek.
Dzięki systemom hydraulicznym i pneumatycznym wielu pracowników zakończyło etap pracy wykonywanej siłą własnych rąk. Śmiało można powiedzieć, że te systemy wpłynęły na wydajność w każdej gałęzi gospodarki. Zmechanizowanie ułatwiło oraz przyspieszyło wykonywanie zadań, pojawiły się jednak nowe obowiązki związane z montażem, obsługą i konserwacją układów stosowanych w maszynach roboczych. Kluczowe stały się również umiejętności związane z identyfikacją i eliminowaniem problemów występujących podczas użytkowania systemów.
The article presents the cooperation of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute with the local geological administration. The functioning of the geological administration in its present form was initiated by the state system reform by the Actof24July 1998. The self-governments established at that time received powers and responsibilities in the field of geology. In retrospect, it should be stated that the process of creating local government administration was unprepared in legal, organizational, personnel and financial terms. This resulted in the lack of effective protection and proper management of minerals. It also indicates the need to constantly improve the knowledge and professional competences of people who perform geological administration tasks in local governments. In 2007, PGI-NRI started direct cooperation with representatives of the geological administration. Initially, it was mainly based on consultation and advice. After conducting the survey, the exact problems and needs of geological administration were identified. The reasons for the situation were also identified, which results mainly from the employment status. In order to meet the need to strengthen local government geological administration, PGI-NRI launched the Local Government Geology website, which is a platform for providing information in the field of geology, mining, environmental protection, administration and legal regulations. Through consultations and reporting problems faced by geologists at work, the website is constantly adapted to the current needs of geological administration employees. With the growing interest, the cooperation developed. PGI-NRI also organizes training courses dedicated to employees of geological administration, aimed at improving knowledge and skills in the field of broadly understood geology, inviting experts from the PGI-NRI as well as from other institutions and offices with high competences to cooperate.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are fundamental to the economy of all countries, representing the majority, with a considerable contribution to GDP, as well as generating jobs; for this reason, it must seek to remain in the market. The objective is to analyze the impact of training on the organizational performance of SMEs in northwestern Mexico, applying the statistical technique of structural equations model (SEM-PLS); the research was conducted to 195, considering the commercial, industrial and services, is a quantitative study, descriptive, correlational, causal, using the statistical technique of structural equations with the SMART PLS 3.3.2 software, and not experimental cross-sectional. The alternative hypothesis is accepted, since training has an effect on the organizational performance of SMEs in northwestern Mexico. It is highly significant because there is very strong evidence of the causality of the mediating variable training on the organizational performance of SMEs with 99.9% reliability. Training has the greatest effect on organizational performance because each unit that increases training will have an effect of +0.453, being the variable with the greatest cause-effect impact on organizational performance in SMEs in northwestern Mexico.
Postępująca automatyzacja i robotyzacja procesów produkcji przemysłowej idzie w parze z wykorzystaniem podobnych rozwiązań technologicznych, takich jak roboty noszone, do wspomagania pracowników w środowisku pracy. Najbardziej zaawansowany technologicznie przykład robota noszonego w formie egzoszkieletu aktywnego dla całego ciała nie jest jedynym kierunkiem zastosowań różnych typów egzoszkieletów. Można je również wykorzystać do wspomagania szkolenia pracowników, zdalnego sterowania robotami oraz wspomagania procesu fizjoterapii i rehabilitacji.
The automation and robotization of industrial production processes goes hand in hand with the use of similar technological solutions, such as wearable robots, to support workers. The most technologically advanced example of a wearable robot, i.e. a full-body active exoskeleton, is only one of many possible application of various types of exoskeletons. They can also be used to support workers training, remote control of robots and support the process of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Purpose: The publication’s purpose is to demonstrate how training affects the development of soldiers in the armed forces and shapes discipline within the military. Design/methodology/approach: As part of the conducted works, the following research questions were raised: Q1. Is the amount of training sufficient to ensure proper development of a soldier and to make him follow instructions and orders? Q2. Do superiors use all available forms of training? A total of 103 soldiers of the Repair Battalion participated in the study from March to April 2018. Findings: The study shows that the delivered trainings ensure the proper functioning of the unit, an appropriate level of discipline and provide a soldier with an opportunity to develop professionally. However, only 53.7% of soldiers believe that superiors use all available forms of training. This may be caused by inadequate knowledge of the legal acts, which was confirmed by up to 30% of the respondents. Originality/value: This publication covers the subject of human resource management, in particular the area of training, emphasising: the importance of knowledge of the legal acts (specificity of the organisation under study) that affect the “training programme” and the number of trainings necessary to exercise the profession and to apply for promotion, as well as to shape the expected level of discipline. This paper is dedicated to people involved in the training and/or management of human resources and civil servants.
Purpose: The main purpose of the article was to examine the impact of the employee trainings on the motivation among the employees of the selected organization. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical part of the article was prepared with the use of literature analysis. The practical part of the article relating to the research was carried out with the use of questionnaires. Findings: The research was intended to provide an answer whether the employees take part in various courses or not, what kinds of employee trainings are the most popular among the participants and how do they affect their level of motivation. Finally, the research intended to measure the impact of other motivational systems on the participants, as well as to obtain the data related to the most successful systems of incentives in the enterprise. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted in the selected organization and among a limited number of participants. For further research, similar organization could be selected in order to compare results and extend conclusions concerning practical and social implications. Practical implications: According to the results, the employee trainings have a big impact on people’s motivation and, in most cases, they influence the motivation positively. It is important for an organization to have at its disposal competent personnel, that is not only well-trained, but also highly motivated. Social implications: In order to affect the personnel effectively, managers should be aware of the factors that influence the behavior of employees in an organization. However, the complexity of motivational issues leads to different problems in the practical realization of motivational theories. Nevertheless, the researchers share the opinion of the importance of motivation in the effective human resource management. Originality/value: An organization cannot realize its strategies and objectives without the employees. They play a decisive role, because almost everything that occur in an enterprise depends on the people working within it. Therefore, it is important for an organization to have at its disposal competent personnel, that is not only well-trained, but also highly motivated. The article presents standard ways of motivation, but in conditions of a selected organization – English language school, a type of organization which is examined very rarely, what constitutes its new value.
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