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One of the basic human needs is the need for security. As a primary objective, it has both a direct and an indirect impact on architecture. The elimination of threats and protection against them is the basis for shaping contemporary architecture. Since the beginning of history, man has sought refuge from animals and nature. This covers everything from the basic feats of providing warmth and shelter from rain and animals to creating an environment in which one can develop their personal needs and preferences. This article presents aspects of security in architecture. It is related to human needs. The classification of stress factors in urbanised space is also presented. In addition, the analysis of spatial systems in architecture and the ways of marking the space are described. Based on the conducted analyses, conclusions are drawn concerning the methods of ensuring human safety in the built environment.
Wszystkie organizmy żywe, a więc wszystkie pojedyncze komórki, posiadają swoje idealne optimum warunków zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych wpływających na ich prawidłowy oraz ukierunkowany rozwój. Manipulując obecnością lub brakiem różnych stresorów chemicznych albo czynników fizycznych, można zaobserwować ciekawe, niekiedy trwałe zmiany w metabolizmie komórek prokariotycznych i eukariotycznych, które mogą przyczynić się do aktywacji mechanizmów obronnych, do których można zaliczyć: formowanie endospor przez bakterie Gram-dodatnie, syntezę trehalozy przez komórki grzybów lub aktywny transport substancji szkodliwych poza komórkę prowadzony przez specjalne transportery błonowe.
All living organisms, and therefore all individual cells, are equipped with their best optimal external and internal conditions affecting their appropriate and targeted development. By manipulating the presence or absence of various chemical stressors or physical agents, interesting, sometimes permanent changes in the metabolism of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells can be observed, which may contribute to the activation of defence mechanisms, including: the formation of endospores by Gram-positive bacteria, the synthesis of trehalose by fungi cells or the active transport of harmful substances out of a cell conducted by special membrane transporters.
Multi-family buildings are often crowded, deprived of privacy, and promote excessively frequent and coincidental social interactions. In a more densely developed areas, those problems accumulate and have a strong effect on culture of social interactions. Not only are they associated with various forms of social housing, but also top notch apartments. It indicates that the traditional understanding of architectural quality is insufficient and requires non-standard knowledge of a man and spatial behaviour to analyse behavioural and cultural consequences of various architectural and urban solutions.
Mieszkanie w budynkach wielorodzinnych wiąże się często z poczuciem stłoczenia, brakiem prywatności, z nadmierną częstotliwością i przypadkowością interakcji społecznych. Problemy te kumulują się wraz ze wzrostem intensywności zabudowy i wpływają na kulturę interakcji społecznych. Dotyczą nie tylko form budownictwa socjalnego, ale także tzw. apartamentowego. Wskazuje to, że tradycyjne rozumienie pojęcia jakości architektonicznej jest niewystarczające, że wymaga niestandardowej wiedzy o człowieku i jego zachowaniach przestrzennych pozwalającej na analizę behawioralnych i kulturowych konsekwencji rozwiązań architektonicznych i urbanistycznych.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących wykorzystania igieł sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) jako biomarkera. Do oceny wpływu antropopresji na drzewostany sosny zwyczajnej wybrano wskaźniki asymetrii fluktuacyjnej (FAM i FAL) igieł. Materiał roślinny do badań pobrano z drzewostanów sosnowych rosnących przy drodze o dużym natężeniu ruchu, zakładzie petrochemicznym oraz składowisku odpadów innych niż obojętne i niebezpieczne. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały istotne różnice w wartościach wskaźników asymetrii fluktuacyjnej (FA) igieł pobranych z drzewostanów rosnących najbliżej drogi szybkiego ruchu oraz składowiska odpadów komunalnych. Wraz ze zwiększaniem odległości od źródła zanieczyszczenia wartość wskaźników FAM i FAL malała. W świetle przeprowadzonych badań można uznać, iż wskaźnik asymetrii fluktuacyjnej (FA) igieł sosny zwyczajnej można zastosować do oceny wpływu antropopresji na drzewostany sosnowe jako uzupełniający dotychczas wykorzystywane.
This paper presents the results of a study investigating the use of Scots pine needles as bioindicators. The impact of human pressure on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands was evaluated based on two indicators (FAM and FAL) of the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of needles. The samples of plant material were collected from the Scots pine stands in the immediate vicinity of a road with high traffic intensity, a petroleum refinery and a landfill site for non-hazardous and inert wastes. The analysis revealed significant differences in the FA of needles collected from the stands beside the freeway and the municipal landfill site. The values of FAM and FAL decreased with an increasing distance from the pollution sources. The results of this study indicate that the FA of Scots pine needles could be a reliable indicator for assessing the impact of human pressure on Scots pine stands, complementary to those used traditionally.
Content available remote Metabolomics - Useful Tool for Study of Plant Responses to Abiotic Stresses
Abiotic stresses are produced by inappropriate levels of physical components of the environment and cause plant injury through unique mechanisms that result in specific responses. Metabolomics is a relatively new approach aimed at improved understanding of metabolic networks and the subsequent biochemical composition of plants and other biological organisms. The paper is focused on the use of metabolomics, metabolic profiling and metabolic fingerprinting to study plant responses to some environmental stresses (eg elevated temperature, chilling and freezing, drought, high salinity, UV radiation, high ozone levels, nutrient deficiency, oxidative stress, herbicides and heavy metals). Attention is also devoted to the effects of some environmental factors on plants such as high or low levels of CO2 or different levels of irradiance. Alterations of plants metabolites due to multiple abiotic stresses (drought-heat, drought-salinity, elevated CO2-salinity) are analysed as well. In addition, metabolomic approach to study plant responses to some artificial abiotic stresses, mechanical stress or pulsed electric field-induced stress is discussed. The most important analytical methods applied in metabolomics are presented and perspectives of metabolomics exploitation in the future are outlined, too.
Stres abiotyczny wywołany przez niewłaściwe poziomy fizycznych komponentów środowiska powoduje zmiany w roślinach i poprzez specyficzne mechanizmy prowadzi do określonych odpowiedzi. Metabolomika jest stosunkowo nowym podejściem mającym na celu lepsze zrozumienie szlaków metabolicznych oraz skutków biochemicznych w składzie roślin i innych organizmów biologicznych. Artykuł skupia się na wykorzystaniu metabolomiki, profilowania metabolicznego i „fingerprintingu” metabolicznego do badania reakcji roślin na niektóre stresy środowiskowe (np. podwyższoną temperaturę, chłodzenie i zamrażanie, suszę, wysokie zasolenie, promieniowanie UV, duże stężenie ozonu, niedobór substancji odżywczych, stres oksydacyjny, herbicydy i wpływ metali ciężkich). Zwrócono także uwagę na wpływ niektórych czynników środowiskowych na rośliny, takich jak: wysokie lub niskie poziomy CO2 lub różne poziomy natężenia oświetlenia. Przeanalizowano również zmiany związane z kombinacjami abiotycznych czynników stresujących (susza - upał, susza - zasolenie, podwyższone stężenie CO2 - zasolenie). Omówiono też metabolomiczne podejście do badania reakcji roślin na stresy abiotyczne wywołane niektórymi sztucznymi czynnikami, stresem mechanicznym lub impulsowym polem elektrycznym. Zaprezentowano najważniejsze metody analityczne stosowane w metabolomice oraz nakreślono perspektywy wykorzystania metabolomiki.
Analizując materiał pochodzący z utworów cechsztynu Polski, zaobserwowano pojawienie się zmienionych morfologicznie ziaren pyłku z gatunku Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonié et Klaus, stanowiącego główny składnik późnopermskich zespołów mikroflorystycznych. Zmiany te już wcześniej odnotował Visscher w zachodniej Europie (1971, 1972), nazywając zmienione formy normami. Dotyczyły one zwiększenia lub redukcji liczby worków powietrznych, zmiany ich kształtu i wielkości, pogrubienia egzyny ciałka centralnego i zagęszczenia jej struktury. Przyczyną powstania zmienionych form najprawdopodobniej był stres środowiskowy wywołany katastroficznymi zmianami klimatu w późnym permie, będącymi następstwem wzmożonej działalności wulkanicznej (Foster, Afonin, 2005).
The abnormal pollen grains of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonié et Klaus species were recorded in the Late Permian microfloristic assemblages from Poland. These morphologically mutated miospores were already described by Visscher in the Permian succession of Western Europe and became interpreted as evolutional forms called norms (1971, 1972). The most probable reason of such aberration was the environmental stress accompanied the catastrophic climatic changes in the Late Permian resulted from the high volcanic activity (Foster, Afonin, 2005).
Przedmiotem analizy są wybrane elementy środowiska zbudowanego, które - głównie na skutek określonych decyzji i wyborów architekta - stają się stresorami. Dotyczy to struktur architektonicznych oraz planów zagospodarowania przestrzeni niezgodnych z biologicznymi mechanizmami zachowań oraz kulturowymi wzorcami użytkowania przestrzeni. Niedostosowanie rozwiązań do cech i potrzeb ludzkiego organizmu, poziomu sprawności i zdolności percepcyjnych wyzwala poczucie zagrożenia, dyskomfortu fizycznego i psychicznego, ogranicza swobodę i mobilność przestrzenną człowieka. Z tych samych względów stresorem może być także obecność innych osób w przestrzeni, jeśli stanowi ingerencję w nieformalną strukturę dystansów proksemicznych, narusza akceptowany system norm i wzorców zachowań, ingeruje w sferę życia prywatnego itp. W końcu przedmiotem badań są te miejsca (przestrzenie ucieczkowe i opresyjne), które ze względu na kumulację przestrzennych i społecznych stresorów można zaliczyć do kategorii patologii środowiska zbudowanego.
Architecture is a form of human being cultural adaptation to life in natural and social environment. It is an art and a capability to shape the structure of barriers and spatial distances, which protect humans against unfavourable influence of environment, compensate for their biological deficits, and regulate the character and intensity of contacts with other concurrent users. Faults in the arrangement of space, functional-spatial arrangements and development plans often result in humans facing excessively high adaptive requirements. They become a cause of stress reactions, a feeling of discomfort and a threat to health and life. Stressing situations arise as a result of faulty structure of barriers and spatial distances having been created, which is incompatible with: genetic conditioning of human nature, physiological limitations of human organism as far as perception and capabilities are concerned, proxemic models of spatial behaviour, cultural models of space usage and social relations development. Sociobiology proves that humans have embedded, genetically programmed biological dispositions and an evolutionally selected repertoire of needs, inclinations and behaviours. A hypertrophy of human nature features are such behaviours as: territorialism, attachment to land of childhood, division into friends and strangers, and religion (sacralisation of environment and human life). The models of spatial environment shaped in conflict with those dispositions either contribute to destabilisation and degeneration of spatial behaviour culture, or are themselves adapted or replaced. Ergonomics allow for elimination of only those elements of physical environment, which are not adapted to the features of humans' organic space and their ability to perceive stimuli and information which are important for health and life. Proxemics introduce into the design the knowledge about micro-cultural models of spatial behaviour, with the meaning brought by spatial dissonances to social contacts. These models define the limits of human private and public spaces. The axiology of spatial behaviour by architecture users is focused on satisfying the needs of safety and personal freedom. These two values are equally valuable, but divergent. The need to have an own, safe shelter is accompanied by the need to live actively in an open environment, in the space without borders and barriers. Observations of different types of user intervention within the structure of objects and also the scope of character change in the arrangement and usage of space indicate that those needs are not fulfilled. The problem of living in architecture is also connected with the insufficiently fulfilled security needs. Built-up environement do not provide acceptable standards in the protection and defense against social life burdens, danger and pathology. An architect's duty is to distinguish the stressors which can be associated with architectural design and urban planning or in the structure of barriers and spatial distances which can, in consequence, have a negative influence on the users' perception of other people's presence and behavior. Social stressors can be intensified by the effects of spatial stressors. Stressors may include the following: openness of space, which can eliminate the protective function of architectural barriers; enclosed space which can isolate excessively and reduce the contact with someone's surroundings; inaccessible space which can segregate users in a repressive way; accessible space which does not protect against undesirable contact; confined space which can result in the inaccurate measurement of the number of users; overcrowded space connected with the deprivation of emotional comfort in social situations; closeness of structural elements in space, which causes an inconvenience for working objects; complexity and maze-like characteristics of space; monotony and emptiness in spatial arrangement, resulting in an individual's bewilderment or becoming lost in a built-up environement. Concentrations of stressors are connected with the common occurrence of spatial pathology in built-up environement. Exemplifications include passageways and evacuation zones. As far as behavior is concerned, they are the weakest example and yet important at the same time. In these spaces the process of degeneration of urban environment begins early, although their only functions are to direct mobility. They create favorable circumstances for rising crime and various kinds of social pathology. The ergonomic criteria for architectural space identification are the kinetic parameters of the human body and human vision. The arrangement of barriers and spatial distances, which encroaches human organic border is the stressor as well as the one which exposes humans to being in direct contact with building partitions. The former results in a willingness to escape, the latter becomes a trap, labyrinth or "no way out". A situation of oppression is connected with the invasion against human body, its integrity and dignity, physical pressure, or with blocking the freedom of mobility. Proxemics introduces the criteria of informal distances, which are kept by people unconsciously, while moving or passing by each other in passageways. The width of communicative spaces should take into account a potentially dangerous situation involving two strangers having a close encounter in conditions that are conducive to criminal behaviours i.e. at night, or in dark, empty, narrow or commonly accessible spaces. The width of comfortable and safe pedestrian paths will be different in private or public spaces. They are different behavioral spaces, having their own distinctive levels for causing stress. Reaction to existing stressors and pathological spaces within our environment are the self-defensive acts of architecture's users. Their aim is to intensify an informal space ownership and to raise passive safety standards (mental in everyday contact with others and/or active behavior in a dangerous situation). Among these acts there are not only different types of control, but also the aesthetic taming and cleaning of collective spaces. In areas with intensive housing development, especially those with numerous apartment buildings, inhabitants have a basic pattern of defensive behavior, namely modifications (rearrangement) of existing barriers and spatial distances. They consist of the reinforcement of isolating or defensive barrier function (i.e. partitions, building holes, borders) and in the extension of private territory through the appropriation of communal spaces, or in having indefinite territory status. On the one hand, these acts compensate for a lack of proper distance between private and public territories and on the other hand, through the isolation of intermediate half-private and half-public spaces, they compensate through lower isolation of territorial borders, holes and architectural barriers. These modifications also imply that the accessibility of space becomes limited and that undesirable social contact will be less frequent. Safety standards are becoming the criteria for social and economic stratification of built-up environement. A town today is divided into enclaves of safe, comfortable life and districts of poverty, which are technologically degraded and threatened by social pathologies. The architect's duty is to realize the standards for safe buildings, estates and towns, above all by focusing attention on self-defensive features of architectural spaces. This problem is connected with both the axiology and methodology of design, in which the contemporary and dominant strategies of spatial mobility (the accessibility and openness of space) should be counterbalanced by using certain strategies for creating safe, healthy and user-friendly surroundings.
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