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Content available remote On-potential – a new perspective?
The article reviews the definition of potential. It discusses specific features of the “on-potential” and its importance in practice and in the assessment of cathodic protection effectiveness, of the corrosion hazards caused by the effects of stray DC currents on cathodically protected pipelines, and of the interference of AC currents with such pipelines.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu definicji potencjału, omówiono specyficzne cechy potencjału załączeniowego oraz jego znaczenie w praktyce i ocenach skuteczności ochrony katodowej, w ocenach zagrożeń korozyjnych powodowanych przez oddziaływania prądów błądzących DC na rurociągi chronione katodowo oraz w ocenach oddziaływań prądów AC na takie rurociągi.
W artykule przedstawiono analizy dotyczące możliwości stosowania technologii CIPP (Cured in place pipe) do renowacji rurociągów pozostających w stanie niezakłóconego przekroju kołowego oraz uszkodzonych mających liczne imperfekcje. Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych wpływu zmian geometrycznych przekroju poprzecznego i uszkodzeń liniowych kanału poddawanego renowacji na parametry wytrzymałościowe układu rurociąg - wykładzina CIPP. Wyniki potwierdzają konieczność prowadzenia dokładnej, indywidualnej analizy uszkodzeń i geometrii rurociągu przed poddaniem go renowacji.
The article presents analyzes on the possibility of using the CIPP (cured in place pipe) technology for the renovation of pipelines with an undisturbed circular cross-section, damaged and with imperfections. The results of laboratory tests on the influence of the shape of the cross-section and linear damages of the sewer subjected to renovation on the strength parameters of the pipeline system - CIPP liner are presented. The results confirm the need for individual analysis of damage and pipeline geometry before renovation.
Content available remote Porównanie sił instalacyjnych rurociągów z polietylenu
W niniejszym artykule porównane zostaną szacunkowe siły estymowane metodą ASTM i metodą PRCI z rzeczywistymi siłami zarejestrowanymi podczas instalacji rurociagów polietylenowych. W niniejszym dokumencie dla uproszczenia stosowany będzie skrót PE (polietylen). Należy zauważyć, że porównanie to ma dotyczyć zarówno instalacji MDPE jak i HDPE. Celem tego porównania jest określenie najdokładniejszej metodologii obliczeń dla instalacji rurociagów wykonanych z polietylenu.
Mining tremors may have an impact on the safety risk of steel pipelines through their effects. It is therefore important to quantify the impact of a high-energy mining tremor in terms of strength. In addition, a comparison of the results obtained with the effect of a seismic tremor can illustrate the scale of such a hazard. Recently, this has been a very frequently raised issue in the area of surface protection against negative mining impacts and the protection of post-mining areas. Ensuring safe use is particularly important for gas transmission elements. This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the impact of mining tremors and seismic impacts on a specimen steel pipeline segment. The analyzed pipeline is located in the eastern part of Poland in the area of paraseismic impacts of the LGCD (Legnica-Glogow Copper District) mine. For this purpose, an analytical approach was used to assess the impact of seismic wave propagation on underground linear infrastructure facilities. Accelerogram records for the 02-06-2023 seismic tremor from Turkey and the mining tremor for 11-25-2020 were used. In the case of the design of underground pipelines, the cross-section of the element for which measures describing wall stress and the ovalization of the cross-section are determined is usually considered. In the situation of the influence of seismic wave propagation or so-called permanent ground deformation, the response of the pipeline in the longitudinal direction is analyzed. As a final result, longitudinal strains transferred to the pipeline as a consequence of the propagating seismic wave and mining tremor were determined. The absolute difference between the deformations in the ground and along the length of the pipeline was determined. This type of analysis has not been carried out before and provides new insights into the topic of paraseismic impacts on the scale of their interaction with natural earthquakes. Mining tremor data was obtained from the mine’s seismological department. The seismic tremor data, on the other hand, was downloaded via the publicly available ESM (Engineering Strong- Motion Database).
Instalacje rurociągowe rafinerii zapewniają ciągły i dokładnie sterowany transfer surowców płynnych i gazowych na potrzeby założonego procesu technologicznego przeróbki ropy naftowej. Stąd też jakość tych instalacji wpływa bezpośrednio na bezpieczną pracę rafinerii i zapewnia wymaganą wydajność procesu technologicznego.
Instalacje rurociągowe rafinerii zapewniają ciągły i dokładnie sterowany transfer surowców płynnych i gazowych na potrzeby założonego procesu technologicznego przeróbki ropy naftowej. Stąd też jakość tych instalacji wpływa bezpośrednio na bezpieczną pracę rafinerii i zapewnia wymaganą wydajność procesu technologicznego.
Na Ukrainie do transportu ropy i gazu wykorzystuje się tysiące kilometrów rurociągów stalowych. Są one stale narażone na działanie środowiska, zewnętrznych krótko- i długoterminowych obciążeń przesyłanych produktów. Wszystko to powoduje uszkodzenia materiału rurociągów, co skutkuje m.in. ubytkiem metalu na powierzchni, pojawieniem się wgnieceń, rys czy zagłębień. Wady te mogą znacznie skrócić żywotność uszkodzonych odcinków, a w niektórych przypadkach prowadzić do wypadków wiążących się z utratą przesyłanego produktu i szkodami w środowisku. Aby temu zapobiec, w praktyce rozpowszechniły się różne metody naprawy rurociągów w miejscach uszkodzeń, w tym stosowanie specjalnych rękawów naprawczych na rurociągach. Te ostatnie są wykonane zarówno ze stali, jak i z materiałów polimerowych, mają różnorodną konstrukcję i złożoność. Naukowcy i inżynierowie koncentrują się na rozwoju złączy rurowych. Jednocześnie, jak wykazał przegląd osiągnięć naukowych w tej dziedzinie, wymagają one dodatkowej uwagi w zakresie badania stanu naprężenia–odkształcenia uszkodzonych odcinków rurociągów w miejscach montażu rękawów naprawczych. Artykuł poświęcony jest temu problemowi. W szczególności przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne wytrzymałości rurociągu w dwóch przypadkach: 1) bez istniejących wad; 2) z wadą i rękawem naprawczym. Ponadto, korzystając z podobnych danych początkowych, wykonano obliczenia przy użyciu trójwymiarowego modelowania ciała stałego oraz metody elementów skończonych. W rezultacie ustalono wyraźną korelację między wynikami doświadczeń polowych a modelowaniem matematycznym. Może to wskazywać na możliwość wykorzystania tego ostatniego do celów praktycznych jako prostszej metody realizacji. Ustalono, że montaż rękawa zmniejsza poziom naprężeń normalnych w sąsiedztwie wady o co najmniej 16%, a poziom naprężeń lokalnych przed frontem wady – do 86%. Jednocześnie montaż rękawa naprawczego może zwiększyć naprężenia obok wady nawet o 50%. Należy to uwzględnić podczas wykonywania prac naprawczych.
Thousand kilometers of the steel pipelines are used in the Ukraine for the transportation of oil and gas. The influence of the environment, as well as long-term and short-term loads from piped product, have an effect on the pipelines. All these factors cause the destruction of the pipeline materials. As a result, the pipeline loses steel, becomes dented and scratched, and holes appear. These defects can significantly decrease the time of the exploitation of the damaged sections or can be the reason for emergency situations with the loss of the piped product, causing damage to the environment. There are different methods for the prevention of the above mentioned negative effects, such as using special sleeves for the repairing of the pipelines. These sleeves are made of steel or polymer materials and have different constructions and levels of complexity. The attention of researchers and engineers have been focused on designing the sleeves. But a review of the scientific works in the above mentioned direction shows that the research of the stress-strain state of the damaged sections of the pipelines with sleeves needs to be examined in more detail. This article shows a solution to this problem. Experimental research of the strength of a pipeline was done for two cases: 1) without defects: 2) with a defect and a sleeve. In addition, the calculation using 3D modeling and a finite elements method was done with similar input data. As a result, a clear correlation between the results of an experiment and mathematical modeling is shown. This shows that a method of mathematical modeling can be used for practical needs more simply. The mounting of sleeves decreases the level of the normal stresses around a defect at a 16% minimum; the level of local stresses in front of a defect is decreased by a maximum of 86%. At the same time, the mounting of a sleeve can increase the level of stress near to a 50% minimum. This fact should be considered during the repairing of the pipelines.
Purpose: Mathematical modelling of the process of deformation of pipeline, transporting gasliquid mixtures with aggressive components and a comparative analysis of the value of the specified velocity depending on the dynamic viscosity of the multicomponent gas mixture is conducted. Design/methodology/approach: A mathematical model of the process of leakage of the transported product due to the loss of tightness of the pipe based on the system of Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions with considering the geometry of the leakage zones and the value of the leakage rate is implemented. Findings: Models of the process of deformation of the pipeline due to displacements of a certain set of surface points by specifying different types of functions, describing the geometry of deformed sections are constructed. The method of calculating the tensely deformed state based on the data on the movement of surface points by comparing different ways of setting functions, taking into account the actual configuration of sections and axes is improved. The change of flow characteristics in the pipeline when changing the structure of the mix, transported by studying of influence of change of dynamic viscosity is investigated; The method of calculating the rate of leakage of the mixture in case of loss of tightness due to the occurrence of critical stresses in the pipe material is improved. Research limitations/implications: Building a model of the deformation process, information about the nature, duration of forces and loads affecting the pipeline is not used. The law of the pipeline movement was constructed having taken into account the deformation of the sections in three directions. The necessity to take wind loads into account, estimating the real tensely deformed state was displayed. Practical implications: Using the method of calculating the tensely deformed state based on the data on the movement of surface points by comparing different ways of setting functions, taking into account the actual configuration of sections and axes. Originality/value: According to the computational algorithms created on the basis of the specified models, the calculations of the tense state of the pipelines and the flow rate of the mixture depending on its composition were performed. An analysis of the results of calculations - tense intensity and flow rate depending on the dynamic viscosity of the mixture is performed. The influence on the flow parameters - the flow rate of the mixture and the force of hydraulic resistance - changes in the dynamic viscosity of the mixture is analyzed.
Ways of energy saving in buildings, namely compliance with the regulatory framework of European standards, possibilities to reduce heat losses during energy transportation through pipelines on the example of heating systems and reducing heat losses during the operation of buildings and structures are studied in the article. It was found that, despite the regular updates of the State Construction Norms of Ukraine, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of insulation materials is not brought into line with generally accepted European standards. The second part of the article presents the results of analytical studies of various thermal insulation materials that are widely used in the territory of Ukraine. After comparing the results, we concluded that the most common at this stage of development of insulation materials will not fully satisfy all the requirements, which must meet all the materials for insulation of structures. The use of some materials is impossible of thermal insulation of structures and pipelines with complex configuration. The solution of energy efficiency along with increasing soundproofing properties, reducing the fire hazard, reducing the load on the bearing structures of buildings and structures is possible through the use of aerogel as a thermal insulation material. The material is characterized by low dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient on changes in ambient temperature, which makes it the best option for use in harsh operating conditions. After analytical studies of various insulating materials, it was found that aerogel in roll in addition to low coefficient of heat transfer is characterized by better operating properties, namely, non-combustibility of the material, environmental safety, light weight, which reduces the burden on the structure, ease of installation, the possibility of using the structures with high rate of sound insulation.
Industrial size pipe loop tests were conducted to determine the effect of paste mass concentration, cement content, conveying pipe diameter and conveying volumetric flow rate, on the pipeline pressure loss of paste slurry. The tests were conducted to determine the pressure losses in the backfill system at a Copper Mines major ore body. Results show that the pressure loss of paste slurry increases with the increase in mass concentration, and when the mass concentration exceeds 70%, the pressure loss will increase sharply and would be an exponential function of paste mass concentration; as the cement content increases, the pressure loss would decrease at first and then increase with the maximum pressure loss at 11% cement content; the pressure loss increases with the increase in conveying the volumetric flow rate accordingly, while the growth rate of pressure loss will increase after the volumetric flow rate exceeds 50 m 3/h; the pressure loss of paste slurry decreases sharply with the increase in pipe diameter, i.e., the larger pipe diameter, the smaller pressure loss; lastly, the paste conveying parameters were determined as mass concentration of lower than 70% (pressure loss: 2.55 MPa/km), cement content of 5% to 11%, inside diameter of conveying pipe of 150 mm and the maximum allowable pipeline pressure of 6 MPa.
The rheological behaviour of cemented paste backfill (CPB) has an important influence on the stability of its transportation in pipelines. In the present study, the time-dependent rheological behaviour of CPB was investigated to elucidate the effects of time and solid content. Experimental results showed that when CPB is subjected to a constant shear rate, the shear stress gradually decreases with time before finally stabilis ing. When the solid content was 60%~62%, a liquid network structure was the main factor that influenced the thixotropy of CPB, and the solid content had less influence. When the solid content was 64%~66%, a floc network structure was the main factor that influenced the thixotropy of CPB, and the solid content had a more significant influence on the thixotropy than the shear rate. The initial structural stability of CPB increased with the solid content, and this relationship can be described by a power function. Based on the experimental results, a calculation model of pipeline resistance considering thixotropy was proposed. The model was validated by using industrial experimental data. The current study can serve as a design reference for CPB pipeline transportation.
Steel tubular structures are widely used in offshore structures, such as fixed, floating, and seafloor pipelines. The earthquake can cause relatively large pipe displacement, especially in the fault zone. Therefore, single-wall buried pipelines or piles of the offshore fixed platform in these zones could be under buckling and wrinkling which would lead to the severely deteriorated performance of the pipelines or costly failure. The purpose of this research is to prevent these types of failures by developing innovative double-wall steel–polymer–steel (SPS) composite pipes in place of single-wall pipes. In the double-wall pipe, the annulus of the inner and outer pipe was grouted with polymer. Verification exercises for single-wall pipe in air and buried in clay, and double-wall pipes in the air were performed. Thereafter, an analysis of laterally loaded SPS double-wall composite pipes in clay was performed and the pipe responses were examined. A comparison of performance behaviors for single and double-wall pipes was also performed. It was found from this research that double-wall SPS composite pipes demonstrated increased tolerance for higher levels of displacements, strain, stress, and ovality under work environments where pipelines could be subjected to large displacement in the earthquake fault zone. For those composite pipes in which there is no bond between the polymer layer and inner/outer steel pipes, the composite pipes showed wrinkles on the compression side of the pipe even under a small displacement. So, the polymer and steel must be bonded to have a good composite section. The composite pipes with stiffer polymer grout showed a better performance while soft polymer did not contribute to the overall stiffness of the composite pipes. In addition, the effects of weld on the outer steel pipes were also studied and the results were documented.
Pipelines transporting oil, gas, water, and other substances form part of the critical infrastructure of the society and are mostly controlled by advanced automation technology. This automation enables remote control and monitoring of pipeline operations by means of wide area networks that include microwaves, satellites, and cellular technologies. Often these pipeline control systems are also connected to the Internet to permit their operational control from anywhere. However, this bridging of the so-called “air-gap” between the critical infrastructure control system and the Internet has also introduced cybersecurity weaknesses that allows malicious actors to take control away from legitimate users of the system. While cybersecurity needs to be built into the system during the design phase itself, it is important, especially after a cybersecurity incident, to know the actual causes behind the incident so that appropriate countermeasures may be taken quickly to avoid a recurrence of the incident. Typical techniques to identify these root causes include five whys, fishbone diagrams, and causal factors analysis; this paper presents an alternate technique to identify root causes for pipeline cybersecurity incidents based on the NFR Approach where NFR stands for Non-Functional Requirements of the pipeline system. The NFR Approach starts with the requirements for the system in the first place, establishes the relationships between the design of the system and its requirements, and then identifies the root causes in a structured manner. In this paper, the NFR Approach is applied to analyze root causes of the Florida water system attack that occurred in February 2021. The advantages of the NFR Approach over traditional methods to identify root causes especially for pipeline incidents include the traceability of the causes to the requirements of the system, identification of synergistic and conflicting operational goals, and historical record-keeping.
W komunalnych sieciach ciepłowniczych stosuje się obecnie najczęściej rury preizolowane. Zapewniają one optymalną, bezawaryjną pracę rurociągu przez wiele lat i znaczne ograniczenie strat ciepła. Dla osiągnięcia jak najlepszych efektów istotne jest jednak zastosowanie rozwiązań systemowych o odpowiedniej jakości, a także staranność montażu.
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