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W artykule podjęto próbę oceny wpływu kształtu karbu na rozkłady naprężeń oraz charakter zniszczenia próbek ze stali pobranej z infrastruktury gazociągu (stal S235). Analizy oparto na wynikach różnych podejść badawczych: wynikach badań laboratoryjnych z rejestracją sygnałów emisji akustycznej (AE) oraz rezultatów symulacji numerycznych z wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończonych. Pozwoliło to na określenie charakteru rozwoju naprężeń w próbkach wraz z przyłożonym obciążeniem oraz wyznaczenie wartości krytycznych w momencie zniszczenia. Dane te mogą być wykorzystane do definicji kryterium zniszczenia analizowanej stali.
This study attempts to assess the influence of notch shape on the stress distributions and failure character of steel specimens taken from the gas pipeline infrastructure (S235 steel). The analyses were based on the results of different research approaches: the results of laboratory tests with recording of acoustic emission (AE) signals and the results of numerical simulations using the finite element method. This made it possible to determine the nature of the stress development in the specimens with the applied load and to determine the critical values at failure. These data can be used to define the failure criterion of the steel analysed.
This article presents numerical investigation of isotropic dissimilar material joints. Dissimilar material joints are broadly used in in various structures, including offshore, nuclear, electronic packaging, IC chip and spacecraft various fields of science and technology. In bi-material joints two different material are bonded with common interface region. High stress concentration occur at the interface of the joint under thermo-mechanical loadings due to the difference in the elastic properties and the thermal expansion coefficients of dissimilar materials.The stresses acting along the interface of dissimilar material joints are very important to determine whether the structure is reliable or not for operation. The main purpose of this research is to provide finite element solutions to predict the stress distribution at the interface of the joint based on the theory of elasticity.
In this paper, three stress distribution models are considered, namely: Reece from 1965, Bekker from 1969, Wong-Reece from 1967. Two types of wheels are considered for the preset study, i.e., a small wheel with diameter of 160 mm and width 32 mm, whereas for a large wheel with diameter of 210 mm and width of 50 mm. TRI-1 or Tiruchirappalli soil simulant is considered for the interaction studies, which is an anorthosite based lunar soil simulant. The normal stress, shear stress and vertical forces are determined when the wheel starts moving on TRI-1 soil simulant. Entry and exit angles are also calculated for all models to estimate vertical forces. The maximum normal stress found for the small wheel was 32.121 kN/m2 (Wong-Reece model). In the case of the large wheel, the maximum normal stress was found to be 39.016 kN/m2 (Reece model). Vertical forces are found from the obtained normal stresses and shear stresses, and are presented graphically. The dimensionless stress ratio of both the wheels for the considered models, i.e., DNSR and DSSR, is also found.
The paper presents results of research on thin-walled load-bearing structure model representing a fragment of plane wing torsion box. The basis for obtaining data on deformation character and stability loss process was a model experiment conducted using a dedicated experimental stand. On the basis of experiment results, adequate numerical simulations were conducted using software based on finite elements method. Results of non-linear numerical analyses allowed to determine the character of stress distribution and formulate conclusions regarding behaviour of the post-critical deformations of the examined wing part.
W pracy podjęto próbę porównania wpływu charakterystyki kleju na rozkład naprężenia w połączeniu klejowym metali. Analizę numeryczną prowadzono dla dwóch modeli kleju: liniowego i nieliniowego z uwzględnieniem różnych wariantów podziału warstwy spoiny, tj. na 2, 3 i 4 warstwy. Zaprezentowano rozkłady naprężeń wzdłuż długości oraz szerokości spoiny klejowej. Jako narzędzie numeryczne wykorzystano system Abaqus. Porównano różne sposoby modelowania i obliczeń połączeń klejowych oraz ich wpływ na wielkość modelu obliczeniowego. Otrzymane wyniki przedstawią jak ważne jest przyjęcie właściwego modelu kleju na rozkłady naprężenia, zwłaszcza w obszarach ich silnych koncentracji determinujących wytrzymałość całego połączenia.
The aim of this work is to compare the influence of glue characteristics on stress distribution in an adhesive joint. The numeric analysis was made for two different types of glue models: linear and non-linear with taking into account different alternative designs of division of an adhesive joint’s layer i.e.,2,3,4 layers. The stress distribution was presented along the length as well as the width of a glue joint. The Abaqus system was used as a numeric tool. Different ways of modeling and calculations were compared for the adhesive joints and their influence on the size of the computational model. The received results show how important it is to choose a proper model of glue. The suitable choice influences the stress distribution, especially in places of high stress concentrations determining the strength of the whole connection areas.
Omówiono problemy, z jakimi można się spotkać prowadząc badania doświadczalne właściwości mechanicznych kompozytów włóknistych. W badaniach tych przeważnie zadane są obciążenia, przy których dokonywany jest pomiar odkształceń. W kompozytach włóknistych o strukturze niesymetrycznej, prostemu obciążeniu, jak rozciąganiu, ściskaniu lub ścinaniu nie odpowiadają proste deformacje, jak w przypadku materiałów izotropowych, lecz odkształcenia sprzężone. Analizę efektów sprzężenia odkształceń oparto na zależności pomiędzy siłami i momentami płytowymi, a odkształceniami powierzchni środkowej oraz krzywiznami tej powierzchni.
Some problems one can find doing research into mechanical properties of fibrous composites has been discussed in this paper. Strains measurements has predominantly been made under assumption of occurence of a given load. Unlike isotropic materials the fibrous composites having asymmetrical structure don't respond to the simple load (stretching, compression or shearing) causing typical deformations, but most often produce coupled strains. Analysis of coupled strain effects has been based on the dependence of forces and plate moments and central surface strains as well as their curvatures dependence.
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