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Content available Innowacyjne materiały typu solid surface
Tworzywa typu solid surface wyróżniają się spośród innych rodzajów tworzyw wyjątkowymi właściwościami, które pozwalają na niemal nieograniczone ich zastosowanie. Dzięki podstawowym składnikom jakimi są żywica, napełniacze mineralne i pigmenty możliwe jest otrzymanie różnorodnej gamy produktów zarówno pod kątem kolorystyki jak i struktury. Opracowane w ramach projektu kompozycje na bazie żywicy poliestrowej, obok bardzo dobrych właściwości mechanicznych i odpornościowych charakteryzowały się właściwościami antybakteryjnymi i grzybostatycznymi. Kompozycje te posłużą do produkcji umywalek i blatów, które obok estetycznego wyglądu i wyjątkowej odporności, będą posiadały udogodnienia dla osób niepełnosprawnych.
Solid surface plastics stand out from other types of plastics with their unique properties that allow their almost unlimited use. Thanks to the basic components, which are resin, mineral fillers, and pigments, it is possible to obtain a wide range of products, both in terms of colour and structure. The compositions based on polyester resin developed as part of the project, apart from very good mechanical and resistance properties, were characterized by antibacterial and fungistatic properties. These compositions will be used to produce washbasins and countertops, which, apart from their aesthetic appearance and exceptional resistance, will have facilities for the disabled people.
The sixteenth-century geometrical polychromies that were discovered during conservation works in a medieval church in Włościejewki provided an extraordinary opportunity to examine the original structure of old painting layers and compare them with newer ones. Scientific research was carried out to obtain and confirm the stratigraphy of the paintings and enhance the knowledge about the techniques and pigments that had been used there. This paper presents a mineralogical and petrographic characteristic of the materials. The analysis was performed in painting layers such as: plaster, whitewash and pigment. They originated from layers created between the sixteenth and nineteenth century. Four microscopic observations of thin sections were made, using reflected and transmitted light. Samples that turned out to be too fragile were examined using a scanning microscope equipped with an EDS detector. The research also described in detail the plaster and the whitewash. Monochromes of the background, details of walls and ceilings were made on lime whitewash using the dry fresco technique. The study illustratively demonstrates the structural and textural variability of the painting layers through the ages. The study’s findings show a slight variability of the pigments, mainly iron oxides based pigments.
Szesnastowieczne polichromie geometryczne, które odkryto podczas prac konserwatorskich w średniowiecznym kościele we Włościejewkach, dostarczyły nadzwyczajnej możliwości zbadania oryginalnej struktury starych warstw malarskich i porównania ich z nowszymi warstwami. Przeprowadzono badania naukowe, aby otrzymać i potwierdzić stratygrafię malowideł i pogłębić wiedzę na temat użytych technik i pigmentów. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje mineralogiczną i petrograficzną charakterystykę zastosowanych materiałów. Analizę przeprowadzono na takich warstwach malarskich, jak: tynki, farba wapienna i pigmenty. Zostały one pobrane z warstw wytworzonych pomiędzy XVI i XIX wiekiem. Wykonano cztery obserwacje mikroskopowe na preparatach, wykorzystując światło odbite i przechodzące. Próbki, które okazały się zbyt delikatne, zostały przebadane przy użyciu mikroskopu skanującego wyposażonego w detektor EDS. Badanie również szczegółowo opisało tynk i farbę wapienną. Monochromie tła, detale ścian oraz sufitów wykonano na farbie wapiennej przy użyciu techniki suchego fresku. Badanie ilustratywnie przedstawia strukturalne i teksturalne zróżnicowanie warstw malarskich w różnych wiekach. Wyniki pokazują nieznaczne zróżnicowanie w pigmentach, głównie opartych na tlenkach żelaza.
The influence of mould fungus on pigments used in wall and ceiling décor on the example of the wooden church of Saint George in Ostropa. This research aimed to establish the change in colour of selected pigments used in polychrome due to the effects of Aspergillus niger. The research was conducted on the following pigments: cremnitz white, zinc white, vermilion, colcothar, chrome green, artificial ultramarine, burnt umber, carbon black, smalt, minium, azurite, Prussian blue and chalk. Measurements were taken using a colorimeter in the CIELAB colour space. The biggest change in colour was exhibited by artificial ultramarine, while the most stable in colour turned out to be minium. The smallest change in colour of dried samples was shown by burnt umber, while the biggest change was noted again for artificial ultramarine.
Wpływ grzybów pleśniowych na pigmenty stosowane w dekoracjach ścian i stropów na przykładzie drewnianego kościoła pw. Św. Jerzego w Ostropie. Przedmiotem badań było ustalenie zmiany barwy wybranych pigmentów stosowanych w polichromii, pod wpływem działania Aspergillus niger. Badania przeprowadzono na następujących pigmentach: biel kremska, biel cynkowa, cynober, czerwień żelazowa, zieleń chromowa, ultramaryna sztuczna, umbra palona, czerń węglowa, smalta, minia, azuryt, błękit pruski oraz kreda. Pomiary wykonano przy użyciu kolorymetru w przestrzeni barw CIELAB. Największą zmianę barwy próbek poddanych działaniu grzyba testowego wykazała ultramaryna sztuczna, natomiast najbardziej stabilną barwą charakteryzowała się minia. Najmniejszą zmianę barwy próbek wysuszonych po działaniu grzyba pleśniowego cechowała się umbra palona, natomiast największą odnotowano również w przypadku sztucznej ultramaryny.
Środki barwiące są powszechnie stosowane w wielu gałęziach gospodarki, przede wszystkim w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych oraz do produkcji farb i lakierów. W ostatnich latach interesującym rozwiązaniem okazało się otrzymywanie organiczno-nieorganicznych kompozytów pigmentowych łączących w sobie zalety związków organicznych (intensywna barwa, szeroka gama kolorystyczna) oraz nieorganicznych, które charakteryzują się wysoką stabilnością termiczną oraz chemiczną. W pracy omówiono główne rodzaje barwnych kompozycji hybrydowych, jak również aspekty dotyczące ich syntezy oraz charakterystyki fizykochemicznej. Ponadto, przedstawiono szeroki potencjał aplikacyjny pigmentów hybrydowych, wynikający z ich struktury oraz wysokiej odporności na działanie czynników zewnętrznych.
Coloring agents are widely used in many areas of industry, primarily in the plastics technology as well as dyes and lacquers production. In recent years, an interesting industrial trend may be the preparation of an organic-inorganic pigment composites combining the advantages of organic (intense color, wide range of colors) and inorganic parts, which are characterized by high thermal stability as well as chemical resistance. The paper discusses the main types of hybrid color composites as well as aspects related to their synthesis and physicochemical characterization. In addition, wide application potential of hybrid pigments resulting from their structure and high resistance to external factors has been presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu promieniowania mikrofalowego generowanego przez urządzenia grzewcze, w paśmie częstotliwości 2,40–2,48 GHz, na pigmenty ceramiczne wytworzone w Zakładzie Doświadczalnym Środków Zdobniczych, Instytutu Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych. Praca oparta była na przesłance, że efekty cieplne wynikające z oddziaływania mikrofal na barwione wyroby ceramiczne w dużej mierze wynikają z zawartych w nich pigmentów ceramicznych. Potwierdzono znaczący wpływ mikrofal na pigmenty ceramiczne. Jednak w gotowym wyrobie udział pigmentów jest częścią całej masy i wobec złożoności zjawisk fizycznych zachodzących w czasie ogrzewania mikrofalowego ich wpływ może zostać niezauważony. Pomimo tego wytypowano spośród posiadanego asortymentu pigmenty predysponowane do stosowania w wyrobach przeznaczonych do kuchenek mikrofalowych i takie, których zastosowanie jest niewskazane.
The article presents the results of studies on the impact of microwave radiation, generated by heating devices in the 2.40-2.48 GHz frequency band, on ceramic pigments produced at the Laboratory for Decorative Materials of the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials. This work has been based on the premise that thermal effects resulting from the impact of microwaves on coloured ceramic products are mainly caused by ceramic pigments contained in them. A significant impact of microwaves on ceramic pigments has been confirmed. However, in a finished product a pigments’ share is a part relative to the entire mass and due to complexity of physical processes occurring during the microwave heating, their impact may go unnoticed. In spite of this, pigments predisposed to be applied in products intended for microwave ovens and pigments the use of which is not recommended have been selected from among the offer held in stock.
We examine the narrowband shortwave minima (NSM) of multispectral reflectance as indication of mesoscale algal blooms. They are frequent in the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone (BMCZ) where our testing site (TS) belongs. Its MODIS A images of December 2008 and 2014 were the source of initial data. Classification of reflectance spectra in these images revealed that the TS look from space was determined by the most populated cluster of pixels having the only NSM at 443 nm. We divided this cluster into sub-clusters by maximum wavelengths λmax from 412 to 555 nm and retrieved the estimates of λmax (proxy for abundance of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)), chl_a (MODIS chlorophyll), Rrs (555) (turbidity proxy), and CALH (NSM-based chlorophyll) on a pixel-by-pixel basis. This allowed us to demonstrate: (1) the NSM magnitude at 443 nm peaked in mesoscale structures, (2) CALH was consistent with chlorophyll in the BMCZ waters samples, (3) positive linear correlation of Rrs (555) and CALH was characteristic of the TS waters at any λmax, (4) the MODIS chl_a was overestimated when λmax > 488 nm, (5) localization and outlines of mesoscale structures agreed well in the fields of pairs Rrs (555) – CALH and λmax – chl_a, but not in the CALH – chl_a pair. The NSM-based chlorophyll CALH outperformed the standard chl_a determinations in exactness because the CALH is insensitive to CDOM. This is advantageous when studying the Case 1 waters of intensive mesoscale variability where chlorophyll co-exists with the CDOM from eddy-induced blooms.
Content available remote Tracking trends in eutrophication based on pigments in recent coastal sediments
Eutrophication in two different coastal areas – the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic) and the Oslofjord/Drammensfjord (Norway) – both subject to human pressure and with restricted water exchange with adjacent seas, was investigated and compared. Sediment cores (up to 20 cm long) were collected at 12 stations using a core sampler, 6 in each of the two areas, and divided into sub-samples. The physicochemical parameters characterizing the adjacent water column and near-bottom water, i.e. salinity, oxygen concentration and temperature, were measured during sample collection. Chlorophylls-a, -b and -c, their derivatives and selected carotenoids were determined for all the samples, as were additional parameters characterizing the sediments, i.e. Corg, Ntot, δ13C and δ15N, grain size. 210Pb activity was also determined and on that basis sediment mixing and accumulation rates were estimated. The distribution of pigments in sediments was related to environmental conditions, the sampling site location and sediment characteristics. The results are in agreement with other observations that eutrophication in the Gulf of Gdańsk has increased, especially since the 1970s, whereas in the Oslofjord it decreased during the same period. The pigments are better preserved in inner Oslofjord sediments than in those from the Gulf of Gdańsk. The results demonstrate that the sum of chloropigments-a in sediments calculated per dry weight of sediments is a valuable measure of eutrophication, providing that the monitoring site is selected properly, i.e. sediments are hypoxic/anoxic and non-mixed. Besides, the results confirm previous observations that the percentages of particular chlorophyll-a derivatives in the sum of chloropigments-a are universal markers of environmental conditions in a basin. The ratios of chloropigments-b and chlorophylls-c to the sum of chloropigments-a (ΣChlns-b/ΣChlns-a; Chls-c/ΣChlns-a) may by applied as complementary markers of freshwater and marine organic matter input, respectively.
Iron is usually present in the leaching solutions and its elimination is a major problem in hydrometallurgy. The recovery of iron from such solutions is usually carried out by precipitation as jarosite, goethite or hematite. Together with the iron other undesirable metals, mainly Zn, Mg, Pb are precipitated. The impact of the following parameters: temperature, time, type and dose of oxidant on selective separation the iron compounds from the leaching solution of Zn-Pb post-flotation tailings were investigated. The leaching solution was obtained in the process of dynamic neutralization the accumulator electrolyte with the Zn-Pb flotation tailings and separation of the precipitate from the solution. Using the set conditions of iron compounds precipitation from the leaching solution, the post-processed solutions were obtained in which the content of Mg, Zn, Fe were analyzed. It was found that the process of iron compounds precipitation causes co-precipitation of the accompanying metals that contaminate the resulting precipitates. The coprecipitation of magnesium, together with iron compounds is particularly disadvantageous process results in a reduced yield of metal in the final product. In order to minimize these losses, the oxidizing precipitation of iron from the leach solution in the form of goethite was carried out. This led to significant loss of Mg+2 ions from the solution in an amount of 0.24% positively influencing technological process of magnesium sulphate recovery from the waste. The goethite precipitate formed in a simple single stage process is a commercial product or an intermediate product (after ignition) for the preparation of a red pigment.
Żelazo jest często obecne w roztworach po ługowaniu, a jego eliminacja jest głównym problemem w procesach hydrometalurgicznych. Odzysk żelaza z takich roztworów polega najczęściej na jego wydzieleniu w postaci jarosytu, getytu lub hematytu. Wraz z żelazem wytrącają się inne niepożądane metale, głównie Zn, Mg, Pb i inne. W pracy zbadano wpływ takich parametrów, jak temperatura, czas, typ i dawka utleniacza na selektywne wydzielanie związków żelaza z roztworu po ługowaniu odpadów poflotacyjnych Zn-Pb. Roztwór po ługowaniu pozyskano w procesie dynamicznej neutralizacji elektrolitu akumulatorowego odpadem poflotacyjnym i oddzieleniu osadu od roztworu. Stosując ustalone warunki wydzielania związków żelaza z roztworu po ługowaniu, otrzymano roztwory poprocesowe, w których oznaczono zawartość metali: Mg, Zn, Fe. Stwierdzono, iż proces wydzielania związków żelaza, w zależności od warunków, powoduje współstrącanie się towarzyszących metali, które zanieczyszczają powstałe osady. Szczególnie niekorzystnym procesem jest współstrącanie się magnezu wraz ze związkami żelaza powodujące zmniejszenie uzysku metalu w produkcie końcowym. W celu zminimalizowania tych strat przeprowadzono strącanie utleniające żelaza z roztworu po ługowaniu w postaci getytu, uzyskując nieznaczne straty jonów Mg+2 z roztworu w ilości 0,24%, co jest bardzo korzystne dla procesu technologicznego pozyskiwania siarczanu magnezu z odpadów. Wydzielony osad getytu w prostym procesie jednostopniowym stanowi produkt handlowy, a po wyprażeniu - półprodukt do otrzymywania pigmentu czerwonego.
Two cruises were undertaken in the Pearl River Estuary in November 2011 and March 2012 to analyze the distribution of phytoplankton pigments and to define the relationships of pigment indices and functional community structure with environmental factors. Among 22 pigments, 17 were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. Chlorophyll a was found in all samples, with a maximum of 7.712 μg L-1 in spring. Fucoxanthin was the most abundant accessory pigment, with mean concentrations of 2.914 μg L-1 and 0.207 μg L-1 in spring and autumn, respectively. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c2, fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, and diatoxanthin were high in the northern or northwest estuary in spring and in the middle-eastern and northeast estuary in autumn. Chlorophyll b, chlorophyll c3, prasinoxanthin, and peridinin were similarly distributed during the two cruises. Chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin positively correlated with nutrients in spring, whereas 19′-hex-fucoxanthin and 19′-but-fucoxanthin negatively correlated. The biomass proportion of microphytoplankton (BPm) was higher in spring, whereas that of picophytoplankton (BPp) was higher in autumn. BPm in spring was high in areas with salinity <30, but BPp and the biomass proportion of nanophytoplankton (BPn) were high in areas with salinity >30. BPm increased but BPn reduced with the increase in nutrient contents. By comparison, BPp reduced with the increase in nutrient contents in spring, but no relationship was found between BPp and nutrient contents in autumn. The ratios of photosynthetic carotenoids to photoprotective carotenoids in the southern estuary approached unity linear relationship in spring and were under the unity line in autumn.
We propose a new approach to indication of algal blooms. It stems from analysis of the multispectral satellite reflectance Rrs of areas where blooms were documented during recent decades. We found that spectra of algal blooms exhibit minima at wavelengths of channels of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) λ = 443 and λ = 488 nm (Baltic, Black, and Caspian seas), λ = 443 nm (Southwest Tropical Pacific (SWTP)), and λ = 443 nm and λ = 469 nm (Patagonian Continental Shelf (PCS)), attributable to absorption bands of chlorophyll a and accessory pigments. We quantified the minima using indices D1 = Rrs(443) − Rrs (412) and D2 = Rrs (488) − Rrs (469) and proved their diagnostic potential by comparing their distributions to that of Rrs (555). Linear dependence of D1 upon chlorophyll a was found from MODIS data for the bloom of Nodularia spumigena. Time dependences of D1 and D2 point to the latter as a probable remote forerunner of cyanobacterial blooms. In the PCS, D1 and D2 proved to be too simplistic owing to diversity of spectral shapes at λ < 550 nm. Cluster analysis revealed close linkage of the latter and local oceanological conditions. Our findings bear witness to the diagnostic potential of the indices by virtue of their direct relation to pigment absorption and because the broadband background reflectance changes reduce when calculating the indices as a difference of spectrally close reflectances. Further studies are needed to convert the indices to band-difference algorithms for retrieving the bio-optical characteristics of algal blooms.
The presented work deals with the possibility of synthesis of blue-violet cassiterite pigments, in which a part of tin ions was substituted by cobalt and manganese ions. In this case, phosphorous is used as a charge-compensating element. The compounds with the formula Sn0.752Co0.08P0.16Mn0.008O2 were prepared by solid state reaction, using the classical ceramic method, and also the method of mechanical activation. The goal was to develop conditions for synthesis and the most suitable preparation method of these pigments. The temperature range was chosen from 1350 °C to 1500 °C. The synthesised pigments were characterised in terms of colour properties after their application into the transparent ceramic glaze P 074 91 and into the organic binder. They were also studied with respect to their phase composition as well as the particle size distribution.
Prezentowana praca poświecona jest możliwości syntezy niebieskofioletowago pigmentu kaserytowego, w którym część jonów cynowych podstawiono jonami kobaltu i manganu. W tym przypadku fosfor użyto jako pierwiastek kompensujący ładunek. Związki o wzorze Sn0,752Co0,08P0,16Mn0,008O2 przygotowano w drodze reakcji w fazie stałej, wykorzystując klasyczną metodę ceramiczną, a także metodę mechanicznej aktywacji. Cele było opracowanie warunków syntezy i najbardziej odpowiedniej metod wytwarzania tych pigmentów. Wybrano zakres temperatury od 1350 °C do 1500 °C. Pigmenty scharakteryzowano w odniesieniu do właściwości barwnych po zastosowaniu ich w przezroczystym ceramicznym szkliwie P 074 91 i organicznym lepiszczu. Zbadano również ich skład fazowy i rozkład wielkości cząstek.
The subject of this study are polychromes in a tenement house in the Old Market Square, Poznan. The main aim of this research was to identify a palette of pigments used in the interior wall paintings. Cross-sections of polychromes, which are dated to the fifteenth century and later, were analysed. Petrographic analysis, especially in reflected light, electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) method, infrared imaging technique (FTIR-ATR) and Raman microspectroscopy were used. The following pigments were identified: minium, red ochre, litharge, massicot, orpiment, yellow ochre, malachite, chalk, lead white, lamp black and vine black.
Porównano fizykochemiczne właściwości modyfikowanych fosforanów(V) glinu otrzymanych metodą strąceniową w warunkach konwencjonalnych i z wykorzystaniem promieniowania mikrofalowego. Określono skład fazowy i właściwości fizykochemiczne uzyskanych fosforanów oraz efektywność antykorozyjną ich ekstraktów (w wodnym roztworze chlorku sodu) względem stali węglowej. Skuteczność działania otrzymanych fosforanów(V) jako inhibitorów korozji oceniono, stosując metodę polaryzacji potencjodynamicznej.
Eight NH4+, Mo5+,, and Ca2+,-modified Al phosphates were prepd. by the reaction of (NH44)2HPO4, H3PO4, CaCO3, (NH4)6 Mo7O24·4H2O, aq. NH4OH soln. (concn. 25% by mass) with fresh Al(OH)3 in glass or microwave reactor (pH 4-8, time 25-30 min) and studied for chem. and phase compn. The aq. exts. of the phosphates were used as corrosive medium for studying the C steel corrosion resistance by potentiometry. The AlPO4, CaHPO4 and CaCO3 phasescontg. phosphates showed the highest effectiveness in corrosion protection.
The objective of the research was to verify the utilization of the pigments prepared using selected red mud from aluminia plant and the converter wastes and their comparison with industrial pigments when used in mural painting. Two types of wastes were selected for the research. The criteria included the colour, availability and earlier research. The research focused on red mud generated by bauxite processing at the Birač Alumina Industry (BH) plant and converter sludge generated by steel production at Třinecké železárny a.s. The testing of the materials under examination included their grinding and application in the restoration of a mural painting on a test panel, simulation of the aging process in a climatic chamber and a comparison with an industrial pigment commonly used in practice by means of a microscopic analysis, infrared and Raman spectrometry.
Celem badań jest sprawdzenie możliwości wykorzystania wybranych odpadów – czerwonego szlamu i odpadów konwertorowych jako pigmentu oraz porównanie pigmentów z pigmentami handlowymi. Dwa rodzaje odpadów zostały wytypowane do badań. Kryterium było uzyskanie koloru, dostępność wykazane we wcześniejszych badaniach. Badania obejmowały czerwony szlam pochodzący z zakładu Birač Alumina Industry (BH) i szlam konwertorowy z huty Třinecké železárny a.s. Badania obejmowały badanie efektywności rozdrobnienia pigmentu i jego zastosowanie w malarstwie ściennym na testowym panelu, badanie w komorze starzenia, porównanie z pigmentem handlowym w wykorzystaniem mikroskopii skaningowej, spektrometrii w podczerwieni oraz ramanowskiej.
The objective of the research was to verify the possibilities of utilizing fly ash generated by municipal sewage sludge incineration, following an adjustment of the grain size, as a pigment and its comparison with an industrial pigment used in mural painting. The testing of the sample under examination included its grinding, application in the restoration of a mural painting on a test panel, simulation of the aging process in a climatic chamber and a comparison with an industrial pigment commonly used in practice by means of a microscopic analysis, infrared and Raman spectrometry.
Celem badań było przeprowadzenie weryfikacji możliwości wykorzystania popiołów lotnych ze spalania komunalnych osadów ściekowych jako pigmentu do malarstwa ściennego. Badania próbek obejmowało rozdrabnianie pigmentu oraz jego wykorzystanie w malarstwie ściennym na panelu testowym, starzenie próbek w komorze starzenia oraz porównanie z pigmentem handlowym z wykorzystaniem mikroskopii, spektrometrii w podczerwienie oraz ramanowskiej.
The Maya Blue is a famous blue pigment developed by pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica and manufactured there for about thousand years. It was applied for body decoration, important for cruel religious rituals, as well as for artistic paintings, murals, or coloration of ceramics. Its production was abandoned in XVII century and the procedure forgotten. The chemical nature of this blue pigment remained a puzzle for a long time and only in nineteen sixties it was revealed [1, 2] that it is a composite consisting of inorganic matrix (palygorskite) that accommodates molecules of organic dye – indigo. The preparation procedure was rediscovered [3] and the products analogous to classical Maya Blue could be obtained by simple thermal insertion of indigo into palygorskite (and also into sepiolite). However, the nature of chemical interaction between dye and matrix that provides very high resistibility of resulting pigments remains still not satisfactorily explained. The hydrogen bonds or coordinative interaction with matrix cations are taken into an account. Zeolites and other molecular sieves can be efficiently applied as matrices for pigments similar to Maya Blue. The coloration and other properties of pigments can be considerably changed by initial modification of zeolites with various cations, what supports an important role of complexes formed by dye molecules and zeolite cations. On the other hand, the zeolite-like materials AlPO4 as well as to some extent mesoporous silica (with some contribution of micropores) lacking any cations are also efficient matrices for pigments analogous to Maya Blue. Not only indigo, but also indigo derivatives (leucoindigo, thioindigo, indigo carmine) could be embedded inside the molecular sieves. The thermal insertion as well as crystallization of zeolites from gels supplemented with respective dye can be used for pigment synthesis. It is interesting that role of matrix can be also played by representative of novel MOF family of the molecular sieves.
Content available remote Adsorption of c.i. basic blue 9 onto TiO2-SiO2 inorganic support
Adsorption of C.I. Basic Blue 9 (Methylene Blue Hydrate) on the surface of TiO2-SiO2 oxide composite unmodified or functionalized with N-2-(aminoethyl)-3-amino propyltrimethoxsysilane was investigated. The organic dye was supported on inorganic TiO2-SiO2 oxide composite precipitated in the emulsion system. The process of adsorption was performed for the dye concentrations from 100 to 3000 mg/dm3. Specific surface area of support was determined prior to and after modification with aminosilane. The pigments obtained were subjected to characterization of their physicochemical properties, including particle size distributions and surface morphology as well as colorimetric analysis. Elemental analysis allowed evaluation of the degree of support coverage with the dye. The data obtained permitted assessment of the pigments quality and the effectiveness of support surface modification.
Content available remote Farby – jak zaczęła się historia i dokąd zmierza ich rozwój?
Omówiono historię powstania powłok malarskich od prehistorii do powłok współczesnych. Przedstawiono rys historyczny przemysłu farbiarskiego i krótki przegląd powstania i rozwoju podstawowych substancji błonotwórczych stosowanych we współczesnych wyrobach.
A short history of paint coating development from ancient times up to the present is presented. The history of the paint industry since its dawn is presented, including a short review of the emergence and development of binders used in present-day pro-ducts.
Changes in phytoplankton pigment concentrations in Case 2 waters (such as those of the Baltic Sea) were analysed in relation to the light intensity and its spectral distribution in the water. The analyses were based on sets of empirical measurements containing two types of data: chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations obtained by HPLC, and the distribution of underwater light fields measured with a MER 2049 spectrophotometer - collected during 27 research cruises on r/v "Oceania" in 1999-2004. Statistical analysis yielded relationships between the total relative (to chlorophyll a concentrations) concentrations of major groups of phytoplankton pigments and optical depth τ, between the total relative concentrations of major groups of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls b (C_chl b tot / Cchl a tot), chlorophylls c (C_chl c tot / C_chl a tot) and photosynthetic carotenoids (CPSC tot / C_chl a tot)) and the spectral fitting function (the "chromatic acclimation factor"), and between the total relative concentrations of photoprotective carotenoids (CPPC tot / C_chl a tot) in Baltic waters and the potentially destructive radiation (PDR), defined as the absolute amount of energy in the blue part of the spectrum (400-480 nm) absorbed by unit mass of chlorophyll a. The best approximations were obtained for the total chlorophyll c content, while the relative estimation errors were the smallest (σ_ = 34.6%) for the approximation to optical depth and spectral fitting function. The largest errors related to the approximation of chlorophyll b concentrations: σ_ = 56.7% with respect to optical depth and 57.3% to the spectral fitting function. A comparative analysis of the relative (to chlorophyll a content) concentrations of the main groups of pigments and the corresponding irradiance characteristics in ocean (Case 1) waters and Baltic waters (Case 2 waters) was also carried out. The distribution of C_chl b tot / C_chl a tot ratios with respect to optical depth reveals a decreasing trend with increasing τ for Baltic data, which is characteristic of photoprotective pigments and the reverse of the trend in oceans. In the case of the C_chl c tot approximations, the logarithmic statistical error is lower for Baltic waters than for Case 1 waters: σ_ = 34.6% for Baltic data and σ_ = 39.4% for ocean data. In relation to photoprotective carotenoids (CPPC), ?_ takes a value of 38.4% for Baltic waters and 36.1% for ocean waters. The relative errors of the approximated concentrations of different pigment groups are larger than those obtained for ocean waters. The only exception is chlorophyll c, for which the logarithmic statistical error is about 8.8% lower (σ_ = 34.6% for Baltic waters and 38.2% for ocean waters). Analysis of the errors resulting from the approximations of the photoprotective carotenoid content, depending on the energy characteristics of the underwater irradiance in the short-range part of PAR, showed that the relative errors are 1.3 times higher for Baltic waters than for ocean waters: σ_ = 38.4% for Baltic waters and 32.0% for ocean waters.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością uzyskania pigmentów z odpadów powstających w procesie produkcji aluminium, produkcji stali oraz popiołów ze spalania komunalnych osadów ściekowych. W badanych próbkach oznaczono kolor. Zbadano próbki pigmentów z odpadów oraz odpowiadające im próbki pigmentów przemysłowych. Barwę wszystkich próbek, zgodnie z wynikami analizy, można określić jako pomarańczową. Ze względu na stosunkowo niskie nasycenie barwą i zdolność do zabarwiania pigmenty można ogólnie określić jako pastelowe. Jedynie próbka Birac odpowiada barwą pigmentom przemysłowym nieorganicznym na bazie związków żelaza (hematyt, getyt).
The article gives the results of the research on the possibility of obtaining the pigments of the waste in the production process of aluminum, steel and ashes from the combustion of municipal sewage sludge. In examined samples the colour was indicated. The waste pigment samples were tested and so were the corresponding samples of industrial pigments. The colour of all samples, in accordance with the results of the analysis, can be described as orange. Due to the relatively low saturation and ability to tint, the pigments may be defined as pastel. Only the sample Birac corresponds to inorganic industrial pigments basing on iron compounds (hematite, goethite).
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