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Purpose: The aim is to evaluate the operation of the Model Teacher Training School drawing on the example of the “Model Teacher Training School in Niemcz and Osielsko” project completed against the project evaluation findings in terms of the directions of continuing the operation of the teacher training school and its effective impact on supported schools. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents a case study of a Model Teacher Training School in Poland as a modern teacher competence support system. There are identified some selected aspects of the operation of the teacher training school established as part of the project cofounded by the EU. Project evaluation research process is discussed and selected evaluation research findings are presented for the sample of 55 teachers, including headmasters and deputy headmasters of seven supported schools. The research process has involved diagnostic methods and tools: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview), which uses the Microsoft Forms tool. Selected CATI qualitative research findings have been presented for a sample of 8 respondents, including the representatives of the Beneficiary and the Partner, headmasters and deputy headmasters of the Training School, the representatives of the higher education provider and the supporting institution. Findings: The school serving a function of the Training School performs actions focused on a teacher competence development in Supported Schools in selected forms and work methods. The idea of the modern approach to teacher competence enhancement is a cooperation of the Training School with experts of educational institutions: the higher education provider, supporting institutions and the education superintendent authority. It is also valuable every year to include new Supported Schools into the supporting process and improving the forms and methods of working with teachers. It is possible to the evaluation of the actions performed the findings of which facilitate a further determination of directions of continuing the operation of the Model Training School for the years to come. Research limitations/implications: Compliant with the Training School Model, the operation of teacher training schools should be subject to annual evaluation process, which will enhance the quality of the actions by increasing the correctness, effectiveness, usefulness, efficiency and lifespan. Some limitation to undertaking the research process is a problem with financing the evaluation research which must be financed outside the project. Practical implications: The evaluation research findings, including the expectations of supported schools’ teaching and management staff, have facilitated a further determination of support forms which should be offered by the teacher training school throughout the project, which is for the upcoming 5 years. The forms of support which should be continued throughout the project life offer a possibility of using ready-made teaching aids, a participation in discussion forums, sharing blogs and methodology workshops. The teachers have slightly lower expectations in terms of continuing their participation in conferences and seminars, working on-line on the doskonaleniewsieci.pl platform, taking part in demo classes, consultations and stationary cooperation networks. Social implications: The teacher training school operation will affect the social domain as the teacher training school, by offering an adequate support to the teachers and including new schools into cooperation, will enhance a development of the key student competences, especially foreign languages learning, mathematics, natural sciences, ICT and teachers sharing their knowledge and skills. Originality/value: The teacher training school model presented as well as the evaluation research findings provide a recommendation for practical professional development of primary school teachers in Poland.
Content available remote Wentylacja mechaniczna: kluczowe porady i pułapki, których należy unikać
W artykule przedstawiono zasady działania wentylacji mechanicznej, a także najważniejsze elementy, które powinny się znaleźć w jej projekcie. Podkreślono wagę prawidłowego montażu.
The article presents the principles of operation of mechanical ventilation, as well as the most important elements that should be included in its design. The importance of correct installation was emphasized.
Content available remote Hydroizolacje budynku posadowionego na płycie
Kontynuujemy prezentację uproszczonego projektu układu zasilania kompleksu wypoczynkowego z wykorzystaniem zespołu prądotwórczego o mocy 45 kVA – w kolejnej części przedstawiamy projekt zasilania oświetlenia terenu.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt układu napędu bramy skrzydłowej, stanowiącej wjazd na teren ośrodka wypoczynkowego, której sterowanie realizowane jest za pomocą telefonu komórkowego.
Prezentujemy uproszczony projekt instalacji piorunochronnej w budynku, który jest odosobnionym budynkiem jednostki ochrony przeciwpożarowej.
W ramach projektu BUILD UP SKILLS II powstał projekt dokumentu o nazwie: „Strategia podnoszenia umiejętności pracowników sektora budowlanego w zakresie energooszczędnych technologii budowlanych, w szczególności tych stosowanych w budynkach poddawanych gruntownym renowacjom”. Artykuł zawiera wyniki analiz, które powstały przy tworzeniu ww. dokumentu, takie jak: ocena zapotrzebowania na pracowników budowlanych realizujących termomodernizację budynków, działania w zakresie zwiększenia udziału kobiet pracujących w budownictwie, działania w zakresie szkolnictwa, finansowanie i monitorowanie proponowanych działań oraz wnioski.
As part of the BUILD UP SKILLS II project, a draft document was created with the title: "Strategy for improving the skills of construction sector employees in the field of energy-saving construction technologies, in particular those used in buildings undergoing major renovations". The article contains the results of the analyzes that were done when creating the above-mentioned. Document, such as: assessment of the demand for construction workers carrying out thermal modernization of buildings, activities to increase the share of women working in construction, activities in the field of education, financing and monitoring of proposed activities and conclusions.
With its position as the capital, Hanoi is the political center as well as the second largest economic center of the country. Therefore, the city is always allocated a large budget in construction investment to create material facilities for political tasks and economic and social development. During the implementation of construction projects, a number of difficulties and limitations have appeared. In which, projects are delayed in construction and disbursement, reducing investment efficiency and not meeting the expectations of the government and people. From this fact, the authors have conducted a study to evaluate the causes affecting the time schedule of construction projects in Hanoi. The method F-APH (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) was used to analyze data objectively and accurately about the causes affecting the time schedule. From there, these causes are classified into groups of subjective causes (from within the project) and groups of objective causes (from outside the project). The results show that subjective causes, originating from project participants, have a stronger influence than objective causes. A number of specific proposals to the actors involved in construction projects are made to eliminate or limit the impact of the causes of construction progress.
Content available remote Rola i-Labu w procesie edukacji i integracji młodzieży licealnej
Zmieniające się standardy nauczania oraz podejście do nauki zarówno wśród uczniów, jak i nauczycieli sprawia, że konieczne jest wprowadzenie nowych rozwiązań. Aby pobudzić kreatywność i wspomóc proces przyswajania wiedzy, zaczęto projektować przestrzenie dostosowane do potrzeb młodych ludzi, nazwane Laboratoriami Innowacji i-Lab. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie wspomnianego zagadnienia, pokazanie celowości jego zastosowania oraz korzyści z tego wynikających. Wzięto pod uwagę elementy i-Labów, które wspomagają integrację i edukację młodzieży. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych wśród licealistów i analizy krytycznej istniejących i-Labów stworzony został projekt aranżacji poddasza V Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Krakowie. Przedstawione w tekście aspekty należy brać pod uwagę podczas tworzenia podobnych miejsc nie tylko w sektorze edukacji, ale również w dziedzinie biznesu, w celu uzyskania jak najlepszych efektów rozwoju.
Changing teaching standards and the approach to learning both among students and teachers make it necessary to introduce new solutions. In order to stimulate creativity and support the process of acquiring knowledge, spaces adapted to the needs of young people were designed, called Innovation Laboratories - i-Lab. This article aims to introduce the above-mentioned issue, show the purposefulness of its application and the benefits resulting from it. Elements of i-Labs that support the integration and education of young people were taken into account. On the basis of research conducted among high school students and a critical analysis of the existing i-Labs, a project was created to arrange the attic of the 5th Secondary School in Krakow. The aspects presented in the article should be taken into account when creating similar places not only in the education sector, but also in the field of business, in order to obtain the best possible development results.
Content available remote Geneza procesu kreacji - autorska część unikalnej całości zagadnienia
Idea rozstrzygnięcia każdego projektu pochodzi ze źródła pozbawionego precyzyjnej definicji. Nie istnieje definicja źródła, jednak istnieje nierozerwalny splot wielu współzależnych warstw niezbędnych do kreacji, a wśród najważniejszych są: warstwy wiedzy i precyzyjnego myślenia, determinujące funkcje narzędzi myślenia, nadających kształt idei oraz warstwy wymykające się definicji, determinowane wyczuciem i wrażliwością twórcy, cechujące obszary sztuki. Jeśli świadomie kreowana forma, łącząca różnorodne materie, scala ciągi funkcji dla działań, konstruuje dla trwałości tworząc jednocześnie niepowtarzalne walory dla percepcji - wpisuje się w przestrzeń ARCHITEKTURY. Jeśli materia formowana przez człowieka wywołuje emocje i wrażenia, jeśli tworzy oferując iluzje, przenika i wzbogaca wyobraźnię pozostawiając w niej trwały ślad - wpisuje się w przestrzeń SZTUKI.
The idea of resolving any project comes from a source without a precise definition. There is no definition of the source, but there is an inseparable weave of many interdependent layers necessary for creation, and among the most important are: layers of knowledge and precise thinking, determining the functions of the tools that give shape to the idea, and layers that escape definition, determined by the intuition and sensitivity of the creator, characterizing the areas of art. If a consciously created form combining a variety of matters, merges sequences of functions for activities, constructs for permanence while creating unique qualities for perception - it fits into the space of ARCHITECTURE. If the matter formed by man evokes emotions and impressions, if it creates by offering illusions, penetrates and enriches the imagination, leaving a permanent trace in it - it is inscribed in the space of ART.
Purpose: The project approach is often used to implement projects in enterprises. Traditional project management becomes insufficient due to the changing environment and the need for flexible functioning of the organization. Hence, agility in management gains recognition. The article presents the results of the study, the purpose of which was to determine whether the assumptions of agile management are known and used in project management and to identify factors that sustain the involvement of project team members. Design/methodology/approach: The presented empirical research was carried out using the quantitative and qualitative methods. Techniques of expert interviews were used, and in the case of quantitative research - a questionnaire. The use of two research techniques was aimed at obtaining a broad view of the project management methods used, with particular emphasis on the conditions of the working environment of agile project teams. Enterprises from the small and medium-sized enterprise sector were invited to the study, the main variable in the selection of entities for the research sample was the location by region, i.e. the northern subregion of the Silesian Voivodeship, and cooperation with the Częstochowa University of Technology for the commercialization of knowledge in the region. The latter condition made it possible to include enterprises that implement projects. Findings: Research has shown knowledge of the assumptions of agile management among small and medium-sized enterprises, but less than half of the surveyed experts use this methodology in managing project teams. According to experts, the main condition for implementing agile management is a "good", i.e. primarily a self-organizing project team. Its members are required to have appropriate skills and competences, such as self-discipline or independence in making decisions. The research also identified work conditions that keep members of agile project teams engaged. They are strongly related to the intrinsic motivation of employees. On this basis, it can be concluded that the agile approach in shaping work conditions is stimulating to stimulate the expected behavior of employees. Originality/value: The article draws attention to the rarely discussed issue of implementing project management in small and medium-sized enterprises. The conditions for implementing agility in project team management were emphasized, among which the most important is the right selection of employees. They should have appropriate skills and competences, as well as an internal motivation system, which agile management methodologies will stimulate the activity and involvement of project team members.
The COV ID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitisation processes, improvedremote communication systems and revolutionised office work systems. It ishighly probable that all of these changes will convert office areas and officemanagement in the near future. Remote work has brought employers attentionto their employees’ health and wellbeing, as they have been proven to be themain driving force in their companies. Additionally, there is a growing interestin certifying buildings according to the principles of the WELL Building Standard,a system that focuses on evaluating those design and organisational aspectsthat have a direct impact on the wellbeing of building users. This publicationis intended as a review, and the aim of this article is to analyse if following WELLcertification rules can help to design a modern office that suits a post-pandemic society.
Content available remote Project of a stratospheric photovoltaic power station
The aim of this article is to present an innovative concept, concerning the design of a photovoltaic power plant located in the stratosphere. The most important advantage of this location is the increased access to solar energy, which can be converted into electricity. The introduction of the paper presents an short overview of known locations for photovoltaic power stations – on land, at sea and in space on a geostationary orbit. The basic elements of the power station in each of these location methods along with their advantages and disadvantages are briefly discussed. The main part of the paper concerns the project of an photovoltaic power station located in the Earth's lower stratosphere. The construction of two proposed by the author variants of such a power station with the transmission of electrical power by means of a microwave beam, or by means of a cable, is described. A maximal delivered power 20 MW of the power station has been assumed and the parameters of the elements of such power stations that are critical to their feasibility have been calculated. The feasibility of these projects with technical possibilities available currently or in nearest future has been demonstrated.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie innowacyjnej koncepcji, dotyczącej projektu elektrowni fotowoltaicznej umieszczonej w stratosferze. Najważniejsza zaleta tej lokalizacji polega na zwiększeniu dostępu do energii słonecznej, która może być przetwarzana na energię elektryczną. We wstępnie artykułu przedstawiono w zarysie krótki przegląd znanych lokalizacji elektrowni fotowoltaicznych – na lądzie, na morzu i w kosmosie na orbicie geostacjonarnej. Krótko omówiono podstawowe elementy budowy elektrowni w każdym z tych sposobów lokalizacji oraz ich zalety i wady. Główna część artykułu dotyczy projektu elektrowni fotowoltaicznej, umieszczonej w dolnej warstwie stratosfery Ziemi. Opisano budowę zaproponowanych przez autora dwóch wariantów takiej elektrowni – z przesyłaniem mocy elektrycznej za pomocą wiązki mikrofal, albo za pomocą kabla. Przyjęto 20 MW, jako maksymalną moc dostarczaną elektrowni i obliczono parametry elementów takich elektrowni, które mają decydujące znaczenie dla ich wykonalności. Wykazano wykonalność tych projektów przy możliwościach technicznych dostępnych obecnie lub w najbliższej przyszłości.
W pracy przedstawiono metody wykreślne i analityczne modyfikacji rozwiązania dachu wielospadowego ze względu na kąt nachylenia jednej jego połaci w celu zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii słonecznej z planowanego kolektora na dachu. Przedstawione zagadnienie nie wchodzi w zakres wiedzy przekazywanej przyszłym inżynierom w ramach szeroko pojętych metod „rozwiązywania dachów”.
The work presents graphical and analytical methods for modifying the multi-slope roof solution due to the angle of inclination of one of its slopes in order to increase the efficiency of using solar energy from the planned collector on the roof. The presented issue does not fall within the scope of knowledge provided to future engineers as part of the broadly understood „roof solving” methods.
Content available Projekt konstrukcji pawilonu handlowego
Przedmiotem opracowania jest projekt konstrukcji dwupoziomowego pawilonu handlowego w konstrukcji stalowej ze stropem zespolonym stalowo-betonowym na blasze fałdowej. Proces projektowania składał się z opracowania koncepcji architektonicznej, rozwiązań funkcjonalnych, obliczeń statyczno-wytrzymałościowych ram stalowych, płatwi, stropu, fundamentu i wybranych połączeń oraz wykonania rysunków technicznych.
The subject of the study is the design of a two-story commercial pavilion in a steel structure with a composite steel-concrete ceiling on a corrugated sheet metal. The design process consisted of developing an architectural concept, functional solutions, static and strength calculations of steel frames, purlins, ceiling, foundation and selected connections, as well as preparing technical drawings.
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