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We investigated the oviposition preferences of Phengaris alcon in relation to the height of the host plant (Gentiana pneumonanthe), the number of flowers, and the choice of microsite for oviposition (part of the host plant, height of oviposition) in a local population of this species in SW Slovenia at a depression of a seasonal lake Petelinje. P. alcon prefers the tallest (most conspicuous) host plants and plants with a larger number of flowers (i.e., more than 90% of all eggs were deposited on 12% of the tallest plants ≥ 30 cm), where eggs are deposited in the upper quarter of the plant height, usually on calyx (66.1%) and corolla (29.9%), and rarely on leaves or stems. Eggs are mostly deposited singly or in groups of two (> 50%) on a single plant, and eggs were found only on less than 3% of examined plants. Butterfly density was estimated at about 60 individuals per hectare. Obtained results indicate that preferences for oviposition sites are not random, and monitoring population density may provide important insight into the future population status of P. alcon.
Microplastics are emerging contaminants that degrade from textile plastic products, petroleum, and cosmetic equipment with sizes less than 5 mm. There are more than 70,000 settlements located along the Ciliwung River in DKI Jakarta that use the river water as a source of clean water. The most common type of waste found in the Ciliwung River to date is plastic waste, which can cause flooding and other disasters. The Ciliwung River can currently be found with microplastic pollution which has an impact on exposure to living things in the river, such as in case studies in the Ciliwung River estuary area. The problem is the exposure to 75% of blue panchax fish (Aplocheilus sp.) as many as 1.97 particles per fish with sizes of 300 to 500 μm. This research will focus on analyzing the dynamics of microplastic quantity in water and sediment of the Ciliwung River along with the correlation between field parameters and population density around the banks of the Ciliwung River. When viewed from the seven points that represent the Ciliwung River downstream to upstream in DKI Jakarta Province, the number of microplastics is in the range of 320–741 particles/L. For the dominating form, it can be analyzed that the majority of microplastic forms are fragments (97%), followed by fibers (2.9%) and pellets (0.1%). While in the sediment, the number of microplastics in the Ciliwung River sediment is in the range of 6560–10630 particles/kg. The population density factor has the highest correlation to the number of microplastics with a value of r = 0.702. This is associated between population density and high microplastic emission loads.
The selection of cereal crops varieties as a factor in the regulation of the phytopathogenic microbiome in agrocenoses is an actual direction of the research. Cultivation of such varieties leads to a decrease in the level of biological pollution in agrocenoses and increases the quality as well as safety of agricultural products in agroecosystems. Therefore, the influence of the environmental factors (including abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic, and other) on the formation of micromycete populations in the leaf microbiome of grain crops using different plant cultivation technologies has been thoroughly studied earlier. The results of the selection the plant varieties by the indicators of influence on their population density, the frequency of the occurrence, and the intensity of the micromycete sporulation, were presented in this article. Vegetative organs of plants of the cereal crops (including the oats of Parliamentsky variety, Tembre variety, and spring barley Salomi and Sebastian varieties) were selected in the following phases: tillering, stem stage of growth, and earing. It was determined that using the traditional and organic technologies of plant cultivation in the leaf microbiome of Tembre oats and Salomi variety spring barley, the population density, the frequency of the occurrence of micromycete species, and their sporulation intensity were significantly lower compared to the plants of Parliamentsky oat and Sebastian spring barley. This shows that the cultivation of the cereal crops varieties capable of restraining the formation of micromycete on an ecologically safe level will result in a decrease in the level of biological pollution of agrocenoses and increase the biosafety of plants.
With the rapid development of urban transportation and the increase in per capita car ownership, the problem of urban traffic congestion is becoming increasingly prominent. Due to the uneven distribution of crowd in different regions of the city, it is difficult to determine and solve the traffic dynamics congestion. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to determine the dynamics of traffic congestion areas caused by uneven distribution of vitality in different regions of mountainous cities, a crowded mega mountainous city is selected as research object and it proposes a model to calculate the change characteristics of regional crowd gathering. Baidu Heatmap is used as it could distinguish crowd gathering in certain urban core area. The heat map pictures in dozens of consecutive days is extracted and researchers conducted pixel statistical classification on thermal map images. Based on the pixel data of different levels of the pictures, the calculation model is established and an algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed. The calibration of the relative active population equivalent density is conducted, and the distribution characteristics of crowd gathering in time and space are analyzed. The results show that there are obvious spatiotemporal characteristics for this selected city. In time, holidays have an important impact on crowd gathering. The peak time of crowd gathering on weekdays is different from that on rest days. The research in this paper has a direct practical value for the identification of traffic congestion areas and the corresponding governance measures. The dynamic identification of population gathering areas in mountainous mega cities, demand prediction for various transportation regions, and future population OD(Origin-Destination) planning are of great significance.
The whole study was conducted for the Municipality of Prizren and aims to to determine the effect that the population density has on land surface temperature (LST). All this was achieved through the connection of land surface temperature (LST) and population density. The free Landsat 8 satellite image downloaded from the United States Geological Survey website was used and then processed using GIS and remote sensing techniques. To understand the relationship between population density and LST, we performed a regression analysis. This analysis showed a strong positive relationship with a value of r = 0.8206, emphasizing the important role that the population has in creating empowering areas that generate surface urban heat island (SUHI) effect. The results of the study clearly showed that in the northern, central, and western parts there are pixels with high LST values. This presentation corresponds with the population density, which means that it is precisely the actions of the population that help generate, display, and strengthen the harmful effect of the SUHI. The map with areas of high LST pixels are of great importance to the policymakers and urban planners of Prizren so that they can orient themselves in these areas and take all actions necessary to minimize this harmful effect which is worrying citizens. If it continues with unplanned development, the peripheral parts of Prizren are seriously endangered by the damage of the spaces which offer protection (green spaces) from the SUHI phenomenon.
This paper introduces the concept of creating a model for population density prediction and presents the work done so far. The unit of reference in the study is more the population density of a location rather than tracking human movements and habits. Heterogeneous open data, which can be obtained from the World Wide Web, was adopted for the analysis. Commercial telephony data or social networking applications were intentionally omitted. Both for data collection and later for modeling the potential of artificial neural networks was used. The potential of detection models such as YOLO or ResNet was explored. It was decided to focus on a method of acquiring additional data using information extraction from images and extracting information from web pages. The BDOT database and statistical data from the Central Statistical Office (polish: GUS) were adopted for the base model. It was shown that the use of street surveillance cameras in combination with deep learning methods gives an exam.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono koncepcję stworzenia modelu do predykcji gęstości ludności oraz przedstawiono wykonane dotychczas prace. Jednostką odniesienia w badaniach jest bardziej gęstość ludności w danym miejscu niż śledzenie ruchów i nawyków człowieka. Do analizy przyjęto heterogeniczne otwarte dane, które można pozyskać z sieci WWW. Celowo pominięto komercyjne dane telefonii czy aplikacji społecznościowych. Zarówno do gromadzenia danych jak i później do modelowania wykorzystano potencjał sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zbadano potencjał modeli detekcyjnych takich jak YOLO czy ResNet. Postanowiono skupić się na metodzie pozyskiwania dodatkowych danych z wykorzystaniem ekstrakcji informacji z obrazu oraz pozyskiwania informacji ze stron WWW. Do modelu bazowego przyjęto bazę danych BDOT oraz dane statystyczne z GUS. Wykazano, że wykorzystanie kamer monitoringu ulic w połączeniu z metodami głębokiego uczenia daje egzamin.
The text of the article pertained to waste management in local government in the region of Płock. In my article described were changes to waste management after 1 July 2013, as well as methods of comparing local governments.
Tekst artykułu dotyczy gospodarki odpadami w samorządzie w regionie płockim. W artykule opisano zmiany w gospodarce odpadami po 1 lipca 2013 r., a także metody porównywania samorządów.
Tematem publikacji jest zaadaptowanie dazymetrycznej metody mapowania powierzchni statystycznej do badania gęstości zaludnienia oraz skartowania rozmieszczenia ludności Krakowa. Opracowania ludnościowe dla miast są ważne w aspekcie planowania przestrzennego i urbanistycznego oraz sporządzania analiz rynkowych bądź kryzysowych. Dotychczasowe mapy ludności Krakowa sprowadzają się do kartogramów prostych odniesionych do jednostek podziału administracyjnego. Bazując na podejściach podanych w źródłach literaturowych oraz odpowiednio je modyfikując z uwzględnieniem charakteru i szczegółowości posiadanych danych, opracowano trzy mapy rozmieszczenia ludności Krakowa: metodą binarną oraz, w dwóch wariantach, metodę powierzchniowo-wagowej agregacji. Jako zmienne ograniczające wykorzystano dane o pokryciu i użytkowaniu terenu Urban Atlas z 2009 roku, dostępne w ramach programu GMES Urban Audit. Dane statystyczne o ludności poddane przeliczeniu pochodziły z 2009 roku i były opracowane dla 141 jednostek urbanistycznych Krakowa. Przyjęte arbitralnie wartości dotyczące liczby ludności, przypisane poszczególnym typom pokrycia terenu (dwa pierwsze realizowane podejścia), upraszczają przeliczenie ludności miasta, gdyż zakładają możliwość skutecznego przeniesienia wprost doświadczeń z innych obszarów testowych. W rozwiązaniu trzecim zoptymalizowano więc metodę powierzchniowo-wagowej agregacji, uzyskując nowe proporcje w zagęszczeniu ludności dla wydzielonych charakterystycznych kategorii pokrycia terenu na obszarze Krakowa. Analizując dla poszczególnych trzech testowanych rozwiązań kartogramy błędów oraz ich rozkład na histogramach, potwierdzono zasadność takiego podejścia. Uzyskana mapa stanowi lepsze odzwierciedlenie rzeczywistego zróżnicowania przestrzennego ludności Krakowa niż stosowane dotychczas kartogramy proste czy modelowanie dazymetryczne nieuwzględniające specyfiki kartowanego obszaru.
This publication attempts to adapt the dasymetric method of mapping statistical areas to study population density and carry out the mapping of population distribution of the city of Krakow. Population studies of cities are an important issue, both from a spatial and urban planning point of view and in the preparation of market or crisis studies. Existing maps of the population of Krakow come down to simple cartograms referenced in administrative divisions. Based on the approaches given in literary sources (and modifying them appropriately with regard to the nature and detail of the data already in place), three population distribution maps of Krakow were developed using the binary method and – in two variable options – surface-weight aggregation. Data on land cover and use from the 2009 Urban Atlas was used as a limiting variable, available under the GMES Urban Audit program. The statistical data on population that required conversion from administrative units into built-up areas came from 2009 data developed for the 141 urban units of Krakow. Arbitrarily adopted numbers of people assigned to particular types of land cover (the first two implemented approaches) generalize the population distribution of the city and/or assume the possibility of a direct transfer of experience from other areas to the analyzed area. Therefore, in the third solution, an optimization of the surface-weight aggregation method was made, obtaining new characteristic proportions for Krakow in the population density for inhabited categories of land cover. When analyzing cartograms and histograms of errors noted within the urban units, the validity of this approach was confirmed. The map generated provides a better reflection of the actual spatial diversity of the population of Krakow than the previously used simple cartograms (or the dasymetric modeling, which did not take into account the specifics of the mapped area).
Cel: W artykule opisano metodykę analizy ryzyka grupowego dla transportu drogowego towarów niebezpiecznych stwarzających zagrożenie wybuchem. Projekt i metody: Do określenia poziomu ryzyka związanego z transportem drogowym towarów niebezpiecznych stwarzających zagrożenie wybuchem zastosowano dane przestrzenne obejmujące swym zasięgiem obszar całej Polski. Do przetworzenia wyżej wymienionych danych wykorzystano oprogramowanie GIS oraz bazę danych PostgreSQL z nakładką Postgis. Analiza ryzyka została opracowana w oparciu o matrycę, której składowymi były: analiza prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia wypadku oraz jego skutków dla społeczeństwa zamieszkującego wokół dróg krajowych. W analizie prawdopodobieństwa uwzględniono: dotychczasowe miejsca występowania wypadków z udziałem towarów niebezpiecznych stwarzających zagrożenie wybuchem (w latach 2010–2015), przestrzenne rozmieszczenie parkingów ze stanowiskami dla pojazdów przewożących towary niebezpieczne, stan nawierzchni dróg krajowych oraz parametr określający kolizyjność lub bezkolizyjność tych dróg. Przedstawiono również metodykę dotyczącą sposobu selekcji akcji w transporcie drogowym z udziałem autocystern przewożących towary niebezpieczne stwarzające zagrożenie wybuchem. Omówiono także statystykę wyżej wymienionych wypadków. W analizie skutków uwzględniono szczegółową gęstość zaludnienia wokół dróg krajowych w promieniu do 1000 metrów. Analizy zostały wykonane indywidualnie dla każdego odcinka drogi krajowej o długości do 1 km. Ich etapy zostały zwizualizowane w formie map, które obejmują swym zasięgiem wszystkie drogi krajowe w Polsce. Wyniki: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono poziom ryzyka grupowego związanego z transportem towarów niebezpiecznych stwarzających zagrożenie wybuchem dla wszystkich odcinków dróg krajowych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań mogą być pomocne w bardziej świadomym planowaniu tras przewozu tego typu towarów niebezpiecznych. Wnioski: We wnioskach przedstawionych w artykule opisano działania mające na celu obniżenie ryzyka związanego z transportem drogowym towarów niebezpiecznych. Uwzględniono w nich również rekomendacje mające na celu optymalizację metodyki, na bazie której została opracowana analiza ryzyka.
Objective: This paper describes the methodology for analysing the societal risk involved in road transport of dangerous goods. Project and methods: Spatial data covering the whole territory of Poland were used to determine the level of risk involved in the transport of dangerous goods by road. The GIS software and PostgreSQL database with a POSTGIS extension were employed to process this data. The risk analysis was based on a matrix which included an accident-likelihood assessment and a consequence assessment for communities living near national roads. The likelihood assessment included the recorded locations of accidents involving explosive dangerous goods (in the years 2010–2015), the spatial distribution of parking areas with spaces intended for vehicles carrying explosive dangerous goods, the condition of pavements on national roads and whether these roads have partial or no grade separation, or full grade separation. The paper also presents a methodology for the selection of fire-service operations involving tanker lorries carrying explosive dangerous goods. The statistics of the abovementioned accidents are also discussed. The consequence assessment takes into account the specific population density around national roads within a radius of up to 1,000 meters. The assessments were undertaken individually for each national-road section with a length of up to 1 km. The individual stages of these assessments were visualised as maps covering all national roads in Poland. Results: The study has established the level of societal risk associated with the transport of explosive dangerous goods for all national-road sections. The results of the study could help to make better-informed planning decisions regarding dangerous-goods routes. Conclusions: In the conclusions section, the paper describes the measures to mitigate the societal risk associated with road transport of dangerous goods. The conclusions also include recommendations to optimise the methodology used in the risk analysis.
The article is dedicated to development of the methodological approach to determine the most effective ways and areas of investments use aimed at reducing the negative impacts of pollution. This takes into account the reality that the level of pollution is different for different areas (regions), and the degree of negative impact is due to two main factorsvolume of gas emissions and the number of residents living in these territories. Taking into account the lack of quantitative laws regarding the impact of pollution on human lives the expediency to limit some qualitative considerations that significantly contribute to the solution of the problem are developed in the article. The paper develops analytic approach, which is based on establishing the parameters that characterize the essence of the developed phenomenon. The state of air pollution in particular is seen as the main factor that significantly affects the residents’ life quality. At one and the same degree of negative pollution, its effect will depend on the number of residents living in the area. As our research continues with the assessment of air pollution reduction state, where two indicators were developed – harmful gas components in the air and population density in the area. Based on the hypothesis of parabolic type, the corresponding functional relation between the parameters proves, that the product of assumed parameters determines the priority of pollution reduction in some areas. The conducted proposed approach to interpretation of dust pollution on the example of regions of Poland is developed.
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Artykuł jest próbą szukania odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyszły kształt środowiska mieszkaniowego pośród zapisków z podróży tam, gdzie przyszłość już nadeszła – w prototypie wielkich metropolii, których podstawowym współczynnikiem jest intensywność, skala i gęstość – Hongkongu.
The article is trial of looking for answer on the question about the future shape of housing environment among records from travel there, where the future has just come – in the prototype of huge metropolises, which basic factor is intensity, scale and density – Hong Kong.
Little Owl is a rapidly declining farmland species across Central Europe, however its population status is poorly known in Hungary. The main aim of this study was to determine the distribution and population density of Little Owl in Hortobagy National Park (northeastern Hungary), which is characterized by a high proportion of grassland habitats. During March and April of 2011–2012, the Little Owl occurrence was surveyed using tape-recorded stimulation in 245 sampling points in an area of 489 km2. In total, we recorded 245 calling males with relative positive occurrence of 75.5% in an individual sampling point. The average nearest neighbour distance of two calling males was 553.6 meters (min. = 70 m, max. = 3100 m). The average population density of Little Owls was 5.01 calling males/10 km2, however this could reach up to 85.97 calling males/10 km2 in 3.06 km2 locally. Residential buildings and farms were the main expected breeding places in our study area. High density of the Little Owl in the study area is probably influenced by traditional pastoral management, extensive agriculture and high proportion of grasslands. The particualar role could be atributed to presence of short-sward pastures around human settlements, considered to be crucial for the species survival in Central Europe. Further monitoring of the Little Owl is necessary to assess its current population status across various parts of its distribution range.
W artykule przedstawiono autorską metodę opracowania mapy gęstości zaludnienia miasta Krakowa. Podstawowymi materiałami wykorzystanymi w procesie opracowania mapy były: ortofotomapa ze zdjeć lotniczych oraz ogólnie dostępne dane o liczbie osób uprawnionych do głosowania w poszczególnych obwodach wyborczych na terenie miasta. Dodatkowo wykorzystano również plan miasta, a w wybranych obszarach - mapy ewidencyjne. Materiały te służyły do określenia granic obwodów wyborczych. Lokalizację przestrzenną granic uzyskano na drodze wektoryzacji ortofotomapy ze zdjęć lotniczych. Fotointerpretacja ortofotomapy pozwoliła na uszczegółowienie i sklasyfikowanie miejsc skupisk ludności (położenie budynków jednorodzinnych, kamienic, klatek schodowych w blokach mieszkalnych). Rozkład przestrzenny rozmieszczenia ludności uzyskano metodą dazymetryczną, przyjmując za punkt wyjścia faktyczną liczbę ludności zameldowanej w poszczególnych obwodach wyborczych i uszczegółowiając jej rozmieszczenie wewnątrz tych obszarów poprzez iteracyjne określenie proporcji pomiędzy poszczególnymi rodzajami skupisk ludności, indywidualnie w każdym z obwodów. Powstała mapa skupisk ludności została przekształcona na mapę rastrową o wielkości komórki 25x25 metrów. W artykule zaprezentowano także wybrane możliwości wykorzystania tego typu informacji w analizach przestrzennych z zakresu: zarządzania kryzysowego, geomarketingu, analiz komunikacyjnych i wspierania decyzji administracyjnych.
The paper presents an original method for developing a population density map for the city of Cracow. In the process of making the map there were used aerial orthophotomaps and some generally accessible data about the population within the constituencies in Cracow. Additionally, the city map and, in some districts, the base maps were used. The mentioned materials provided the basis to establish the constituency boundaries. They were obtained in the process of vectorisation of the aerial orthophotomap. The interpretation of orthophotomap allowed to derive detailed information about the location and types of accommodation (detached houses, tenement houses, blocks of flats). Dasymetric method was applied to obtain the results of spatial distribution of population density. The starting point was the real number of people registered in each constituency. The distribution of population within each of these areas was estimated on the basis of an iterative process of establishing proportions among different types of accommodation. Such a population map was processed into a raster map (25m x 25m). The paper also presents possible uses of this type of information to produce various spatial analyses in such fields as public transport, crises management, urban planning, location planning and geomarketing.
Turkey is being a bridge between Europe and Asia and it provides the natural pathway for the spread of species between these continents. The Beydaglar. Mountains and its surroundings (Antalya) host many Asian, European and Mediterranean faunal and floral elements and the location, which is considered as one of the most important faunal areas in Turkey especially for larger mammals. The study is the first systematic survey of the carnivores in the region which is based on photo trapping. The cameras were set at 45 locations for 2055 trap days between 2005-2009 over the area 294 km2 at the altitude 1200-2000 m a.s.l. Most of the species and their individual abundance were recorded in maquis habitat type followed by red pine forest, mixed (red pine and maquis), and cedar forest respectively. The wild animals that were captured included five mammalian carnivore species (red fox Vulpes vulpes, badger Meles meles, stone marten Martes foina, gray wolf Canis lupus and caracal Caracal caracal) and also wild boar Sus scrofa, fallow deer Dama damaand hare Lepus europaeus. Photo trapping activity was mostly recorded between 21:00 and 03:00 hours. Wild terrestrial carnivores occur at low densities in the study area (1.73 for caracal and 0.9 for wolf ind.100 km[^-2]) while the most widespread larger mammal was the wild boar (188 ind.100 km[^-2]). The small fallow deer population was mainly confined in a large (4.2 km2) fenced enclosure and its size was accessed by direct drive count. The results support the hypothesis that Beydaglar. Mountains having the Asian, European and Mediterranean mammals makes the Anatolian Peninsula being a bridge between Europe and Asia. Caracal density was lower than the Datca population in the southern part of Anatolia. This may be consequence of higher human activities in the Beydaglar. Mts. Human activities in the Beydaglar. Mts. should be reduced for sensitive animals to human activities like caracal and wolf and the illegal hunting should be strictly prohibited in the area for viability of the large mammals of Beydaglar. Mts.
The morphological variation of Chara rudis A. Braun oospores was examined in a local population in a deep (43 m), hardwater (34 mg Ca dm[^-3]) and mesotrophic (P[tot] 0.095 mg P dm[^-3], SD 8 m) lake (NW Poland). Two variants of population density and three variants of depth were taken into account. Oospores are 712.8 [plus or minus] 37.6 (600-817) [mi]m long and 452.6 [plus or minus] 34.2 (350-516) [mi]m wide. They have 8-13 ridges. The outer membrane is slightly granulated. The isopolarity index (length/width x 100) is 158.4 [plus or minus] 9.9 (140-190). The variation coefficient varies from 5% for oospore length to around 10% for fossa width. It was shown that the differences between oospores coming from individual depth and density variants are statistically significant. The biggest (733.21 [plus or minus] 33.3 [mi]m) oospores occurred on individuals growing at a depth of 3 m, while the smallest ones (673.3 [plus or minus] 43.4 [mi]m) at 5 m. The oospores from highly dense aggregations (> 50 individuals x 0.1 m[^-2]) were much longer and wider than oospores from scattered (<10 individuals x 0.1 m[^-2]) individuals. The observed intrapopulation variation of oospores can be regarded as a response to environmental changes along the depth gradient.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie problemu interpretowania wartości dyskretnych, które w rzeczywistości mają charakter ciągły. Często można się spotkać z problemem interpretacji wartości zmierzonych. Pomiary wykonywane są w konkretnym punkcie, jednak zakłada się, że wartość jest aktualna w całym otoczeniu punktu pomiarowego. Zwykle jednak wielkość otoczenia nie jest w żaden sposób określona, podobnie jak nie jest zdefiniowana zmienność zmierzonej wartości w zależności od odległości od punktu pomiarowego. Problem ten dotyczy zjawisk fizycznych, które opisane są funkcją ciągłą, ale ze względu na skalę zjawiska nie jest możliwe przeprowadzenie pomiarów w każdym punkcie jego dziedziny. Artykuł zajmuje się interpretacją wartości statystycznej opisującej gęstość zaludnienia w kontekście administracyjnego podziału terytorialnego kraju. Przedstawiono sposób, w jaki można ten parametr statystyczny uczynić użytecznym, czyli odpowiadającym rzeczywistości. Kluczowym aspektem jest urealnienie wartości statystycznej w taki sposób, by nie przypisywać jednej stałej wartości całemu badanemu terenowi, a zająć się raczej rozkładem gęstości i określać ten parametr w odniesieniu do czynników go kształtujących. W artykule zaprezentowano metodę przejścia od wielkości statystycznej gęstości zaludnienia do rozkładu gęstości na zadanym obszarze terytorialnym.
The objective of the article is to present the issue of interpreting discrete values which, in reality, have a continuous character. The problem how to interpret measured values is quite frequent. The measurements are made at a certain point, still, it is assumed that the value is real in the all surroundings of the measuring point. However, usually, the size of the surroundings is not determined in any way, nor is the variation of the measured value defined with respect to the distance from the measuring point. This problem relates to physical phenomena which are described by a continuous function but, due to the scale of the phenomenon, it is not possible to carry out measurements at each point of its domain. The article deals with the interpretation of statistical value describing population density with respect to the territorial division of the country. It was presented how this statistical parameter can be made useful, i.e. corresponding to reality. The key aspect is to make the statistical value real in such a way as not to assign one stable value to the whole examined territory area but, instead, take into account the density distribution and determine this parameter with respect to the factors which affect it. The article features the method of passing from the statistical value of population density to the density distribution on a determined territory.
The response of coprophagous dung beetles Geotrupes stercorosus (Scriba, 1791) to the additional food supply in the habitat was examined, as well as their food preference, the effect of food and the daily rhythm of activity, and population density. The study was conducted in the summer and early autumn periods in four years (1998-2002) in a mixed coniferous forest Leucobryo-Pinetum (Matuszkiewicz, 1962) located in central Poland (52 [degree] 20'N, 27 [degree] 25'E). The insects were captured in baited traps functioning as Barber's traps do. They were marked by clipping wing covers (based on the CMR technique). In total, about 31 000 individuals were caught and marked. It has been found that among faeces of different mammals, the faeces of forest rodents are the most attractive food for dung beetles.Food stimulates movements of beetles towards its source (foraging activity). The peak activity coincides with the afternoon hours (5.43 individuals per trap, on average, P [is less than or equal to] 0.0001 as compared with the other periods of the day and night). There were years with a high number of captures (11.9 individuals per trap per day) and a low searching activity, and years with a low number of captures (5.06 individuals per trapper day) and a high searching activity. To compare differences in the number of beetles captured in pitfall traps with their genuine numbers in the habitat, the method of square sampling was used for evaluating their density (1.13 x 10 [^3] individuals per ha). There were days when the locomotor activity of the dung beetles was low and days when the number of captured beetles exceeded several times their genuine density on the area of 1 ha.
This paper analyses the abundance of breeding pairs and the location of nesting sites of partridges as related to vegetation structure in the nest surroundings in two areas with very different partridge densities and arable landscape patterns (Central Germany and Eastern Poland). Study objective was to identify underlying causes of the more than 100 fold difference in population density of this species in these two areas of Central Europe. Our results suggests that the very limited availability of appropriate nesting habitats with an open canopy structure and low leaf area index is one of the key factors being responsible for the very low recent population density, and the past rapid decline, of partridge in the modern agricultural landscape of western Central Europe.
Population mapping, in general, has two purposes: firstly, to cartographically portray the extent and density of population across an area of interest, and secondly, to derive a quantitative estimation of population density for use in subsequent spatial analytical modeling tasks. A cartographic portrayal of population traditionally has the form of a choropleth map. This kind of mapping is very simple, but despite its simplicity, choropleths maps have limited utility for detailed spatial analysis of population data, especially where human populations are concentrated in relatively small numbers of villages, towns and cities. One way to avoid this limitation is to transform the administrative units into smaller and more relevant map units through the process known as dasymetric mapping. The dasymetric technique maps a quantitative variable according to boundaries derived from the character of the data distribution. It is a form of an areal interpolation that uses ancillary data to transform population data from one set of spatial units to another. This paper demonstrates the use of satellite derived ancillary land cover data to map population densities using dasymetric mapping. The three dasymetric methods presented, revealed the interregional variation in population density more realistically, in particular, among urban and rural areas. The methods were tested for Mazovia Region. The binary method, the simplest, is easy to implement in GIS and gives a better view of population distribution over a given area than conventional choropleth maps (fig. 1). The only drawback is the delimitation of uninhabited areas. The areal weighting aggregation method uses land cover data as limiting variable and a typology of communes as a correlation variable. We a priori assign the percentage of people attributed to each land cover type and groups of communes. Subjectivity of these decisions is considered the drawback of the method. The results are detailed enough and portray population density very realistic (fig.2). The areal weighting correlation method presents a new way of calculating weighting coefficients. This is based on the method proposed by Gallego and Peedell (2001), but is adapted to Polish conditions by grouping land cover classes, stratifying communes and computing coefficients (tab.1). This dasymetric mapping method is based on the assumption that the ratio between the population density of two land cover categories is the same for any given commune. This method, on contrary to previous ones, does not preserve pycnophylactic property of statistical data, so it is necessary to evaluate the results. Relative errors were computed for evaluating the modified areal weighting method. The analyse of a comparison between attributed population and population data known from statistical measurements indicate that the population value attributed to most of the communes is approximately in agrement with the statistical data (fig.4). The coefficients seem to be too high for a few urban communes and too low for some rural areas. The areal weighting correlation method provides realistic view of population distribution in the Mazovia Region (fig 3). The dasymetric population map was visualized according to choropleth map rules in such a way that it focuses on the relationship between settlement and the natural environment. The information generated from a dasymetric population density map could provide useful assistance to district administrations, especially those responsible for regional or city development and land management.
The influence of distance between host trees and leaf litter removal on population density of Cameraria ohridella have been for the first time examined in an isolated population of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) trees. The observation was performed in the small town (area 13,58 km^2) in Wielkopolska region (West Poland) on the total number of 49 trees: 31 (11 clumps) of them with autumnal leaves removal (controlled sites), and 18 (5 clumps) without this procedure (uncontrolled sites). The main factors determining the extent of the leaf destruction by larvae were the leaf litter removal and the number of subsequent generations on a given tree. The effect of mean distance between trees on the infestation level was statistically significant only for the third generation larvae, when analyzing all sites. There was no significant correlation when checking the impact of mean and short distance on the leaves infestation between controlled and uncontrolled sites. The abundance of the first generation of the larvae of raked sites is possibly a result of low number of in situ overwintering individuals and the number of immigrants from uncontrolled areas. Assuming the random choice of direction of the migration, the effect of the immigrants on the trees which leaves have been disposed of is not as high as it should be expected. Additionally, the moths can be blown away by the wind in a random direction. Consequently, the noted increase in the leaves infestation by the third generation larvae can be result of the rate of population increase innate for the species and only partly a result of immigration from refuge areas.
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