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Airport security management is a rapidly evolving process which results in new regulations, new procedures or equipment and the acquisition of new skills for aviation personnel. The fire protection of the Chopin Airport in Warsaw serves as an example intended to show a pattern of activities of entities responsible for safety that clearly strive for perfection, and are comprised by the safety management process, which can be replicated by other institutions. The essence of the article is to identify the key factors that determine the safety of an airport on the example of the Chopin Airport in Warsaw. The article presents the results of own research. The analysis of expert interviews conducted with airport personnel responsible for security and officers of the State Fire Service showed the reality of airport security management from the perspective of the entity responsible for it. New directions of change and areas for improvement were thus acknowledged. The result of the interviews is the development of the author’s concept of the improvement of tools used within the Safety Management System at the Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport.
Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem portów lotniczych jest bardzo szybko rozwijającym się procesem, co przekłada się na powstawanie nowych uregulowań prawnych, nowych procedur czy wyposażenia i nabywania nowych umiejętności personelu lotniczego. Ochrona przeciwpożarowa Lotniska Chopina w Warszawie to przykład, który ma ukazać dążący do perfekcji schemat działania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo, ujęty w procesie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, mogący być naśladowany przez inne instytucje. Istotą artykułu jest identyfikacja kluczowych czynników determinujących bezpieczeństwo portu lotniczego na przykładzie Lotniska Chopina w Warszawie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych. Analiza wywiadów eksperckich przeprowadzonych z personelem lotniska odpowiedzialnym za bezpieczeństwo oraz z funkcjonariuszami Państwowej Straży Pożarnej pokazała rzeczywistość zarządzania bezpieczeństwem portów lotniczych z perspektywy podmiotu za nie odpowiedzialnego. Dostrzeżono dzięki temu nowe kierunki zmian i obszarów wymagających doskonalenia. Wynikiem przeprowadzonych wywiadów jest opracowanie autorskiej koncepcji doskonalenia narzędzi wykorzystywanych w ramach Safety Management System na Lotnisku im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie.
Content available Study on safety management in Turkish earthquakes
Natural disasters affect not only humans but also all living beings and societal elements. The term "disaster “meaning a Great Calamity. Among these calamities, earthquakes stand out as the most significant in terms of the damages they cause. Internationally, all authorities define earthquakes as the disasters that result in the highest loss of life and property. This paper highlights the urgent need for effective debris management measures, drawing on established scientific knowledge and operational experience from scientific studies authored by universities. By highlighting the challenges faced during earthquake debris management and safety management and the associated threats to public health and the environment, this study was undertaken to raise people's awareness against similar negligence in future catastrophic events.
The article concerns the issues of forecasting trends of safety performance indicators (SPIs)in civil aviation. The main objective was to present a proposal for the method of forecasting trends in air traffic safety performance indicators in the future. For this purpose, a SPI forecasting method based on Holt's exponential smoothing model was proposed. To confirm the correctness of the proposed method, a selected, sample safety performance indicator for Airspace Infringement occurrences was forecasted. An analysis of the obtained results was carried out, as well as the directions of further research in this area were presented. The article discusses also the issues of forecasting development trends of selected safety performance indicators and their variability over time for the Polish airspace.
This research article investigates the influence of participative management on the safety culture among contract workers within South Africa's forestry industry. The study aims to address the necessity for a more engaged safety management approach within high-risk workplaces, with a specific focus on South Africa. This focus is essential due to concerning injury and fatality rates, notably in the mining and construction sectors. However, the forestry industry has demonstrated comparatively superior safety performance, as evident from the study outcomes. The research employs a mixed-method survey technique, combining self-administered surveys and structured interviews to gather data. The sample comprises both male and female forestry workers from the Mpumalanga Province in South Africa, who actively participate in operational activities, especially those related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) within the forestry sector. The data extracted from the surveys is subjected to analysis using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient. This statistical approach helps establish the relationship between various dimensions of participative management and safety culture. The results of the study unveil a substantial positive correlation connecting participative management and safety culture. This finding substantiates the theoretical premise that a more engaged managerial approach towards safety positively influences the safety culture of forestry workers.
Niniejszy artykuł badawczy analizuje wpływ zarządzania partycypacyjnego na kulturę bezpieczeństwa wśród pracowników kontraktowych w przemyśle leśnym Republiki Południowej Afryki. Badanie ma na celu uwzględnienie konieczności zaangażowanego podejścia do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w miejscach pracy o wysokim ryzyku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Południowej Afryki. Skoncentrowanie się na tym obszarze jest istotne ze względu na niepokojące wskaźniki obrażeń i śmiertelności, zwłaszcza w sektorach górnictwa i budownictwa. Warto zauważyć, iż przemysł leśny jak wynika z badań wykazał stosunkowo wyższe wskaźniki w zakresie bezpieczeństwa, co potwierdzają wyniki badania. W celu zebrania danych wykorzystano technikę mieszanych badań ankietowych, łącząc samoopisowe ankiety i strukturalne wywiady. Próba obejmuje zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiety pracujące w przemyśle leśnym w prowincji Mpumalanga w Południowej Afryce, którzy aktywnie uczestniczą w działaniach operacyjnych, szczególnie tych związanych z bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy (BHP) w sektorze leśnym. Dane zebrane z ankiet są poddawane analizie za pomocą współczynnika korelacji Pearsona. To podejście statystyczne pomaga ustalić relację między różnymi wymiarami zarządzania partycypacyjnego a kulturą bezpieczeństwa. Wyniki badania ujawniają istotną pozytywną korelację łączącą zarządzanie partycypacyjne i kulturę bezpieczeństwa. Odkrycie to potwierdza teoretyczne założenie, że bardziej zaangażowane podejście menedżerów do kwestii bezpieczeństwa pozytywnie wpływa na kulturę bezpieczeństwa pracowników leśnych.
In rail transport, increasing emphasis has been placed in recent years on improving safety levels. Therefore, more requirements and legal documents require risk analyses to be carried out at various stages of investment implementation. One of the leading legal documents that introduce the obligation to monitor risk is Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 of 30 April 2013 on the common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment and re-pealing Regulation (EC) No 352/2009. Additionally, for traffic control systems, the requirements of CENELEC standards are mandatory. These documents present the subject of safety level and show its relation with the safety targets defined in the railway system, including the different ways of measuring them. Methods are also available to analyse the safety level of railway system components in detail, both at the level of individual components, subsystems, and the whole national railway system. However, after conducting an in-depth analysis of the literature, the authors of the article indicate that these methods are not consistent with each other. There is no method defined to present the direct relation of the safety level of the components of the system on the achievement of safety targets for the national railway system. The research and analysis aimed to define an approach, a method that would meet all legal requirements but at the same time would allow to clearly and reliably determine the safety level of the railway system. To define a unified approach, the authors of the article propose to develop a model of a dynamic object - a railway system safety model, which has also been verified on accurate safety data in rail transport in recent years. This model organises the process of safety management on railways and allows to determine values influencing the achievement of safety targets on an assumed level.
Dyskusja o zagrożeniach i potrzebie metody ich oceny na różnych etapach inwestycji jest wciąż żywa na kolei. Istnieje również wiele dokumentów prawnych, które określają podejście do ryzyka oraz metody analizy i oceny ryzyka. Niemniej jednak dokumenty te często pokazują rozbieżne podejścia do zarządzania ryzykiem, co powoduje niejednoznaczność w interpretacji wymagań. Co więcej, niejednoznaczne wymagania skutkują różnymi interpretacjami przepisów i ich różnym stosowaniem przez uczestników rynku. Jednolite podejście i precyzyjne wymagania mają kluczowe znaczenie dla utrzymania wysokiego poziomu bezpieczeństwa, co jest ściśle związane z osiągnięciem zrównoważonego rozwoju transportu kolejowego. Dlatego w artykule autorzy podjęli się przedstawienia metody, która ujednoliciłaby rozbieżności w wymaganiach prawnych i objęła cały system kolejowy. W pierwszej części artykułu autorzy skupiają się na ujednoliceniu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w sferze formalno-prawnej. Stosowana jest tu dogłębna analiza i porównanie istniejących standardów, wraz z mapowaniem poszczególnych procesów. Jest to kwestia krytyczna, ponieważ brak jednolitego podejścia stwarza problemy w ocenie globalnego bezpieczeństwa systemu. W dalszej części artykułu autorzy poruszyli problem rozłożonych w czasie analiz bezpieczeństwa. Obecne metody koncentrują się na statycznej ocenie bezpieczeństwa. W artykule zaproponowano nowatorskie podejście do dynamicznego zarządzania ryzykiem, wykorzystując teorię mechaniki i automatyki. Oczekuje się, że podejście to zaowocuje wytworzeniem predykcyjnych metod zarządzania ryzykiem.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly and permanently changed modern life in the private and professional dimensions, where numerous consequences of the virus have affected employees and employers. Both groups were forced to implement numerous changes to ensure the work process’s safety. The multi-dimensionality of this concept and, consequently, the multi-directionality of its potential and required actions taken by companies have become the basis for a theoretical and practical analysis of conditions for supporting broadly understood employee safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in selected production companies in Poland. The pilot studies’ results indicated the leading direction and scope of actions taken so far, their main types, stimulating factors and barriers, perceived benefits and future trends. The article’s conclusions may form the basis for universal good practices supporting the safety of employees in the production sector, which, regardless of the duration of the pandemic, may be used as effective and efficient improvement measures in generating measurable benefits for all stakeholders.
The article analyzes the safety aspects related to the construction and operation of a mobile crane. The load-bearing capacity of the boom sub-assembly rotation node was tested in a mobile crane. When identifying the load, the uneven compliance of the supporting components was taken into account. The considerations are illustrated with an example of a mobile crane slewing bearing with a lifting capacity of 50 tons. The basic problems of building the computational model are discussed and the results of the load bearing capacity of the slewing ring bearing for different positions of the load-bearing component of the tested machine are presented. An analysis of the load of the rolling elements in a slewing ring bearing was carried out and the reasons for changes in the load capacity in relation to the methods of calculating the load capacity, assuming non-deformability of the bearing rings, were indicated. It has been shown that deformations of the supporting frames are so large that they significantly change the distribution of forces transmitted by individual bearing rollers.
The aim of the article is to present the basic strategies for counteracting threats that are used in an industrial work environment, with particular emphasis on strategies based on the concept of safety barriers. The article presents the main categories of safety barriers and the basic safety functions implemented within the key barrier systems. In addition, the most commonly used criteria for assessing safety barrier systems as well as safety functions are presented. The most characteristic examples in this regard are given. The analysis was carried out in terms of the implementation of barrier management towards reducing the risk of adverse events in the industrial work environment.
Content available remote Regulacje dotyczące SBSP w aspekcie bezpieczeństwo lotnictwa bezzałogowego
Dynamiczny rozwój lotnictwa bezzałogowego wymusił określenie zasad wykonywania operacji lotniczych SBSP. Regulacje dotyczące SBSP ustalają zasady użytkowania statków bezzałogowych i porządkują sposób ich funkcjonowania w integracji z lotnictwem załogowym. Nadrzędnym celem wprowadzanych regulacji i przepisów jest zapewnienie odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Regulacje powinny uwzględniać zarówno aktualne potrzeby rozwojowe branży jak i wyraźnie sprecyzowane cele w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. Wszystkim interesariuszom związanym z lotnictwem zależy na tym, aby pomimo współużytkowania części przestrzeni powietrznej przez oba rodzaje lotnictwa, nie pogorszyć społecznego uznania wysokiego poziomu bezpieczeństwa transportu lotniczego. Wprowadzane regulacje rzutowały bezpośrednio na bezpieczeństwo operacji w lotnictwie załogowym jak i bezzałogowym. Przedstawiono w zarysie dotychczasowe doświadczenia oddziaływania regulacji w lotnictwie załogowym oraz omówiono aktualne regulacje w lotnictwie bezzałogowym, zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i ryzykiem zagrożeń. Omówiono znaczenie poddziału operacji bezzałogowych na VLOS i BVLOS oraz na kategorie otwartą, szczególną i certyfikowaną. W obu rodzajach lotnictwa jednym z najbardziej znaczących czynników mających wpływ na poziom bezpieczeństwa jest czynnik ludzki (HF – human factor). Dlatego uwzględniono udział i znaczenie HF jako istotnego składnika istniejących i wdrażanych regulacji. Odniesiono się do aktualnie wprowadzanych zmian na poziomie krajowym i europejskim. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono wnioski końcowe.
The dynamic development of unmanned aviation forced the definition of the rules for performing UAS flight operations. The UAS regulations set the rules for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and organize their functioning in integration with manned aviation. The paramount goal of the introduced regulations and provisions is to ensure an appropriate level of safety. Regulations should take into account both the current development needs of the industry and clearly defined safety objectives. It is important to all aviation stakeholders that, despite the shared use of a part of the airspace by both types of aviation, public recognition of the high level of aviation safety has not deteriorated. The introduced regulations had a direct impact on the safety of operations in both manned and unmanned aviation. The current experience of the impact of regulations in manned aviation is outlined and the current regulations in unmanned aviation, as well as safety and risk management, are discussed. The importance of the VLOS and BVLOS unmanned operations as well as the open, special and certified categories were discussed. In both types of aviation, one of the most significant factors influencing the level of safety is the human factor (HF). Therefore, the participation and importance of HF as an important component of the existing and implemented regulations was taken into account. Reference was made to the changes currently introduced at the national and European levels. The final conclusions are presented in the summary.
Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają rezultaty dydaktycznych projektów europejskich, jakie prowadzone są na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Warszawskiej (WIL PW). Projekty te są związane z przygotowaniem materiałów dydaktycznych oraz szkoleń z zakresu poprawy bezpieczeństwa robót budowlanych i skierowane do menedżerów i inżynierów budownictwa, studentów budownictwa, pracowników produkcji bezpośredniej w budownictwie, ale także do młodzieży z techników budowlanych oraz pracowników małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w otoczeniu budownictwa. Materiały dydaktyczne oraz szkolenia wykorzystują nowoczesne i coraz częściej pojawiające się w dydaktyce narzędzia rzeczywistości rozszerzonej oraz immersive design.
The authors of the article present the results of didactic European projects that are carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (WIL PW). These projects are related to the preparation of teaching materials and training in improving the safety of construction works and are addressed to managers and construction engineers, construction students, production workers direct in construction, but also to young people from construction technicians and employees of small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction environment. Teaching materials and training use modern augmented reality and immersive design tools that are increasingly appearing in didactics.
As the maritime transport of containers continues to grow and container ships change in terms of design and construction, it is important to ensure the appropriate level of safety for this type of transport. Over the decades, the size and cargo capacity of container ships have been changing, and so have their manoeuvring restrictions and required stability criteria. It seems that changes in the regulations, technological development and increased stability requirements are not yielding satisfactory results – the causes of container ship accidents continue to show similar patterns. The present article refers to the problem of ensuring safety in sea container transport, with a particular focus on cargo processes. Its purpose is to determine cause-and-effect relations leading to the loss of containers at sea, and to develop a model of loading that could significantly raise the level of safety of container transport. The article provides a general description of threats to ships related to weather conditions, loading methods or stability limitations. A statistical analysis of the occurrence of damage and/or loss of cargo from container ships was carried out and the risk of cargo loss was assessed on the basis of data from 2015‒2019. A Pareto diagram was used for this purpose. The authors present the concept of the container ship loading model, which may contribute to increasing the safety of shipping in the future.
In the article, traffic safety management on the apron comes down to determining appropriate routes for ground handling vehicles to avoid collision situations with aircraft. The route search problem is a decision problem, so different optimization algorithms are used to solve it. Bearing in mind the growing importance of heuristic algorithms in the effectiveness of solving complex decision problems, the authors of this study analyzed the possibility of using the ant algorithm to determine the driving routes of ground service vehicles. As part of the research, the decision model of traffic safety management on the apron was presented.
W artykule zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska sprowadza się do wyznaczenia odpowiednich tras jazdy pojazdów obsługi naziemnej w celu uniknięcia sytuacji kolizyjnych ze statkami powietrznymi. Problem wyszukiwania tras jest problemem decyzyjnym, więc w celu jego rozwiązania stosowane są różne algorytmy optymalizacyjne. Mając na uwadze rosnące znaczenie algorytmów heurystycznych w efektywności rozwiązywania złożonych problemów decyzyjnych, autorzy niniejszego opracowania przeanalizowali możliwość zastosowania do wyznaczenia tras jazdy pojazdów obsługi naziemnej algorytmu mrówkowego. W ramach realizacji badań przedstawiono model decyzyjny zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska.
The process of describing human activities in procedures has been used since the beginning of the 20th century. However, it is increasingly evident that procedures understood as sets of orders and prohibitions can be counter-productive because they do not allow the proper use of employees’ knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is postulated that guidelines for practice should be co-developed by employees from the ‘sharp end’ of the organization, but there are no simple methods that can achieve this aim. In the present work, we propose a procedure based on sticky notes, inspired by how information technology teams function. We present a description of the original sticky notes method (SNM) and demonstrate its application in the railway sector. As a result of the workshops conducted with the participation of experts, we gained knowledge about practices that were not included in the documentation, but that could significantly improve the process under research. The primary purpose of the SNM is to ensure the involvement of employees in the process of creating guidelines for practice. This method is particularly useful for describing linear processes in which activities can be arranged chronologically.
Introduction/background: The concept of the public service supply chain has become increasingly popular in the science and practice of public governance. Complex supply chains are formed consisting of many organizations from different sectors. Coordination of such chains is not straightforward and deals with many organizational, social, relational, and situational challenges. This makes safety issues increasingly important. Aim of the paper: This article aims to develop a framework of the public service supply chain safety management. The usefulness of this framework was presented on the example of emergency management. Materials and methods: This article was prepared based on a critical literature review and a structured interview questionnaire conducted with 15 emergency management experts. Results and conclusions: As a result, safety management issues in the public services supply chains were described, the emergency supply chain was characterized, and the framework of the public services supply chain safety management was developed.
Purpose: Elaborate stochastic models to comprehensive evaluation of occupational risks in “man - machine - environment” systems taking into account the random and dynamic nature of the impact on the employee of negative factors over time. Design/methodology/approach: Within study, the methods of probability theory and the theory of Markov processes - to find the limit distribution of the random process of dynamic impact on the employee of negative factors over time and obtain main rates against which the level of occupational risks within the "man - machine - environment" systems can be comprehensively evaluated; Erlang phases method, Laplace transform, difference equations theory, method of mathematical induction - to elaborate a method of analytical solution of the appropriate limit task for a system of differential equations in partial derivatives and appropriate limit conditions were used. Findings: A system of differential equations in partial derivatives and relevant limit conditions is derived, which allowed to identify the following main rates for comprehensive evaluation of occupational risks in systems "man - machine - environment": probability of excess the limit of the employee's accumulation of negative impact of the harmful production factor; probability of the employee’s injury of varying severity in a random time. An method to the solution the limit task for a system of differential equations, which allows to provide a lower bounds of the probability of a certain occupational danger occurrence was elaborated. Research limitations/implications: The elaborated approach to injury risk evaluation is designed to predict cases of non-severe injuries. At the same time, this approach allows to consider more severe cases too, but in this case the task will be more difficult. Practical implications: The use of the elaborated models allows to apply a systematic approach to the evaluation of occupational risks in enterprises and to increase the objectivity of the evaluation results by taking into account the real characteristics of the impact of negative factors on the employee over time. Originality/value: For the first time, a special subclass of Markov processes - Markov drift processes was proposed and substantiated for use to comprehensive evaluation of occupational risks in “man - machine - environment” systems.
Purpose: The presented article deals with the analysis of the functioning of the work safety management system in hard coal mining in the example of a selected mine. The basic elements that make up the safety management system are presented, with particular emphasis on employee participation. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire addressed to employees. Literature research of the subject was carried out. Findings: In a modern enterprise, all employees, at all levels, must be involved in creating the desired safety culture. Every regular employee must realistically see respect and compliance with OHS regulations by the supervision and the top management of the Mine. Practical implications: The issues raised in the article significantly affect the improvement of preventive methods related to work safety, including environmental conditions and work organisation, as well as attitudes and behaviour of employees. Originality/value: In safety management, the greatest attention should be devoted to man as the subject of all activities. Because it is the human factor that causes most accidents, and the other factors, often referred to as the work factor, lose their relevance when new technologies and materials are used to provide greater safety.
Purpose: Nowadays, the number of threats for public security is constantly growing. In Poland, the crisis management system was established to counteract them. In the paper, its functioning is shown in the context of the Łódź voivodeship, where in each poviat and commune the crisis management teams work. The main purpose is to identify the stages of the decision making in the crisis management process. The second aim is to show the role of the decision-making body and principles and factors in the decision-making process. Design/methodology/approach: The paper has been prepared on the basis of reports and opinions of employees of crisis management departments in the region and the source literature. Findings: In a crisis management the decision has an important role. The decision, as a directive, organizes and stimulates the common effort of the people. The quality of the decision depends on the correctness of the decision-making process. This process should be a logical set of ordered operations, which help human to conduct rational analyses and resolve the problems. Research limitations/implications: The employees of the crisis management departments in the Łódź voivodeship have achieved a high level of management skills, they have developed effective methods and rules for making decisions. To make the decisions in the crisis conditions they prefer the situational approach, which is the result of the systemic approach. As a result, the practical situational directives are created, which means that in a particular situation particular actions, types of motivations, management styles, etc. are applied. Originality/value: The paper is the first attempt to study this issues in the context of the Łódź region. The paper should be read by managers which interests are focused at the crisis management.
The human factor is one of the main reasons for fires in engine rooms and most of the scenarios are very similar. Fires in engine rooms are usually associated with fuel or oil leaking onto a hot surface. Furthermore, engine rooms are very inhospitable places to work. Noise, vibration and high temperatures are most frequently mentioned by crews as negative factors that influence their work. The adoption of a safety culture is one of the ways to increase the fire safety level in engine rooms. Understanding and accepting the necessity of building a safety culture among engine room crews can effectively influence their standard of work. Safety management procedures are an important part of building a safety culture. The change in labor standards must be built on a safety culture among crews.
Content available remote Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem krajowych systemów teleinformatycznych
Celem artykułu jest przegląd i ocena krajowych systemów teleinformatycznych z perspektywy zagrożeń i ataków cybernetycznych oraz działalności krajowych jednostek cyberbezpieczeństwa realizujących zadania dla podmiotów gospodarki i administracji publicznej i rządowej – CERT Polska i CSIRT GOV, zaprezentowanej z perspektywy zestawienia i analizy danych z ich corocznych raportów, dotyczących stanu cyberbezpieczeństwa kraju. Raporty pokazują jednoznacznie, że niezależnie od charakteru ujawnionych incydentów środowisko krajowych systemów teleinformatycznych jest w trybie ciągłym poddawane różnorodnym szkodliwym i przestępczym działaniom oraz atakom i wymaga zapewnienia stałej ochrony. Zagadnienie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa systemów teleinformatycznych podejmują regulacje dotyczące zarządzania kryzysowego, krajowego systemu cyberbezpieczeństwa i informatyzacji podmiotów publicznych. Ww. regulacje prawne definiują m.in. wymagania wobec podmiotów nimi objętych odnośnie wdrożenia odpowiednich rozwiązań organizacyjnych i technicznych bezpieczeństwa oraz systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem systemów teleinformatycznych i informacji w celu zapewnienia właściwego poziomu ich bezpieczeństwa. Autor przedstawia proponowane przez siebie podejście do zastosowania spójnego i kompletnego zbioru norm ISO adresujących kwestie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji, wdrażanego jako zintegrowany system zarządzania bezpieczeństwem.
The article presents the security issues of national ICT systems from the perspective of cyber threats and attacks as well as the activities of national cybersecurity units performing tasks for economic entities and public and government administration – CERT Polska and CSIRT GOV, presented from the perspective of the compilation and analysis of data from their annual reports on the state of cybersecurity country. The reports clearly show that regardless of the nature of the disclosed incidents, the environment of national ICT systems is constantly subjected to various and harmful and criminal activities and attacks by various actors, and requires constant protection. The issue of ensuring the security of ICT systems is addressed in the regulations on crisis management, the national cybersecurity system and the computerization of public entities. The above-mentioned legal regulations define, among others requirements for entities covered by them regarding the implementation of appropriate organizational and technical security solutions and the security management system of ICT systems and information in order to ensure an appropriate level of their security. The author presents his proposed approach to the application of a consistent and complete set of ISO standards addressing the issues of information security management, implemented as an integrated security management system.
This chapter analysing the reliability, safety and operation of a water-supply system presents work whose main aim was to address strategies by which the safety of water-supply services is maintained. Water companies should prioritise this kind of analysis of the functioning of their supply systems, with a view to quality of supply remaining adequate. In this context, this paper may provide background against which management principles may be formulated. The management in question should make resources ready for situations arising in which undesirable events pose a threat to health, the environment or infrastructure. It is terms and concepts associated with the risk accompanying everyday water-supply operation that have been presented here, with procedures of the quality function deployment house of quality established and input offered in relation to the development of safety plans.
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