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The article assesses the suitability of effective microorganisms (EM) for the reclamation of degraded soils. The aim of the research was to determine the reclamation effectiveness of the use of EM against the background of mineral wool used together with sewage sludge or mineral fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) on soils degraded as a result of sulfur extraction. The effectiveness of reclamation was assessed on the basis of changes in the total organic carbon (TOC) content and the properties of humic compounds. The obtained results showed that the use of effective microorganisms in relation to mineral wool and wool used in combination with sewage sludge or NPK causes significant changes in the content and quality of soil organic matter. The observed decrease in the content of TOC, humins and an increase in the share of carbon of labile fractions and free and loosely bound with silicate-free (R2O3) and calcium (Ca) humus forms indicate, that in the soils in which effective microorganisms were used, mineralization processes dominated in the transformation of soil organic matter. The humification process resulted in more durable humic compounds with a higher content of humic acids and humic acids to fulvic acids ratio (C-HA:C-FA). Supplementing commonly used materials in soil reclamation with the introduction of effective microorganisms is a promising technology. Further research is necessary to determine the composition of these biofertilisers and the optimal doses at which they should be used.
W artykule omówiono kwestie związane z kierunkami rekultywacji kamieniołomów, a także przedstawiono zakres prac koniecznych do wykonania w ramach likwidacji kopalni.
The article discusses issues related to the directions of quarry reclamation, as well as the scope of works necessary to be performed as part of mine decommissioning.
W artykule poruszono tylko nie - które obszary wpływu górnictwa na środowisko i sposoby jego ogra - niczania. Z racji profilu wydawnic - twa autor ograniczył się do kopalń surowców skalnych. Skupił się na zmianach, jakie w okresie kilku dekad dokonały się w podejściu do rekultywacji terenów poeksplo - atacyjnych, szczególnie w kontek - ście wspierania bioróżnorodności i ochrony gatunków zagrożonych.
The article addresses only some areas of the impact of mining on the environment and methods of its reduction. Due to the profile of the publication, the subjects matter is limited to rock mines. The paper is focused on the changes that have taken place over several decades in the approach to the reclamation of post-mining areas, especially in the context of supporting biodiversity and protecting endangered species.
W artykule poruszono tylko niektóre obszary wpływu górnictwa na środowisko i sposoby jego ograniczania. Z racji profilu wydawnictwa autor ograniczył się do kopalń surowców skalnych. Skupił się na zmianach, jakie w okresie kilku dekad dokonały się w podejściu do rekultywacji terenów poeksploatacyjnych, szczególnie w kontekście wspierania bioróżnorodności i ochrony gatunków zagrożonych.
The article addresses only some areas of the impact of mining on the environment and methods of its reduction. Due to the profile of the publication, the subjects matter is limited to rock mines. The paper is focused on the changes that have taken place over several decades in the approach to the reclamation of post-mining areas, especially in the context of supporting biodiversity and protecting endangered species.
W artykule opisano projektowy i formalno-prawny proces rekultywacji Kopalni Wapienia Nielepice. Wskazano, że określenie zakresu i sposobu rekultywacji na podstawie koncepcji rewitalizacji jest korzystnym dla wszystkich wyjściem poza schemat. Ten zabieg, a także dobra współpraca pozwoliły na pełne wykorzystanie przyrodniczych walorów kamieniołomu oraz wskazanie potencjału dla funkcji komercyjnych i publicznych.
The article describes the reclamation of the Nielepice Limestone Mine. It was indicated that defining the scope and method of reclamation on the basis of the revitalization is a non-standard solution, but beneficial for everyone, which, together with good cooperation, serves nature and business.
The aim of this study was to scientifically substantiate the peculiarities of the formation of lawn cultural phytocenoses of the Podillia zone of Ukraine based on the analysis of the qualitative state of the existing grass stand. The conducted research is devoted to biodiversity, namely soil conservation, as well as modern trends in the development of adaptive technologies for growing lawn grasses, which are based on a number of basic directions, taking into account both the features of innovative changes and the technological renewal of mechanization tools, and the main trends in the development of green farming aimed at ensuring the environmental friendliness of the products obtained, soil conservation while ensuring the appropriate levels economic and energy efficiency. The use of lawn grasses as an integral aesthetic decorative element of landscape design is at the same time an ecological and remedial factor of influence on the surrounding natural environment, which is quite widely used in Ukraine and the world. Dense lawn coverings trap dust, increase air humidity, improve the microclimate of the environment due to the phytoncides released by them, thereby improving the air, preventing erosion and improving the agrophysical properties of the soil. Determination of agrophysical soil parameters of total porosity, capillary porosity and aeration porosity was carried out. It was established that the highest quality lawns form a grass stand with a density of more than 120 vegetative shoots per 1 dm-2. The use of all types of plants contributed to the general growth of both the general sparability, including its subcategories, and the sparability of aeration. At the same time, the specified feature of the formation of spar was noted for gray forest soils under the conditions of the experimental field. This ultimately contributed to a decrease in soil density.
The ecological condition of the Stebnyk tailings storage during the period of its operation and the development of the processes of filling it with brines to a critical level are analyzed. It is shown that the main reason for the current state of crisis of this object is its incorrect operation and the lack of an effective system for collecting and removing atmospheric water. The concept of hydro-technical reclamation of the tailings storage through the creation of the Stebnyk hydropark has been developed. The proposed technical solutions for the hydro-technical reclamation of the tailings storage include proposals for the design of a network of direct distribution and outlet channels on the territory of the already dry section No. 1, for the unloading of section No. 2. The design of the hydro-technical system “tailing storage – direct distribution and outlet channels channels” is based on a mathematical model of the water balance in conditions of continuous replenishment of ground and surface water and an increase in their level. The proposed hydro-technical network will provide control over the level of brines and discharge of water from the tailings storage facility. Geoinformation technologies were used to visualize the proposed technical solutions for the hydro-technical reclamation of the tailings storage. The implementation of the developed project proposals will ensure an environmentally safe hydrodynamic state of the “tailings storage – direct distribution and outlet channels” system, which will eliminate the threat of brine overflow through the protective dam, as well as the threat of dam breach and brine flow into water objects. Hydro-technical reclamation will ensure the environmental safety of human activities and water ecosystems of the water network of the Dniester river basin.
In Czech Republic the question of mining damage is solved in the Mining Act, the Mining Activity Act and the Civil Code. Mining damage is understood as damage to the property of the third parties, which was caused by mining activity. Compensation for damage is typically by compensation, financial compensation or restoration. It is possible to cover damage not only after its occurrence but also in advance, before it will happen. Settlement of mining damage is a matter of agreement between the organization and the injured party; any disputes are resolved by courts. To ensure a sufficient quantity of money for the settlement of mining damages, so-called "reserves" were introduced. They must correspond to the needs of the actual execution of the works. Closely related to the issue of mine damage is the issue of sanitation and restoration. After the finishing mining the organization is obliged to carry out remediation and recultivation. When submitting an application for a mining permit, the organization must estimate the expected costs of these activities and prepare a remediation and recultivation plan. Reserves are created too. In the case of damages caused by abandoned underground mine works or quarries whose original operator or legal successor does not exist or is unknown (an old mining work), competences of the authorities are divided between the Ministry of the Environment (detecting and registering old mining works as well as securing or liquidation of them) and the mining administration (permitting of and supervision over securing or liquidation of old mining works). In the event, when undesirable manifestations of old mining works (eg. sinkholes) need to be solved operatively, the authorities ofcrisis management and of the integrated rescue system (mainly municipal authorities, fire brigade, etc.) come into play.
Artykuł koncentruje się na problemie rekultywacji oraz likwidacji szkód górniczych i starych zakładów górniczych w Republice Czeskiej. Przybliża również regulacje prawne dotyczące wspomnianych tematów.
The final stage of mining activity, which undoubtedly changes (sometimes irreversibly) the character of the project area, is the remediation of post-mining areas. The mining company's obligation to perform it arises not only from the provisions of the applicable law, but also from the principles of rational management of environmental resources. In the case of areas transformed after peat extraction, one way of restoring the land's use value is to use natural renaturisation processes, i.e. the spontaneous encroachment of plant and animal communities. The success of the method under discussion depends on a number of factors and must be preceded by a series of treatments to allow peat-forming vegetation to develop. As a result, post-mining areas cease to be associated with mining activities over time and become attractive in terms of landscape and nature.
W artykule omówiono prawne oraz praktyczno-techniczne aspekty prowadzenia rekultywacji terenów po eksploatacji torfowisk wysokich w kierunku renaturyzacji. W procesie tym zwraca się uwagę na ważną rolę działań naprawczych podejmowanych przez przedsiębiorców po zakończeniu działalności górniczej, zmierzających do stworzenia nowych siedlisk dla fauny i flory, a także terenów rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowych.
Wypełnianie wyrobisk odkrywkowych odpadami wydobywczymi jest możliwe w procesie rekultywacji technicznej, ale wymaga szczegółowego rozpoznania warunków środowiskowych. Zastosowanie różnego rodzaju odpadów do wypełniania wyrobisk jest zagadnieniem złożonym w zakresie jakości materiału odpadowego oraz w zakresie określenia lokalizacji miejsc przeznaczonych do takiego zagospodarowania odpadów. Istotne jest rozpoznanie lokalizacji czynnych wyrobisk odkrywkowych na tle granic głównych zbiorników wód podziemnych (GZWP) oraz w pobliżu cieków wodnych. Analizie poddano wyrobiska, w których eksploatowane są surowce węglanowe oraz wyrobiska piasków i żwirów. Analizy zostały wykonane w różnych latach aktywności wyrobisk ((Klojzy-Karczmarczyk i in. 2016a; Klojzy-Karczmarczyk i Staszczak 2017, 2019; Staszczak 2020). W grupie surowców węglanowych (kamienie łamane i bloczne), poza granicami GZWP oraz w odległości ponad 500 metrów od cieków powierzchniowych zlokalizowane są zaledwie 3 obiekty. W grupie piasków i żwirów, poza granicami GZWP oraz w odległości ponad 500 od cieków powierzchniowych znajduje się 19 obiektów. Zestawiono zawartość całkowitą rtęci oraz wielkość jej wymywania. Podano udział formy wymywalnej w całkowitej zawartości pierwiastka. Badania prowadzono w różnych warunkach pH środowiska. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie badań z lat 2014–2021 (Klojzy-Karczmarczyk i Mazurek 2014, 2019a, b, 2021). Odpady wydobywcze typu skała płonna (kruszywa) charakteryzują się wyższą zawartością rtęci całkowitej we frakcji najdrobniejszej i niższą we frakcjach grubszych. Udział formy wymywalnej rtęci w kruszywach jest na średnim poziomie 1,3–2,0%. Średni udział formy wymywalnej w mułach węglowych jest na poziomie 1,8%. Przy obniżaniu pH środowiska, udział ten wzrasta w każdym przypadku. Wyraźny wzrost wymywalności obserwuje się ponadto w odpadach zwietrzałych. Ze względu na jakość materiału odpadowego, badania odpadów wydobywczych wykazały możliwość ich zastosowania do celów rekultywacji.
The open-cast workings filling with extractive waste is possible in the process of technical reclamation, but it requires a detailed recognition of environmental conditions. The use of various types of waste to fill the workings is a complex issue, in the field of the waste material quality and in the field of determining locations assigned for such waste management. It is important to recognise the location of active opencast mines against a background of main groundwater basins (MGB) and close to watercourses. The workings, left after extraction of carbonate raw materials, as well as sands and gravels, were analysed. The analysis were performed in different years of the open pits activity (Klojzy-Karczmarczyk et al. 2016a; Klojzy-Karczmarczyk and Staszczak 2017, 2019; Staszczak 2020). In the carbonate raw materials group (crushed and block stone) only 3 facilities are situated outside the MGB area and at a distance of more than 500 m from surface watercourses. In the sands and gravels group only 19 facilities are situated outside the MGB area and at a distance of more than 500 m from surface watercourses. Total mercury content and the amount of its leaching was compiled. The percentage of leachable form in the total content of the element was studied. The studies were carried out under various pH conditions of the environment. The analysis was based on the studies from 2014–2021 (Klojzy-Karczmarczyk and Mazurek 2014, 2019a, b, 2021). The extractive waste of the barren rock type (aggregate) features a higher content of total mercury in the finest fraction and a lower in coarser fractions. The share of mercury leachable form on average is 1.3–2.0%. The share of mercury leachable from coal sludge is approx. 1.8%. At pH reduction this share increases in each case. A clear increase in leachability is observed in the weathered waste. Because of the waste material quality, the studies on extractive waste have shown a possibility to use it for reclamation.
W artykule przeanalizowano przepisy ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych, głównie odnoszące się do rekultywacji gruntów przekształconych. Zauważono, że branża, w której rekultywacja praktykowana jest najczęściej to górnictwo, szczególnie odkrywkowe. Zapisy komentowanej ustawy nie wychodzą naprzeciw problemom wynikającym ze specyfiki działalności wydobywczej. W artykule wskazano przepisy, które są albo anachroniczne, albo straciły na aktualności, albo dublują przepisy istniejące już w innych ustawach. Zamiast stosowania dotychczasowego kierunku rekultywacji zaproponowano nowe postępowanie w sprawie decyzji o sposobie rekultywacji gruntów pogórniczych. W okresie kilku najbliższych dekad likwidowane będą trzy duże wyrobiska po eksploatacji węgla brunatnego. Będą to przedsięwzięcia bez precedensu w dotychczasowej praktyce europejskiej. Przepisy ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych w obecnym kształcie nie przystają do nowych wyzwań. W artykule wskazano konieczne zmiany.
The article analyzes the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land, mainly relating to the reclamation of transformed land. It has been noticed that the industry in which reclamation is practiced most often is mining, especially opencast. The provisions of the discussed act do not meet the problems resulting from the specificity of mining activities. The article indicates provisions that are either anachronistic, have become obsolete, or duplicate provisions that already exist in other acts. Instead of applying the current direction of reclamation, a new procedure was proposed for the decision on the method of post-mining land reclamation. Over the next few decades, three large open casts will be closed after lignite mining. These undertakings will be unprecedented in the European practice so far. The provisions of the Act on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land in its current form do not match the new challenges. The article indicates the necessary changes.
The article presents research data on the amount of salts in the irrigated soils of the Mughan-Salyan massif, their composition, water-salt regime, and their forecast. It was found that the soils on the territory of the massif were saline to varying degrees. In general, the area of non-saline soils in the massif is 125,650 ha, mildly - 272,070 ha, moderately - 210,560 ha, highly - 125,850 ha, very highly - 109,450 ha and saline soils - 27,520 ha. The absorbed bases in the soils of the massif were studied, and it was determined that they change depending on the amount of salts as follows: in mildly saline soils, Ca - 57.82-68.31%, Mg - 25.26-36.28%, Na - 5.49-6.43%; in moderately saline soils - 56.77-65.76%, 27.03-35.58%, 7.12-7.94%, respectively; in highly saline areas - 54.05–64.75%, 24.94-43.67% and 9.19-14.42%. As you can see, the soils are mildly and moderately saline. The soils in the surveyed areas are saline to varying degrees (i.e., the average value of salts in the 0-100 cm layer of the soil varies between 0.25 and 1.00%). The biological product used in these soils contains a wide range of macro and microelements, humic acids, fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that do not contain BioEcoGum mineral fertilisers. This biological product was used for the first time and one of the main goals was to study the improvement of water-physical properties of soils after its use. Therefore, the water-salt regime of the soils of the study area was studied on three experimental sites selected for the area, the number of irrigations for different plants, and their norms were determined taking into account the depth of groundwater in the soils and shown in tabular form. They are widely used in farms and these regions, taking into account the proposed irrigation norms and their quantity.
The mining industry is related with the production of waste, which are generated during the preperatory works, exploitation and processing of minerals. The type and quantity of generated waste result directly from the type of obtained mineral raw material (minerals), geological conditions of the deposit and the mining and processing technologies used. The changing approach to waste related to the circular economy model means that more and more waste is used economically. However, due to the different physicochemical properties of mining waste and the limited possibilities of its use, some waste is still deposited in mining waste landfills. Depending on the type of mining waste deposited, environmental and economic aspects, the landfill may be a source of raw materials (anthropogenic deposit) that may be exploited now or in the future. Some of this type of mining waste landfills are reclaimed and may be an important elements of the local landscape, as well as positively affect biodiversity through the development of specific natural habitats. The paper presents the concept of landfill reclamation of waste from hard coal mining, taking into account the importance of the phenomenon of natural succession in the formation of ecosystems in reclaimed landfills.
Działalność przemysłu wydobywczego wiąże się z wytwarzaniem odpadów, powstających głównie w trakcie prac udostępniających, eksploatacji jak i przeróbki kopalin. Rodzaj jak i ilość wytwarzanych odpadów wynikają wprost z rodzaju pozyskiwanego surowca mineralnego (kopaliny), z występujących warunków geologicznych złoża oraz stosowanych technologii górniczych i przeróbczych. Zmieniające się podejście do odpadów związane z modelem gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym powodują, że w coraz większym zakresie odpady są gospodarczo wykorzystywane. Niemniej jednak ze względu na właściwości fizykochemiczne odpadów wydobywczych i ograniczone możliwości ich wykorzystania, powodują, że niektóre odpady są nadal składowane na obiektach unieszkodliwiania odpadów wydobywczych (OUOW). W zależności od rodzaju składowanych odpadów wydobywczych, aspektów środowiskowych i ekonomicznych OUOW stanowić mogą źródło surowców (złoże antropogeniczne), które obecnie lub w przyszłości będą mogły być eksploatowane. Część tego typu obiektów jest rekultywowana i może stanowić cenny element lokalnego krajobrazu, a także korzystnie wpłynąć na różnorodność biologiczną, poprzez wykształcanie się specyficznych siedlisk przyrodniczych. W artykule przedstawiona została koncepcja rekultywacji OUOW z górnictwa węgla kamiennego, uwzględniająca znaczenie zjawiska sukcesji naturalnej w kształtowaniu się ekosystemów na rekultywowanych obiektach.
The use of rock wastes after mining and processing of hard coal for reclamation of opencast workings is a common form of restoring utility functions to these areas. The origin of these wastes, their properties, petrographic and mineral composition as well as the method and time of depositing in the excavation directly affect the emissions to the soil and water environment of pollutants, which may affect the quality of groundwater in the area of the open pit and significantly affect the possibility of their economic use. On the example of CTL Maczki-Bór S.A. backfill sand mine an analysis of the leachability of selected components from post-mining wastes, differentiated in terms of their deposition time and exposure to external factors, was performed. The article presents the results of analyzes of the content of components (elements and/or ions) in the form of their concentrations in the aqueous solution and per unit of dry mass of the tested wastes. The correlation was assessed between the concentration values of selected components, obtained in laboratory tests in pore extracts, and those observed in-situ in the drainage well made in the waste dump.
Stosowanie do rekultywacji wyrobisk odkrywkowych materiału skalnego stanowiącego odpad po wydobyciu i przeróbce węgla kamiennego jest powszechną formą przywracania tym terenom funkcji użytkowych. Pochodzenie tych odpadów, ich właściwości, skład petrograficzny i mineralny oraz sposób i czas deponowania w wyrobisku wpływają bezpośrednio na zakres emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska gruntowo-wodnego. Zanieczyszczenia te w różnym stopniu mogą kształtować jakość wód podziemnych w rejonie odkrywki i istotnie wpływać na możliwość gospodarczego ich wykorzystania. Na przykładzie kopalni piasku podsadzkowego CTL Maczki-Bór S.A. dokonano analizy wymywalności wybranych składników z odpadów pogórniczych, zróżnicowanych pod kątem czasu ich deponowania i ekspozycji na czynniki zewnętrzne. Analizie poddano zawartość składników (pierwiastków i/lub jonów) w formie ich stężeń w roztworze oraz w przeliczeniu na jednostkę suchej masy badanych odpadów. Dokonano oceny korelacji pomiędzy wartościami stężeń wybranych składników uzyskanymi w badaniach laboratoryjnych w wyciągach porowych, a obserwowanymi in-situ w studzience odciekowej wykonanej na zwałowisku skał płonnych.
Sources of formation of environmental hazards in the Technosphere are industrial facilities and other objects of economic activity. The danger lies in the transformation of elements of the natural subsystem, and in the impact on humans. Man-made impact contributes to the emergence and accumulation of environmental hazards in the environment. The type of technological process, the frequency of its action and the intensity of man-made factors contribute to the appearance of manifestations of environmental danger, which puts before society the need to study the state of this danger and ways to eliminate it. Determining the real state of human environmental safety and the natural environment under the influence of factors of contamination of soil and hydrosphere waste from electroplating production with harmful and dangerous substances is a problem today. The economic complex of the electronic and radio engineering industry plays an essential role in the formation of the city’s environmental hazard. These enterprises are the main sources of environmental hazards, the priority among which is the type of hazard caused by chemical factors affecting the environment. Liquid and solid waste in their storage areas on the territory of enterprises creates an environmental hazard, since harmful substances contained in them pollute soils, open reservoirs, and underground aquifers. Heavy metal ions found in sludge and taken to landfills can form water-soluble complex compounds and create an environmental hazard, which manifests itself in contamination of soils and underground aquifers. All of the above causes a problem that needs to be solved in order to significantly limit the formation of sludge during the production of printed circuit boards and the use of electroplating processes, which will make it possible to reduce environmental hazards. One of the serious, unresolved and constantly increasing problems is the problem of solid waste: its quantity is constantly growing, the composition is becoming more diverse, there are not enough territories for their placement, and the cost of their disposal is increasing. It should be noted that the problem of solid waste has long turned from a purely ecological one into a socio-ecological one: solid waste is not only a significant factor in pollution of the air Environment, Water Resources, soil and other natural components, but also the cause of a decrease in the quality of life, which is manifested in an increase in the incidence of diseases of the population, a decrease in income, deterioration of working and Recreation conditions. Solid waste management within the framework of socio-economic policy directly affects the development of the region. A special feature of Solid Waste Management is that this process is initiated simultaneously at different levels of management: from state to local (level of an economic entity).
Coal spoil-heaps cause man-made pressure on the environment of the coal mining area. Coal mining, and in recent years the mass closure of mines, have been accompanied by a negative impact on natural objects and engineering structures; the basements of houses and buildings are flooded, walls and wooden fences rot, crops, trees and bushes are destroyed. Reclamation is carried out on spoil-heaps of coal mines to reduce the man-made pressure. However, in the process of rock dumping on the spoil-heaps, a neorelief begins to emerge causing the vegetation development. The emergence of vegetation groups is a positive phenomenon, as phytomass decomposition promotes the formation of humus. The development of vegetation on the surface of coal spoil-heaps is called vegetative reclamation or phytomelioration. The efficiency of vegetative reclamation is calculated in points and is an indicator of the suitability of a particular man-made object for natural overgrowth. The aim of the work was to establish the features of spatial arrangement of plants in populations on the surface of coal spoil-heaps. It was established that on the coal spoil-heaps, as well as under natural conditions, vegetation tends to aggregate, thus forming phytogenic fields. It should be noted that at different stages of successions, phytogenic fields are formed in different ways. A monocentric phytogenic field arises on the waste heaps during the syngenetic stage of succession. The initial endecogenetic stage of succession provides the formation of phytogenic fields of two types. The first type is the initial polycentric phytogenic field. It is characterized by the ability to combine several individuals of the same species. The second type is a mature polycentric phytogenic field. It is characterized by higher resistance, and plant community is already able to convert geoprocesses. The mature endoecogenic stage of succession is characterized by the development and expansion of tree species, and the phytogenic field is acentric and global. This kind of phytogenic fields is found on tailings with artificial vegetative reclamation.
The monitoring studies were carried out on the territory of the Lviv wastewater treatment plants. The volumes of accumulated stocks of the sludge site were determined, its qualitative and quantitative indicators were identified, and the presence of limiting factors was established. On the basis of the obtained data, the 2-D models characterizing the vertical and horizontal accumulation of elements were created. The mioindication studies were conducted to determine the feasibility of using sewage sludge as a growth substrate. Modeling was performed to determine the potential area of reclaimed land.
People modify 56% of the Earth’s land. The world trend is changing from rapacious to considered influence such as green construction/production. Nevertheless, the terroristic war of the Russian federation against Ukraine causes the chaotic destruction and snowballing emissions from shell bursts and fires. Reclamation of land should attempt to repair the hugely dangerous influence of this, especially in the temporarily annexed lands of Ukraine. Donbas was one of the most stressed regions due to active mining and other industries, and contained more than 38% of Ukrainian damaged lands. The war deepens the situation. The most natural reconstructive measure is greening. The authors analysed the requirements for greening to gain the maximum benefits. Enduring and effective plant assortments were proposed for the region. For sanitizing the environment, experiments were performed with phytoncide activity using a photographic paper method. It was found and recommend that new phytoncide plants - Japanese quince (Chaenoméles japónica) and barberry (Bérberis) - were most effective.
Eksploatacja węgla wiąże się nierozerwalnie z produkcją odpadów i degradacją terenów górniczych, a odprowadzanie wód dołowych powoduje zasolenie wód na powierzchni. Górnictwo węgla kamiennego ma tym samym niekorzystny wpływ na środowisko naturalne. Podejmowane są więc działania związane z zagospodarowaniem najbardziej zasolonych wód dołowych, wykorzystaniem odpadów energetycznych w profilaktyce ppoż. na dole i przywracaniem zdegradowanym terenom wartości użytkowych. W pracy przedstawiono najistotniejsze zagadnienia związane z aspektami ekologicznymi podziemnych zakładów górniczych nadzorowanych przez OUG w Rybniku w 2020 r.
Hard coal mines overseen by the District Mining Authority in Rybnik strive to minimize their impact on the environment. Mine water is used, among others, for fire prevention (sealing abandoned works, liquidating pits using water and ash mixtures), for process purposes(e.g. sprinkling the output, cooling machinery, refilling the closed Circuit of the processing facility). If possible, mines source water from their own underground intakes, or use treated rainwater and snowmelt. In turn, mining waste is managed on the surface, used for creating reclamation and landscape forms, and to fill the sedimentation tanks for flotation waste, mining pits, reservoirs, etc. A part of the waste is used for producing aggregates and for filling pits as part of fire prevention. As part of mining activities, a part of the land requires reclamation through: development of land form, improvement of soil properties and soil recovery, regulation of water conditions, reinforcement of scarps, and reconstruction and construction of the necessary roads. The experience of underground mining plants has shown that selective management of mine water will allow for reusing even the most saline water and Iowering the environment use fees. Another important aspect is fire prevention at the bottom of mines, as it allows for the reuse of burdensome waste and saline water. The "Olza" reservoir plays an important role in the management of mine water, as it contributes to the conservation of River Odra. With reference to the reclamation of mine areas, it was shown that soil-free reclamation methods successfully eliminate topsoil shortages.
Aiming at the problems of wet reclamation consuming a lot of water, dry (mechanical) reclamation having wear and power consumption, this paper to find suitable reclamation reagents to reduce the influence of harmful substances in used sodium silicate sands. By comparing the reclamation effect of CaO, Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 reclamation powder reagents, it was concluded that CaO had the best reclamation effect. Through the single factor experiment, the influence of CaO on the reclamation effect was explored: 1. addition amount of CaO; 2. the additional amount of water; 3. reclamation time. The orthogonal results showed that the CaO reclamation effect was the best when the amount of CaO was 1.5%, the amount of sodium silicate was 4.0%, the amount of water added was 6.0%, and the reclamation time was 12.0h. In this experiment, 82.2% carbonate and 75.0 % silicate in used sands can be removed. The microscopic analysis of the reclamation sands was carried out by scanning electron microscope (SEM); The surface was relatively smooth, without large area cracks and powder accumulation. Compared with the used sands, the instant, 24h ultimate, and residual strengths of the reclaimed sands were increased by 536.5%, 458.1%, and 89.8%, respectively, which was beneficial to the reclamation of the CO2 sodium silicate used sands.
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